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Fantasy Chasing the sun {CLOSED}

@sgtmickey @Anyoneelsewhowantstohelp Okay XD She has the perfect name if I do get south~…. ASTAROTH. :3 (it has star in it and I think it's really pretty for some reason~)
I'm also tossing up between these images, any thoughts? I personally am really between the first two but more leaning towards the second.
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1. (All numbers go for the image above it) I really like this design and it gave me the idea for the name, plus the colour green would go well for the healing ability I was thinking of giving her.
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2. I found this both cute and convenient since the stars took on physical form and they were meant to be 'messengers' for the moon what better than a cute post-girl outfit? (Ignore the fox details included in it. XD)
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3. I'm not too sure about this one as I used the image in another roleplay but I feel it was a star like vibe coming form it.

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4. I'd be referring to the one on the right with the lighter shade of blue (Aqua) hair, keeping a tom-boyish charm about her close to the original gender of the character and keeping a more ambiguous gender for whatever comedy in the introductions and onward may occur.

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5. Finally this one, it's cute and I think it fits well for the personality type I was going to give her, and the cute cat ear hair flicks and messy hair certainly got my attention, but I'd have to go into a lot more detail describing/thinking up her body and colours.

I really like the first one and it goes along with a cute idea I had where the stars first names would start with the letter S(north) T(east) A(south) R(west) :3

Here's my north star Stella Polaris, or as she prefers Stella
I really like the first one and it goes along with a cute idea I had where the stars first names would start with the letter S(north) T(east) A(south) R(west) :3

Here's my north star Stella Polaris, or as she prefers Stella
XD I'm thinking that I'm almost defiantly going for the second one but the name will be Astaroth no matter what, I really like it. I think for short and because it's pretty long, a nickname like asta or astra (I like the second better) would be more appropriate for casual conversation. XD

I like the character by the way!!~
Also with south being the somewhat 'youngest' archetype of the stars I could imagine her getting picked on by east and being protected by west or north, though I more see west actually protecting her and north merely getting annoyed with the distraction. XD Yennie Yennie Aukanai Aukanai
Also with south being the somewhat 'youngest' archetype of the stars I could imagine her getting picked on by east and being protected by west or north, though I more see west actually protecting her and north merely getting annoyed with the distraction. XD Yennie Yennie Aukanai Aukanai

Yes I can see this happening haha
I imagine North would also be the target of many of South's pranks and never learning how to not fall for them which causes her to be even more annoyed. She wouldn't let East bully her too much.
But she would dote on South as she's just too cute to resist :)

And I realize we're plotting as if we already have the roles but I think we need to send in our rp sample first XD
Yes I can see this happening haha
I imagine North would also be the target of many of South's pranks and never learning how to not fall for them which causes her to be even more annoyed. She wouldn't let East bully her too much.
But she would dote on South as she's just too cute to resist :)

And I realize we're plotting as if we already have the roles but I think we need to send in our rp sample first XD
XD It so would happen.
Probably~ :3 She is a tricky as a fox.
Yay!! Senpai don't let her get me~ :)
All da' cutez of da' Astaroth. :D

Yup. 0-0 I just sent in a few inquires about my CS but the temptation to start working on it is real!? I just don't want to write stuff up only to find I have ta' re-write most of it, ya' know?~ XD
Peach Tea Peach Tea plus the RP is judged on a quality system, so even if someone else chose a role you like you can still go for it technically. "^w^
Hm.. I kinda would like to be a helper
The explore and the gutless are still 100% open, the thief someone claimed at the very start but I have no idea where they went off to? XD And someone expressed interest in the runaway but it's really up to you. :)
The explore and the gutless are still 100% open, the thief someone claimed at the very start but I have no idea where they went off to? XD And someone expressed interest in the runaway but it's really up to you. :)
eh not one for making male characters, but I got some cute one's up my sleeves, buuut if the runaway or thief end up opening up I call dibs!!
well whatever i don't feel like being a jerk to get a spot.
Some updates and changes
  • Because some people seem to be annoyed with the "it's not first come first serve" thing, it is going to be first come first serve now...however, do keep in mind that I may ask you to change, remove, or add to your character sheets. Though, I would like to let everyone know that my standards are not high, just as long as your character fits with the prompt and the setting.
  • Again, this is reminding people that I WILL open more roles if they want to join. (Willing to go up to six stars, six helpers)
  • For the helpers, give me an idea if you want me to add another role.
  • I have some minor roles that can be played later on in the rp, if you want to join but cannot be active enough to be a major character.
  • I think we still need a Sun, Gutless and Explorer.
  • And lastly, because of the first change, ya'll guys just go ahead and post your CS in the CS Thread (link in first post) - I will be accepting ANY type of faceclaim (you can even use both if that's possible. haha xD)
What's this about?
Read through it plz!? XD
This seems interesting to try out. I'll give it a shot on the Gutless if the roles open.
ehh whatever
?? :3
Just letting you know it's not first come first served so if you're interested in a role you still have the opportunity to get it
Welp- now it is lol XD Also I love north!! just finished reading through her CS.
eh not one for making male characters, but I got some cute one's up my sleeves, buuut if the runaway or thief end up opening up I call dibs!!
XD Well- you can request to change their gender? And I believe the explorer is open and now that it's first come first serve and considering the person who reserved the thief hasn't posted in a while I'd say you could take a shot at that? :3

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