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Fantasy Character Role Listing for UA Academy for Growing Heroes



Magic Eight Ball
This is where you list the characters you will be portraying in "UA Academy for Growing Heroes."

A couple rules:
1. Don't be god moded or op.
2. No more than 5 characters per person.
3. If playing a villain, you cannot be at UA Academy unless posing as a student. Villains are welcome in the chat, just not in the Academy unless posing or attacking during a field trip.
4. Please post the character you want to use (This can be Canon or an OC if you want) In a detailed format below, This is to show that you know the canon character or OC that you want to roleplay.
Name: Adam Ishimura

Nickname: Damax

Age: 16

Birthday: 04/05/2003

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6 or 167.64 Centimeters

Relationships: Single

Quirk: Firestorm

Quirk Type: Mutant

Quirk explanation: His Hands were turned into those of blazing red flames able to combust an object into flames in seconds with a single touch by his hand, Adam's hands posses the same physical capabilities as normal hands however meaning the young boy has to wear power dampening gloves to be able to act like a normal student around others

Hero/Villain outfit: His hero outfit represents one of a burnt man, His outfit looking ripped with small red paint marks coming out of each rip, his blazing red hands out in the open to make him look like he had just been out of an accident. He had designed the costume to instill fear in villains he faced in hopes that he wouldn't have to fight them

Appearance: Adam has short ash blonde hair with emerald green eyes, his body is the same type of that as an athletic build, He wears the UA uniform with the top button of his uniform undone, his red tie generally undone

Normal outfit: His casual clothing generally consists of a sky blue t-shirt with blood red pants and grey woolen looking power dampening gloves

Occupation: Student

Personality: Normally Calm, Normally doesn't take to aggression but can leave a bad first impression if talked to rudely during introductions, Is a partial neat freak for school uniform, generally overthinks things

Hobby: Making Music

Likes: Music, Video games, Heroes, Reading, Studying, Making Friends

Dislikes: Katsuki Bakugo, Villains, Revision, Water, His Quirk

As Adam's quirk manifested at the age of 5 he slowly saw potential of becoming a professional hero like Endeavor but also began to hate himself as he found out what he was really capable of, Adam burning his childhood home at the age of 13 during a fight with his parents, This had caused him and his parents to move into a small 3 room apartment in Tokyo leaving behind all of his childhood memories, He had attended regular high school passing all of his classes and studies with flying colours, He applied to take the UA entrance exam and had only barely passed, Now in UA he had set off to achieve his dreams of becoming a professional​
Name: Emina Fukuhara
Nickname: Em, Emina
Age: 16
Birthday: September 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Relationships: none so far
Quirk: Sneaker
Quirk Type: Sneaky Type
Quirk explanation: Can turn invisible and back to visible, limited by her physical conditions; aka being knocked out she cannot be invisible anymore
Hero/Villain outfit: Hero outfit assembled as a lavender body suit made to look like a chameleon's scales, quiet black sneakers with velcro straps instead of laces, and a hood on the body suit for covering her head, hair in ponytail
Appearance: School uniform, hair can be either in ponytail or down, depending on how she feels
Normal outfit: A lavender colored blouse, blue jeans, white sneakers with laces, hair down
Occupation: Student at UA Academy
Personality: Quiet, yet happy; loves making new friends
Hobby: Practicing self defense or drawing/making notes on her thoughts
Likes: chocolate, making friends, lavender colored things
Dislikes: Bakugo, League of Villains, making tough decisions without being able to write them down
Backstory: When Emina was 5 years old, she discovered her quirk, turning invisible, while trying to help a friend escape from bullies. She had turned invisible, leading her friend away. When she returned home, her father took her to a small room, telling her he would teach her about self defense. Her father was quirkless while her mother had the invisibility quirk she had acquired. Every day after school, and every day during her breaks, Emina's father would teach her how to use her self defense along with her new quirk. By the time Emina had turned 14, her father was trying to teach her when he suddenly collapsed, dying days later due to either exhaustion or old age. Her mother died soon after from a broken heart, though they had fully paid off the house, so Emina was able to live there without having to pay taxes. She knew that with high school coming soon, she'd have to find a way to pay for her new school. She decided to enroll in the UA Academy, wanting to become a hero, just like she thought her father would want if he had a quirk. Now enrolled in UA, she attends her classes with perfect attendance, only missing one or two days if she's really sick.

Name: Alastor Nex
Hero Name: Seeker
Age: 18
Birthday: 13th July
Gender: Male
Height: 5"8
Relationships: Is the older brother of Keira. Works under Sir Nighteye currently as part of his hero work.
Quirk: Soul Blade
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk explanation: So long as he manages to make contact with a person's chest or head (not specifically through skin to skin contact), Alastor can tap into someone's personality and their knowledge and draw out a weapon that takes the shape of either a blade or arm cannon that mimics the person's quirk to an extent.
Depending on his target the weapon can have different qualities and abilities, but ultimately without truly knowing the person Alastor has no way of knowing what he may get when he accesses their soul.
Hero/Villain outfit: Nothing too drastic, he simply wears what he typically wears around U.A; A dark gray cloak that can mask his identity should the need arise.
Appearance: You can see it in this banner
Normal outfit: The same as his hero outfit.
Occupation: Student
Personality: Extremely analytical and strategic and doesn't tend to act on emotions unless the situation is very dire for someone he cares about, at which point panic and desperation can drive him into recklessness and improvised attacks. He's very serious outside of battle and is the kind of person who always has to know things. A real seeker of knowledge.
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, trying to improve the use of his quirk. On occassion he has been known to play chess.
Likes: Learning, training. The colour blue.
Dislikes: People who joke around when they shouldn't, cats, cheese, and the colour pink.
Backstory: Since he was a child Alastor has always been a man of knowledge, always looking to learn new things and refine skills he's picked up in the past. This is partially due to his parents expectations of him to get astounding grades (they weren't disappointed) and really excel above others in his class. Alastor did exactly that, always pushing forwards, until he eventually decided that despite his interest in traditional academics, he could get more out of becoming a hero. His quirk was something that he would never be able to completely understand, but encountering villains would probably give him the best chance at doing it.

He passed the entrance exam with great difficulty, struggling at a test for the first time in his life. Of course, he had expected that it would be like that since his social skills were somewhat lacking and his quirk revolved entirely around using other people. After passing the entrance exam, he resolved to improve his social skills and learn all that there was to becoming a true hero, not that he could inspire others or save people but so that he could become the best version of himself he could possibly be.
Additional info: Since he is a 3rd year student, he has his provisional hero licence and works for a pro hero (yet to be decided). Whenever he isn't doing that hero work, he often helps out as a teacher's assistant when he isn't attending his own classes.

Name: Keira Nex
Hero Name: Crystal Warden
Age: 15
Birthday: May 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5"2
Relationships: Keira is Alastor's younger sister
Quirk: Crystallise
Quirk Type: Transformation
Quirk explanation: Keira's body can create crystals on her exterior, encasing most of herself in extremely durable, sharp crystals. These crystals can, at will, be fired off as projectiles but will then take a couple of minutes to regrow and protect her again. It's a reasonably simple quirk, but one that she is decently experienced with. As a side effect of using this quirk, if she uses it too much her body permanently grows crystals that cannot be removed. At the beginning of the RP, four of Keira's toes on her right foot are permanently encased in crystal.
Hero/Villain outfit: Due to her outfit being changed so much when she uses her quirk Keira, like her brother, typically wears her regular clothing outside of school and when she is doing hero work.
Appearance: Here
Normal outfit: The same as the picture above.
Occupation: Student
Personality: Quiet and outspoken, Keira is a girl who always does what she believes is right. She enjoys messing around with people and often not taking the situation as seriously as it requires, but if you're ever after a friend or someone who will stand by your side until the end then Keira is most certainly someone you would seek out. Doesn't like Alastor being overprotective of her.
Likes: The colour purple, her mother's homemade spaghetti bolognese, Andean Condors, just about any kind of music (except death metal).
Dislikes: Alastor's lectures, rats, death metal.
Backstory: If there was one word to describe Keira Nex's childhood, it would be "safe". Being the only daughter of the Nex family, she was naturally a little more sheltered by her parents, especially her older brother. Anytime she tried to venture out into the world and experience life as an independent girl, someone would step in and tell her she should be more careful and shouldn't be so reckless. After a while it grew very old and stale, and that feeling only intensified when her quirk manifested at the late age of 10.

Deciding she'd had enough of it, she fled home and intended on living life on the run (she was 10, not the most experienced at the time), but she'd barely gotten to the train station before a villain attack put a stop to her adventure before it had really begun. With nobody to stop them, the villain began terrorizing the civilians there, laughing as they did so. Seeing people in danger, Keira stepped forward and tried to fight them. She didn't last very long at all, and had to constantly layer herself in crystal as the villain kept beating her up and ripping them from her. She began screaming, crying for help, but everyone was too terrified to step in. She then heard the famous words she'd heard on tv so many times:

"It's okay now. Why? Because I am here!"

The moment she heard the words, she knew she really was okay. Passing out from blood loss and exhaustion as the villain was knocked off of her by All Might, Keira awoke in a hospital bed with her worried family there. She'd never forget the look of worry and panic plastered on her brother's face, and the feeling of guilt that welled up within her. Perhaps that was why she worked hard after that to get better at fighting whenever she could do it in secrecy, and why she was so determined to get into U.A when she was old enough. A few years later, she took the entrance exam and got through with relative ease. After she'd gotten through, she remembered yelling out that she was going to be the next big hero, "Crystal Warden", before quickly getting flustered and going completely silent. That was the first and last time she tried to stand out among the other students at U.A, dedicating herself to her studies and her dream.
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Name: Staz Alighieri

Nickname: Yahiko

Age: 17

Birthday: 06/7/2002

Gender: Male

Height: 7'1"

Relationships: None

Quirk: Bloodline

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk explanation:
Secondary Bloodline, a quirk related to the users blood/mind length. It can use blood as an attribute to how the quirk works normally, causing a small but powerful and concentrated blast out of the areas having the blood on it, so even using blood droplets will allow it to work easily and not need much to be used. Though they can also be used like landmines and activated at anytime the user wishes that even means in the air or covering himself in them like a walking mine.

Primary Bloodline the main quirk ability would be; The user can control quirk usage as once it activates it a thick dark mist will surround his current area only sticking to the floor area though and being about knee high. The mist being thick though can be interacted with and moved like it was some type of reforming metal, he can use this to make anything he pleases or even surround him as a type of armor though it can be defeated easily its hard thing to hit through and would fall back to the mist and start to recreate what it had been before, but once in the mist long enough it will on its own adapt to their persons fighting style and memorize it letting him also know how they fight and what they do. Though if a victim was to be in the area his mist controlled it would reverse the functionality of their quirk making it work opposite to their usual activation and usage, though once out of the area it will work correctly again after a small few minutes. The people affected would notice it would be around them as a light black outline is put around them outlining their figure slightly but it would be visible as it follows them and hovers above their actual body like an air bubble.
Drawback for the Blood part: He is Anemic, meaning the more he used his secondary quirk action he'd become quick
Drawback for the Mist part: The mist slowly starts lessening and retreats back to him as its power weakens and to which its abilities are removed like reversing quirks and its thickness/consistency is lessened to where making things would be harder to create.

Hero/Villain outfit: His outfit is of one that represents a black plague doctor with glowing red eyes, it's a basic plague doctor look but does its job to protect his identity well and still provides him with enough flexibility to move around as much as he needs too. A close enough image being this;1576388025892.png

Appearance: While in public he wears the same clothes as he does in school unless he's planning on training. It mostly being a plain long-sleeved black shirt and his pants are also black but have zig-zags of red in them that cross through each other to the waist band all over.

Normal outfit:
Occupation: Student

Personality: Friendly, Quiet, Helpful, and Unseriousness

Hobby: Training, mostly to improve his quirk usage and to be able to extend his usage time as he body gets use too it

Likes: Meeting people, sparring/dueling, causing a bit of trouble now and then, and also helping others when they need it

Dislikes: Heroes, Villains, Reporters, and privacy pushers(like people pushing their nose into others stuff)

Backstory: Staz as a young boy, just like any other, appreciated heroes, despised villains, so he grew up wanting to be the best of the best by training him self even at a young age to where his quirk to dangerous to itself as well as others as he couldn't control what it did and had no real clue on controlling it but he always tried just so he could hopefully catch the attention of a hero.. That was until one day, back ten years ago when he was only seven years old his life had been ruined. Not by villains, but the utter destruction of both sides. Heroes and Villains. Moving through populated areas while fighting between each other both sides had plagued his life through his area, not too many houses damaged but enough to leave people wandering around and salvaging what they could all except for him as he had just arrived home from walking all the way from school as the day had ended only to find his house in shambles, with the heroes near and had defeated the villains once and for all in the streets, some cheered some just looked on. All except him as he walked towards his house, nothing left there except the broken properties of a roof, walls, and furniture. Except the one thing that stood out was a body, seeing it he got closer and noticed it was his mothers, crushed under most of the weight of the house and only the top of her torso showing. He didn't know what to do except wait, he sat by the body for hours until people had finally noticed what happened and the authorities were alerted. Since that day, he had been an orphan, but being put back into the system as some want-to-be parents saw him as disturbing and insane as if he was just lost and had no soul or emotions in his body that could be expressed. The only thing he ever talked about was how he knew it was their fault, the villains and heroes that had ruined his little world of the past and he couldn't forget even a tiny piece of it as it lingered in his mind and dreams. Leaving no part of his sanity untouched by its grasp of desperation and revenge to make a loan that needed to be finally paid once in his life that had been avoided for years. So he was training at U.A. High to expand his knowledge, increase his power and wits, but most importantly to increase his progress of a long lost promise to himself and he would have it have it happen whether now or later, but he not to resolve to violence and get vengeance on those in his past, but to make sure it happened to no one else in their lives as long as he lived, he would see that process through to punish all no matter the role they people present themselves to be as all are judged in equal standards by the eyes of divine karma, that one hero lives on forever and knows the correct standards from right and wrong doing, the only hero he believed in his fully.​
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Characters that are accepted:
Adam Ishimura: Damax, Dama

Alastor Nex: Gexln, He who was lost to darkness

Keira Nex: Gexln, He who was lost to darkness

Staz Alighieri: Zeon Epiales, Lurker

Akira Kaime: kaneshi; Lurker
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akira kaime






mother: kokimi yamamoto
father: kai kaime


Quirk Type:

Quirk explanation:
The quirk Snow fall is based around purely Ice, able to make weaponry, armor, and non-body attached things like walls or covering so like covering areas through burst of freezing cold temperatures that emit from the body at the quirks activation, the user will be able to do anything at will with the Ice and can even make it cold enough in the area to freeze it over or make it snow if the right conditions are met. The user is not limited to anything just as long as its within what they've already made, so like if they make any type of weaponry they'll be constricted to just weaponry making for a couple of minutes.
Drawbacks; For it being cold even the user is affected, after awhile freezing there body or an over frost that may also cause frostbite if over used, another problem is being exposed to great amounts of heat, so like a how hot a piece of metal gets from getting welded or melted through a furnace, it can cause the ice to melt, the depending on the temperature already at the melting process may take longer as if at very low temperatures the melted ice-water could just re-freeze.

Hero/Villain outfit:


Akira has a rather child like appearance due to her height, she has mid back length blue hair and blue eyes that compliment her pale skin tone and kind nature.

Normal outfit:


Akira is a very light hearted girl with a slight temper and some violent tendencies but overall shes a very kind and caring person

listening to music

being alone

loud people /places

Akira's childhood was pretty normal. however her father had left her mother at a young age leaving her to mainly forget him only knowing his name and that she had his quirk that related to creation. Her mother had cared for her greatly and Akira the same for her mother. She discovered her quirk arounf the age of 7 when she was playing near the lake behind their house and slipping amost falling into the water but froze it due to her quirk and falling onto the ice sheet. Later when she was around 9 or 10 he discovered she could make objects out of the ice she creates. She wishes to becom a pro hero so her mother would not have to work as much as she does to sustain the both of them.
Name: Heroku Kindo



Birthday: 8/3/2002


Height: 5ft 9inch


Quirk: Teleportation

Quirk Type:Emitter

Quirk Explanation: He can teleport around but it has to be in a 6 mile radius and addition to his quirk he can teleport things to him and he has free range with this ability but he is limited to use his quirk to a short amount for if he uses his quirk to much he will faint.

Hero/villain outfit1617523351336.png

Appearance: White hair red eyes has a lil beard growing has his mask on most of the time wears big boots and always carries his sword.

Normal outfit: Black jacket no mask blue jeans and a pitch black t-shirt.

Occupation: Villain

Personality: gloomy,rarely mad,Doesn't really cares what happens as long as the jobs done.

Hobby: Martial arts,art,and track field

Likes: When someone understands him. When people leave him alone. And music.

Dislikes: People who hate family.Jokes/puns. and happy people.

Backstory: Herokou or Hero was a boy in a wealthy family that looked innocent on the outside but evil on the inside but little did Herokou know that he was from a bloodline of villains.
But he was to Innocent and happy for his parents to tell him.One day when he was 5 his parents got caught in a fight with heroes while he was at the park.He saw an explosion at his house and ran towards there.When he got there all he saw was his 2 dead parents and 1 hero.The hero left without noticing the boy,Herokou then ran to his parents hearing there last words "I love you Hero..." Soon he promised himself to kill any hero who gets in his way.

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