Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


Black Sun in a White World
17th Descending Earth, RY 768, noontime.

To Rain and Scorpion

Another rainy day.

The roiling thunderheads have been grumbling and shouting at one another since daybreak and are only now letting their argument fall to the earth in the downpour you both find yourselves in. Thankfully, the gods love small favors and you were given two thickly woven cloaks of rough canvas that are keeping you mostly dry, though the pat-pat-pat of the rain is becoming thoroughly irritating. You’re passing some little Immaculate shrine on the side of the road, overgrown with kudzu, looking forlorn and neglected, a rare sight these days.

You’re on the road south from the tiny river ports that dot the inner coasts of the River of Tears some miles inland and on the Calin/Fushida side of the river. There has been no town nor inn for the past week since you left Cooper’s Point on the river, just the clouds, the wide hilly plains, the hint of small mountains on the horizon and each other. The old man in Cooper’s Point pointed you both down the road you’re on, a former trade route once popular with the Guild caravans until the silver mine in those mountains distant dried up a century ago. He told you to just follow it until you came to Ito Village.

Not to say this region is lifeless, plenty of game and wild fodder is at hand. The stars pleasant and the skies less troubled that just over a month ago when…well, whatever the hell that was happened. Best not to ponder that acute nausea you both felt that day too much lest it come again. As far as you can tell, those boundary stones you passed yesterday you’re inside of the Fushida Protectorate (capital of Kimikurhe). One of the myriad small bolthole nations smattered across the Confederation of Rivers.

The muddy roads you walk upon are not too trying on you, no clay here like across the river near the salt marshes that skirt the Plains of the Dead outside Sijan. No, this is far better country. Cresting the next hill, you’ll come upon a rather lovely view. The plains flatten out and a great lake dominates the center, with a sizeable village cluttering up its near coast, facing you. White plumes of smoke drift out of chimneys all over, the town walled off by a sturdy looking palisade even from here, only a few more miles away. Even in the rain, you can see people working in the rice paddies outside the village and a few ox-driven plows moving in fields adjacent the paddies.

It must be Ito Village. A night’s rest on a real bed is so very tempting.

To the east is a sizeable forest, seemingly stretching back and back toward the River of Tears and to the west plains breaking into hills and steppe far inland toward Marin Bay.

Keep breathing.

Kwan Shu grinned at his companion as the village came in to view. "This must be the place, huh? I've a good feeling about this one."

The bounty hunter shrugs his shoulders and then curses as a small stream of water cascades down his back. "Good feeling, huh? As long as there's a roof over my head, a fire to dry me, a flagon to wrap my hand and mouth around, and a bed that doesn't poke me in the back with stones, the feeling will be a great one."

The pair continue walking, the rain falling over and around them. "Well, fleas," says Scorpion. "That will ruin the feeling. Biting, itching fleas. But otherwise, yes. A good feeling."

They continue on. "And bed bugs. But I suppose that goes without saying. Same pastry. Different flavor. Biting. Itching. Hate 'em."

Another thirty seconds of silence. "Obnoxious drunks. They can ruin a mood. And they seem to frequent places like this. But, excepting these things, sure. An awesome feeling."

Their trek continues. The silence is longer this time. But.... "Don't forget rotten meat. Had that once. I had explosions from both ends for about a week. Don't recommend that. Foregoing these things, though, yes. An incredible feeling."

Rain and Scorpion trudge on. Then... "No beds. Now that would suck the life....."

Scorpion's voice drones on as the pair make their way into the village....

Kwan Shu raises his eyes heavenward and chuckles. "My friend, we've been outside too long, your sunny disposition has quite washed away." He claps the burly bounty hunter on the shoulder. "All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well."

This man would drive Venus to tears!
To Rain and Scorpion

The fieldworkers don't pay you any mind truly. Just another pair of wanderers on a dull plains road. The guards in the wooden watchtower above the gate pay you a little more mind, but not enough. You don't look much like anyone from around these parts. Which is generally a good thing not to look like. The town has muddy streets too, but the edges of what looks to be a paved square lie well ahead inside the town. Maybe the inn is nearby.

The buildings look to be a collection of wattle-and-daub construction, some made of local oak and fir from the nearby forest. The cluster of tall buildings in the square look to be of finer construction, wood with stone foundations. A well off village to be sure, perhaps with an inn that has more of the positives of travel than the negatives. One can hope.

A few people even nod to you. A little girl hucking a sack of grain nods with a smile, "Hello, new people!"

Kwan Shu smiles and drops to hunker down beside the girl. "Why, hello to you too! We're a little lost, maybe you could help us. I'll even cut you a deal. If you tell me and my grouchy friend here where the inn is, I'll get that thing that's stuck behind your ear out. What do you say?"
To Rain

She gains a shrewd aspect, shifting the grain sack on her tiny frame. "Mmm, okay, what do you wanna know?" You'd swear her darting eyes were trying to see what exactly is behind her ear.
To Rain

"Ah! I can't...really move quickly, but it's the big, big building next to the mayoral manor, has a few wooden bears out front! They have great soup and beds in this whole patronage!" She grins widely. You notice how strong her legs look. Manual labor has made a fine runner out of this little one.

Shu grins widely. "Thanks, kid! Now, let me get that for you..." He reaches past, brushing behind her ear, and his hand flicks back holding a single jade coin. "Don't spend it all in the one shop."
To Rain

She drops the sack of grain in shock, and then looking back at you and Scorpion as you make your way over the solid, paved square to the inn.

To Rain and Scorpion

The awnings over the inn and stable are a nice reprieve from the rain. And oh heavenly Gods, that feel of the roaring fire in the center of the inn is certainly most welcome.

A female voice calls out, "Come, come! Welcome to the Midnight Bear Cave!"

A huge grin spreads over Scorpion's face as he sees the fire and hears the welcoming voice. He shakes the rain off his canvas cloak, removes it, and then enters the inn. "My good lady, rarely have I needed a good inn as desperately as I need one now. And your Midnight Bear Cave has the look - and, more importantly, the feel - of a good inn. If it please you, madame, a pint of your finest ale, if you please. And a room, if you have one. But the ale, first, please!"

Scorpion offers his hand to the woman behind the bar, all signs of his earlier grumpiness evaporated in the warmth of the Midnight Bear Cave. "Scorpion's the name. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"
To Mirri, Adair, and Matsu

Daana’d’s watery tits, it’s been raining for days now it seems. One can only be grateful your little trio made the village of Ito in time for the downpour’s start. They’re a curiously friendly bunch here in Ito and, in truth, over much of Fushida Protectorate. Seemingly, if you’re not a local involved in their lord’s power struggles with other nobility from Calin or locally, they have zero issue with you. Always good to know everyone in the world isn’t automatically hostile to strangers. Not like those bastards in Volinton outside Lookshy’s territory, asking who you are, what’s your business, have you heard news of a wreck upon the river, do you have any proper coin, and on and on and on.

It’s taken three months to get this far north from Volinton after getting passage. Someone should tell the gods to shorten the roads. Or at least start begging the Dragons.

This is especially fun for Mirri, recalling there’s never any rain in Heaven.

So here you all are in the Midnight Bear Cave, where you’ve been held up trying to outlast the rain. The price is right and the beds soft and bug free. Amazingly. The hostess is calling out to newcomers as you’re all sharing a meal in the common room with about three dozen others from the village, blacksmiths, porters, dyers, millers, and all manner of folk.

Adair and Matsu are sharing bread and soup with the common table as Mirri sits down. The newcomers will be ushered into the common room.
To Scorpion

A very demure, kimono-clad middle-aged woman who has encountered only the most graceful of aging smiles at you, bowing, taking your hand. "My name is Aki, I am the owner of this fine inn. You'll find our food fresh, our beds clean and free of any such filth normal inns take in stride. And please, dear, please, both of you come into the common room, we're serving a late lunch. We have a thick stew with beef and vegetables and I think a rich lager on tap for this afternoon." She strides into the common room, past a number of bowing servants. Good lord, such courtesy. Nexus this is not.

Such a strange place for something so earthshaking to occur... Rain did not think about this too much. After all, one of the greatest and most important buildings in Yu Shan was a greatly oversized reproduction of a brothel. Who was he judge?

Kwan Shu grinned. "I think I'll like this place. One ale for me as well, please, good mistress."
To Rain and Scorpion

You'll be seated at the end of the table, packed full of natives and what looks like a few out of towners at the other end. In mere minutes a platter of bread and two trenchers of soup are set down before you. Oh, that smells wonderful. Hearty chunks of beef, onion, carrot and what looks like spice in the soup as well. The ale tastes pretty damn good too, you've had better, but who can complain? All she asks for in payment is a few pieces of silver. That's a steal anywhere.

To Rain

As you dig into your soup, you do notice those three at the end of the table. Hmm...perhaps they are the others foretold by the Loom? There's a damn fine chance that it's them. And on time too, there's a rarity.

A contented sigh blows past Scorpion's lips. "It is so nice to meet you, m'lady Aki. More welcome words could not be heard at this moment. I was just saying to my companion here that what I truly wished for was a roof over my head, a fire to dry me, a flagon to wrap my hand and mouth around, and a bed that doesn't poke me in the back with stones. Now you add there's stew with beef and vegetables? And the beds are clean and vermin free? This place sounds like Heaven to me. The stew is first rate and the ale a welcome balm for a parched throat. My thanks."
To Scorpion

She merely smiles and bows, taking her leave and the servants bring out another platter of bread and what looks like a few hunks of wine cured cheese.
After having said his Immaculate prayers to thank the dragons for that meal, if not for having gotten rid of the rain that kept going and going and going... To be honest the words came out a little hollow. But then when one was the only anthema in the Immaculate order, one had to expect strange thoughts coming.

Some new guys were coming in, about as wet as one would expect with this weather but he didn't really pay much attention.

He turned to Adair, considering talking to him slightly less anoying than boredom:

"Well, judging by these poor sods, the rain is still healthy. Seems were gonna be stuck for a while longer still. Are you going to have enough to pay for this much longer ? Because I'm not going to cover you for long if you become broke."

Dancing Ivory deliberatively takes her seat across from Matsu, taking time to carefully straigten the folds in her gray wool dress and readjusts her wide hood back on her shoulder before fully planting herself in her seat.

She surveys the common room briefly with quick glance while restraining herself from frowning at Matsu's prayers. Its shocking to see the true extent of the Bronze Factions misguided distortion of Creations destiny. A Sols Exalt sits before me, head bent, in prayer to false gods, despite the power of the Unconquored Sun flowing through him.

Ivory brushes a rogue stand of hair behind her ear and signals the innkeep over.
To Mirri

Madam Aki comes right on over, "Yes, dear?" Always so polite and nice. Things can be all right on terra firma.

Kwan Shu drinks deeply of his ale, a pretty girl coming and taking a place with the out-of-towners at the end of the table. A pretty girl who looks sort of...

Mirri! Rain nearly fell out of his stool. What was she doing here?!? Was Ura interfering with his mission more directly, trying to force his hand? He knew little about the woman before him, save she was a Secrets Caste, a little younger than he, and a rabid Gold Faction member. Aware that Shu's shock would be noticed, he swiftly regained his composure and took another swig of ale. His scarlet eyes never left the woman across the table, waiting for the other Sidereal to realise his presence...

Dancing Ivory smiles warming, "Would you get me and my friends two lagers and a cup of warm wine, and bring us some bread and a slab of butter. We'll be getting dinner shortly."

As she turns to ask The others what kind of meat hey preferred her eyes drifted across a pair of travelers, still wet from the rain, at the bar. Just as she was about to speak, her eyes locked with a familiar of distinct eyes and her words suddenly got caught in her throat. It only took a mere second for Mirri to regain her composure, but he had surely noticed. What is he doing here? They must have thought I couldn't handle this job by myself.

Scorpion is enjoying himself more than he has in quite a while. In more than a week, in any event. Taking a long draft of ale, he looks over at Rain and sees the man looking...shocked? Surprised? Gobsmacked? Smiling, Scorpion leans back in his chair, then leans over to Rain and whispers quietly. "Everything ok? You look like you just saw a demon."

Perception (4) + Awareness (3): Results for 7 dice: 2 successes [ 1 4 1 0 2 4 6 ] (TN: 7)

So, unless there's something concealing this reaction, I do notice it....

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