Childhood Memories

Giving her a reasurring smile, Leo answered, "Of course I won't!" Leo glanced at the girl once more. Yup, she was small alright. Leo was able to pick up his mother, even if it was only a few inches off the ground, Leo was confident that he could carry Mary. In addition it'd be a good way to impress the others.
Mary bit her lip before slowly climbing out of the window. She reached a tentative hand out to Leo, her whole body shaking with fear. Mary took a quick peek down below and squeaked in fear at how high up she was. Falling or taking a wrong step would be really painful.
Grabbing a hold of the girl with one arm, Leo leaped down a few steps before getting a better grip of Mary and then letting go of the vine. As the kids fell to the ground, Leo bent his knees and pulled Mary into a princess carrying position. When Leo's feet hit the ground, Leo stood still for a few seconds, trying to gain balance again.

Placing Mary down, Leo beamed happily, taking a hold of his bag that was on the ground.
Mary merely blushed. Her face red and her heart beating from all the excitement. She couldn't believe that she was still alive after that! And the way that boy carried her... It was almost like the princesses in her story books!
Kennedy stared in awe. "You're strong!" she complimented, rushing over to Leo. "How do you do that? It's amazing!"

Envy rushed through through Kennedy's body, but soon turned to embarrassment. She looked down as a sheepish smile crept onto her face. A deep blush followed close behind.

"Um... Sorry..." Kennedy said, barely audible. She wrapped her arms around her torso and nervously rocked on her heels, a very bad habit she had. "Uh, anyway! We should go and tell stories now, right...?" at the end of the question, Kennedy looked up to Robin for reassurance, glad that she was able to change the subject with ease.
"Oh! Right!" Robin exclaimed. He smiled and waved the other kids over. "Come on! Let's get to camping!!!" Robin cheered before running off with the rest of the kids. Mary laughed and ran after the other kids, her heart racing with excitement.

She continued to run after them, reaching a hand out. "W-Wait for me!"
At Robin's backyard, there was a big tent set up with a lantern inside. There was even some chips and drinks for the kids in case they got hungry. "Welcome!" Robin exclaimed happily, grabbing a sleeping bag that his mom passed out to the kids.
Leo looked around Robin's backyard in awe. It was bigger than his apartment! Setting his bag down, Leo opened the tent, and chuckled lightly when he saw someone's Batman blanket.

Getting an evil idea, Leo silently crept towards Kennedy. Grabbing her from the behind, Leo lifted Kennedy up, throwing her over his shoulder like a potato sack, and ran around the backyard, laughing loudly.
Kennedy's shock was evident on her face when Leo picked her up. Getting used to it, though, she started to giggle uncontrollably.

"H-hey!" she gasped between giggles. "don't drop me!"

Kennedy lightly pounded on Leo's back as he ran around. "Are you listening, huh? Don't you care about what I have to say?"
Leo laughed out loud, running a few more meters before placing Kennedy on the ground gently. He remembered his dad doing this to him when he was younger, a small petite sadness struck Leo's heart. But, he shook it off, telling himself, "This is supposed to be a fun night," Leo shook his head, trying to rid himself of his negative thoughts. "Not a sad night."

With a silly grin on his face, Leo gave Kennedy a little wink. "Nope!" And then proceeded to take some food off of the table.
Kennedy noticed the hint of sadness strike Leo's face when he shook his head. What was that about? she couldn't help but think, wearing a confused expression. Not wanting to really start anything that night, Kennedy replaced her confusion with glee once Leo seemed to change his mood as well.

"Well, you should care about what I have to say!" she said, running over to him. Kennedy crossed her arms and put on her best pouty face. "W-why don't you care?"
Leo's grin grew into one that could rival the Cheshire Cat's and his eyes glinted with mischief. "Because," Leo took a bite into his cheese and cracker sandwich. "The blue whale is a marine mammal belonging to the balleen whales, Mysticeti. At 30 meters, or 98 ft, in length and 170 tonnes, or more in weight, it is the largest known animal ever to have existed. Long and slender, the blue whale's body can be various shades of bluish-grey dorsally and somewhat lighter underneath. There are at lest three distinct subspecies, B. m. musculus of the North Atlantic and the North Pacific. B. m. itermedia of the Southern Ocean and B. m. brevicauda, also knwon as the pygmy blue whale, found in the Idian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. The B. m. Indica, found in the Indian Ocean, may be anotehr subspecies. As with other baleen whales, its diet consists almost exclusively of small crustaceans known as krill." Leo paused for a moment to take a deep breath, and then continued. "Blue whales were abundant in nearly all the oceans on Earth until the beginning of the twentieth century. For over a century, they were hunted almost to extinction by whalers until protected by the international community in 1966. A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 blue whales worldwide, located in at least five groups. More recent research into the Pygmy subspecies suggests this may be an underestimate. Before whaling, the largest population was in the Antarctic, numbering approximately 239,000, range 202,000 to 311,000.There remain only much smaller concentrations in each of the eastern North Pacific, Antartic, and Indian Ocean groups. There are two more groups in the North Atlantic, and at least two in the Southern Hemisphere." Leo stopped reciting the wiki page about Blue Whales he had memorized to say to questions that he didn't want to answer.


((This took some time to edit from the wiki page haha))

Kennedy blinked, taking everything Leo had said in. "How did you..? Why..?"

The confusion couldn't be hidden from her voice as Kennedy shook her head. "Well, I'm surprised you can do that," she stated, obviously impressed with Leo's ability. "Teach me how to be so smart?" she asked, a smile peaking out.

( paipai900 that must've been hell xD )
Leo chuckled lightly, making another cheese and cracker sandwich. Shrugging, Leo thought about how to answer Kennedy's questions. "Just a bunch of memorization," Leo tossed the crackers and cheese into his mouth. "And stuff." Leo grinned a cheesy grin (lol that's so punny) at Kennedy.

Looking around the group of kids, Leo spoke up for everyone to hear him. "Now what?" Leo realized none of the other kids really knew what his name was, and he didn't know theirs, either...


((It was -_- ))
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"Hm?" Robin said, clearly distracted with his s'more. "Ah! Now we tell scary stories!" He exclaimed, stuffing the rest of his s'more into his mouth. He grabbed a flashlight and shone it under his face, shadows accenting his eyes and mouth. Mary made a terrified squeak at the scary face and pulled her sleeping bag close to her. "Everyone ready for my scary story?" Robin chuckled creepily.
Leo chuckled lightly, sitting down on the grass, awaiting Robin's "scary" story. Leo still didn't know what to do for his, and thought, "Yup, I'm just gonna wing it." Grabbing a bag of chips, Leo snuggled into his own sleeping bag.
Kennedy rolled her sleeping bag out next to Leo's and sat down. "I'm mad at you, y'know. So don't even try to talk to me, Leo," she stated indignantly, crossing her arms and staring ahead at Robin.

She nodded toward him, signaling she was prepared for his story to be started.
Leo laughed a little and ruffled the girl's hair with his hand. He didn't feel that worried about Robin's story, Leo wasn't the type that gets scared easily. Taking a chip from the bag and popping it into his mouth, Leo waited patiently for Robin to begin.
"Alright... It all started on a foggy day." Robin began. "A little girl was walking through the forest, a little girl like Kennedy and Mary!" He chuckled creepily. "She came across a huge mansion. This mansion was her friends and she was coming to visit her. Though what she didn't know.... WAS THAT HER FRIEND WAS AN EVIL WITCH!"
Leo listened in on Robin's story, chuckling silently when he heard the evil witch part. Leaning his chin on his elbows, Leo imagined a little girl walking through the woods. "What kind of parents let their kid go into the forest alone?" Leo frowned at the thought, an image of the little girl being attacked by a bear formed in Leo's head.

Shaking his head violently, Leo rid himself of the gory thought. "No more scary movies for a month, Leo." Leo turned his attention back to Robin thinking how freaky it would be if one of the people in the sleeping bag circle was a witch.
Rooroo hugged her teddy bear she had brought with her. She buries her head in it's fur. "NO!" she screamed already frightened. She didn't like the dark and she didn't like the way the flashlight made robin look so eerie. He hadn't even started the story when she began to feel goosebumps.
Robin continued, smiling at RooRoo. "It's okay. It's just a story. Anyway, the girl entered the house. She noticed something was strange. There was this eerie feeling in the air~"

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