Character Sheets

Name: Thaldus Belittog

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: ??? (possibly human)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbbf332c6_Knightindarkarmout.jpg.375ccad667e4677685eb5445f5204eb5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbbf332c6_Knightindarkarmout.jpg.375ccad667e4677685eb5445f5204eb5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Thaldus appears calm and collected at first sight but he really isn't. He jests around every here and there but when his sanity snaps, well... Let's just say shit'll get real. He's usually sarcastic when sane but doesn't talk much upon snapping.

Physiology: ??? (appears humanoid)



-Aging Fog||A dark fog is released from Thaldus' palm; it ages anything it touches in a corrosive manner. It can only last for 5 seconds before slowly disappearing into thin air. The fog can diffuse by several (one to five) metres before disappearing. This ability does not require much effort and can be used fairly often.

-Chronokinetic Combat||Thaldus combines time-manipulation with physical combat, giving him enhanced reflexes and combat.

-Expanding Time Bolts||The release of compressed energy spheres (each with the size of a baseball) that expands upon impact (by 30 centimeter at best) and then disappears after 1 second. This ability is quite exhausting and can pass its user out within 10 bolts. However, it is very powerful as it ages its target relatively quickly.

- Time Cutting||Allows Thaldus to charge his fists with time and age anything that comes in contact with it (the fists remain charged for roughly 10 minutes before needing to be recharged). Each charge takes up a small fraction of the user's energy therefore is barely exhausting.


-Is vulnerable to psychic attacks as time-manipulation requires profound amount focus and equanimity.

-Entities that do not age are immune to aging attacks.



-Thaldus never takes any part of his armour off and what's inside it-no one knows.

-Thaldus actually has a time physiology but doesn't know it (and the reason why his armour is stuck to his body) yet, he will find out about that later on in the arc



  • Knight in dark armout.jpg
    Knight in dark armout.jpg
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Mary Adcock


Illyana and Colin












Power Source



Mary is your standard goody two shoes, she always tries to do whatever's good in whatever situation. If someone is doing something against the rules, chances are she'd most likely snitch on them, for their own good of course. Because in her eyes, if they go into trouble and got told off, they would learn not to do something like that again.

Mary is one of those people who are so nice and good, that they're irritating; She always tries to make friends with people and if anyone tries to do something bad near her, she'd always try to tell them not to and if they didn't stop she'd run off to tell someone.

Powers and Physiology




Mary's power is pretty much the same as Colin's.

She can heal people of their wounds, in exchange for taking them onto herself. Though, if they're a good person, then it costs her next to no energy to heal them and take the damage onto herself, if they're a bad person though, it would take a lot of energy from her to heal them and take damage onto herself.

She also has the ability to heal herself and put the damage on others if she needs to for whatever reason. Similar to the other power, it works differently on people of different moralities. For Good people, it would take a lot of energy for Mary to put any damage on them, while for someone who's bad, it would take next to no energy for Mary to transfer damage to them

Even though she doesn't use it, and probably won't ever, Mary owns a double barreled shotgun. Similar to her mother's weapon, it does more to people, who are bad. If they're good then it will do next to nothing to them, if they're completely evil then it will do just a bit more damage it normally would. The gun, for the most part is powered by energy, though it still requires bullets.




All in all, Mary has had a good life, as far as she can tell anyway, which she's been told is because she's been praying to god regularly, so she keeps it up all the time. Though she always found it slightly weird that her mother and father weren't married or anything yet they still had her. But they, well, Illyana explained to her that it was because she prayed really hard to have a child and god allowed her to have a child.

Mary's time with Colin was spent training her power and learning how to limit herself while healing people so that she wouldn't take all their injuries if they were too much and end up killing herself. Whenever they weren't working on her power, which was most of the time since her father didn't want to push her too hard.

When she was spending time with her father, she'd also spend time with her half/Adopted brother, Wade who was a water dragon, that would always play with her in the water when she'd go to a beach with her family; She'd sometimes get weird looks from people, but she'd just think of what god would want her to do, and she turned the other cheek.


Theme and why

Honestly, I've got nothing for this.


Mary height is 5'1

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GingerBread said:



Mary Adcock


Illyana and Colin












Power Source



Mary is your standard goody two shoes, she always tries to do whatever's good in whatever situation. If someone is doing something against the rules, chances are she'd most likely snitch on them, for their own good of course. Because in her eyes, if they go into trouble and got told off, they would learn not to do something like that again.

Mary is one of those people who are so nice and good, that they're irritating; She always tries to make friends with people and if anyone tries to do something bad near her, she'd always try to tell them not to and if they didn't stop she'd run off to tell someone.

Powers and Physiology




Mary's power is pretty much the same as Colin's.

She can heal people of their wounds, in exchange for taking them onto herself. Though, if they're a good person, then it costs her next to no energy to heal them and take the damage onto herself, if they're a bad person though, it would take a lot of energy from her to heal them and take damage onto herself.

She also has the ability to heal herself and put the damage on others if she needs to for whatever reason. Similar to the other power, it works differently on people of different moralities. For Good people, it would take a lot of energy for Mary to put any damage on them, while for someone who's bad, it would take next to no energy for Mary to transfer damage to them

Even though she doesn't use it, and probably won't ever, Mary owns a double barreled shotgun. Similar to her mother's weapon, it does more to people, who are bad. If they're good then it will do next to nothing to them, if they're completely evil then it will do just a bit more damage it normally would. The gun, for the most part is powered by energy, though it still requires bullets.




All in all, Mary has had a good life, as far as she can tell anyway, which she's been told is because she's been praying to god regularly, so she keeps it up all the time. Though she always found it slightly weird that her mother and father weren't married or anything yet they still had her. But they, well, Illyana explained to her that it was because she prayed really hard to have a child and god allowed her to have a child.

Mary's time with Colin was spent training her power and learning how to limit herself while healing people so that she wouldn't take all their injuries if they were too much and end up killing herself. Whenever they weren't working on her power, which was most of the time since her father didn't want to push her too hard.

When she was spending time with her father, she'd also spend time with her half/Adopted brother, Wade who was a water dragon, that would always play with her in the water when she'd go to a beach with her family; She'd sometimes get weird looks from people, but she'd just think of what god would want her to do, and she turned the other cheek.


Theme and why

Honestly, I've got nothing for this.


MatTamMax said:
Name: Thaldus Belittog
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: ??? (possibly human)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance:View attachment 316386

Thaldus appears calm and collected at first sight but he really isn't. He jests around every here and there but when his sanity snaps, well... Let's just say shit'll get real. He's usually sarcastic when sane but doesn't talk much upon snapping.

Physiology: ??? (appears humanoid)



-Aging Fog||A dark fog is released from Thaldus' palm; it ages anything it touches in a corrosive manner. It can only last for 5 seconds before slowly disappearing into thin air. The fog can diffuse by several (one to five) metres before disappearing. This ability does not require much effort and can be used fairly often.

-Chronokinetic Combat||Thaldus combines time-manipulation with physical combat, giving him enhanced reflexes and combat.

-Expanding Time Bolts||The release of compressed energy spheres (each with the size of a baseball) that expands upon impact (by 30 centimeter at best) and then disappears after 1 second. This ability is quite exhausting and can pass its user out within 10 bolts. However, it is very powerful as it ages its target relatively quickly.

- Time Cutting||Allows Thaldus to charge his fists with time and age anything that comes in contact with it (the fists remain charged for roughly 10 minutes before needing to be recharged). Each charge takes up a small fraction of the user's energy therefore is barely exhausting.


-Is vulnerable to psychic attacks as time-manipulation requires profound amount focus and equanimity.

-Entities that do not age are immune to aging attacks.



-Thaldus never takes any part of his armour off and what's inside it-no one knows.

-Thaldus actually has a time physiology but doesn't know it (and the reason why his armour is stuck to his body) yet, he will find out about that later on in the arc
Age cap for the main group is 12-18.








Power Source:






Theme and why:



I need it run off this cs. Though it's pretty similar so it's okay, I do in fact need to know what power source he runs off of. My problem with this is how the fog can spread 16 feet outwards and can be used frequently with low effort. He can just continue blasting this as a cloak and no one can get near him for a long amount of time. Time Cutting with the addition Chronokinetic Combat and his armoured body is OP. Time Cutting itself with it barely exhausting him at all, having the edge over physical characters which are abundant in the future arc is bad enough. He won't get tired at all, won't take much damage in armour and deals a lot of damage since they're getting older and more brittle against his armour body and his combat abilities. There are no current entities that don't age nor are there any psychic characters. Could you please Netflix this character? I know you tried your best not to make him OP but in comparison to other characters and antagonists I have planned, he's stronger than both.
Lotusy said:



"This salad doesn't have enough goddamn meat!"

Parents: N/A

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: (Not sure about orc ethnicities.)

Species: Orc

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power Source: Energy/Mana (by defect)

Appearance: Though built more leanly than the average orc due to his upbringing, Gurak still ripples with greenish, veined muscles. He stands at a staggering six foot eight, Gurak seems to be the guy to crush watermelons withing his two bare hands. He sports a green goatee, intended to match his short tusks and pointed ears. As for clothing, Gurak doesn't really do much with it - one his upper body, of course. As a kitchen worker, he does know the risks of leaving exposed skin, but covers up every other part of his body to compensate, leaving those viewing him with a flash of giant green pectorals. Yea.

Personality: Even if he looks tough and intimidating, Gurak isn't as brutal as other orcs on the block. That's not to say he's a gentle giant type - no, he's a huge fan of whipping others into shape, and doesn't mind using physical force as motivation. He just prefers toughness where it's practical. On a personal level, Gurak's a very casual guy, the kind who helps drives his drunk buddies home or pays for drinks on occasion - nothing much more or less. This, of course, gets broken when one belittles his orc heritage - as Gurak will defend his pride as an orc to his last breath. Probably not a good thing to do unless you're made of solid steel or something.
Physiology: Orc Physiology (One of the only times I'll ever use this)

Power: Gurak has the power to turn food (specifically, meat) into powerful tools with interesting properties. The power works through harnessing mana for transmutation (think "reshaping") and using energy to manipulate the intensive energy in the food to fit whatever role Gurak chooses. It's not just bacon swords, though that's totally possible - but try "rib armor" with durability like that of steel, or beef jerky that grants a temporary adrenaline rush - Gurak's cooking has it all!

Limits: Since Gurak's powers come from a hybridization of mana and energy - and by that, a defect, he's not quite able to use them to their full capacities. Mana injections barely do anything to him, leaving him already as weak as he is, while he also can't harness any other magic besides cooking. Also, while he can make all sorts of items, they're relatively normal. He can't just make Xx_Dankness_slayers_xX's bloodforged greatsword of darkness with a thousand magical enchants. Also, his powers are limited to the quality of the meat he uses. Top-notch grass-fed bison nets great material, while poorly-raised McDonald's cows don't really cut it in terms of quality.
History: Gurak was originally born as Gurak the Destroyer to a proud and brutal Orc tribe roaming the Kenyan savannahs. Savage and bloodthirsty to the core, the tribe ravaged humans and animals alike across the plains, and tried to get Gurak to do the same. The keyword here is "tried".

Ever since he was a young orc, Gurak knew he was different (I know, so cliché). Instead of roaming out with the hunters or training with the fighters, Gurak stayed at the camp and learned how to cook meat. Really, he could grill a mean steak. The ways of savagery and bloodlust fell to the wayside for the young Gurak, only to be replace with the mantle of meat, more meat, and a disgustingly pink "Kiss the orc" apron. Life was pretty good (and delicious) on that stretch of savannah.

Eventually, though, Gurak set his sights on something bigger. He didn't want to be confined to the grasslands, anymore, no, he wanted something more. Lion and wildebeest steaks everyday just weren't cutting it for him. Thus, to his excitement (and the tribe's relief), the teenage Gurak set out on an adventure to the modern world.

The following years of Gurak's life can be best summed up in a Broadway-esque musical of "Small-town orc makes it big in the city". A budding restraunteer, Gurak stuck it out in the hard battleground of the food culture through hard work, dedication, and good cooking skills. (The extortion and brutal beatings of his opponents helped a bit, too). It was here that he also discovered his love for bacon, which eventually grew to where he invested half a million dollars in the stuff. He learned of his innate meat-manipulating powers (NOT MASTURBATION) and even put them to use in his cooking. In fact, Gurak's grilling industry broke records and catapulted him to celebrity status as a non-human well-versed in the culinary arts, making him the happiest he's ever been in his life-

Then it all came crashing down.

Gurak didn't really like 2008. Recessions suck. His business fell from the gold standard in the industry to one single restaurant, which he eventually closed down, too. Despondent, and in the third act of his musical where everything goes down the damn drain, Gurak eventually dragged his sorry green ass back to Kenya. Grilling mean steaks and frying bacon for his confused orcish relatives, our poor green friend could not be roused from his melancholy stupor - until his tribe all banded together to give him a rousing speech to follow his dreams. Well, it was more like "Get out of our f***ing tribe, you lazyass," but you get the point. And thus, Gurak set sail for his dreams once more.

As he began his new endeavor into the world market of meat, Gurak's cooking drew down a god. Well, it was more like he threw a charred hunk of meat a something that turned out to be Grimm. Little did he know that cooking for a god that day would get him even higher that he'd ever been - without the help of marijuana! One ticket to the deity realm's kitchen and an unlimited supply of bacon later, and Gurak started his new career making lunches - for screwed-up superpowered schoolchildren, of course - but it's a good place for his fucking trainwreck of a meat-musical to hold off for a while.


Name: Rebecca "Ree" Wicker

Parents: Cynthia & Robert Wicker

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: North American

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Power Source: Dark Mana


Friendly enough, but slightly withdrawn when out of her comfort zone.

She yearns to be more sociable, but her habit of not mincing her words as well as her tendency to ramble when nervous causes her to accidentally say things that may come off as rude to others.

She is for the most part an easygoing and blithe individual, caring little for the changing world around her or the implications of her legions' increasingly worrying behavior, but she deeply values family and those close to her.

She wants nothing more in the world than to return her demons back to their rightful home and to rid herself of her power so that she can go back to living a normal life with her family.

Physiology: Human


  • Demonic Vessel: Ree is the unwitting vessel to the 7th legion of hell; a motley assortment of rambunctious misfits that are more than eager to do her not very fiendish bidding.
    The legion consists of 666 lesser demons with a vast range of shapes, sizes, powers and abilities.
  • Demons can act independently to cover more ground or to create a new avenue of attack.
  • They can also pool their strength together to create a powerful mass
  • While they are weak individually, with the power of teamwork, along with a touch of human ingenuity, they become a formidable force.
  • Demons will rest within Ree's body or within her shadow when on standby
    They can also emerge from within Ree to perform surprise attacks

[*]Demonic Affinity: Ree possesses an unexplained aura that attracts and influences those of demonic origin within her vicinity.

Much to her chagrin


  • Ree's aura only affects demons
    The effect of Ree's aura is also weaker on stronger or more advanced demons as well those who are not purely demonic in physiology
  • Ree also does not how to turn off or control her aura, making her a shining beacon to demon-kind
    Due to being a demonic vessel, Ree is also very noticeable to those who can detect the presence of demons

[*]Ree herself isn't much of a fighter and mostly relies on the legion's strength to protect her from would-be threats. If there's something they cannot handle, Ree is at a major disadvantage

[*]When combined, the legion must stay attached to Ree in some way, whether it be physically or from within her shadow

  • When not combined, their overall attack power is limited

[*]Ree lacks many of the traits of a dark overlord

  • Members of the legion will go to great lengths to "assist" her, even when she isn't aware of it (or doesn't want it, for that matter)

Theme and why: [media]

An upbeat yet slightly off-putting theme for an upbeat yet slightly off-putting girl

History: Ree was born and raised in a peaceful upper-middle class suburbia, where she lived a normal, humdrum life of parochial school, social awkwardness and video games.

Little did young Ree know, that to the infernal denizens below, her presence shined like a brilliant new star in the wake of impending catastrophe. A group of derelict, disenfranchised demons chose to investigate this strange phenomenon in hopes of finding a being that would lead them to newfound glory and power.

At the age of 9, Ree awoke to find herself surrounded by foul creatures, all eager to follow her every command.

While the prospect of having an army of monsters did seem exciting to her at first, Ree quickly learned that being a demonic overlord was not all that it's cracked up to be.

The responsibility of keeping her over-zealous comrades in line and in secret proved to be a chore and caused her much grief during her time in Catholic school.

Most worrying of all, however, are the increasingly frequent prophetic dreams that have been plaguing her sleep. Nevertheless, Ree has managed to keep her powers a secret from the world and from her family.

Now that the Wickers have decided to move into the city to pursue more lucrative business ventures, Ree finds herself to be a little fish in a large, unfamiliar pond.

Extra: Ree has a slew of demons at her disposal, but the most prominent and helpful of which is a small imp by the name of Zeal, self-proclaimed seneschal of the 7th legion and the go-to adviser for Ree. While he has virtually no attack power, he is quite knowledgeable on supernatural phenomenon and is in charge of relaying information for Ree.
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[QUOTE="Caped Baldy]

Name: Rebecca "Ree" Wicker

Parents: Cynthia & Robert Wicker

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: North American

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Power Source: Dark Mana


Friendly enough, but slightly withdrawn when out of her comfort zone.

She yearns to be more sociable, but her habit of not mincing her words as well as her tendency to ramble when nervous causes her to accidentally say things that may come off as rude to others.

She is for the most part an easygoing and blithe individual, caring little for the changing world around her or the implications of her legions' increasingly worrying behavior, but she deeply values family and those close to her.

She wants nothing more in the world than to return her demons back to their rightful home and to rid herself of her power so that she can go back to living a normal life with her family.

Physiology: Human


  • Demonic Vessel: Ree is the unwitting vessel to the 7th legion of hell; a motley assortment of rambunctious misfits that are more than eager to do her not very fiendish bidding.
    The legion consists of 666 lesser demons with a vast range of shapes, sizes, powers and abilities.
  • Demons can act independently to cover more ground or to create a new avenue of attack.
  • They can also pool their strength together to create a powerful mass
  • While they are weak individually, with the power of teamwork, along with a touch of human ingenuity, they become a formidable force.
  • Demons will rest within Ree's body or within her shadow when on standby
    They can also emerge from within Ree to perform surprise attacks

[*]Demonic Affinity: Ree possesses an unexplained aura that attracts and influences those of demonic origin within her vicinity.

Much to her chagrin


  • Ree's aura only affects demons
    The effect of Ree's aura is also weaker on stronger or more advanced demons as well those who are not purely demonic in physiology
  • Ree also does not how to turn off or control her aura, making her a shining beacon to demon-kind
    Due to being a demonic vessel, Ree is also very noticeable to those who can detect the presence of demons

[*]Ree herself isn't much of a fighter and mostly relies on the legion's strength to protect her from would-be threats. If there's something they cannot handle, Ree is at a major disadvantage

[*]When combined, the legion must stay attached to Ree in some way, whether it be physically or from within her shadow

  • When not combined, their overall attack power is limited

[*]Ree lacks many of the traits of a dark overlord

  • Members of the legion will go to great lengths to "assist" her, even when she isn't aware of it (or doesn't want it, for that matter)

Theme and why: Coming Soon!

Ree was born and raised in a peaceful upper-middle class suburbia, where she lived a normal, humdrum life of parochial school, social awkwardness and video games.

Little did young Ree know, that to the infernal denizens below, her presence shined like a brilliant new star in the wake of impending catastrophe. A group of derelict, disenfranchised demons chose to investigate this strange phenomenon in hopes of finding a being that would lead them to newfound glory and power.

At the age of 9, Ree awoke to find herself surrounded by foul creatures, all eager to follow her every command.

While the prospect of having an army of monsters did seem exciting to her at first, Ree quickly learned that being a demonic overlord was not all that it's cracked up to be.

The responsibility of keeping her over-zealous comrades in line and in secret proved to be a chore and caused her much grief during her time in Catholic school.

Most worrying of all, however, are the increasingly frequent prophetic dreams that have been plaguing her sleep. Nevertheless, Ree has managed to keep her powers a secret from the world and from her family.

Now that the Wickers have decided to move into the city to pursue more lucrative business ventures, Ree finds herself to be a little fish in a large, unfamiliar pond.

Extra: Ree has a slew of demons at her disposal, but the most prominent and helpful of which is a small imp by the name of Zeal, self-proclaimed seneschal of the 7th legion and the go-to adviser for Ree. While he has virtually no attack power, he is quite knowledgeable on supernatural phenomenon and is in charge of relaying information for Ree.

Accepted, try not too go overboard with the Legion, remember the characters are weak at the beginning.

A force that can’t be heard; coming in louder than words.
Les Friction

Rashida Devan

  • We have the will to win.
    Les Friction


    Rashida Devan







    Power Source









    As the leader of the Moroccan rebellion, Rashida is strong willed and passionate about the cause she’s given up everything to fight for. She is indomitable and hardworking as a leader, forgoing food and sleep if it means she might be able to cause a single bit of doubt in the African Monarch’s power, and is strong and unwavering even in the face of overwhelming odds. While she is considered by much of the oppressed public as a pillar of strength and power, the upper class view her as a violent terrorist. Neither is wrong, but neither is exactly correct; Rashida’s main focus and concern is dismantling the Monarch’s power in order to improve the sickening quality of life in Morocco’s poor, but she has gone to extreme lengths in order to achieve this goal, willing to do absolutely anything to incite open rebellion.

  • History

    As the saying goes, the apple did not fall far from the tree; Rashida’s parents were known revolutionaries, devoting their lives to the destruction of the Monarchs. When Rashida was 17, her parents participated in a coup d’état. Ultimately, due to overwhelming military and police power, the coup failed, and most of the rebels were killed or imprisoned. Her parents were imprisoned, charged with treason, and were publically executed via hanging within the city centre of Rabat. As she watched her parents dangle by their throats, Rashida vowed revenge, and, following in her parents footsteps, joined the underground rebellion.

    As the years went by, Rashida gained respect and notoriety as an efficient, tactical leader in infiltration and raiding missions. When the former leader died, Rashida, at the age of 33, was elected to take over the position, and did so with pride. Rashida has lead the rebellion for the past four years, and in that time, has made subtle but strong strides against the monarchy ruling them. However, the rebellion lacks the unending troops and resources granted to the police and military, which makes expanding influence and power difficult. Maybe a couple new recruits would do the trick...


    -Leader of the Moroccan Revolution

    -Very openly Sikh (Religous expression is severely frowned upon within the African continent)

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CelticSol said:

A force that can’t be heard; coming in louder than words.
Les Friction

Rashida Devan

  • We have the will to win.
    Les Friction


    Rashida Devan







    Power Source









    As the leader of the Moroccan rebellion, Rashida is strong willed and passionate about the cause she’s given up everything to fight for. She is indomitable and hardworking as a leader, forgoing food and sleep if it means she might be able to cause a single bit of doubt in the African Monarch’s power, and is strong and unwavering even in the face of overwhelming odds. While she is considered by much of the oppressed public as a pillar of strength and power, the upper class view her as a violent terrorist. Neither is wrong, but neither is exactly correct; Rashida’s main focus and concern is dismantling the Monarch’s power in order to improve the sickening quality of life in Morocco’s poor, but she has gone to extreme lengths in order to achieve this goal, willing to do absolutely anything to incite open rebellion.

  • History

    As the saying goes, the Apple did not fall far from the tree; Rashida’s parents were known revolutionaries, devoting their lives to the destruction of the Monarchs. When Rashida was 17, her parents participated in an coup d’état. Ultimately, due to overwhelming military and police power, the coup failed, and most of the rebels were killed or imprisoned. Her parents were imprisoned, charged with treason, and were publically executed via hanging within the city centre of Rabat. As she watched her parents dangle by their throats, Rashida vowed revenge, and, following in her parents footsteps, joined the underground rebellion.

    As the years went by, Rashida gained respect and notoriety as an efficient, tactical leader in infiltration and raiding missions. When the former leader died, Rashida, at the age of 33, was elected to take over the position, and did so with pride. Rashida has lead the rebellion for the past four years, and in that time, has made subtle but strong strides against the monarchy ruling them. However, the rebellion lacks the unending troops and resources granted to the police and military, which makes expanding influence and power difficult. Maybe a couple new recruits would do the trick...


    -Leader of the Moroccan Revolution

    -Very openly Sikh (Religous expression is severely frowned upon within the African continent)

Name: Judecata/pedeapsă

Parents: răzbunare/kesley

Age: 17(judecata)/18(pedeapsă)





Power Source:Deity mana



Personality: Both of them are patient,Protective,stubborn,Kind hearted,Observeful, and Calculating.


Powers: Light Manipulation(Judecata)

Darkness Manipulation (pedeapsă)

Twilight Manipluation(When holding hands.)

Limits: Judecata Power is weakened when in darkness, and pedeapsă's magic is weaker in light. both if their powers become weaker the further apart they are.from eachother.

Theme and why:None yet.

History:Too be revealed.



They both have a suit That Enhance's speed and Durability, Also having a large needle for combat/Extracting blood and a ranged weapon on their left hand, which fires Small barbed Harpoons. it also allows them to go Great depths underwater, and move around easily in water, it also protects them from various gasses But requires Blood to run most abilities, such as the boosters. and without blood it Slows them down instead. While still attain some abilities. also it weakens their power if not fueled.

They Enjoy candy, and too a degree, accepts it as currency for jobs and tasks.

they have a large cash amount of 5k, which was given to them as a gift from their parents before their disappearance.

(May be edited Later on.)
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MTchaos1134 said:
Name: Judecata/pedeapsă
Parents: răzbunare/kesley

Age: 17(judecata)/18(pedeapsă)





Power Source:Deity mana



Personality: Both of them are patient,Protective,stubborn,Kind hearted,Observeful, and Calculating.


Powers: Light Manipulation(Judecata)

Darkness Manipulation (pedeapsă)

Twilight Manipluation(When holding hands.)

Limits: Judecata Power is weakened when in darkness, and pedeapsă's magic is weaker in light. bith if thier powers become weaker the further apart they are.

Theme and why:None yet.

History:Too be revealed.



They both have a suit That Enhance's speed,Durability, and their Powers, Also having a large needle for combat/Extracting blood and a ranged weapon on their left hand, which fires Small barbed Harpoons. it also allows them to go Great depths underwater, and move around easily in water, it also protects them from various gasses But requires Blood to run most abilities, such as the boosters. and without blood it Slows them down instead. While still attain some abilities.

They Enjoy candy, and too a degree, accepts it as currency for jobs and tasks.

they have a large cash amount of 5k, which was given to them as a gift from their parents before their disappearance.

(May be edited Later on.)
Okay, now that I'm rereading it the suits do seem to be a bit too much of a boost. Can you nerf them?
MTchaos1134 said:
Name: Judecata/pedeapsă
Parents: răzbunare/kesley

Age: 17(judecata)/18(pedeapsă)





Power Source:Deity mana



Personality: Both of them are patient,Protective,stubborn,Kind hearted,Observeful, and Calculating.


Powers: Light Manipulation(Judecata)

Darkness Manipulation (pedeapsă)

Twilight Manipluation(When holding hands.)

Limits: Judecata Power is weakened when in darkness, and pedeapsă's magic is weaker in light. bith if thier powers become weaker the further apart they are.

Theme and why:None yet.

History:Too be revealed.



They both have a suit That Enhance's speed and Durability, Also having a large needle for combat/Extracting blood and a ranged weapon on their left hand, which fires Small barbed Harpoons. it also allows them to go Great depths underwater, and move around easily in water, it also protects them from various gasses But requires Blood to run most abilities, such as the boosters. and without blood it Slows them down instead. While still attain some abilities. also it weakens their power if not fueled.

They Enjoy candy, and too a degree, accepts it as currency for jobs and tasks.

they have a large cash amount of 5k, which was given to them as a gift from their parents before their disappearance.

(May be edited Later on.)
Flinch Korosei

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_no3rsxverG1rk6bsxo1_540.gif.eafbc132f862ff6eddf2e067958b568f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_no3rsxverG1rk6bsxo1_540.gif.eafbc132f862ff6eddf2e067958b568f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Parents: Finch Korosei,Elsa Korosei.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese

Species: Demi Unstable Humans - Dark Elf

Sexuality: Straight

Power Source: Mana

Personality: Flinch is a unstable guys.He is usually cold and creative,but he can be drive mad pretty easily if something is bothering him.

In fact Flinch craziness can be brought by hurting one of his friends,or even himself.

Physiology: N/A


Roe Aias


Flinch raise his left hands to stop projectiles coming at him.It's still very weak from now on and can only block minor - middle impact before it break.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/374b93345341d0483c2cbcd07854d123daec02e0_hq.gif.4f069ddf2c637dc4c6bebf38d01f3c16.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/374b93345341d0483c2cbcd07854d123daec02e0_hq.gif.4f069ddf2c637dc4c6bebf38d01f3c16.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Avalon is a relic inside Flinch that can heal wound.Unfortunately,if the wounds was mean to be really strong or even fatal,Flinch will be unable to fight for a meaningful time.

Mage Crafter


Flinch can build up his own weapons in a fight : Lance,Dagger,Swords.But since he is still a beginner at this,those weapons tend to be break really easily and creating a weapons consume some mana.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/668352_emiya_shirou_full_553894_by_lady_n_gentlema_by_yellowflash1234-d8xygn3.jpg.9b3c0b721eaeae11d21a3d096554da01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149272" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/668352_emiya_shirou_full_553894_by_lady_n_gentlema_by_yellowflash1234-d8xygn3.jpg.9b3c0b721eaeae11d21a3d096554da01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Time Alter


The legacy of the Korosei family,the illusionist Flinch can double his speed for a short time during though moments.Even so,this power could even do triple his speed in the future after training.

Enhanced Weapons


Compare to a normal human,Flinch weapons are enhanced and deal more impact then a normal one.

Unleash the hell

: Flinch right hand became a swords,as his body became unstable.This is one of his strongest abilities,and also one of his biggest weakness.Using this powers is dangerous for the others but also for himself as his body is slowly turning into dust after using it.

Enhanced his physical abilities,permanently double his speed in this state.For now on this power is pretty limited and too dangerous to be use,but as Flinch will become stronger maybe it will develop and unlock some others abilities for Flinch.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/OLPdPVI.gif.7fd41ac4634a5bf897c7f2b7a6601e08.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/OLPdPVI.gif.7fd41ac4634a5bf897c7f2b7a6601e08.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Glass Cannon


Flinch abilities are like a Berserker : they deal and enormous impact on shock but that mean his defense is almost inexistant.



EVERY Abilities use by Flinch will weaker him until he reach the out of mana Caps.



His anger can make him act crazy,which mean lower down his actual capacities.


Theme and why: [media]

[/media] "My parents story."
History: The Korosei Illusionist family was really strict in term of learning the powers trough the generation by studying on species,until Finch Korosei escape from this horrible experience at the age of 16.During his childhood,Finch was bullied by is own family to be name as a "failure" since he doesn't score good in every way,only a ability call "Time Alter" was worth it.He couldn't handle it anymore until a opportunity happens after a surprise attack by some monsters wanting to get revenge of the Korosei family to have test and hurt them,Finch run away from this.He met Elsa after being in a coma state for two days,starving in a road.

Elsa was really worried about Finch situation.After Finch explain to her everything,and they finally fell in love together happily at the age of 18 after two years of living together.Elsa was already major when Finch was find on the road...Elsa was a Dark Elf,but with a kind heart.Are story was almost the same as Finch,she run away from her family after seeing the atrocity of her species.She was one of the rare kind heart Dark Elf existing in the world...

They make a baby,Finch was 25 when that's happens.Unfortunately,it was a really bad idea : A humans making a baby with a Dark elf was something that never happens,and the birth of Flinch kill Elsa.Finch still promise to raise Flinch as he whisper trough Elsa ears in her last moments,she was dying happily.Finch study a lot about his son,and lie about her mother death.The miracle that Flinch wasn't a monster was the fact that his parents were kind of nature when he was birth...But still.His personality have been still remain cold and his socialize skills pretty bad.The last gift coming from his father was "Avalon" a relic of the family of Elsa,a unknown powerful object in the world.

After his father die from overdose of work,Flinch promise to himself to continue the legacy of his parents by finding one day a good path to follow,from now on he is still training his powers and finally decide to act.He will purge the madness of this world,even if he become a monster by himself.Will he succumb into the dark side or find a lightful meaning ?



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Camilla Rosenthal






Greek, Lithuanian


fairy /Demon/ a little bit of witch



Power Source:




You can usually find Camilla wearing a big hat of some sort. She is 6'2.


Camilla is a rather shy and nervous girl. She is a very strange person. You can usually find her mumbling and talking to herself. But Camilla doesn't really care if people are  judging her. Ok that is a lie, she really cares if people judge her. Someone could be looking at her in a weird way and she would probably start hyperventilating. All in all she is a very nice person who just wishes to have normal friends. 





Wing manifestation

Weapon creation

She actually has four demons living inside of her.

Two of them allow her to use their weapons sometimes.

One weapon is a broom. It is supposed to fly but for some reason she can't get it to work. But it is pretty durable and can never be broken.

The next weapon is a spear.





She can't create two weapons at the same time

She does not know how to fly. She just can't seem to get the wings to work

She's certainly not the best at fighting.

Theme and why:


It's stuck in my head. So why not post it here?


To be revealed.


There are four demons that are living inside of  Camilla.

The demons are:





Camilla Rosenthal






Greek, Lithuanian


fairy /Demon/ a little bit of witch



Power Source:



 View attachment 154321

You can usually find Camilla wearing a big hat of some sort. She is 6'2.


Camilla is a rather shy and nervous girl. She is a very strange person. You can usually find her mumbling and talking to herself. But Camilla doesn't really care if people are  judging her. Ok that is a lie, she really cares if people judge her. Someone could be looking at her in a weird way and she would probably start hyperventilating. All in all she is a very nice person who just wishes to have normal friends. 





Wing manifestation

Weapon creation

She actually has four demons living inside of her.

Two of them allow her to use their weapons sometimes.

One weapon is a broom. It is supposed to fly but for some reason she can't get it to work. But it is pretty durable and can never be broken.

The next weapon is a spear.

View attachment 154330




She can't create two weapons at the same time

She does not know how to fly. She just can't seem to get the wings to work

She's certainly not the best at fighting.

Theme and why:


It's stuck in my head. So why not post it here?


To be revealed.


There are four demons that are living inside of  Camilla.

The demons are:





Accepted, you can start her off in the rebellions main building in Naama. Have her walk into the room with Zalena, Juniper, Eppie, Castiel, and Austrianna. Who are talking to Freeman with the guard



[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Name: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Frederick Augustine[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Monarch of Africa “The Freezing Sun”[/SIZE]













[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Power Source:[/SIZE]



[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Frederick has a large taste in riches and luxuries. He absolutely hates those he dictates are beneath him and hates the thought of living in the same world as those he considers to be peasants. This is exactly why Africa is perfect for him. The amount of diamond and riches it has to offer made him the richest of the monarchs and also helped along his goal of forcing all of Africa or most all of it to modernize no matter what the cost. With throwing away the customs of countless religions, displacing millions of people, and killing off those he deemed useless to the benefit of the African society this continent has him to thank for becoming a prosperous place. It’s now said to be on par with the best of first world countries. Even though he’s extremely controlling and racist he makes sure the people of Africa know his value and know the wrath that would come their way if they dared to protest against him even behind closed doors. He’s level headed and seemingly cool until proven wrong and not superior. That shakes him off his calm pedestal and makes him rash and aggressive. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=15.333333333333332px][/SIZE][SIZE=15.333333333333332px] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Temperature Bonding - [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]He can either draw in or expel the heat or the cold into his body. He can either expel or draw it in through a straight line to hit a specific target or he can make it move in a hurricane like fashion. If he’s in a frozen room while he’s being surrounded; he can draw all the cold air in in a hurricane like fashion and cause it to hit and potentially freeze his opponents while having them float in the air due to the hurricane current. Doing this would draw all the cold inside of him and dispel the warmth, causing the room to be warm instead. Doing this leaves his body cold until it naturally warms up or until he dispels the cold in an explosion of freezing air to speed up his own warming process, vice versa. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Temperature Manipulation -[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Once he’s in enough danger his body naturally drops his previous ability and allows him to control temperature in blasts. His ability becomes much faster and can vary in strength. He can fire cold or hot blasts from most parts of his body without the need of switching temperatures.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]King of Temperature -[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Once he loses his calm due to being in severe physical harm, his body allows him to use his previous ability with the temperature bonding ability.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]When drawing in or expelling things from his body he cannot move. When performing the hurricane drawing in, it also pulls people and objects in as well which is why he tries to make it fast causing him to not draw in as much. When doing any hurricane directioned attack he’s vulnerable to attacks from above. His physiology and experience with the power gives him extra protection from the temperature changes but he can still overheat or become too cold if more cold or hot things are drawn in than he intended to. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]His attacks are stronger when hitting the intended target with temperature manipulation but he can no longer handle large crowds with nigh omnidirectional attacks. The more rapid the shots the weaker they are. He can only fire things from his hands, eyes, and mouth. If he fires from all of them at the same time the range is shorter and the power is at its weakest. His back now becomes open if he’s not alert as well as coming from above or below.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Theme and why: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Amygdala[/SIZE]


[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Lore Spoilers[/SIZE]


Name: αδειάζω

Nickname: Geno

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Parents:???[/COLOR]

Age:18 (Since creation.)


Ethnicity:North american

Species: Undead?

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Power Source: Dark mana



(Minus the horse.)

(it wont show the picture for some reason, so here is the link.)

Personality: Geno is laid back, lazy, and has a fear of spiders. but he usually watches everything and sometimes people around him.He is usually always calm, some even say he can be calm even if reality itself is breaking and ending. he rarely tries too fight and will only really fight in self defense.


Powers:He can teleport rather rapidly, only being too bring one other person with him, he also can be Ridiculously fast if he wants too be, his weapon is a  blade he made himself, it enchanted so it can slowly repair itself and return too its owner.

Limits:he cannot teleport any further then 20/25 miles per teleport, and he can only rapidly teleport at his maximum range around three times before tiring out. (if he teleports as far as he can go rapidly three times it'll heavily tire him out)

He is not that strong, and cant lift two average humans without collapsing first.

his sword cannot return too him if the is something blocking a straight path, its a simple return enchant and will only go straight, so putting a small wall between him and his weapon will make it so the weapon cant return.

when he is running, there is a good chance some or all of his equipment can fly off of him, and can go over a mile away, besides his sword, he usually just goes off and makes/buys more, when he can, Geno usually has almost no cash, because his money pouch can fly off too.

He cannot heal naturally,  if a bone snapped off, the only way he could heal it himself, without outside help, is too keep the bone where it was before it broke, and keep it there until it mends back in, but that can take weeks, even months until it finishes.

if there is a large spider nearby, dont expect Geno too stay around very long.

Somehow, he is allergic too starfruit.

Theme and why:

History:Too be revealed in the fabulous rp.

Extra:no matter the situation he never tells anyone his true intentions.

Geno usually does not bother too stop crimes, and some other things in front of him, a baby can be kidnapped for a sacrifice for a cult in front of him and he might not care.

He usually does not use his abilities, and prefers to have people think he is weak, maybe harmless level weak.

He usually avoids questions that ask about him, and his personal life, and his past.

sometimes, he will pull pranks on people he knows, like lining an entire toilet seat with small rusty nails, or boiling water above a door. his favorite is spiking foods and drinks with alcohol or drugs.

he will fight if his leader/boss tells him too, so far, that's no one.

(Sorry if this cs is terrible.)
(Open to suggestions and recommended changes.)

Last edited by a moderator:


Christian Briar-Heart​











Power Source:​

Black Magic​




Christian is a very submissive passive person, and will often give into other’s wills. But he will defend people he loves. He is a noted as being very backhanded. His interests are aligned with his monarch. He is also very unloyal to his partner, Usually sleeping around with all the boys. Don't tell master 0-^.


Incubus Physiology​


Christian’s powers are basically going to be something that allows him to absorb pain from other and store it. Once he reaches his max pain capacity. He will become an Incubus. If he has any sexual interaction with someone he can slightly influence their choices.


As an Incubus Christian becomes Xavier. He has heightened speed, strength and reflexes. He can summon twin whips. He can also fly. This lasts for 2-4 hours, and Christian will be nude when he transforms back.​


He is limited by his own mortality, and can die from the pain. He also doesn’t control his transformation, but before he transforms he gains his wings and horns, giving him fair warning. He can also not remember what happens as a succubus, when he awakens he has no memories of the time he spent as Xavier what so ever.​

Theme and why:​




[SIZE= 28px]Evie[/SIZE]


Evie Brookshire








Power Source:

Mana, I guess? Yeah, she's a basic bitch, what of it ;P







[FONT= 'Open Sans']Physiology:[/FONT]



If you had to use one word to describe Evie, it would be, 'Sarcastic bitch'. What's that? That's two words? 


She's been told by multiple people that's she's a 'bit' sarcastic. Which is good because she totally wouldn't know that she was if no one had ever told her, so it was a big help. But most of all she loves when people assume that's she's being sarcastic because she doesn't know how to express her emotions properly, it's so enlightening to have people tell you things about yourself that you never knew.But apart from being sarcastic, Evie likes to irritate people. Oh, that's kinda the same thing? Really? She enjoys tormenting people in most any way, but even she has some lines that she won't cross, but on the flip side, you'd be hard pressed to find something that genuinely aggravated her. 



Evie has some magic in her, but it's a very small amount. Because of this Evie needs Runes to make her magic useable. Otherwise her power is almost entirely useless. 
For the runes to work, Evie needs to cast the spell she wants to use on the Rune. For example, if she wanted to send a fireball out then she would have to cast that on the rune like she was firing a fireball at it and then the Rune would be able to fire it out; Evie is able to set a trigger for when the runes activate, so she could have them activate at the mention of a word, or by a certain sound. Evie's runes are also able to attach themselves to different surfaces. The same rules apply for all  the other types of magic Evie can use; So far Evie only knows three types of Magic: Fire, Water and electricity.  


Evie makes all her runes herself and she currently has three different types of runes.


Wooden Runes (These really weak and burn up after one use, but are easy to make)



Stone Runes (Stronger than wood and burn up after one use and are somewhat easy to make)



Iron Runes (These are the same strength as stone, but are completely reusable) 



Weaknesses: Evie has a limited amount of runes (30 wooden runes, 20 Stone runes and 3 Iron runes at the moment) Once the runes are gone, she become almost completely useless as she has no other powers or special abilities.

Extra information



Lol I don't even know



God I miss my coding ;^;


Name: αδειάζω

Nickname: Geno

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Parents:???[/COLOR]

Age:20 (Since creation.)


Ethnicity:North american

Species: Undead?

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Power Source: Dark mana


View attachment 167024

(Minus the horse.)

(it wont show the picture for some reason, so here is the link.)

Personality: Geno is laid back, lazy, and has a fear of spiders. but he usually watches everything and sometimes people around him.He is usually always calm, some even say he can be calm even if reality itself is breaking and ending. he rarely tries too fight and will only really fight in self defense.


Powers:He can teleport rather rapidly, only being too bring one other person with him, he also can be Ridiculously fast if he wants too be, his weapon is a  blade he made himself, it enchanted so it can slowly repair itself and return too its owner.

Limits:he cannot teleport any further then 20/25 miles per teleport, and he can only rapidly teleport at his maximum range around three times before tiring out. (if he teleports as far as he can go rapidly three times it'll heavily tire him out)

He is not that strong, and cant lift two average humans without collapsing first.

his sword cannot return too him if the is something blocking a straight path, its a simple return enchant and will only go straight, so putting a small wall between him and his weapon will make it so the weapon cant return.

when he is running, there is a good chance some or all of his equipment can fly off of him, and can go over a mile away, besides his sword, he usually just goes off and makes/buys more, when he can, Geno usually has almost no cash, because his money pouch can fly off too.

He cannot heal naturally,  if a bone snapped off, the only way he could heal it himself, without outside help, is too keep the bone where it was before it broke, and keep it there until it mends back in, but that can take weeks, even months until it finishes.

if there is a large spider nearby, dont expect Geno too stay around very long.

Somehow, he is allergic too starfruit.

Theme and why:

History:Too be revealed in the fabulous rp.

Extra:no matter the situation he never tells anyone his true intentions.

Geno usually does not bother too stop crimes, and some other things in front of him, a baby can be kidnapped for a sacrifice for a cult in front of him and he might not care.

He usually does not use his abilities, and prefers to have people think he is weak, maybe harmless level weak.

He usually avoids questions that ask about him, and his personal life, and his past.

sometimes, he will pull pranks on people he knows, like lining an entire toilet seat with small rusty nails, or boiling water above a door. his favorite is spiking foods and drinks with alcohol or drugs.

he will fight if his leader/boss tells him too, so far, that's no one.

(Sorry if this cs is terrible.)
(Open to suggestions and recommended changes.)


The age cap for the main group is 12-18 so I would like to know where this character is fitting in. Very cool character though and I want to accept him I just need to figure this out


Christian Briar-Heart











Power Source:

Black Magic





Christian is a very submissive passive person, and will often give into other’s wills. But he will defend people he loves. He is a noted as being very backhanded. His interests are aligned with his monarch. He is also very unloyal to his partner, Usually sleeping around with all the boys. Don't tell master 0-^.


Incubus Physiology


Christian’s powers are basically going to be something that allows him to absorb pain from other and store it. Once he reaches his max pain capacity. He will become an Incubus. If he has any sexual interaction with someone he can slightly influence their choices.



As an Incubus Christian becomes Xavier. He has heightened speed, strength and reflexes. He can summon twin whips. He can also fly. This lasts for 2-4 hours, and Christian will be nude when he transforms back.


He is limited by his own mortality, and can die from the pain. He also doesn’t control his transformation, but before he transforms he gains his wings and horns, giving him fair warning. He can also not remember what happens as a succubus, when he awakens he has no memories of the time he spent as Xavier what so ever.

Theme and why:






[SIZE= 28px]Evie[/SIZE]

View attachment 170367

Evie Brookshire








Power Source:

Mana, I guess? Yeah, she's a basic bitch, what of it ;P







[FONT= 'Open Sans']Physiology:[/FONT]



If you had to use one word to describe Evie, it would be, 'Sarcastic bitch'. What's that? That's two words? 


She's been told by multiple people that's she's a 'bit' sarcastic. Which is good because she totally wouldn't know that she was if no one had ever told her, so it was a big help. But most of all she loves when people assume that's she's being sarcastic because she doesn't know how to express her emotions properly, it's so enlightening to have people tell you things about yourself that you never knew.But apart from being sarcastic, Evie likes to irritate people. Oh, that's kinda the same thing? Really? She enjoys tormenting people in most any way, but even she has some lines that she won't cross, but on the flip side, you'd be hard pressed to find something that genuinely aggravated her. 



Evie has some magic in her, but it's a very small amount. Because of this Evie needs Runes to make her magic useable. Otherwise her power is almost entirely useless. 
For the runes to work, Evie needs to cast the spell she wants to use on the Rune. For example, if she wanted to send a fireball out then she would have to cast that on the rune like she was firing a fireball at it and then the Rune would be able to fire it out; Evie is able to set a trigger for when the runes activate, so she could have them activate at the mention of a word, or by a certain sound. Evie's runes are also able to attach themselves to different surfaces. The same rules apply for all  the other types of magic Evie can use; So far Evie only knows three types of Magic: Fire, Water and electricity.  


Evie makes all her runes herself and she currently has three different types of runes.


Wooden Runes (These really weak and burn up after one use, but are easy to make)



Stone Runes (Stronger than wood and burn up after one use and are somewhat easy to make)


Iron Runes (These are the same strength as stone, but are completely reusable) 


Weaknesses: Evie has a limited amount of runes (30 wooden runes, 20 Stone runes and 3 Iron runes at the moment) Once the runes are gone, she become almost completely useless as she has no other powers or special abilities.

Extra information



Lol I don't even know



God I miss my coding ;^;


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[SIZE=12.0pt]Caspian Crespo[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12.0pt]A telemarketer and a secretary[/SIZE]











[SIZE=16.0pt]Power Source:[/SIZE]





[SIZE=12.0pt]Initially a seemingly cold boy, Caspian is actually a sweetheart deep down. He has a strong sense of justice and an even stronger moral code, which basically boils down to don’t kill anybody, because there’s always another way. He thinks that everybody deserves a second chance, and is actually a bit of a charmer. He’s a guy who can take a punch, flirt with the girl next to him, and still keep on going on…[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]Or well, at least that’s what he is on the surface.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]Caspian is actually a deeply disturbed child who’s just gotten good at seeming like he isn’t. Everything thing above is true, to an extent, but there’s this underlying deep level of violence that he often doesn’t let show. He has no social or mental disorders to speak of, but to say that he’s sane is just plain wrong. He claims that he sometimes hears this voice in the back of his head that tells him to do terrible things he doesn’t want to do when he gets very angry, but the truth is, those thoughts are his own.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]He’s violent to an extreme, and although he’s typically very averse to killing, he will straight up brutalize and torture (Among other things) somebody if pushes him too far. Don’t misunderstand though, these outbursts are not entirely random, typically offset by people making any sort of insult towards his missing eye, feeling disrespected or that someone isn’t following his code. There is some semblance of a well-mannered, kind and smart young boy, but the fact of the matter is that person is buried underneath layers of insanity, not the other way around as he’d have you believe.[/SIZE]




[SIZE=12.0pt]None what so ever.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12.0pt]He’s a regular human, so… bullets? Knives? An untreated fever? No idea what you want from me…[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]Okay, so I assume if you’re reading this, you saw the above trigger warning right? Awesome, now allow me to explain this choice in song. Many parts of this song could be interpreted as his own internal feelings and fantasies he experiences on a regular basis. Note the seemingly contradictory words used at points in the song, such as, ‘I’m not a rapper, nor a racist or a rapist that is then immediately followed by multiple lines of him demonstrating himself being that exact thing. This could be seen as Caspian’s own denial towards his own thoughts, not wanting to confront the fact that he actually does have these sick thoughts.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]Also, note the outro as well. This is also very similar to his own reaction after coming down from his anger, knowing that what he thought was incredibly dark and almost unspeakable, his own thoughts leave him at a loss for words…[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12.0pt]As a boy, Caspian didn’t have many friends…[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12.0pt]It was odd, he wasn’t weird looking, his parents had normal jobs, his house was just fine, the only difference between him and any other child, was the single eye patch that covered his right eye. He had lost his eye when he was seven; accidently took his eye out on a hunting trip with his dad. Beyond that? He had been fine at that point in his life, just another Boston school boy. yet still, the kids at school teased him relentlessly about it.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]Because of that, he often had to get a bit more creative when entertaining himself, which often led to trouble, with him constantly getting in trouble with neighbors, harassing poor dogs by attempting to ride them, or, as it went one time, playing with matches.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]He found them in the kitchen drawer, wasn’t ever sure what they did at the time; after all, he was only ten at the time. He simply took them to the living room, turned on the TV, and began to play around with them. He would inspect the wood, feel the texture, twirl it around his fingers, it wasn’t until that he struck the matches to the back of the box that he was surprised. He didn’t think that fire would come out when he struck the matches, and in a mixture of shock, fear and confusion, he dropped the matches. He didn’t know how to react, and so he simply backed as far away from the flames as possible, going into a corner. It wasn’t until the flames were roaring around him that his parents came running down to get him, but when his mind had finally caught up with the situation, and he was ready to move, a burning pillar crashed down behind them, trapping them in the corner. After that? His parents panicked slightly as they gathered around him, trying to cover him with their bodies. Then? Blackness.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]He was later told that he was only under the rubble for about eight hours, but if felt like months. In that cramped, tight space with no light trapped between the rubble of your old house and the corpses of your parents, he snapped. Most people would snap in a situation like that, but the difference is, he had to do so knowing he was only in that situation because of himself.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]Once they got him out, he took five years of therapy, went back to school, moved in with his aunt, and was slowly being readjusted to life. But the problem was, he wasn’t alright, NOBODY would be alright after a situation like that, the only difference is that Caspain got good at learning how to fake as if he was alright. But he was never all right, because of this, when he was sixteen, he ran away from his aunt’s house and took her credit card with him, boarding the first flight to Hong Kong he could find. It was the most expensive flight he could find, and he felt it sent a message, one that said, ‘Fuck you, I’m not okay.’ After proceeding to buy the most expensive hotel room he could find until he was dragged back to Boston, he hadn’t lasted a week until he got a knock on his door, a receptionist telling him someone was there to see him. He went outside, expecting to see his aunt, what he got instead however, was a bag over his head…[/SIZE]



[SIZE=12.0pt]Since then, he’s been in a labor camp for three years, and he’s yet to hear anything about some kind of daring rescue coming for him. Instead, he’s been stuck in the same place, doing the same thing each and every day. Each time he works in that fucking camp, his broken mind breaks a [/SIZE][SIZE=8.0pt]tiny[/SIZE][SIZE=12.0pt] bit more, and by this point there’s not much left of it…[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12.0pt](Forgot the spoiler for the theme, edited)[/SIZE]
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The age cap for the main group is 12-18 so I would like to know where this character is fitting in. Very cool character though and I want to accept him I just need to figure this out



 he could be out too the monarch for his own personal gain, and do whatever methods he can too get his goal done. and maybe discover he is a chosen one as well?

this is one of my ideas, still thinking of more.

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  • Warden of a classified, high security prison known only as 'The Ossuary', which is the prison in which the parents are being held
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[COLOR= rgb(69, 69, 69)]❝ Peace, tranquility and isolation. Three things you need...[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(69, 69, 69)]before descending into a decent sleep. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(69, 69, 69)]❞[/COLOR]





Given Name: Zeke

Gender: Male

Guardians: ???

Ethnicity: ??? (Appearance-wise: Asian)

Age: ???

Species: Deity 

Sexuality: Aromantic

Personality: The reincarnation of a sloth's mobility, if that makes sense. Slow and very chill in almost every situation he encounters. However, start off on the wrong foot after the first introduction and he'll nip (not bite). First impressions are considered important for him, since his attention span towards living entities is limited - manage to capture his attention the first time, and it won't be hard to regain it again. 

He enjoys observing scenery, such as landscapes. The animals that live in them are excluded. You'll most likely find him gazing at the environment than the entity in front of him, so he's looking straight through you.

On offending him, or if deciding to take a mean route towards him, he'll most likely sass you back.



Beneath the thick casual clothes that Zeke adorns, lies incomplete flesh. The torso and neck, and lower half remain as skin, but his arms do not. Beginning from the shoulder socket is the skeletal frame of an arm, the bleached white bones are inhumanely sturdy and durable, and is very unlikely to splinter or fracture. His jaw is also encased in such bone.

The whites of his eyes have long since gone, and the neon blue iris was something that the Void enhanced. Perhaps it was mainly for aesthetic (?).


  • Power Source

    Gifts from the Void (Explanation in the Void section)

  • Teleportation

    Self-explanatory. Appears in a place in a blink of an eye.

  • Bone-shifting

    Mainly applied to himself. In response to assaults, his arms will contort and shift into a weapon of his choice. He usually resorts to a sharp bone blade, where his hands lose its form and sharpens into a point. This is just an example of the ability, there is more to it.

  • Endoskeletal Deconstruction/Reconstruction

    Kin to the deconstruction ability, however, it doesn't deconstruct the entire entity into cubes. It focuses on the main frame of the entity's body; the endoskeleton. He can destroy parts of the endoskeleton within the entity, or construct more of it. He can also do this to the environment, but does not bother (?).



A modern intake in things. A change. Better or for worse? Such things don't matter. The Void has a new accommodator. 


Did he choose to fall, or did he fall by accident? 

Either way he is what the Void needs.

[To be added on, as the journey unfolds]


A place of unknown, though, it seems to have a mind of its own.

Unable to be discovered but can be accessed -- if the unknown permits entry to those chosen. The chosen must have certain characteristics, since the Void is extremely selective. 

• Chosen must suffer from some sort of severe disfigurement in the body, be it the whole vessel  or particular parts of it.

• An interesting and amusing lifetime -- amusing to the Void, having experienced traumatic events that inflicts mental and/or physical changes to the chosen. Lifespan 

must reach up to an adult stage.

• Defining attributes of the chosen; important, since the Void frequently enjoys expanding on those characteristics of the chosen, the space chooses its "theme" around it.


The Void is a space of darkness, for there is no light to pierce it's never-ending depths. Where there is no light, there is no life -- no environment can thrive within this space. 

The chosen hear nothing, smell nothing and obviously, taste nothing, as long as they stay there. Sounds quite dreary, doesn't it? 

However, time still roams there. 

As time inches forwards, the Void will select a new governor and the space will shift and contort to its chosen. 

It was once a space where the chosen could see certain truths; hurtful and crippling ones, but still the truth. The previous chosen had such an affect on the Void, but the new one discarded the affinity. 


Out with Old. In with the New.



Abilities that is bestowed upon the chosen, heavily depending on their defining attributes. The Void can muster up a range of them, varying endlessly. But can only bestow atleast two powers, excluding teleportation. 


[COLOR= rgb(69, 69, 69)]Chosen toconveythe Void, rather than himself. The Void made him who he is now, excluding his own personality. [/COLOR]
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