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Fantasy Character Registration


Nickname(If Applies): wolf



Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: human Shapeshifter

Powers/gifts: Shape shifting- able to transform into any earthly creature

Shadow magic- Able to command shadows to his will

Likes:math, video games, music, wolves especially, and animals

Dislikes: bullies, demons, and practically any thing bad

Personality:introvert and smart

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: When he was born he got the power of shape shifting. At first he could only do small animals

later his power grew and he could become bigger animals. In his first week as a freshman a senior bullied him so much he clicked and attacked the bully in a wolf form. He ended up killing him but just before the attack he blacked out. AS he was being sent to jail and away he felt so much pain in killing the bully he stated hating himself. He soon went so far into depression one day he decided he would pull himself out of depression and since then he's had shadow magic.

Dating/lover/crush: none right now

Anything else: nope
AriaTheWatcher said:
Name: Blake Nox
Nicknames: The Watcher, Herald of the End, The Corrupter, The Puppet Master, The Negative, The Darkmind.

Age: ??? (Appears to be 17)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): An underground facility designed for both comfort and security.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Sanctum

Powers/gifts: Blake is actually a rather weak Sanctum, compared to most. Blake can see everything that has or has ever been seen, can hear anything that has ever or has been heard, and knows anything that's ever been known. The true extent of his knowledge is unknown, but it makes him quite the threat. Nothing is a secret to him. He also possess extreme powers of mental and psychological manipulation that work on all with the exception of other Sanctums. These powers vary, and include straight up mind control, memory manipulation, and implanting false memories or thoughts. He usually only uses these powers on his soon to be victims though. (In other words, I'm only going to be using them on characters that I create.) He can negate, absorb, or assimilate any powers or special abilities at the snap of his fingers, and is capable of removing any possible seals or arcane limitations placed on objects or people. He can also shapeshift into literally anything in an instant, making him nearly impossible to track down when he doesn't want to be found and allowing use of the powers of whatever he shapeshifts into. He possess slight time and space manipulation abilities, allowing him to instantly move himself or other objects from place to place, and even back and forth through time for limited periods of time. He quite dislikes doing so though as he personally finds it quite nauseating to even attempt. He also possess one final power, the ability to corrupt others into beasts of darkness who live only for destruction and chaos, mere remnants of their former selves, bearing only the slightest resemblance to who they used to be and a twisted version of their former personality. It doesn't work on Sanctums, of course, and requires for the person he's attempting to corrupt to be in a state of emotional distress or extreme physical pain in order to work. As for combat abilities of his own, well, he doesn't really have any, with the exception of using his shapeshifting to become powerful beings or assimilating the powers of his foes and using them as his own.


Watching others suffer, causing pain, manipulating others.


Order, peace, being outsmarted, people who rely on brute force.

Personality: Blake's personality is seemingly anything but set in stone. Depending on what his current target for corruption is he changes his personality accordingly in order to conduct successful manipulation with minimal effort. Even when chatting with people that won't interfere with his plans, his personality changes seemingly all the time. His only goal is to bring mass chaos and despair upon the world, and he chooses one to four people at a time to play a major role in causing it, manipulating them accordingly and using them as tools for his plans. He does tend to act friendly most of the time, mostly to gain others trust and keep them from interfering with his plans.


Human Form:


Standard Sanctum Form:


Combat Sanctum Form:


Bio: Son of the original Watcher and an unknown mother, Blake Nox had always known his purpose in life, to succeed at the task that his father had cast aside and failed at. Bringing despair and chaos upon the world. Nearly every major tragedy in history he had at least some influence in, manipulating from behind the scenes and causing mayhem and havoc without even having to lift a finger. It's unknown what happened to his father or mother. He found the perfect opportunity to create a major tragedy in Seria Cerise, and has been manipulating her for six years now, pretending to be her friend and preparing her for his plans.

Dating/lover/crush: Nobody

Anything else:

Roman said:
(((( Hey Aria. I'll have to let, @Fukushima Akira look at this one :P Also welcome back. You may not remember me though xD ))))
It's fine. I've decided to only give Sanctum characters to people I trust not to go all "Destroy everything hur dur" xD
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Accepted.
It's fine. I've decided to only give Sanctum characters to people I trust not to go all "Destroy everything hur dur" xD

"Hur dur" xDD Alright
Name: Dironus Tel'Thuz

Nickname(If Applies): Dir / Dironus

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexsual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:

(I don't understand American years, but Scottish is S5 xD )

What kind of being you are: Half Demon Half Human


Learnt Demonic Magic and Undead Magic.

Likes: Demons, Demonic Magic, Undead, Undead magic, being alone

Dislikes: Being crowded, having to talk

Personality: Quiet, Lonely, When angry he is destructive.



Bio: Dironus is an exchange student from a Demonic World. He is very quiet and been studying demonic magic for a long time, and only recently got into Undead.

Dating/lover/crush: No one

Anything else:Due to you being so far on I could be an exchange student?

May 18, 2015
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PendulumGamer said:
Nickname(If Applies): wolf



Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: human Shapeshifter

Powers/gifts: Shape shifting- able to transform into any earthly creature

Shadow magic- Able to command shadows to his will

Likes:math, video games, music, wolves especially, and animals

Dislikes: bullies, demons, and practically any thing bad

Personality:introvert and smart

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: When he was born he got the power of shape shifting. At first he could only do small animals

later his power grew and he could become bigger animals. In his first week as a freshman a senior bullied him so much he clicked and attacked the bully in a wolf form. He ended up killing him but just before the attack he blacked out. AS he was being sent to jail and away he felt so much pain in killing the bully he stated hating himself. He soon went so far into depression one day he decided he would pull himself out of depression and since then he's had shadow magic.

Dating/lover/crush: none right now

Anything else: nope
xScreaminGhostx said:
Name: Dironus Tel'Thuz
Nickname(If Applies): Dir / Dironus

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexsual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:

(I don't understand American years, but Scottish is S5 xD )

What kind of being you are: Half Demon Half Human


Learnt Demonic Magic and Undead Magic.

Likes: Demons, Demonic Magic, Undead, Undead magic, being alone

Dislikes: Being crowded, having to talk

Personality: Quiet, Lonely, When angry he is destructive.



Bio: Dironus is an exchange student from a Demonic World. He is very quiet and been studying demonic magic for a long time, and only recently got into Undead.

Dating/lover/crush: No one

Anything else:Due to you being so far on I could be an exchange student?

May 18, 2015

Name: Luke Shun

Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: unknown (appears 17)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) By himself

What Year of highschool your in: Doesnt attend

What kind of beingyou are: a Leviathan God


  • Has a Powerful jaw- That can spread, can rip through almost anything
  • Immortality
  • Possession (Chooses not to)
  • Shapeshifters magic
  • Super strength
  • Super Stamina and super speed
  • Strong Senses,Healers magic, Venomous blood,
  • Can Erase people from existence of he wanted
  • Dark magic


• Winning

• Games



•Annoying people

•Loud people


Personality: Luke is very quiet, he likes to be in the shadows, he speaks his mind, he's truthful, and loyal, he's a Awkward at first but easy when you get to know him, he's very flirty.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Bio: doesnt like talking about it

Dating/lover/crush: Has a crush on this girl.. But he's too nervous to do anything
(Sort of WIP)

Name: Haiiro (...?)

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: ??? (Looks ~18)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Unknown

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd

What kind of being you are: Goddess of Destruction and Chaos.


As the goddess of chaos, Haiiro can make literally anything happen and do literally anything no matter how illogical. She's also capable of cursing people with chaos, making weird, random, and completely illogical things happen literally anywhere they go. The fact that she's also goddess of destruction allows her to destroy literally anything except Sanctums in an instant, which is one really good reason not to piss her off. She tends to not use her powers of destruction unless either provoked or extremely pissed off.

Likes: Freaking other people out

Dislikes: ???

Personality: Haiiro is a bit tomboyish, and not exactly what you'd call 'social'. She tends to not help people out unless directly asked, instead just ignoring them. She can really hold a grudge, so, it's best not to get on her bad side. She's not very talkative.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: To be revealed.

Dating/lover/crush: Nobody

Anything else: Has a case of amnesia and can't remember anything that happened in the past ten years.
Name: Sirius Shadowmire

Nick: none (doesn't like them)

Age: 7531 (Looks 14)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Standing: Neutral

Place of residence: Dorm. Room is constantly kept dark, no windows (If possible. If that cannot be satisfied, then a normal dorm will have to do. :P )

Year: 2nd

Being: Voidborne Demon

Powers: Inhuman strength, speed, psionic manipulation, Void Magic, Is able to fire a ray that is capable of disintegrating almost anything. (Only used when in eye of the void form)

Likes: candy, darkness, stories about Cthulhu, void

Dislikes: too much exposure to light, explosives, smell of gunpowder, other voidborne

Personality: depressed, tends to ignore certain people, has a somewhat monstrous appetite

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/redchildofthefallen2.jpg.d8545e67401ee0cbb0afd1d2f01e0366.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/redchildofthefallen2.jpg.d8545e67401ee0cbb0afd1d2f01e0366.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Human Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kassadin.jpg.0f9a1bf5a5d39e90b9813d795f88526d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kassadin.jpg.0f9a1bf5a5d39e90b9813d795f88526d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Voidborne Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9f86fedc_VelKoz.jpg.c7da877d336139127bfe24f890a9820c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9f86fedc_VelKoz.jpg.c7da877d336139127bfe24f890a9820c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Eye of The Void form

Bio: Cold. What is cold? So dark... What is dark? I don't know. Destroy. Disintegrate. Is that the only reason of my existence? Is there an end to this endless void?

Sirius is a voidborne demon. A creature spawned from the dark. His comrades' bloodlust and thirst for destruction disgusted him, even before he escaped the forsaken darkness. He now dedicates himself to delivering justice upon the endless void, though his ways are not entirely "humane". He is not very tolerant to light, and too much will hurt him. That is why in human form, he is covered by a black cloak. Currently, his main and only target is Belladonna Extis Hallow.

Dating: None

Extra Info: None really.

(For those who play LoL, xD . You'll get the reference.)



  • redchildofthefallen2.jpg
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  • Kassadin.jpg
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Node (Last Name Pending)

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:

Freshman (1st)

What kind of being you are:



Raw, untamed strength




Gentle and kind personalities


Cold atmospheres



Spicy foods

Mean-spirited personalities

Warm atmospheres




Emotionally unstable



(I would find an anime picture, but I can never seem to find one that matches the appearance of my characters. I hope that a description of my character's appearance will suffice.)

Node is a small girl, weighing in at 90 pounds and standing at five feet and two inches. Her most notable feature are her blue eyes, always glaring as if she's about to attack someone. Other than that, her appearance is quite normal: blackish-brown hair cut in a short bob, an occasional freckle that can be seen on her face, and possibly the flattest chest in the school.


Ever since Node was five, she loved to fight. This love of fighting came from the action-oriented books she read as a child. She knew that she shouldn't fight others for the sake of fighting, so she often shadowboxed against an imaginary opponent: a makeshift punching bag made with a pillow, some old clothing and other materials she could find around her house. Her parents, knowing how caring and friendly Node was back then, did not disapprove of this. In fact, they encouraged it. Their thoughts were that Node's passion for fighting would improve her self-defense capabilities.

Unfortunately as she progressed through her academics, her peers weren't as kind as Node was. She was often harassed for her tomboyish personality and soon became an outcast to her peers. It is because of this that she adopted a more gloomy, depressed personality. Rumors about her began to spread from her being an outcast, which led to more harassment. Eventually the harassment became violent, which motivated her aggression toward others. She began to threaten or even attack anyone who intimidated her.

Node's parents still didn't disapprove of this. They instead warned her to act in self defense and not in aggression. That advice didn't help her. It wasn't that she didn't respect her parents or that she thought the advice wasn't helpful. She actually couldn't control her aggression towards others. All of the depression and rage that was built up in those years fueled her too much. She eventually couldn't stand to even live with her parents, whom she cared about dearly, because of her emotional distress and anger.

Her parents were quite understanding regarding her distress. They supported her, occasionally writing letters to her and offering to pay for the food and apartment she lived in after she moved out of her parents' house. Although the solitude calms her, it isn't enough to mitigate her aggression.

Now she's moving on to highschool, a change she likely won't enjoy. She can only hope that she can control her aggression, for the sake of her peers.



Anything else:
NeoClassical said:
Bringing yet another character over.
Name: Arthur

Nickname(If Applies): The Author

Age: about 16 ish. Maybe

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Currently a Dorm.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Storyteller

Powers/gifts: Author Authority.

Likes: Writing novels, a good story, a sharpened pencil, gel pens

Dislikes: Weapons, comics, tv

Personality: Arthur is very kind and good-natured. Being a Storyteller, he always carries a book with endless pages. He sometimes comes off as a bit of a nerd


Bio: TBR

Dating/lover/crush: love of knowledge

Anything else:
Hang on a minute. Author Authority? As in the variation of Omnipotence Embodiment kind of Author Authority?
Hang on a minute. Author Authority? As in the variation of Omnipotence Embodiment kind of Author Authority?
If this is true, then I'm denying the character, as I've said numerous times that no character can have an Omni- ability.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]If this is true, then I'm denying the character, as I've said numerous times that no character can have an Omni- ability.

(wait a minute does that include nigh omni ones?? or no if it includes the nigh omni I might change the character I'm making...)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]If this is true, then I'm denying the character, as I've said numerous times that no character can have an Omni- ability.

(I guess you can deny him because his ability is the writer of the universe. He was accepted in the old rp. But it's whatever I guess.)
NeoClassical said:
(I guess you can deny him because his ability is the writer of the universe. He was accepted in the old rp. But it's whatever I guess.)
((( That's not the reason. The reason is the power you picked is literally a variation of Omnipotence Embodiment. Which means your character is the literal embodiment of Omnipotence. The description for Omnipotence Embodiment is; The user becomes their own omnipotence, the supreme being and the source of everything. The user of this ability is the true master and wielder of any and every other power that is deemed omnipotent. The exact applications for Author Authority is;

Your character can have Destiny Manipulation though. It's description is; User is able to perceive, shape and manipulate destiny allowing them to affect reality in several ways both overt and hidden. Many users have an object that is physical manifestation of this power, common forms being Book or Spindle and a cutting tool. The only difference being that he wouldn't have any Omni/Nigh Omni powers that are listed in the applications. )))

WeirdisFun said:
(wait a minute does that include nigh omni ones?? or no if it includes the nigh omni I might change the character I'm making...)
((( Yes. It's a school RP, so beginning school with nigh-unlimited power is stupid. The point of the school is to help the students master their powers. If they've already got a firm grip on their powers, it's pointless being in the school, which the RP is centred around. )))
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Fukushima Akira]((( That's not the reason. The reason is the power you picked is literally a variation of [URL="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Omnipotence_Embodiment said:
Omnipotence Embodiment[/URL]. Which means your character is the literal embodiment of Omnipotence. The description for Omnipotence Embodiment is; The user becomes their own omnipotence, the supreme being and the source of everything. The user of this ability is the true master and wielder of any and every other power that is deemed omnipotent. The exact applications for Author Authority is;

Your character can have Destiny Manipulation though. It's description is; User is able to perceive, shape and manipulate destiny allowing them to affect reality in several ways both overt and hidden. Many users have an object that is physical manifestation of this power, common forms being Book or Spindle and a cutting tool. The only difference being that he wouldn't have any Omni/Nigh Omni powers that are listed in the applications. )))

((( Yes. It's a school RP, so beginning school with nigh-unlimited power is stupid. The point of the school is to help the students master their powers. If they've already got a firm grip on their powers, it's pointless being in the school, which the RP is centred around. )))
ahh okay I understand then
Fukushima Akira]((( That's not the reason. The reason is the power you picked is literally a variation of [URL="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Omnipotence_Embodiment said:
Omnipotence Embodiment[/URL]. Which means your character is the literal embodiment of Omnipotence. The description for Omnipotence Embodiment is; The user becomes their own omnipotence, the supreme being and the source of everything. The user of this ability is the true master and wielder of any and every other power that is deemed omnipotent. The exact applications for Author Authority is;

Your character can have Destiny Manipulation though. It's description is; User is able to perceive, shape and manipulate destiny allowing them to affect reality in several ways both overt and hidden. Many users have an object that is physical manifestation of this power, common forms being Book or Spindle and a cutting tool. The only difference being that he wouldn't have any Omni/Nigh Omni powers that are listed in the applications. )))

((( Yes. It's a school RP, so beginning school with nigh-unlimited power is stupid. The point of the school is to help the students master their powers. If they've already got a firm grip on their powers, it's pointless being in the school, which the RP is centred around. )))
(Well okay. Does that mean Ansom is denied as well?)
NeoClassical said:
(Well okay. Does that mean Ansom is denied as well?)
((( Does Ansom have any power that begins with/is directly linked to any Omni/Nigh Omni- power? )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Does Ansom have any power that begins with/is directly linked to any Omni/Nigh Omni- power? )))

(Well yeah, Anti-God is the malevolent form of the Supreme Being. You and I have had conversations about him before...)
NeoClassical said:
(Well yeah, Anti-God is the malevolent form of the Supreme Being. You and I have had conversations about him before...)
I know. He's the exact opposite of God, not Akira, so it's fine.
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]I know. He's the exact opposite of God, not Akira, so it's fine.

(Well if that's the case, than why isn't Arthur accepted. His book controls this universe. If Sanctums aren't apart of the universe, his book has no effect on them. You explained that to me and I understood. Sanctums on top.)
NeoClassical said:
(Well if that's the case, than why isn't Arthur accepted. His book controls this universe. If Sanctums aren't apart of the universe, his book has no effect on them. You explained that to me and I understood. Sanctums on top.)
Because the power Author Authority is directly a part of Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience; Powers that I am not allowing any characters to have.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Because the power Author Authority is directly a part of Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience; Powers that I am not allowing any characters to have.

(Okay. Powers that Ansom has as well....Alright whatever)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( He doesn't have any Omni/Nigh Omni powers. )))

(Have you ever looked up Anti-God?)

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