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Fantasy Character Sign Up- No Longer Human?

Deadly Darkness

All things lost in the shadows
Character Sign-up Skeleton







What mutations: (what's different, what do they have extra of? Any new appendages or abilities?)


(I'll be posting mine later, keep in mind there's a sort of schism between partial mutations and full mutations. They're foreign to each other and so they don't always get along. Partials tend to think that because they're more human that they're above full. Fulls tend to resent partials for this reason. THIS DOESNT MEAN THEY CANT BE FRIENDS, it just means it's not very common.)

Here's the main once you've been accepted.
Name: Occultus


Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Timid, Docile. He will normally hide to avoid conflict, but if provoked, he will defend his friends/partners.

Bio: Occultus' original name was Jackson, but when he heard of a group of scientists, experimenting on the transmutation of animal and human genes, he wanted nothing more than to help them with their work. He had a GED in scientific advancement, he was not intelligent enough to have any use in finding ways to transfer the genes successfully, but he was given another opportunity to help in their cause, as one of the experimental subjects. He was known as Experiment 021. After the first twenty experiments, the group had a relative idea as to what they were to do. For the first twenty they had combined the DNA of a single animal into the subjects, and most were a success. It was time to advance in their research, so they tried something new with Jackson. They implemented the original chameleon genes they were to use, along with that of the Green Anole. Chameleons were known to be slow, so injecting him with the extra genes would allow him to move at a far quicker pace, even more so than the average human. When the time came, they spliced the DNA samples with Jackson's, and it ended in a huge success. No deformities, and after they ran a few tests, they discovered that his abilities were functioning with extraordinary brilliance. They later renamed him Occultus; "Hidden".

What mutations: Jackson's body completely changed during the experiment, bringing him to a staggering 8'3 feet tall. He also grew the horns of a chameleon atop his head, and a long, curly tail, which was perfect for hanging from poles, or wires. He also gained the ability to activate complete camouflage, and run at incredible speeds. His vision is enhanced so that he can see 360 degrees around him, by rotating his eyes as a chameleon would.

Extra: Jackson was somewhat disappointed at first when he realized he no longer looked nearly as human as he had before, but he quickly got used to it. Jackson was an orphan, living with his aunt, who gladly helped him to succeed in college.
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Name: Kathleen Bovidae (Kath)


Gender: Female

Age: 21

Personality: Kath has always been a very calm person, looking for ways to help others. She isn't one to get into fights, but that doesn't mean she won't fight if need be.

Bio: Kath was one of the few in the first batch of experiments so they were all genuinely surprised at her sudden growth and development. She was one of the first two full mutations. Obviously they didn't quite expect her to become so... animal. Kath wasn't born quite as calm as she is now. It took a few years to get where she is now, but she still can't help but grit her teeth at the low cow jokes.

What mutations: Full body mutation, including horns. Though she feels very uncomfortable when asked, Kath is capable of producing milk year round.

Extra: Kath kept her first name and simply changed her last name to fit her new look. Her family thinks she went off to join the military, and she's been gone ever since.
Name: Blue



Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Friendly to those she trust, a bit aggressive to those she doesn't

Bio: Blue was once a normal college girl who was unfortunate to get into an accident when on the way to class, she was taken away from paramedics and would have most likely died. Due to the experiment though it had saved her life but she lost all her memories of her past.

What mutations: Near full body mutation which has enhanced her speed, acrobatics, She was extreme agile as well as extremely flexible and finally  was an excellent climber.

Extra: According to records to keep this experimentation a secret, it was said that she died from the accident and that her body was cremated, besides the extra features which are shown in the picture above, she looked almost like she was when she was human
Name: Lance Grate

Appearance:Black winged like raven wings and mostly dressed in hoodie or hood not being able to see his face. In the rare chance of seeing his face it is a deform crows face with a plague doctors mask

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Personality:He has a slight chance of main physco and mainly quite if bothered will mostly mistreat the person until leave or breaks down. Once if the person bothering is less annoying about it wont say anything.

Bio:Lance was once just a very smart and equally strong human but hes ran across a old man...he bothered him and mostly lance never paid any attention to the man. The old man was being more seen by lance so lance started to mistreat the old man. Later that week the old man somehow took lance and stuffed him in a blood and bone filled arena. He forced him to fight test mutants day after day until he ran out. Soon lance tried to break out but was very swiftly stopped by a unfamiliar mutants and then put back in the arena.

What mutations: Extreme strength agility intelligence and better adaptions to environment or situation. Grown wings of a raven and fast flying

Extra:the only family known to lance was a small child named jenny...when lance was captured she was killed as one of the mutants. This was later found by lance this is when tried to break out
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@luciferan I have no problem with the idea of a faculty member mistreating experiments, but the story is going to take place within the facility. This is because they're waiting for when the public is deemed ready, so I don't know about the whole him breaking out thing. The scientists are very lenient considering most people volunteered so therefore they respect and grant his wishes except freedom. 

@luciferan I have no problem with the idea of a faculty member mistreating experiments, but the story is going to take place within the facility. This is because they're waiting for when the public is deemed ready, so I don't know about the whole him breaking out thing. The scientists are very lenient considering most people volunteered so therefore they respect and grant his wishes except freedom. 

ok...ill check it out ill edit it your explanation was pretty vague but thanks for the reply
How can I be more specific? I'd hate to make you feel out of the loop, so what portion or what about it was vague? This way I can better explain.
i dont find it completly vague but i just didnt graspe that the mutant couldt become restless when he was is there but thats all..








A girl who is not very out spoken. She is a bit of a scaredy cat and hates horror stuff. She is quite reserved and prefers to be alone than with people this attitude has made very lonely but she reads to get over the loneliness. She is self conscious about her appearance  since she has horns coming from her upper arms and back. Sin enjoys the tranquility of any place that offers her asylum. Sin is kind but not very trusting of others so she can often be torn between helping someone out or running away from the problem at hand.


Sin was a happy out going girl who was down on her luck so she signed up for the experiment to possibly get some money for helping the "Mad Scientists". Sin of course thought that she would get some cool super power like super strength or wings, but was instead given deer genes. She grew antlers and her eyes and hair changed colors. Sin's appearance wasn't the only thing that changed her personality also changed making her jumpy and timid.

What mutations: 

Night Vision and a Heightened sense of smell along with some patches of fur on her body and antlers.


She had a dog named Scruffy

@agirl1107 accepted! 

@luciferan yes he can try, but he'll be unsuccessful, and in hoping tonight or at the very least tomorrow
Name:Frank Rogers




Age: 32

Personality:Frank is a very cranky pachyderm. He wants nothing more than to eat, sleep, and be left alone. While he has few friends those that do befriend him find him to be a sturdy rock like figure, as in he is the same everyday, he doesn't sweat the small things. But If he is in a mood steer clear, ten tons of alpha male on a warpath is nothing to be trifled with.  

Bio:Frank was a veteran who had hit a rough patch after his tour of service. He had become homeless, penniless, and hopeless. However eventually he was found by sergeant McIntyre. The sergeant was head of security for a new gene splicing program, and offered frank the option of becoming a subject in the facility. 

What mutations:

his genetic code was spliced with an African bull elephant resulting in many changes. 

the most notable of changes is his size, frank stands a whopping 13ft 10in, and weighs ten tons. 

His hearing has been greatly enhanced along with his sense of smell. 

His skin is thick enough that low caliber bullets feel like be stings, and a car slamming into him wouldn't even budge him. 

He has become scary strong, able to lift up to twice his weight, and even lift up to 1200lbs with his trunk alone (roughly the weight of a car.) 

he also developed tusks, a trunk,large ears, and he no longer has ankles. 


physically incapable of jumping. 

Speaks with a thick New York accent. 
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Name: Lance Grate

Appearance:Black winged like raven wings and mostly dressed in hoodie or hood not being able to see his face. In the rare chance of seeing his face it is a deform crows face with a plague doctors mask

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Personality:He has a slight chance of main physco and mainly quite if bothered will mostly mistreat the person until leave or breaks down. Once if the person bothering is less annoying about it wont say anything.

Bio:Lance was once just a very smart and equally strong human but hes ran across a old man...he bothered him and mostly lance never paid any attention to the man. The old man was being more seen by lance so lance started to mistreat the old man. Later that week the old man somehow took lance and stuffed him in a blood and bone filled arena. He forced him to fight test mutants day after day until he ran out. Soon lance tried to break out but was very swiftly stopped by a unfamiliar mutants and then put back in the arena.

What mutations: Extreme strength agility intelligence and better adaptions to environment or situation. Grown wings of a raven and fast flying

Extra:the only family known to lance was a small child named jenny...when lance was captured she was killed as one of the mutants. This was later found by lance this is when tried to break out

Not to be a stickler...but how does a raven grant "extreme strength"? 
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