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Chaos Upon Valysia {Eternal Wanderer x Cinnamon }

The situation was tensed and for the first time ever he found himself running away from his enemies. The greatest warrior in all of Valysia, whose simple name was spoken with shaking voice, the most desired outlaw in all the four kingdoms, running from a group of about... 100 skeletons? While holding the hand of a young princess. What a situation. His armor felt now even heavier as he slowly but surely grew tired of running. Of course, he could run much, but after all, he was a human, not a god.

The only way they could escape was if they found a door, or a gate, to pass and then shut it. But what if they didn't? What if at some point they ran into a dead end? No, it couldn't be, the dungeon had to have another exit. That was if the only exit wasn't the way they came in through. But he was decided not to let anything hurt the princess. She had to stay alive, even if that meant... giving his life for her? Was that really what just passed his mind? He? Ready to give his life for a person he met just a few days ago?

The skeletons were a good deal of distance behind, and the flames of the one he's burnt were visible from such distance. So, the "fire skeletons" weren't a myth, after all. But how would he fight the skeletons if he didn't have a bludgeoning weapon? He needed something to strike the bones and shatter them. An axe, a hammer... or his metal gauntlets. That was it. He wore metal gauntlets, a piece of the armor. If he fought hand to hand with the things, he'd be able to deliver strikes to shatter bones. But they'd be constantly swarming and they wouldn't leave him much chance to fight back. To strike with the torch stick wasn't much either, the stick was rather thin and didn't weight much. For a good blow he'd need something heavy enough to make him need two hands to wield. And now she remembered him about the potions. This also remembered him of the special belt from Samon, with different potions, out of which some were to increase his abilities and skills. But which?

Looking forward, he saw something. The corridor had an end. At the first sight he had a skip of the heart, thinking about a dead end, but then he saw how the corridor took the way to the left. He hoped his best that would not be a dead end either. Already breathing heavily he pulled the princess after him, running around the corner, and just as soon, he saw the corridor had yet another corner. He heard the sounds of the skeletons running far behind them, as he took the next corner, and he saw the corridor continued taking corners, one after another, as they hurried down it. Before realising what they were into, it was too late, they were already lost. A maze. Lots and lots of corridors to run through but he wondered which was the right one. Finally, running into a dead end, he stopped, and placing his back against the wall, he pulled the princess with her back against him, and placed a gloved hand against her mouth to silence her. Hopefully, the living skeletons would get lost in the tunnels and disperse.

But now his mind was just filled with the thoughts. How would the figure their way out of it? Well, at least it wasn't cursed, he was still human, and so was the princess. But their adventure barely started.
Ariana's muscles were on fire. How long had they been running? If she were to judge by the state of her lungs, she would have guessed hours. If she were to gauge the length of time by the army of skeletons following behind them, however, they might as well have been standing still.

How were they supposed to out run a pursuer that couldn't tire? Even if she had an answer it wouldn't help, would it? There wasn't just the one. The rattling bones echoing throughout the tunnel, the sound bouncing off the walls as though the enemy had them surrounded, made that obvious. That left a distraction or an escape as their only chance. An escape seemed less than unlikely, bordering on miraculous territory. The long corridor seemed endless as they ran for their lives, the straight passage giving no hint of offering them a sanctuary. That only left a distraction. Unless the skeletons decided to suddenly make the most of their new found freedom, Ariana doubted they would be providing one. She would have suggested the warrior leave her behind as a distraction, had she thought he would actually do so. Or if she had enough air in her lungs to form words.

Ariana attempted to look around the warrior as they turned a corner, shocked the corridor had finally ended- at least in anything other then a dead end. The princess glanced over her shoulder frequently as they took turn after turn, trying to determine if the skeletons were still chasing them. She couldn't see anything behind them aside from the faint outline of the stone walls, but the rattling of bones still echoed throughout the underground passages.

What was this place? There were so many twists and turns, the warrior constantly leading the princess in different directions, it was hard to believe they were still underground. At least the hoard of undead didn't appear to know their way through the tunnels either. Perhaps it just seemed like a lot of turns after running in a line for so long, but- no, she was certain of it, every couple of yards there was yet another turn. What was going on?

A labyrinth. They were running through a labyrinth! It was the only structure she could think of that contained so many bends. Ariana tried to remember each turn they took, desperately trying to memorize each corner they skirted around, but it was no use. They had gone too far, the directions jumbling in her mind until she couldn't be certain even of the last turn they had taken. What could have created such a place? Again, there was only one answer that came to mind. The same being that had imprisoned the villagers and cursed their bones.

Ariana gasped as the running abruptly came to a stop, the princess disoriented by the sudden change. Had they finally reached a dead end? She stared at the end of the corridor, waiting for the army of undead to swarm around the corner and set upon them. Her heart felt as if it were about to break free of her chest as they waited, the seconds slowly ticking by without any hint of movement. She could still hear the rattling of bones, but the sound was faint and- hopefully- distant.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ariana relaxed her tensed muscles, leaning against the warrior for support. So they weren't going to be torn limb from limb by a hoard of cursed remains. Not yet, anyway. That had to be a plus. One obstacle down, one hundred more to go.

Ariana tugged at the hand covering her mouth, finally noticing the obstruction to her breathing. She took several long moments to calm her ragged breathing before she dared to speak, her voice barely a whisper. "My... my fault... sorry."
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Her fault? Why would it be? That was what he wondered as he took deep breaths, trying to calm his breath. It wasn't easy for him either to be running for so long. But at least they were safe. The sounds of the skeletons moving were slowly dissapearing. After how it sounded, one skeleton might still be stumble about their location, but hopefully it would not find them. Or if it did, hopefully it was alone.

He had no actual idea how the skeletons comunicated each with the other, so it was better if the one did not find them at all. The sound finally trailed off. He kept the silence for as long, listening carefully to their surroundings. Nothing. He still held the princess against him, one of his arms being protectively placed across her upper body. Sighing with relief, he raised the torch he held in the other hand to look about.

Walls everywhere, except for the free corridor they came in through. Not the happiest situation. They'd need to turn back and walk. But where to? For what he knew, the labyrinth could be as big as the whole Khorinys, or even bigger. They could be stumbling endlessly and finally die of starvation or dehydration, or be so weak to the point of not being able to fight back a possible attack from some skeletons that they'd meet on the way.

Finally freeing the princess from his protective grasp, he took a step and started gazing at the walls. For a distinct mark, or anything. He knew labyrinths were never made randomly and had a logic of their own. And something for the ones inside to guide after. Signs. Invisible to the shallow gaze, but upon a further inspection they could be determined. But for that he needed his senses awaken.

Taking the metal glove off his right hand, and holding the torch with his left, he started inspecting every wall, his eyes searching for any little sign as his hands was also inspecting for small crevices or distinctive marks, while he remained silent.
Ariana took the silence as a wordless agreement. It had been foolish of her to insist on venturing down the unknown stairscase in the first place. Once they had discovered what was at the bottom of the steps, she should have listened to the warrior and turned back, obviously he was better prepared to make such decisions. To force the warrior to come with her through the dungeon had been asking for trouble.

Ask and you shall receive. The princess wiped at the sweat lingering on her brow with her sleeve, slowly looking around the corridor. It was pointless to berate herself when her thoughts would be better put to use thinking of a solution to the problem she had created. Ariana was sure The Slayer had been in worse situations anyway, if his legends were anything to go by. Or the stone golem he had killed. Or the army of undead that hadn't even fazed him. Perhaps this was a vacation for the warrior?

Ariana shook her head to clear her thoughts. She was getting off track now. The princess held the torch in her hand high above her head, illuminating as much of the wall as she could. It seemed like the walls extended all the way to the ceiling, making it impossible to climb over. She lightly ran a hand over the wall, testing the texture. The stone would have been too smooth to get a good grip on anyway. Too solid to break through as well, as far as she could tell. That ruled out going under, as well.

That left finding their way through the maze as the only possible option. Well, other than staying still and waiting for the skeletons to find them. Ariana knew little about such structures other than what she had read in books, having never entered one herself. She knew that there were generally two entrances, unless the goal of the labyrinth was to hide something in the center of the structure for protection. She had heard if you keep your hand touching one wall and followed it until the end it would eventually lead to an exit. Was that still true if they started from the inside the maze?

Ariana balanced the torch against the wall, waiting a moment to make sure it didn't slip before kneeling on the ground. She pulled the herbs and mortar and pestle from her pockets, quietly grinding the dried plants into a paste. At least they would be able to mark the paths they had already taken. If the creatures lurking within the passages of the labyrinth didn't find them first, of course.
"These things have to have a logic... something to be based on..." He mumbled as he investigated every wall, as careful and close as he could. He knocked every inch of every wall, in hope of finding... something, he didn't even have a clear idea what. Finally sighing, he sat down, placing his back against one of the walls, and watched the princess as she kept grinding the mixture. He didn't figure out what she was working on exactly, but shrugged, leaving her to her doings.

Taking out one of his canteens, feeling thirsty, he took a few gulps of the ale in it and slightly pouted at the taste of it, as it was already starting to get a bad taste. The silence was almost unbearable. Only the slight sound of the grinding and the fire of the torches was heard. Good thing that the skeletons were gone, probably stumbling around through the maze. But he was sure they'd meet them again at some point, at least one of them.

But how would they find a way out? He wondered, as he countinued watching the princess. Well, sitting there won't help, he had to stand and walk about. Standing, finally, he looked down to the princess and spoke so she could hear.

"I'm going to check a little bit around. Stay here"

Then he turned and left. The corridor took it to the righ, then straight ahead. With careful eyes, he studied both walls by his sides, humming to himself as he took conclusions of his inspection. At a further analysis, he observed every wall had a special pattern, drawn almost invisibly into it. So, they'd have to follow a certain pattern. But which? These weren't the only ones, and they weren't the starting ones. Finally reaching the end of the corridor, he looked to the left, and to the right. Two corridors, taking both to opposite ways. If he took any, he might not be able to get back to the princess, and she probably needed him.

Noting in his mind his little discovery, he returned, finding her still working on her mixture.

"Well, i found out something. Each wall has a special pattern drawn into it. We just have to find the right one, and we're out of here"
Ariana paused as the warrior stood, the pestle in her hand suspended over the crushed herbs as she watched him turn and leave. She stared into the dark corridor long after he had disappeared out of view, a cold sense of resignation swelling in her chest. So it had finally happened. Vill'Kern The Slayer had gotten tired of playing around with princesses and wizards and was moving on to the next legendary adventure. She had felt his discontent as they had sat in silence, aware of the warning sign for what it was. The end. The princess returned the pestle to her pocket, her hands trembling too much to accurately strike the contents of the mortar. It had only been a matter of time before he took his leave, really, the only thing keeping the warrior at her side was his own whim. It had simply been a waiting game until his patience ran out.

She was just surprised it had taken so long.

Ariana waited for several minutes after The Slayer left before she stood, careful not to spill her concoction as she bent to retrieve the torch she had set aside earlier. It was alright, the princess told herself firmly, trying to curb her rising panic. She never could have expected all of the help he had given her until this point, it would be selfish to wish for more of something she shouldn't have had in the first place. The warrior had turned his back on his employer, informed her of who was behind the terrible fate of Khorinys, gotten her passed the bandits... Ariana shook her head, smiling weakly despite her lamentable situation. There were simply too many things to list. He had given her a fighting chance, and she was determined not to blow it.

Before Ariana could travel more than a couple of feet down the corridor, a light slowly growing in diameter as it approached. The princess clutched the torch in her hand tightly, expecting the flame encased skeleton to find her at any moment. She remembered what the warrior had said about needing a blunt weapon against the undead enemy, bracing herself to strike first when she caught sense of the aura approaching. She hadn't understood at first, confused how the cursed being had suddenly returned its soul to its remains when it had hit her. There was only one being with that particular presence.

He had come back. He had the perfect opportunity to leave her behind and escape this underground hell without the extra baggage that was the princess slowing him down, and he had still come back. Ariana simply stared as the warrior slowly came into view, her senses numbed by the sudden torrent of relief, mixed rather heavily with disbelief, flooding her system. He had really come back.

It took a moment to register in the princess's mind The Slayer was speaking to her. She turned her head to look at what he was indicating on the wall, staring sightlessly for several seconds before she could collect herself enough to think properly. For the first time since leaving Khorinys Ariana felt as though she might cry. He had really come back, standing in front of her as though he didn't have a trouble in the world. The princess approached the wall to circumvent the sudden impulse to hug the ridiculously confusing man.

"It looks almost like scripture," Ariana commented slowly, her mind having trouble switching from one topic to the next. She held the torch closer to the stone, frowning as something in the small script caught her eye.

"That symbol represents fire," The princess murmured, squinting at the sign in an attempt to better see the narrow character. She had seen these before, in some book she couldn't name at the moment. There were far more symbols she didn't recognize than those she did, but she identified what she could. "Beast... Earth or crystal, I can't remember which... Water... Mind? Thoughts, or thinking, I guess..." She pointed to each sign she was referring to as she named them, following the writing down the wall. "Blood... King... Death... Curse... That one is 'ether', or void... I think it might be a spell. Or a curse."
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He followed her finger which pointed at the magical symbols. He was far away from having any actual idea or inclination towards magic, but he listened carefully, while he tried to put up with the wave of emotions striking him from her side. He was sure as hell he didn't have any special abilities but still he could feel her distress, joy, surprise and everything altogether. The cause of it, however, seemed very unknown to him.

He just followed her on the corridor, listening to her trying to remember every symbol, and also trying to recall any stories about labyrinths with spells or curses. Speaking of curse, he remembered about the potions but now that was useless, they were both as human as it could so it was no problem at all. But now another problem would rise in their way, just how were they going to get out of there without knowing the spell? And more, what spell would be that long that it needed a whole labyrinth to be written on?

There had to be something. Maybe they had to pick some symbols and let out others. Or some algorythm like that. "The pure will pass, the sinner will... burn" Fire, that was it! It was all a riddle. If only they figured out the way it worked. And that wasn't even near close to easy for all the symbols they had to decipher. This would probably take them months to do.

"It's... it's a riddle. The pure will pass, the sinner will burn. Fire. But i think it's also based on a way... if only we'd figure..."

He spoke to the princess as he watched the signs. For a moment he thought he saw them sparking, especially the fire symbol, but it all then faded.
"A riddle?" Ariana repeated, trying to keep the dread from her voice. How were they supposed to solve a riddle when they could only read half of the clues? They would have better luck with the skeletons. "I'm terrible with riddles."

The more she read of the symbols, the more she came to agree with the warrior's assessment of the strange script. Several of the characters were beginning to repeat themselves, the most common of which seemed to be about the elements, especially fire. Were they supposed to set the place ablaze? Even if they could think of a way to burn the stone walls, the last time they played with fire they had nearly gotten burned themselves.

Ariana glanced over her shoulder at The Slayer when he suddenly fell silent, her eyes skipping over to the entrance of the corridor to check for new arrivals. She couldn't see anything, but he had proven his sight was stronger than hers on more than one occasion. After several long seconds of staring into the darkness the princess turned back to the wall and its strange writings, figuring the warrior was deep in thought and better left undisturbed. She trusted he would tell her if something important occurred, even though she didn't trust him to return should he leave.

As the princess returned to running her fingers across the wall her nail caught on a small indentation, near impossible to see without some sort of magnification. It took several tries for Ariana to locate the groove again, careful not to move her hand incase she lost it again.

The indentation seemed to extend from the symbol for water, one of the long dashes that composed the character stretching down from the sign to where her hand now rested. Carefully, the princess slowly dragged her nail along the groove, carrying all the way down the wall until it reached the floor.

"Is there any water left in your canteen?" Ariana asked The Slayer, trying to find the groove where it connected between the wall and floor. She managed to find it again, the thin indentation continuing right along the conjunction. It was too thin to see, thus difficult to follow, but it seemed to be fairly deep.

"There is an indentation in the wall," Ariana turned to him to explain, realizing how it must have looked as she practically crawled across the floor to follow the groove. "It leads from the symbol of water down to the floor. I can't see it very well, but we might be able to follow it if we can see the water in the crack." She also didn't particularly want to travel the length of the labyrinth on her knees, but she kept that part to herself.
"The pure will pass... the sinner will burn... the water shall wash the burdened mind"

But they had no water. His canteens contained ale. Plus, if they had to pour it into the indentation, they'd have to keep pouring to watch at the line goes and probably leads to the exit. Or to the start. Wherever it would lead, it was better than just standing there, doing nothing. Taking out one of the canteens, and opened it, then lowering himself, he carefully poured some into the indentation. He hoped for everything that it was not going to be too low and dissapear.

He watched as the liquid firstly filled the little crevice, the slowly but surely ran along it. But for how long would it? If the wanted the water to fill all the crevice, they'd need a constant water source, which was impossible to find in their circumstances. He watched as the ale rolled its way, glimmering slightly as it reflected the fire from the torches. Then, he suddenly wittness something that made him remain wide eyed.

The liquid didn't stay in one place. It moved along the crevice. That meant the whole labyrinth was made into a slight slope. So, they found the solution. For the first time in long, he felt as if he was going to burst out of joy and embrace his companion, but he contained all his emotions all too well, as he followed the liquid that slipped, slowly, through the crevice, and led them down the corridor.

He trusted the princess would follow, so he just moved, slowly, step by step, watching the crevice and also watching for what lied before them. The crevice led them on the corridor to the left. That did make sense, as he now remembered they came through on the corridor on the right. But for a reason, he felt that was not the only test they must pass. For sure it was not.

The crevice led them several turns of corridors, until it led them into a dead end, with only a way to walk to their right. On the floor, at the start of the only corridor left to walk, there was a big square, formed out of 16 smaller squares. He rubbed over his face with one hand, and sighed. What was that anyway?

Looking to the wall before him, he saw something. A paper. It had a pattern drawn onto it. Looking at the princess, then back at the paper, he picked it up. On the back of it was the inscription: "Only the pure may walk the path of Gods"

"What in the name of murder is this?" He glanced at the paper, then at the squares on the floor. A game. The pattern drawn onto the paper marked the squares they had to step on in order to pass to the other side. If they stepped on the wrong square, they probably were to die. Taking a deep breath, he turned to the princess and revealed her the discovery.

"Well, we're going to have a hard time with this one. This pattern here on this paper shows which squares we must step on to get out of this alive. However... it's not that clear, so it's all a guessing and precision game. I will go first, and if i fail... i don't know. But if i succeed, which i must, you follow the way i took. We must make it."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Fotografie0457.jpg.e3a5d9ab36848359516f42f10461383e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Fotografie0457.jpg.e3a5d9ab36848359516f42f10461383e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ariana grinned as the water began rolling through the indentation of its own accord, jumping to her feet in excitement. It worked! It had really worked! This place would have been fascinating to explore and experiment with, were they not in the middle of attempting to spare Valysia from the whims of The Deathless King. Or if death didn't await them around every turn, though the princess doubted such trifle things would deter Vill'Kern The Slayer should he sudden decide he wanted to try his hand at tomb raiding.

Ariana followed hot on the warrior's heels, looking between the liquid that she was beginning to suspect was not actually water moving through the crevice and the script still running the length of the walls. It was difficult to tell as they moved quickly to follow the fluid sliding through the groove, but the princess thought she noticed new symbols were beginning to appear mixed in with the characters that she recognized from the previous corridor.

There was fire again, and water... Curse and blood, void and death... Really now, this spell or riddle- or whatever it may be- was becoming quite repetitive. It seemed like the same symbols, just in different order. Ariana could have sworn she had seen... There! The princess paused beneath the symbol just long enough to decipher the meaning, trotting after the warrior and the definitely-not-water liquid before they moved too far away.

"There are a few new symbols on the walls," Ariana told The Slayer when she had caught up, looking back at the liquid to make sure it was still moving. "It looks like 'pure', 'trapped', and..." The princess paused once more, noticing another unique character. "Slope, I think... it looks a little different."

Ariana continued to follow the warrior in silence, watching the walls of more clues. There were other symbols, but nothing she could identify. The princess was so engrossed in her inspection she didn't notice The Slayer had stopped until she collided with his back once again. She was really going to have to work on that.

Massaging her sore nose, Ariana leaned around the warrior to see what had caught his attention. Her eyes landed on the strange square composed of smaller squares, her eyebrows pulling together in a mixture of confusion and concern. After everything else they had encountered in these tunnels, the odds of making it passed the obsure passage unscathed were next to nil.

Ariana accepted the piece of paper when he offered it to her, carefully inspecting the poor excuse for a map before turning it over to read the inscription. Only the pure may walk the path of the Gods. The princess glanced up at the warrior as he explained his plan to her, a deep sense of dread slowly spreading throughout her veins. What was supposed to be considered 'pure'? She didn't think herself someone qualified to judge, but as a reknowned and self professed killer, she doubted The Slayer would make the cut.

Acting quickly before she had time to rethink her decision, Ariana ducked around the warrior, dashing onto the first square closest to the right wall. She braced herself for whatever horrible fate await those who ventured onto... whatever the strange puzzle was supposed to be. After several seconds of stillness, the princess tentatively opened her eyes, half expecting the army of undead to be standing in front of her. Unable to see any ill effects of her actions, the princess turned back to face Vill'Kern, smiling apologetically with a dash of relief thrown in.

"Sorry," Ariana spoke before he could scold her, holding her hands up in a pacifying gesture, the paper still clenched in her hands. "I'm not sure what your definition of sinner is, but..." The princess stopped, trying another approach prehaps a little less insulting. "We both know I won't make it out of here without you, it only makes sense that I..."

"Just... Just wait there until we're sure you won't spontaneously combust, okay? Please?" Ariana gave up trying to be tactful, returning her attention to the paper rather than wasting more time trying to spare the warrior's feelings. She was having enough trouble dealing with her own nerves at the moment.

The princess walked to the edge of the square she stood on, kneeling to closer inspect the next set of stones. If she was reading the 'map' properly it seemed as though she should continue straight ahead, but all the squares looked identical. Except for the miniscule script running the perimeter of each square. None seemed to repeat on the other tiles, making it impossible to find a pattern to follow.

"Wait." Ariana repeated thoughtfully, half to herself and half to the warrior. The princess pulled the dagger at her waist free of its sheath with one hand, holding the torch close to the floor with the other for one final inspection. Balancing the torch precariously on her shoulder, she quickly drew the blade of the dagger across her open palm.

Gasping at the sharp pain, Ariana held her hand out over the surrounding squares, letting her blood drip onto the symbol for 'blood' on the tiles. It had worked with the water, it was at least worth a shot. It was better than picking a square at random, at least.
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Was she insane? He wondered as he watched her with wide eyes, as she leaped and stepped on the first square. For a second he had the impulse to grab her and pull her back, but it was too late. She was standing on it, and nothing had happened to her. And just then he realised he has been holding his breath. Releasing the air, he was just about to scold her when she started to stumble in explanations. It caused him to smile a little, despite the tension he felt at the thought of her being turned to ashes or vaporized.

She was right, he wasn't exactly the definition of pure, but what she was doing was the least to say reckless. But what could he do against it? And if she was right, how could he possibly pass, even after her? He couldn't leap either, it was a too big distance. No, he had to pass the test, and he had no actual idea how. But now he was focusing on the princess, as she was acting just like he has with the golem, reckless. He only hoped she didn't make a wrong move.

But what was she doing now? He couldn't too well see, he only saw the shimmering blade and heard her gasp in pain. He saw the slight trickle of blood on the blade and watched with wide eyes as she gave her blood to the stone. Holding his hand gripping tightly at the sheathed sword, he readied himself for whatever was to come. But it didn't.

Firstly, the sign for blood caught a hint of shine, red just as the blood, then died down. For seconds, it all seemed worthless, but then, just as they could see, one of the squares on the last row, the first, actually, slowly lowered. Not much, but enough. That was the exit point, off the puzzle like piece of floor. But there were still a few squares to step on to get there. And the rest of the blood didn't trigger anything.

Leaning back against the wall behind him, he sighed, feeling a slight frustration due to such situation. Then something rang the bell. The piece of paper. Due to his excellent visual memory, the piece of paper was alive in his mind, he could see it clearly.

"Step... step on the next square. The next square, up. Forward. Do as i say. Then... uh.... take the square to the left... yes, the left! Then up again, two squares. Then left again, to the extremely left square. That is the way. Do it, Aria! "
Ariana relaxed as much as possible while risking one's life, relieved that the warrior hadn't followed her onto the tiles despite her slightly jumbled reasoning. At least if she was wrong about this, as she had been about the tunnels in the first place, Vill'Kern wouldn't be the one to suffer for her mistake.

The princess held her breath while she waited for something to happen, the seconds passing by after her blood had touched the tiles seemingly stretching out for ages. Ariana's head snapped up when she heard stone grating against stone, expecting a beast that would put even the golem to shame. Instead, she was rewarded with... a divot? That was it? After everything else the labyrinth had thrown at them, a sunken stone seemed a little anticlimactic.

The princess waited for something else to happen, positive that couldn't be the extent of the tiles' powers. Had she missed a blood ruin? She moved the torch around the puzzle, looking for any she had missed, but unable to see any within reach. There were a few on the tile furthest from her while still in the same row, but according to the map that was one of the trap tiles. So how were they supposed to smuggle The Slayer across the square? She doubted even he could jump such a distance, and even with his speed there was no out running magic. So how...?

Ariana jumped to her feet as the warrior spoke, quick to follow his firmly spoken directions out of instinct. That was not a tone one wanted to disobey. The princess stepped onto the next tile he had indicated without pausing to think of the possibly horrific end that was quite likely to be awaiting her, following the warrior's directions onto the left tile. She caught herself before she could go any farther, unwilling to completely cross the puzzle without knowing Vill'Kern would be able to cross as well. The princess stood still upon the third tile, determined to wait no matter how much she wanted to run when The Slayer raised his voice at her.

Ariana turned back to face the way she had come, trying to think of some way for him to cross without being struck down by the square's curse. It was difficult to formulate a plan when they did not even know the full meaning of the riddle. What exactly qualified one as 'pure'? If it was referring to religion, Vill'Kern was as good as dead. She had seen him kill countless enemies in just the few short days since they had met, breaking the first cardinal law in almost all belief systems. Back in the village when she had returned with the stolen items, he had seemed impressed rather than disapproving, leading her to believe he was not unfamiliar with the act himself. The princess was certain he was also experienced in other... less frowned upon actions practiced by many citizens of Valysia, though an act that would label a person impure should it be completed before marriage.

Ariana shook her head to clear her thoughts, trying to suppress the heat rushing to her cheeks. So, for all intensive purposes The Slayer would be considered a sinner by any religious stand point, but what if the spell used a different means of judging a person? The only way to know for sure would be to ask the one responsible for the enchantment, an impossible task at the moment. If only there was a way to hide his aura, prehaps the tiles wouldn't be able to detect his sins. But how? The princess could sense auras, not diminish them, and neither of them knew much in the way of magic. If only they had a way to contact Samon, then-

"The potion," Ariana spoke her thoughts aloud as they came to her, an idea slowly formulating in her mind. "The potion from Samon should act as a barrier to hide your aura. If the enchantment can't detect your aura, it shouldn't be able to tell whether or not you have sinned or not. But..."

Only the pure may walk the path of the Gods. If the enchantment couldn't tell whether of not the warrior had sinned, how would it be able to tell if he was pure?

Carefully, Ariana retraced her steps back to the first tile, clenching and unclenching her injured hand to encourage the flow of blood once more. Coming to a stop in front of the warrior, Ariana solemnly held out her still bleeding hand for him to take.

"And the blood of the pure."
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Her plan was insane. But it might actually work. The skeletons probably have stumbled around and across the puzzle, but there was no obvious sign of their destruction, so probably the spell/curse was not working on beasts. If the potions were to hide the aura and turn him spiritually into a beast, then it should work, but what if it did not. It was a two sided blade. But there was no other way to find out other than try it.

Taking the vial with his potion, he opened it and sniffed. It made him cringe, it smelled worse than a rotting dead body. How would that thing taste, he wondered. Taking a deep breath he looked to the princess and raised the vial.

"To your... long life"

As in a toast, he did, then thrown his head back and swallowed all the content of the vial, feeling it burn through him. At first there was no effect. He just stood there, staring with empty eyes. He had no actual idea why, but he was invaded and drained, one by one, of all the emotions. He felt dry, extinguished, yet full of unknown energy. The light of life and the willpower of his body totally vanished. With his last remain of clear conscience, he managed to speak.

"I'm... going"

He then remained silent. He looked at the puzzle before him, then with a stiff hand he grabbed the paper Ariana held, and looked upon it, once more. Turning to her, he took off the glove from his right hand and grabbed her hand. He made sure his hand was full of her blood. Turning back around towards the puzzle, he stepped on the first square, then lowering himself, he placed his bloody hand upon the stone with the blood mark. Nothing happened. He was deemed as pure.

He stood, and continued, taking steps on each of the squares he had mentioned previously. He moved slow, and automatic, not feeling a thing. His foot finally made contact with the floor beyond the puzzle. He passed it. But he had lost any trace of sense or feeling. Though, he didn't lose his memory nor his set purpose, to take the princess to her vengeance. For what Samon said, the effect of the potion would last one day. Hopefully.

Gazing at the princess with lifeless eyes he spoke, dry.

"Come on. Pass and let us go forth."

The corridor he was on at the moment took forward into darkness.
Ariana's fingers clenched tightly around the torch she held in the hand not currently extended to the warrior, a gut wrenching fear over taking her. She had been wrong about the potion. The princess hadn't expected this... this vacancy within The Slayer, hadn't realized when she told him her plan just how great of a risk the potion might pose to his well being. One by one she felt his emotions melt away until she couldn't recognize the presense standing in front of her, replaced with... nothing. He was like the skeletons they had fled from, a hollow shell. Ariana hadn't realized just how much she had gotten used to the consistently solid aura until it was gone.

They should have turned back. He should have left while he had the chance. What if the potion didn't wear off like Samon had predicted? Would he be stuck like this forever? Their task wasn't worth the warrior's mind. Ariana's life wasn't worth his soul.

Ariana simply stared into the warrior's empty eyes as he spoke as if he were stuck in a dream, desperately wishing she could take back ever mentioning the damned potion. The princess flinched as he grabbed the paper suddenly from her grasp, uncertain how, or if, his mind was functioning. Was it possible to live without a soul? No, she wouldn't let it get to that. They would return to the village, track down Samon, and force him to fix the warrior if they had to. Silently she vowed to help him without fail, as he had done for her.

A sharp hiss of breath escaped through Ariana's clenched teeth, roused from her thoughts by the rough grip squeezing her injured hand. Before she had time to react he was already moving away, stepping onto the first tile. She stared wide eyed after him, waiting for the puzzle to reject the warrior and bring an abrupt end to their journey.

It never happened. He stood and passed through the puzzle without a hitch, turning back to summon the princess in that eerie, lifeless tone once he had reached the other side. Ariana slowly followed the same path he had taken, stopping in front of him on the other side. They had made it, but was it really worth the cost?

"Vill'Kern?" Ariana spoke softly, uncertain if he would turn volatile if provoked. Tentatively she placed a hand lightly on his arm, trying to draw his attention to her words. "Can you hear me? ...How do you feel?"

Ariana glanced around the warrior at the dark passage awaiting them, uncertain if they could continue forward with Vill'Kern in his current state.
Her touch didn't make him feel anything at all. Something was yet trying to grasp at his thoughts, but they all slipped through and away. He just stared at the princess, recalling her name, over and over and over again, with his mind and also, silently, with his lips. He still knew what he had to do, he had to lead her out and away, the briefing of their quest fresh inside his empty mind.

Her voice didn't awaken anything at all inside him. He stared empty towards her, into her eyes, standing there just like a stone wall. He only nodded at her question and looked into the darkness that awaited them.

"We must move on. The exit is not far"

He spoke without the breath of life as he turned and started marching ahead. He now was acting just like one of the thousands of undead he had been fighting years ago in a war that plagued the vastelands. His armor clanged with each step he took, as he hit the sole of his metal boot against the stone floor of the tunnel. As he marched on, the light of his torch set the darkness away more and more forward, and left it behind. And just as he vanished from sight, the sound of a drawing sword could be heard, then clanging of the blade against the bones.

Not far away, hidden in the darkness, awaited a skeleton. The Slayer didn't sense anything until he was faced with the moving bones that attacked him. Senseless, he drawn his sword and dropped the torch, then started dancing around the skeleton, hitting it constantly with the sword. At least the potion didn't affect his ability to fight, though his grace was all gone, he only struck like a rabid beast, with no soul, struck the sword repeatedly against the bones and stabbed through thin air.

His mind just repeated the idea of destroying, the skeleton was enemy and the enemy had to be crushed by any means. With a metal gloved hand he struck the skull of the skeleton, with such force that it just flew away from the spinal tap and hit against the wall, then fell shattered to the ground. But the rest of the skeleton remained standing and still fought against the now unhuman warrior.

He had to protect the princess.
Ariana had been wrong about so many things recently. So very, very wrong. Why had she suggested that stupid potion? Why did Vill'Kern have to pay for her mistakes? It seemed like the universe was punishing everyone around the princess for her misdeeds. As she stared into the warrior's eyes completely devoid of life, his lips moving soundlessly but no cognitive spark of understanding present, she wished he had just taken her to the Deathless King as he had been paid to do. The force of the thought shocked even herself, and she was left reeling as she wondered if she had really just been prepared to trade the life of one for the death of everyone else in Valysia.

Everyone else in Valysia hadn't travelled with her, hadn't risked their lifes for her only to be repaid with a fate worse than death.

Ariana stared after the warrior as he spoke tonelessly, turning on his heels and marching away. That was a good sign, right? He could remember their mission, so his mind was still there. A suppression potion then, rather then a potion that destroyed. The princess leaned heavily against the stone wall, the strength leaving her legs at the torrent of relief that overpowered her fear. A suppression spell could be broken, the mind restored to its former state. If the potion had been of destruction, if it had destroyed the warrior's mind completely, the odds of ever salvaging even fragments of the lost soul were...

Ariana shuddered and firmly forced herself to stop thinking of what could have been. It was a suppression potion, and that was that. The effects could be counter acted and Vill'kern's aura would be unharmed, if only a little squished around the edges. The princess let out a breathless chuckle as she pushed away from the wall to hurry after the clattering of the warrior's armour, so relieved even her own half crazed thoughts seemed hilarious.

Ariana's quick trot turned into a full fledged sprint when she heard the distinctive noise of a blade being drawn, closely followed by the sounds of battle. It didn't take long for the princess to catch up to the warrior and the headless skeleton he fought, looking around quickly to make sure there weren't any other enemies closing in on them. There wasn't any yet, but with the loud, echoing sounds of bone against blade it was only a matter of time.

Time they didn't have. Vill'Kern didn't seem to remember what he had said about needing to crush the bones to defeat the undead enemy, the warrior ferociously stabbing and hacking at the skeleton. Ariana thought of calling out, but the last time she had spoken to him her words hadn't seemed to be able to reach him. She looked around desperately for something blunt, but what was the point? Even if she could find something, she wouldn't be able to strike at the skeleton without either hitting or being hit by the warrior. Would she even be strong enough to crush the bones, if she had the chance?

No, there was nothing she could do to fight. There was no guarantee he wouldn't see her as an opponent as well if she got too close. Physically, there was nothing she could do.

Ariana fixed her gaze on the fighting warrior, breathing deeply to ease her own emotions. She needed to be calm. She wasn't sure if it had any effect on the golem earlier, but The Slayer was as blank as a slate as could be while still living. If the princess would be able to push even the slightless influence into the warrior's mind it should be enough, nothing in the way to block the thought. But if his aura had been suppressed, was there really any hope of being able to reach it?

There was only one way to find out. It wasn't as if there was any other option left to the princess. Trying to keep her worry at bay, Ariana reached for the warrior's aura, grasping desperately for some sort of leverage in his mind. Breathing deeply, she concentrated on one thought over and over, willing it with all her might to reach him.

Something struck deep in his hollow mind. A thought. But not normally. It occured strongly, repetitive and imperative. Again, and again, and again. He didn't understand why, but he just wished to obey. "Crush, crush, crush, crush" It was his will now. His lips moved and his voice started repeating the word out loud.

"Crush, crush, crush, crush"

He yet continued striking at the skeletal figure, that almost danced around him. Sheathing his sword, with an impenetrable calm, he firstly grabbed at the boney arm of the undead. A clawy strike hit him in the face, bones penetrating the flesh of his cheek, causing him a slight bleeding. But he didn't flinch, and nor did he mind it. His mind was set. His second arm wrapped about the walking sack of bones, and so did the first. He embraced the beast that was now writhing and trying to slip away from his strong hold.

He stared into the eyes of the princess, as if he knew she was giving him the order, and he dedicated the kill to her. His arms tightened their embrace on the bones, and the sound of bones cracking started echoing against the walls. The sound got louder and louder and splinters of bones started falling to the stone floor, as the undead continued squirming desperate to escape. But The Slayer gave the merciless embrace of death to the end, turning the skeleton into a pile of falling pieces of bones, with a horrid sound. He remained there, staring at the princess, while the pieces of bones at his feet turned to dust. The magic that kept the skeleton alive finally was washed away, and there remained nothing.

But it couldn't end all like that, could it? Just as the princess was thinking, other skeletons now swarmed on the only way, running towards the warrior that faced them with his back, standing between them and the princess like a stone wall. Turning around with a heavy movement, he struck at the very first skeleton that was about to grab at his neck, crushing its skull with a single blow. His fists started throwing punches all around, grabbing a skeleton and lifting it up, he rammed it against the wall, several times, watching as it fell to pieces and turned to dust.

The skeletons kept grabbing at his armor, as if trying to dismantle it, while he turned around and struck at them. The only thought remaining in his head was that he had to protect the princess.

A sudden voice arose in the princess' head, the voice of the old mage Samon.

"What has happened to... the Slayer? I cannot sense his... aura any longer... did he... die?"
Each crack of the splintering bones sent a new wave of chills up the princess's spine, the noise vibrating through her own bones. It had worked, the warrior had definitely received her message if his chanting was anything to go by, but the thought brought her little joy as she stared back into his void like eyes, the cursed skeleton crumbingly to pieces between them.

Ariana's knees were trembling by the time there was nothing left of the bones, the princess trying to compose herself enough to think. If her thoughts had gotten through to the warrior maybe she could pull his aura free from the confines of the effect Samon's potion with enough concentration. They didn't really have time to be loitering around, but if it meant returning The Slayer to his former state it would be time well spent.

Before she had a chance to approach the warrior, opening her mouth to speak despite knowing he couldn't fully grasp what she was saying, a steadily growing rattling stole the breath from her lungs. There was barely a moments notice before the legion of undead swarmed into the corridor they were currently standing in, colliding with the warrior with terrible noise.

Protect yourself, Ariana thought desperately at the warrior, all but begging to him rather than ordering. Her distress made it difficult to focus on his mind when she could see the blood on his face reflecting in the light of the torch. How many other injuries did he have, hidden by the enemies swarming around him? Not even The Slayer could keep fighting forever, not without any sense of self preservation. They could run back to the puzzle and pray the skeletons couldn't pass, but there was no way to communicate with The Slayer, and even if she could there was no way to extract him from the enemy.

"Samon!" Ariana gasped aloud, the old mage's voice echoing within her mind, her eyes never leaving The Slayer surrounded by the skeletons. After a horrifying moment of thinking she had lost her mind, the princess remembered Samon's oath to watch over them on their travels. Why hadn't he said anything until now? There wasn't time to wonder about that now, now she needed answers before the warrior was over run by the undead army.

"Vill'Kern took your potion, it suppressed his aura to the point of acting like one of the undead." The princess rushed to explain, uncertain how the connection to Samon worked or how long it would last. "Which he is now fighting an army of. Cursed skeletal remains. What do we do, Samon? Even Vill'Kern can't keep them at bay forever!"
"So... the effects were too... potent, i see. I am sorry... for the trouble i have caused... To my... shame, i didn't make any reverse effect potion... I would take the time to make it, but i couldn't... deliver it. At the moment, i'm riding to Hyeris, to seek out the High Circle. Though i might have a... a cure"

While Samon was speaking, The Slayer fought fiercely, crushing skeletons one after another with bare hands. He did not rage out, nor did he despair, he fought without no feeling, delivering punch after punch and destroying skull after skull. He was devoid of any sense at all, just delivering the deserved end to every of the undead that tried causing him harm. He did not feel any pain at all as boney claws grasped at his neck with enough strenght to draw blood.

And there it was, coming close with the swarm, the fire skeleton. Fire burnt in the eye sockets and a malicious grin was all it displayed. A faceless grin. Approaching the warrior the more he crushed skulls, the undead on fire grasped at his armor, the steel it was made of immediately turning red due to the heat. If it was going to melt, the sellsword would suffer severe burns which could lead to his death. But he did not speak a word.

Grabbing at the skeleton's skull, as his metal gloves caught the red shimmer already, he bashed it against the wall, the fact that the bone was charred rendering it easier to turn to dust. As soon as the fire from the empty eye sockets perished, the remains turned to ashes in an instant. The magic that empowered the skeleton was replaced by fire as it was burnt, and as the fire was extinguished, so did its bearer turn to ashes.

The other skeletons continued swarming, attacking him and getting disposed of quickly, while Samon continued speaking.

"You are in the... Forsaken Labyrinth... at the end of it... there is a... an ancient knight... if you pass his test he will grant you exit and whatever... wish you have, as long as it's in his... reach. He might be able to... help you... it's all i can... do"

Samon ended his speech and his voice suddenly vanished. While The Slayer mechanically crushed each and every skeleton, as if driven by a murderous desire.
It felt like hours before the last of the skeletons had been reduced to splinters and dust at Vill'kern's feet, the man standing amongst the floating particles of the undead remains like a vengeful spirit. With his eyes devoid of emotion and an aura to match, the resemblance with eerily uncanny.

Ariana stood trembling in the corridor, pressed with her back firmly against the stone wall as though she could melt into the stone. This was The Slayer she had heard legend after legend about. The most feared man in all of Valysia, a man without a soul. This was what she had done to him.

Slowly the princess forced herself to push away from the wall, trying to hide her apprehension as she inched closer to the warrior, holding her hands palm up to show she was unarmed. She didn't dare try to influence his mind again after what had happened last time. The image of the warrior's lifeless eyes staring into her own as he smothered the skeleton, as if he wanted nothing more than to replace the cursed being with the princess, still fresh in her mind.

"Vill'Kern?" Ariana spoke breathlessly, striving for calm. She couldn't let her nerves get in the way of making sure The Slayer hadn't been fatally wounded. It was still Vill'Kern, she told herself firmly, trying not to flinch at the unnerving gaze that seemed to stare right through her, he was just... just under the weather at the moment.

"Vill'Kern, I'm... I'm going to stop the bleeding, okay?" Ariana placed a hand tentatively on the warrior's arm, half expecting him to lash out at her, in an attempt to guide him to sit on the ground so she could better inspect his injuries. "Then we'll go... go get you back to normal, okay? Just wait a little longer and everything will be alright."

Ariana pulled the herbs she carried from her pockets, looking for the ones she needed while trying to keep an eye on the warrior and refrain from dropping the torch at the same time. The princess spoke as she moved about, knowing she was speaking to herself but too unnerved by the silence to remain quiet. Her hands were trembling to the point of almost being unable to handle the dried leaves.

"Samon... contacted me," She told the unaware warrior, finding the herbs she had been looking for in relief. "He said there is an anicent warrior at the end of the labyrinth that... that should be able to set everything back to normal if we can complete his test. After everything else we have seen it will be simple, right? ...Right."

As if anything was simple within the Forsaken Labyrinth.
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Her words were empty to him. They made no sense at all, they just rang against him and dissipated. They didn't even echo through him. All dust in the wind. He was docile and didn't put no effort in struggling against her. Somewhere he knew she was the one he should trust, the one who wouldn't hurt him, but it all stopped there. Obeying her will, he sat. Blood was gushing from the cut on his cheek and blood was also gushing from the small wounds caused by the bones that grabbed at his neck.

He looked at the princess with his empty, hollow blue eyes, while she spoke and hurried as much to mend his wounds. He didn't struggle back when she started applying all sorts of ointments made right there and then on his wounds. He did not feel pain or discomfort at all, he just behaved like a doll in her hands, doing as she willed. Something echoed in the back of his empty mind. A song.

The sad melody caught immediately life into his throat, as he unconsciously hummed it, while staring at and through the wall before him. Again, he had no actual idea when or where he learned it, he just felt a need to give it life. But why was it sad? Maybe part of his feelings were kicking in? Or maybe he felt the desperation of the princess?

He remained in place until she finished working on his wounds, then stood, mechanically. The corridor took forth, seeming to be the ending of the nightmare in the Labyrinth. But were they going to make it? At the exit, an old knight lied in wait, ready to give them the test. The Slayer, trapped in his other world of emptiness, started taking slow steps, leaving the princess behind while he moved forth, bestowing light upon the further darkness.

It wasn't long before he took steps into a large chamber. Nothing inside. Before him, on the very other side of the chamber, a wooden door. And before the wooden door, a warrior.

A shiny black armor, that perfectly reflected the light of the twelve torches placed all around the room. A red cape upon the shoulders of his shiny armor, armor which on the chest wore a sign. A shield with a crescent moon graved into it. The warrior had a long sword sheathed at his right hip. His head was covered with a red hood, same color as the cape, and on his face lain a iron mask, black as the armor. Only two eyes watched from behind the mask, and a voice came out to speak, firmly. It seemed fairly young, despite the knight being called "ancient".

"Halt! I am Veritas, swearer of the Oath, guardian of the Labyrinth, bearer of the Ninth Penitence and the last of my order! If you wish to pass and exit the labyrinth, you must earn the right, by wit or blade. If you choose the wit, i shall give you three riddles. Answer them correctly, and you are granted pass. If you choose blade, you must duel with me. Defeat me, and you may pass"

The Slayer stared empty and devoid towards the knight, not speaking a word.
There was so much blood. Ariana tried her best to stem the flow the crimson liquid, applying pressure to the neck of the empty shell that used to be the warrior, the material she held over the wound quickly becoming saturated with his blood. She shuddered as the warm fluid leaked through the fabric of the rag to slide down her arm, the sleeve of her light armour slowly but surely beginning to match the rag.

Ariana constantly peaked at The Slayer's face as she worked, his emotionless and more than a little unnerving expression never changing, but the princess thought she noticed a paleness to the man the hadn't been present before. It was too difficult to tell for sure in the flickering light of the torches, but the princess increased the speed at which she moved once she returned to her task nonetheless.

Ariana pulled the rag away from his neck when she thought the injuries to his cheek could no longer wait, packing the wound with the paste of herbs she had prepared earlier in the corridor with the writing on the wall. The princess apologized profusely as she pushed the mixture into the cut, unable to think of another way to force the bleeding to an end with the tools they had in their possession. She quickly wrapped a large amount of bandages around his neck as tightly as she dared, wary of an attack in the case his uncomprehensive mind interpreted her actions as trying to strangle the man.

Ariana was braced for an attack and received a song instead. The princess stared wide eyed at the still vacant eyed mercenary, completely thown by his actions. What was that supposed to mean? Could his mind possibly be returning? The princess tried once more to communicate with the warrior, trying to keep herself from hoping too strongly as she did, lightly tapping his uninjured cheek as she repeated his name over and over again.

When the empty shell formerly known as Vill'Kern failed to reply with anything other than the soft music, Ariana returned her attention to his injured cheek, slightly shaken by the random melody. Somehow the eerie music emanating from the currently soulless Slayer was even more unnerving than the silence had been.

The princess repeated the same process of bandaging his cheek as she had with his neck, luckily this wound not quite as bad as the first. She released a relieved sigh as she finally finished, leaning back on her heels to examine her work. The bandages were both dotted with red, but not nearly to the extent of the rag.

Ariana stared in shock as the warrior stood without warning, the music coming to an abrupt end. He had taken several strides away from her before the princess's mind clicked into gear, abandoning the bloody mess she had left on the floor to scurry after the warrior. She grabbed a hold of his arm once she had caught up, expecting The Slayer to turn a corner and be lost to the labyrinth forever. She was beginning to miss the creepy melody already.

Ariana carefully inspected the large chamber as they came to a stop in the final stretch of the labyrinth, her eyes first landing on the door before sliding to the knight posed in front of it. The princess kept her firm grip on the warrior's arm as the rather shiny knight spoke, uncertain if he would attack the ancient being without provocation. She winced as the terms of the challenge were announced, a sense of dread returning to her.

What was with this place and riddles?

After waiting long enough to make sure Vill'Kern wasn't going to attack unexpectedly, Ariana released his arm, stepping further in to the chamber to bring the dark knight's attention to her.

"I choose wit." She announced with a confidence she didn't feel, wondering what would happen were she to answer one of the riddles incorrectly. Truly, the princess was terrible with riddles.
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The guardian nodded at the princess, as she took a step forth, while The Slayer remained behind, staring at the knight. And odd silence fell upon the room for some seconds, probably a minute, while the two excanghed... gazes. The knight finally took a step forth, turning his mask towards the princess and spoke.

"So be it. But be aware that, should you fail, pass will not be granted. You will then have to take the challenge of the sword. Your champion should be ready for that"

The mask rose to gaze upon Vill'Kern once more, before the knight placed his hands behind his back.

"First riddle. I can run, but never walk. I have a mouth, but never talk. I have head, but never weep. I have bed, but never sleep. What am I? "

The guardian accentuated properly every word, stopping upon each, as to let the princess memorize it. He awaited some seconds, to let her ponder, before announcing himself with a slight cough.

"I'm the part of a bird that's not in the sky. I can swim through the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I? "

Again, he spelled every word properly, taking care to leave the princess time to ponder upon the riddle. The Slayer simply stood behind and yet beside her, turning his head eventually towards her. The words were nule to him, and he was absent. The knight finally spoke the last riddle out.

"I am mother and father, but never birth or nurse. I'm rarely still, but i never wander. What am I? "

With the riddles spoken, the knight awaited the princess' answers, standing still with the stiffness of a statue.
Ariana pointedly ignored the knight's comment about the consquences of failing to correctly answer all of the riddles, already anxious enough without the added pressure of knowing the injured warrior would be forced to fight the ancient knight should she fail. The princess stared at the floor sightlessly as she concentrated on the words the knight had recited, going through each and every word of the first riddle for several long minutes before speaking.

"The answer to the first riddle is 'a river'." Ariana spoke firmly, fairly confident in her answer. No living creature could run but not walk. There were few things that could be described to have a 'mouth', the foremost of which occurring to the princess was a cave, but the solid stone couldn't run, quickly eliminating the possibility. She had no idea about the head and the weeping part of the riddle, but with the mention of a bed that was not used for sleeping sparked the answer in her mind. Water was described as running, had a mouth at the beginning of an start of a body of water. River bed was the only reference she could think of involving sleep and water together.

"The second answer is a... is the bird's... the bird's reflection." Ariana forced herself to speak, uncertain of the anwer but unable to think of any other possibilities even after several additional minutes of thinking. There was no physical aspect of the bird thought would remain behind once it was airborne, nothing the wouldn't get wet if submerged in water, anyway. The only thing that could be in water without getting wet was something that wouldn't sink into the water, something without weight or... without a physical form, like an image. Or a reflection.

"The third answer is.... is...." Ariana had no clue. Was there even an answer? Was it possible the knight had cheated, giving her an impossible question? No, Samon wouldn't have told them to come this way if there was no way to pass. The princess gazed around the room, desperately searching for some kind of hint. She wanted to ask the knight to repeat the riddle, but was afraid that he could take it as her answer.

Both a mother and a father, the neither gave birth nor nursed. Not a living creature she had ever heard of, then. Constantly in motion, but never moving. A... a breeze? No, the wind technically moved, and was mother to none but another wind. The princess bit her lip, trying to keep her raising panic from clouding her thoughts. She couldn't let Vill'kern fight again, not after all the blood he would already lost. She would be sending him to his death.

If only they were out of this forsaken place, out of the confining walls were she could breathe and think, the thought of the forest they had travelled through passing through her mind with such deep longing, she-

"A tree!" Ariana exclaimed, turning to the dark knight to see if her hunch was correct. A tree had spores that would grow into another tree, that required nothing from the parent plant after it had been formed. Formed, not birthed. A tree's branches were constantly moving in the wind, but the roots never moved. That had to be it! "The third riddle is a tree!"

Ariana continued talking before the knight could speak, afraid he would disappear once the path was opened. "I was told you would grant a boon to anyone that could pass your test, in addition to letting us through." The princess spoke in a rush, motioning to The Slayer to illustrate to the knight who she was referring to.

"Please restore Vill'kern's aura to its former state, before he took the potion!"
The knight stood, awaiting her answers, and upon receiving each, he nodded his head, telling her with that gesture that her answer was correct. And there it was, three correct answers. Before she spoke, the guardian took a step aside, leaving the exit door free. Then she spoke, demanding the right to one boon. So far, no one made it past him, as all the others tried their luck at sword combat and were all slain, if they did not die on the "path of the Gods".

But the knight knew one thing. To give what she had asked of him, meant to give all the vital energy he had left. But it was her right, she won it by answering correctly with her riddles. Without speaking a word, he took slow steps towards Vill'Kern, who stood just like a stone wall somewhere behind the princess, still lost in his own world. The tension grew slightly as the ancient came to a halt at a foot before the huge and silent Slayer.

His arms stretched out, but not before he took his metal gloves off, and placed their hands upon The Slayer's head, on the temples, while Vill'Kern, seeming hypnotised by the calm movement did not even flinch. And long seconds passed, without anothing happening. Silence fell over everything, before The Slayer firstly stirred.

He felt a torment that bursted out from deep inside of him. His eyes suddenly sparked with the light of life and he felt the need to take a deep breath. He exhaled the air as a prolonged sigh, while he felt himself coming alive. His head was melting with pain, which quickly washed off. The knight, taking his hands off Vill'Kern's head, took a step back, before falling to a knee before him, and the princess. He was dry of the vital flow, but his death moment was not yet so near.

With a soft, sad sigh, he spoke, in low tone.

"My... my conclusion is drawing near... And then, the Labyrinth will crumble..."

He lost the last drop of balance and fell onto his back. Vill'Kern immediately took the one knee position, looking down at the fading ancient knight. The mask turned to face The Slayer, while the voice rose with a heavy effort.

"I... want you to... end me... End me... and take the Ninth Penitence with you... treasure it..."

The knight gripped his sword. The sword was the one named Ninth Penitence. Unstrapping the sheathed sword from his armor, he placed it weakly into the Slayer's hands, as Vill'Kern took out his dagger. For a moment, silence fell over the room, heavy, grim, filled with gloom. Then The Slayer took the strike, burying the blade of the dagger into the knight's throat. With a heavy throb and a relieved gurgled sigh, the ancient fell limp into the embrace of death.

The Slayer placed him carefully upon the stone floor, as the walls of the Labyrinth started trembling, then, grabbing Ariana's hand, he huried with her, opening the door and exitting the Labyrinth just as it crumbled, burying the corpse of the ancient knight in piles and piles of stones.

They now beheld the sight of another part of forest.

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