Character Sheets


Juniper Victorianna Cipher


Fola Cuspóir Cipher

Isabella Celeste Cipher

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: South African, Scottish, Israelite, Japanese, English, and Destonian

Species: Vampire, Demon, Half Witch

Sexuality: She doesn't know yet

Power Source: Witch mana


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She's uncertain of who she is and she can't find herself. She's not sure on her sexuality, her primary personality, and what she actually stands for in life. She's anti-social and tends to be an awkward and uncomfortable mess once talked to. She's unconfident and doesn't know when to stand up for herself or when to actually try her best. Juniper honestly cannot make many decisions on her own in life and doesn't know where or who to turn to sometimes. It's as if her life and personality is a canvas and she's unable to find the paint. She suffers from a magic disorder which causes the traits in her blood to constantly fight for the spot of the dominant trait. She has to decide between her demonic aspect, vampire aspect, and her witch aspect. They seem to take physical form before her eyes in hallucinations and try their best to temp her, often talking to her in her mind. Though for some odd reason with this disorder, Juniper always gets hit with amnesia before she makes a choice and forgets almost everything in her life, only to start over again once more. She can only remember words, source combat, languages, and who her family members are except she has no memories of them. Things like her powers, her sexuality, how her swords work, personality, and who she is as well as memories of her disorder are wiped.


When Juniper lost her memory for the first time at the age of 6. Only to be diagnosed with a Magic Disorder 4 days later. Ever since then she's written things down when she learned how to write for herself. Though with the fact that she'll just continue to forget, she found it useless and stopped. At the age of 12 she was already on her 14th personality since the duration of time she has is undecided. She was more afraid of making a decision than losing her memories at this point in time. Whatever choice she could make was in fact a bad one and Juniper held on to nothing but hope for the better. Her mother would always tell her that no matter what choice she makes she'd love her and to choose whatever feels right whenever it feels right. Now at the age of 16 she's gone through 23 personalities. She's currently starting a new one, trying to adjust to life with the help of her family.

Physiology: Vampire Physiology Homo Magi Physiology Demon Physiology


Source Combat - A form of combat created by her mother that involves Mixed Martial arts with the addition of power source usage. With witch mana, every strike she makes with this form of combat causes the target to be drained of their own power source.


Certain techniques with the arts she uses with Source Combat are too dangerous to use without gloves or gear on. She has to use not so dangerous techniques when fighting. If her techniques and strikes aren't powerful she doesn't gain as much power from the witch mana devouring the target's power source.

Theme and why:

The opening lyrics represent Juniper stopping and recognizing the inevitable three evil paths she must choose from in her life.

With the house lights are fading and the. "You keep me waiting." "I'm waiting here." "I'm waiting for the show." Are the three different perspectives of the three battling traits within her as time goes on.

"The possibilities that are awaiting." "Maybe there's a light at the end of this tunnel. (I'm running down)" Symbolizes Juniper constantly refusing to make a decision in hopes that things will change for the better.

"Stuck on repeat. Like an eternity of a never ending sleep. Infinite dreams. So goes the cycle, I'm hopeful." Connects with the fact that this problem keeps refreshing and returning in a cycle as amnesia hits her over and over again yet she's still hoping things will change for the better.

"This must be a dream. Will I awaken from this nightmare that has taken ahold of me?" She wishes she wouldn't have to make a decision and wishes that she wouldn't forget about things in life, not wanting to end up helpless and lost. Feeling like she lives life only to forget all that she's gained.


Great granddaughter of Lucifer and Violetta. She received the demonic trait passed down by Lucifer. She forgot about her other powers or how to use it. She also forgot about the capabilities her swords had. Forgot about how much she likes basketball and forgot how to play. Forgot that she used to be an athlete at some point in her life. Certain songs will trigger her and make her cry. Her magic disorder makes her volatile at times and or causes random and unexplained emotional breakdowns.


Zalena Lucivious Cipher


Fola Cuspóir Cipher

Isabella Celeste Cipher

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: South African, Scottish, Israelite, Japanese, English, and Destonian

Species: Succubus, Kresnik

Sexuality: Pan Sexual "Does that mean I find pans attractive? I mean...I'm not opposed you beautiful breakfast maker, you!"

Power Source: Mana


( Black hair at the top and blue at the ends. )


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( White hair at the top and red at the ends. )


Brave and naturally happy go lucky. She loves her siblings to death and couldn't live without them. She loves the taste of adventure and freedom, along with the spice of battle. Brilliant fireball who loves reading and writing. She neglects her intellectual talents since she thinks it's too nerdy when around others. She enjoys living, loving, and laughing. She'll find a way to bring a joke into anything. Oddly flirtatious and when she does flirt it's awkward and weird. She's a weird and energetic person. "Yeah, you know you love me. Ladies and gentlemen my number is 724-625-8534....cccaalll mmmee. I dare you, I'll sweep you off your feet! Woosh!"

Physiology: Succubus Physiology Kresnik Physiology "Hah! The gene pool is a wee bit erratic. Just like my heart for you, kind of like a smoothie in a blender. Roses are red, Violets are blue. If I weren't 15 I would date you. Eh? Ehhhhh? Nobody? Alright fine."


Division by zero

Javelin of Combination: Her javelin that releases sparks and can attach itself to the user's arm by folding its hilt around the user. Once it does this it becomes compatible with its user and their powers. Useless on its own with Zalena.

Joker card: It's a deck of cards full of jokers that she keeps. One it touches something it can copy and store its properties. One joker card can only keep track of one thing. Useless on its own since it requires a combination element to use.



She doesn't have full mastery over dividing by zero so she can only do minimal things with it such as. Dividing a shirt by zero and then dividing a ball by zero. By doing so shirt=ball, they have become one and the same. The shirt now has the properties of the ball, meaning there is no such thing as the shirt since it's only the ball.

( A better explanation. )

“One typical way to use it is say you want to apply it on A (e.g. a tree), you then use this power via B (e.g. water). After that A=B (Tree and water now become one and the same) with A having the properties of B (e.g. there is no such thing as tree, there's only water.)” -

Once she divides a physical object by zero, it becomes a wild card. A good explanation like this goes like.

“Using on physical objects such as fire, the object become a physical version of a wildcard, allow it to interact with other things with many properties all at once (e.g. can dissolve salt, can burn trees, can be molded etc.).” -

She can only divide two or more objects at the same time.

When it comes to her javelin of combination if she were to divide it by zero, to get a certain outcome out of it she'd have to combine one of her Joker cards to it and divide them by zero. The Joker card can store one property at a time, so if she rubbed it against salt and then divided her blade by the card, it would possess the properties of salt or allow it to interact with things using its certain properties. It also requires the user's power source. The only way for both the Joker card and the javelin to be useful is if she combines them.

Theme and why:

Zalena is an erratic, brave, and adventurous type. This song represents nothing but that especially with the thought of her.


"Now, this is a story all about howMy life got flipped-turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right thereI'll tell you how I became the queen of a town called Destonia! Okay that's not how it happened buuuuuttt I guess it's a start and a beautiful one at that! Ever thought of blending every fruit together and then mixing it in with pancake mix? Then making a fruity pancake with that and the addition of a cheesy omelette? Well sexy and genetics did and that's how I was born! My mother and father were extremely kind to me and my elder sisters. I was kind of the oddball in the family and I knew it but they all loved me the same! Well Juniper would occasionally take my toys but that's okay since sharing is caring!~ I guess you could say I grew up with a happy family and a happy life. Around the time Kristen and I were 10, mom and dad found out that I'm a writer. Exciting right? So ever since then mom has been encouraging me to brush up on my talents but I kind of.....neglect them at times, y'know. I live the life of a spontaneous comet since I get around really fast with a huge bang! So one day I ventured out with dad, Juniper, and my eldest sister Austrianna for some adventure! That's when I learned of my abilities and started to brush up on those instead of writing. This is just the rushed and sloppy version of my history. The real deal will be explained sooooon, dun dun duuuuuunn!”

“Wait! Oooohhh. There was this time when I baked cookies for the third time for my family when I was in the 6th grade. Though for some reason they didn't want any of it and told me to share them with Juniper's basketball team since it was her big game today. I did exactly that and I added something called laxatives or something to help them relax! They never left the locker room and the team lost by default….I wonder why.”


Great great granddaughter of the Abyssal Realm. Great granddaughter of Lucifer and Violetta. Great granddaughter of Layla and Grimm. She's terrible at baking but loves to do it anyways. Intentionally clings on to Austrianna in hopes of getting her sister to notice her. Loves the hell out of music. Her javelin releases sparks and can attach to her arm. Has befriended a dragon. Wears her mother's tiara when she doesn't notice. "Keep that a secret guys! I’m secretly the Sugar Princess!”


Austrianna Alavon Cipher


Fola Cuspóir Cipher

Isabella Celeste Cipher

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: South African, Scottish, Israelite, Japanese, English, and Destonian

Species: Valkyrie, Ghoul

Sexuality: Demisexual

Power Source: Carnage Mana


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Regularly silent and stern. She doesn't own a single joking bone within her body though she does know how to pick up on humor and can display happiness. She acts like the elder sister type. She only knows family and business, no more and no less. Brutally honest once she does open her mouth to speak. She does know of respect and was raised properly. Keeps an eye out for her other siblings and makes sure to keep Kristen in check if Isabel and Fola aren't there. She carries herself with honor and grace. Austrianna would only act out of the ordinary for close family members. She doesn't bite more than she can chew and attempts to keep her other siblings in line in case they go crazy. She practically breathes responsibility. They only time she seems to be less hardened without the use of her siblings is when she's making music.

Physiology: Valkyrie Physiology Ghoul Physiology


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Spiritualism - Passive[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Trained well in hand to hand combat and weaponry. As well as communication skills and leadership even though she has no interest in either. [/SIZE]


Electricity Manipulation



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Piercing Flash- When she stores violent storms of electricity and lightning in her sheath. Once she pulls her blade out of her sheath, the savage storms are released in an obliterating pulse in all directions. The pulse may spread as far as it pleases if charged enough. The only indicator of his attack coming is the formation of thunder clouds above her dropping lightning bolts on to her blade. All things that don't conduct electricity are unharmed by the majority of the attack, only taking damage from the winds. One lightning bolt striking the blade adds 10 feet to the blast range. Though there can only be one lightning strike per post. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]SPM- When listening to music during battle Austrianna can focus on fighting and the music at the same time. She can pick up the amount of BPM ( Beats per minute ) and can change her muscles with electricity to move faster. Giving her the ability to match each beat per minute with a strike. Making it SPM. If a song has 90 BPM then she has the potential to release 90 strikes per minute. Cannot do this while using Spiritual Intellect. She has the tendency to spell the name of the song out with the slashes in fast speeds. If someone can see fast enough to pick up the words when she does display them they can figure out what song it is. Though they need to know the exact BPM of the song and know of the song itself to estimate how many strikes will be coming their way every few minutes. Just because they know how many strikes are coming doesn't mean they'll be able to block all of them since she's moving so fast and they don't know where they could be coming from. The music comes from her wireless headphones on her head. These headphones are only resistant to lightning/electricity, fire, and extreme winds. Water would absolutely put them out. She doesn't have a warranty on the headphones. Though she does carry around spare earbuds that lack resistance. Meaning she would limited to what powers she can use at the sacrifice of using SPM with earbuds.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Spiritual Intellect - She can communicate with spirits if given the opportunity to focus on them, gaining information from them in battle once the connection has been made. It's like outside help that can and cannot be reliable at most times. Sometimes spirits do lie or refuse to stop talking. Can't do this while using SPM.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Charge - She takes any form of electricity or electrical energies around her to store power. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Discharge - Giveaway charged energy if she's gathered too much. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Bio Electricity - If all senses and instincts are gone then she simply uses this to locate others. If she wants to drain others or use any other Bio Electricity based power that requires a hand to hand combat level of touching to due to its deadliness. Cannot be done using her sword, just her body. Draining takes a while, it happens slowly like peanut butter moving. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Jamming - Once she has made physical contact with someone more than once in a 15 minute time frame she can send images and other mental disturbances to your mind through bio electricity. Once she touches you the first time the 15 minute clock has started. Let's say she touches you 10 minutes later again. That would mean she has two touches to mentally disturb you but she only has 5 minutes left to do so before it disconnects. [/SIZE]


Limits were put in techniques




Great great granddaughter of the Abyssal Realm. Great granddaughter of Lucifer and Violetta. Great granddaughter of Layla and Grimm. When she eats something she cleans the flesh off of the bone and saves it. She has the capacity for cannibalism. Doesn't put her hair in dreads anymore, she lacks the confidence.
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Alyson Ravenwood


Sofia and Cole Ravenwood






Caucasian and Hispanic


Dragonic Phoenix



Power Source:

Solar Energy and Mana





Aquarius Necklace


Alyson is shy and quiet type. When among people she doesn't know she'll reside in the background observing, and wait until she's spoken to. It is a rare when she'll decide to speak her mind. When Alyson gets acquainted with someone really well she's a fun and silly person.

Fighting to Alyson is somewhat of a no no. She thinks physical violence isn't lady like, so when it's possible she'll refrain from using her hand and tries to talk thinks out instead.

Up under all of her shyness, Alyson is a fun loving, energetic lady who enjoys jokes, and cute animals.


Dragonic Physiology

Phoenix Physiology


Fire Manipulation

Fire Immunity

Solar Energy Manipulation

Fashion Manipulation


Alyson is unable to generate solar energy. So solar energy manipulation is useless without no access to sunlight.

Her fire is only as strong as her will. So if she's forced to fight and isn't really into it when she uses fire it'll only be as strong and small as a candle light.

She can't turn into a full dragon, or Phoenix but can only take on some of the features.

She can only change the form of her own clothes into what's fashionable in magazines..

Theme and why:

Not good at finding themes


Alyson was born on February 13th, in a two parent house hold. Growing up she was taught how to act like a lady, and to defend herself. Alyson never really liked fighting or any other type of confrontation, but from what her dad has told her about his experience in the world, she knew that she can't always talk things out. When Alyson was 12 she wanted a pet, but she was too shy to straight out and ask her parents for one. So when ever they go to the nearby market she'll always run off into the pet store and look at all the animals inside. Sooner or later her parents caught the hint and bought her a baby dragon egg. She treated that dragon egg with love and care. When the hatching day came, her parents had to throw another celebration because it was on Alyson's birthday. Alyson named her male dragon Festus, which is a reference to her favorite book series Percy Jackson. Her and Festus went the rest of the lives living as bestfriends. Alyson will tell Festus all of her deepest secrets and he'll keep them without telling another. Alyson can always relay on her Festus to protect her, and vice versa.




Her Bow Sword

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[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Name:
Alyson Ravenwood


Sofia and Cole Ravenwood






Caucasian and Hispanic


Dragonic Phoenix



Power Source:

Solar Energy and Mana


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Aquarius Necklace


Alyson is shy and quiet type. When among people she doesn't know she'll reside in the background observing, and wait until she's spoken to. It is a rare when she'll decide to speak her mind. When Alyson gets acquainted with someone really well she's a fun and silly person.

Fighting to Alyson is somewhat of a no no. She thinks physical violence isn't lady like, so when it's possible she'll refrain from using her hand and tries to talk thinks out instead.

Up under all of her shyness, Alyson is a fun loving, energetic lady who enjoys jokes, and cute animals.


Dragonic Physiology

Phoenix Physiology


Fire Manipulation

Fire Immunity

Solar Energy Manipulation


Alyson is unable to generate solar energy. So solar energy manipulation is useless without no access to sunlight.

Her fire is only as strong as her will. So if she's forced to fight and isn't really into it when she uses fire it'll only be as strong and small as a candle light.

She can't turn into a full dragon, or Phoenix but can only take on some of the features.

Theme and why:

Not good at finding themes


Alyson was born on February 13th, in a two parent house hold. Growing up she was taught how to act like a lady, and to defend herself. Alyson never really liked fighting or any other type of confrontation, but from what her dad has told her about his experience in the world, she knew that she can't always talk things out. When Alyson was 12 she wanted a pet, but she was too shy to straight out and ask her parents for one. So when ever they go to the nearby market she'll always run off into the pet store and look at all the animals inside. Sooner or later her parents caught the hint and bought her a baby dragon egg. She treated that dragon egg with love and care. When the hatching day came, her parents had to throw another celebration because it was on Alyson's birthday. Alyson named her male dragon Festus, which is a reference to her favorite book series Percy Jackson. Her and Festus went the rest of the lives living as bestfriends. Alyson will tell Festus all of her deepest secrets and he'll keep them without telling another. Alyson can always relay on her Festus to protect her, and vice versa.



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Her Bow Sword

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Accepted, try not to post yet
Name- Reed Jr. (RJ)

Parents- Reed and Adrianna

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Hetero

Power Source- Energy


Personality- RJ is a quiet shut in who communicates to the outside world with his electronics and machines he makes and can freely manipulation. He's extremely shy and rarely talks. He doesn't allow anyone to enter his room and leaves only when necessary. On the outside he keeps a tough facade but what he hides from the world is how lonely he is.

Physiology- Human

Powers- Electronic manipulation and Electricity manipulation

Limitations- He has to touch them at least once. Can only transfer and redirect it.

Theme and why: Crawling- Lincoln Park because he likes the song and it symbolizes him fighting his inner demons.



Name- Marshall

Parents- Jackson and Victoria

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Hetero

Power Source- Energy


Personality- Marshall is a well warrior who enjoys combat. He's extremely respectful and uptight. He doesn't handle the emotions of other well and try his best to comfort them even though he's clueless. He'll disappear for weeks at a time training out in the wilderness.

Physiology- Ace of Spades

Powers- Dragon Soul and Perfect marksman

Limitations- Can only willing uses the condition and draconic energy around his arrows

Theme and why: I Got Bills

Name- Clark

Parents- Reed and Adrianna

Age- 16

Gender- Male

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Hetero

Power Source- Energy


Personality- Clark keeps to himself and travels like his father. He tries to keep his spirits up but usually ends up being a buzz kill to those around him. He speaks the truth and doesn't sugar coat things to spare others feelings. He's never had a girlfriend because he thinks to high of himself like any other asshole and looks down on people.

Physiology- Human

Powers- Aether Manipulation

Limitations- Can only heal and abjuration

Theme and why: Bonfire- Childish Gambino

Name- Clare Garter

Parents- Theodore and Athena

Age- 17

Gender- Female

Ethnicity- Canadian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Bi

Power Source- Energy


Personality- She could go on and on about the stellar person that she isn't but instead she would rather just go with. Bitch on the streets. Cupcake in the sheets.

Physiology- Human

Powers- Blood Manipulation

Limitations- She can only use her blood to make it dense enough to protect her from attacks. Also she can use it to boost her strength enough to bend steel.

Theme and why: Love me harder- Arianna Grande

History- When she was a little girl Clare had to move because her mother and father worried about her health. When she was born the doctor diagnosed her with a terminal disease and that she didn't have long to live. Athena and Clare searched for their old friend Jackson to see if he could help. Even with the Phoenix tears all he could do was extend her life. No one knows when she'll fall to the sickness so she lives life to the fullest. After Jackson healed her Athens and Theodore thought it would be best to live closer in case if anything happened and she needed more. Theodore would just make some but he doesn't have an understanding of its magical properties and wouldn't be able to make some.

Extra- She talks a big game but is still a virgin.

Name: Grace

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Power Source- Deity mana

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species: Human

Sexuality: Asexual


Personality: Grace is a well mannered girl who lived her whole life preparing to join Athena. She has abandoned her desires and strived to be the perfect girl for her faction. She lived her life training with Marshall after deciding her was the perfect training partner due to has lack of emotion.

Physiology ( Optional )

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Enhanced combatPlant manipulation

Limitations: Can only make plants growth and talk to any plant

Theme: 7 Years Lukas Graham

Name- Skylar Garter

Parents- Theodore and Athena

Age- 14

Gender- Female

Ethnicity- Canadian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Bi

Power Source- Energy


Personality- Skylar had always lived in the shadow of Clare and was never given attention when she needed it. She was raised to worry about her sister and that he needs don't matter. This lead her to have little self worth and little friends. When Skylar was young she was forced to move and leave everything she knew behind because of the sickness of her sister. She grew emotionally unattached and shy. She keeps to herself and enjoys to watch other rather then make actual contact.

Physiology- Human

Powers- None but she wields a massive scythe given to her by her father on her birthday. Theodore made by watching an anime that it was in. The axe has the power to cut through anything but she isn't strong enough to hold or cut anyone. The scythe only works when in her hands.

Theme and why: Mad World by Gary Jules and because she's all alone.

History- Skylar has always lived with her parents worrying for Clare. The always focused on her leaving Skylar to raise herself. The only time she would really get attention would be her birthdays other then that she was lucky to hear either of their voices. When she received the scythe Skylar wasn't to excited but with it being something from her dad she treasured it. There would be night where she would burst awake from a bad dream and would hide under her covers crying because she knew her parents wouldn't come. She learned to just accept this and live her life this way.







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Tazmodo said:
Name- Reed Jr. (RJ)
Parents- Reed and Adrianna

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Hetero

Power Source- Energy


View attachment 315115

Personality- RJ is a quiet shut in who communicates to the outside world with his electronics and machines he makes and can freely manipulation. He's extremely shy and rarely talks. He doesn't allow anyone to enter his room and leaves only when necessary. On the outside he keeps a tough facade but what he hides from the world is how lonely he is.

Physiology- Human

Powers- Electronic manipulation and Electricity manipulation

Limitations- He has to touch them at least once. Can only transfer and redirect it.

Theme and why: Crawling- Lincoln Park because he likes the song and it symbolizes him fighting his inner demons.



Name- Marshall

Parents- Jackson and Victoria

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Hetero

Power Source- Energy


View attachment 315218

Personality- Marshall is a well behaved warrior who enjoys combat. He's extremely respectful and uptight. He doesn't handle the emotions of other well and try his best to comfort them even though he's clueless. He'll disappear for weeks at a time training out in the wilderness.

Physiology- Ace of Spades

Powers- Dragon Soul and Perfect marksman

Limitations- Can only willing uses the condition and draconic energy around his arrows

Theme and why: I Got Bills

Name- Clark

Parents- Reed and Adrianna

Age- 16

Gender- Male

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Hetero

Power Source- Energy


View attachment 315219

Personality- Clark keeps to himself and travels like his father. He tries to keep his spirits up but usually ends up being a buzz kill to those around him. He speaks the truth and doesn't sugar coat things to spare others feelings. He's never had a girlfriend because he thinks to high of himself like any other asshole and looks down on people.

Physiology- Human

Powers- Aether Manipulation

Limitations- Can only heal and abjuration

Theme and why: Bonfire- Childish Gambino

Name- Clare Garter

Parents- Theodore and Athena

Age- 17

Gender- Female

Ethnicity- Canadian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Bi

Power Source- Energy


View attachment 315220

Personality- She could go on and on about the stellar person that she isn't but instead she would rather just go with. Bitch on the streets. Cupcake in the sheets.

Physiology- Human

Powers- Blood Manipulation

Limitations- She can only use her blood to make it dense enough to protect her from attacks. Also she can use it to boost her strength enough to bend steel.

Theme and why: Love me harder- Arianna Grande

History- When she was a little girl Clare had to move because her mother and father worried about her health. When she was born the doctor diagnosed her with a terminal disease and that she didn't have long to live. Athena and Clare searched for their old friend Jackson to see if he could help. Even with the Phoenix tears all he could do was extend her life. No one knows when she'll fall to the sickness so she lives life to the fullest. After Jackson healed her Athens and Theodore thought it would be best to live closer in case if anything happened and she needed more. Theodore would just make some but he doesn't have an understanding of its magical properties and wouldn't be able to make some.

Extra- She talks a big game but is still a virgin.

Name: Grace

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Power Source- Deity mana

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Species: Human

Sexuality: Asexual


View attachment 315235

Personality: Grace is a well mannered girl who lived her whole life preparing to join Athena. She has abandoned her desires and strived to be the perfect girl for her faction. She lived her life training with Marshall after deciding her was the perfect training partner due to has lack of emotion.

Physiology ( Optional )

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): Enhanced combatPlant manipulation

Limitations: Can only make plants growth and talk to any plant

Theme: 7 Years Lukas Graham

Name- Skylar Garter

Parents- Theodore and Athena

Age- 14

Gender- Female

Ethnicity- Canadian

Species- Human

Sexuality- Bi

Power Source- Energy


View attachment 315237

Personality- Skylar had always lived in the shadow of Clare and was never given attention when she needed it. She was raised to worry about her sister and that he needs don't matter. This lead her to have little self worth and little friends. When Skylar was young she was forced to move and leave everything she knew behind because of the sickness of her sister. She grew emotionally unattached and shy. She keeps to herself and enjoys to watch other rather then make actual contact.

Physiology- Human

Powers- None but she wields a massive scythe given to her by her father on her birthday. Theodore made by watching an anime that it was in. The axe has the power to cut through anything but she isn't strong enough to hold or cut anyone. The scythe only works when in her hands.

Theme and why: Mad World by Gary Jules and because she's all alone.

History- Skylar has always lived with her parents worrying for Clare. The always focused on her leaving Skylar to raise herself. The only time she would really get attention would be her birthdays other then that she was lucky to hear either of their voices. When she received the scythe Skylar wasn't to excited but with it being something from her dad she treasured it. There would be night where she would burst awake from a bad dream and would hide under her covers crying because she knew her parents wouldn't come. She learned to just accept this and live her life this way.
Accepted, try not to post yet


Zeta Sapienti


Jackie Sapienti and Alpha






Lil bit of Italian, lil bit of Spanish, lil bit of ancient mythological monster...


50% Cerberus, 25% human, 25% demon



Power Source

Dark mana


Zeta has sharp, canine-like teeth, and stands at 5'10

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_ndcmpaOtsB1s1rq5ro1_500.jpg.fad014e64e4c6d8337e994eecab2f3d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_ndcmpaOtsB1s1rq5ro1_500.jpg.fad014e64e4c6d8337e994eecab2f3d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Zeta is a rather quiet individual, in fact, he could almost be described as brooding. He talks very little and, a lot like his father, seems to care little about what goes on around him. He almost always seems to have a bored expression on his face.


Half Hellhound physiology


>Enhanced senses

>Super duper strength, just like daddy


>Fire Manipulation

>Enhanced durability


Gets tired easily

Theme and why

Fuck you


He was born. Now he's 18


He has an addiction to dark mana injections

And power



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Suria Ferrick

I mean, I COULD help, but then I'd have to stand up; and that's more effort than I'm willing to give.


  • Full Name:

    Suria Romano Ferrick


    Jayn Sokuthula & Roman Ferrick








    Dhampir & Reaper


    He knows he's an asshole, also understands he's a cynical bastard (Literally a bastard :P ) and he fully owns it. He'll help you...If he cares enough to. Most of the time however, doing such things would require to much work for his tastes. He doesn't care for working much if he doesn't care for the matter, which is difficult to make him do, as he's also a huge fucking nihilist.

    He can seemingly change emotions at the drop of a dime. Going from goofy to angry and ect.

    There are SOME positives however, even if the advice he gives might not be the best, he's amazing at listening. He can joke around as well (Considers puns to be an art form), and can take most things in stride. He also doesn't care much for what others think of him, so he can take things like hate very easily.

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Castiel Crossway
















Luna and Vance





Power source

Deity Mana



Castiel was born with powers unlike his sister, Ruby. Because of that, he was treated more favourably by Vance, which ended up giving Castiel a rather large ego. It also meant that he had to go and train with Vance twice a week. This ended up making him extremely cocky when it came to fighting someone, which didn't exactly help his ego. Though that's not to say that he's not good at fighting; If someone starts a fight with him or does something to make him start a fight with them, he won't just brush them off and assume that he can beat them because they don't look tough; He's learned to study his opponent and look for any weaknesses and not just assume.


Even though he was almost exclusively trained to fight people, Castiel is surprisingly friendly to new people, though he will try to keep an eye on them out of instinct. He is normally a calm person, He'll laugh at nearly all insults thrown his way if they're about him. The only things are will get him angry is, insulting his family. Out of his Family, Castiel is more protective of Ruby than anyone else, since she doesn't really have any powers; He gets along with her better than he gets along with anyone else.



In his childhood, most of Castiel's time was spent with His mother, Luna, His sister, Ruby and his Father, Vance. His mother used to take him and Ruby to the Lunar plane a lot of the time, just to go there and relax and/or play. While there, they met a young deity who they made friends with and made a promise to. Though Castiel can't really remember who the deity was. But he remembers the Promise he made: That they'd become famous deities.


When he was with his father, He was either training or recovering from training. Vance always seemed to go harder on him than Ruby, which Castiel found a little unfair, since he didn't really appreciate getting bruised or cut slightly, while Ruby got off with pretty much nothing. Though, that's not to say he didn't enjoy time with his father sometimes, just most of the time he dreaded it and whenever it turned out to be nice, he considered it a pleasant surprise.


Castiel's time spent with his sister, Ruby, was a lot different compared to the time he spent with the rest of his family. Him and Ruby have always been close, for as long as Castiel can remember. Most of the things they did were started by Ruby and Castiel normally went along with them, not wanting to ruin Ruby's fun and also enjoying them himself sometimes.


Powers and Physiology






Castiel is able to control Light and darkness almost completely, of course this relies on him having mana in his system, like all his other powers do. But with this power, Castiel is also able to swap the properties of Light and Darkness. So he could make Darkness shine brightly like Light does, and vice versa. Though, Castiel can only swap the intensity of the current state of the darkness and Light around him. So if the Light around him was really dull, he couldn't make it any brighter, nor could he make the darkness shine brighter than what the Light around him is currently at, and vice versa.


He is also able to make and shape things out of darkness and light, but only if it's around him. Because while Castiel has control over darkness and Light, he was never that good at creating more of it. That's not to say he can't, But his ability to create more Darkness is limited. And his ability to create Light is pretty much nonexistent. And even if he does want to create Darkness, it's going to drain him of mana quicker than any other power he has. He's also able to move at the speed of light or darkness, depending on which he has more of around him at the time.


This one is simpler, Castiel can do exactly what it says on the tin; He can go into people's dreams, and change them as if was his own dream and he was lucid dreaming. The main limits to this power, is that Castiel can't change the dream into a nightmare and he can't stop a nightmare either.


And while this doesn't take that much mana from him, compared to his other powers. If he runs out of Mana while he's in a dream, he will be stuck there until that person wakes up or someone gives him some more mana. Though in his own dreams, Castiel can use this power without draining any mana from himself at all; He just gets lucid dreams every night pretty much


This power allows Castiel to have superhuman vision, allowing him to see further than anyone else, notice the faintest difference in something and track things that are going to fast for the normal eye to possibly see. All of these things make it hard for someone to sneak up on him, though that's not to say that it can't be done, it's just highly unlikely. This power also makes Castiel superbly good at hitting whatever it is that he's aiming at, it's very rare that he'll ever miss, unless he was trying to. Castiel's power also makes him really aware of things, this allow him to see through illusions and invisibility, unless it's at a really high level, mostly because Castiel has never really tried to train up this power of his


But, this is possibly one of the worse powers Castiel could've had. Because, if Castiel ever runs out of mana at any point, his power will continue trying to work, and end up making him blind. Like completely blind as a bat, with no way to see. The only way Castiel will be able to get his sight back, is to get more mana. But that normally doesn't last long anyway, since his power takes a massive drain on his mana and he has no say in the matter, since this isn't a power he can just turn on and off; It's constantly on.



No Theme until I can think of one that I like.


Castiel is 5'9.

Castiel's weapon of choice is a chained dagger as it's sort of a combination of both his parents weapon types.



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Leonidas Van Fenrir




Leonidas “Leo” Van Fenrir


Layla and Grimmavus Van Fenrir






Scottish, Divine


Demigod (Non-Divine; Dragon)



Power Source

Deity Mana


As a Certified Sunshine Child™, Leo is very sweet and kind. He’s generally charismatic, but is shy and a bit reserved. Due to his strict upbringing under Layla, he is very polite and courteous, especially to strangers, and will apologize profusely if he feels that he’s offended someone in some way. Leo often shies away from physical touch, even if the intention is to be affectionate; gradually, as people get closer to him, he allows it and grows more comfortable. Though he remains friendly at all times, he’s not openly affectionate or emotional. If he’s close to someone, he is able to express his feelings better and open up. Once he’s comfortable with a group of people, he’ll break out of his shell and express a more lively and even mischievous nature, and become more of a jokester and prankster. He struggles with anxiety, both from a natural disposition, and from his sister’s lifelong verbal abuse. He has had flashbacks to his fight with her.



Leonidas is tall, at 6’4”, and fairly lanky and slender, with some muscular definition. He is all long arms, long legs, and long fingers; he grew rather rapidly, so he looks gangly and is often awkward and uncomfortable with his size. He appears shorter than he actually is, as he slouches in an attempt to look small. He has Layla’s silver hair, which is cut to shoulder length and never seems to be in any form of order, and Grimm’s pale blue-grey eyes. He usually dresses in long sleeved shirts and sweaters, paired with jeans. He bears a dark, two inch scar on his abdomen acquired from a duel between himself and Siobhan.

NOTE: His hair formerly fell to his hips, but after losing a fight, Leo’s hair was cut, as per tradition in Layla’s household.




As Leo is due to inherit the ‘Life’ aspects of death, he has affinities to the aspects it entails.

  • Life

  • Leo is capable of breathing life into inanimate objects and small animals. Through touch or his breath, he can bring new life to something that has died, or something that is inanimate. Additionally, if Leo spends proximity to plant life, it will grow faster and stronger than normal. Even dead plants are affected by his power; the deceased plant will begin to sprout leaves and come back to life. An unusual (and, to Leo, embarrassing) side effect of this is that, when walking nearby exposed soils/grasses, flowers grow where he walks.

    He cannot do this to humans.

    If he performs this on something that has died (i.e. an animal), it does not resurrect the creature; for example, if he were capable of using this on a human being, it would input an entirely new soul into the shell.


    Through the power of Mercy, Leo can heal moderate to nigh fatal wounds. Though he had a natural affinity to healing, he received additional training from a family friend. He can make small force fields around himself, as well. The normal range of his fields is a little bigger than his wingspan, and is approximately 7 feet across.

    For Leo to even dream of healing a fatal wound, he would require multiple injections. Even then, inexperience would likely prevent him from properly healing it.

    He cannot heal himself if he is gravely wounded.

    The field will only last for 10 minutes, less than that if he extends his field beyond his normal range.

    His force fields are mostly impervious to magical attacks, but will be weakened by physical attacks.

  • Pain

    Leo can manipulate the pain of any individual, including himself. He can vary pain from a fatal wound to almost non existence, allowing someone or something to pass painlessly into the next life, or make a small wound completely excruciating.

    Leo can only use it on himself for fifteen minutes maximum. On others, he can comfortably hold it for a half hour, and can extend himself to a full hour under the risk of exhaustion.

    The fact the pain is gone does not alleviate the wound itself - the wound is still there, and may be worsened if he does not receive medical attention.

    He can only affect the pain threshold of one person at a time.

  • Judgement

    Through Judgement, Leo is privy to personal information about any individual he wishes.

    The less likely someone is to share the information with him, the more focus and mana it takes for Leo to see it.

    Leo despises this power, as he feels it takes away the will of the target it affects, and only uses it under severe pressure.

Reactive Adaptation

A power derived from his father’s ability to shapeshift, Leo is able to adapt to adverse conditions and evolve to survive it. For example, if he were to submerge his head underwater with this power activated, he would grow functional gills.

Requires an injection to use.

This is exclusively adaptation to environments; he would not adapt if he were attacked.


Supernatural Condition/Combat

Leo holds his mother’s brand of condition. He is not as physically strong as his mother or sister, but Leo is remarkably fast. He is not exceptionally durable, and tends to not be able to take much damage. He can hold himself decently well in a fight, but primarily, he is not a combatant.

He’s not exceptionally strong.

He prefers to heal rather than fight, and tends to shy away from combat and/or flee if he is able.


Due to his being half-dragon, Leo is able to turn into a dragon.

The transition for him is painful unless he uses Pain.


  • Theme

  • History

    When Leo was born, it threw off Siobhan’s already shaky hold on her inheritance of the title ‘God of Death’. In an attempt to lessen tensions, Grimm decided to split the inheritance of Death right down the middle, promising Siobhan that she still held the title and responsibilities of Death, but granting Leo the aspects based on Life; Life itself, Mercy, Pain, and Judgement. While Siobhan would care for the spirits of the dead, control the reapers, punish the sinful, and handle the laws, Leo would be responsible for casting proper judgement on the deceased. Grimm created an additional, constitutional law that Death could not wrongfully kill Life without revoking their title, and vice versa. It was, however, all in vain; Siobhan was furious that she did not receive the full power and influence her inheritance had promised. Over the following years, if Siobhan ever bothered to acknowledge his existence, it was only to tell him how she wished he was dead.

    Her hatred of him came to a head when Leo was 13; Siobhan found a loophole within her mother’s culture - if a someone dies in a challenged fight, then not only is the person who killed them faultless, but they have full right to whatever they owned and whatever inheritance they were privy to. Siobhan challenged Leo to a fight, but said she would drop the challenge if he surrendered his inheritance. He refused, and told her she didn’t even deserve her inheritance, much less his.

    The duel was more of a one sided beatdown; Leo was never exceptionally skilled in sword fighting, whereas Siobhan was a prodigy, and had nearly three decades worth of experience. At the climax of the fight, Siobhan stabbed him through his abdomen, missing his spine - and the chance to paralyze him - by a mere inch. Before Leo fell, Siobhan grabbed him by the hair and cut it with her still bloody sword. Before Siobhan could kill him, she was attacked by Leo's bodyguard, Simi, who came to the aide of her friend. Layla invoked her right as a higher ranked and older dragon to officially end the fight, both Siobhan and Simi was restrained, and a traumatized Leo was healed by healers at the scene. Although she retains her stake to her heirloom, she was forbidden from ever coming in contact with her family from her actions.

  • Additional Information

    -Siobhan’s younger brother, separated in age by 17 years

    -Heir to Life

    -Heir to the Kingdom of Valhalla

Epsilon Sapienti




Epsilon “Eppie” Maria Sapienti






A very in-denial homosexual

Power Source



Jackie Sapienti and Alpha


Italian, Spanish, Greek


Hybrid (Cerberus/Hellhound + Partial Demon)

Power Source



If you looked up ‘delinquent’ in the dictionary, the next page would be a full page, HD picture of Epsilon Sapienti; with a habit for trouble and a love of adrenaline, she’s completely irreverent to authority figures and has a general devil-may-care attitude to all things in life. Epsilon is a complete anarchist by nature, and is a wild child for the thrill. Epsilon is a kleptomaniac with a love of all things shiny and expensive, and is highly skilled thief from her various escapades in thievery. Her reckless and carefree nature often lands her up to her elbows in trouble, but she’s taking weaseling out of these tight spots and refined it into an art form. Her typical brand of fun often falls outside the realm of ‘legal’, so Epsilon is quick on her feet, able to quickly adapt to a problem and figure her way out of it. Epsilon’s major fault revolves around her vicious temper and pride; there have been many times Epsilon has come to blows for the smallest things; she was suspended from school a number of times for people making small, dismissable remarks about her family (specifically Jackie’s criminal affiliations), her heritage, or comments about friends and family. She holds back on almost all of the issues and problems that plague her because she hates coming across as the weak link of the group and denies and hides any moments of weakness. To keep to what she views as ‘strength’, she allows sadness and vulnerability to come out in anger and unchecked aggression, causing her to lash out if she is upset to drive people away. If she is not strong enough to protect herself or someone else, she takes it very personally.



Had Alpha been female, he probably would’ve looked something like Eppie. She’s got his general facial structure, but has Jackie’s formerly blue eyes. She’s lean, lithe, and tall, like her father, and any curves she has are slight. She’s around 6 feet tall, edging towards 6'1", and weighs 140 pounds. She has long, silver hair that’s typically wild and unstyled, but pushed out of her face. Though they are not immediately evident, she has some hellhound-esque aspects to her appearance; beyond her front teeth, her canines and molars are sharper than a regular human’s, and her ears are ever so slightly pointed. Eppie’s clothing choice could be described as ‘butch’, as her clothes tend towards being masculine, loose and non-formfitting.



Hellfire/Fire Manipulation

Epsilon is proficient in the manipulation and generation of fire. In order to generate fire or add more power to a flame, she needs a mana injection.

To generate more fire than there already is, the needs a mana injection, as mentioned above.


With the aid of a mana injection, Epsilon can open portals to teleport.

How far she can teleport depends on how much mana she’s got on hand. Even then, she can only teleport a short distance.



From her father, she can transform into a hellhound at will. She can vary the size to a degree, from approximately the size of a chihuahua to around the size of a horse.

If she wishes to increase her size further than that, she requires an injection.

Supernatural Condition

Between her mother and her father, Epsilon’s been genetically made into something of a tank; she can take a fairly large amount of damage before she is taken down, and she’s fairly strong.

She might be considered to be very fast compared to the average human, but Epsilon in human form is much stronger than she is fast.

Eppie, while she can take quite a bit of damage, cannot heal very quickly.


Eppie was trained in combat and fighting by both her mother and father. Additionally, her mother taught her how to use and maintain a number of firearms and melee weapons.

  • Theme


  • History

    Epsilon grew up in a happy home with her twin brother and her parents. She was a troublemaker from the beginning, but originally, it fell into the realm of innocent pranks and the typical shenanigans that children would get up to. However, when Epsilon grew into her teenage years, she took a turn for the worst; Jackie had only done the bare minimum of what Sanctum needed to stay satisfied in order to protect her family, and he grew restless. Gradually, through Jackie’s close relationship to her daughter, he began to influence her.

    Epsilon’s already fiery temper worsened with his voice at her ear, causing fights at school and arguments between herself and her parents. The situation only escalated as time went on; when Epsilon reached high school, she fell in with a bad crowd, and shenanigans grew to become dangerous crimes. Epsilon got into countless fights, causing four suspensions and a near expulsion from school; she dealt various drugs on the street; and she began to pick up stealing and thievery with alarming proficiency. Epsilon’s juvenile behaviour caused high tensions at home, especially with Jackie, who was worried about Epsilon following in her footsteps.

    The tension at home reached a breaking point when Epsilon was sixteen; at the prompt of a dare, Epsilon broke into a car dealership and stole a porsche. After taking the car on a joyride, the car was eventually tracked down by police, and Epsilon was arrested for grand theft auto. Her relationship with Jackie was severely damaged by the resulting argument about Epsilon’s behaviour. She was tried as a minor and sentenced to six months at a juvenile detention center, and two months on probation.

  • Additional Information

    -Alpha and Jackie’s eldest child

    -Due to become Sanctum’s next host, pending Jackie's death

    -30 minutes older than Zeta

    -Though it wouldn't be classified as an addiction, Epsilon occasionally smokes
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Lotusy said:


Jason Miller
"Sure, shout a little louder. I can totally see you better."

"A sense of summary"












Power Source:



Jason's whole personality revolves around staying quiet and reserved at all times. He's extremely observant, and in a way, takes in more from the world than he gives out. When approached, he'd rather look the person over or try to figure them out instead of responding, leading to more than a few awkward instances in his life. That's not to say Jason's introverted - but he prefers observation to conversation.

"A sense of power"


Human physiology, enhanced senses (will address in Powers)


Jason has the ability to turn off his senses at will, and dedicate the concentration from that particular sense for use in another sense. Beyond that, though, if he shuts down enough of his senses, Jason will gain abilities considered almost supernatural for the chosen sense. Yes, he could become a literal taste machine. In addition, some senses grant more power than others. Shutting down taste, for example, will only give a small surge to his chosen "powered sense", with smell next, then touch, then sight and hearing giving the most power to other senses.


As mentioned before, Jason can't simply turn off his taste buds and expect to see everything in the world from then on. The senses he relies on the most get the least benefits from shutting down other senses, while senses like touch or smell would improve vastly if he turned off his hearing. Additionally, since his power is just a glorified re-routing of energy and concentration, shots of high-intensity elements like electricity or fire can override and disrupt his power.

"A sense of the past"



Born in the open cornfields of Iowa, Jason began his live as Average McAverageface, from Averageville, in the middle of buck nowhere. His parents were simple farmers, as was his brother and sisters, and it seemed the rest of his days would be spent tending to the same land as the generations beforehand.

With this monotonous life, Jason didn't even realize he had powers until the age of fifteen. Hell, he didn't even actively seek them out. It just so happened that within a boring lesson in the local highschool, when Jason closed his eyes, he heard the subtle knocking of a woodpecker. Surprised, he looked out the window, only for his vision to go haywire and spot said woodpecker - two whole miles away. At first, Jason chalked it up to circumstance and a possibly closer woodpecker, but after noticing he could feel, smell, and even taste better when closing his eyes or covering his ears, he knew something was up.

The rest of Jason's highschool years were spent refining his power - subtly. Though he could confirm its supernatural abilities, Jason just wasn't sure what he could do with these powers. It wasn't like he could shoot lasers out of his eyes or lift whole buildings without any effort, so he instantly ruled out using it for any bigger purpose. No, instead, he merely used his observation skills to dig up dirt on people and try to lead a decent life, with a sprinkling of blackmail along the way.

After graduating, the young Jason decided to strike out from his home nest in Iowa - no more corn fields, no more boring days. Instead, it was to the big city for the little man. Of course, Jason wasn't quite sure what kind of job he could pick up there, as his his power only led to better observation, not expertise. He worked odd jobs until snooping on a random man one day (as per his old habits). Instantly, the stranger discovered him, caught him - and then proceeded to ask how much Jason had picked up. Surprised, the teen pointed out a lot, from how his frayed boots and stray hairs may have indicated animals at home, or how the man breathed with his upper chest instead of his abdomen, among other details. Only granted an odd smile from his new captor Jason was suddenly invited to a real job - in a private detective agency.

Thus began the three most exciting years of Jason's life. From tailing suspects to using his powers on evidence, Jason applied his powers to the teachings of his new boss in order to make the agency a respectable force in the city. Then, the man who mentored Jason left his life as smoothly as he entered it, without a trace. No explanation or note was left behind, leaving Jason puzzled on his next step in life. Now, he's struggling to keep the agency alive, all while looking for new clients - or possibly a new job with a guild he's only heard of in rumors...


Daimao said:


Zeta Sapienti


Jackie Sapienti and Alpha






Lil bit of Italian, lil bit of Spanish, lil bit of ancient mythological monster...


50% Cerberus, 25% human, 25% demon



Power Source

Dark mana


Zeta has sharp, canine-like teeth, and stands at 5'10

View attachment 315255


Zeta is a rather quiet individual, in fact, he could almost be described as brooding. He talks very little and, a lot like his father, seems to care little about what goes on around him. He almost always seems to have a bored expression on his face.


Half Hellhound physiology


>Enhanced senses

>Super duper strength, just like daddy


>Fire Manipulation

>Enhanced durability


Gets tired easily

Theme and why

Fuck you


He was born. Now he's 18


LokiofSP said:
Suria Ferrick
I mean, I COULD help, but then I'd have to stand up; and that's more effort than I'm willing to give.

  • Full Name:

    Suria Romano Ferrick


    Jayn Sokuthula & Roman Ferrick








    Dhampir & Reaper


    He knows he's an asshole, also understands he's a cynical bastard (Literally a bastard :P ) and he fully owns it. He'll help you...If he cares enough to. Most of the time however, doing such things would require to much work for his tastes. He doesn't care for working much if he doesn't care for the matter, which is difficult to make him do, as he's also a huge fucking nihilist.

    He can seemingly change emotions at the drop of a dime. Going from goofy to angry and ect.

    There are SOME positives however, even if the advice he gives might not be the best, he's amazing at listening. He can joke around as well (Considers puns to be an art form), and can take most things in stride. He also doesn't care much for what others think of him, so he can take things like hate very easily.

  • Accepted

    GingerBread said:













    Luna and Vance



    Power source

    Deity Mana


    Castiel was born with powers unlike his sister, Ruby. Because of that, he was treated more favourably by Vance, which ended up giving Castiel a rather large ego. It also meant that he had to go and train with Vance twice a week. This ended up making him extremely cocky when it came to fighting someone, which didn't exactly help his ego. Though that's not to say that he's not good at fighting; If someone starts a fight with him or does something to make him start a fight with them, he won't just brush them off and assume that he can beat them because they don't look tough; He's learned to study his opponent and look for any weaknesses and not just assume.

    Even though he was almost exclusively trained to fight people, Castiel is surprisingly friendly to new people, though he will try to keep an eye on them out of instinct. He is normally a calm person, He'll laugh at nearly all insults thrown his way if they're about him. The only things are will get him angry is, insulting his family. Out of his Family, Castiel is more protective of Ruby than anyone else, since she doesn't really have any powers; He gets along with her better than he gets along with anyone else.


    In his childhood, most of Castiel's time was spent with His mother, Luna, His sister, Ruby and his Father, Vance. His mother used to take him and Ruby to the Lunar plane a lot of the time, just to go there and relax and/or play. While there, they met a young deity who they made friends with and made a promise to. Though Castiel can't really remember who the deity was. But he remembers the Promise he made: That they'd become famous deities.

    When he was with his father, He was either training or recovering from training. Vance always seemed to go harder on him than Ruby, which Castiel found a little unfair, since he didn't really appreciate getting bruised or cut slightly, while Ruby got off with pretty much nothing. Though, that's not to say he didn't enjoy time with his father sometimes, just most of the time he dreaded it and whenever it turned out to be nice, he considered it a pleasant surprise.

    Castiel's time spent with his sister, Ruby, was a lot different compared to the time he spent with the rest of his family. Him and Ruby have always been close, for as long as Castiel can remember. Most of the things they did were started by Ruby and Castiel normally went along with them, not wanting to ruin Ruby's fun and also enjoying them himself sometimes.

    Powers and Physiology



    Powers (The links don't really matter that much)

    Light-Darkness Manipulation

    Castiel is able to control Light and darkness almost completely, of course this relies on him having mana in his system, like all his other powers do. But with this power, Castiel is also able to swap the properties of Light and Darkness. So he could make Darkness shine brightly like Light does, and vice versa. Though, Castiel can only swap the intensity of the current state of the darkness and Light around him. So if the Light around him was really dull, he couldn't make it any brighter, nor could he make the darkness shine brighter than what the Light around him is currently at, and vice versa.

    He is also able to make and shape things out of darkness and light, but only if it's around him. Because while Castiel has control over darkness and Light, he was never that good at creating more of it. That's not to say he can't, But his ability to create more Darkness is limited. And his ability to create Light is pretty much nonexistent. And even if he does want to create Darkness, it's going to drain him of mana quicker than any other power he has.

    Dream Manipulation

    This one is simpler, Castiel can do exactly what it says on the tin; He can go into people's dreams, and change them as if was his own dream and he was lucid dreaming. The main limits to this power, is that Castiel can't change the dream into a nightmare and he can't stop a nightmare either. And if Castiel were to be killed in the dream, then he would suffer a sudden heart attack in real life and die for real; Even if his body was saved, he would end up brain dead, since he subconscious would've been killed in the dream.

    And while this doesn't take that much mana from him, compared to his other powers. If he runs out of Mana while he's in a dream, he will be stuck there until that person wakes up or someone gives him some more mana.

    Supernatural Vision

    This power allows Castiel to have superhuman vision, allowing him to see further than anyone else, notice the faintest difference in something and track things that are going to fast for the normal eye to possibly see. All of these things make it hard for someone to sneak up on him, though that's not to say that it can't be done, it's just highly unlikely. This power also makes Castiel superbly good at hitting whatever it is that he's aiming at, it's very rare that he'll ever miss, unless he was trying to.

    But, this is possibly one of the worse powers Castiel could've had. Because, if Castiel ever runs out of mana at any point, his power will continue trying to work, and end up making him blind. Like completely blind as a bat, with no way to see. The only way Castiel will be able to get his sight back, is to get more mana. But that normally doesn't last long anyway, since his power takes a massive drain on his mana and he has no say in the matter, since this isn't a power he can just turn on and off; It's constantly on.



    This is Castiel's theme as it shows that when he wants something, he doesn't like to compromise on most things and doesn't like to wait to get it either if he doesn't have to and that if he ever goes to do something, he won't half ass it and he'll give it everything he's got, putting it all towards it.


    Castiel's weapon of choice is a chained dagger as it's sort of a combination of both his parents weapon types.


    CelticSol said:

    Everyone thinks that I have it all, but it’s so empty, living inside these castle walls.
    Christina Aguilera - Castle Walls


    Leonidas Van Fenrir

    • If I should tumble, if I should fall, would anyone hear me, screaming behind these castle walls?
      Christina Aguilera


      Leonidas “Leo” Van Fenrir


      Layla and Grimmavus Van Fenrir


      14, coming up on his 15th birthday




      Scottish, Divine


      Demigod (Non-Divine; Dragon)



      Power Source

      Deity Mana


      As a Certified Sunshine Child™, Leo is very sweet and kind. He’s generally charismatic, but is shy and a bit reserved. Due to his strict upbringing under Layla, he is very polite and courteous, especially to strangers, and will apologize profusely if he feels that he’s offended someone in some way. Leo often shies away from physical touch, even if the intention is to be affectionate; gradually, as people get closer to him, he allows it and grows more comfortable. Though he remains friendly at all times, he’s not openly affectionate or emotional. If he’s close to someone, he is able to express his feelings better and open up. Once he’s comfortable with a group of people, he’ll break out of his shell and express a more lively and even mischievous nature, and become more of a jokester and prankster. He struggles with anxiety, both from a natural disposition, and from his sister’s lifelong verbal abuse. He has had flashbacks to his fight with her.

    • 2khyeYxpQqJR5hdfOARFsnxsh2a1CDhW-KW3NWylXe3m972WVkl0cJoLBgMGcfL2IzeGdW_uzffD07HM8Cfo5gMQw71zGPbDaNeUXtlwb7tuJKSRy5wL5ECWsErz7Z2rkyWU8Qgs

    Oh, Lord, heaven knows; we belong way down below.
    The Pretty Reckless

    Epsilon Sapienti

    • Don't do a goddamn thing they say.
      The Pretty Reckless


      Epsilon “Eppie” Maria Sapienti






      A very in-denial homosexual

      Power Source



      Jackie Sapienti and Alpha


      Italian, Spanish, Greek


      Hybrid (Cerberus/Hellhound + Partial Demon)

      Power Source



      If you looked up ‘delinquent’ in the dictionary, the next page would be a full page, HD picture of Epsilon Sapienti; with a habit for trouble and a love of adrenaline, she’s completely irreverent to authority figures and has a general devil-may-care attitude to all things in life. Epsilon is a complete anarchist by nature, and is a wild child for the thrill. Epsilon is a kleptomaniac with a love of all things shiny and expensive, and is highly skilled thief from her various escapades in thievery. Her reckless and carefree nature often lands her up to her elbows in trouble, but she’s taking weaseling out of these tight spots and refined it into an art form. Her typical brand of fun often falls outside the realm of ‘legal’, so Epsilon is quick on her feet, able to quickly adapt to a problem and figure her way out of it. Epsilon’s major fault revolves around her vicious temper and pride; there have been many times Epsilon has come to blows for the smallest things; she was suspended from school a number of times for people making small, dismissable remarks about her family (specifically Jackie’s criminal affiliations), her heritage, or comments about friends and family. She holds back on almost all of the issues and problems that plague her because she hates coming across as the weak link of the group and denies and hides any moments of weakness. To keep to what she views as ‘strength’, she allows sadness and vulnerability to come out in anger and unchecked aggression, causing her to lash out if she is upset to drive people away. If she is not strong enough to protect herself or someone else, she takes it very personally.

    • History

      Epsilon grew up in a happy home with her twin brother and her parents. She was a troublemaker from the beginning, but originally, it fell into the realm of innocent pranks and the typical shenanigans that children would get up to. However, when Epsilon grew into her teenage years, she took a turn for the worst; Jackie had only done the bare minimum of what Sanctum needed to stay satisfied in order to protect her family, and he grew restless. Gradually, through Jackie’s close relationship to her daughter, he began to influence her.

      Epsilon’s already fiery temper worsened with his voice at her ear, causing fights at school and arguments between herself and her parents. The situation only escalated as time went on; when Epsilon reached high school, she fell in with a bad crowd, and shenanigans grew to become dangerous crimes. Epsilon got into countless fights, causing four suspensions and a near expulsion from school; she dealt various drugs on the street; and she began to pick up stealing and thievery with alarming proficiency. Epsilon’s juvenile behaviour caused high tensions at home, especially with Jackie, who was worried about Epsilon following in her footsteps.

      The tension at home reached a breaking point when Epsilon was sixteen; at the prompt of a dare, Epsilon broke into a car dealership and stole a porsche. After taking the car on a joyride, the car was eventually tracked down by police, and Epsilon was arrested for grand theft auto. Her relationship with Jackie was severely damaged by the resulting argument about Epsilon’s behaviour. She was tried as a minor and sentenced to six months at a juvenile detention center, and two months on probation.

      Extra Information

      -Alpha and Jackie’s eldest child

      -Due to become Sanctum’s next host, pending Jackie's death

      -30 minutes older than Zeta

      -Though it wouldn't be classified as an addiction, Epsilon occasionally smokes


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/ec993bde540ec49f2f90637e183fdf2b.jpg.2893bef2b3c11ea79069e35e2332dedf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142650" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/ec993bde540ec49f2f90637e183fdf2b.jpg.2893bef2b3c11ea79069e35e2332dedf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ruby Crossway


Vance Crossway

Luna Crossway

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Greek

Species: Demi Titan

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power Source: Deity Mana


Ruby is a very sly and sarcastic person. She'd use any form of blackmail on her brother in any way possible. She's the type to flash a cheeky grin after every prank and blame it all on her brother as well. She's very nonchalant about almost everything she does and loves to poke fun at everyone. Basically she's a troublemaker and or a living troll.


She has the physiology of a technical Demi Titan. By blood and DNA she is one but when it comes to powers, aging, and physical prowess she's lacking. She's of Hekate’s Titan bloodline whom is the Titan goddess of witchcraft, the night, ghosts, necromancy, magic, crossroads, and the moon.

Powers and Limits:

Ruby has no powers at all. She's just a really good actor. She's so good at acting she can get past lie detectors and some forms of lie detecting powers. Making you believe things that aren't true.

Theme and Why:

( It would be awesome if you saw the entire video, the outcome of all the spray painting is amazing. )

This song is pretty upbeat and explains her outlook on life. Having fun and not regretting a single thing. “These are the days we won't regret.”

“These are the days we've been waiting for. Neither of us knows what's in store. You just, roll your window down and place your bets. These are the days we won't regret. These are the days we’ll never forget.” Ruby always drags Castiel around to do certian things throughout the day without thinking all in the name of fun. She knows Castiel may not find it interesting but she believes he has to take a bet and at least try.

“These are the days we've been waiting for. On days like these who could ask for more? Keep em coming. We’re not done yet.” This pertains to the happy family she has right now, hoping nothing changes. With all that's happening in the world, she'd be content even if she didn't become a famous deity if it means preserving what she has now.


Growing up Ruby spent a lot of time going on trips with her family. One of her favourite trips always consisted of visiting the Lunar Plane. Ruby felt extremely connected to the beyond it being a fun realm. No matter where she'd be, she wouldn't feel as at home as she would there. Years ago, with Castiel and another young deity she cannot remember, she made a promise. This promise was to become a famous deity together.

During training Ruby would take advantage of how easy Vance would go on her since she doesn't have any powers. It would always end up with her fooling her father and stabbing him in the gut with a wooden dagger even with all of his experience as an assassin. There were times when she'd actually shank him with a knife at home and would ask if he's proud of her. If not, she'd run to Luna and say Vance shanked himself with a butter knife and would ask for protection.

The time she spends with Castiel are precious moments but she would never admit it. She would bring up all the times she's pranked him easily if asked. Most of the time she drags him into things, like moving their unconscious father into the barn at the time when the horses go #2.


She has a pet mini pig named Pork Chops. Pork Chops is a pink pig with completely black and beady eyes. He's also the reason why she loves the color pink. There is also more to Porkchops than meets the eye, Vance found that out the hard way when he tried harming it. Lives on a farm. Has daddy issues.




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no slide no slide

Yin is a graceful tall, slender girl. She is always smiling and always looking determined.



Personality: Yin is essentially the weather. She can be calm and collective, or forceful and headstrong. She also finds comfort outside, not liking being indoors.

Yin struggles with the fear of being a failure. She could care less what people think, but failing makes her distressed. She is a flower child, wanting to protect the natural state and well being of Mother Nature.

Physiology:Hybrid Physiology(Ziz, and Human)

Power Source: Carnage Mana

Powers: Electricity Control(To a degree), summon rain, Wind control

Limitation: Her powers are substantially weakened indoors.


As a child Yin spent most her time outdoors, her best friends were the plants and animals. When she was six she was kidnapped while she was roaming the surrounding woods. She was dragged past her home which was in flames. She never thought she was different than other children. Until a voice in her head began telling her to imagine lightning striking. She didn’t think and did so. So when the van jolted with electricity she was pretty shocked.

Distraught and bleeding from multiple wounds inflicted on her, Yin crawled to the front of the car to see if the drivers were alive. She wrenched open the door to find two charred bodies, their remaining faces twisted in agony. She leapt back, scurrying away and off into the woods. She slept on the forest floor, the voice calling back out to her telling her to imagine more lighting striking. Scared, Yin denied the voice the satisfaction. But she would need its help if she were to survive now.



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Valente Grizword

Parents: N/A

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: South African

Species: Cambion

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power Source: Energy


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/6a71e7ce44f8e2ceaf0e0409b4530585.jpg.120e7e1d8fafdcf7c2305bf52d10c6b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/6a71e7ce44f8e2ceaf0e0409b4530585.jpg.120e7e1d8fafdcf7c2305bf52d10c6b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Valente is a very calm and understanding figure. Rather than let panic take over in a dire situation, she evaluates everything in a relaxed mindset. She's like a wise teacher you always come to for guidance and a pep talk. She tries her best to stay 'hip' and in the know even with new 'gadets' the young like to play with.


Cambion Physiology


Degenerate Queen - This ability allows her to control the mindset and the function of a peculiar but handy little species called the degenerates. The degenerates seem to be well...mindless and useless. Though they do share the same stomach dimension that can be used for a pocket dimension. They can also be used for meat shields even though they'd be too mindless to respond to the order of get in front of me from the average person.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/ff35fe27f15916b5509caf5c7e460189.png.250cc6299f19922423ec975917bf1a69.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/ff35fe27f15916b5509caf5c7e460189.png.250cc6299f19922423ec975917bf1a69.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The degenerates cannot grow anywhere they want. They can only rise in dark and narrow places, like a corner in an alleyway at night. They can't transport people anywhere they want to from the pocket dimension. They can only put them back where they came from because these beings are simple minded.

Theme and why: The One Reborn


When the lore is uncovered it will all connect


To be unlocked through lore





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[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]




no slide no slide no slide​

Yin is a graceful tall, slender girl. She is always smiling and always looking determined.



Personality: Yin is essentially the weather. She can be calm and collective, or forceful and headstrong. She also finds comfort outside, not liking being indoors.

Yin struggles with the fear of being a failure. She could care less what people think, but failing makes her distressed. She is a flower child, wanting to protect the natural state and well being of Mother Nature.

Physiology:Hybrid Physiology(Ziz, and Human)

Power Source: Carnage Mana

Powers: Electricity Control, Creating rain, Wind control

Limitation: Her powers are substantially weakened indoors.


As a child Yin spent most her time outdoors, her best friends were the plants and animals. When she was six she was kidnapped while she was roaming the surrounding woods. She was dragged past her home which was in flames. She never thought she was different than other children. Until a voice in her head began telling her to imagine

Distraught and bleeding from multiple wounds inflicted on her, Yin crawled to the front of the car to see if the drivers were alive. She wrenched open the door to find two charred bodies, their remaining faces twisted in agony. She leapt back, scurrying away and off into the woods. She slept on the forest floor, the voice calling back out to her telling her to imagine more lighting striking. Scared, Yin denied the voice the satisfaction. But she would need its help if she were to survive now.




She can summon rain but can't control it. Can control wind but can't summon it. Control lightning but only summon it to a certian degree and then accepted


Amber Styx





(Extended life span so he can live up to one hundred easily)




Korean/ Caucasian


Weakened Deity



Power Source:

Deity Mana

(Less potent)




Weakened Deity-


Full Deity-


Fallen Deity-



Amber is seemingly helpful and nice mainly because of his attitude towards teachers but he is equally sarcastic, secretive and intelligent individual to others. He almost always has a sarcastic comment swimming around in his pretty little head , constantly looking for someone to unleash his smug almost cruel comments. He is known as ice prince because of reputation of being cruel while turning down his suitors ,who are attracted by his looks and almost never his personality.

Amber tends to be untrusting towards others , only condoning speaking them to an extent before clamping up if the conversation gets too personal or seems to be getting personal.However If someone manages to befriend Amber they'll have the one of the most loyal , kindest and caring friends they would ever have and if someone managed to get Amber to fall in love with them they would have someone ready to die for them. But if you make a enemy of Amber , they'll have a person who will do his best to ruin their life.

Amber hates his father with a burning passion , he sees the man as the person he is constantly in the shadow of. The one who put him in a position where he has to constantly fight for people to notice him. Because of this he hates being outshone by anyone and tends overwork himself with the intent of being the best going as far as getting Mana Injections to get stronger. If he doesn't improve as much as he wants he grows extremely frustrated with himself and grows angry.

Amber cares very much for his grades , seeing them as way to show that he is the best. They are a source of his pride. Because of this he will do almost anything to keep his A+ average.

Amber doesn't anger easily and when he does its a dangerous and scary occurrence. Amber will use his intelligence and large vocabulary to pick away and the person's self esteem , not shopping until he is stopped or the person is mentally scarred and on their knees begging him to stop. If angry enough he'll attack that person with the clear intent to beat the person brutally until they are bleeding and probably passed out.



When Amber feels extreme mental turmoil , he goes into fallen Deity Mode.


Weaken Deity Form:

Energy Manipulation ,Telekinesis , Super Speed and Endurance , Flight

Full Deity Form-

Amber's power is increased drastically.

Fallen Deity Form-

Amber's power becomes ten times as powerful


Human Form-

He gets tired quickly when over using his powers

Deity Form-

Staying in this form for too long will cause him extreme physical pain and to faint

Full Deity Form:

Staying in this form for more than 10 minutes will cause him crippling pain and exceeding 8 minutes leaves him in a almost comatose state.

Fallen Deity Form:

The second he enters this state he slowly starts losing his sanity and under constant physical pain. Once he leaves this form he may be traumatized

Theme and why:

The song talks about he wishs all his pain and insecurities will blow away with the wind so he can truly smile again.


(The first song)




He is very acrobatic and lithe.

He is cheer leading captain
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djinnamon said:


Amber Styx





(Extended life span so he can live up to one hundred easily)




Korean/ Caucasian


Weakened Deity



Power Source:

Deity Mana

(Less potent)




Weakened Deity-


Full Deity-


Fallen Deity-



Amber is seemingly helpful and nice mainly because of his attitude towards teachers but he is equally sarcastic, secretive and intelligent individual to others. He almost always has a sarcastic comment swimming around in his pretty little head , constantly looking for someone to unleash his smug almost cruel comments. He is known as ice prince because of reputation of being cruel while turning down his suitors ,who are attracted by his looks and almost never his personality.

Amber tends to be untrusting towards others , only condoning speaking them to an extent before clamping up if the conversation gets too personal or seems to be getting personal.However If someone manages to befriend Amber they'll have the one of the most loyal , kindest and caring friends they would ever have and if someone managed to get Amber to fall in love with them they would have someone ready to die for them. But if you make a enemy of Amber , they'll have a person who will do his best to ruin their life.

Amber hates his father with a burning passion , he sees the man as the person he is constantly in the shadow of. The one who put him in a position where he has to constantly fight for people to notice him. Because of this he hates being outshone by anyone and tends overwork himself with the intent of being the best. If he doesn't improve as much as he wants he grows extremely frustrated with himself and grows angry.

Amber cares very much for his grades , seeing them as way to show that he is the best. They are a source of his pride. Because of this he will do almost anything to keep his A+ average.

Amber doesn't anger easily and when he does its a dangerous and scary occurrence. Amber will use his intelligence and large vocabulary to pick away and the person's self esteem , not shopping until he is stopped or the person is mentally scarred and on their knees begging him to stop. If angry enough he'll attack that person with the clear intent to beat the person brutally until they are bleeding and probably passed out.



When Amber feels extreme mental turmoil , he goes into fallen Deity Mode.


Human Form-

Ice & Energy Manipulation , Above Average Speed and Endurance , Hand to Hand Combat

Weaken Deity Form-

Ice Manipulation , Energy Manipulation , Barrier Creation , Super Speed and Endurance.

Full Deity Form-

Light Manipulation , Energy Manipulation , Telekinesis , Flight , Super Strength , Super Speed , Above Average Endurance , Barrier Creation.

Fallen Deity Form-

Fire Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation , Overwhelming Strength Speed and Endurance , Flight.


Human Form-

He gets tired quickly when over using his powers

Deity Form-

Staying in this form for too long will cause him extreme physical pain and to faint

Full Deity Form:

He can stay in this form for more than 10 minutes will cause him crippling pain and exceeding 15 leaves him in a almost comatose state.

Fallen Deity Form:

The second he enters this state he slowly starts losing his sanity and under constant physical pain. Once he leaves this form he may be traumatized

Theme and why:

Can't find any




He is very acrobatic and lithe.

He is cheer leading captain​
Age cap is 18. For powers everything but the human form must be cut out since that's way to many powers and that alone is powerful. As you can see all the other characters are very weak. You'll also have to choose either between Ice or Energy but if you want both you'll have to limit them down. You can still keep the other forms since that is creative but they don't add any extra powers, they just boost the power Amber will have but really shorten the time he has left to use his power drastically. Also it would require extra deity Mana injections to activate which may occur in an overflow. So it really brings Amber to the decision of is it worth the extra injection? Sorry if it seems like I'm ripping him apart, I'm not trying to. I just want us all on a weak baseline in the beginning. So far based off of his personality he seems like a very in depth and interesting person though
LokiofSP said:


Kristen Melnova Cipher


Fola Cuspóir Cipher

Isabella Celeste Cipher






South African, Scottish, Israeli, Japanese, English, and Destonian


Dragon, Half Witch



Power Source:

Witch Mana




(Hair is actually black with only one long cluster of strands being dyed a different color. Color is constantly changing, usually matches with her lipstick)




A scrappy and tad arrogant youth. She's by no means stupid, though she is one to rush into a fight simply because she enjoys fighting, it's fun, gets up her heart rate and allows her to feel truly alive and free. Not only that, but it also helps her get stronger. Her eventual goal in her life is to be as strong, if not stronger, than the people she cares about. She wants to do it without a magic sword or chosen destiny, without practice or extensive learning, just so when it’s all done she can say she did it alone. She is a dragon after all, and if she could just get that full head of white, she’d be happy.

She does care about the people around her, in fact she’s actually a bit of a softie when you get to the core. She refuses to hurt somebody who have major issues or who are going through a tough time (If she knows them), but besides that will go to any lengths for a fight. She’s also has very little self worth, with a brother and a sister who can function relatively well considering the disorders they have and two sisters who can function incredibly well, she sometimes considers her way of living to be another burden for people to deal with, but she also has no idea how to fix it.


Dragon Physiology

Homo Magi Physiology


Fire Breath

Fire Immunity


Picked this song for very simple reason, it represents how she feels and acts to most people at most time. She acts very outwardly aggressive and mean, but also has her flaws that she’s more than willing to point out to herself (As both of these do on the song multiple times). It gives you a better idea of how she’ll treat you (At least when you first meet)
Light said:
Age cap is 18. For powers everything but the human form must be cut out since that's way to many powers and that alone is powerful. As you can see all the other characters are very weak. You'll also have to choose either between Ice or Energy but if you want both you'll have to limit them down. You can still keep the other forms since that is creative but they don't add any extra powers, they just boost the power Amber will have but really shorten the time he has left to use his power drastically. Also it would require extra deity Mana injections to activate which may occur in an overflow. So it really brings Amber to the decision of is it worth the extra injection? Sorry if it seems like I'm ripping him apart, I'm not trying to. I just want us all on a weak baseline in the beginning. So far based off of his personality he seems like a very in depth and interesting person though

Hassan Silver


Inaro Silver






African American


Alpha Vaewolf



Power Source:





Hassan can be a very cold person, but is genuinely fun with his friends, and still caring. His cold nature refrains him from making many friends or even keeping them for a long time. The only friend he ever kept for a long time is his "cousin" Alyson, and that's because he tries his best not to be cold to her.


Alpha Vaewolf Physiology


Remote Teleportation


Hassan can only tp objects, strictly objects, and it has to be within his line of sight. He can't remote teleport across walls. He can't remote teleport energy. He can't remote teleport objects into people. These objects cannot be air or water. It also can't be anything living like a tree or something. He also cannot teleport morethan he can lift physically in terms of weight.

Theme and why:



Hassan always has a box of toothpicks on him.

He has a pet wolf that can switch from a whelp to a full grown alpha wolf. He calls him "Vaku" or "V"

Whelp Vaku


Alpha Vaku 

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Faolán Linziel Cipher




Fola Cuspóir Cipher

Isabella Celeste Cipher




Cambion, Half Witch




South African, Scottish, Israeli, Japanese, English, and Destonian




A bright eyed young lad who loves his family and the people in it, he appreciates everything in life. From the grass under his feet to the wind in his hair, he would never hurt a single living soul on purpose...Well...Besides his sisters that is. When it comes to messing with them, he does everything from prank them to blame them for said pranks, but beyond that is fairly peaceful. He wants to look for generally nonviolent solutions to threats and despises it when needless violence happens...

Well...Usually that is.

Between his schizophrenia, depression and a dash of social anxiety, it is near impossible for him to function without heavy doses of medication and extensive talk therapy. He can become a mess without a person to vent to or without his medication, which is terrible as it is these things that make him a burden on his family, friends, and most people he comes in contact with. He often times finds himself upping or decreasing his dosages in order to 'cure' himself so he can feel normal. Although it may take awhile, he can realize his dependence on people and ask for help, though it doesn't mean he'll open up to you all the way...




He can use a bit of his mana into a specific attribute (Strength, agility, speed, ect.) for a limited amount of time to make it stronger (Three posts max).


The song describes his constant struggle with his own mental problems and his attempts to live with it. He attempts to live normally, but he is not only scared, but helpless to do anything to stop it alone. He doesn’t want to burden anybody with these problems, but he also needs their help to be able to cope, creating a constant feeling of not being sure to tell somebody the entire truth, or nothing at all.
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djinnamon said:


Amber Styx





(Extended life span so he can live up to one hundred easily)




Korean/ Caucasian


Weakened Deity



Power Source:

Deity Mana

(Less potent)




Weakened Deity-


Full Deity-


Fallen Deity-



Amber is seemingly helpful and nice mainly because of his attitude towards teachers but he is equally sarcastic, secretive and intelligent individual to others. He almost always has a sarcastic comment swimming around in his pretty little head , constantly looking for someone to unleash his smug almost cruel comments. He is known as ice prince because of reputation of being cruel while turning down his suitors ,who are attracted by his looks and almost never his personality.

Amber tends to be untrusting towards others , only condoning speaking them to an extent before clamping up if the conversation gets too personal or seems to be getting personal.However If someone manages to befriend Amber they'll have the one of the most loyal , kindest and caring friends they would ever have and if someone managed to get Amber to fall in love with them they would have someone ready to die for them. But if you make a enemy of Amber , they'll have a person who will do his best to ruin their life.

Amber hates his father with a burning passion , he sees the man as the person he is constantly in the shadow of. The one who put him in a position where he has to constantly fight for people to notice him. Because of this he hates being outshone by anyone and tends overwork himself with the intent of being the best going as far as getting Mana Injections to get stronger. If he doesn't improve as much as he wants he grows extremely frustrated with himself and grows angry.

Amber cares very much for his grades , seeing them as way to show that he is the best. They are a source of his pride. Because of this he will do almost anything to keep his A+ average.

Amber doesn't anger easily and when he does its a dangerous and scary occurrence. Amber will use his intelligence and large vocabulary to pick away and the person's self esteem , not shopping until he is stopped or the person is mentally scarred and on their knees begging him to stop. If angry enough he'll attack that person with the clear intent to beat the person brutally until they are bleeding and probably passed out.



When Amber feels extreme mental turmoil , he goes into fallen Deity Mode.


Weaken Deity Form:

Energy Manipulation ,Telekinesis , Super Speed and Endurance , Flight

Full Deity Form-

Amber's power is increased drastically.

Fallen Deity Form-

Amber's power becomes ten times as powerful


Human Form-

He gets tired quickly when over using his powers

Deity Form-

Staying in this form for too long will cause him extreme physical pain and to faint

Full Deity Form:

Staying in this form for more than 10 minutes will cause him crippling pain and exceeding 8 minutes leaves him in a almost comatose state.

Fallen Deity Form:

The second he enters this state he slowly starts losing his sanity and under constant physical pain. Once he leaves this form he may be traumatized

Theme and why:

Can't find any




He is very acrobatic and lithe.

He is cheer leading captain​
The energy manipulation will be limited. He can only do small beams and such with it. Telekinesis he can only push objects, he can't exactly move them around or make them levitate and he can only push one object at a time. Super speed is fine as long as he's not like the flash or something. Maybe 20 MPH at max? With the Deity Form nothing changes except his telekinesis ability allows him to push three objects. Full Deity Form he can run 30 MPH. Fallen Deity Form he can run 35 MPH and his energy beams are only a bit bigger. So at his max he can run 35 MPH, shoot decent beams of energy, push three objects with telekinesis, and he can endure more attacks than usual. Draw back is his Deity Mana burns out in a matter of short minutes and he's at the high risk of an overflow. That's the most I can give you. Accepted



He can use a bit of his mana into a specific attribute (Strength, agility, speed, ect.) for a limited amount of time to make it stronger (Three posts max).



The song describes his constant struggle with his own mental problems and his attempts to live with it. He attempts to live normally, but he is not only scared, but helpless to do anything to stop it alone. He doesn’t want to burden anybody with these problems, but he also needs their help to be able to cope, creating a constant feeling of not being sure to tell somebody the entire truth, or nothing at all.
Light said:
The energy manipulation will be limited. He can only do small beams and such with it. Telekinesis he can only push objects, he can't exactly move them around or make them levitate and he can only push one object at a time. Super speed is fine as long as he's not like the flash or something. Maybe 20 MPH at max? With the Deity Form nothing changes except his telekinesis ability allows him to push three objects. Full Deity Form he can run 30 MPH. Fallen Deity Form he can run 35 MPH and his energy beams are only a bit bigger. So at his max he can run 35 MPH, shoot decent beams of energy, push three objects with telekinesis, and he can endure more attacks than usual. Draw back is his Deity Mana burns out in a matter of short minutes and he's at the high risk of an overflow. That's the most I can give you. Accepted
He can't remote teleport across walls. He can't remote teleport energy. He can't remote teleport objects into people. These objects cannot be air or water. It also can't be anything living like a tree or something. He also cannot teleport more than he can lift physically in terms of weight. Accepted

Name: Andrew Blight

Parents: Xeron & Abyssum

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: ???

Species: ???

Sexuality: Hetero (Straight)

Power Source: Deity Mana

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bcb52d7ce85aa8e070a2cac53f1e6c0c.jpg.fe450bb9402a49d238589277ee4877f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bcb52d7ce85aa8e070a2cac53f1e6c0c.jpg.fe450bb9402a49d238589277ee4877f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Very sarcastic, cynical, and more or less false about everything he does. Basically, he may laugh along with the group, but he is really just plotting on how to kill whoever just made him the butt of some joke. He certainly has the mindset of a psychopath, and is actually very open about it. Too bad most people just think he's joking around...

Physiology: ???

Powers: Darkfire manipulation

Limits: Only uses his gift at night (He can create fire in the day, no darkfire), needs Oil or something flammable to ignite lots of fire, and uses his fire but it only really works in close combat, it needs to be making contact w/ someone for a while before it starts to do any real damage.

Theme and why: [media]

History: Abyssum & Xeron, two of the most evil beings out there, a Pit-Lord, and literally part of the Abyss, came together and had this one child. Already, this was going to be an interesting formula, and it certainly was, as this Andrew seems to be Evil Incarnate



Every Villain Is Lemons



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Inheritance said:
Name: Andrew Blight
Parents: Xeron & Abyssum

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: ???

Species: ???

Sexuality: Hetero (Straight)

Power Source: Deity Mana

Appearance: View attachment 315613

Personality: Very sarcastic, cynical, and more or less false about everything he does. Basically, he may laugh along with the group, but he is really just plotting on how to kill whoever just made him the butt of some joke. He certainly has the mindset of a psychopath, and is actually very open about it. Too bad most people just think he's joking around...

Physiology: ???

Powers: Darkfire manipulation

Limits: Only uses his gift at night (He can create fire in the day, no darkfire), needs Oil or something flammable to ignite lots of fire, and uses his fire but it only really works in close combat, it needs to be making contact w/ someone for a while before it starts to do any real damage.

Theme and why: [media]

History: Abyssum & Xeron, two of the most evil beings out there, a Pit-Lord, and literally part of the Abyss, came together and had this one child. Already, this was going to be an interesting formula, and it certainly was, as this Andrew seems to be Evil Incarnate



Every Villain Is Lemons

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