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Fantasy Character Registration

Roman said:
(( Roman has one little ability that others can't have. ))


[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](Jellal? Last I checked, he used magic. In a sense. Well. Natsu is a dragon slayer, and that last one, I have no clue. You basically mixed up three different types of abilities into one. Might as well make it unknown)

(Its just the appearance it doesn't effect the powers he have)
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](What?)

(( Akira said the Sharingan is a Sanctum class power in this rp. Roman has one. At full power, he has two. Then again, Roman isn't a full-blooded Sanctum. His mother was, but his father was human ))
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](What?)

(Its just the appearance it doesn't effect the powers he have)

(Then when you know your powers, you can create the species)
Roman said:
(( Akira said the Sharingan is a Sanctum class power in this rp. Roman has one. At full power, he has two. Then again, Roman isn't a full-blooded Sanctum. His mother was, but his father was human ))
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](Then when you know your powers, you can create the species)

(I know my powers,My powers is Totality Manipulation)
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](I know my powers,My powers is Totality Manipulation)

(( So? What are you saying? ))
Shiroe Kurona](Whatever lets just wait for [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] )
(( Erm... okay. ))
Shiroe Kurona]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] i wanted to change Shinji alittle bit so here he is Shinji Updated)
Name:Bianor X

Nickname(If Applies):Shinji Toryama



Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Anywhere he can find

What Year of highschool your in:Senior

What kind of being you are:Sanctum (If you think it is unacceptable give me another suggestion)

Powers/gifts:Totality Manipulation

Shinji has absolute control over the omega omnisphere,

Also Called:

  • All Manipulation
  • Everything Manipulation
  • Omni-Manipulation
  • Meta-System Manipulation
  • Omega Omnisphere Manipulation

The user has power and control over the Omega Omnisphere, which is forever the largest thing conceptualized and imagined by any mind. It absolutely encompasses anything and everything making the user essentially omnipotent. Even though the user transcends everything and has power over everything too, they may or may not be the origin of it all.


Fukushima Akira

His Power


People That Have Weak Minds



Human Food

Layla Van Soulis


Quick Battles

Human Interests


(I don't know how to describe his personality because he is different everytime)

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):

Regular Appearance:

View attachment 140677

View attachment 140678

War God Form:

View attachment 140679

(In this form his physical strength and every single attack will be enhanced but he will not have the sense of humanity and will go berserk also he will lose the symbol on his eye his hair will turn red awell)

Controlled God Form:

View attachment 140682

(Same as War God Form but doesn't go berserk and is more enhanced also this requires a massive amount of power so after he uses it he'll fall down and pass out)

Bio:(Shinji didn't want anyone to know his real origin so he made his own origin using origin manipulation)

Shinji Toriyama is dark entity he wasn't created by god,He created himself and has existed since the beginning of humankind and has watched over the other species aswell.Shinji was bored of the species god had created

Until Lord Imperius (Akira) who had surpassed Shinji himself,He has admired Lord Imperius ever since and calls Lord Imperius His "hero" And thats why Shinji wants to become equal to Akira

Dating/lover/crush:Has dated a lot of women but hasn't found the "right" one

Anything else: Nothing
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](Give me a reason then i'll fix it)

Because I said so.

I've already explained that there is going to be a fixed number of Sanctums.

Plus, Roman isn't a Sanctum, he's a half Sanctum.

Also, your powers are basically Omnipotence, which is a no-no.

Also, both of your images are taken.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Because I said so.
I've already explained that there is going to be a fixed number of Sanctums.

Plus, Roman isn't a Sanctum, he's a half Sanctum.

Also, your powers are basically Omnipotence, which is a no-no.

Also, both of your images are taken.

(Fine godamnit)

(Which images are taken
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Because I said so.
I've already explained that there is going to be a fixed number of Sanctums.

Plus, Roman isn't a Sanctum, he's a half Sanctum.

Also, your powers are basically Omnipotence, which is a no-no.

Also, both of your images are taken.

Marry me Aki-sempai~ (:3)

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]

Marry me Aki-sempai~ (:3)

I shit my pants reading this. Y'all don't need to know that though.
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](Fine godamnit)
(Which images are taken

Just telling it how it is, as I'm not one to beat around the bush like my character.

Both the Natsu and SSJ God Goku is taken.

SSJ God Goku is taken by Akira, as I was planning on revealing it later, however that's pretty much up in smoke. Natsu is taken by Mashiro-chan.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]XDDDD Why?

You don't need to know that. xD
Like Akira has said, you don't become a sanctum, you're born one. Meaning if you existed before, you can't suddenly become a sanctum.
Shiroe Kurona]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] i wanted to change Shinji alittle bit so here he is Shinji Updated)
Name:Bianor X

Nickname(If Applies):Shinji Toryama



Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Anywhere he can find

What Year of highschool your in:Senior

What kind of being you are:Sanctum (If you think it is unacceptable give me another suggestion)

Powers/gifts:Absolute Existence

The user has complete control of their own existence. The user is beyond all there is, even reason, physics and logic. No rule or law can apply to them other than their own.

The user can also rewrite themselves on any level, at any time, anywhere, without any limit of any kind.

This allows the user access to any ability in existence, said abilities being as absolute as their maker/wielder


Fukushima Akira

His Power


People That Have Weak Minds



Human Food

Layla Van Soulis


Quick Battles

Human Interests


(I don't know how to describe his personality because he is different everytime)

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):

Regular Appearance:

View attachment 140677

View attachment 140678

Controlled God Form:View attachment 140704

(This form enhances Shinji's physical strength amd removes all of his intellect but has a sense of humanity This form requires a massive amount of power and will pass out and fall down after use)

Bio:(Shinji didn't want anyone to know his real origin so he made his own origin using origin manipulation)

Shinji Toriyama is dark entity he wasn't created by god,He created himself and has existed since the beginning of humankind and has watched over the other species aswell.Shinji was bored of the species god had created

Until Lord Imperius (Akira) who had surpassed Shinji himself,He has admired Lord Imperius ever since and calls Lord Imperius His "hero" And thats why Shinji wants to become equal to Akira

Dating/lover/crush:Has dated a lot of women but hasn't found the "right" one

Anything else: Nothing
((( Too O.P. )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Too O.P. )))

(Then what do you need me to do?You freakin character is OP too he has no freakin weaknesses because he is Omnipotent!!!!!!!! *sighs*) (sorry i'm jusg having a bad day)
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](Then what do you need me to do?You freakin character is OP too he has no freakin weaknesses because he is Omnipotent!!!!!!!! *sighs*) (sorry i'm jusg having a bad day)

(His weakness is underestimating someone. Only weakness for a omnipotent... Well that's my thought.)

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