• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character Registration

NeoClassical said:
(Have you ever looked up Anti-God?)
Nope. However as we already discussed this, he is the opposite of God, not Akira. God isn't Omnipotent, Omnipresent nor Omniscient. Akira is. Due to the way Omni powers work, there can only be one in each fictional continuity.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Nope. However as we already discussed this, he is the opposite of God, not Akira. God isn't Omnipotent, Omnipresent nor Omniscient. Akira is. Due to the way Omni powers work, there can only be one in each fictional continuity.

(It's actually the opposite of the Supreme Deity. And to be a supreme deity, one must posess omni-abilities. And as defined, Anti-God possess the destruction variation of Omni-abilities whilst the Supreme holds the reaction side of it.)
(Anti God... xD . What's next? Anti Santa? Please save all arguing and schooling for the ooc section. :)
NeoClassical said:
(It's actually the opposite of the Supreme Deity. And to be a supreme deity, one must posess omni-abilities. And as defined, Anti-God possess the destruction variation of Omni-abilities whilst the Supreme holds the reaction side of it.)
Well he can't have Omni abilities.
Crow Schwarzfahrer

Nickname: Crow

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Crow's Nest (Dorm his family owns)

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore (Second Year)

What kind of being you are: Phantom


  • Walking through walls
  • Stealing
  • Outrunning his pursuers
  • Ditching work at Crow's Nest


  • Bright Lights
  • Crowded Areas (Yes, most of the time he's having a bad mood because of the amount of students}
  • Working at Crow's Nest

Personality: A teenager with split personalities. One who is anti-social and is the least noticed, this is his personality in school, the other is a kleptomaniac who is still anti-social but so unnoticeable that he's basically non-existent among society.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)




  • I'm a Ghost - Turns into an untouchable entity for a minute. He can't touch nor hurt anyone too. This ability recharges for a day in the human world
  • Melee is for Cave Men - Wields two pistols made especially for phantoms, he is also packed with throwing knives.. (Turning into a ghost will render these weapons useless)
  • Born in the Dark - Can see in the dark and blends easily in it.
  • Schwarzfahrer - Owns a motorcycle powered by draining a small amount of blood of the rider

Bio: An heir of Crow's Nest...He was born a phantom just like his father but he was bestowed a blessing from the gods to take form as a human in a condition, he is only able to turn into a ghost for a minute everyday. Unknowingly, he brought Crow's Nest with him along with its occupants

Dating/lover/crush: Nope :3
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Character Revamp due to clarification

Name: Ansom

Nickname(If Applies): Annie

Age: Ageless but looks 18

Gender: Prefers a male form

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Evil

Where you live: Small apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Considers himself a senior

What kind of being you are: Anti-God

Powers/gifts: Being the Anti-God, Ansom has many capabilities pertaining to ultimate destruction and chaos. These include but are not necessarily limited to:


Ansom has an unlimited arsenal of attacks that cause destructive effects. These attacks are only matched and beaten by its Omni-counterpart.

Perfect Storm

Ansom can create a storm that evolves as it needs be to cause the most destruction. It's power can rise to levels of Universal Danger, but Ansom usually keeps it under control.

Chaotic Sight

Ansom can see all events that cause mayhem. This sight is only obscured if an Omni being interferes.


Ansom can corrupt even the purest of minds(Will only use on NPC's unless given permission by Rper). He can bend and manipulate people to do his will.

Messenger of Mayhem

Ansom is able to spread direct chaos to various locations. These chaos patches are distinguished by purple coloring and will often have tendrils whopping around. It can corrupt animals and even people. On a stronger scale, it can even affect ideas.

Likes: Chaos



His daughter

Dislikes: Primal



Birch Trees

Personality: Ansom has had many personalities due to various exposure to corruption. His current personality is relatively calm and tranquil. He is usually kind once you get to know him but he gets annoyed easily.


Bio: His bio hasn't changed since first posted but he's the primordial being of chaos and destruction. Blah, blah, blah

Dating/lover/crush: Love of cars <3

Anything else: His power is always limited by Sanctums and such.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]





Layla Soulis

Nickname(If Applies):

Lala , Princessa


Stuck at 17 (Can no longer age)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Fukushima Estate

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:













Any harm towards her children





Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Before her death:


After her death:


A maze of complications, two sons, and an unforgetable memory that haunts her every move. A single message, prompting her to trudge forward.



Anything else:


"I still....like ice cream."




Kaname Soulis

"Pleasure to make your acquantince"

Nickname(If Applies):

Kan (by his mother)

"Call me that, and I'll kill you."


Age 17 (heightened aging, due to mixed being)



"Am I that wondrous to you?"

Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


"Thats what I get for having fathers on both sides."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Fukushima Estate

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:


"Surprises are best, don't you think?"



(Some undiscovered)




Staying out-cast


" I like not being bothered, now leave."



Pushy behavior


Harm to his mother

His grandfather

His father

"That doesn't look too fun."


Kaname was once one who couldn't go a day without laughing about something. Now, he has two sides to himself. One light, one dark. Of course, none would know, for he hides it from his mother and fathers. Kaname isn't one to speak when hes alone with strangers. On the other hand, when in the presence of his mother or Camilla, he tends to change almost completely. Just like there are two sides to a story, there are two sides to Kaname. Just like his mother, but not even he knows it.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Professional/Polar Opposite


"Piano. Well hidden."

'Human' Calm State





Kaname was the unexpected result of rape. A tough, harsh reality, but he was. As a child, he hadnt held any clue of what was going on while his mother shuelded him from it all. He never saw much of his biological father, nor his seemibgly temporary one. All he knew was his mother, and the beloved bunny he would always haul around. He was raised on the Fukushima Estate, and had never been outside of those grounds as a small boy. Now grown, Kaname has met a girl, of whom seemingly has shown to have undeniable faith in him, something he had never seen before from anyone but his mother.Once Kaname realized the truth of his pst, he became determined, grew spiteful of his father, and changed. Kaname's powers are now awaiting their push for release, a push of which he may have given himself.


"I don't feel like being dragged around."


Anything else:

"Have a pleasant afternoon."


( (} :) ) Make him made if you want to.)..........




Kaname has yet to be known to use this form. It is only known by his mother, of whom hasn't informed her son just yet, deeming it unnecessary. For now. Still, Kaname's unknown form is said to be the product of both his mother and aunt's power. Not as strong as his grandfather, but above his mother/aunt.

This form has been locked away inside Kaname, only to be released on extremely rare occasions. If one see's this form, it is quite vital they do their best to return Kaname to his less destructive form.

Though dangerous, it is quite possible for Kaname to find a sense of peace in this form. His attitude will be dormant, and he will be void of relative emotion. Even so, Kaname is still capable of understanding what/who is around him.


(Detail to be added/Edited)

((Just felt like reposting it. That way anybody who decides they want information on them can find it easier ^~^ ))
AriaTheWatcher said:
(Sort of WIP)
Name: Haiiro (...?)

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: ??? (Looks ~18)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Unknown

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd

What kind of being you are: Goddess of Destruction and Chaos.


As the goddess of chaos, Haiiro can make literally anything happen and do literally anything no matter how illogical. She's also capable of cursing people with chaos, making weird, random, and completely illogical things happen literally anywhere they go. The fact that she's also goddess of destruction allows her to destroy literally anything except Sanctums in an instant, which is one really good reason not to piss her off. She tends to not use her powers of destruction unless either provoked or extremely pissed off.

Likes: Freaking other people out

Dislikes: ???

Personality: Haiiro is a bit tomboyish, and not exactly what you'd call 'social'. She tends to not help people out unless directly asked, instead just ignoring them. She can really hold a grudge, so, it's best not to get on her bad side. She's not very talkative.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: To be revealed.

Dating/lover/crush: Nobody

Anything else: Has a case of amnesia and can't remember anything that happened in the past ten years.
Melliel said:
Node (Last Name Pending)

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:

Freshman (1st)

What kind of being you are:



Raw, untamed strength




Gentle and kind personalities


Cold atmospheres



Spicy foods

Mean-spirited personalities

Warm atmospheres




Emotionally unstable



(I would find an anime picture, but I can never seem to find one that matches the appearance of my characters. I hope that a description of my character's appearance will suffice.)

Node is a small girl, weighing in at 90 pounds and standing at five feet and two inches. Her most notable feature are her blue eyes, always glaring as if she's about to attack someone. Other than that, her appearance is quite normal: blackish-brown hair cut in a short bob, an occasional freckle that can be seen on her face, and possibly the flattest chest in the school.


Ever since Node was five, she loved to fight. This love of fighting came from the action-oriented books she read as a child. She knew that she shouldn't fight others for the sake of fighting, so she often shadowboxed against an imaginary opponent: a makeshift punching bag made with a pillow, some old clothing and other materials she could find around her house. Her parents, knowing how caring and friendly Node was back then, did not disapprove of this. In fact, they encouraged it. Their thoughts were that Node's passion for fighting would improve her self-defense capabilities.

Unfortunately as she progressed through her academics, her peers weren't as kind as Node was. She was often harassed for her tomboyish personality and soon became an outcast to her peers. It is because of this that she adopted a more gloomy, depressed personality. Rumors about her began to spread from her being an outcast, which led to more harassment. Eventually the harassment became violent, which motivated her aggression toward others. She began to threaten or even attack anyone who intimidated her.

Node's parents still didn't disapprove of this. They instead warned her to act in self defense and not in aggression. That advice didn't help her. It wasn't that she didn't respect her parents or that she thought the advice wasn't helpful. She actually couldn't control her aggression towards others. All of the depression and rage that was built up in those years fueled her too much. She eventually couldn't stand to even live with her parents, whom she cared about dearly, because of her emotional distress and anger.

Her parents were quite understanding regarding her distress. They supported her, occasionally writing letters to her and offering to pay for the food and apartment she lived in after she moved out of her parents' house. Although the solitude calms her, it isn't enough to mitigate her aggression.

Now she's moving on to highschool, a change she likely won't enjoy. She can only hope that she can control her aggression, for the sake of her peers.



Anything else:
MrEvilMexican said:
Name: Sirius Shadowmire
Nick: none (doesn't like them)

Age: 7531 (Looks 14)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Standing: Neutral

Place of residence: Dorm. Room is constantly kept dark, no windows (If possible. If that cannot be satisfied, then a normal dorm will have to do. :P )

Year: 2nd

Being: Voidborne Demon

Powers: Inhuman strength, speed, psionic manipulation, Void Magic, Is able to fire a ray that is capable of disintegrating almost anything. (Only used when in eye of the void form)

Likes: candy, darkness, stories about Cthulhu, void

Dislikes: too much exposure to light, explosives, smell of gunpowder, other voidborne

Personality: depressed, tends to ignore certain people, has a somewhat monstrous appetite

View attachment 282322 Human Form

View attachment 282326 Voidborne Form

View attachment 282330 Eye of The Void form

Bio: Cold. What is cold? So dark... What is dark? I don't know. Destroy. Disintegrate. Is that the only reason of my existence? Is there an end to this endless void?

Sirius is a voidborne demon. A creature spawned from the dark. His comrades' bloodlust and thirst for destruction disgusted him, even before he escaped the forsaken darkness. He now dedicates himself to delivering justice upon the endless void, though his ways are not entirely "humane". He is not very tolerant to light, and too much will hurt him. That is why in human form, he is covered by a black cloak. Currently, his main and only target is Belladonna Extis Hallow.

Dating: None

Extra Info: None really.

(For those who play LoL, xD . You'll get the reference.)
SteelPhoenix said:
Crow Schwarzfahrer
Nickname: Crow

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Crow's Nest (Dorm his family owns)

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore (Second Year)

What kind of being you are: Phantom


  • Walking through walls
  • Stealing
  • Outrunning his pursuers
  • Ditching work at Crow's Nest


  • Bright Lights
  • Crowded Areas (Yes, most of the time he's having a bad mood because of the amount of students}
  • Working at Crow's Nest

Personality: A teenager with split personalities. One who is anti-social and is the least noticed, this is his personality in school, the other is a kleptomaniac who is still anti-social but so unnoticeable that he's basically non-existent among society.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)




  • I'm a Ghost - Turns into an untouchable entity for a minute. He can't touch nor hurt anyone too. This ability recharges for a day in the human world
  • Melee is for Cave Men - Wields two pistols made especially for phantoms, he is also packed with throwing knives.. (Turning into a ghost will render these weapons useless)
  • Born in the Dark - Can see in the dark and blends easily in it.
  • Schwarzfahrer - Owns a motorcycle powered by draining a small amount of blood of the rider

Bio: An heir of Crow's Nest...He was born a phantom just like his father but he was bestowed a blessing from the gods to take form as a human in a condition, he is only able to turn into a ghost for a minute everyday. Unknowingly, he brought Crow's Nest with him along with its occupants

Dating/lover/crush: Nope :3


maiko koyama







sexual orientation:

bisexual, leaning towards girls.


neutral good


second year / junior



magical girl

- maiko made a wish aloud one night at the age of fourteen. "i want to become a star, to be able make people's lives better with music." a powerful entity, upon hearing her prayer, bestowed her with the power she wished for - the power to understand and help others through song. in exchange, the entity asked that she use her powers to help aid in ridding the world of various evils and alleviate the suffering of others.



before transformation


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Emotion_Detectionemotion detection

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Emotion_Detection - can detect the emotions of others from a close range and can sense extraordinarily strong emotions like fear or rage from a distance.


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telempathy - sometimes communicates with others emotionally, occasionally unintentionally. she can see what others are feeling and briefly see what they're thinking about, what they're seeing, or a small snippet of what they're thinking, and can send the same information about herself to the other person if she chooses. the other person would be aware of what she's seen, and vice versa.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Musicianshipenhanced musicianship

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Musicianship - she is a supernaturally talented singer. she can sing any note feasibly possible by human vocal cords and can quickly learn and mimic any song she's heard or read the notes for.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Manipulationmusic manipulation

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Manipulation - by singing, she can transform into her magical girl form in order to enhance her abilities. her magical girl form is temporary, and will naturally wear off after some time.


after transformation


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Empathymusical empathy

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Empathy - can effect others in various ways using the power of song. will only work to the range she's audible at and rendered unusable if she cannot sing.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementcompassion inducement

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducement - using the power of song, she can try to induce feelings of compassion and sympathy in order to defuse a situation. usefulness will vary depending on the person in question - if they aren't capable or very rarely feel compassion, it won't work. can potentially use without actual song, just will, but it's going to take some practice.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songsiren song

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Song - using the power of song, she can lure others toward her. can also create positive emotions in those open and capable of feeling them. she isn't very good at using this yet - it's fairly easy to resist.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healinghttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healingmusical healing

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healinghttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healing - using the power of song, she can heal or lessen physical or emotional pain for the listener(s). will only work as she intends - it won't work on everyone in range, only those for whom it's intended. takes more and more energy the worse the wounds in question are and will not working on those unwilling to be healed.


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Flight - she's learning the in and out's of it quickly, but it's not fully under control yet. she spends a lot of time experimenting with it.




pop music

sour candy













brief summary:

charming/courageous/optimistic - stubborn/impulsive/jealous

full description:

in general, maiko is a pretty relaxed and can be pretty charming. at her core, she is very ethically driven and is usually prone to doing reckless things in the name of what's just and moral. she really cares very deeply about others and will go to great lengths to see them thrive, especially the people she's close too. it's something she's always done for her younger siblings, and something she aspires to do for everyone she meets. she can be quick to judgment at times, but she usually does try to bring out the best in people, even when what their 'best' is isn't immediately obvious.



brief summary:

grew up in a poor neighborhood and made a wish to help others and achieve fame through song. is attending this school so she can fully utilize the gift given to her and come to achieve her goal.

full description:

growing up, maiko had to always look out for her younger siblings. her house was always full of people and always low on resources, so she always did her best to help out where she could, learning the basics of cooking and cleaning and taking care of younger kids from a young age. she wasn't the eldest, though, and was cared for in various ways herself. in the free time she had, she found herself looking to creative pursuits, and she ended up being the go-to girl in the family for artistic things, like decorating and sewing, and especially for the one thing everyone in her family agreed she was best at - singing. over the years, she spent the little money she could scrounge up to spend on cheap but fashionable looking clothing and music albums.

over time, maiko developed a deep appreciation for music and musicians from the songs she listened to. since she didn't have a television and didn't really go to other kid's houses after school, she was shocked when she listened to music just how similar the lives of the people who made songs were to her's, how musicians could capture the feeling of a situation and describe and vent their emotions so effectively. music ended up becoming a lot of her maiko's life, and one night, when she was fourteen, maiko wished aloud to be just like the music stars she listened to, "to become a star and make people's lives better through the power of music." some powerful entity, upon hearing her prayer, granted her just that, and asked that she would in turn use her gift to help others and rid the world of wrongdoing. from that day forward, she set out to do just that - she came to understand her powers and tried to use them where she could.

she used her powers to help her family and community, and she recently received an invitation to join this school because of them. she was reluctant to leave at first - from what she understood, the residents of the school all had incredible power, and she didn't want to leave her family to potentially get hurt far away from home. however, she did inevitably decide to set out, hoping this school would help her help more people and achieve her ultimate goal, the wish she wished for years prior.


living situation:

currently living with
lena in her home near campus!


none, currently!

theme song:

are you satisfied? - marina and the diamonds

anything else: i didn't specify what entity gave her powers just so i didn't mess with the lore or anything, but if you need me to specify, let me know! also, jofune invited me! hi jofune!

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rusticyawn said:


maiko koyama







sexual orientation:

bisexual, leaning towards girls.


neutral good


second year / junior



magical girl

- maiko made a wish aloud one night at the age of fourteen. "i want to become a star, to be able make people's lives better with music." a powerful entity, upon hearing her prayer, bestowed her with the power she wished for - the power to understand and help others through song. in exchange, the entity asked that she use her powers to help aid in ridding the world of various evils and alleviate the suffering of others.



before transformation


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Emotion_Detectionemotion detection

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Emotion_Detection - can detect the emotions of others from a close range and can sense extraordinarily strong emotions like fear or rage from a distance.


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telempathy - sometimes communicates with others emotionally, occasionally unintentionally. she can see what others are feeling and briefly see what they're thinking about, what they're seeing, or a small snippet of what they're thinking, and can send the same information about herself to the other person if she chooses. the other person would be aware of what she's seen, and vice versa.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Musicianshipenhanced musicianship

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Musicianship - she is a supernaturally talented singer. she can sing any note feasibly possible by human vocal cords and can quickly learn and mimic any song she's heard or read the notes for.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Manipulationmusic manipulation

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Manipulation - by singing, she can transform into her magical girl form in order to enhance her abilities. her magical girl form is temporary, and will naturally wear off after some time.


after transformation


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Empathymusical empathy

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Empathy - can effect others in various ways using the power of song. will only work to the range she's audible at and rendered unusable if she cannot sing.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementcompassion inducement

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducement - using the power of song, she can try to induce feelings of compassion and sympathy in order to defuse a situation. usefulness will vary depending on the person in question - if they aren't capable or very rarely feel compassion, it won't work. can potentially use without actual song, just will, but it's going to take some practice.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songsiren song

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Song - using the power of song, she can lure others toward her. can also create positive emotions in those open and capable of feeling them. she isn't very good at using this yet - it's fairly easy to resist.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healinghttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healingmusical healing

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healinghttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healing - using the power of song, she can heal or lessen physical or emotional pain for the listener(s). will only work as she intends - it won't work on everyone in range, only those for whom it's intended. takes more and more energy the worse the wounds in question are and will not working on those unwilling to be healed.


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Flight - she's learning the in and out's of it quickly, but it's not fully under control yet. she spends a lot of time experimenting with it.




pop music

sour candy




creativity and thriftiness








brief summary:

charming/courageous/optimistic - stubborn/impulsive/jealous

full description:

in general, maiko is a pretty relaxed and can be pretty charming. at her core, she is very ethically driven and is usually prone to doing reckless things in the name of what's just and moral. she really cares very deeply about others and will go to great lengths to see them thrive, especially the people she's close too. it's something she's always done for her younger siblings, and something she aspires to do for everyone she meets. she can be quick to judgment at times, but she usually does try to bring out the best in people, even when what their 'best' is isn't immediately obvious.



brief summary:

grew up in a poor neighborhood and made a wish to help others and achieve fame through song. is attending this school so she can fully utilize the gift given to her and come to achieve her goal.

full description:

growing up, maiko had to always look out for her younger siblings. her house was always full of people and always low on resources, so she always did her best to help out where she could, learning the basics of cooking and cleaning and taking care of younger kids from a young age. she wasn't the eldest, though, and was cared for in various ways herself. in the free time she had, she found herself looking to creative pursuits, and she ended up being the go-to girl in the family for artistic things, like decorating and sewing, and especially for the one thing everyone in her family agreed she was best at - singing. over the years, she spent the little money she could scrounge up to spend on cheap but fashionable looking clothing and music albums.

over time, maiko developed a deep appreciation for music and musicians from the songs she listened to. since she didn't have a television and didn't really go to other kid's houses after school, she was shocked when she listened to music just how similar the lives of the people who made songs were to her's, how musicians could capture the feeling of a situation and describe and vent their emotions so effectively. music ended up becoming a lot of her maiko's life, and one night, when she was fourteen, maiko wished aloud to be just like the music stars she listened to, "to become a star and make people's lives better through the power of music." some powerful entity, upon hearing her prayer, granted her just that, and asked that she would in turn use her gift to help others and rid the world of wrongdoing. from that day forward, she set out to do just that - she came to understand her powers and tried to use them where she could.

she used her powers to help her family and community, and she recently received an invitation to join this school because of them. she was reluctant to leave at first - from what she understood, the residents of the school all had incredible power, and she didn't want to leave her family to potentially get hurt far away from home. however, she did inevitably decide to set out, hoping this school would help her help more people and achieve her ultimate goal, the wish she wished for years prior.


living situation:

her home is pretty far from the school, so she lives on the on-campus dorms out of necessity. she'd really like to find a way to visit home on a frequent basis.


none, currently!

theme song:

are you satisfied? - marina and the diamonds

anything else: i didn't specify what entity gave her powers just so i didn't mess with the lore or anything, but if you need me to specify, let me know! also, jofune invited me! hi jofune!

Accepted~! Enjoy your stay
rusticyawn said:


maiko koyama







sexual orientation:

bisexual, leaning towards girls.


neutral good


second year / junior



magical girl

- maiko made a wish aloud one night at the age of fourteen. "i want to become a star, to be able make people's lives better with music." a powerful entity, upon hearing her prayer, bestowed her with the power she wished for - the power to understand and help others through song. in exchange, the entity asked that she use her powers to help aid in ridding the world of various evils and alleviate the suffering of others.



before transformation


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Emotion_Detectionemotion detection

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Emotion_Detection - can detect the emotions of others from a close range and can sense extraordinarily strong emotions like fear or rage from a distance.


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telempathy - sometimes communicates with others emotionally, occasionally unintentionally. she can see what others are feeling and briefly see what they're thinking about, what they're seeing, or a small snippet of what they're thinking, and can send the same information about herself to the other person if she chooses. the other person would be aware of what she's seen, and vice versa.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Musicianshipenhanced musicianship

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Musicianship - she is a supernaturally talented singer. she can sing any note feasibly possible by human vocal cords and can quickly learn and mimic any song she's heard or read the notes for.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Manipulationmusic manipulation

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Manipulation - by singing, she can transform into her magical girl form in order to enhance her abilities. her magical girl form is temporary, and will naturally wear off after some time.


after transformation


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Empathymusical empathy

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Empathy - can effect others in various ways using the power of song. will only work to the range she's audible at and rendered unusable if she cannot sing.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementcompassion inducement

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducementhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Compassion_Inducement - using the power of song, she can try to induce feelings of compassion and sympathy in order to defuse a situation. usefulness will vary depending on the person in question - if they aren't capable or very rarely feel compassion, it won't work. can potentially use without actual song, just will, but it's going to take some practice.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songsiren song

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Songhttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Siren_Song - using the power of song, she can lure others toward her. can also create positive emotions in those open and capable of feeling them. she isn't very good at using this yet - it's fairly easy to resist.

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healinghttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healingmusical healing

http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healinghttp://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Musical_Healing - using the power of song, she can heal or lessen physical or emotional pain for the listener(s). will only work as she intends - it won't work on everyone in range, only those for whom it's intended. takes more and more energy the worse the wounds in question are and will not working on those unwilling to be healed.


http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Flight - she's learning the in and out's of it quickly, but it's not fully under control yet. she spends a lot of time experimenting with it.




pop music

sour candy













brief summary:

charming/courageous/optimistic - stubborn/impulsive/jealous

full description:

in general, maiko is a pretty relaxed and can be pretty charming. at her core, she is very ethically driven and is usually prone to doing reckless things in the name of what's just and moral. she really cares very deeply about others and will go to great lengths to see them thrive, especially the people she's close too. it's something she's always done for her younger siblings, and something she aspires to do for everyone she meets. she can be quick to judgment at times, but she usually does try to bring out the best in people, even when what their 'best' is isn't immediately obvious.



brief summary:

grew up in a poor neighborhood and made a wish to help others and achieve fame through song. is attending this school so she can fully utilize the gift given to her and come to achieve her goal.

full description:

growing up, maiko had to always look out for her younger siblings. her house was always full of people and always low on resources, so she always did her best to help out where she could, learning the basics of cooking and cleaning and taking care of younger kids from a young age. she wasn't the eldest, though, and was cared for in various ways herself. in the free time she had, she found herself looking to creative pursuits, and she ended up being the go-to girl in the family for artistic things, like decorating and sewing, and especially for the one thing everyone in her family agreed she was best at - singing. over the years, she spent the little money she could scrounge up to spend on cheap but fashionable looking clothing and music albums.

over time, maiko developed a deep appreciation for music and musicians from the songs she listened to. since she didn't have a television and didn't really go to other kid's houses after school, she was shocked when she listened to music just how similar the lives of the people who made songs were to her's, how musicians could capture the feeling of a situation and describe and vent their emotions so effectively. music ended up becoming a lot of her maiko's life, and one night, when she was fourteen, maiko wished aloud to be just like the music stars she listened to, "to become a star and make people's lives better through the power of music." some powerful entity, upon hearing her prayer, granted her just that, and asked that she would in turn use her gift to help others and rid the world of wrongdoing. from that day forward, she set out to do just that - she came to understand her powers and tried to use them where she could.

she used her powers to help her family and community, and she recently received an invitation to join this school because of them. she was reluctant to leave at first - from what she understood, the residents of the school all had incredible power, and she didn't want to leave her family to potentially get hurt far away from home. however, she did inevitably decide to set out, hoping this school would help her help more people and achieve her ultimate goal, the wish she wished for years prior.


living situation:

her home is pretty far from the school, so she lives on the on-campus dorms out of necessity. she'd really like to find a way to visit home on a frequent basis.


none, currently!

theme song:

are you satisfied? - marina and the diamonds

anything else: i didn't specify what entity gave her powers just so i didn't mess with the lore or anything, but if you need me to specify, let me know! also, jofune invited me! hi jofune!

I love how you coded this!
Ramona Ishida

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  • Name: Mei Junchi (First name is Junchi)

    Age: 16

    Gender: Genderfluid, born male (Any pronouns work for them, but people close to them usually go by they/them or he/him)

    Sexual Orientation: Aromantic Pansexual

    Height: 5'1ft

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

    What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

    What kind of being you are: Flower Oricenta (Original species)


    Flower Petal Manipulation: Junchi can manipulate all types of flowers and shapeshift their any part of their body into flower petals, usually taking the form of prunus mume (Chinese Plum/Japanese Apricot) flowers petals. Since they can shapeshift any part of their body, they're able to turn their arms into hard flower petals in the form of a sword, or if they have enough flower petals, shapeshift their whole body into something completely new. They can only work with what they got though, which is the body they were born with, unless they make more flower petals to merge with them.

    They can create objects and weapons separate from themself by using flower petals from around them. They can create swords, guns, and other weapons, and less threatening stuff, like a wallet, scissors, bag, etc.

    Junchi can move around quickly by
    scattering their body into flower petals. They can fly this way, but can't really teleport this way. It's just a way to help them move quicker, or in more dangerous circumstances, avoid getting hurt. They can, however, teleport anywhere there's flower petals. When they do this their body does scatter, but they reform out of the flower petals present.

    Plant Manipulation: Junchi has limited plant manipulation, that only allows them to create and kill plants. They can't manipulate them or do anything fantastic with them, but it does help when they need something to eat, or when they need flower petals to manipulate. They're able to communicate with any plants, but they can't really control them and order them to do anything. This is different from them manipulating flowers because they don't really ask the flowers to do what they want, they just force them to do what they want.

    Oricenta abilities: As an Oricenta, Junchi can transform into the deer and owl they take from. They can transform themself into a Chinese water deer, and can turn themself into an owl. In their deer form they can summon their wings, but this usually makes both their running and flying slower. In their owl form they can summon their tusks, but it's extremely uncomfortable for them and they avoid doing that at all costs.

    They can fly with the large owl wings they have on their back, and run quite fast with their deer legs. Junchi can also shapeshift their deer part to be a Cervitaur (Centaurs for deer).

    More info in the Oricenta page.


    • Moonstone
    • Plants
    • Helping people
    • Flirting
    • Tricking people
    • Getting what they want
    • Extroverted people
    • Outside
    • Music


    • Rude people
    • Being made fun of
    • People disliking them
    • Being seen as unattractive
    • Fighting (physically and verbally)
    • Silence
    • People who don't take care of the environment


    Junchi is a very brash and crude teenager who loves to lie and trick people, but is terrible at hiding their feeling. That part of their personality can be summed up quite well with "tsundere". They are frequently perverted, but when they see that others are uncomfortable with them flirting with them or coming onto them, they try to stop.

    Even with their crude and rude personality and way of speech, they are extremely empathetic. They hate hurting others both physically and mentally, and won't hesitate to apologize or try to help them. They try to be logical most of the time and think about how their actions affect others, but it's common for them to speak and act without thinking.

    They love music and have a very talented voice and is a prodigy of songwriting, but they usually just write their music and let someone else play it or sing it. The only songs they can play themself are ones where they just sing, since they have no instrumental talent whatsoever.


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca10a2a64_TeenJunchi.png.453878a01a1c370b7ff4ec8db301b3ed.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca10a2a64_TeenJunchi.png.453878a01a1c370b7ff4ec8db301b3ed.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca104eaf9_JunchisWings.png.9330f08861f6520603c5b8ab1c59bed5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca104eaf9_JunchisWings.png.9330f08861f6520603c5b8ab1c59bed5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Bio: Junchi is an Flower Oricenta from China that used to live with their two dad Mei Anrong and Mei Hengai. They grew up being pretty spoiled, but having a pretty average middle class life with their family running a flower shop. When they were a child they met another child named Moonstone, and they grew up to be best friends. They did have some difficulties though, such as Junchi's empathy being much higher than Moonstone, which can lead them to not understanding each other at times.

    When Junchi hit sixteen their family decided to send them to Fantasy High, believing that it would help them learn more about their abilities and themself. Plus, Hengai really wanted them to get out and meet more friends, and Anrong hoped the different schooling environment would make them come out not as perverted as their other father anymore. Junchi convinced Moonstone's family and Moonstone themself to go with them, and even convinced Moonstone to join the male dorms. Junchi knew that Moonstone would be in a lower grade than them due to age, and even with their smarts their family didn't like the idea of a fourteen-year-old being with kids much older than them.

    Moonstone, but purely physical attraction



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Perytons[/URL] a mythological hybrid animal between the physical features of a stag and a bird.

When Oricentas transform their bodies the part that's being transformed glows and turns into varying shades of colors depending on the Oricenta.

Oricentas have borderline perfect senses. They can hear very far, see very well, smell nearly anything, their taste is extremely sensitive, and they are very sensitive to touch, which can be a good and a bad thing sometimes.

Children Oricentas do not have antlers, they only gain antlers once they reach puberty. Their antlers also aren't attached to their heads, instead, they hover slightly above the sides of their head. They also don't have as many feathers on their bodies as older Oricentas, usually growing more as they get older, especially around puberty.

Oricentas also age slightly slower than most humans, although they reach puberty around the same time. They only "stop" aging when they're fully grown. Although some Oricentas like to age their appearance up though, finding it sort of weird if they look the same age as their young adult children. They'd rather look older than their children than looking like their children or their children's children. The downside of this is that as their body ages they may beging to weaken, especially when they age up to their middle ages and past. Their average lifespan is 400 years old, but some can live up to 410 if very healthy or lucky, and at about 200 they are middle aged. By the time they're reaching 400 they will still look young (if they haven't aged themself up) but they start to reach their limit and will eventually die and turn into dust.

Oricentas usually have sharp nails they use for hunting and gathering food, but some cut their nails if they aren't the type to go out hunting for their own food.

Oricentas can have many different combinations, such as looking like a black human, a barn-owl, and an elk. This gives Oricentas a wide range of possibilities and looks. Even though they're usually based on those animals it's common for them to not have "realistic" colors like them, such as a blue-skinned, pink horned owl, and a purple elk, but usually these types of Oricentas are much rarer to be born. Oricenta. Their height also ranges from each Oricenta depending on their family genes, so there can be Oricentas that range from 4'9ft-10ft, but usually they don't go below or higher than that range. One thing all Oricentas share though are that they all have feathers for bodily hair, aside from their cervid body parts.


Oricentas have a unique culture, as their culture is a mix of human life and, well, their Oricenta species. Some Oricentas lean more towards their human culture, while others lean more towards Oricenta culture, but the Oricenta culture is sometimes so vague they usually still take from human culture.


Usually Oricentas wear unique facial markings on their face to show the family they come from, such as the Soie family wearing blue makeup with a crescent moon, four circles underneath their eyes, and a half circle on their eyelids.

Oricentas who make a family with another Oricenta may combine their facial markings, keep their own markings, or one may take the markings of their lover. Taking the markings of their lover is usually seen as them disowning their family, it can also seem like a sign of incest towards outside Oricentas, so this is a VERY rare thing for Oricenta lovers to do.

Markings can be on any part of their body, although usually it's on their face.


Oricentas usually name their children based on their "human" ethnicity. An American Oricenta would name their child an American name, and an African Oricenta would name their child an African name. Of course, there are some exceptions, but usually they're considered disrespectful to other ethnicities.


Oricentas are known to be a very beautiful and charismatic species, but they're also known to be extremely manipulative, cunning, and the younger ones being tricksters. They love using their beauty and charms to get people to give them what they want, even the children participate by using their age and cute looks to trick people into thinking they're innocent. However, not all Oricentas are like this, some can be quite gentle, kind, and mature, but usually they have a few manipulative traits with them, or alternatively, learn them so they won't be tricked by other Oricentas. Their manipulative trait is usually learned, and is just a skill they are able to pick up more easily and understand better.

Oricentas usually don't trick their own kind, seeing their species as allies to trick
other species for what they need and want. Because of this, Oricentas are usually very friendly with each other and they have a very nice community, just have fun not being an Oricentas trying to get into the community without harm (although it's not always painful harm). Oricentas that are known to trick even those in their species are usually ostracized and aren't helped by other Oricentas, usually leaving them to die quite early for one due to the lack of help.


Orsenise is the main language of Oricentas and use characters that look similar to Japanese or Chinese. Learning the language can be very hard and sort of a tongue twister, and is usually paired with body movements, such as flapping your wings while saying "Hello.".

It's very common to see two Oricentas talking to each other in Orsenise since it's considered polite for Oricentas to talk to each other in their main language. They don't usually do this when others who aren't an Oricenta is around though.

There's a few variation of Orsenise, but they're only used if an Oricenta is blind, deaf, or disabled in some way. Such as Sign Language Orsenise, or braille Orsenise.

Daily Life

Usually their life and attitudes towards the world may depend on where they're born, the religion they were raised with, and their family, but there are some thing most Oricentas share in common.

Most Oricentas acquire brushes and combs for their unique hair, such as their feathers or furry dear parts. They also have to use special shampoo and conditioner for it.

Their clothing will also depend on their "human" culture too, but usually they wear clothing that are easy for them to move with their deer legs and owl wings.

Oricenta parents, or one Oricenta parent, will teach their children how to use their powers and other natural abilities from their species, like flying. Other than that, they let their children go to a normal human school, but some will try to hide their children's Oricenta traits if they can to avoid them getting picked on by some of the meaner kids. Nevertheless, most of the time humans accepted Oricentas for being so similar to them.

When the Oricenta child grows older, they may choose to stay living with their parent(s), or move away somewhere else. It's very common for an Oricenta child to come back to their parent to take care of them when their parent grows old and weak, but that's only if the parent chooses to let their body age until it's hard to function, so this is pretty rare.

Adult Oricentas are usually seen as very good business-people, as they can easily use their charms and manipulative personalities to sway things towards their liking. Other than those jobs, some take up careers in entertainment, since they can use their good looks to attract a crowd. Most of the time though, Oricentas go with jobs their culture favor, or their subcategory of Oricetnas are. Like a Flower Oricenta becoming florist or farmer.


Oricentas usually have one or two religions, but it depends on where they were born and the family they grew up in. Some adapt the religion of whatever human ethnicity they come from, like a European Oricenta being a Christian, but they are always taught the Oricenta religion, Orcentia, named after the religious figure.

Orcentia is an androgynous and humongous Oricenta who is considered to be the first Oricenta and the one who created all others. The story goes that Orcentia was born out of the stars and universe, which explains their very starry and universe based appearance, and felt lonely. They decided to create more of their kind, and named them Oricentas. Orcentia is every cervid and owl imaginable, and does not have a set race or ethnicity like other Oricentas. They are considered peaceful and loving, but also sometimes a trickster, however; even as a trickster they encouraged Oricentas to be peaceful with humans and be apart of their kind, as they loved humans. That's one of the theories on why Oricentas look so human-like in their first and second forms, it's that Orcentia loved humans, and felt like it was a gift that they looked so human-like, that they wanted other Oricentas to look human-like too.

Orcentia is usually very easy to merge with other religions, since their religion is more Oricenta based and not world based too. Although, Oricentas usually consider Orcentia to be one of the first lifeforms on Earth and to have helped in the creation of everything, but that varies depending on which Oricenta you're talking to.

There are, of course, some Oricentas who are secular, sometimes in just human religion, sometimes in just Orcentia, or both. It's not common for them to be shamed for it, as Orcentia isn't something you have to be open with, such as praying in public, but some consider the nonreligious ones to be "weird"


Oricentas can eat anything humans, dear, and owls can eat, such as:

  • corn
  • small rodents
  • hares
  • small mammals basically
  • fruit
  • grass
  • steak
  • candy
  • etc

Their diet may change depending on the form they're in, since some forms can't handle certain foods. They may also not eat certain food depending on their religion, like a Muslim Oricenta avoiding ham.



Oricenta magic can vary greatly, although they all can shapeshift into their four forms. Their first form, their second form, their owl form, and their cervid form.

Oricentas can only control certain types of powers, usually elements, such as fire, air, lightning, water, and nature. Although some of them can control other things too, like crystals, flowers, sound, healing, regeneration (usually goes with healing), golem/elemental creation, or invisibility (usually only for themselves).


Other than being able to transform into two different forms, along with their cervid and owl forms, they are very good at camouflaging depending on their type. A Snow Oricenta could easily hide in snow areas, an Air Oricenta can hide in smoke or clouds (which is harder now being in the Underground and all), and a Flower Oricenta can hide among plants and flowers (depending on the type of plant/flower they look like, or if they shapeshift themself into any type of flower/plant).

They are also able to use their beautiful looks and charming personalities to manipulate others and get stuff that they want, but there are exceptions to this, as not all Oricentas have charming personalities. It's something they learn, not something they're born with, they're just very good at picking up the skill.


Oricentas were not based off of
Perytons, described as "an alleged mythological hybrid animal combining the physical features of a stag and a bird." It was a coincidence the creator of Oricentas found out on 4/6/16.

Oricentas are sort of based off of
Satyr, but instead of being very lustful, instead they're just tricksters who may use other's lust to get what they want.



MrEvilMexican said:
(lol. xD What's next? Kratos? He should've been at the old god meeting thing. xD Also, can I stuff a fistful of frag grenades down Ari's throat?))
It's whoever you want... I mean. Why not? It's a fantasy RP.
Roman said:
It's whoever you want... I mean. Why not? It's a fantasy RP.
((( The Old Gods and Goddesses are the ones from IRL. The new ones are the characters in this RP. )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( The Old Gods and Goddesses are the ones from IRL. The new ones are the characters in this RP. )))


  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Ayen1.jpg.f88dabd5107d11f8aa32ba16b6f42f0a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Ayen1.jpg.f88dabd5107d11f8aa32ba16b6f42f0a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Ayen Naefaerne

    Nickname(If Applies):

    The Two court Royal, The Nature Sage, Sharded Father


    Roughly 4.5 Billion years old



    Sexual Orientation:


    Good or Evil or Neutral:


    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

    The Fae and/or in Nature

    What Year of highschool your in:


    What kind of being you are:

    3/4 Royal Fae, 1/4 Nature God

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n7v3tujvN11qi1wjmo1_500.gif.c270992fa06d3f5ad345dfaaf6af9aa2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n7v3tujvN11qi1wjmo1_500.gif.c270992fa06d3f5ad345dfaaf6af9aa2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(time for a new character)

Name: Jyn (he has no last name)

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: He looks 15 but he's definitely not 15 at all

Gender: Male (changes if the class requires female gender like Valkyrie)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good (he can be evil if his class is Evil)

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Human(?) (can be changed based on his class)


Class System

Aura of an Outsider (because he's in a different universe)


(he can change into any class and can use any skills and spells as long as it's based on the class)

(The Class can also be a race eg. Vampire and it also change the user's race)


(to get a new class he must meet the criteria of that class)

(there are limits how powerful the skills can be, let's say for example the skill Omega Flare can't be used by a Mage but can be used by a class higher than a Mage)


Boobs (yes...boobs...we don't judge here right??) (He supports boobie equality...small or big it doesn't matter)


Helping others


People that doesn't like boobs (why not...)


Too much work

Personality: Kind,Quiet,Helpful,A little bit of a perv,and a pretty average guy...(maybe) (his personality will also change based on the class)

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: He's actually summoned accidentally in this universe and having no memory of what happened, he decides to stay in the universe he is in.

Dating/lover/crush: None...yet

Anything else:

Moonstone's Character Sheet

  • Name:








    Sexual Orientation:

    Aromantic Asexual


    6'4ft (Still growing.)

    Good, Evil, or Neutral:

    Chaotic Neutral. Junchi is basically their morality chain to being Chaotic Good though.

    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

    Male Dorms

    What Year of High School You're In:


    What kind of being you are:

    Humanoid Gemstone


    No One. Mostly they'll ever get is a very close friendship.








    Inspiring others


    Being mocked

    Having their hair seen

    Being disliked


    Loud noises

    Being around too many people

    Extra Information:

    They couldn't care less on their gender, but they're mostly seen as androgynous. As long as they aren't referred to as stuff like "girl" or "Mr." they won't have an issue, since gendered terms like that sometimes confuse them since they don't realize the person is talking to them when they use them. Someone calling them "she" or "him" is fine, but beware, they get extremely annoyed when they're asked questions on their gender constantly.

    There will be updates for this character sheet, especially in Powers/Skills and Biography.

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WeirdisFun said:
(time for a new character)
Name: Jyn (he has no last name)

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: He looks 15 but he's definitely not 15 at all

Gender: Male (changes if the class requires female gender like Valkyrie)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good (he can be evil if his class is Evil)

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Human(?) (can be changed based on his class)


Class System

Aura of an Outsider (because he's in a different universe)


(he can change into any class and can use any skills and spells as long as it's based on the class)

(The Class can also be a race eg. Vampire and it also change the user's race)


(to get a new class he must meet the criteria of that class)

(there are limits how powerful the skills can be, let's say for example the skill Omega Flare can't be used by a Mage but can be used by a class higher than a Mage)


Boobs (yes...boobs...we don't judge here right??) (He supports boobie equality...small or big it doesn't matter)


Helping others


People that doesn't like boobs (why not...)


Too much work

Personality: Kind,Quiet,Helpful,A little bit of a perv,and a pretty average guy...(maybe) (his personality will also change based on the class)

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: He's actually summoned accidentally in this universe and having no memory of what happened, he decides to stay in the universe he is in.

Dating/lover/crush: None...yet

Anything else:
Junchi[/URL] is basically their morality chain.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Male Dorms

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Humanoid Gemstone


Hair Manipulation: Moonstone can use their hand-hair as extra limbs to grab onto things, and can also shapeshift their hair into other types of things to help them move around, such as wings. They can grow their hair as long as they want, but usually keeps it medium length since they're sort of insecure about it. Their hair allows them to defend themself quite well, and use it in other sorts of ways, like attacking people quickly and slicing them with their extra hands. Their extra limbs can sort of be seen as a form of telekinesis that's easier to control.

Absolute/Body Storage: Moonstone can store things in their hair into a different dimension, and then take it out. If they store too many things though, it'll take longer for them to get it out. They also can't store anything bigger than their hair, but since they can increase the length this isn't too much of an issue for them. It just depends on if they're ready to show off their hand-hair. If they store enough things in their hair, they can give themself a sort of infinite supply of things, but they still run into the issue of losing objects, or even people.

Healing: Moonstone can heal others and themself, but hasn't learned to use this ability to their full extent. They don't know how to heal limbs or people from deadly poisoning, and at the moment they can only heal cuts and bruises. They have tried to learn emotional healing, but they just don't have the empathy levels for it.

Reforming: Moonstone can reform their body after their physical body is badly hurt. Once their physical body is badly hurt, their gemstone will be all that's left. After a few days to a few weeks, they'll come back, usually with a different look to their body, like a different outfit or hairstyle. They can be killed if their gemstone is fully shattered, but if it's cracked they could be healed back to life. This gives Moonstone a sort of immortality, but as stated before, they can still be killed. They'll just keep aging unless they reform their body to look young.

Dream Communication: Moonstone can at times communicate with someone within their dreams, and even walk in their dreams. They don't usually do this with people they don't know well, and if they do they're usually very spiteful. Inside of more friendly people's dreams they will try to get the dreamer to be aware they're dreaming so they can lucid dream and have fun. Basically using other's dreams as a place for them to manipulate "reality". If they use this power, their physical body will basically go unconscious until they leave the person's dreams, which can make them very vulnerable. They can do this while their physical body isn't there and their gemstone is only there, but they feel like they're even more vulnerable in that state and usually they're like that if they're reforming, which causes their reformation to be longer.

Self-Sustenance: Moonstone does not need to eat, drink, sleep, breath, use the bathroom, etc. They can however get mentally/emotionally tired, desire food, desire sleep, and feel uncomfortable in certain whether due to personal preferences. They also can't stay in place without moving for long periods of times. Not because Moonstone can't do this because of their powers, but because their personality and mentality just won't let them stay in one area for such a long time.

Staff/Wand Wielding: Moonstone uses a staff with a sharp crescent moon at the end of it. They can also attack a string to it to use with enemies farther away and to tired enemies up, but they hardly ever use their staff. They can turn their staff into a wand, but they hardly use that too. It's purely for offensive uses, and even though they can use it for defense, their hair is much better at that.

Wind and Water Element: In terms of Gemstones, Moonstone is associated with the wind and water. This allows them to have an increase in helping people learn new skills, learning to communicate well (which helps with them learning languages easily), memory, and gives them enhanced vision. They don't have everything associated with these abilities, but they do have most of them. Moonstone is still struggling with their water element though with their low empathy, so they have trouble expressing their true feelings and creating healthy relationships. They can help others express their true feelings though, and teach them how to overcome fears.


  • Friends
  • Junchi
  • Company
  • Animals
  • People
  • Praise
  • Inspiring others


  • Being mocked
  • Having their hair seen
  • Being disliked
  • Loneliness


Moonstone loves to help people and enjoys the company of others. They enjoy being praised and loved, and feeling like they're cared about, which can make them give off some narcissistic attitudes. They aren't very empathetic to others, but to people close to them their empathy goes into a sort of hyper-mode, which can cause them to read other's emotions as more extreme than they are. This has caused Moonstone to have some emotional instability, where they'll feel emotions in a situation either too much, or not enough, and can make them come off as either immature or cold and apathetic.

Their lack of empathy towards people not close to them can cause them to be a bit rough with people, whether with their words or being physical. They may grab onto someone a bit too hard, or say something extremely rude to a person without realizing how mean they're being. They'd probably say something like "You're hair looks like a mess today.", even if a person just got out of a bad fight, or was hit with a car, they would still comment on how bad they look or how bad of an attitude they're having.

Even with all those faults, Moonstone still loves to inspire others and convince people they're better than they think they are. At times, they can go as far as saying that the person is better than them, and look up to the person to a pathetic degree. Moonstone is a person who loves helping people understand their inner strength, while not understanding their own and often times underestimating it.

They have a habit of moving their hair whenever they move their main hands. If their waving at someone, expect their hair to wave back. If they're holding something, expect their hair to act like its holding stuff too.


They frequently wear a headdress to cover their hair, and dislikes taking it off unless it's necessary.



Moonstone comes from an upper-middle class family of gemstones who adored Earth and everything on it. Moonstone soon took after this love, and found the the history on Earth amazing and even found a friend named
Mei Junchi when they were only a toddler. When they got older, Junchi convinced them to join the school Fantasy High School to help them learn their abilities, and convinced them to join the male dorms so they'd be closer.

Dating/lover/crush: No One

Anything else: They could care less on their gender, but they're mostly seen as androgynous.



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