
She's embarrassed that she under performed for him isn't she?
Naw, just when some like Jasper has everything (apparently) they get boring, talking only about themselves. Jasper could be on his death bed talking about how the world will suffer a major loss about him but not to worry as he's only moments away from Godhood
Naw, just when some like Jasper has everything (apparently) they get boring, talking only about themselves. Jasper could be on his death bed talking about how the world will suffer a major loss about him but not to worry as he's only moments away from Godhood
The world *would* suffer without him. Other than himself what exactly is he supposed to talk about? Everything else is so dull in comparison.
Im sorry, but i dont have to the time to play three different characters that i know little to nothing about and how they affect the story.

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