• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Ezra - The Morally Grey Artificer

RP-er's Name:
Post Frequency: Varying from once a week to upwards of several a day (dependent on IRL circumstances)
Discord Name: S.L.O.P
Current RP:

  • Spread his name cross the lands amongst good-guy guilds, criminal syndicates, cults, monster rave parties, and everything in between. Become the "go-to-man" for lamp oil, rope, bombs - you want it? It's yours, my friend trinkets and baubles; and one day, a world-ending Golgothian Sylex. Or at least artifacts of profound destruction because I don't think [God] would be terribly keen on the idea.
  • Amass prodigious amounts of wealth. And artifacts. Preferably destructive ones. But mostly wealth. Because rubies money buys happiness.
  • Start lifting or do some cardio. Bro, look at his Strength and Vitality. Literally Megamind. But with magic.
Equipped Titles: Human, Evolved, Offworlder, Eccentric, Enigmatic
Class: Artless

  • Eideitic Memory
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common, Terran
Height: (feet inches preferred, metric allowed)
Weight: (lbs preferred, metric allowed)
Current Life:
Acquired Titles: Human, Evolved, Offworlder, Eccentric, Enigmatic
Points at Start: 112 (Born for This)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats (Total: 35):
Strength - G (+7)
Precision - B (28)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - G (+7)
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
Skills (Total: 77):
  • Appraisal (Isekai) - E
  • Feats:
    • Eideitic Memory - (7)
  • Profession:
    • Artisan (Artificer) - C (28)
    • Enchanting - E (14)
  • Arcana - F (7)
  • Business - F (7)
  • Engineering - F (7)
  • Focus - F (7)
  • N/A
Equipment (Total: 0):
  • N/A
  • Artisan's Toolkit (Artificer)
  • Ezra's Workshop (criminals and monsters are welcome! Just use the backdoor, please.) - C
Change Log:
  • [Date of Character Creation: 26/09/2024]
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Rua Somueine
5’3" | 34lbs
Daily Post Schedule | RPed by Tau Tau
< No current RP >
  • Establish a famous fashion brand.
  • Clear her family name.
  • Find her family (dead or alive).
  • Make the ugly surface-folk less ugly.

Equipped Titles:
  • < Beast >
  • < Vallenti >

Class: N/A
Downtime: N/A

Rua grew up happy, on the outskirts of Crustanton, her mother a talented fashion designer. She quickly took after her, expecting to one day continue the family trade. Unfortunately, her family also had strong revolutionary views, which they would subtly incorporate into their designs. One of these outfits ended up finding its way to the Abyssal Court during a private performance, the symbology outraging a few of the nobles.

Most of this went unnoticed by Rua, but from that day on, things slowly began to change. Neighbors who’d once been polite and friendly, now began scowling at her, friends began to distance themselves from her, clients no longer gushed about how much she looked like her mother. A few months later, she came to learn why.

Rather than simply punishing their family directly, one especially disgusted Abyssal Lord had used his influence to manufacture bad omens to the Currents of the Lake. In just a few months, her family had gone from revered fashion designers, to cursed untouchables who were a threat to the order of the Continental Lake. In time, the distance others showed to them became bitterness, bitterness became anger, and anger became hatred.

That day, she learned a valuable lesson about the cruelty people were capable of. Her family was dragged away by a mob of frantic neighbors, all insisting it was for the safety of the lake. Were it not for Rua hiding away, she would’ve been dragged off with them. Some days, she imagines it might’ve been better that way, because at least then she’d know what happened, instead of all the guessing.
Left with no other option, Rua headed for the surface, where no one cared much about the superstitions of the Currents, if they knew about them at all. Her talents allow her to live comfortably, though she never really feels comforted, especially in all that… air. While the incident is still strong in memory, enough time has passed that Rua is ready to start making new connections in the surface world.
  • < Beast >
  • < Mundane >
  • < Vallenti >
Jellyfish people. The Vallenti are a race of aquatic beastfolk known for their ghostly, translucent bodies, which are far more lightweight than most mammals. Despite incredible weakness, tiny, microscopic stingers provide self-defense against would-be attackers. Most Vallenti tend to have long hair, regardless of gender, as the hair also contains stingers. This provides a secondary layer of defense, both against attackers, and any hairdressers daring enough to tackle Vallentinian hair.

Racial Requirements:
  • < Beast > Title
  • Natural Armor F [Nematocysts]
  • Feature [Gel Body]
  • Feature [360-degree Vision]
  • H-grade Strength - This applies only to initial character creation. Increasing strength beyond H implies your character has found a way to strengthen themselves through unnatural means.
Start: 105 (+28)
Earned: 0
Spent: 133
Unspent: 0
  • H Strength
  • B Precision
  • D Intelligence
  • E Vitality
  • H Speed
  • F Character
  • C Artisan [Seamstress]
  • F Area Knowledge [Crustanton]
  • F Attentive Student
  • F Telekinesis
  • Concealment
  • Feature [Gel Body] - (Born For This)
    • Body is made mostly of a jelly-like substance known as Mesoglea, which can absorb oxygen as a form of "breathing through touch." This body is lightweight, and dries out easily, especially in hot, dry environments.
  • Feature [360-Degree Vision]
    • Can see in all directions simultaneously, thanks to "eye spots" along the body, which can detect rough shapes and sudden movement.
  • Language
    • Common
    • Beastial
  • Fast Fashion C
    Telekinesis F, Artisan C
    3 Post Cooldown
    Using telekinesis, a new outfit is sewn directly onto the target with astonishing speed.
  • F Nematocysts (Natural Armor)
    • Microscopic, poisoned harpoons along the skin, enabling the iconic jellyfish sting. Most effective at discouraging physical touch, but can also provide a bit of counterforce against stronger material, in a pinch.
  • C Needle Frills (Artisan Ranged Weapon)
    • Sharp needles coated in natural venom, woven into the frills of the clothes, which can be flung forward, given specific motions.
  • Needle and thread
  • Several types of fabric
  • Spare clothes
  • Bottles of water
  • < Empty >
  • Initial Creation. (Sep 10, 2024)
    • 00 | Feature [Gel Body] - (Born For This)
    • 00 | F Area Knowledge - (Native)
    • 21 | Stats [HBDEH]
    • 07 | Feature [360-degree Vision]
    • 07 | Concealment
    • 28 | C Artisan
    • 07 | F Attentive Student
    • 28 | F Telekinesis
    • 07 | F Natural Armor
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ℒ𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝒱𝑜𝓃 𝒯𝓊𝓇𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓋
Final smaller.png
(AI generated image)​
Theme: (It's some classical Russian piece with echoes of grandeur, righteous fury, and silent suffering. I'll find it eventually.)
Rp'er Name: Gabi
Post Frequency: Ping me if I haven't posted in a week.
Discord Name: (Available upon request)
Current RP: Autumn Leaves
Goals: Revenge for the murder of her family.
Equipped Titles: fae, elf
Languages: Common, Elvish
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 140 lbs.
“The whole thing starts well before my time. Elders of my house heard of Tiamat and her wish to rule world, and they agreed. They became members of cult and served faithfully for many generations of men. Our family prospered, our influence grew, and we were happy. Then, a few years ago, rumor spread that our faith had waned and we were not as valuable an asset as we had been. I knew rumor to be false; Grandmother’s faith never wavered. But others in cult sought to curry favor with Tiamat and took matters into their own hands.

“It was spring festival. Family affair. Even Varis was home from travels with chest full of souvenirs for little ones. It was cruel twist of fate that I was out of house when they came. I return home and open door to find Grandmother and Grandfather hanging from chandelier. Everyone in house is dead. I can tell you exactly where everyone was and how they died. It is thanks to process of elimination that aunt Nushala has grave marker.

“My family was twenty-three strong! They slaughtered them like rabbits! You cannot imagine the cruelty I discovered. My sister and her son were hiding in wardrobe, and they stabbed them through closed door! They threw my nephew’s twin to his death out window! And that is only one room!

“So, I do not care about Tiamat. I do not care about treasure. And I do not care about any of you. I care about making those responsible pay for their atrocities with their lives.”
Life on the road. She brought enough money to live modestly for several years as she searches for the guilty parties to deliver her justice.
Acquired Titles: fae, elf
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • heightened senses [hearing] F
  • feature: elf ears [cosmetic]
  • telekinesis F
  • magic F
  • illusion F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Listening - heightened senses hearing f - character leverages enhanced hearing to hear more than normal people - grade f - 0 post cooldown
  • Telekinesis - telekinesis f - character can manipulate a tiny object within reach - grade f - 0 post cooldown
  • Illusion - illusion F - character manifests an illusory visual and/or audio effect in a small area next to the character - grade F - 0 post cooldown
Equipment: (Armor, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and their letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • sword F
  • dagger F
  • catalyst F
  • Horse and tack F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Common items necessary or relevant to your trade, like tools)
  • Stationary
  • Hit List
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Von Turginev family mansion
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [Date of Character Creation]
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
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Qamar Kabus
Rp'er Name: NachoGod NachoGod
Post Frequency:
2-3 times a week.
Discord Name: Mickey
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: To find her brother who is enslaved in the West empire, rescue him, and grow powerful enough to gain revenge against those who took her colony from her.
Equipped Titles: Fae/Capie
Class: Artless
(can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common, Fae
Age: 24
Height: 5ft 5in
Weight: 124lbs
Backstory: Native Denizen
Current Life:
Deep within the darkness of The shade there was once a small colony of Capies, these creatures lived in a peaceful balance with their surroundings. Hunting the elderly and infirm creatures that called the forest home and playing a crucial and definitively role in the cycle of life. Qamar was the first born spawn of the Kabus/Tamar Union, and she was raised to believe that all things had their place in the world, each had their part to play and hers was to be the Joy of their parents Union. She would lean into this role wholeheartedly constantly wearing a smile and ensuring her bubbly demeanor would make such a display infectious. For the first six years of her existence she was the life of the Colony. Beloved by all and welcomed in each dwelling. When she was Six years of age, The Parental Union would spawn yet another child, her Brother Badar, one who was designated with the role of being a protector of the Colony.

Qamar would maintain her status and continue on her mission to spread joy within the colony, but as she grew older she would begin to help the other brood-mothers, like her own, with caring for the little Fae larvae. Including her brother. Soon it would come time for her to join her father and the other adults in their collective mission of hunting those who would not persist within the forests. A task she would hop into with her usual optimism and hopeful energy. Yet she began to notice things were changing. The beasts they hunted were growing fewer in number, and if one really looked they could see signs of change, Fire pits here and there, signs of human activity within their borders. Oblivious to the tensions she would only notice how nervous the elders and her father would become when it was mentioned thus she began to keep what she discovered to herself. Something she would hold as a regret for years to come.

The growing human presence would come to a head when she was 12 years old. As per usual night had fallen and she was hunting with her father. A sudden twig snap would alert them both to what they thought was prey…however a small flame would ignite and she felt a sense of dread fill her as more small flames ignited in the distance. She and her father would turn to leave but suddenly the flames were airborne, a split second impulse on her fathers behalf was all that came between her and death that night. He blocked the oncoming flaming arrows with his body Quickly going up in flames, as he burned he would scream for her to run, and she would obey. Eyes filled with tears blurred the forest around her, yet by some miracle she made it to the Colony to find it under siege. Spotting her mother in pieces, her brother looking on frozen in terror, and some of the men responsible succumbing to the Potent Dust of her mothers now mutilated wings. She wanted to crumble into herself, she needed time to process the horrors before her. The screams of her people echoing throughout the night told her that she could do neither.

She took to wing and made an effort to reach her brother, yet she was young and weak. As she grabbed him she began to lose what little altitude she had gained. A rope with a hook was cast around her arm and with a tug her grip failed her. She dropped her little brother, luckily only a few feet, and Only barely managed to get the hook free in time to avoid a second one. Seeing the men surrounding her sibling she knew there was no way she could save them both. Her fathers words echoed in her mind and she did something that she would regret for the rest of her life…she turned and fled. Her wings beating as fast as they could carry her, when they began to fail her she would rely on her feet to take her the rest of the way.

Eventually she would come To Nevaeta, a lume elf settlement several miles from her colony, where she would collapse. The respite allowing her the luxury of crumbling as she had so desired. Eventually she would get herself together enough to explain what had happened and she would find limited sympathy for her plight. The Lume elves would allow her to stay though they were not as accepting of the outsider as she would have wished, still they were not openly hostile. For twelve years she would live amongst them until she began to hear murmurs of Fluffy moth Winged Slaves in the Western Empire. With a newfound hope she hadn’t felt in over a decade Qamar would ready herself for a long journey, and pray her brother was among this Moth Winged Slaves in the west so that she could save him and have a portion of her family back.
Acquired Titles: (all titles the character has including the ones equipped and not equipped)
Points at Start: 105 +14 (stat reduced)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 119 (-28 Stats,-14 Natural weapons, -21 flight F, Special Movement: Wallcrawling -14, Feature Skill: Extra limbs -7, Feature skill: Nightvision -7, Fighting style:Natural weapons:Moonlight predator -7, Incapacitation -14, Piercing-7, Stealth -7)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (-7)
Precision - C (-21)
Intelligence - G (+7)
Vitality - G (+7)
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Flight F (-21)
  • Special Movement: Wallcrawling (-14)
  • Feature Skill: Extra limbs (Arms) (-7)
  • Feature Skill: Night vision (-7)
  • Fighting Style (Natural weapons) (-7) :Moonlight Predator- a fighting style utilizing Stealth and the natural weapons of the Capie to Incapacitate and Feed upon a target. Incapacitating (-14) Piercing (free)
  • Area Knowledge|Domestic|The Shade (Free)
  • Stealth F (-7)
  • Prey-making cloud (Flight F, Incapacitating F, Stealth F) the user Subtly beats their wings together creating a small cloud of paralytic powder in their vicinity rendering the target incapable of resisting a followup attack. (Capies are immune.)
  • Final Kiss- (Piercing F, Wallcrawling F,) The user Bites into an incapacitated foe with their retractable proboscis and drags them away often times up a wall or onto a high point before draining their bodily fluids.
  • Natural Weapons (Wings, Proboscis, Limbs.) (-14): The chitinous tips of Qamar’s fingers are hard and sharp enough to pierce skin and soft tissue, The wings can Release a paralytic powder, and Her proboscis can penetrate flesh and Bone alike.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Clothing- Created by the Lune elves and worn with pride, seen by Qamar as a token of acceptance by the community…might be a bit of wishful thinking.
  • Silk bed tie- a traditional Silk cloth used to tie oneself to the boughs of a tree so that one does not fall out of it whilst sleeping.
  • Fine bristled brush- For keeping dirt out of her fur.
Assets: N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [9/27/24]
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
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Lialeth Vianno
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: IanThe170
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly
Discord Name: Unsure if I'll use discord regularly, but: ianthedestroyer170
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: Finding and spreading true love, as well as recovering her memories fully
Equipped Titles: Fae, Sylph
Common, Fae
Height: 168cm
Weight: 25kg
Backstory: All her life she has been a passenger. Someone incapable of making her own judgment, someone who would be strung along to the whims of others, someone who simply should have never found happiness in a world, which was capable of lies and deception. Despite that, she would smile, always. If you smile, you are happy after all.

Since early childhood, everyone around her manipulated her, due to her naivete. Whether it was to clean up a mess someone else made in the classroom, or whether it was to take responsibility for the class pet that starved. It didn’t really matter, since everyone around her knew that she would simply respond with: “Of course I’ll help you!” with a wide smile on her face. Whilst she was ruining her future day by day, she did not care or even seem to realize that fact, after all, you are supposed to help people in need and that is what gave her happiness.

Even as she reached her adult life, she in the end did not “grow up”. She continued taking people at face value, without even thinking of the consequences that followed. She kept getting into abusive relationships that had red flags stretching miles across, kept co-signing loans of anyone, as long as they explained themselves, even went along with crimes, oftentime without even realizing it.

They just needed a driver to pick up some people from a party after all. The loud “Bang! Bang! Bang!” noises was just someone accidentally setting off fireworks. She couldn’t refuse such a simple request, especially since just the day before they taught her about gun safety and she wanted to repay the debt for that somehow. Even as she stood in court and was accused of manslaughter, and being blamed by the witnesses, the very people she helped drive home from the party, all she felt was understanding. They had friends and family that cared for them, so it was for the best to simply accept the situation as it was. After all, she’d be helping so many people. Even as her eyes puffed up and her face became wet, she never stopped smiling.

Her life ended before she had even reached the age of thirty, a suicide apparently, with over two dozen stab wounds made by her own sharpened up toothbrush, but despite allegedly committing suicide in such a fashion, there was still a slight smile on her face.
Current Life: To some degree, her life had not changed too much. She was still the happy naive little girl that she used to be. If there was one clear difference though, it was her scattered memories, she could remember some parts, but only bits and pieces. She felt like she had an obligation to remember, to know everyone she helped and the happiness she had brought into their lives.

Although she seems slightly more aware, she still has a habit of attracting the wrong kinds of people and groups…
Acquired Titles: Thief, Vandal
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Change State E (42)
  • [Wind] Affinity E (14)
  • Resilient [Suffocation] F (7)
  • Composed F (7)
  • Empathy F (7)
  • Gust of Wind - [Wind] Affinity E; User creates a gust of wind that can knock over objects or in worst case scenario people - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Gliding - [Wind] Affinity E; Despite being a Sylph, Laileth is not capable of flight, she has learnt, however, to not die whilst trying to jump off ledges - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Professional Empath - Composed F - Empathy F; Due to constantly trying to help people in need, even those who do not deserve such, she has learnt to focus on the needs of others, despite what her own situation may entail - Grade F
  • Change State: Happy Gas - Change State E - [Wind] Affinity E; When changed into her Gaseous state, she has a composition similar to that of smoke, which when inhaled causes feelings of happiness. Long term “usage” is ill-advised. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Change Log:
  • [01.10.2024.]
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