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Futuristic Children of Aspera


Bear With Me Here ?
"A long time ago, long before the time of man there was a race. A race that had settled all of its differences, and devoted all of its time into learning, and self-gain rather than war. This race was known as the Aspera, and though they may no longer be here, their ruins are still present today. Hmm, getting ahead of myself am I? Back to the lesson. Where was I? Oh yes, the Aspera was a culture that was around long before our own, they had settlements all over the world, and their technology was far greater than any of us could even ponder! We also know that the Aspera had....'special' powers. Research indicates that they could learn, run, and do almost anything better than any run-of-the-mill human, with other strange abilities that defy the laws of everything! It wasn't just because of their form either, countless years of genetic engineering went into the perfection of this race. But anyway, I'm getting off topic yet again, all we really know is that they were a great race, peaceful, strong, and had beautiful cities that now lie in ruins. None of us exactly know what happened, but they died off...Somewhat.

Now we get to us, mankind. We cannot settle our differences, and are still in conflict with one another. Yes, we have colonized the world, and have beautiful cities...but nothing compared to the Aspera. We seem somewhat...neanderthal, compared to them. Or so we thought until 136 years ago we found something out that changed the world forever. A select few have the powers of the Aspera buried within. I know it sounds crazy, but bear with me here. We have found out that certain individuals have the bloodline, or DNA that partially contains the smallest genome of Asperian DNA. These individuals are special, and can wield the same powers the Aspera once did many years ago. See, we wouldn't know that much about the Aspera if we didn't find this out. The most important thing we have figured out about the Aspera was that they were excellent warriors, and could wield fabled 'magic'. It's not exactly the same as the stuff of children's tales, but it is still different and has changed the world beyond any of your understanding.

These cetain individuals are called the children of Aspera.

That ends today's lecture."

In another galaxy far away from our own and on a different planet there is Mankind, a much more advanced version of man. They rule over their domain would any planet yet...man were not the first inhabitants of it. Long ago, many Era's back, there was a race far more advanced than humans, they built great cities, had an understanding of the universe that we couldn't even comprehend, and above all they all had special powers that made each of them unique from one another, intertwined deep within the many helix's of their DNA.

The Aspera though...are gone. No one knows what happened to them. There is no evidence of a great war, famine, or disease that killed them. It's as if they simply upped and vanished! Just like that, in the snap of a finger gone! Yet their cities have survived to this day scattered across this world, much of it still intact due to the sophistication of the buildings, and much of the technology still works. But the Aspera left behind an even greater legacy than just ruins in technology.

There are...certain individuals. Rare individuals for that matter that, deep down, inside of all of the DNA that makes up the human body they somehow have small strands of Aspera DNA, just tiny bits. Even the finest microscope could miss it. Yet these tiny fragments have huge effects. These individuals gain awe aspiring powers, things that shatter the laws of physics, and defy all rules of science. No two powers are alike, every single one is unique. These individuals are known as Children of Aspera

Now we must discuss current times on this wondrous planet. It is a golden technology age, but it is still a heavily conflicted time. On the planet, named Oceania, there are two dominant governments locked in a brutal war that has lasted hundreds of years. No one knows how the war actually started due to the over-stretched lies of propaganda, but it's effects have been bitter on the world around it. Smaller countries are usually forced into Annexation to help fight, both sides brutally lunge out at each other only to be pushed back, neither side ever actually gaining ground. This brutal war between the Sanctum, an economic superpower, and the SNTS, a military superpower seems endless...

In desperation to end the war, the Sanctum and the SNTS used these newly found individuals called the Children of Aspera, CA's for short, as a new tool for warfare. Every single CA is forced to join the military, of course though, they receive luxury treatment due to how rare they are, and they are all highly trained killers. If you wanted a comparison to how CA's are treated in the ranks, just imagine them like the rock stars of the military.

The Children of Aspera are all unique individuals, that can be of any age, race, or gender. A Child of Aspera can either look completely normal, or look completely different than the average person. Children of Aspera are extremely skilled and posses unique powers. The powers of Children of Aspera are virtually unpredictable. Powers can range from...well anything really! There are no two powers that are the same in the world, and that is what causes such genetic varience in the Children of Aspera. Unlike popular opinion, powers are never basic elements. While basic elements such as fire may be apart of their powers, they do not make up the whole power

What gives a Child of Aspera their power is that somewhere, deep inside of all of that DNA, they are related to a being of Aspera, and thus they gain their unique abilities. There is a limit to how much a person can use their abilities, for they all have an inner pool of energy that using their ability will deplete. If their inner energy is depleted, they cannot use their abilities. Powers and energy are both like human muscles. The more they are used, and pushed to their limits, the stronger and more lasting they become. Danger follows these powers though, if a CA looses to much energy they could become seriously injured or even risk death. Always use caution when expanding powers.

The topic of powers leads to this next important section on the Children of Aspera, their most identifiable trait. Each child always has a special marking forged into their skin. These markings look like tattoos, and come in many different shapes and colors on nearly any part of the body. In a sense, they represent power levels, because as a CA's power grows, so does the marking, growing larger or more complex in design. They'll be a burning sensation, followed by an expanding of the burning. Then most often times the CA gains an expanded marking and new or improved powers.

All CA's have a weapon of choice that suits them all the most: Swords. Unlike guns, which most CA can block using their powers, CA's can channel their energy into swords for devastating effects.

In current times (Where this roleplay will be taking place) The CA are locked into the heart of the conflict, making the most impact in the war. Most are not let into open combat until they've reached the age of 16, or show high promise in combat.

Many Children of Aspera have been sacrificed, and now many are beginning to go missing, vanishing from thin air without a trace from both factions. No word of ill doings or anything, just up and leaving their posts. All that can be found are strange propaganda posters. Rumor has it that a new faction composed of just CA's may be forming, but these are just rumors. What's so suspicious though is that strange signals from the CA ruin of Alhond have been picked up, and any craft sent by either faction always ends up vanishing without a trace.

All Children of Aspera are ranked by their skill set, as well as experience and general knowledge. The following ranks are in order from lowest to highest, and are universal. Meaning that both Sanctum and the SNTS have the same ranks.

Lower Ranks

Trainee: Apprentices are the lowest of all the ranks, they are simply university students that have yet to graduate.

Middle Ranks

Soldier: Soldier rank is one of the mid-ranks, achieved upon graduation from the university that they are trained in. Being just a basic combat rank, soldiers are usually sent to the front lines of lesser important location, in squads of two-three CA's lead by a Knight. Soldiers also get their own custom gunship, for them to tinker and customize as they please. Most have just basic control over their powers, and still have much to learn.

Knight: Knights are the second mid-rank, promoted after showing skill or experience in combat as well as intelligence that may lead others. Knights are sent to all fronts, and are allowed to control squads of soldier ranked CA's to complete their assigned missions. Squads are always assigned at random, and Knights are expected to uphold the chain of command and keep loyalty in the ranks at all times. All knights have an advanced understanding of their skills and have higher power levels, making them both formidable allies and enemies.

High Ranks

Sentinel: These are the first of the two high ranks. Promoted from knights after showing an expert amount of skill in their powers and abilities. Sentinels usually have command of an entire platoon of soldiers under them, along with command over any CA of lower rank. Normally they'll see combat in only the most extreme areas, otherwise they get more downtime than most of the ranks below them. Another perk of being a Sentinel is being able to command their own airship for their disposal.

Master: Master is the highest rank that can be achieved by a Child of Aspera. The select few individual who make it up the chain of command this far have complete control over any CA so long as they are not of equal rank, and usually control a massive amounts of forces. To be a master, one must have a mastery of their powers, being able to devastate all with their force and cunning. These CA's are always shown the most respect, and given the most authority as well as a luxurious lifestyle.

Guns: Need I describe them? In the world of Oceana, guns are very much more advanced than those that exist in our world. They come in all shapes and sizes, and fire metal projectiles called bullets. Guns of this time, despite having advanced systems still do not fire things such as plasma as the technology has yet to be mastered. Primarily, guns are used against Non-CA combatants, because most Children of Aspera adapt their powers in some way to block bullets. Still, they make for an excellent secondary weapon, and most CA's carry around at least one on them.

Gunships: Gunships are plane-like vehicles, but far more advanced. They are faster, stronger, and much more effective. They are the vehicle of choice for wars and exploration, due to their agility in the air as well as speed. One can easily quickly maneuver down or up or left or right or any direction really! The advancement of their thrusters allow them to do it, and because of they all come in various shapes. Most Childen of Aspera have custom Gunships made just for them, because they're that special. All Gunships have weapons of choice added into them, but many these days have the newly acquired element of plasma added into them as devious weapons.

Airships: Airships are ships that dominate the skies,made for large bombardments of cities, troop transport, and combat of other Airships. More importantly however, Airships carry Gunships, basically they are aircraft carriers. They vary in shape, and have extremely large thrusters on the back that keep them afloat, not nearly as agile as gunship but they make up for that in power. Most are equipped with Plasma like gunships, except that theirs are much larger and probably have a larger blast radius.

Swords: Shouldn't have to explain this too much. Swords vary greatly in shape and size, and Children of Aspera can put their energy into it giving them unique properties. (Example: C.A. puts his fire energy into the sword, the sword lights on fire.)

Damage Protection: To protect from bullets, fire, explosion, and shrapnel, there is a wide variety of bullet protection in Oceana. Kevlar vests are common in the lower ranks, as with their advancements they are very light and offer great protection against bullets and slight protection from fire. There are other means of protection however, with advancements in carbon fiber and of of lightweight metal, the two have been combined to form a new type of armor plating, that works very well to protect from fire, explosions, shrapnel. The drawbacks of it are though that the advanced bullets can nudge their way through after a sufficient amount of contact, and swords can pierce straight through it. These new exo-armor has become very popular with the CA's as of recently, and the armor does come in a wide variety of shapes and colors.

There may be more in this category later.
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