Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]


One Thousand Club
Dawn comes, soft and green through the canopy above, thickly scented with the wilds of the Hedge: cinnamon, the taste of dust mingled somehow with the bitter tang of snow, the sound of pennies falling, the salty taste of drying blood and whispers in the dark - all present and intermingling, impossibly vivid yet faraway, and forgotten like a dream.

A new day.
Micah Sands

Rising early, Micah washed and dressed quickly, packing some medical supplies. He tried not to think about what he was going to do. It's stupid. It's necessary. You know what happens to Lost who stay in the Hedge too long without a break, and you need glamour anyway, and living off Goblin Fruit can have bizarre side effects. This is the best way, and you'll be in and out before they know it. They won't catch you. Maybe you can find a friendly face and get some news of the state of the freehold, we're so cut off here...

Grimly determined, Micah shoulders his pack and gets ready. It's not a long walk through the Hedge, but he'll be alone and he'll need his wits about him.

Micah Sands sets out, for the first time in his life, dreading going to the real world more than he dreads the Hedge.
To Micah

Roll required to locate gateway settled in msn

You follow the trod leading away from the Hostel, searching as you do for signs of gateway leading out into the real world. The Hedge is quiet as you search, but not extraordinarily so - as in, nothing to make you wary. Light filters through the leaves and with the exception of the occasional odd sound in the distance, you could be enjoying a walk... After about a quarter of an hour, you locate it: there's nothing particularly telling about it, just a certain bend of two blackthorns, their branches intermingling, but you know this is the gateway out.

Spend one glamour to activate and just step through
Micah Sands

With a pang of concern at his dwindling glamour reserves, Micah lays a single hand on one of the trees, his body glittering brightly for a second as a small amount of glamour flows out, opening the way. Setting his jaw and ignoring the worry in the back of his mind, he steps through the gateway.
Seth Schreck

Getting up around seven in the morning Seth lies in bed and streches.....some of the limbs actually do lengthen a few inches. As he relaxes they slowly return back to "Normal" like some sort of fleshy elastic. He dresses in his alternative jacket, his other coat ruined by the river Toby.......will it ever be clean.

He heads to the reception before the majority of the household wakes up and rings the bell. He needs a quick word with Jasmine.

Watson rolls silently off the couch. Jacket, shoes, rucksack, shave, teeth, then gone.

Must feed, then go. He has things to do today, big plans. Watson pads upstairs to the dining hall, the silly twittering of birds bringing a grin to his face, pointy teeth peeking past lips.
The thorns scratch as usual against the ever closed windows in the Slightly Beige Room. Corri woke to this sound, as she had every morning for the past week or so. She let herself lie in the softness of the bed for a few minutes before chastising herself. Rolling up her hair fell perfectly into place, as always, causing her to look much more awake, despite the sleeping shift she wore. The shift was another luxury, like the bed, that had been provided by Mistress Jasmine. The white cotton felt wonderful against her skin.

Getting to her feet she splashed her face with water from the basin, still feeling quite clean and fresh from the long scrubbing she'd given herself the night before. She pulled on her jeans and black tank, which had appeared clean the night before, along with her leather jacket which seemed to have been somehow dry cleaned. Her stomach growled. Glancing at her axe and belt pouch she decided to leave them in the room and headed down for breakfast.

Seeing the hunting hound, Watson, from the day before she nodded to him and brought her tray and sat across the table.

"Morning." Watson sits with a plate of fruit in front of him, nd a little less fish than yesterday.

He grins, fangs glinting a little. "It looks like we're set for another few days of cooling our heels."

"Mmm," she nodded, her mouth full of toast. She did not forget the task she had promised Mistress Jasmine, but she would have to look into that.

"Soooo...I'm heading out, for a hunting expedition. Gonna check up on a couple of places, maybe drop back into the real world for a look around."

Watson looks up, tilting his head a little. She looks capable, and she's Summer Court too. She's not annoying, and we'd probably be able to take of ourselves...

"Fancy coming along? You've got to be bored in here." Watson grins. "Yesterday was fun, but we missed anything resembling a pursuit."

Corri thought about it, taking a mouthful of some sort of strange fruit, She promised her aid to Mistress Jasmine, but she could really use some action. "Sounds like fun," she grunted around another mouthful, promising herself that she'd address Mistress Jasmine's task as soon as she got back.
To Seth

Jasmine appears, eventually, dressed unusually in a pure white kimono, though she smiles upon seeing you. She's carrying what appears to be a painting. "Yes, Mr. Schreck?"

Watson smiles, a big friendly smile, full of big friendly teeth.

"Great. I'd been hoping to find some company on the trip. How's your Hedge-craft?"

Corri shrugs, "not particularly good, but if something comes out of the thorns you can count on me to at least attempt to beat it into a bloody pulp. I succeed more often then not."
Seth Schreck

"Good morning" he says rather cheerily "I m not sure if you noticed last night but my favourite jacket came back a "little" worse for wear. I fear even your skills would not be able to get bits of Toby out of it"

Realising what he said was somewhat odd to say the least he clarifys "Oh my appologises, a water hob goblin tried to eat me while we were recovering the medicine. I have heard that there are certion individuals that can make clothing, a hedgespun raiment i believe its called; that can "alter" itself when the situation arises, would there be anyone here that could help me?"

"Sounds useful. Ok, um, I want to drop by a little place I have, not too far from the Hostel, and then we go back into the real world. Sound good?"

Watson stands up from the table, and offers his hand out to Corri. "Meet me in the lobby? Ten, fifteen minutes?"
To Seth

M. Jasmine purses her lips in thought and turns away from you for a moment to hang the picture on the wall. To your surprise, it is the painting which you saw at the Sisters. "Can you believe it? My servitors picked this up last night. To think the Sisters had such a powerful Token - in plain sight! It's hard to fathom. This would have been a very, very powerful tool in the right hands." She shakes her head and pats the wall, which... flows over the painting in a disconcerting manner.

The good Mistress turns back to you, clearly in thought. "I've set aside room for Horatio - an acquaintance of mine, you understand, and most skilled in that which you seek. He's outside, by the stables, despite my best efforts to bring him indoors." She gives an exasperated snort. "But mind you, Mr. Shreck," she continues, "he will ask you to gather any materials he sees fit yourself, and won't endanger himself."
Seth Schreck

"Oh "that", ah I felt kind of ill around that thing yesterday when we "liberated" it. Ah what exactly is it?"

"Very good I ll make a point to head down to him, might be heading back into the real world for a bit with Nina while we don t have anything real to do"

"Sure thing," Corri nodded, finishing her breakfast of toast, fruit and eggs. Nodding to Watson she got to her feet, returning to her room. She fastened on her belt with her axe and pouch hanging from it and tied her hair back. Making her way back down into the foyer she cast her eyes around for Mistress Jasmine.

Watson stands in the foyer, slightly jigging on one foot, anxious to go.

He turns when he hears Corri coming. "Oh, hey. Before we go, I think it may be a decent idea to make a few promises. You up for it it? Just, to be certain?"
To Seth

"You do that, Mr. Schreck," she says with a toothy smile. "Oh, and do give Miss Ivy my regards." She turns. "Ah, I do believe Corri is looking for me, do excuse me, Mr. Screck." She glides out from behind the foyer towards the Summer courtier, though standing at a respectful distance once it appears Watson has approached her first.

"Yeah, makes sense, give me a second though." She turns to Mistress Jasmine. "I'm going on a bit of a hunt of sorts with Watson here, can I see to your errand when I get back?" She pauses a second, "unless it needs to be done now, which would be fine."
To Corri

Mistress Jasmine frowns, though you're not sure why... had she not wanted knowledge of you performing her a favour made known to others? Or perhaps she doesn't believe your explanation. Whatever the reason, the frown is replaced with her usual smile. "That's fine dear, it's not like I'm holding you to any sort of time limit." She laughs softly. "Though I could, of course."
Seth Schreck

Did she just ignore my question?

He wanders off to the stables, Nina would wait hell she could do with a sleep in. He wouldn t be long anyways he hoped.

He passed through hallway leading to the exit. He nods to Corri and Watson as he exits. "Hmm interesting pair" he thinks to himself.

He walks over to the stables and calls out for the tailor Horacio

She nodded, "of course that would be in your right. Is it something that I could do along the way do you think?" she turned to Watson, "if you don't mind of course."

((Corri probably wouldn't notice the frown and all, she's pretty blunt and socially dense))

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