Character Sign-Up

Universe from: The Legend of Saria (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask AU)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Saria

Age: Looks 12. Is actually several hundred years old.

Gender and sexuality: Female, unaware homosexual

Species/race: Kokiri



Personality: Very kind, if unfamiliar with how the world works. She will go out of her way to protect her friends, despite her lack of confidence in her abilities. She relies on her Fairy and her friends a lot. While she used to be cheerful, her adventures have left her a more serious and less childish person.

Backstory: Saria lived in the Kokiri Forest with her friends and her Fairy partner Alta for a long time. Everything was happy and peaceful, until a man from the Gerudo Desert to the east arrived and cursed the guardian spirit of the forest, the Deku Tree. With nobody able to help him, Saria stepped up and entered the tree to rid him of his curse. She was successful, but she failed to do so before it was too late for the guardian. In his final words, he asked Saria to visit Hyrule Castle and meet with Princess Zelda. Saria agreed, and left the forest, sword and shield in hand. At the castle, Saria encountered Impa, who informed her that the Princess was not in the castle, instead directing her towards Death Mountain in the hopes that she would be able to catch up to her. At the foot of the mountain, Saria ran into Zelda and Malon, and the two began collecting the Spiritual Stones to keep the Gerudo man, Ganondorf, from entering the Sacred Realm containing the Triforce. Once they accomplished this goal, they went their separate ways, Malon heading back to the ranch, Zelda fleeing from Ganondorf's attack with Impa, and Saria left to enter the Temple of Time and obtain the Master Sword.

Upon drawing the sword, Saria was put into a deep sleep by its power, and the Light Sage, Rauru, began enchanting her sword with the Master Sword's magic, as due to her Kokiri nature, she would never be old enough to wield a large blade like it. After seven years, Rauru finished enchanting her sword, and woke her up, explaining everything that had happened. Tasked with saving Hyrule by lifting the curses on the five temples, Saria set out, first to gather together her old friends. She found Malon and freed her from her enslavement at Ingo Ranch, returning ownership to her with the help of a Sheikah named Sheik. They parted ways, but they soon met again at the Forest Temple, where Sheik revealed that he would be joining them. Together, the three made their way to each of the temples, restoring them and their Sages, of which Saria discovered she was one; The Forest Sage. The three eventually cleared all the temples, and defeated Ganondorf, sealing him in the Sacred Realm. Afterwards, Saria was sent back to her own time, where she elected to sit back and not interfere with any of the events to transpire, instead feeling the call of the Goddesses guiding her to another area.

Known enemies: Ganondorf

Known rivals: Dark Saria

Known allies/friends: Malon, Princess Zelda, Dark Saria (It's complicated...)

Known Family: The Kokiri and the Deku Tree



Saria's Fairy partner. She is very knowledgeable in all aspects of Hyrule, having travelled all over before settling down in the Kokiri Forest. She also knows a small amount of magic, able to cast personal barriers to protect herself (Though she unfortunately can't protect others) as well as small amounts of healing magic. While she can eventually heal someone back to full capacity, she cannot heal any wounds that are fatal.

Weapons: The Kokiri Sword, enchanted with the Master Sword's power. She has had this weapon since the beginning of her adventure.

Gear/gadgets: The Lens of Truth, a purple magnifying glass with red-and-blue glass which reveals the truth, showing hidden objects as well as fake ones. I can have her leave this item behind if need be. She also carries an empty glass bottle with her, and her Fairy Ocarina.

Powers/abilities: As the Sage of Forest, she can command plants that are nearby, though she has in no way perfected this technique and, in fact, it only works about a quarter of the time. She can also create magical barriers to use as either shields or platforms, and she can create beams of magic to fire out of her sword as she swings it.

When she is close to the Forest Temple (Anywhere in the forest, basically) she has the ability to teleport around, which manifests itself as a bright flash of green in both locations. She loses this ability upon leaving the range of her Temple.

As a Kokiri, she is also unaging. What this means is that her body will never grow old, nor can she die from sickness and disease. Most conventional methods will kill her like a normal child, though.

Skills: Having been trained in the way of the sword by Sheik, Saria is no small threat to deal with in close-quarters combat. Her sword beams also give her ranged capability as well.

Weaknesses: As mentioned above, she cannot control plants with 100% certainty. She also has trouble controlling how much magic she pours into her abilities, so she compensates for this by limiting her use of magic in the first place so she doesn't tire herself out. She also lacks confidence in her abilities, but forges ahead anyway, occasionally leading to her getting in over her head.

Character quote: "Whether or not [The Zoras] can handle it, I'm going to do whatever it takes to help them. The world is already down one Guardian Deity, I don't have another die too."
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Universe: OC, Future (2480)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Sarah Meyer

Nicknames/Alias:Oberstabsgefreiter Meyer

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Home Sapien

Race: Caucasian, German



Clothing: BSAMCCUU (Ballistic Soft Armor Marrine Corps Combat Utility Uniform) Designed based off of the USMC's Uniform of the Late war in Afghanistan the BSAMCCUU is instead made of thinly layer ballistic Spectra Weave made to help combat handgun rounds and blades the actual design of the Camo on it varying according to area of deplyoment. Currently using Digital Urban variant (picture shown above does not show the uniform, it covers much more of the body, however the coloration is accurate)

Likes: The Fatherland (Germany), Humanity, Humanity's allies, Protecting Innocents, Firearms, History.

Dislikes: Hostile Aliens, Murderers, Rapists, Self-centered and arrogant people

Personality: Sarah is a generally a fun loving person. She will commonly make fun of a situation or someone who has blundered, though all in good fun. If someone is doing something wrong, she will tell them directly that they are doing something wrong. Sarah will not back down from a fight, though she will retreat when needed. she does not see this as backing away as a fight, just drawing her opponent into a position where they are easier to kill. She will say what is on her mind, and if that means looking someone dead in the eyes and telling them to "go fuck themselves" she will do just that. However, it is questionable whether she has been traumatized by an a previous event where her previous platoon was killed off, and many civilians, including a lover (female) she had, died in a resulting massacre. She was also left stranded in hostile territory for three weeks after her platoon died.

Backstory of Universe (Humanity, Germany Perspective: 2020 - 2480):

Prior to WW3 (Balkan crisis ) - many European countries in the Balkan region continue to suffer economic decay. The European Union refuses to bail them out, causing that alliance to collapse, however Germany continues supporting these nations. Despite this, they near total economic collapse. Germany takes this opportunity to annex them, and greatly increases the size of its nation. While they receive harsh criticism, primarily from Russia, it is accepted that if they had not done so, a power vacuum would have occurred and the region would've been destabilized. Within a decade, these regions are restored entirely and Germany has the Highest GDP of any nation.

Russian response, formation of the Common Defense Pact (CDP) - Russia quickly makes it evident it is suspicious of Germany and other western nations. With China and India, it forms the CDP, which quickly includes many smaller nations. All CDP nations under go a massive military build up.

Formation of the Winslow Accord (WA)- Leaders of the United States and other allied Nations sign the Winslow Accord, creating a new military alliance which is named after the treaty. This alliance is meant to defend member states against the CDP.

The Second Cold war - Both military superalliances begin both trying to outdo each other in military might. Until this time, never before has a military build up this large been seen. Germany uses its vast wealth to create arguably the most powerful military in the world, claiming that a force that large is required to defend Europe from CDP aggression.

Annexation of Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia - CDP Coups in all three of these nations failed, Causing mass hysteria and fear of Russian invasion. With none of these nations being capable of funding a military that could take on Russia, only one option seemed viable for the people of these nations. Joining the New German super power. Germany quickly annexed these nations, giving it full control of a major portion of Europe and increasing Russian paranoia.

Dual Crisis (Korea, Africa) - As tensions between the CDP and the WA rise, two simultaneous wars break, one being the Korean war where North Korean forces swarmed into its Southern Neighbor. The second is the NRC (Nile River Coalition) invasion of Egypt. Immediately, Winslow Accord forces intervened, an American-Japanese Force deploying in South Korea while a German-British-French Force deploying in Egypt. CDP nations immediately demanded that WA forces withdraw from both fronts. Their demands were ignored. 2068, September 3rd, all nations of the CDP declared war upon the WA. Russian forces plowed into poland and finland, Indian forces pushed into pakistan and towards Saudi Arabia, and Chinese forces invaded Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

World War 3 (German Focus) - As Russia invaded Poland, CDP Naval and Airstrikes struck many European Nations in one of the Largest Coordinated Strikes in History. Germany and England were the only two nations that were able to prevent major damage fro occurring. France took heavy damage, but was still capable of mounting an offensive. All other European nations were effectively stuck in a defensive position. As Poland was about to fall, a massive German Invasion began, catching the CDP forces off guard. The scale of the Invasion even dwarfed Operation Barbarossa, even before the addition of French and British forces. The Generals who Orchestrated the Invasion were careful to avoid the Mistakes of the past. Shortly after Warsaw fell, German forces Liberated the city. Polish Military remnants joined the Offensive, which simultaneously pushed into Ukraine and Russia. German Forces were well supplied and defended their supply lines, avoiding the biggest mistakes of the Wehrmacht in WW2. Ukraine fell quickly to to invasion, and a Turkish support force helped the WA forces overrun southern Russia. German, British, and French forces pushed into St. Petersburg, and then upwards, cutting off the CDP forces in Finland. It was then that Sweden and Norway Launched a Joint Assault with the forces of Finland to encircle and annihilate the CDP forces in Finland. Then, the joint WA forces all pushed toward Moscow, in what would be both the Climax of the European front and the Largest battle of World War 3. After over Six months of Continuous fighting, Moscow fell and Russia pulled out of the war. German forces led the assault southwards towards China and India. Meanwhile, the WA forces in Africa and the Pacific, led by the United States, made considerable gains on CDP forces. Soon, the only two CDP nations left were China and India. Desperate to win, China deployed its Nuclear Weapons in hopes of devastating the WA nations. The D.E.A.D (Directed Energy Arial Defense) Systems of all WA nations stopped the Nuclear Weapons. With this, the CDP's fate was sealed, and after another year of conflict, both Beijing and New Delhi fell, thus ending the Third World War.

Post war- As world war 3 ended, Germany annexed the Eastern European nations once under CDP control, against the wishes of Britain and France. Shortly after, Italy, Spain and Portugal, whos economies were all but destroyed during the war, were also annexed by the German Superpower. France and the UK were both alarmed by this development, however the US attempted to improve ties with Germany, the two nations then becoming allies. The new world that came from the ashes of the most destructive war in human history was a world dominated by America and Germany.

American/German space race - With the end of World War 3, the many nations turned their attention to space. Soon, the nations of Earth were racing to colonize their own parts of the Sol System. The two dominant space powers quickly proved to America and Germany, who's vast income fueled their expansion into space. However, competition soon emerged between the two nations. While many parts of the Sol System were colonized by other nations, such as Britain, France, Brazil, China and Russia, the majority was American and German.

The New Commonwealth - On 2112, August 15, the Nations of UK, Cananda, New Zeland, Australia unified to combining their territory on Earth and Space into a large nation. Several Other Nations joined the Commonwealth soon after. The Capital was Located in London and the Government was based off of the Government of the UK at the beginning of 21st Century.

Germany Reforms - As Germany spread throughout the Sol System, many in the nation grew worried of the other nation's hostility towards Germany. It seemed certain that the other nations invade in unity and attempt to wipe them out. Most accepted that a more efficient and direct form of Government was needed, one that could quickly grow the Nation without needless bureaucracy. The Nation transitioned from a republic to a near Fascist state, however, Policies of Oppression were unneeded. There was no Persecution, and the people had chosen the Government for security. AIs ran many of the jobs that would normally cause over Bureaucracy. Germany quickly surpassed even America with its now far more efficient Government.

Alliances form - Several Alliances form, such as the Pan-Asian Union (Russia, Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia), and the South American Federation (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, Venezuela and Ecuador). These Massive new Nations arose to compete with the Dominant America, Germany and Commonwealth. However, none grew to the same height that the dominant three nations did.

Faster Than Light Travel - In 2162, the first FTL drive was Created. Every Major Nation rushed to perfect and create their own ones. Each nation began sending colonists to other systems, spreading Humanity outside of its own solar system. Naval Warships were outfitted with improved Nuclear Reactors and FTL drives, and sent to escort these new colonists. The Inventor of the FTL drive won praise throughout the world, and is regarded as one of the most intelligent people to have lived.

he UN is recreated - In Every Nation, there were those who felt that it was only a matter of time until Humanity was stumbled upon by an alien race. They lobbied for the recreation of the UN, so that it could coordinate human forces in the event of a war against aliens and to help keep peace between the Human nations.

Humanity Expands, No contact made - As the Nations Spread throughout the Stars, Tensions decreased due to the idea of an alien invasion. However, continued silence from the Stars slowly made the fear fade away, and the people's of the other nations resumed hating each other. Despite having immense space to spread out to, border disputes and trade disputes, as well as ideological differences, led to a new cold war. By this time, Germany was the undisputablely the most powerful nation of Humanity. The only real official alliance between nations was between the commonwealth and America.

First Contact - 2389, November 3rd. A massive Alien Fleet jumps into the system of a small independent colony. Immediately, the colonists send a desperate cry for help at the sight of the thousands of ships. The Fleets of the Various nations mobilized and prepared for war. However, while the fleets prepared for war, the alien fleet sent a message in to the colony. A brilliant scientist and mathematician who lived on the colony due to its remoteness deciphered that it was the alien's form of binary. judging by the very very rudimentary translation and the lack of hostility shown, it seemed as though the race was peaceful. A small team of people from the colony, including the scientist, left the planet in a small shuttle to go to the alien fleet, after transmitting their response in binary, hoping they'd perceive the message as a peaceful one. Meanwhile, people on planet began reporting to the UN that the species was friendly, who then relayed the message to the separate nations. A diplomatic team made of diplomats of every nation was formed to meet with the aliens.

The Fraem'i - The team from colony began attempting to learn the basics of the alien language rather than try to negotiate. The alien's that met with them seemed to have a similar idea. The alien species themselves were surprisingly human-like. They resembled Elfs from mythology and even seemed to posses supernatural abilities such as telekinesis. The species seemed to be very attractive by human standards and treated the colonists aboard their ship very well. By the time the official diplomats arrived, there were translations for enough words for communication to occur. It was quickly discovered that the species, who were called the Fraem'i, were on the run from a powerful alien empire who was getting support from an extra-galactic power. After much debate, the Nations of Humanity welcomed the Fraem'i and made accommodations for them in many colonies. The Fraem'i were extremely thankful to finally have haven and the two species got along very well. A few years after contact, the first inter-species marriage occurred, and it was soon found that the two species could have offspring together.

The Great Crusade - 2455, Humanity has undergone a massive military build up, and as hatred for this empire that had no idea of humanity's existence grew, so did the militaries of humanity, who were supplemented by Fraem'i forces in exile. On March 5th, the largest human invasion in history began, as thousands of human ships poured into Gzoeran Space (Gzoerans are the ones who formed the empire). The Gzoeran, who were busy attempting to conquer and enslave an entire alliance of aliens, were caught off guard by this sudden blitzkrieg into their territory. The Combined forces of Humanity cut through their territory like a hot knife through butter. The Gzoerans were forced to stop their offensive into the alien space and focus almost everything on the human invasion. The Gzoerans were shocked and terrified of this new species. Who were they? why were they attacking? why did it seem as though they had limitless resources? Were common questions among not only the Gzoerans, but also every major species of the Galaxy. Slowly the human's resources dwindled, so to avoid a drawn out war, humanity opened up negotiations with the Gzoerans, who still believed humanity had limitless resources. The negotiations were heavily in humanity's favor, allowing them to keep every world they conquered and free every slave on those planets. The Gzoerans were also forced to stop attacking other species. All terms were accepted. Humanity gained immense prestige in the galaxy and became one of the most respected species.

2480, Modern Day - Humanity has grown the worlds is conquered is now one of the most powerful species in the Galaxy. The separate nations still exist, but currently they are all allied. Germany is still the superpower of humanity. The Gzoerans are preparing for war and the extragalactic empire is suspected to be helping them.

Sarah's Backstory: 2460, November 3rd, Sarah Meyer is born to a middle class family on an inner colony governed by Germany. Her Early Life was mostly un-extraordinary, aside from her aptitude to most academic studies. In her Highschool, she got into several fights with male bullies who generally targeted females and weaker males. While there is no proof that she provoked the fights and she generally played the role of the innocent victim, her opponenet's state after fighting with her does show that she is anything but helpless. It was quickly accepted by the students that she was the best combatant in the school, but did not abuse her ability.

There was one incident were a large group attacked and attempted to rape her, which was caught on camera. The following video clearly show that she was unafraid to kick knees in, attack the eyes, and bite her opponents. She avoid being raped, and while she was hospitalized by the event, so where all of her assailants. Doctors made the mistake to put on of her opponents in the same room she was hospitalized in. She almost immediately attempted to attack the man, and managed to bite a large chunk of flesh out of his arm.

No charges were pressed against her due to her being the clear victim of the attack, despite her apparent victory in the outcome of the attack. After High School, she joined the Whermacht, the German Equivalent to the USMC in the 25th Century . After completing (and excelling in) training, she was assigned to the outer colonies to fight terrorists and pirates. The climax of this military campaign was the invasion of Haven, a terrorist held planet. During Initial Operations, Sarah showed outstanding bravery and skill. During the long push throughout the planet, Sarah kept an exceptionally good attitude and high morale, giving inspiration to her squad mates. In a small town, Sarah met a girl who was a year younger than her whom she fell in love with. While her company occupied the town, Sarah and her lover shared a brief romantic relationship before the lover's life was ended abruptly in a terrorist counter attack. Sarah was Heart Broken and clearly showed newfound hatred with the terrorists, even killing surrendering enemies when she could get away with it and enjoying their screams of agony when hit by gas grenades.

A month after the town was attacked, her platoon was forced to hold a small village against several battalions of terrorists. The Platoon held out for two days and killed hundreds of terrorists before they finally all fell in battle. All of them except Sarah who was captured. Sarah was tortured for information, but refused to give any information, and after a week of interrogation, she escaped the room, setting off a Zyklon B gas grenade in the room before locking it, giving her interrogators an agonizing death. She then managed to escape the base through the disposal system (sewage, trash, bodies) and began the long and perilous trek towards friendly territory.

After two weeks, she returned to allied territory and was subsequently found by German soldiers. She was placed in a hospital, and was not able to go back in the field before the terrorists surrendered. With her entire platoon dead, Sarah was transferred to a new platoon under the command of Erwin Weiss, stationed on Arcadia, the Military HQ of the outer German Defense force.

Known Enemies: Terrorists, Gzoerans, All who threaten humanity

Known Rivals: none

Known Allies: All human soldiers, especially those of the Whermacht

Know Family: She has a father, mother and little sister, however all three are currently irrelevant


Primary: H&K XM80 IICS (Improved Individual Combat System) Chambered in 9.3x62 Mauser API (Armor Piercing Incendiary) 30 Round mag capacity or 100 dual drum. Has an integrated 1x to 3.4x (Cap at 6x for marksman build) Magnification scope with range finder as well as an integrated laser sight Digital round counter on the handle. under mounted M52 I-MASS (Improved Modular Shotgun system) chambered in 12 Gauge choice of shot with 5 round box mag or Under mounted M640 35mm HEF GLM (High Explosive Fragmentation Grenade Launcher Module)

Secondary: MP-40A2 A Submachine gun chambered in 10mm Half Jacketed Rounds in a 30 round mag for CQC operations generally equipped with a Holographic sight digital round counter forward grip and laser sight.

Treitary: Glock 42 High cap 45 Handgun, chambered in 45 ACP with a 14 round capacity.

Grenade (Lethal): HEF M134 Handgrenade

Secondary Grenade (Less-lethal): XM58 Cylinder grenade filled with Phenacyl chloride a substance that causes similar effects to CS (Tear Gas) However much more violently and can cause a temporary loss of directional sense resulting in a loss of balance.

Treitary Grenade (Less-Lethal): XM84 9 banger a Flash bang similar in design to a standard M84 and almost identical in description the XM84 Fires off it's first flashbang like a standard M84 and approximately 1.5 seconds later sets off 8 smaller Flashbangs in rabid succession to induce extreme stress levels on targets.

Quatenary Grenade(lethal): XM-Z A gas grenade using the lethal gas Zyklon-B it Horribly burns the victims internals causing the lungs to burn themselves and bleed the stomach acids to foam up and rise through the esophagus the gas is lethal to a victim within seconds due to it being lethal at a ration of about 1 milligram per Kilogram of body weight, however it does not kill the victim in seconds there is just no real chance of survival after several seconds of unfiltered breathing. and several minutes of direct skin exposure.


Body Armor: IMTPAS (Improved Modular Tactical Personal Armor System) This armor system uses a vest with shoulder pads elbow and forearm pads, a collar a crotch pad, knee, separate lower and upper leg pads made of a Ceramic Nano weave which is cloth made of extremely tightly woven thin strands of Ceramic resulting in extreme durability with good flexibility and weight. It also involves Insert plates in the Chest/abdomen sides and back + shoulders made of a high entropy allow made of lithium, magnesium, titanium, aluminum and scandium to form a metal plate that is as strong as titanium and as light as aluminum the inserts are approximately a total of 7/8" thick composing of 3 layers which are 3/8" plate 1/8" of ballistic gel designed to reduce the blunt trauma of the round then a second 3/8" plate resulting in armor than can reliably block AP 30.06 up to 3600 fps

Helmet: PHA-2 (Personal Head Armor) Made of the same Alloy as the insert plates this helmet comes standard with a detachable ballistic face cover made of the alloy and Ballistic Gorilla glass for the view port.

EXO-7: 7th Generation Mass producible Exo-skeleton that attaches to the arms, legs, and back (up the central area, aligning with the spine). Increases wearer strength by 200% and greatly increases physical abilities. Made of the same high entropy alloy that the standard armor is made of, allowing to have great durability. EXO-7 comes with pieces that cover the feet and legs, allowing for far more proficient melee combat.

Ballistic Gas mask w/ Re-breathing filters: the filters in this mask rather than being filled with high pressure Oxygen are filled with chemical pellets designed to remove Carbon particles from CO2 so the O2 can be recycled, these filters work until the pellets can no longer absorb any more carbon which takes about 1 hour per filter (most soldiers carry 4 to 6 filters)


HUD system: A holographic projector on the inside of their helmet projects a dimly lit HUD on to to user's eye giving them a few of their Squadmate's location and basic Vitals Personal MGRS coordinates on a minimap that can be enlarged through the use of a mini holo projected computer every soldier has on their non-dominant wrist. The HUD also gives constant updates on the battlefield using a Battle net in which every soldier is connected with in order to give units unmatched cohesion and communication.

PRS: (Personal Recon System) a solar powered battery operated Miniature UAV that gives detailed mappings to the mini map while in flight thier flight time is generally about 15-20 minutes before needing to be charged which takes just about 10 minutes

"Second" Aid Kit: Nicknamed this by the soldiers it is simply an advanced first aid kit that contain field surgery tools gauze suture adrenaline and pain killers every soldier being trained in field medical operations every soldier is given this for self operation or operation on peers.

Miniature Holographic projection PC: A wrist device that projects a computer to the user than can be used to control their UAVs adjust the HUD look at a much larger map connect to the battle net and use their radio and IM system as well as hacking enemy devices this tool is an excellent addition to their Blitzkrieg tactics.

PLRU: (Personal Light Refraction Unit) This device mainly effective at night or at great distances is multiple projectors that produce destructive visible light waves in order to give basic cloaking to the user, at close range it only works to disorient light around the user making it hard only to see the exact position of their body the user must keep a slow movement speed in order for the refraction to work (I.E. Ineffective at close range)

Skills: Sarah is a skilled combatant in both melee and ranged warfare. She is a sufficient marksman and can perform basic medical duties, something all soldiers of Whermacht are expected to do.


-Potential PTSD


"War does not determine who's right, only who's left"



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LegoLad659 said:
I'm gonna send Saria in there to revive it once I'm done with her macro, don't worry ( :) )
Alright,beacuse I sent my charater in there,and it died,so I became sad for a bit.

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MTchaos1134 said:
Alright,beacuse I sent my charater in there,and it died,so I became sad for a bit.
Yeah, @Son of Crota was supposed to respond as Error Undyne after the fight with Klarion, and he never did, so... Yeah. I'm dropping Saria in there somewhere.
LegoLad659 said:
Yeah, @Son of Crota was supposed to respond as Error Undyne after the fight with Klarion, and he never did, so... Yeah. I'm dropping Saria in there somewhere.
Ok,I'll be waiting for when you do.(I may end up not posting for a couple hours,that would be me going to bed,it's 9:24 pm where I am at.and I got work tomorrow.)
MTchaos1134 said:
Ok,I'll be waiting for when you do.(I may end up not posting for a couple hours,that would be me going to bed,it's 9:24 pm where I am at.and I got work tomorrow.)
I'm almost done here, so it should just be a few minutes.
Universe: OC, Future (2480)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Erwin Weiss

Rank: Leutnant (Wiess)

Nicknames/Alias: Rommel (by soldiers of his platoon due to his first name)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Home Sapien

Race: Caucasian, German/Irish

Appearance: 5"10 Short auburn hair with grey blue eyes strong jawline decently high cheek bones light freckles on cheeks. he has extremely broad shoulders for his size due to being a swimmer in the past. A thinner abdomen giving him the "Swimmer's V" shape to his body.

Clothing: BSAMCCUU (Ballistic Soft Armor Marrine Corps Combat Utility Uniform) Designed based off of the USMC's Uniform of the Late war in Afghanistan the BSAMCCUU is instead made of thinly layer ballistic Spectra Weave made to help combat handgun rounds and blades the actual design of the Camo on it varying according to area of deployment. Currently using Flame unit Digital Urban variant. (similar to the grey and darker grey design but with crimson as well)

Likes: The Fatherland (Germany), Protecting innocent lives, History, Firearms, Military tactics (more specifically Rommel's, Julius Caesar's and Nero's), Dark Humor, Light heartedness, Reading, the medical field. People who can operate effectively without step by step instructions.

Dislikes: Hostiles of any kind, Stupid people, Worthless expenditure of lives and or money, Cats whom are assholes, People who can't think on their own.

Personality: Erwin is a generally a fun teasing and sarcastic but underlyingly loving person. He will commonly taunt or tease people or the situation, though all in a very sarcastic way. If someone is doing something wrong, he will tell them directly and usually give recommendations or instructions on how to improve. Erwin picks and chooses his fights "Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning."He will say exactly what is on his mind, however he often chooses his words not to censor himself but rather to make people idolize him for his words. Erwin was originally never going to become leader of anything larger than a squad due to him never going OCS. However this decision was quickly re-evaluated when the leutnant of his past platoon was shot by a sniper due to wearing his chevrons on the field he assumed immediate command despite not being the next in line for chain of command, he worked the platoon in extreme cohesion effectively turning the platoon from standard infantry into a self sufficient mobile army while far ahead of the Blitzkrieg (Similar to how Rommel lead the Ghost Division) still completing the teams UAV recovery orders, He then proceeded in leading them back to Allied territory over a six day constant operation using extreme stealth and guerrilla tactics casualties totaling at eight wounded one dead at the end of their operation. High command evaluated his work on the field and his personal life discovering that he had extensive knowledge on military tactics despite having never gone to OCS and it was discovered that like Patton he had read Infaterie Greift An (Rommel's book on infantry tactics) to a point of almost word for word memorization. He was immediately elected for OCT (Officer's candidate testing) and passed granting him the Rank of leutnant only two months after his experience on the front line's leading. He then became in command of a light infantry platoon.

Backstory of Universe (Humanity, Germany Perspective: 2020 - 2480):

Prior to WW3 (Balkan crisis ) - many European countries in the Balkan region continue to suffer economic decay. The European Union refuses to bail them out, causing that alliance to collapse, however Germany continues supporting these nations. Despite this, they near total economic collapse. Germany takes this opportunity to annex them, and greatly increases the size of its nation. While they receive harsh criticism, primarily from Russia, it is accepted that if they had not done so, a power vacuum would have occurred and the region would've been destabilized. Within a decade, these regions are restored entirely and Germany has the Highest GDP of any nation.

Russian response, formation of the Common Defense Pact (CDP) - Russia quickly makes it evident it is suspicious of Germany and other western nations. With China and India, it forms the CDP, which quickly includes many smaller nations. All CDP nations under go a massive military build up.

Formation of the Winslow Accord (WA)- Leaders of the United States and other allied Nations sign the Winslow Accord, creating a new military alliance which is named after the treaty. This alliance is meant to defend member states against the CDP.

The Second Cold war - Both military superalliances begin both trying to outdo each other in military might. Until this time, never before has a military build up this large been seen. Germany uses its vast wealth to create arguably the most powerful military in the world, claiming that a force that large is required to defend Europe from CDP aggression.

Annexation of Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia - CDP Coups in all three of these nations failed, Causing mass hysteria and fear of Russian invasion. With none of these nations being capable of funding a military that could take on Russia, only one option seemed viable for the people of these nations. Joining the New German super power. Germany quickly annexed these nations, giving it full control of a major portion of Europe and increasing Russian paranoia.

Dual Crisis (Korea, Africa) - As tensions between the CDP and the WA rise, two simultaneous wars break, one being the Korean war where North Korean forces swarmed into its Southern Neighbor. The second is the NRC (Nile River Coalition) invasion of Egypt. Immediately, Winslow Accord forces intervened, an American-Japanese Force deploying in South Korea while a German-British-French Force deploying in Egypt. CDP nations immediately demanded that WA forces withdraw from both fronts. Their demands were ignored. 2068, September 3rd, all nations of the CDP declared war upon the WA. Russian forces plowed into poland and finland, Indian forces pushed into pakistan and towards Saudi Arabia, and Chinese forces invaded Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

World War 3 (German Focus) - As Russia invaded Poland, CDP Naval and Airstrikes struck many European Nations in one of the Largest Coordinated Strikes in History. Germany and England were the only two nations that were able to prevent major damage fro occurring. France took heavy damage, but was still capable of mounting an offensive. All other European nations were effectively stuck in a defensive position. As Poland was about to fall, a massive German Invasion began, catching the CDP forces off guard. The scale of the Invasion even dwarfed Operation Barbarossa, even before the addition of French and British forces. The Generals who Orchestrated the Invasion were careful to avoid the Mistakes of the past. Shortly after Warsaw fell, German forces Liberated the city. Polish Military remnants joined the Offensive, which simultaneously pushed into Ukraine and Russia. German Forces were well supplied and defended their supply lines, avoiding the biggest mistakes of the Wehrmacht in WW2. Ukraine fell quickly to to invasion, and a Turkish support force helped the WA forces overrun southern Russia. German, British, and French forces pushed into St. Petersburg, and then upwards, cutting off the CDP forces in Finland. It was then that Sweden and Norway Launched a Joint Assault with the forces of Finland to encircle and annihilate the CDP forces in Finland. Then, the joint WA forces all pushed toward Moscow, in what would be both the Climax of the European front and the Largest battle of World War 3. After over Six months of Continuous fighting, Moscow fell and Russia pulled out of the war. German forces led the assault southwards towards China and India. Meanwhile, the WA forces in Africa and the Pacific, led by the United States, made considerable gains on CDP forces. Soon, the only two CDP nations left were China and India. Desperate to win, China deployed its Nuclear Weapons in hopes of devastating the WA nations. The D.E.A.D (Directed Energy Arial Defense) Systems of all WA nations stopped the Nuclear Weapons. With this, the CDP's fate was sealed, and after another year of conflict, both Beijing and New Delhi fell, thus ending the Third World War.

Post war- As world war 3 ended, Germany annexed the Eastern European nations once under CDP control, against the wishes of Britain and France. Shortly after, Italy, Spain and Portugal, whos economies were all but destroyed during the war, were also annexed by the German Superpower. France and the UK were both alarmed by this development, however the US attempted to improve ties with Germany, the two nations then becoming allies. The new world that came from the ashes of the most destructive war in human history was a world dominated by America and Germany.

American/German space race - With the end of World War 3, the many nations turned their attention to space. Soon, the nations of Earth were racing to colonize their own parts of the Sol System. The two dominant space powers quickly proved to America and Germany, who's vast income fueled their expansion into space. However, competition soon emerged between the two nations. While many parts of the Sol System were colonized by other nations, such as Britain, France, Brazil, China and Russia, the majority was American and German.

The New Commonwealth - On 2112, August 15, the Nations of UK, Cananda, New Zeland, Australia unified to combining their territory on Earth and Space into a large nation. Several Other Nations joined the Commonwealth soon after. The Capital was Located in London and the Government was based off of the Government of the UK at the beginning of 21st Century.

Germany Reforms - As Germany spread throughout the Sol System, many in the nation grew worried of the other nation's hostility towards Germany. It seemed certain that the other nations invade in unity and attempt to wipe them out. Most accepted that a more efficient and direct form of Government was needed, one that could quickly grow the Nation without needless bureaucracy. The Nation transitioned from a republic to a near Fascist state, however, Policies of Oppression were unneeded. There was no Persecution, and the people had chosen the Government for security. AIs ran many of the jobs that would normally cause over Bureaucracy. Germany quickly surpassed even America with its now far more efficient Government.

Alliances form - Several Alliances form, such as the Pan-Asian Union (Russia, Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia), and the South American Federation (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, Venezuela and Ecuador). These Massive new Nations arose to compete with the Dominant America, Germany and Commonwealth. However, none grew to the same height that the dominant three nations did.

Faster Than Light Travel - In 2162, the first FTL drive was Created. Every Major Nation rushed to perfect and create their own ones. Each nation began sending colonists to other systems, spreading Humanity outside of its own solar system. Naval Warships were outfitted with improved Nuclear Reactors and FTL drives, and sent to escort these new colonists. The Inventor of the FTL drive won praise throughout the world, and is regarded as one of the most intelligent people to have lived.

he UN is recreated - In Every Nation, there were those who felt that it was only a matter of time until Humanity was stumbled upon by an alien race. They lobbied for the recreation of the UN, so that it could coordinate human forces in the event of a war against aliens and to help keep peace between the Human nations.

Humanity Expands, No contact made - As the Nations Spread throughout the Stars, Tensions decreased due to the idea of an alien invasion. However, continued silence from the Stars slowly made the fear fade away, and the people's of the other nations resumed hating each other. Despite having immense space to spread out to, border disputes and trade disputes, as well as ideological differences, led to a new cold war. By this time, Germany was the undisputablely the most powerful nation of Humanity. The only real official alliance between nations was between the commonwealth and America.

First Contact - 2389, November 3rd. A massive Alien Fleet jumps into the system of a small independent colony. Immediately, the colonists send a desperate cry for help at the sight of the thousands of ships. The Fleets of the Various nations mobilized and prepared for war. However, while the fleets prepared for war, the alien fleet sent a message in to the colony. A brilliant scientist and mathematician who lived on the colony due to its remoteness deciphered that it was the alien's form of binary. judging by the very very rudimentary translation and the lack of hostility shown, it seemed as though the race was peaceful. A small team of people from the colony, including the scientist, left the planet in a small shuttle to go to the alien fleet, after transmitting their response in binary, hoping they'd perceive the message as a peaceful one. Meanwhile, people on planet began reporting to the UN that the species was friendly, who then relayed the message to the separate nations. A diplomatic team made of diplomats of every nation was formed to meet with the aliens.

The Fraem'i - The team from colony began attempting to learn the basics of the alien language rather than try to negotiate. The alien's that met with them seemed to have a similar idea. The alien species themselves were surprisingly human-like. They resembled Elfs from mythology and even seemed to posses supernatural abilities such as telekinesis. The species seemed to be very attractive by human standards and treated the colonists aboard their ship very well. By the time the official diplomats arrived, there were translations for enough words for communication to occur. It was quickly discovered that the species, who were called the Fraem'i, were on the run from a powerful alien empire who was getting support from an extra-galactic power. After much debate, the Nations of Humanity welcomed the Fraem'i and made accommodations for them in many colonies. The Fraem'i were extremely thankful to finally have haven and the two species got along very well. A few years after contact, the first inter-species marriage occurred, and it was soon found that the two species could have offspring together.

The Great Crusade - 2455, Humanity has undergone a massive military build up, and as hatred for this empire that had no idea of humanity's existence grew, so did the militaries of humanity, who were supplemented by Fraem'i forces in exile. On March 5th, the largest human invasion in history began, as thousands of human ships poured into Gzoeran Space (Gzoerans are the ones who formed the empire). The Gzoeran, who were busy attempting to conquer and enslave an entire alliance of aliens, were caught off guard by this sudden blitzkrieg into their territory. The Combined forces of Humanity cut through their territory like a hot knife through butter. The Gzoerans were forced to stop their offensive into the alien space and focus almost everything on the human invasion. The Gzoerans were shocked and terrified of this new species. Who were they? why were they attacking? why did it seem as though they had limitless resources? Were common questions among not only the Gzoerans, but also every major species of the Galaxy. Slowly the human's resources dwindled, so to avoid a drawn out war, humanity opened up negotiations with the Gzoerans, who still believed humanity had limitless resources. The negotiations were heavily in humanity's favor, allowing them to keep every world they conquered and free every slave on those planets. The Gzoerans were also forced to stop attacking other species. All terms were accepted. Humanity gained immense prestige in the galaxy and became one of the most respected species.

2480, Modern Day - Humanity has grown the worlds is conquered is now one of the most powerful species in the Galaxy. The separate nations still exist, but currently they are all allied. Germany is still the superpower of humanity. The Gzoerans are preparing for war and the extragalactic empire is suspected to be helping them.

Erwin's History: Born 24th, May, 2457 Erwin grew up in a middle class family with no real oddities. He went through standard schooling but was always obsessed with combat all forms of it he saw it as an art more than anything. He devoted himself to the study of the human body and all forms of combat with very few in the know of how extensive he understood combat. In school he was never unpopular he was extremely good with words and got most people to like him even though he hated most everyone else. In highschool Erwin's academics were always extremely high and relationships good with all of his teachers he debated constantly only furthering his ability to use his already skilled tongue. He got in very few fight freshman and sophomore year however Junior year some of the other students had enough with his outspoken opinions and his over confidence and he tipped them off one day by insulting one of them though it was in humor they did not receive it this way. While he did not look helpless due to playing water polo he certainly was not buff and was fairly short most of highschool being 5"6 sophomore and junior year and 5"8 senior year. The other students decided to gang up on him so at some point after class as Erwin was walking towards the parking lot they followed him as he was talking to some random guy he had just sort of become friends with one punched him the back of the head knocking him down near the bike racks he immediately rolled forward to return to his feet raising his fists in defense though one had drawn a knife on him. His challengers made dumb threats and offered to give him a free hit to pity him. So Erwin nodded said his thanks walked up to the first one and went to punch him, his opponent blocked spreading his legs giving Erwin a perfect strike he kicked at his knee outward from the centre of mass a disgusting crack ringing out as the kid fell on his broken knee screaming. The other three ganged up on him at once, Erwin jumped the bike racks and got down on to his back pulling one of the bike chains off, the one armed with a knife ran over to him and went to stab him Erwin swept his legs grabbed his hands slamming it into the bike rack causing him to drop the knife, Erwin then proceeded to wrap the bike chain around the boy's neck and begin the pull on both sides cutting deeping into his throat though not enough to kill him. Erwin quickly grabbed the knife and the other two ran immediately. It was at this point that Erwin's mental state was questioned due to his aggressive tactics against his opponents. He was deemed borderline sociopathic only saved by the fact that it was obvious he cared about a select few people. Due to the possible mental illness and the claim of self defense he was not charged a felony but was given brief therapy to check for psychological trauma.

Shortly after Highschool Erwin said his goodbyes and headed off to join the Wehrmacht originally going to join the Panzer Corps but due to excelling in training mentally physically and with a high combat efficiency he was pressed to join the Wehrmacht and eventually did. Sent to the outer colonies to fight terrorist and pirates Erwin was almost discharged three times due to use of unethical tactics against the enemy such as killing those who were surrendering, however due to the nature of the Wehrmacht's Marines he was not questioned. He quickly rose the Ranks to feldwebel (Sergeant 1st class) due to the multiple occasions of flawlessly leading fire teams even though all occasions were against orders, he was rewarded for his bravery effectiveness and terrorist control.

He would later be sent to the front lines due to an act of extreme aggression against a terrorist cell, though this was not a punishment it was because the Wehrmacht saw him more fit to be there. On the front lines. It would be here that Erwin would lose all faith in the chain of command seeing countless OCS graduates killed due to lack of experience causing him to quickly learn the value of a human's ability regardless of what it be in. After being promoted to Leutnant Erwin had striven to be like Rommel respected by all but friends with everyone under his command he taught everyone of his soldiers how to lead themselves in the event that they needed to make split decisions or possible decisions that could lead to a tactical advantage, after his Platoon's first combat death (not the first casualty however.) A girl by the name of Sarah Meyer was transferred to his platoon as of very recently.

Known Enemies: Anyone or anything hostile to him or people under his command

Known Rivals: The sniper who killed the man who was his first combat death (though he realistically knows he will never be relevant again)

Known Allies: Anyone friendly to him

Know Family: He has a stepfather who taught him extensively in firearms a mother and a younger brother all are irrelevant at this point.


Primary: H&K XM80 IICS (Improved Individual Combat System) Chambered in 9.3x62 Mauser API (Armor Piercing Incendiary) 30 Round mag capacity. Has an integrated 1x to 3.4x (Cap at 6x for marksman build) Magnification scope with range finder as well as an integrated laser sight Digital round counter on the handle. under mounted M52 I-MASS (Improved Modular Shotgun system) chambered in 12 Gauge choice of shot with 5 round box mag or Under mounted M640 35mm HEF GLM (High Explosive Fragmentation Grenade Launcher Module)

Secondary: MP-40A2 A Submachine gun chambered in 10mm Half Jacketed Rounds in a 30 round mag for CQC operations generally equipped with a Holographic sight digital round counter forward grip and laser sight.

Treitary: Glock 42 High cap 45 Handgun, chambered in 45 ACP with a 14 round capacity.

Grenade (Lethal): HEF M134 Handgrenade

Secondary Grenade (Less-lethal): XM58 Cylinder grenade filled with Phenacyl chloride a substance that causes similar effects to CS (Tear Gas) However much more violently and can cause a temporary loss of directional sense resulting in a loss of balance.

Treitary Grenade (Less-Lethal): XM84 9 banger a Flash bang similar in design to a standard M84 and almost identical in description the XM84 Fires off it's first flashbang like a standard M84 and approximately 1.5 seconds later sets off 8 smaller Flashbangs in rabid succession to induce extreme stress levels on targets.

Quatenary Grenade(lethal): XM-Z A gas grenade using the lethal gas Zyklon-B it Horribly burns the victims internals causing the lungs to burn themselves and bleed the stomach acids to foam up and rise through the esophagus the gas is lethal to a victim within seconds due to it being lethal at a ration of about 1 milligram per Kilogram of body weight, however it does not kill the victim in seconds there is just no real chance of survival after several seconds of unfiltered breathing. and several minutes of direct skin exposure.


Body Armor: IMTPAS (Improved Modular Tactical Personal Armor System) This armor system uses a vest with shoulder pads elbow and forearm pads, a collar a crotch pad, knee, separate lower and upper leg pads made of a Ceramic Nano weave which is cloth made of extremely tightly woven thin strands of Ceramic resulting in extreme durability with good flexibility and weight. It also involves Insert plates in the Chest/abdomen sides and back + shoulders made of a high entropy allow made of lithium, magnesium, titanium, aluminum and scandium to form a metal plate that is as strong as titanium and as light as aluminum the inserts are approximately a total of 7/8" thick composing of 3 layers which are 3/8" plate 1/8" of ballistic gel designed to reduce the blunt trauma of the round then a second 3/8" plate resulting in armor than can reliably block AP 30.06 up to 3600 fps

Helmet: PHA-2 (Personal Head Armor) Made of the same Alloy as the insert plates this helmet comes standard with a detachable ballistic face cover made of the alloy and Ballistic Gorilla glass for the view port.


Ballistic Gas mask w/ Re-breathing filters: the filters in this mask rather than being filled with high pressure Oxygen are filled with chemical pellets designed to remove Carbon particles from CO2 so the O2 can be recycled, these filters work until the pellets can no longer absorb any more carbon which takes about 1 hour per filter (most soldiers carry 4 to 6 filters)


HUD system: A holographic projector on the inside of their helmet projects a dimly lit HUD on to to user's eye giving them a few of their Squadmate's location and basic Vitals Personal MGRS coordinates on a minimap that can be enlarged through the use of a mini holo projected computer every soldier has on their non-dominant wrist. The HUD also gives constant updates on the battlefield using a Battle net in which every soldier is connected with in order to give units unmatched cohesion and communication.

PRS: (Personal Recon System) a solar powered battery operated Miniature UAV that gives detailed mappings to the mini map while in flight thier flight time is generally about 15-20 minutes before needing to be charged which takes just about 10 minutes

"Second" Aid Kit: Nicknamed this by the soldiers it is simply an advanced first aid kit that contain field surgery tools gauze suture adrenaline and pain killers every soldier being trained in field medical operations every soldier is given this for self operation or operation on peers.

Miniature Holographic projection PC: A wrist device that projects a computer to the user than can be used to control their UAVs adjust the HUD look at a much larger map connect to the battle net and use their radio and IM system as well as hacking enemy devices this tool is an excellent addition to their Blitzkrieg tactics.

PLRU: (Personal Light Refraction Unit) This device mainly effective at night or at great distances is multiple projectors that produce destructive visible light waves in order to give basic cloaking to the user, at close range it only works to disorient light around the user making it hard only to see the exact position of their body the user must keep a slow movement speed in order for the refraction to work (I.E. Ineffective at close range)

Skills: Erwin has extensive knowledge of tactics. Erwin also has extensive training in firearms believing in the quote "Aim small, miss small" leading to him generally picking his shot more carefully but more accurate. While he understands both melee and hand to hand combat Erwin prefers Hand to hand combat even when facing an armed opponent. He has an unusual high medical knowledge due to his obsession with the human body.

Social flaw: Borderline sociopath feeling very little emotion for even the soldiers who serve in the foxhole right next to them despite valuing them extensively and treating them all as friends.

Quote: "One must not judge everyone in the world by his quality as a soldier: Otherwise we would have no civilization."

Theme song: [media]

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