Chapter One: A Dance of Darkness and Light

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28 || Female || Wyrmspawn || Nox
Outside the stronghold, a human had grown a bit to curious. As they would approach its gates, a massive black form would shadow them, before being roughly grabbed and dragged inside without much coherency as to what was happening. Before long they were thrown inside of a massive chamber, vaulted ceilings over a hundred feet tall with the space itself seeming to span for miles. The lighting within the vast space was dim, but one thing was unmistakable. A massive reptilian form looming in the dark, it’s eyes glowing fiercely as they glared down at the Hunter.

“This isn’t the first time a mortal has had curiosity get the best of them.” It spat, the male voice resonating from nowhere and everywhere at the same time in a terrifyingly ominous fashion. Eyes narrowed it continued. “And also not the first for it to cause their demise.”

While this was occurring, Kat had been about to smile slightly as Veth accepted the clothing she had brought, but it quickly fell once more people began to approach her, a small group forming. Eyes drifting from each person a bit nervously, especially with how passive aggressive the female feline was being. She then noticed how the elf seemed to put herself in between them, as if trying to separate her and Ishnai. Not about to complain, seeing as she didn’t want to approach the beastfolk at the moment, Katrina turned to Midas as he asked how she was, the woman slowly offering up a reply. “I am… alright. It wasn’t pleasant but at least it is over.”

xAlter xAlter Fable Fable DergTheDergon DergTheDergon One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Mistory Mistory

Midas WorthAge:
Interacting: AgWordSmith AgWordSmith (mentioned)
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Fable Fable
Midas only gave a nod as she answered. "I can only imagine. As far as I know, Kit is the only one who may know. He suffered abit at he hands of the fire goddess..." he listened to veth, as she mentioned his mood. He thought about it, and nodded again

"Eh, yes, Hazel. She...we spoke, and she managed to help me get a...different outlook on the situation. I was only causing trouble anyhow, so its for the better. Speaking of witch"His mind fell back to their previous situation and his face heated at the meer thought. He shook his head, before looking to katrina, and gave an apologetic smile" I thank you for your assistance earlier. Had you not spoken up, I may have been dead by the Older one'a hand. So, thank you, for atleast calming him."

Darrene would find her thoughts drifting as Lorella described the world that lay underneath the gentle waves of the ocean. Images of sunken treasures, of entire cities carved from colourful coral reefs and all the aquatic creatures that inhabited that world. Her lips curling into a brighter smile as she was reminded of those earlier years of her life spent reading these tales of strange new worlds, of forgotten kingdoms, of heroic deeds and mighty beings with wondrous powers.

Easing herself out of the dream-like state of mind, brought back by Lorella mentioning Darrene's involvement with Katrina, the warrior's eyes widened as a faint blush came to adorn her cheeks. So very unfitting for someone that mere hours ago would have had to confess her sins to a preacher for merely thinking about falling in love with a woman. Not to mention one such as Katrina, a dedscendant of gods...Or maybe a goddess herself.

A grizzled veteran in the art of war, yet a literal amateur in the realms of love, Darrene wouldn't dare to let Lorella's advice fall on deaf ears as the warrior nodded at her with a warm smile.
"Thank you, Lorella. I must admit, I did not take you for the type to give such good advice, nor be such an observant person. I'll be sure to make good use of your wisdom." Darrene would reply with a hearty chuckle, her hand coming to rest on Lorella's shoulder, a gesture of good will and one she had reserved for only those she trusted the most. Her shieldbrothers and sisters back home being some of the only people she had deemed close enough to consider equals.

But now there she was, getting involved with the creatures her faith abhorred and strove to push out from the kingdoms of men.
And yet in that very moment, Darrene felt she could trust those who had shared in their rebirth as descendants of the draconic deities.
"I do not know what the future may hold." The warrior spoke as her grip on Lorella's shoulder grew firmer. "But know that you can count on me in the battles ahead." Darrene added with a gentle smile as she straightened her strong frame, inhaling deeply as her broad chest rose, standing steadfast and renewed in her convictions.


After sometime of being idly still and ashamed to say eavesdropping on conversations (she cant help it , she has huge ears meant for listening!) she decided to maybe interact with at least one person before she rested for the night. Obviously she did not want to but into already ongoing conversations , however she wanted to at least make her presence known.

her ears sprang back up as she looked around before seeing a human and a triton more nearby than the others who where also conversing with one another. Cranea didn't know much about either of them or there cultures and maybe getting in some conversation will do good for her. Taking in a deep breath of air she made her way to both of them. A bit nervous but eager all together as she gave a small grin.

"Ah.. hello... sorry for the intrusion , My name is Cranea! I just wanted to introduce myself , being told to interact and all." she stated rubbing the back of her head and looking down to the floor , slightly nervous.
Vampunk Vampunk JustNicole JustNicole

Human | 27 | Location: Unknown

Caris Melandaire was utterly confused to how he had come upon such a situation. One second he was hunting deer within the woods, searching for dinner to eat. When he had come upon the tracks of people in the dirt, the tracks being fairly fresh, he decided to follow. Following the tracks, Caris would arrive at a giant stone fortress, one that easily dwarfed all other places he had seen. Looking for a way in, he never noticed the shadow above him.

Starting around the perimeter, Caris would not find anything, no doorway or such, at first glimpse. Still looking, Caris would find a massive gateway, one closed and sealed completely. Walking up to it, Caris would attempt to look for a way to open it. Then, only hearing the sounds of something heavy falling and wind rushing, Caris would be met with darkness.

When he came to, Caris was greeted to the sight of a vast chamber, one that seemed to span for miles on end, but nothing noteworthy was seen. The only light there was his lantern which was dropped on the floor. Picking up the now flickering light, Caris would see the dark, looming shape of some bestial entity hovering in front of him.

“This isn’t the first time a mortal has had curiosity get the best of them. And also not the first for it to cause their demise.”

Whatever it was, it was big, and powerful if its presence was anything to go by. Summoning courage, and grasping the sword on his hip, Caris spoke as he walked backwards.. “I-I know not what you are, but I can promise I won’t taste good!” was his trembling response.

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18


Hazel Rock

Interacting: Smaaycheese Smaaycheese Vampunk Vampunk JustNicole JustNicole
Located: Wyrmchildren room; making introductions

She giggled as he stuttered. "Hehe, So easily flustered. I'll let you go for now." Hazel flashed him a smile as he took his leave. An even brighter smile replaced it as she thought on his words. He was a bit of a gentlemen at heart huh? Though it was a bit ironic that he mentioned not gazing at something pretty for the sake of gazing at something pretty. As a street dancer is was sort of her whole thing to catch a person's eye and keep it on her. To draw a crowd, ( and their money) using only music, her looks and her movements. Though occasionally there was a bonfire to help or a few other dancers with her. All in all eyes on her was something she was used to. Speaking of eyes, her own scanned the room once more. There were two main groups of people gathering. Should she join in on one?

It may be best not too. Instead Hazel decided just to make some small conversation with some of those not included on all this socializing. Her eyes laid on the rabbit eared girl from before. She seemed like a nice soul. Waltzing over Hazel watches as the woman left her current position and went to greet Darlene and a Triton lady. Hazel changed her course and join the group “Cranea huh? That’s a beautiful name. Hazel, Hazel Rock to all you lovely people.”She flashed them all a friendly smile as she slung an arm around Cranea.

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LorellaAge: 42
Gender: Female
Race: Trition
Ancestor: Delta
Interacting/Mentioned: Vampunk Vampunk Smaaycheese Smaaycheese AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
Lorella felt that she had made a solid connection with the warrior woman Darrene. More than a solid connection, she had made a friend. That wasn’t so hard, she told herself. And Lorella already knew how she could further than bond between them.

“Thank you, Darrene,” Lorella smiled and then winced slightly as the woman’s grip tightened. Damn, she was one strong lady. Thinking of the opportunity to further the bond and remembering Delta’s advice, Lorella asked her question. “As a strong, warrior woman, could you perhaps train me in some fighting techniques so long as we’re working together? Not dragon ones, but swords and such. Delta mentioned not taking our dragon forms for granted when I spoke to her, yet I do not know how to handle myself as skillfully in combat with a sword as someone such as yourself.”

The two were approached by a bunny woman who seemed more than a little shy to be there. She introduced herself as Cranea. Although Lorella had seen much of the world from the skies and ocean, she had to admit the variety of beastfolk was surprising to her. Given that the dragon gods themselves took human form, it seemed strange that a great number of the people gathered here were in fact beastfolk. Never before had seen a rabbit woman before, but she had to admit she found their looks as a race more enjoyable than that of the catfolk.

Another woman then joined the group, a woman actually shorter than Lorella with her new found height. Like everyone else, she had reptile eyes, a common trait of the wyrmchildes. Would there be future changes the next time they became a dragon? Lorella had no idea, but she hoped that there wouldn’t be.

The new woman introduced herself as Hazel. She seemed a friendly sort, perhaps a bit too friendly for Lorella. In a way, Hazel reminded Lorella of her past self before she arrived here. She had that kind of playful, joking attitude that had once been Lorella’s existence. It wasn’t that Lorella couldn’t joke now, it was that she felt more matured, perhaps more evolved, than the person she was.

Lorella, though, had learned not to judge on first impressions, so she returned Hazel’s greeting with a smile. “Tides greet you, Cranea and Hazel Rock. I am Lorella, and my friend here,” she said gesturing to the large woman beside her, “is Darrene. It is nice to put some more names to friendly faces,” Lorella smiled, trying to hopefully get the bunny girl out of her shy state.

Uncertain of a conversation topic, Lorella went for a easy one that they all shared in common. “What initial impressions does everyone here have of your dragon form?” Going first to start things off, Lorella gave her impressions. "I loved it. The power and strength of the dragon feels incredible. I wish I was one right now."
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Darrene couldn't help but let go of hearty chuckle at Lorella's request, raising an eyebrow at the triton as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"An odd request for sure, but one I shall not deny. It would be an honor to teach you what I've learned from my time as the commander of the city guard. Though I have to warn you beforehand, my trainees did consider my lessons harsh, yet they did never complain about the quality of their combat training."

The warrior would proclaim with a bright smile on her face, feeling the tension she once felt melt away as she lowered her shoulders, feeling herself open up to the prospect of spending the foreseeable future side by side with the other wyrmchildren.
Cranea stepping closer with a meek greeting made Darrene turn her attention to the rabbit beastfolk, tilting her neck to the side to get a better look at the woman.

"No need to be shy." Darrene spoke, knowing that hours before there was plenty of reason to be weary around her. She had never come face to face with the sentient non-human tribes that inhabited the vast world beyond sturdy human walls. The scars that had been mended in her rebirth having been tokens of far more sinister creatures, harmful beings that were nothing alike those she shared a room, and now a destiny with.

As yet another one joined them in conversation, being one of the same blood of Eshne, Darrene started to feel like she had become a part of something greater. Feeling all the more familiar with those new faces that would stand side by side with her in the trials to come.
"Greetings fellow child of Eshne." Darrene spoke, her fiery amber eyes meeting Hazel's own as her lips curled into a kind smile.

"Seems we are supposed to get to know each other better if we do intend to trust each other with our lives, no?" The warrior spoke, resting her hands on the muscular curve of her hips, exhaling deeply as she felt her body still surge with the fiery power that had poured into her being when she plunged herself into the hellish inferno.

Lorella's question making her reminisce on her transformation and her experience in becoming one with the ancient heritage that had laid dormant inside of her.
"It felt like becoming one with flame itself." Darrene would speak, raising a hand to her chin as she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she concentrated on listening to her heart beat strongly in her chest.

Opening those vivid eyes of hers with a bright smile as the child in her imbued her words with wonder and excitement over experiencing something so great and unbelievable.
"I just wish I could spread those wings and soar in the boundless sky. To breathe and live fire. I felt it in my heart, as if my chest had become a gigantic furnace.." Darrene added as she exhaled, almost expecting her breath to ignite into flames.

Veth Denrilith


21 | Elf | Zephyr​
Kit, not surprisingly, had seemed to attract trouble. The female feline clearly was unhappy with how he left her and the Orc, completely ignoring everyone's presence simply came up to challenge him. How had a simple conversation turned into this confusing mess? "Perhaps we should step away and continue our conversations while Kit addresses the others. I do not desire to be caught up in a fray," Veth suggested, trying to encourage the growing group in giving the more volatile members some room.

"Hazel is her name? She seems to be quite exuberant, but I am glad she managed to offer you a different perspective to consider," she replied to Midas as he mentioned the girl's name that he had been entangled with earlier. At least he wasn't so hostile over their situation and even had come to the realization to thank Katrina for interjecting when she did, lest Midas find himself losing his soul.

"Lady Katrina, if you do not mind my asking, but I couldn't help notice you are different from the rest of the dragons, unless others have black scales that I did not notice. Who are you descended from? I understand if you find it too personal a question, I am simply curious."

28 || Female || Wyrmspawn || Nox
Midas would so thank her for how she had stopped Nox from consuming his soul, she giving a small smile, unable to force a small blush from forming upon her pale face as responded. “O-oh you are welcome. I wasn’t supposed to speak up, but I didn’t want G- my grandfather killing anyone. It only make sense that you were all surprised and angry for being here.”

Shortly after, Veth would address her in a similar manner and ask who she was related to. It took her a moment to form a reply, not all that sure how to explain. All she knew is that Nox had created her as a child in order to have some sort of tool to fight Lucian should he try to complete is goal, although she couldn’t recall her childhood due to an accident she had had. “I…” She began slowly. “Nox is my… father I suppose is how it would make sense, but by blood relation I’ve been told he is distant enough to be my grandfather, which is how I’m supposed to address him. But, I believe I Uncle Vis had said at some point that I am not a Wyrmchilde like all of you, rather a wyrmspawn.”

Nox looked down at the mortal, his thoughts being overtaken by his hatred of them when he paused. Katrina stopping him from killing Midas... it would've been something Kathrine, his late wife, would've done. Snarling he turned his massive head away from the man, the door behind him swinging open. "Get. Out." He spat before merging with the darkness once more.

Mistory Mistory Fable Fable

Midas WorthAge:
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Fable Fable
Midas gave a nod, giving a wayward glance to the cat. He was tempted to assist the poor feline, maybe diffuse the situation...but then again, he was not thier to help when he couldnt get up,so...
"Lets...if things get out of hand, I dont wish to be caught in the aftermath." He mumbled, eyeing the orc. He hadnt seen much if the man, and wasnt surw how he would react...maybe he can join them later...

As the two continued to speak, Midas gave a sigh"yes, well...unfortunantly I wasnt thinking to clearly. Lashed out quite abit, so if I said anythig to offend either of you, I appologize. I'll admit I...was abit panicked by our situation." He mumbled, rubbing he back of his neck gingerly.
When veth questioned Katrina, he had to admirt, he was just as curious. Out of everyone, she stood out in their situation. Was here already, calls Nox grandfather, seems to be rather comfortable with the gods.

"Yeah...whats the difference? Arent we all decendants?"

Cranea was surprised at all the warm welcomes she had gotten, which couldn't help but make her smile making her rabbit like teeth more noticeable as her grin widened. At first she felt slightly rude for butting into their conversation but felt less tense at the fact they seemed fine with her presence. Before being complemented by a human as her eyes widened and ears perked up. "oh! .. Ah.. that's so very kind of you.. thankyou!" she stated before The girl threw her arm around her , which was even more surprising but she welcomed it with a slight blush.

She overheard there conversations about everything that was going on agreeing with what Darrene had said before stating. " It.. does seem like we are now all tied in with the same fate no?. R-regardless of what happens i'll stand together alongside you all when need be. I'm not very good with a sword or bow per say.. " she stopped at that not feeling comfortable enough to talk about her skill in fighting even though she was trained like the rest of her kin when she was small.

Then lorella asked a rather tough question to the group , about how they felt with there new powers. It took Cranea a while to respond as she looked down to her feet before she stated. "Honestly.... at first it felt invigorating.. i never felt anything of the such.. but.. now thinking about it.. i am scared , about what lies ahead. What challenges are we going to have to face because of these new powers? I hope no violence is what awaits us or any innocents are harmed. Perhaps it is just me.. but i do feel like some pawn for a greater scheme.. I-I just don't want to see anyone get hurt..." she said as her smile faded thinking of all the possibilities that could maybe transpire.

Vampunk Vampunk JustNicole JustNicole AgWordSmith AgWordSmith

Hazel Rock

Interacting: Smaaycheese Smaaycheese Vampunk Vampunk JustNicole JustNicole
Located: Wyrmchildren room; making introductions

Hazel smiled at the group. Their answers to Lorrella’s questions were all so fascinating and heart warming. They spoke of the power the felt. Well...Cranea spoke of danger, schemes and trials. Talk of being pawns. “I mean. We were sent letters, like a call to arms.” Hazel shrugged. “Didn’t They say there was some sort of trouble or something?” Or did she just assume so...?

“Either way, the dragon form is really cool.” She answered Lorrella. “It felt natural. Right. Like I was finally in the right skin.” Hazel smiled. “What it’s all really for will be revealed. Our path will come to us. For now, I say we keep the worries to a minimum and just take advantage of what ever they’ll teach us. Learn what we can while we can.” Hazel didn’t know all the answers but usually this was the best way to find them. And snooping. A hell of a lot of snooping and sly interrogations.

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"Perhaps we are meant to give up our past selves in this venture. That is not to say what you are feeling is not valid. There is no shame in feeling at odds with yourself in the moment. However, using your teeth to worry on your lip till blood is drawn is excessive. You are still you, mark or no mark."

Ki'Tavi chuckled in spite of himself. Yeah, he had sounded like a fucking idiot. Still though, it seemed like someone at least understood what he was feeling. His eyes seemed to settle in their shuddering as he held her gaze. "Yeah.. you're probably right about that." He admitted, wiping the blood off his lip. "Thanks..." He murmured, keeping his voice low so only she could hear it as more and more people seemed to swarm around him and take their attention away from each other.

Kit, to his credit, could hardly remember the last time someone had held his gaze so resolutely. That's not to say people never held his gaze, but that was the first time in quite some time that anyone was able to see past his outward appearances and see his heart through his eyes. He prided himself on observing the eyes of others, but seldom was such acute observation turned against him. Normally, if someone got so deep inside his psyche, he'd shell himself off and stack the wall he kept around himself higher but here, he didn't have any real option of retreating.

For the forseeable future, he was going to be stuck with these people, so his usual methods of dealing with others would need to be adjusted... At the very least, it seemed he had at least one person he could confide in. Something in her eyes told him that she would keep what he said in confidence and put him more at ease than he normally would be.

"What exactly is the problem, Ki'tavi? Besides sudenly walking off in the middle of our conversation."


He'd been so sidetracked by his transformation and so intent on not getting mauled by Eshne that he'd completely neglected standard conventions for conversations with the only other Cat-folk here. Needless to say, all of these sudden and seldom explained changes had him out of sorts. Normally, he wouldn't be nearly so careless.

He shook his head. "Just adjusting to everything, I suppose..." he remarked as his gaze settled on hers, his eyes no longer wavering after his little chat with Veth. Just because Veth's persistence had made him open up to her did not mean he was so inclined to suddenly spill his heart to everyone like the reformed Siren or Darrene had. Though, he did notice one thing...

Ishnai also had rather beautiful eyes.

He wondered if that was a commonality shared among the Dragon Descendants. He'd have to observe the others more closely to test that theory, but for now, he owed her an apology.

"Still, I'm sorry for walking off like that. I suppose the situation made my mind wander and my body followed"
He apologized. "In answer to your question though, I'm not sure what to think about all of this. The sun hasn't even fully set on this day, and I've gone from being the person I knew my whole life to realizing I'm the descendant of a dragon. So, I suppose I'm still processing things." He added, picking up their conversation exactly where it had left off. Clearly he hadn't just been pretending to listen to her before, if he could so quickly recall precisely where they had left off in conversation.

"Hey. You look like you know your way around some combat. Do me a favor and spar with me, would you? I need to get my mind off....everything, I suppose."

Well now, that was a rather direct way to call someone out.

Kit's eyes broke from Ishnai to stare straight into the eyes of the Orc that had addressed him. As opposed to Kit, this one seemed to be nothing but muscle, likely one that relied purely on strength to fight. Then again, Orcs tended to be known for their brawn. Given the relative size of the Dragon Descendants, it was no real wonder why the Orc had immediately picked him out to challenge. Next to the Orc, Kit was the biggest one here in terms of size. No doubt he saw Kit as the biggest possible challenge in a fight. Well, at least the Orc wasn't one to fight those who were clearly weaker.

It's not like there wasn't plenty of space in here, given it was big enough to hold several dragons without issue. He heard Veth speak nearby as she mentioned moving out of the way to avoid getting pulled into the fray. Damn she was a smartass, but, he'd admit, he needed people like that around to keep him on his toes. Not to mention she was asking questions of Katrina, the same questions, fortunately, that he wanted answered but hadn't had much of a chance to ask. He kept one ear turned towards that conversation before turning his gaze back to the Orc.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't need something to take my mind off things, myself. Though usually if you want to spar someone it's a courtesy to give your name first" Ki'Tavi remarked, a swish of his tail betraying his underlying enthusiasm for a fight. Backing down from a challenge, you see, was not something Ki'Tavi did, especially when the challenge was presented so clearly and openly for all to see.

But first, he had to make sure he didn't make the same mistake twice.

His gaze turned once more to his feline companion. "You'll have to forgive me. I make it a point not to back down from a challenge once issued. If my friends on the outside found out, I would never be able to show my face around them again." He explained as his eyes held her gaze. Seriously, he was starting to believe every female here had beautiful eyes.

"Do you think you can forgive me this time?" Ki'Tavi inquired, not wanting to insult her by simply walking off again without a word.

Tags StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Fable Fable DergTheDergon DergTheDergon Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon


Name: Aellai
Ancestor: Zephyr
Interacting: N/A
Mentions: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Fable Fable
Form: Harpy > Dragon > Harpy

Nothing made sense to the harpy woman and yet she felt as if destiny was stirring in her breast. Her heart stuttered a rhythm that weaved a spell of awe and even more of excitement and fear. The letter had arrived on the step to her nest in the cliffs near the sea. In this letter, she had been told to come to the fortress and meet her relative and here she was, eyes wide and bewildered. After a demonstration, a feast, and much more... They, many others with letters too and of all different types of fur and skin, had been ushered into a room full of cots. Aellai wasn't used to being around so many creatures that weren't feathered. She watched them socialize from her cot that she had wandered to. Her wings were pulled tight around her acting as a shield against the strangeness of the situation. Her bright eyes carefully yet discreetly looked over each individual. They were all so unique and original. Each had their own energy and they all glowed wonderfully in their own way. She wondered if she were meant to meet them all. She had always desired to travel the world and it was as if there was a piece of every part gathered here in this room. What stories would they tell her?

A woman, Eshne, came and took away a group of individuals. When they returned, they were no longer furry or covered in the leathery skin of human-likeness. They were scaled and larger than life. Full of the energy of flame. Aellai almost squealed but barely contained herself in a stirring of feathers. They were dragons. They existed. She thought back to her nanny who told her tales of beasts who flew the skies and commanded powers unlike any other. She remembered herself thinking as a child how wonderful it would be to be a part of the mystical stories, flying alongside those beasts of old. Yet, here they were in front of her. The giants seemed flustered but they were still an admirable sight.

Then she was called upon. A man, Zephyr, called to her and she didn't resist. She felt a sense of familiarity to him as she followed behind him. He spoke to another woman who she overheard being called Veth and they chattered on. Aellai usually wasn't so quiet but she was without words. How could one describe the feeling fluttering in her chest at the thought that she might become more than a harpy. It was an adventure of a lifetime. When Zephyr opened the portal, she waited for everyone to step through before she let herself fall through as well. She instinctively opened her wings allowing the wind to catch her feathers but it seemed unneeded as she slowed to a float anyway. However, she was used to flight so she kept her wings spread and steady. She watched the proceedings but was distracted by a tingle in her feathers that quickly spread up her arms and through her body. Feathers hardened and flattened into scale and skin stretched. Bones broke and reformed until she was no longer harpy but dragon instead.

She peered at her scales, mystified before the falling sensation kicked in and she flapped her wings in a panic. The wide leathery limbs flapped uselessly, so unlike her wings which caught the wind with the tips of her vanes angling the breeze and her downy plumes preventing the wind from escaping her control. Instead, the leather of her wings felt slippery and she was at a loss of how to gain altitude. She thought on the basics of flight. If one could not control the wind, then perhaps the only option was to work with it. She huffed, pushing and contracting her back muscles in an attempt to rotate her wings and push downwards. It was no use.

It was then though that she felt her scales retreat and her skin shrunk. Her feathers elongated and pinched through her leathery skin, reforming in the proper positions. She plummeted for half a minute before catching herself with her harpy wings. Aellai flapped them hard, remembering herself and the vestiges of muscle memory. She felt herself lifting albeit slowly and rather clumsily but managed to lift herself to the edge of the portal where Veth was already leaving. Aellai panted at the exertion and pulled herself through the portal. Veth had already disappeared by the time she regained herself. She peered down at her normal skin and bareness but was unbothered by her state of undress. Harpies usually preferred nudity as much was covered in feathers. Only her chest was uncovered. The man, her relative, passed her a piece of covering and she thanked him shyly before ripping it then folding it several times into a band of clothing which she tied around her chest. Aellai picked her way back to the room from there and when she returned she noticed that everyone had gathered.

Aellai had moved back into the room and perched in the corner. A sleepy haze had overcome her but the excitement and moody chatter around her kept her from closing her now-reptilian eyes. Her legs were folded under her and her wings were pulled in close, seeming like a roosting bird on her cot closest to the far wall. Groups gathered and they sought out answers. Her golden-brown feathers stirred at the murmurings of Nox but she kept quiet. She wasn't knowledgeable about the gods and dragons like some were, she only knew the tales and that now they were true.

Radfor had to suppress a laugh at the look the cat gave him. Guess he wasn't really expecting a Orc to strut up to him and challenge him to a tussle. Radfor half expected him to come up with some sort of excuse to get out it; he struck Radfor as the type that solved his problems more often with guile than straight up combat. But to his surprise, he accepted the challenge, but not without poking a little at Radfor's mannerisms. Was it really not polite to state ones name before a spar? Hm. Perhaps he had been away from people too long...but the thrill of a battle kept him in a good mood, and he responded to the cat in a rather chipper tone.

"Heh. Curious....all right, then. I am Radfor, of Clan Bora'Urug. Come and meet me when you are prepared."
Radfor gestured to the feline woman at the male feline's side, and walked away to the middle of the room. It was probably the spot with the most space available, and Radfor paced around in a decent sized circle for a minute before nodding. While he waited for the cat to appear, he got on the ground and began to do one-armed push ups to get the blood flowing. For Radfor, this was hardly enough to break a sweat, but he needed to warm up somehow. He kept his eyes to the ground and his mind in the present, steeling himself for the battle to come. A myriad of strategies filled his head, but he put them aside in favor for his best strategy: full-on force. He wasn't looking for a fast, intense fight; he wanted to make it last, expend as much energy as he could. This way, they could both enjoy the match for a good amount of time. He chuckled to himself; well, enjoyable for him, that is.

One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost

Human | 27 | Location: Unknown

Caris nodded dumbly as the large dragon in front of him just let him leave. Just like that. No strings attached, Caris would be allowed to walk out of the stronghold. His mind still reeling, Caris did the only sensible thing he could at a moment like this. He sighed and nearly screamed in disbelief at what he just witnessed. A dragon, a beast thought to be so legendary they appeared only in stories. Caris could only stare in shock ahead, a million thoughts going through his head as he dumbly walked out. Only problem was, he didn’t know which way was out. Walking towards the large open doors, Caris grabbed his bow which was lying on the floor. Exiting the room, Caris could only look around in wonder. Now to find the way out.

After his little wonderment moment, Caris could be seen walking through the stronghold. He marveled at the engineering feats accomplished within. The size of the castle was one thing, but to keep it stable and upright without the use of multiple pillars was surreal. Caris knew tales of castles and strongholds such as these, but stories told of all of them being destroyed ages ago. Yet here he was within one of the them, like an ant in a forest of stone. Walking along, Caris would pass by doors, rooms, and other hallways, but the feeling of a draft kept him going in one direction. It was the voices of others that attracted him to one room. Tightening his cloak around him, he walked to the door and opened it, clutching his bow.

Seeing that no one noticed him, Caris just looked at the multitude of beings within the room. There was one thing that separated them from himself, whoever they were, they were meant to be here.

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

28 || Female || Wyrmspawn || Nox
Katrina could only frown as he asked what the difference was between Wyrmspawn and Wyrmchildren. She averted her eyes from his, knowing that this was going to be rather odd to explain. “W-well, Grandfather and his brother are known as Wyrmkings, as they created the universe. His children are Wyrmlords, as they are still gods. Then there are all of you, Wyrmchildren, distant blood relatives of the Wyrmlords, and me.” She paused for a moment, clearly nervous. “W-wyrmspawn are beings created rather than convinced naturally. Meaning Nox had created me instead of lying beside a mortal woman.” Finally looking up, her now golden eyes flicked between Midas and Veth. “I was told that he had done this because he was worried that Lucian was going to attack and Nox wanted someone to face him… that wasn’t himself.” Actually admitting this out loud once again made it feel that much worse, simply being a tool for Nox to use at this disposal.

Then another man walked in, she watching him slip through the doorway trying to remain unseen. Kat had been about to call out to him when she hesitated, there being something… different about him. Not only that, but she was certain that he hadn’t been in the main group and his eyes were unchanged. Thinking against it for now, she would return to facing the elf and human, waiting for a response.

Mistory Mistory Fable Fable Mentioned: xAlter xAlter
Ishnai tsapped her foor as she waited for the male to notice her, he still seeming busy with the elven female, rather enthralled by her in fact. Ishnai still wasn’t quite sure why she cared, but it perturbed her greatly, truth be told.

His response surprised her a little, especially with how bashful he seemed , seeming unaware at the faux-pas he had commited. Still, she held her arms crossed across her chest. “That is fair, but I bid you to practice greater common courtesy in future.”

His following apology was so sincere that her eyes, now a very deep green, widened in surprise, before her gae softened. “Iaccept your apology, Ki‘tavi,” she said, taking in his anser and then nodding solemnly, still looking into his eyes, her gaze thoughtful, empathetic. “I understand… it is rather surreal as well… though even more than my new form, the thought of being this close to my God whilst still alive is even mpre jarring…”

Whilst thinking what to say next, Ishnai was nterrupted by the brutish orc fromearlier challenging Ki’Tav to a duel. She glared sideways at the orc, and was about to take Ki’taivi by the arm and drag him away, but his heartfelt words an apology sopped her in her tracks, a surprised et understanding look in her eyes. “I… I understasnd,” she finaly said. Seems the man had some honor and integrity in him that she honestly hadsn’t been expecting. “Fight well. I only ask that you come speak to me afterwards… if you can still walk, that is.” She smirked at him and claped her furry hand upon his equally furry shoulder before walking off, seeing what else she coiuld be doing here.

That “what else” hten came apperent in the form of the bird woman sitting in the corner, a creature she’d never seen before. Curious, Ishnai approached her, looking her over. “Whaere do you hail ferom, friend? What do you call ypur race? Pardon this cut’s ignorance and curiosity, but I’ve never seen one like you before.” In a way, she seemed rather beautiful. As she addressed the harpy, she found herself glancing over towards the center f the room, curious how Ki’tavi’s bout was going.

One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Namie Namie
Veth Denrilith


21 | Elf | Zephyr​
Veth didn't do anything really in response to Kit thanking her, she didn't know why he was doing it. He wiped the blood from his mouth that he had previously been chewing on, turning to respond to the feline and the orc.

Veth found Katrina's explanation somewhat confusing. Nox was her father, yet also her grandfather? This dragon family was complicated, though that shouldn't be shocking considering how long they've probably lived. The only certain thing to be said was that the Divine Dragons were related, but what did that make Katrina herself if she is different from the other children of Nox?

Midas asked the question of the difference between the wyrmchildren and wyrmspawn, something she herself wanted to inquire on. She listened intently on what was said, not wanting to miss a single important detail, a key to perhaps what secrets Nox was keeping. What Katrina said internally angered her, it sounded as though Nox - who was a god - wanted everyone else to fight his battle against his brother, being a coward rather than fight himself. To create her just as a tool. Veth wouldn't have been surprised to learn that those from their group were just pawns, but to specifically create a person as a decoy.

"To think a being such as Nox would such a thing," she said, the smallest edge to her voice, "If this is the truth, I find him a coward, to create a life just to sacrifice it. Has he no intention to face his own brother?"


A more serious expression replaced the hearty smile on Darrene's face as Cranea mentioned the possibility of civilians and other innocent people being caught in whatever monumental catastrophe was slowly creeping closer. They had been summoned for a reason and whatever it was, it was bound to not be of the pretty sort.

Crossing her arms in front of her chest, Darrene exhaled deeply, feeling the hot breath escape her lungs as she could swear she saw some hazy smoke slip past her parted lips.
"I will make sure that will not happen. Whatever our task, I would not risk those who have no part in it to become victims of things they do not understand. What has happened to us is beyond the tales we tell our children. Most would call this ravings of mad men and women, the mere fact that we're standing here, having seen what we've seen means there is something amiss. And we'd better make sure it'll be dealt with."

The warrior spoke, lowering her tense shoulders as her hand came to massage the tense curve of her neck as she continued.
"I do not trust Nox, but his children seem to harbor no ill will towards us...Except maybe Eshne towards Kit, but she has all the reason in the earthly realms to be upset by his actions. Her and the other Wyrmlords have aided us to make their power ours, and I wish to see what that entails...."

Her fiery eyes coming to rest on Katrina, feeling that whatever Nox had in store for her, and the Wyrmchildren, was not going to be easy sailing, Darrene wondered what part she would play in the Wyrmking's game.
Her heart beating louder as she contemplated whether to confront her about it, but ultimately deciding to not do so, feeling that the time would come to arrange a heart to heart with Nox's protege.

Instead her eyes would wander, finding a new face, one that she hadn't noticed before...
And lacked the reptilian eyes every Wyrmchild bore.
Suspicion overcoming her as she nodded towards the hooded human, glancing over to the other women she had conversed with.

"Seems we got an uninvited guest." Darrene would muse as she would turn to face Caris.
Marching towards him as those standing between her and the human would swiftly make way for the woman imbued with the power of fire itself, and seemingly gave off an air of hostility towards the newcomer.

Grabbing a hold of his collar, she would pull the human into the center of the room, her grip tightening as ember-like eyes met human ones, making her reptilian orbs narrow.
"Speak. You have not received an invitation, have you? It is common courtesy to not attend events you were not invited to." Darrene would speak, exhaling deeply as she felt her breath cause smoke to escape her lungs, carrying fiery sparks that indicated that there was a fire deep within Darrene's chest that needed to be tamed.

Smaaycheese Smaaycheese JustNicole JustNicole AgWordSmith AgWordSmith StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 xAlter xAlter


Human | 27 | Location: Unknown

Caris was watching the proceedings calmly, or as calmly as he could be in his current situation. The people around him were special, that he understood. They were different in both aura and in their eyes; all of them had draconian eyes. They seemed reptilian and lizard-like, sharp, and focused. Then they talked about Nox, and how one was the daughter, granddaughter? He didn’t know. Caris only knew that two had noticed him. The girl speaking, and one other. Letting go of the sword, Caris went to walk out, try to find some other thing to occupy him, but it was too late.

When the one that seemed of fire grabbed Caris and threw him into the center of the group, he knew something was amiss. Yet even through this all, he felt no fear, something about the whole situation seemed odd. Of course Caris was by no means calm, but he did not fear for his life, nor for his own safety. When the woman pulled on his collar and blew smoke into his face, he had sinking suspicions.

“And it is common courtesy to introduce oneself before asking for another.” Caris retorted, wrenching the woman’s arm from his collar. “But if you are so inclined to know my name, I guess I can introduce myself. Caris Melandaire, hunter, traveler, merchant, and scholar.” He said with a quick bow. “Now if I may, what have I been ‘drawn’ into? And what is this about an invitation?”

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Vampunk Vampunk Smaaycheese Smaaycheese JustNicole JustNicole AgWordSmith AgWordSmith



Name: Aellai
Ancestor: Zephyr
Interacting: DergTheDergon DergTheDergon
Mentions: Vampunk Vampunk xAlter xAlter
Form: Harpy
Aellai had just closed her eyes before she felt a presence approach her. She peered up, stirring her feathers uneasily at being noticed. She wasn't sure how to interact with otherkin since she'd never been outside of the tribe territory. As adventurous as she was, she'd spied other harpyiai at the edge of the region but never seen any manner of folk like the ones in this room unless it was in the pages of a book. The woman in front of her was furred and had spots of black that curled in on themselves. She addressed her asking where she came from. Apparently she'd never seen a harpy and Aellai thought on this. The feeling was mutual but the harpy supposed that not many saw her kind because they stuck to the skies and cliffs where none but those with wings could reach.

"I come from the cliffs near the sea. The tallest ones. I am a harpy." She boasted proudly, albeit only a harpy would be proud of such. She smiled, only a touch shy but her jovial nature encouraged her to continue. "I haven't seen any of the kind in here. I suppose that's because Harpyiai don't come down to the ground often unless to hunt. I welcome your curiousity though and hope you'll excuse my own. What do you call yourself? What are you? Where does your kind come from? Is it nice where your from? Does your fur have a special purpose, like, does it keep you from being cut too deep?" Aellai stirred excitedly whilst leaning forward, unable to contain herself. She imagined an immense sand-land full of dangerous creatures and the beast woman running the trails full of strength. Aellai looked to the beast-woman expectantly, her eyes now wide open despite the earlier sleepiness.

The conversation was interrupted by an commotion however. A black haired female who radiated flame dragged a male towards the center of the room. He seemed to struggle in her hold. Aellai bristled at the sudden violence however slight. There had been other bouts of prickly ferocity between the wyrmchildren but none seemingly unprovoked. Aellai tuned in more attentively, moving off the bed to stand next to the beast-woman uncomfortably. "What's this about?" She asked nervously to no one in particular. Smoke seeped from the child of Eshne as she spoke and Aellai glanced at everyone else surrounding the hoopla. The man introduced himself as Caris Melandaire and his courage in the face of the fiery, pun intended, woman was admirable if not foolhardy. It was now that Aellai caught a glimpse of his eyes and upon comparison to everyone else's she understood the problem the fire-wyrm had. He was a human among changed wyrmchildren and that meant he hadn't been sent the letter. Aellai gently tapped her new acquaintance, gesturing towards the man, and then stepped towards the group to get a better look.

LorellaAge: 42
Gender: Female
Race: Trition
Ancestor: Delta
Interacting/Mentioned: Vampunk Vampunk Smaaycheese Smaaycheese AgWordSmith AgWordSmith xAlter xAlter
Lorella listened intently to the others. Truly, they there was a connection that she felt to every one of them. Whoever they were in the past, that had been burned, blown, frozen or drowned away by the wyrmlords. Now, they were called to a new life, a new purpose, a new destiny. It was out there, waiting for them, begging them to rise up and cease it. They were now, Lorella felt, a family. A new one, yes, and an inexperienced one, but Lorella felt that any of these three women before her or anyone else in the room would go to bat for her if she only asked.

Darrene was wiser than Lorella had gave her credit for. She was not simply some brutish woman, but a careful study of her environment. “I am in agreement with you. Nox, for a god, seems...strange.” Lorella could think of no better words to describe the man. His children seemed to be well-developed good, if not reclusive, people, but Nox himself did not put her at ease like a god ought to.

As Darrene moved away from the group, Lorella turned her gaze to see what had attracted the woman. Uninvited guest? Here? At this compound? Sure enough, there was one without reptile eyes who looked as if he were trying to blend into the background. The man entered their circle much like prey that knows it has been caught. Instantly, Lorella went into battle mode.

Lorella listened to the man’s answers, before she stepped forward, holding the side of her arm at the man that had her sharp fins at his neck. Her yellow reptilian eyes locked on the man’s face, looking for one reason to cut him down where he stood. She felt hot. It felt like boiling water was coursing inside of her. She breathed out deeply, hot steam escaping from her nostrils into the air.

“She did not give you permission to ask questions, ‘Caris’,” Lorella particularly spat at him. “How did you come here? Clearly you are an unwelcomed guest. Are you a spy of Lucian come to kill the wyrmchildes like an assassin in the night? Speak falsely, and I will spill the floor with your blood, human.”

Midas WorthAge:
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Fable Fable
Midas couldnt help but laugh at Veth's words. "You are noe seeing my side of things. I knew something was off about him. I fear we may simply be tools" he gave a glance to Katrina, and sighed. As true as that maybe...

"...however, I feel we do owe the old serpent a debt of gratitude. If he had not called us when he did, we may all have suffered poor katrina's fate. And as much as his methods have...irritated me, I am seeing things fall into place. I mean, look." He geastured to the room around him.

"In a day, he gathered us all. And if each of us hold even a fracture of the power he holds, He has an army. I hate to say Ive seen when men go to war. When they see it coming, they prepare...I dont trust him." He grumbled, glaring back toward the door

"...Frankly, I dont trust these...gods. I dont know if I trust anyone here...but we are all in a bad way here..." he sighed "I hope we can become people we can count on, yeah...but for now, i think I'll sleep..." he gave a wave as he stepped away, finding a cot by the wall. Laying out, he slid his hands behind his head,his eyes falling shut. He was suddenly so tired...he day had been stressful...maybe that was it...
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