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Fantasy Character Registration

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]In that case it's denied for one reason, if Shinji had that power he'd be able to freely manipulate the laws of existence and create something from nothing.

(Ok,then give me a suggestion a power that will be good for Shinji)
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](Ok,then give me a suggestion a power that will be good for Shinji)

I dunno. Something that isn't OP, I suppose. Forget about updating your character for now and just RP. You'll be needed soon anyway.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]I dunno. Something that isn't OP, I suppose. Forget about updating your character for now and just RP. You'll be needed soon anyway.

(*sighs* Anti-God.....)
Name: Aimi Yuukiro

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Hybrid (Vampire and Siren [Aquatic type])

Personality: Sassy, Smart and emotional. Very protective and determined. Quiet as well.

Likes: Swimming, Blood, Reading, Scaring people off who piss her off, Dancing, Relaxing

Dislikes: Annoying people, Drugged/rigged blood, Threats towards her friends/family, Snails

Human form:


Vampire form:


Siren Form:

WeirdPrincess said:
Name: Weiss
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 17

Gender: The good one xD Jk, Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Mansion (( Picture of the mansion ))

View attachment 140833

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Ice queen

Powers/gifts: Can use Ice elements



Being alone


Staying home



Annoying people




Personality: Weiss can be cold (( In both senses lol )) at times and distant when angered. When she has something sweet, her persona completely changes to someone who is more open and friendly. She has come to the school in search of Asuka...her mother. (( Dun dun DUUUUN )) Nah just kidding, she just wants to kill her because she's way to nice.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Bio: "I don't even know you...I'm not telling you crap about me."

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else:

watch her meet Neo OwO)))
Name:Nero (Last name unknown)

Nickname(If Applies):N/A



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:Demon

Powers/gifts:Here is where shit get's real

Devil Trigger (As an object from a video game some of the lore of this power can be confusing but the lore will be listed in the Bio. Please try to make your way around the areas where it speaks of Missions as these were part of the game and the two people Dante, Virgil etc. Thank you very much!) @TheRebelliousDragon @Slaxt
shortyshot8 said:
Name:Nero (Last name unknown)
Nickname(If Applies):N/A



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:Demon

Powers/gifts:Here is where shit get's real

Devil Trigger (As an object from a video game some of the lore of this power can be confusing but the lore will be listed in the Bio. Please try to make your way around the areas where it speaks of Missions as these were part of the game and the two people Dante, Virgil etc. Thank you very much!) @TheRebelliousDragon @Slaxt
Name: Karito Yatogami

Nickname(If Applies): Kari

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human


Silver Aura: Through this Aura, Karito is granted the power over gravity manipulation where he could levitate himself or anyone he has synced his Aura with. As the Silver King he gets few other powers as well such as and an enhanced intelligence.

Weapon of choice:

Karito carries a katana with him at all times. It has a black tsuka ito weave with an ornate silver same under the cord, and a bronze kashira. It has a black tsuba with a normal steel blade; the scabbard is dark blue and has a bronze tip that matches the kashira. He rarely uses it, if ever at all.

Japanese Parasol: Karito carries a red Japanese style parasol with him at all times.

Dual Aura: Both Colorless and Silver






Anything that hurts Neko


He is very laid back and hopeless, but cooperates well with others. Karito is able to get along with almost everyone, whether it is people or animals or robots. He is kindhearted and is very open about his feelings to everyone. A positive side to his weird personality is that others easily trust him--but the negative side is that he trusts his life to total strangers as well. He has since developed something of a trickster side. For reasons such as this, Karito has also been called insincere or even a liar. He likes places like roofs, bridges, and places where there is a nice breeze, and doesn't hate anything in particular. His favorite food is plain rice, and some of his hobbies include researching, joking, and eating.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Bio: "That's to personal. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that."

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else:
Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Kokuru Hiramari

Nickname: Koku, Kuru

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Good, Evil, or Neutral?: Good

Where you live: Dorm

What year: Sophomore

What kind of being: Earth Spirit

Powers/Gifts: (Basically anything dealing with rocks xD ) Rock manipulation

Loves: Making friends

Likes: Eating, being around people, and video games

Dislikes: Rude people and bullies

Hates: Being left alone


Kokuru is a happy, upbeat, breath of fresh air and is as sweet as candy. He speaks his mind whenever possible and tries his best to make his friends the center of attention, rather than himself. However, he easily gets depressed when he's alone and tries his best not to show it to anybody in order to stay strong.

Appearance:(@xoloveox is gonna love this xD )(without the bunny ears :3)


Bio: He tries to keep his past to himself.

Dating: N/A
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Name: Neko

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House with Karito

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are: Strain



Sense/Perception Manipulation:Allows her to control the senses of all humans around her at will. So to say she brushes across emotions of people and then proceed to paint over their minds with the information/visions/images, she wants them to soak in. [14] Her powers do lose their effects in various types of situations. Such situations include Neko moving out of range from her illusions, thus no longer being the core for them to take effect from. She doesn't use this unless necessary.

Transformation: Neko is able to change her entire physique. She transforms into a teenage girl or a small kitten, retaining her powers in both forms. In some cases, when Neko transforms abruptly, there is a small cloud of smoke that briefly obscures her during the changing process.


One of Neko's monster cat illusions.

Illusion: Neko is able to conjure various illusions using herself as a perimeter. Her illusions are capable cause her victims to see an image different than the one they should be seeing. In most cases, she creates an illusion in relation to the environment she and her victim are in, which causes the latter to view a distorted version of the setting, either minimally or severely. In relation, Neko can conjure physical illusions that range from non-moving objects, such as a wall, or moving objects, such as an human. In the case of an illusion that portrays a living creature, Neko can have it so that they can have unique traits, such as voice and movement, furthermore possessing cat-related themes in most cases.

Sensory Disruption: Perhaps the most basic, yet also a very dangerous effect found in Neko's illusions, is its ability to distort her victim's five senses. People affected by Neko's illusions are automatically inflicted with a perceptive twist, causing them to believe that what they are seeing is actually occurring. Their entire five senses are vulnerable to warping in such a state particularly sight and touch. Even natural disruptions in their true environments, such as rain, are incapable of being perceived by the victim until the illusion has been dispelled.





Chase small things



Anyone that try's to hurt Karito


She is carefree and playful, having fun when playing games with people or robots. Neko is also quite gluttonous. She is constantly hungry and will whine when she is not being fed. Her taste for food is also very picky, though she appears to favor fish and spicy rice crackers. But even when given food, she does not mind her manners and makes attempts to ask for more or steal others' food. Neko is also incredibly naive. Even while performing such activities, she does not take notice of the actual dangers she is causing and instead interprets her actions as "helpful" and even entertaining in her perspective.

Neko has a strong love and affection for Karito being the only person that didn't chase her away when they first met, stating that she's Karito's cat and Karito is hers. She's also overprotective when it comes to him, and if there is any chance that Karito will be taken away from her she would protect him at any cost, such as clinging on to him when not originally telling Karito who he was, since she was afraid he would leave.Neko is a very childish person, bordering on selfishness.

Neko has a rather immodest side to her personality. She prefers to go about nude as she claims that clothes are too restricting, though she will wear clothes even if she prefers going nude.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Normal Appearance


Cat form



Neko is a survivor of the Kagutsu Crater. In her childhood, she was looked after by her mother and father afterwards, and she often used her abilities to have fun. While people were affected by her powers, a cat was not, and it often left her puzzled, but fascinated, with the cat. Along with the cat is an old man that scares her. Her previous name is unknown; she was previously referred to as XX.

Later on, members of the Gold Clan approach her home, and explain to XX that her 'parents' in fact lost their only son after the crater, and that, unknowingly, XX used her abilities to manipulate the couple's memories into thinking XX was their daughter. Devastated, XX lifts the illusion, only to be called a 'monster' by the couple. While alone, XX remembers a book her 'father' read to her, called “I Am A Cat!” Thus, XX remembers how the cat in the book lives independently and without depending on others, hence decided to live as a cat named Neko.

Dating/lover/crush: None as of yet

Anything else:

Theme Song:

WeirdPrincess said:
Name: Karito Yatogami
Nickname(If Applies): Kari

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human


Silver Aura: As a member of the Silver Clan, Karito possesses the Silver Aura. This Aura grants Karito the ability to manipulate gravity where he could at the least freely levitate himself. He can also manipulate gravity to run up buildings.

Force: Karito has a supernatural ability that allows him to manifest a wispy, lavender gel-like hand, which he can use to take hold of various objects, regardless of whether it has a solid form or not. He can generate such an ability from the palm of his hand.

Karito's use of spacial distortion.

Spatial Distortion: Using his ability's unique pull factor, Karito can literally "grab" the matter within the area, "pulling" onto it, thus distorting its properties and manipulating its structure.

Weapon of choice:

Karito carries a katana with him at all times. It has a black tsuka ito weave with an ornate silver same under the cord, and a bronze kashira. It has a black tsuba with a normal steel blade; the scabbard is dark blue and has a bronze tip that matches the kashira.

Dual Aura: Both Colorless and Silver







Un-mannered people

The word 'On fleek' (( ...dis word es werd ))

Improper beings


Karito is a quiet, serious proper gentleman who is also a stubborn, hot headed and composed individual who appears tough and completely no-nonsense on the surface. He is very determined to accomplish his goals, whatever they may be, but despite so Karito is willing to set them aside for the finer things in life, such as genuine companionship. Faith is a unknown thing to him which he doesn't understand but he is still willing to believe in it. Karito says that he follows a policy where, rather than judging a man by his appearance or words, their actions are what matters more.

He values points such as heroism, and people who value others over themselves. Although his genuine nature contradicts it, Karito does have a soft heart, which at times causes him to be very gullible. Karito is also quite modest when around indecently-dressed or nude women (such as the case with Neko's frequent habit of appearing as such), being flustered or embarrassed when any part or nudity is involved. Karito also appears to have a fondness in cooking, additionally having quite a good amount of skill in the field.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Blue King Appearance (( Karito doesn't know he has this, it will be revealed later ))


Bio: "That's to personal. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that."

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else:
((( Both of your appearances are taken xD Kuroh (Akira's son) is the first picture, Akira (future appearance for a certain thing in the near future) is the Blue King appearance. Kuroh also has your power xD Check the first page of this CS thread. )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Both of your appearances are taken xD Kuroh (Akira's son) is the first picture, Akira (future appearance for a certain thing in the near future) is the Blue King appearance. Kuroh also has your power xD Check the first page of this CS thread. )))

(( Son of a gun! xD I'll fix it and find something else and make sure there powers aren't the same. If you tell me that Isana Yashiro's appearance is also used, I'm at a loss on what Karito should look like xD ))
WeirdPrincess said:
(( Son of a gun! xD I'll fix it and find something else and make sure there powers aren't the same. If you tell me that Isana Yashiro's appearance is also used, I'm at a loss on what Karito should look like xD ))
Nah, he's not being used xP
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Name: Kokuru Hiramari
Nickname: Koku, Kuru

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Good, Evil, or Neutral?: Good

Where you live: Dorm

What year: Sophomore

What kind of being: Earth Spirit

Powers/Gifts: (Basically anything dealing with rocks xD ) Rock manipulation

Loves: Making friends

Likes: Eating, being around people, and video games

Dislikes: Rude people and bullies

Hates: Being left alone


Kokuru is a happy, upbeat, breath of fresh air and is as sweet as candy. He speaks his mind whenever possible and tries his best to make his friends the center of attention, rather than himself. However, he easily gets depressed when he's alone and tries his best not to show it to anybody in order to stay strong.

Appearance:(@xoloveox is gonna love this xD )(without the bunny ears :3)


Bio: He tries to keep his past to himself.

Dating: N/A
WeirdPrincess said:
Name: Neko
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House with Karito

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are: Strain



Sense/Perception Manipulation:Allows her to control the senses of all humans around her at will. So to say she brushes across emotions of people and then proceed to paint over their minds with the information/visions/images, she wants them to soak in. [14] Her powers do lose their effects in various types of situations. Such situations include Neko moving out of range from her illusions, thus no longer being the core for them to take effect from. She doesn't use this unless necessary.

Transformation: Neko is able to change her entire physique. She transforms into a teenage girl or a small kitten, retaining her powers in both forms. In some cases, when Neko transforms abruptly, there is a small cloud of smoke that briefly obscures her during the changing process.


One of Neko's monster cat illusions.

Illusion: Neko is able to conjure various illusions using herself as a perimeter. Her illusions are capable cause her victims to see an image different than the one they should be seeing. In most cases, she creates an illusion in relation to the environment she and her victim are in, which causes the latter to view a distorted version of the setting, either minimally or severely. In relation, Neko can conjure physical illusions that range from non-moving objects, such as a wall, or moving objects, such as an human. In the case of an illusion that portrays a living creature, Neko can have it so that they can have unique traits, such as voice and movement, furthermore possessing cat-related themes in most cases.

Sensory Disruption: Perhaps the most basic, yet also a very dangerous effect found in Neko's illusions, is its ability to distort her victim's five senses. People affected by Neko's illusions are automatically inflicted with a perceptive twist, causing them to believe that what they are seeing is actually occurring. Their entire five senses are vulnerable to warping in such a state particularly sight and touch. Even natural disruptions in their true environments, such as rain, are incapable of being perceived by the victim until the illusion has been dispelled.





Chase small things



Anyone that try's to hurt Karito


She is carefree and playful, having fun when playing games with people or robots. Neko is also quite gluttonous. She is constantly hungry and will whine when she is not being fed. Her taste for food is also very picky, though she appears to favor fish and spicy rice crackers. But even when given food, she does not mind her manners and makes attempts to ask for more or steal others' food. Neko is also incredibly naive. Even while performing such activities, she does not take notice of the actual dangers she is causing and instead interprets her actions as "helpful" and even entertaining in her perspective.

Neko has a strong love and affection for Karito being the only person that didn't chase her away when they first met, stating that she's Karito's cat and Karito is hers. She's also overprotective when it comes to him, and if there is any chance that Karito will be taken away from her she would protect him at any cost, such as clinging on to him when not originally telling Karito who he was, since she was afraid he would leave.Neko is a very childish person, bordering on selfishness.

Neko has a rather immodest side to her personality. She prefers to go about nude as she claims that clothes are too restricting, though she will wear clothes even if she prefers going nude.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Normal Appearance


Cat form



Neko is a survivor of the Kagutsu Crater. In her childhood, she was looked after by her mother and father afterwards, and she often used her abilities to have fun. While people were affected by her powers, a cat was not, and it often left her puzzled, but fascinated, with the cat. Along with the cat is an old man that scares her. Her previous name is unknown; she was previously referred to as XX.

Later on, members of the Gold Clan approach her home, and explain to XX that her 'parents' in fact lost their only son after the crater, and that, unknowingly, XX used her abilities to manipulate the couple's memories into thinking XX was their daughter. Devastated, XX lifts the illusion, only to be called a 'monster' by the couple. While alone, XX remembers a book her 'father' read to her, called “I Am A Cat!” Thus, XX remembers how the cat in the book lives independently and without depending on others, hence decided to live as a cat named Neko.

Dating/lover/crush: None as of yet

Anything else:

Theme Song:

Accepted :)


TheRebelliousDragon said:
(Accept Kokuru @Fukushima Akira senpai ;- ;)
Sorry, I didn't see it xD

WeirdPrincess said:
(( Awesome. Thank you! ))
No worries :D
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Accepted :)

Sorry, I didn't see it xD

(I understand, dammit I won't be able to post ACTUAL pictures for a while, I can only use lee links xD )
Name: Takeshi (No last name)

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



He can use, few forms of magic and he is proficient in sword fighting. His sword isn't normal though, it has a soul living inaide of it, and it also has a different form, which is released by a simple word.




Protecting people



Scary movies

Annoying people

His hair not being in a ponytail.


Tough, smart, easily annoyed. He may be tough, but he isn't cocky. He knows there are people stronger than him put there and he accepts that, this is why he trains in most of his spare time.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



You'd have to be a friend. He doesn't like talking about himself with strangers.


No one, unless you count ponytails.

Anything else: Ponytails....
Roman said:
Name: Takeshi (No last name)
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



He can use, few forms of magic and he is proficient in sword fighting. His sword isn't normal though, it has a soul living inaide of it, and it also has a different form, which is released by a simple word.




Protecting people



Scary movies

Annoying people

His hair not being in a ponytail.


Tough, smart, easily annoyed. He may be tough, but he isn't cocky. He knows there are people stronger than him put there and he accepts that, this is why he trains in most of his spare time.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



You'd have to be a friend. He doesn't like talking about himself with strangers.


No one, unless you count ponytails.

Anything else: Ponytails....
Accepted by the panda king.
Shiroe Kurona]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] Can one of my characters be Ultipotent,Sorry about everything i did to piss you off And sorry for being jealous and butthurt about everything)

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