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Chapter Six: Roundabout!

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Luna's eyes widen with surprise at the sheer audacity of that suggestion. "That is truly an epic quest you are talking about, making a new home for the elves. If it is even possible. But, no task is ever accomplished without a vision and determination, something that we all can bring to the table. It is just not something I have any ideas on how to make it happen."
Wolf listened intently at the others' discussion, nodding or raising his eyebrows at times but otherwise not participating. In the meantime he finished eating and leaned back into his chair to study the faces of his companions in the silence that ensued. "Nor I." he said, smiling warmly to Luna as if to let her know she is not alone in her perplexity. "I guess we might as well turn out the pockets of every enemy we come across to, like Powerpaw suggested. At least those that are on the way. It would likely take the better part of our lifetimes to clear out Shandra's Evergeen, and I was really looking forward to seeing Highwind before I'm old enough to seek retiring there!"
Bren smiles at the thought of clearing out the entire Shandra's Evergreen, but amusement fades into stunned astonishment by the magnitude and simplicity of Powerpaw's final question. "Epic indeed! And yet...'The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer,' as the saying goes.* It's certainly something to bear in mind as we go about our adventures. And who knows, we may yet find a way, especially if we keep looking."

*I've run across variations of this over the years;

Bartleby.com says this particular phrasing was the motto of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II.
Bria rubs her hands together. "So first, we are going to Highwind, stopping only at Melshaef's Tree? I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel close to training again! Hooray! I think there is no better place than Highwind for all of us to make that happen."

"Oh!" She turns to Otiorin with a warm expression. "I think I'm content. Still, I think I would love to meet your grandfather someday. He sounds friendly and heroic! And somehow, I think your mother and my parents would get along pretty well. They speak Elven, too!" She looks up to Powerpaw. "What about you, Silly Furry Person? Are you content?"

"Bria, I izn't gonna be contents until we iz standin' on a mountain of dead bad guyz wif our worries beneaf us. But yah, for da Roundabout? I iz contents." Powerpaw grins at Otiorin while crunching on his second hambone. "I knew I'd be seein' stuff I'd never see at homes when I come heres *om nom nom* but a half-elfy, dragon-faced, rogue/wiggly fingered cool guy wif a chilly sword lookin' fer its sunny other? Naw. *Om nom* Didn't see nuffin' like dat comin'! Howzabout you, Mom?"

"Ohhh," Mamapaw thinks about it while smoothing her whiskers with one paw, "I have other questions for our brave dragon-rogue, but I should withhold them. I am just happy to be here with all of you. Alive. In one piece." She sniffs. "I cannot tell you what Gerran had planned for me if you had not come along. Mother Bastet has blessed me very deeply this day!"
(CLANG CLANG CLANG! Crafting a dagger) "I think we need to get some measurements, and I'm sure Stewart will know where we can find some sturdy fabric" (CLANG CLANG!) "Also the new leather we have would make some good armor and I think a Wooden Buckler would be nice for Mom'paw, and I can make a decent spear out of some wood we have lying around" (CLANG CLANG CLANG!!!!)




While trying to sew a join on the leather armor Bronze breaks a leather thread and has to start a new one.

Luna signals that she is content (see Adventurers’ Table) while Sparkle trills, contented in a different fashion as Luna’s petting and scratching brings the pseudo-dragon much happiness.

Powerpaw swallows the last of his second hambone and reaches for his third pitcher of milk. This, he quietly offers to Bria. Bria daintily takes a drink and nods her thanks to the big Kitty-face. Powerpaw guzzles from the pitcher like no human can and then offers some to Mamapaw. Mamapaw shakes her head.

Then Powerpaw asks, “Mom? Iz you readies?”

Mamapaw closes her eyes and nods deeply. “As ready as I am going to be. May Beauteous Bastet and Magnificent Mielikki bring me words that will convey Their wills.”

"All rights! Get readies fer a whole lotta MOOOOOAAAARR!!"

Bria smiles and rises from Powerpaw’s fuzzy lap. She walks around the circle and stops by Otiorin. Here, she chooses to sit, affectionately leaning her head upon his shoulder if he seems open to the idea, or sitting upright in lotus position if otherwise. Either way, she is attentive and curious, her mind open to learn things about her cat friends.

Powerpaw and Mamapaw rise together and the fanged warrior steps up to take Bria’s fighting stick. Holding the stick in his massive paw, he glances once at Bria, and then lays the weapon down on the floor in such a way that both he and his mother are behind it. He looks to Bria. Bria nods in approval.

“Uh, okies. First ting is first. Before we gets inta Tactics, I haz somethin’ I haz been dyin’ ta say…” Powerpaw speaks in an animated and enthusiastic fashion, his paws, claws, tail, and facial expressions all seem to amplify his words.

“Guyz, I blew its!” He frowns deeply, looking sad. “When Oti-face waz talkin’ ta Gerran an’ plannin’ an’ schemin’s, dere I waz on toppa da wagon all steathly-like in da night…” He sighs. “Den dey took off da cover over da cage, an’ I saw my mom, all beaten an’ broken, in rags, all sads an’ in pain…” Powerpaw shakes his head slowly. “... I just losted my marbles...”

“I gotta tell ya all, I iz so very--”

Hearing this, Mamapaw suddenly comes rushing up. “Nooooo!” She puts herself in front of Powerpaw, her arms wide. “Don’t blame him! He is, what you call, a Kitty-face! It is in his blood to protect his people, especially his family! Bastet is after all the goddess of cats, protection, music--”


Mamapaw pauses and turns.

“I iz tryin’ ta apologizes!!” Powerpaw then gently but firmly scoops up his mother into his arms. Wide-eyed but clearly unthreatened, she folds her paws and turns her body in such a catlike way as if she were the kitten. Powerpaw turns around and gently deposits her behind him. Then he turns back to you, a little calmer.

“Az I waz sayins, I really blew its! Here you iz, tryin’ ta work yer grand plan, an’ here I goes, head over maul, attackin’ every bad guy I sees! I bets you guyz wanna chew me out from tip ta tail, an’ I haz it comin’!”

Meanwhile, behind Powerpaw, Mamapaw has reached down to her discarded rags. She is pulling and yanking, quietly but quickly. Then, you see her draw out a very long string from the rags. She discreetly snatches Bria’s fighting stick while her son is speaking, and ties her long string to the end of said weapon. Then she positions herself behind her son and uses the stick to dangle the thread in front of his eyes, whiskers, and nose.

This produces a predictable effect…


Especially after what I saids ta you, Luna!” Powerpaw points to the fire mage. “Who iz I ta tells you about teamworks when I act like dat, right? So from da bottom of my kitty heart, I iz really-- Ooh, a string!! Gimme da string!!” He paws and paws at it until Mamapaw tosses it off to one side. Then the large, ferocious and completely distracted warrior winds up curled on his back, joyfully wrestling with said string on all fours. Bria sees this, gasps, and starts giggling.

"Oh my gosh! He's just like a kitten!"

“As I was saying,” Mamapaw continues with you, “please do not blame my son! Instead, accept my apology. He could not help himself. Take it from me, his parent!” She glances at Powerpaw and then back to you. “We raised all of our kittens to behave in a manner worthy of Blessed Bastet, so if anything, please put the blame fully on my shoulders and I will--”


“Uh oh!”

The string forgotten behind him, Powerpaw stomps up, fists balled, and once again he collects his mother up into his arms. How iz I supposed ta apologizes to da guyz if you keeps tryin’ ta do its fer me?” Once again, Mamapaw is gently delivered to a comfortable spot behind him. Then he turns once again to you.

“So yah, like I waz sayin’, I don’t wanna be a hypocritses. I don’t wanna blowz another plan down da road, yet I can’t promises it if I see somebuddy else I knows all bloody an’ beat up! I’d probably lose it if it waz one’a you! Still, if you’ll accepts my-- OH MY GOSH WHAT IZ DAT I HAZ TA HAVE IT RAAAAWR!!”


Suddenly, a glowing dot of light appears on the floor before Powerpaw as if from nowhere. He pounces on it, but it moves deftly and quietly across the floor and where it goes, Powerpaw pounces. Soon, he is all over the Grand Pool and a few times, nearly in the pool, as he recklessly chases the strange light. “WHAT IZ DIS TING?! OH GOSH! I GOT IT, I GOT-- HAY!! HOW’D I MISSES?!”

What poor Powerpaw fails to notice (go go Fighter Perception check!) is his crafty mother with the Daughters of Summertime sitting on her shoulders, one of whom is providing the light through faerie magic while the other two point and giggle their mischievous little heads off.

Sparkle looks up to Luna and giggles, “By Plaguemist’s broken mind, I had no idea he was that easy to distract.”

Mamapaw calmly returns to her spot at the fore of the Roundabout and says, “I must apologize for the both of us, dear Wanderers. If our roles were reversed, I would have done the same for my son. He, however, lacks the life experience to keep calm in such a situation. Perhaps one day he will possess the wisdom to--”


“Then again…”

Bria holds her tummy as she laughs. "Look at him go!"

Mamapaw bows smiles and bows to Bria. “As far as tactics goes, I really do not have much battle experience. I prefer clubs, scimitars, and spears. I am a water-tender, and wood-bender, and as of very recently, a fire-quencher.*”

Both Wolf and Brendoran, being the Rangers in your party, would understand this woodland way of talk. They can easily convey what Mamapaw is saying - Mamapaw is a 5th level Druid.

“I am no dungeon-crawler or attacker of castles or great evils. My interests are far meeker in purpose. I enjoy aiding people and animals. There really is no great difference between the two, at least not at their core.” She grins. “I am best with animals, for like Wolf, I can speak freely with them and they with me. I might assist your fabulous horses and perhaps guard your home-on-wheels when you and my son are away on your heroic adventures?”

Vardadraug wags his tail as he hears this. Whatever your interests, Melshaef, I cannot imagine an animal that would not accept your aid. Mamapaw hears this and smiles shyly.

Around this time, Powerpaw comes panting back on all fours, tail dragging. “Huff, huff… O.K., Mom. You wins… You outsmarted me agains… Moar! Where waz we?”

“Tactics, my son. Tell them about how you fight and your combat preferences?”

“Oh yah…” Powerpaw’s grins and sits, regaining his strength, and grinning to Mamapaw. “When my mom izn't makin' a dummy outta me, I iz an enemy-mashin’, face-smashin’, Warrior of MOAR! I haz da Power Attack Feat ta sacrifice accuracy fer face-smackin’ power. I haz Cleave an’ Great Cleave, so I kin take down lotsa small opponents in melee combats. Cleave don’t do nuffin’ during single-target fights like da Craven, though. Also, I iz about as experienced a fighterz as my mom is bein' a druid.”

“I like ta practice wif any weapon I kin gets my paws on. Swords, axes, clubs, you names it - but I likes da maul best. I specialzeded in its.” Powerpaw grins thoughtfully. “Somethin’ about smackin’ a bad guy in da face nevar gets old! Plus, when waz da last time ya hadda sharpen a maul? On toppa dat, did you guyz see da Craven’s faces when I clocked him in da ding-ding?! Ohhhhh! Dat was da shot of a lifetime!”

“Lessee… I izn’t too hot wif ranged weapons, an’ I izn’t too experienced at teamin’ wif non-Kitty-faces. Dere is a heckuva lotta moar I wanna know about Sharseya. Fer one ting, dey doezn't haz elfies where we comes from. Or goblins. So, I iz relyin' on you guys ta tell me who da good guys are, most of da time."

" I follow da Philosophy of Moar! It iz a warrior philosophies I made myselfs. Here’z a little bit of it - I likes ta put real fear inta our enemies! It really ain’t enuff ta defeats em - dey gotta be so scareds of us dat da ones dat escapes us, tells dere friends.”
Powerpaw’s bloodlusting grin is chilling to see.

“It works like dis: fer every evil-face dat fears us, dey might tell five moar, den dey tell five moar! Sooner or later, word gets out - You see da Wanderers comin’, you better get yer grave readies…”

Powerpaw thumps his fist hard on the floor. Dats how you control yer enemies. One day, dey learn who you iz, an’ dey run instead’a facin’ you!” Bren finds a sharp claw aimed in his direction. “He’s got da right idea! C’mon, guys! Why you tink Gerran an’ his flunkies ran instead’a fightin’ us? I tells you why! Da name Sarabinas ta dem meant death!

He nods assuringly. “So I tink it should dat way wif us. We dominates our enemies by crushin’ dere faces an’ dere spirits. Mebbe if dey fear us enuff, dey stop bein’ bad guys an’ choose another directions in life...”

Powerpaw’s growl comes from deep within his chest. He glares at enemies in his mind’s eye as he speaks. His claws twitch in anticipation. “An’ when it comes ta fear, I doezn’t fear nuffin’... Fear?” He turns to you clearly and says, “Fear iz for others. Fer me, dere is only MOAR!!”

Mamapaw nods along at all of this, unsurprised and agreeing with his statement. “It is true. Your whole life… you do not like pain or loss or danger any more than the rest of us… but nothing has ever caused you fear.”

“Aw tanks, Mom!”

Then like a storm that has passed, Powerpaw relaxes and speaks again in a calmer fashion. “When it comes ta prestige classes, I doezn’t know of any I’d be interesteds ins. An’ while I kin fill da protectin’ role, I tink Bren-face is better qualifieds dan dis Kitty-face. Bren iz smarter dan me an’ haz da know-how.”

Powerpaw points at Bren again respectfully. “As fer me? Face its, guyz; I iz a killer at hearts.He grins and shrugs his shoulders. "Goes like dis: somebuddy like Gerran messes wif you guys, I nom his face an’ spits it back at his buddies ta show ‘em what’s what.”

“Howzabout you, Mom? You wanna take on a prestige classes someday?”

“Ohhh,” Mamapaw holds the end of her tail and preens it. “I doubt I will ever get along so far as to qualify for one.”

Powerpaw turns to each of you eagerly. “Howzabout you guys? What questions you haz for us? You haz sure earned da right ta ask.”
Luna crosses her hands in front of her as she remembers the harsh words given to her earlier when it was clear that she acted without thinking when dealing with rescuing the Daughters of Summertime, and now she is faced with the emotion-filled apology from Powerpaw. "I cannot speak for the others here, but if I were to look out and see slavers with one of my family beaten and locked in a cage, I would truly be seeing red from anger, and the Fireballs would be flying. While it is true that you acted rashly, I cannot with any good conscience say that I wouldn't have done the same or even worse if I were to find myself in your position. When I made my mistakes, I was able to see what I did wrong and turned the leadership role of the team over to Bren. You have owned up to your actions, and I do not have any harsh words for you, other than to say, next time, everyone, lets try to stick to the plan!" She laughs and aims a genuine smile over to the big fuzzy guy.

Now! On to some questions. I have spent a lot of my time in my apprenticeship buried in a book, learning a little bit about everything. But, in all of my studies, I have never heard of any land with a race of kitty-faces like the two of you. Are you from this same world, or is your home lands on another plane of existence? Other than the few comments I've heard from Powerpaw, I would like to know more about your home. Also, are you now planning on ever going back there?"
Dannigan said:
Especially after what I saids ta you, Luna!” Powerpaw points to the fire mage. “Who iz I ta tells you about teamworks when I act like dat, right? So from da bottom of my kitty heart, I iz really-- Ooh, a string!! Gimme da string!!” He paws and paws at it until Mamapaw tosses it off to one side. Then the large, ferocious and completely distracted warrior winds up curled on his back, joyfully wrestling with said string on all fours.
Bren raises a hand to his face to hide his grin (in accordance with feline dignity), but a few muffled snorts of laughter do escape.

Dannigan said:
All Bren's attempts at hiding his amusement are for naught; this latest silliness on the part of the big fierce fuzzy has him chuckling out loud - quiet to start, but finally great, sincere bursts of warm-hearted laughter. He is finally able to calm down, and listen appropriately, when Mamapaw and Powerpaw return to the proper topic at hand (i.e., tactics).
He nods in agreement with Luna's response to the apology. "Aye, accepted from me as well. You did try to stick the plan, but there was, mm, unexpected provocation. Keep trying to do better next time, is all - and that's good advice for all of us. But Luna, remember, first is tactics, then questions thereof, and then personal history. Got any tactics-related questions or comments for our big furry friends?" He looks at the "furry friends" with a smile. "I had one myself - have you any specific goals in mind, as far as advancing your fighting abilities or perhaps learning new styles? And, Lady Sabrefang, would you be interested in joining our sparring practices?"

Thursday, September 18th, 1118. Time: 12:30 p.m.

Travel to Highwind (in days) 3/14.

Weather: Windy and cloudy.

Powerpaw stares down at Luna. He wears a frown as she speaks. It appears he is willing to accept her feelings, especially, whatever they may be. But the longer Luna speaks, the more the mighty warrior's frown fades. Try as he might not to be intimidating, his face broadens into a toothy, thankful smile upon hearing her voice her peace with him.

"Tanks, Luna-face! Dat meanz a lots!"

He pads over to Luna and Sparkle, and within seconds, the size differences between Kitty-face, human, and pseudo-dragon become all too evident. He opens his furry arms wide (claws sheathed) for a hug, and if she appears willing, he scoops her up in the same kinds of cuddly hugs you have all seen him share with Bria. And Bria has one thing on target - Luna learns that if you are having a lack of clothing, nothing is cuddlier than a warm Kitty-face hug! Powerpaw then sets Luna down and tells her, "Doezn't you worries, Luna-face! Mom an' I haz lots moar ta tell you guys about our backgrounds! Stories even! Just you waits!"

Mamapaw smiles, openly agreeing with her son's words to Luna. Then they turn and listen to Bren's reply.

"Tanks fer unnerstandin', Bren-face! I will tries!" As Bren asks his questions, the Kitty-faces exchange looks and a couple of truly feline meowing sounds that sound like questions. Then Powerpaw shakes his head and turns back to Bren and the rest of the Wanderers. "You knows dis land better dan any Kitty-face. You also knowz I iz a killer-at-hearts. I used ta be a gladiator like Dubble Trubble wuz, an' I guess part of me alwayz will be. But what you guys tink of Bren-face's question? You tink I should keep specializin' in maul-melee killin' or take another route? Or look outs fer a prestige class?" Powerpaw looks to all of you for answers.

Mamapaw takes on that worried face she gets when Bren invites her to spar. "Ohhh, you really want
me to join in your sparring? I do not want to get in the way of professionals!"

"Moooommm!" Powerpaw pats his maul and flexes his arms in a practiced manner. "Bren-face iz right! When you spars, you stays in shape - fightin' shape! You kin haz spars wif me so I kin go at it wif somebuddy my own size. An' when you spar wif da guys, you'll be a better protector of da forest!"

"Yes! Why, I had not thought of things that way. I
will become a better protector of all that I love. But.. what will I use for weapons? Gerran and the Painless took or burned all of the things that I owned when they kidnapped me unless..."

"Uhhh, you kin borrow some of mine?"

None of the Wanderers noticed Bronze exiting the Adventurers' Wagon, so none of them know what he is up to (or where he is at the moment).

Powerpaw and Mamapaw turn to all of you.
"Yah! What you guyz tink I should do as far as fightin' career goes?"
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(Set's up the elegantly worked leather armor on a table, the leather is worked a nice forest brown, with decorations of plants, trees, flowers, animals, and carefully died with greens and colors of nature, instead of bars of steel, hardwood dowel is used to re-enforce the arm-guards, knowing that they will give, Bronze made several replacements, the Dagger is beautifully made of steel pattern weld, images of forest animals make it look magical in nature, Wolves, Rabbits, Birds, and Dragons are all forged into the steel, even colors of blue, gold, silver, and grey are worked into the steel making the animals look alive.) "Mr and Miss Meadowsweets? How are the garments?" (The leather sheith for the dagger is made in the same manner as the armor, elegant and well worked, with the images of life all over it, forest brown, and plants and tiny animals worked into the leather)

"Spear, need to make a spear, and stave, maybe some short fighting sticks. Give her some choices." looks around the cart for some short sticks made out of some nice strong hardwoods, maybe turn them into magical ironwood, same with the stave, and spear. OCC: Should I roll dice now or wait for a new day?
Dannigan said:
Mamapaw takes on that worried face she gets when Bren invites her to spar. "Ohhh, you really want me to join in your sparring? I do not want to get in the way of professionals!"
"Moooommm!" Powerpaw pats his maul and flexes his arms in a practiced manner. "Bren-face iz right! When you spars, you stays in shape - fightin' shape! You kin haz spars wif me so I kin go at it wif somebuddy my own size. An' when you spar wif da guys, you'll be a better protector of da forest!"
Bren nods in agreement. "Plus, if you're to guard the wagons, it's best you get in as much training as the rest of us. One never knows what will be approaching!"

Dannigan said:
But.. what will I use for weapons? Gerran and the Painless took or burned all of the things that I owned when they kidnapped me unless..."
"Uhhh, you kin borrow some of mine?"
"Aye, we'll sort something out. Perhaps one or the other of us has spare weapons that will suit you, or battle trophies along the way."
Dannigan said:
Powerpaw and Mamapaw turn to all of you. "Yah! What you guyz tink I should do as far as fightin' career goes?"
"I think you should do what you feel is right for you," Bren says firmly. "If you don't feel drawn to change or add a career path, then don't. I do suggest you keep aware of what is out there, though. Just because you don't have a particular goal in mind now, doesn't mean you can't find one later. And perhaps that can be your goal, at least short-term."
Mamapaw looks down at her paws and claws for a long moment. With a deep breath of preparation, she looks up and nods. "You speak with wisdom. It is of little wonder why you were chosen to lead your people." She bows formally and regally to Brendoran. "I will do as you recommend... Uh..."

Powerpaw leans over. "Mom, we ain't home no moar. You kin jus' call him, Bren."

"Oh. Gratitude!" She looks to Bren and smiles. "I will do as you recommend, Bren!"

Powerpaw thinks hard at Bren's words. "Dat sounds good! I likes goals. Goals mean moar. So... my goal will be ta seek Moaaaaaar!" Powerpaw cheers.

"That's the spirit!" Bria raises her fists joyfully. "I am content for tactics. Be ready, though. Like Luna, I am really curious concerning the background part of your Roundabout!" Bria looks about to you. "How about everyone else? Tactics questions, anyone?"
Luna nods. "Mamapaw, in combat, what is your preferred combat style? Is it up close and personal, or more indirect and stand-offish? Do your spells as a druid factor into your decision?"
Mamapaw noticeably gulps at Luna's question. "M- my preferred combat style is none at all!" Then she looks to her son. Powerpaw stares silently back without judgment. Seeing his steely stare, she adds, "But if I must to defend what I love... I have always been rather decent with a scimitar and large wooden shield. Oh, and I am not afraid to use my teeth and claws. I suppose that means 'up close and personal,' doesn't it?" Mamapaw becomes thoughtful at the notion. "If someone is forcing me to fight them, I suppose it is rather personal at that point, isn't it?"
Luna listens, then replys, "What kind of magics do you have under your belt as a druid? I am familiar with Arcane casting as a wizard, and I have seen Divine spellcasting before, some from Bria and other casters, but I am less familiar with the kind of magic that a druid brings to the table. What is the focus for your powers?"
"Ohh! You are new to Druidic magic?" Mamapaw smiles kindly to Luna, happy to share the language of magic, whatever its form, with one of Powerpaw's friends. She launches into an eagerly-spoken speech, her paws moving about as if telling a story while her tail swishes thoughtfully and her catty-eyes take on an inspiring light.

"Druidic magic... well... is all about life! Just think, if you dare, of all of Sharseya as a single living thing! From the soft, green grass you lay upon to terrific sandstorms and crashing waves, all of it is Sharseya. And that means nature!"

"Now, think of all of the other living things here with us! From the greenest of reptiles to the greatest birds high in the clouds, the heaviest whales in the sea to the brightest of butterflies , all rely on nature... to exist, to gather, and to multiply. If necromancy is magic of the dead, Luna, then Druidic magic is the magic of life! Druidic magic is Sharseya's magic!"

"Take a good long look at the natural world, that world most intelligent creatures take for granted, and you will know Druidic magic, Luna! From the awesome hurricane to the singing spring, the summoning and communicating of Sharseya's native creatures, the life-restoring force of curing magic to the life-stealing force of the raw elements... All of this power and beauty, mystery and responsibility lies in the paws of any Master Druid!"

"As for me, ohhhh... Remember I am no true professional adventurer like my son or you. I prefer to ask for the kind of gentle magic that ends with smiles instead of gravestones... I can ask for magic to confuse or confound foes... beckoning upon the very roots of the earth to grasp opponents, or a great fog that hides you from your foes. I can call upon the strength of the bull, the hardiness of the bear, or the grace of the cat, Bastet's most-beloved creation! I may ask to warp and reshape the very wood of the world, and make a metal thing so hot you cannot touch it without harm! Worst of all, I can ask the lightning of the sky to come flashing down, or protect someone from that elemental force or another of my choosing! I can take away poison or add it to you. I may ask to summon purest daylight in the darkest of hours, or cause your lungs to breathe water so that you might travel in it and survive. All this and... well... 'moar!'" She grins at Powerpaw.

Mamapaw nods at Luna. "Druidic magic... What better magic for a mother like me to ask for?" Then from deep within her chest comes a sad-sounding growl. "Unfortunately for me, the Painless took my every last spell component. Many of my spells are beyond my reach without them. Would any of you mind after the Roundabout if I went out into the woods for a bit and searched for some? With company, of course!"
"Of course! I do have a few spell components in my Bag of Holding that I need for a few of my spells that you are welcome to look at, but I don't know if I have anything that you need for your brand of magic. I'm sure that we can muster up a hunting party with the forest friends we have here."
Otiorin allowed Bria to lean on him, resting an arm companionably on her shoulder, but not holding her closer.

"As a Druid, you obviously have a lot of knowledge of a great many creatures. Do you know much of dragons? And of Charmsring in particular?"
Wolf followed Sabrefang's exposition with the utmost interest, often nodding with a heartfelt "yes". There was mostly approval in his sharp hazel eyes, if edged with excitement.

"I am deeply sorry for what has been done to you," he said when she was finished speaking, "But also equally glad to see your spirit unbroken. Your words, the way you speak of Nature and its magic, are like a pleasant breeze to behold. I will assist you in gathering what components you need from the forest. I should know some of them, and you can describe the rest for me to remember for the future." He then looked at her directly in the eyes, smiling ever so lightly as he said: "You will always have my bow, daughter of the forest."

Thursday, September 18th, 1118. Time: 12:30 p.m.

Weather: Windy and cloudy.

Travel to Highwind (in days) 3 of 14.

Charmsring..." The name strikes Mamapaw in such a way that her gaze drifts over Otiorin into the ever-running rivers of memory in her mind. "Oh yes! Yes, indeed." She turns to Powerpaw. "We were told to look out for that name, were we not?"

Powerpaw holds up his paws and shakes his head, looking lost.

"Oh, you had begun your journey before that visit..." Then Mamapaw turns to Bria. Bria is leaning comfortably against Otiorin as easily if he were a Ko monk himself. "When do we move on to the background talk?"

"Oh," Bria looks around at her fellow Wanderers, "whenever folks want to really. So far that's at least three questions people have asked about your background. Hmm..." she puts one finger to her lips. "There's nothing in the Roundabout rules that say we can't move on as the conversation flows. So..." Bria suddenly thrusts her hand into the air. "Hear ye, hear ye! As your almighty and powerful Roundabout judge (over here, yes, me with my hand waving), I hereby declare we enter the background and goals stage for Powerpaw and Sabreface, er, Sabrefang!" She looks about excitedly for your reactions and giggles. Then she adds, "I am so glad I was born Ko - I would make a terrible follower of Saint Cuthbert; no one would take me seriously!"

Mamapaw straightens, looking pleased. She returns her attention to Luna and Otiorin. "Charmsring... Dragons are not part of the world we come from, nor do they dwell where we live now, but they have been there!" Mamapaw takes a few steps toward Otiorin. "Our oldest of mortal high priests ever to worship Glorious Bastet, Kausheya of Bastet, gave us a list of names to look out for should we ever find ourselves on this part of Sharseya. Charmsring, the heroic silver dragon, is a name we are to count on! Our dear Kausheya and this Charmsring have fought evil together before. Should we find this gallant fellow, Kausheya commanded us to immediately speak his name and that of our most holiest of gods, Bastet!"

"When you spoke about your background, I made a mental note to tell either of the two should our paths cross here." Mamapaw's eyes raise in an expression of hope. "If that happens, I
should tell this Charmsring that Otiorin of the half-elves and Wanderer is seeking him, should I not?"
Bren listens to the discussion, but doesn't seem to have any comments to make during most of it. He does smile at the idea of Bria as a follower of Saint Cuthbert - cutest one ever, but not very convincing!

Dannigan said:
Mamapaw takes a few steps toward Otiorin. "Our oldest of mortal high priests ever to worship Glorious Bastet, Kausheya of Bastet, gave us a list of names to look out for should we ever find ourselves on this part of Sharseya.
"Would you be willing to share that list, Lady Saberfang? Perhaps we could be of assistance in finding them. Or is it more of a 'if you happen to run into them' sort of thing?"

Thursday, September 18th, 1118. Time: 12:45 p.m.

Weather: Windy and cloudy.

Travel to Highwind (in days) 3 of 14.

At Bren's question, both of the Kitty-faces turn to each other with raised eyebrows and whiskers twitching. After a few quick meows to each other, they both nod and look back to Bren.

"It is specifically a list of people whom we can trust. 'Friends of Bast in Their Own Way,' Master Kausheya had put it to us. They say cats have nine lives? Well, he said this list of friends might help us keep them." Mamapaw carefully reads off a list from her memory while showing great care towards the correct pronunciation of each name:


1. Kaeritha "Kerry" Rainshadow of The Last Resort, a half-elven rogue.

2. Ragnar the Bold of Thor of The Last Resort, a paladin.

3. Queen Dayna Wildegard of Highwind (and the ring on her finger), a, well, queen.

4. Archbishop Marshal du Blake of Saint Cuthbert, a cleric.

5. Charmsring, a silver dragon.

6. Shalin of the Broken River of The Light in the Dark, a gray elven sorcerer.

7. Oscar of Highwind, a human scholar.

8. Bria of the Ko of the Wandering Monsters, a divine monk.

9. and finally, yourself! Bren Sarabina, leader of The Light in the Dark, a guardian of the forest.

Bria appears surprised as she looks up to Powerpaw. "So that's why you were so quick to trust me when we first met!"

"Well, yaaaaah," Powerpaw nods and grins toothily. "An' Master Kausheya waz right about youse. Youse an' Bren-face here." Powerpaw narrows his eyes at Bren in a way the youthful lord has seen before - back when they first met and were prowling through the woods together, when Powerpaw seemed to be "sizing Bren up" as a warrior. Powerpaw licks his fangs and asks, "Bren-face, how iz it dat you knows Master Kausheya well-enuff dat you iz on Da List of Nine?"

At the same time, Mamapaw looks to Luna, Wolf, and Sparkle. "Thank you for your generous offers to help me find more of my spellcasting components." Then she turns to everyone present. "Does our humble background still hold any interest for you?" She appears worried. "I would hate to waste your time..."
Luna looks surprised. "Of course! I find this fascinating! I love to learn new things, and I have never heard of any peoples like the two of you. How can I not show an interest in your stories?"
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