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Chapter Six: Roundabout!

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Otiorin sighed as he rose from habitual nest of pillows and carefully picked up the stave. It was sturdy wood, flexible yet unyielding, turned and finished by a gentle hand with no harsh tools. It was a simple thing, but it had a vast number of uses, both martial and practical. He considered it a moment before he spoke.

"I guess I have to say that I have no real style of fighting, at least nothing that I focus on. The weapons I carry are many: I bear both a short sword and my enchanted blade, Moonlit Edge, though not together. I have yet to learn how to wield two weapons with ease. I also carry a short bow, which I can use well, a hand crossbow and throwing knives. This combination of weapons gives me options at all ranges from melee to medium range. And that's how I fight. I see myself as a fluid combatant, able to begin at range and close to melee or begin at melee range and retreat whole using a bow. I cover a lot of roles well, I can scout and infiltrate ahead of the group with some skill, but I'm not a tracker or a hunter. I can conceal myself and move silently in most environments. I'm not the best with animals, but I can smooth the way with other, not immediately hostile, sentient beings. I'm not the best at knowledges of a lot of things outside the Grey Elves, mainly because I've only just started learning about things outside Waterwind."
Luna looks over in curiosity. "Since you don't seem to specialize, what is your next goal in combat training? Are you going to increase your skills with dual weapon fighting, or will you focus on using the bow instead?"
Otiorin looked at Luna as he considered the question, then replied, "All things considered, I think I want to learn how to dual-wield, for reasons I shall go into later. My ability at range is only supplemented by the spell I know that enhances the power of my bow."
Bren nods. "I can help with your dual-wielding training, if you like. Would you be interested in refining the scout role, or do you wish to stay non-specialized?"
"Thank you for that, I'd appreciate the help,", the Half-Elf replied, "I think I want to remain unspecialized, it suits me better. I've known Elves who specialize to the point that they are only useful in highly specific events. I don't want to be stuck in a niche for specializing. Perhaps further down the line, I might look at a more specific role, but not right now."
Otiorin's examination of Bria's fighting stick is accurate, but upon close examination, he makes a discovery - there are no tool marks on this weapon. No etchings, engravings, or signs that a piece of metal ever touched it. Only artful burn marks.

Hers looks like the bottom stick. At just a little over two feet long, it is very much how Otiorin described it.


(Image credit: iisports.ecrater.com)

Bria eyes turn skyward as she mentally digests Otiorin's words. Then she raises her hand. Powerpaw seeing her outstretched hand, leans his chin down for scratchies. Bria giggles and obliges. Soon, the sound of Kitty-face purring joins the other sounds made by the Wanderers. Bria turns her attention to Otiorin.

"Otiorin, more than a few of my people use 'two-weapons-as-one' method to devastating results. It especially works well on lightly-armored targets (like hobgoblins and gnolls!). I can only imagine how a crafty person like you would make use of such skills."

"What kinds of spells do you know and like to use? Can you turn people invisible or cause yourself to run incredibly fast? I think I've seen you using
Mage Armor and Shield."

"What rogue tricks do you like to use in combat? I mean, besides Sneak Attack? Oh, and how did you get even hunkier before our last fight against Gerran and the Craven?"
She points at him with a grin of admiration. "Those aren't the chest and shoulders you entered the fight with. Did you cast Bear's Endurance on yourself when I wasn't looking?"

Powerpaw chuckles and stabs a claw at the Moonlit Edge. "I wanna knows how dat sword of yers got all frosties. One moment, you waz runnin' past me ta get dat mage, an' da next moment you waz freezy-choppin' off one'a da Craven's faces from its body! Did you casts some freezy-choppin' elfy-magic on it? Maybe iz a secret power of yer moar-sword? What it can doez beside keep yer drinks colds? Hoo hoo hoo!"
Otiorin nodded as Bria and Powerpaw asked their questions.

"The spells I know? Well, let me see. You were right about my using the Shield and Mage Armor spells. The former I learned from my first teacher back in Waterwind, Mother was terribly protective of me, even when I was still living at home. And the latter I learned just recently. I also know Gravity Bow, which enchants my bow to fire arrows with more power, and Summon Monster I, which.... summons.... something? Schermitt taught me it and said it would summon a creature that would aid me. I... I've yet to try it. I also know a number of cantrips: Daze, which I found to be useful just recently, Detect Magic which hindsight teaches me I should use more often when playing with other people's possessions, Ghost Sounds which is handy for an audible distraction, Open/Close which I haven't used in a while and Read Magic, another of my mother's required learning.

"In combat, I tend to pair my Sneak Attack with a technique called Bleeding Attack, which rather than landing a deep blow, causes a long rending wound that makes the victim bleed profusely, weakening them over time. I've also learned Weapon Finesse, which allows me to use my agility and leverage over raw strength when I land blows on enemies for better effect. I've learned a lot of methods of avoiding being hit too, I can dodge my own shadow almost!

"Additionally, my Elven blood makes me immune to spells that use a Sleep-effect and my eyes are better than a human's in conditions of poor lighting."

As Powerpaw spoke, Otiorin reflexively caressed the scabbard of his short sword.

"Your question and Bria's last one can be answered together. I have to thank those capricious sprites, the Daughters of Summertime for the changes wrought upon me and Moonlit Edge. They granted me three favors for freeing them from that crystal they were imprisoned in. The first was a protective aura against evil forces, it aided us all last night. The second touched Moonlit Edge with her mother element and imbued her with a permanent Cold element. And the last? Well, the last added some beef to my bones."

He smiled then and sighed, "I'm glad that my armor has some give in it, though my burgling gear might need to be let out a bit to allow me to climb unimpeded!"
Luna raises up her eyebrows in surprise at the revelation of the three gifts from the Daughters of Summertime. "You are truly fortunate, my friend. In all the years of my studies, I have only heard of a handful of people that have ever been given such gifts, and I have never had the good fortune to actually meet any of these lucky people to be able to verify the truthfulness of their claims. Being a friend of the forest has been good to you."
"Yes, but I hardly feel worthy of these gifts. I mean, all I did was open a magic item. I don't doubt someone else could have achieved that.", he replied with a shrug.

He lifted his mug again, wetting his mouth.
"Don't underestimate your contribution. Not everyone could have done what you did, and many would have simply turned their backs on the suffering of the Daughters as not their problem." Luna nods sagely as she idly rubs Sparkle's neck ridge. "You have earned your gifts; just make sure you use them wisely."
The Daughters of Summertime and Mamapaw look to each other as they hear Luna. They cheer and clap. One of the Daughters begins to speak, but the other two tackle her in a most-girlish fashion. "Shhh!" they tell her. Then they look up to Mamapaw the Druidess who gazes serenely at Luna. The Kitty-face seems pleased. What could she be thinking? Who can tell?

The forest keeps many secrets.

So, of course, do dragons. One such dragon sighs and relaxes at Luna's welcome touch. Sparkle's eyes, however, are as aware and acute as any rogues' as they watch Pecker oh-so-closely.

Ohhhh, Sparkle grins in Luna's mind, just you wait, feather-brain... Have I got something in store for you. I just need the proper implements. Sparkle watches mischievously. Pecker looks her way once, but the pseudo-dragon glances over to Bria as if she had been watching the lovely young lady all along.

"Well," Bria speaks ever-so-freely in the way Ko monks do, "it makes you even easier on the eyes, Otiorin."

Powerpaw licks his fangs and devours yet another ham, bone and all. Between smacks, he looks at Otiorin curiously. "So jus' what iz da Moonlit Edge? Iz it jus' an elfy Moar-sword wif frosties or is dere moar to it?"

Bria flops over on Powerpaw's lap.
"Questions like those fall under background, Your Goofiness."

"Oh, okies. In dat case, I iz contents!"

"I am too,"
Bria adds she gazes at Otiorin with a dreamy smile across her sweet face.
Luna watches the byplay between the various Daughters of Summertime and Mamapaw, wondering with curiosity what was passing between them, and secretly wondering what it would be like to be rewarded by the fairies like Otiorin was. Luna puts that thought aside; either she is worthy of such a gift, or she is not, and there is no sense in dwelling on it. "Thank you for sharing with us. I, too, am content." As she talks, she once more slips her hand into Wolf's as he sits next to her, leaning slightly closer to him. "So, who is next in the Roundabout?"
Bria tilts her head toward Luna. "Otiorin is. He finished part one, now he's onto the part every Roundabout participant fears! Background and life gooooals!" Bria raises her hands in a claw-like fashion and tries to make a "scary" face at Otiorin... except... that there is absolutely nothing at all scary about little Miss Bria of the Ko...
Luna covers her mouth with her hand to hide her smile at the 'scary' Bria.
Otiorin's face quirked into a smile, but his eyes failed to meet anyone else's and he looked aside from Bria.

"Okay. As you might already have heard, I hail from the Grey Elven kingdom of Waterwind. I don't have any siblings, but I have a number of cousins who I've had little contact with my entire life. My mother is called Cadoththa and she is a Cleric serving in one of the temples back home. She did spend a time adventuring, but when she met my father, she returned home and settled down. She has always wanted what was best for me, even when I think I disappointed her by not living up to her expectations. It was she who gifted me Moonlit Edge."

As he spoke the name of the sword, he drew it from its sheath. Instantly the air around its enchanted blade began to mist up, as the cool blue radiance from the Elven runes along its blade shimmered like moonlight on the surface of a nocturnal lake.

"Elven legends speak of the weapon being borne by a great hero of the Grey Elves against many foes of my mother's people. He carried it alongside a mighty longsword, known as the Sunfire Blade. Alas though, the Sunfire Blade was lost to history at the end of a great battle during which that same hero was lost to the Grey Elves. Neither he, nor his mystical longsword were found, even though this short sword was gifted to one of my ancestors by that hero.

"While my mother settled down, my father, on the other hand, has been adventuring ever since. His name is Ser Argentias Mordenklein and he is one of the exalted knights of Silverthrone. To this day, he and his war-elk, Athelstan, gallop hither and yon, finding mighty beasts to slay and dungeons to clear out. He has done so alone and in any number of parties, some long-term, others an ad-hoc gathering of like-minded adventurers that disband once their quest is done. He was most excited that I was going to be setting forth into the outside world and it was he who gifted me with my armor. He had worn it when he was first made a Knight Errant, a young reckless knight hell-bent on making his name with an act of great heroism and chivalry to earn his golden spurs.

"My grandmother, Carenniel, is a master-craftswoman, creating great works of art. Her speciality is leatherwork and she has created things from saddles for dragon-riders to harnesses for great heroes. She...", he frowned, "She never approved of my parents marriage, nor of me when I was born. She saw little need in a grandson who was not pure-bred Grey Elf. I never saw much of her as I grew up. My grandfather is Maecon Icemane. He is a sorcerer like me,but his power far surpasses mine. He has become so powerful, his wings have grown to the point that he is able to travel by air easier than an elf can afoot. His skin is purest white and his eyes are flawless silver. He radiates intimidating, overwhelming power and his voice is like the rumble of a distant avalanche. But yet, when he talked to me, he was as warm as a hearthfire and as welcoming as an open tavern door on a stormy night. He encouraged me to venture beyond the borders of Waterwind, just as he had decades before I was even born."

Otiorin smiled as he remembered his grandfather and the smile seemed to lift his mood, like the sun bursting through the clouds on a stormy day.

"Finally there's my great-grandmother, Tirladiel Planestrider. She is a master Wizard, skilled and battle-hardened to the point she has all but reached the pinnacle of her art. She is so talented, she has travelled beyond our plane of existence and visited other planes of reality. That's where she gained her name. She travelled the length and breadth of Sharseya in the company of Charmsring and they had a great many adventures together. She retired back home after losing a leg in combat with a Balor Lord, while Charmsring continued to travel. She doesn't speak much about him when I ask, instead she always said 'Go find him and ask him yourself'.

"So I guess my aspirations are two-fold. Firstly, find the Sunfire Blade wherever it's ended up and return it to Waterwind. Second, find Charmsring and find out about him. OH! And finding a way to resolve the situation between the Wild Elves and the Forest Elves to make up for the actions of this other Half-Elf bastard. So I guess I have three future goals."
Within moments of speaking, Otiorin has the attention of both Kitty-faces, Bria, and the Daughters of Summertime. From time to time, Bria will quickly explain something Otiorin has said to Powerpaw, but he tries hard to keep his questions to her brief.

Powerpaw is the first to speak once Otiorin concludes his historical introduction. "So... you iz gonna find dis Sunfire Bladey longsword, da mate to da Moonlit Edges, an' give it back? I doezn't get it. You make it sounds like dey is supposed ta be togethers. If you wins it, why give back one an' separates dem agains?"

Bria's jaw drops and she loses all mirth when the Balor Lord is mentioned. For some time, Bria's face drains of color as she listens to Otiorin's every word. Unlike the Kitty-faces and the Daughters of Summertime, Bria listens on as if she really understands, at least to some degree, the true depth of Archmage Planestrider's battle.

"Ain't youse haz a question, Bria?"

"I... I need a minute..." Bria sits back uneasily in Powerpaw's lap and just lays there, clearly deep in troubled thought.

Sparkle, on the other hand, suddenly loses all interest in her falcon-buddy as she too watches Otiorin keenly from the very moment he starts talking about his past. However, unlike the others in attendance, Sparkle's eyes come over a transformation. Those luminous purple irises become swallowed by purple of the deepest color until it is the only color there. This is not the first time Otiorin has been scrutinized by the lady dragon, and it is known to the half-elf that dragons possess a special, magical vision all their own - dragonsight. They use it to find the facts inside the mysteries and the truth inside the doubts. They see things with that sight that no other creatures can. The first time Sparkle got a good look at Otiorin, it was with this sight - and she had him pegged for what he was within seconds. Why she is using it now, however, is not known to him.
"Well, I suppose once I've found the Sunfire Blade, I'll return them both to Waterwind. They are a matched pair, their steel crafted from the same meteoric iron, on the same anvil, by the same smith with tools specifically made for their creation. It wouldn't be right to bring them together again only to separate them.", Otiorin said with a shrug, "And quite besides that, I'll have to return Moonlit Edge eventually anyway. Mother might have gifted it to me, but in doing so she handed me a cherished relic of the Grey Elves. If it were found out, she would get into trouble and I don't doubt that if any Grey Elves see this and recognise it for what it is, they would seize it from me and take it back to Waterwind. After all, I'm only half Grey Elven and not worthy of such an honoured blade."

That last sentence Otiorin spoke with a certain condescending air, as if repeating words he had heard throughout his youth.
Luna gives Otiorin a sharp look. "None of that now! There is enough bigotry and prejudice in the world without having such nonsense spoken in this circle. In the time I have traveled with you, you have saved my life on more than one occasion and have asked nothing in return other than my gratitude and continued friendship. I count myself lucky to have you as one of my friends, and I will stand beside you at the very gates of the abyss if you ever need me, and I feel that I speak for most, if not all, of those gathered here. There are few people that I place this level of trust and faith in, and most of them are in this room with me now." She gives a emphatic nod to show that she means what she says.
Bria tries to fight her darkening mood. "I think I see where you're coming from, Otiorin. My last team leader was half-elven. She shared with us how her people treated her. She was largely ignored by her elven blood too, whom she was raised with. The way she told it... it wasn't as if they didn't love her; they just didn't know what to do about her. Or with her." Bria wrestled uncomfortably with her own memories.

"Among my own people, we have those who just... aren't like the average. We treat them as equally as we can, but they know. They know. And so they look up to us. Still, we are all one big family." Bria looks to Otiorin thoughtfully. "So, I get the feeling half-elves are treated like that - below average. Even if they're not. That's not fair, you know? Even if there are only a scant few of your race alive, you should get a fair shake like everyone else. It's your inner character that matters. I think it's about what's in your heart and what you do with it. And for a person like me, how you help those who really need it."
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]
Summon Monster I, which.... summons.... something?

[/QUOTE]Bren smiles at this. "Something to explore in practice sessions, perhaps."
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]"Yes, but I hardly feel worthy of these gifts. I mean, all I did was open a magic item. I don't doubt someone else could have achieved that.", he replied with a shrug.
He lifted his mug again, wetting his mouth.

Sherwood said:
"Don't underestimate your contribution. Not everyone could have done what you did, and many would have simply turned their backs on the suffering of the Daughters as not their problem." Luna nods sagely as she idly rubs Sparkle's neck ridge. "You have earned your gifts; just make sure you use them wisely."
Bren nods in agreement. "Intent counts for a lot in such situations. You did enter the cave with the intent of rescue, you did open the sphere with the intent of releasing them, and that is what you were rewarded for." He glances at the faeries for a moment before returning to Otiorin. "There may be a bit of ... guilty conscience involved as well, as they truly did not mean to hurt your feelings. But I think it was the rescue that was the main reason."

After part 2 of Otiorin's RoundaboutBren listens attentively as Otiorin explains his background. He smiles at the mention of Silverthrone - one of the few big human cities on this continent that I haven't been to yet! Then, like Bria, he seems affected by the mention of the Balor Lord, though not as deeply, and he seems to shake it off better. "I believe Charmsring is out and about in this general area, though I don't think he'll infringe upon Grimauldin and Koshianth's territory without very good reason."

The big fighter nods as Bria speaks regarding half-elves. "My Kela has told similar stories. There are so few half-elves in the world, it seems there are equally few full elves who know how to deal with them. Some may surprise you, though, and take you on your own terms. The elves of my acquaintance who are (or have been) adventurers are like that." He pauses, then continues with uncharacteristic hesitation. "If you wish, and only if you wish, I could ask a gray-elf friend of mine what he feels on the matter of your sword. I trust him not to speak of it with any others, and I think his insight may help, but it is yours to tell or not, as you choose."
Bronze, using his awesemly limited stealth ability sneaks out of the area because he thinks that speaking of his past might be boring and silly to group. (Sneak sneak sneak... sneak... sneak sneak)

Outside, breathing a little better goes back to working on builds and the forge, hammering away at making a set of sword, and dagger for Mom'Paw, sewing up some nice leather armor, with one obvious twist, in the arm-guards he installs some light plate steel and rivets to act as an emergency sword blocking type thingie, but instead of using heavy steel uses light steel, over the leather. Idea is to block the blade and distribute the energy through the leather and therefore use the whole arm as a shock absorber. (Oh man don't you all hate it when this happens? I need to make a RL Drawing of the idea then scan and send it here. It's a series of simple Ideas turned into something fancy and neat. Lemme put the pic here in a bit) Same would go with the leg guards. And maybe a good set of sandals too? See if the 'Sweets would like to help make undergarments, Clothes, and other Nice things, oh and... A Fluffy Pillow! Of Healing?
Finding the small halflings outside takes only a "little" of Bronze's time. Bonabin and Whittle are with Stewart, busy tending the great team of draft horses that pull the Adventurers' Wagon, and despite the size difference, the hobbits seem to have a decent relationship with the steeds.

Whittle rubs her hands together. You could swear her grass-green eyes were shining. "Help you make clothes? What a grand idea!" Bonny takes a puff from his pipe and nods. "Aye! Where do we start?"

Back around the Great Pool inside the Adventurers' Wagon, Powerpaw scratches his furry head in wonder at the mention of this gray-elf, but Bria's smile returns upon Bren's offer. She appears to have a good guess at who Bren is referring to.

"Otiorin? Why did your mother give you such a relic? Certainly she must have known it might spell trouble for you." Bria rests her cheek on her fist and comes to a realization. "Then again, if you were my child, I might have tried to provide you the best weapon I could get my hands on too - for your protection." She looks up to Otiorin. "Were the circumstances anything like that? Also, what do you know of the Sunfire Blade? I, for one, have never heard of it or its mate before we met."

She puts her finger to her lips and adds. "Also... what do you want us to do should we run into Wild Elves along the road?"

Mamapaw becomes clearly perplexed at the question. "Why would we have any troubles with the Wild Elves?"

"They have sent word far and wide that they will hunt and likely kill all half-elves they meet until they have vengeance on the one that destroyed their ancestral home."

Mamapaw gasps. "Oh! A
half-elf caused that catastrophe?"

"All sources seem certain of it."

Powerpaw snarls in distaste. "Uh, ain't dat kinda harsh? I mean... dis whole half-elf-face race haz gotta pay fer da actions of one?"

Bria pauses a moment as if gathering the strength to speak these next words. "The way I've heard the tale... which bards are now calling 'The Burning Betrayal,' thousands of their people perished, either trapped by the blazes and burned alive in their homes, or swallowed up by the smoke. The fire started at night when most were asleep in their trees. Some of their eldest refused to leave as their home died around them. The grief of all Corellon's people has been great. It's the darkest tale ever told in the Adventurers' Guild, they say. And now, with their infiltration of the Forest Eternal, many are wondering if the Wood and Wild Elves may come to battle one another for the forest's resources. There is only so much for all, I hear."

"Oh man... Dis bad guy haz it comin' a thousand-folds! How many half-elf-faces we talkin' about?"

"Oscar believes there are less than ten half-elves left in the world."

"Holy Moar..." Powerpaw makes swinging motions as he looks to Otiorin. "So, what iz you gonna do if you catches da guy? Want me ta give 'ims a maul to da ding-ding? I'll doez it if you wanna!" The feline warrior nods eagerly.

Mamapaw also turns to Otiorin, her paws wide. "I am so sorry you are in such a predicament! Is there anything I can do to help you in this, you who have so gallantly risked your skin for me?"

Bria and Powerpaw's gazes then follow Mamapaw's, their facial expressions echoing Mamapaw's call for care. As Otiorin's full tale comes to light, so light the hearts of his friends for him, that they may shine like a star together.
"I would appreciate that, Sir Bren. I worry a lot about the trouble my mother put herself into giving me Moonlit Edge and I would gladly take any punishment to prevent her getting into more trouble.", Otiorin replied, then turned to Bria, "I suppose it's as you say, my mother wanted to give me something able to protect me beyond mortal steel. All the things I carry, from the magic rings I wear to the weapon I carry I gained as gifts given to me by those who cherish me. I mean these rings I wear, the Ring of Mind Shielding and the Ring of Force Shield, along with my enchanted boots were a gift from my grandfather the last time I saw him. I hadn't mentioned my plans to go adventuring, he just handed them to me and said that he hoped they served me as well as they had served him. It was the same with my Bag of Holding, my great-grandmother handed it to me, asking me to take it wherever I go. I also have a Chime of Opening that I gained from my first Rogue instructor. He ripped me off though, charged me twice what it was worth and told me later that it was a valuable lesson learned.

"As for the Wild Elves, I suppose I shall have to play that by ear. My long-term plan is to amass money to buy vittels and supplies to reduce the burden on the Forest Elves' resources and have it shipped to the Wild Elves. I'm not so foolish that I'll March straight into a Wild Elf camp and act the part of the humble benefactor. I'm a Rogue, I know how to work from behind the scenes. Even if I were to work from behind the banner of Brendoran Killaneson Sarabina until such time as my good deeds elsewhere become better known to my Wild Elf brethren, I would be content. In hearing of the suffering of Forest Elves and Wild Elves both by the act of a Half-Elf, I cannot in good conscience, let that slight go unmended. I swore it, by my blood with the sun, moon and stars as my surety, witnessed by Ancient Skaagenrackner and Venerable Vardadraug. A soul cannot rest easy with so heavy an oath upon it. And I shall do all I can to offer aid to those who would do death unto me if we were to meet."
Bren tries to hide a smile as Otiorin tells of how he acquired his Chime of Opening, and is mostly successful. His expression turns more serious as the half-elf lays out his plans for aiding the elves of the Forest Eternal. "An honorable oath, my friend. Any aid I can give in that endeavor is yours, you have but to ask."
"Wooooowww," Bria tilts her head and looks on in admiration. "To do something like that... your mother must be most wonderful mother-elf ever... Um, Otiorin? Do you think I could help with your oath, please? I could donate to this cause too! I donate my unused belongings like those pretty little gold pieces we collect all of the time."

Powerpaw gasps as if a terrific idea has struck him. The muscled Kitty-face looks eagerly at Bren and Otiorin with a fang-filled grin. "Hay! I got its! Let's go outs an' Hammer Smacks a whole lotta bad guys an' take dere gold! Da moar smackin' we doez, da moar gold we gets! Mebbe if we clear out dis forest, we kin help save da Wild Elfie forest! We kin even starts wif dis Gerran guy! I bets he haz coins! Whaddya guys say?" Powerpaw might not fully understand the scope of his quest as Shandra's Evergreen begins near Summerset and reaches past Highwind - it is as staggeringly-enormous and as wildly-varied as forests come.

Mamapaw looks around as if to shyly add a comment. "This enchanted wagon of yours is certainly large enough inside to hold plenty of food. But if it is food you are looking for, look no further! The forest provides me with magic that includes the creation of food. I am a water-tender and a wood-bender besides."

Bria claps her hands.
"That would be a nice start. I could help with that too! But still, we would need supplies. It would be tough to get what we need from Highwind, given that they've been in a long war and all."

Powerpaw punches his fist into his paw. "Rrrr... Moar foods. Moar supplies... Naw, I tink what dese lost elfies really needs... iz a new homes... Uhh... What you all tinks?" The Kitty-face looks to each Wanderer, but his ruby eyes fall most-heavily on Otiorin.
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