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Chaos Upon Valysia {Eternal Wanderer x Cinnamon }

Ariana nodded to the guards that opened the gates for them to pass through, waiting until they were out of ear shot to answer The Slayer's question. Once they had left the valley the princess pulled the glass vials containing the potion the mage Samon had given her from the pockets of her armour. She lifted one of the ampoules skyward to examine the strange liquid in the light of the sun, twisting the small bottle this way and that to watch the flow of the thick blue fluid.

"It's a potion of some sort," Ariana repeated what the mage had told her, holding out one of the vials to The Slayer. Remembering what he had given her earlier, she also returned the coin pouch he had lent her. "Samon said for the length of one day, it is supposed to change the structure of the drinkers' blood to resemble that of the creatures that guard the land." The princess hesitated before adding the last bit of information the mage had given her, keeping her senses open to gauge the warrior's reaction. "In theory. Samon said he didn't get the opportunity to test it."

Ariana looked ahead at the thinning trees as Vill'kern spoke, her hands going clammy at the mere sight. Never before had the princess travelled so far from the walls of Khorinys. She stared at the ground as they approached the ominous fog coating the lands just beyond the trees, trying to keep her nerves from getting the best of her. At least the princess had grabbed a few of the items she had stolen from the inn before she had left to meet with the mage. Having something on her person, even if it was something as simple as herbs, made her feel more prepared to enter the unknown.

"I think it would be wise if you stopped calling me princess," Ariana latched on to the distraction, concentrating on The Slayer rather than the changing land scape. "It could be a problem if someone over heard."
He watched her explain him how the potions worked, raising his brow in mistrust. But his mistrust this time was frail, having heard of Samon's might in those concerning alchemy and even wizardry. He then heard her speak the last words and it gave him a skip of a heart.

So he was going to be testing something not even its creator was sure of? How was that even going to fit? He remained silent for a second, pondering upon the chances, and, on a second thought, they had a better chance of making it through if they tried. With a sigh, he shrugged and continued walking.

"Well, i guess we're going to see for ourselves if this works. But i will be the first to go. If i don't turn into a beast, then you may follow, but if not, you run back to Samon. And bleed his nose for me while you're at it"

He attempted a cruel joke, as they closed in the distance between them and the dreary fields up ahead. Then she spoke again, requesting him not to call her princess anymore. But how should he call her, then?

"Well, what would you have me call you, if not princess?"
"There is still time to change your mind, you know." Ariana once again offered The Slayer the chance to bow out of his pledge to help her, sensing his misgivings while they discussed the experimental potion. "Disappear into the fog. Then I'll have an extra day in Thraghul to bond with the Mad Mage."

Ariana shook her head silently, smiling slightly at Vill'kern's chivalrous plan. She refrained from mentioning the odds of the princess being able to out run the warrior should he change into a beast, certain he was also aware of the probabilities. No, the only chance either of them had was if the potions were effective. Even then their chances of survival were miniscule at best. Getting passed the mage's curse would be the easiest obstacle they would have to face.

Ariana shivered as they passed the last of the trees, stepping into the nothingness with only the endlessly swirling mist visible ahead of them. The princess edged closer to the warrior, wary of losing sight of him with the poor visibility. Surely the fog couldn't stretch out indefinitely?

"Anything that doesn't invite trouble is fine," Ariana answered distractedly regarding what he should call her, the princess's focus on the strange sensation of the fog against her skin. She was beginning to feel claustrophobic despite being outside, the moisture causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. "Ariana, Aria, whatever suits your fancy."
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He remained silent at her sort of offer. He needed no other words to tell so she could understand that he wasn't going to leave. Not now.

As they finally exitted the forest, he felt a chill run through him. That place was known as the Dead Fields, a vaste plain, above which black clouds were gathered all the time, and creatures of unknown origins roamed constantly. He remembered having to pass through the place many times, and having to fight his way through just as many. The cave of Thraghul was located somewhere north-west from where they were, and in about a mile they'd have to drink the potions to keep themselves safe.

With much care, he drawn his swords, twirling them in his hands skillfully once, before advancing. He looked back at times, to see the princess moving close to him.

"Stay close, and stay quiet"

He ordered her silently as he kept moving. Stepping away from the path, he started heading north-west, pulling her after him.

The field had nothing to take cover under, should they need it. Even the air was heavy and it almost felt unbreathable. He looked to the left and right, for any sign of beast, and suddenly, stopped.

Just tens of feet ahead of them, unaware, a huge stone golem was patrolling his territory. A massive humanoid form, made out of pure stone, with fiery red eyes that pierced through the thick fog with their gaze.

Vill'Kern knew all too well he had to avoid this battle, that thing could win only in a hand, by stepping on him. As it took steps, the ground vibrated under their feet. The Slayer ducked, and reached back, forcing the princess down with him. They had to stay invisible.
Ariana followed as close as she dared to The Slayer without crowding him as they moved through the endless fog. There was something strange about this place, other than the obviously uninviting landscape and the distinct lack of anything living. There something here, the princess was sure, lurking just out of sight. She could sense it, a presence she had never experienced before, flitting around the edges of her awareness. It was impossible to pinpoint, to lock on to and truly get a feel for. It was seemingly everywhere and no where all at once, moving with them as they pushed further through the fog, never ceasing the unnerving caress against Ariana's senses. If she had to venture a guess, she would have thought the fog was the source of her discomfort. The presence was the same as the mist, there without truly being present.

Ariana's attention was forcefully brought back to her surroundings as her breath left her in one quick swoop as the princess hit the ground unexpectedly. She straining her eyes to see what they were taking cover from, not trusting her other senses at the moment. All she could see through the fog was what she thought to be an odd looking stone monument. Quite bizarre in the otherwise barren land, she agreed, but uncertain why they were hiding from the antique. The princess had been about to ask when the monument rose into the air of it's own accord, jumping several yards before descending back to the ground with an earth rattling impact. Oh, Ariana thought dimly, oh yes they should certainly be hiding. Running too, perhaps, for good measure.

The princess reluctantly dragged her eyes from what she had taken to be the stone display, up to the rest of the solid stone form she had not been able to see through the fog. It seemed like hours before her gaze finally made it to the head-like boulder of the moving statue. And that's what it must have been, Ariana thought grimly, an enchanted statue or relic of some sort. There was a distinct lack of presence emanating from the creature, prompting the same void of sensation in the princess as any run of the mill pebble would. Well, any run of the mill mountain. In any case, she was certain whatever that thing was, it was insentient.

Did that mean they were in the Vorath's cursed lands already? Ariana pried her eyes from the glowing gaze of the creature, burning through the fog so high above them, to look over her shoulder at the way they came. Just barely was the outline of the safe, familiar trees visible through the wall of mist. They could run back and pray they made it before the creature took notice of them, but even with Ariana's limited knowledge of these lands she knew there was no other route to the caves of Thragul unless they were willing to circle around and enter from the north. A journey that would take days, if not weeks, to complete.

Ariana scanned the fog engulfed land, looking for some sort of cover for them to take shelter behind as they passed the stone monster. Unable to spot anything but the fog and the beast itself, she glanced to Vill'Kern, uncertain how he planned to advance, or if the legendary warrior would finally be forced to flee from a battle.
He stopped on a spot, watching with careful eyes the giant beast that took slow steps, passing by them, then turning around. There was no other way around it, so he had to distract the creature. Or attack it. He has never attacked a stone golem before, knowing as the only weak spot of these beasts were the eyes, but now, the princess' safety was at stake, and he would not risk lose her.

Turning back to her, he looked her in the eyes and grabbed her by the arm to make her fully aware, as he spoke in low voice.

"Listen. I will distract this thing, you run. I'll follow as soon but you just run past it. Get to a safety point and await for me. No other questions. Go now"

As he spoke, he stood, then with full speed, he ran past the golem's right foot, placing the blade of one of his sword against the harsh stone, thus creating sparks as the steel and the stone grinded each against the other. The golem was now aware of the presence of a hostile life form, and turned, merely stepping on the mercenary that ran around it. A huge fist slammed quickly into the ground, causing the gound to shatter and creating a hole in it. That was the time.

The mercenary moved full speed towards the huge hand, sheathing his swords, and as soon as the stone fist rose of the ground, he managed to grab it, and hold onto it. He was now high in the air, holding as tight as he could onto a fist that was moving through the air, while the golem set his fiery gaze upon the ground, looking confused as his target went out of sight.

The mercenary slowly and carefully started climbing his way upon the giant's arm, trying to reach the shoulder before the mindless beast would realise its target was on its arm and started moving it to throw him off.
Ariana stared after Vill'kern's quickly retreating form, the warrior taking to action before she could rebuff his suicidal plan. The princess stared at what little she could see, barely able to make out the shady silhouette of The Slayer as he darted about the behemoth's tower like legs. She wouldn't have even been able to tell the impression was indeed the warrior, if not for the sparks that ignited through the fog.

Snapping out of her stupor, Ariana darted passed the ridiculously large creature and the warrior she could no longer see, careful not to be caught beneath one of the solid stone 'feet' flailing about. It was pointless to argue the idiocy of this idea now that The Slayer had already engaged the beast's attention, and to follow the warrior into battle would only slow him down. The only course of action left to the princess was to find a spot of refuge. The sooner she located it, the sooner Vill'Kern could disengage the nightmarish creature.

A spot of refuge found the princess before she could find it. The ground had suddenly fallen out from under her as Ariana raced away from the battle she could not see but could most definitely hear, her feet colliding with solid ground one instant and thin air the next. She had tumbled a small distance down a dirt slope, coming to rest at the shallow base of the divot. Slightly disoriented Ariana had quickly inspected the indentation in the ground, coming to the conclusion it was as good a spot as possible to hide in their current venue.

Hoisting herself back up the sandy slope, Ariana thought it possible the cleft could have been a river bed at one time, one that had evaporated with the shifting climate. The thought was dismissed before it had time to register in the princess's mind, her attention focused wholly on the enormous shadow she saw silhouetted against the fog. All she could make out aside from the stone beast's outline was the burning red of its eyes, neither hide nor hair of The Slayer to be seen.

Breathing deeply to ease her growing concern, Ariana concentrated on the golem, barely able to sense the confusion softly drifting to her from the creature. It was barely there, only a sliver of what humans were capable of feeling, but there nonetheless. With a mind as small as the beast was large, the princess wondered if the emotion was enough to consume the walking boulder's mind despite its pitiful strength. Perhaps it was. Perhaps it would only take a little nudge to push it over the edge.

Or perhaps it would have no effect at all. Without a crystal to amplify her spiritual abilities, Ariana had little sway over the emotions of men. But if all it took was a suggestion of emotion to disorient the beast, it would be more than worth the effort. It was better than simply waiting there for the warrior's fate to be revealed, at any rate.

Focusing her mind on nothing but the stone behemoth, Ariana forced as much confusion into the creature's miniscule mind as she could muster.
And there he was, putting in action the craziest thing he has ever done. Climbing a giant that was moving. He knew, just as well as the princess, that this was the stupidest someone could be capable of but he had to do it. The armor, heavy as it was, slowed him down even more and pulled him back. He felt a slight pain in the shoulder in which just a day ago was growing an infection. Gripping tightly on the pieces of rock that the arm of the giant was made of, he climbed.

Stories he heard about these golems said that the beast was animated by an energy core that lain at the very center of it, covered in stone, impossible to reach. However, such power had only one way to burst through: the eyes. So, if that was true, if he stabbed the behemoth in its eyes, it should fall. Or at least go completely blind. He never fought such thing before, but it didn't frighten him the least.

"If i get out of this alive, i swear i'll start believing in gods" He humoured himself as he climbed higher, finally reaching the shoulder of the beast. And he still had a long way to go, up the head and then somehow to swing and stab it in the eyes. The giant seemed to have returned to its normal activity, patrolling from one side to the other of its domain, guarding. When it suddenly stirred, confused. It started turning about, not sure of its path.

Vill'Kern started climbing unto the head of the thing, using all his force to pull himself up and advance. The golem stood in place, not knowing which way to take. Something made it very confuse, and that gave The Slayer an advantage. Moving quick, he finally reached the top of its head. Now he needed somehow to dangle and push the swords into the beast's eyes, but how?

A crevace was opened right above the golem's forehead. Perfect spot. Moving slowly, he climbed down upon the stones, being now closer to the eyes than ever. He heard a slight sound. Firstly very weak, then stronger. So, it was true, the energy core did burst from the eyes. No better time to find out. With an absolutely insane courage, he jumped, sticking his now unsheathed swords straight into the thing's eyes. A loud thunderous sound was heard immediately after,

He now was freely falling. The height would probably render him crushed upon impact to the soil. The golem remained standing, but the energy from the huge eye sockets vanished. A giant, lifeless statue. With quick thinking, he let the swords go off his hands, and used the hands to grab at the first piece of rock that protruded from the beast. He found himself hanging, holding onto his very life, while his swords hit the ground with clinking sounds.

"Don't look down" He told to himself as he kept hanging, putting all his strenght in pulling himself upwards.
Ariana let out a frustrated breath, allowing herself to slide back down the dirt incline. She could see nothing through the fog, having no way to know if her efforts had any effect on the stone beast. No matter how hard she concentrated there was no way to force her eyes to see passed the swirling mist. At least she could still clearly sense Vill'kern's presence, his solid aura unyielding and seemingly unaffected by his current situation.

Ariana turned her attention to the crevice she currently knelt in, trying to distract from her worry. There was nothing she could do to assist The Slayer in his duel, only hope the legends about the warrior were accurate and wait to find out the outcome. Keeping her awareness constantly open to the unseen battle, the princess moved slowly through the narrow indentation, deciding the least she could do while she waited was to scout the immediate area.

The dirt slope slowly eased several yards below the earth, before smoothing out into a flat plain for a dozen or so feet before gently rising back in an incline on the other side. It was impossible for the princess to see above the edge of the crevice while standing at the base of the indentation, and the trail appeared to continue endlessly in either direction. It was too bad the crevice ran parallel to their destination rather than perpendicular. It was much easier to see below the ground, whisps of fog barely penetrating the opening in the ground as it rolled by. The princess had been looking upward at the swirling mist when her feet had fallen out from beneath her for a second time.

A surprised yelp was all the princess had time to utter before she rapidly dropped, her fingers just barely closing around the edge of the opening before she descended too far to break her fall. Ariana clenched her eyes shut, turning her face away from the cascade of sand that fell over the edge of the opening after her, the rough grains sliding passed the princess like an hour glass that had been set upside down.

Ariana slowly pried her eyes open when the last of the sand had fallen, peeking passed her shoulder to glance at the ground a couple of feet below her toes. Was this a hole? What was a hole in the ground doing in the middle of the Dead Fields? Maybe this is what was referred to as a 'sink hole'. The princess could make out the ground beneath her dangling feet in the rays of light leaking through the recently exposed opening, the dull coloured sand glittering in the light. It looked more like a tunnel than a hole to the princess, at least from her vantage point. With her eyes locked on the ground that looked ominously distant, the princess relaxed her grip on the edge of the opening, bracing herself for the inevitable impact.

Ariana gave a second yelp as she hit the ground, slipping in the grains of sand that had cushioned her descent. Slowly the princess pushed herself to her feet, scanning the area she had landed in. It was difficult to see beyond the circle of light leaking through the opening, the darkness seemingly increasing in density the further she looked until there was nothing to be seen but pure, impenetrable black.

Looking down at the ground beneath her, Ariana brushed some of the sand aside to feel the cold, smooth stone beneath. It felt too smooth to have been man made. The princess glanced around herself again, a chilling thought occurring to her. What if a creature similar to that of what Vill'Kern currently fought had cleared out the area? She couldn't sense anything, but she hadn't been aware of the golem either until it was right in front of them. Was it possible an even more menacing beast existed?

It was possible the apparent tunnel had been created by magic. It could be the Mad Mage's personal passage, if even the magically inclined villain didn't have full control of the beasts that had fallen victim to his curse. Were that the case the tunnel could lead directly to their destination without fear of encountering the damned beasts, a much more appeal option than dancing about the feet of the stone golem and its like. It was possible, but it was just as likely to lead to a dead end.

It was impossible to tell which was the case without some source of light. Looking back up at the opening she had fallen through, the princess frowned. First and foremost, though, she had to find a way out of the hole. Bracing her feet against the stone wall for leverage, Ariana sprang towards the light, catching hold of the stone edge of the opening by the tips of her fingers.
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"Well, my feet are dangling way above the ground, so does my body. I don't think i can stay like this for far too long. I must do something"

He spoke to himself as he forced himself from the arms, pulling his massive body upwards. But with the weight he had due to the excessively heavy armor he wore, it was harder than he'd expect. Moving one hand to the left he grabbed at the more proeminent side of the stone, and placed a foot on a piece of stone right below it. Now his weight was more well sustained. But his sole was slipping.

He had to make one final effort. Tightening all his muscles to the limit, he used the energy rush that came with the adrenaline, out of the obvious fear of not falling to his death, and pushed himself up. He started climbing now, not caring that his body felt numb with pain and his strenght was dissipating. He climbed easier than he ever did, one stone after another, and in short time, he reached the golem's shoulder. Finding himself there, all he could do was fall and lay upon it, breathing heavily. He was safe for the moment being, but he now had to climb down the arm and somehow jump onto the leg, to climb down to the ground.

But where would Ariana be? That's what he wondered. He didn't hear her voice, yelling after him. Was she safe? Or did some other monster grab her and run away with her while he was busy with the golem? This thought gave him once again a rush of energy, which he quickly used to his advantage. Careful, he started climbing down the arm of the giant as if he's done such things since he was born. Reaching the clenched fist of the creature, he looked down. It wasn't that much to travel to the ground, but with his weight, if he jumped, he'd probably be crushed by the armor.

He had to try at least. He looked down several minutes, calculating. It was somewhere over 20 ft. What was the longest jump he ever took? He tried remembering, but he couldn't. It would be crazy of him to just jump. But wasn't it crazy of him to attack a stone giant and climb it? Oh, aye it was, but he got out alive, so why wouldn't he get out alive of this insane jump? Only one way to find out.

He remembered how, back down, the soil was somewhat soft. At a point, he did feel the soil slip from below his feet, but he didn't mind it that much. So probably, it would be as if he jumped on a mattress. He tried thinking of jumping onto a mattress, to give himself courage. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, and finally, he pushed himself forth. And there he was, flying through the air.

Before he could think of anything, he felt his body being shaked roughly by the impact. He heard the pieces of his armor clanging each against other, and a slight pain in his back, chest and the back of his head. For several moments, he couldn't breathe, and suddenly he started coughing, trying to suck in as much air as he could. But he felt pain. That meant he was... alive?

Turning to his stomach, he first rose on all fours, still coughing, he stood. He felt dizzy and the pain in the back never ceased, but he could stand. For a moment, he stumbled forth, then regaining his balance he shook his head, and took a few steps, while looking around. The golem remained in place as a statue, drained of the energy that put it into movement just minutes earlier. He did it! He killed a golem. With wide eyes, he stared at the petrified figure, not even believing what he saw. Imagine what everyone would say if they heard of such. But sadly, there was none to wittness his bravery more than... the princess? Where was she?

Rushing to the spot where his swords lain, he picked them up and sheathed them, before going looking for her. His voice rose through the fog, as he called for her.

"Aria? Aria?!? Where are you?"
Ariana was not a tall person. She had come to this conclusion some time ago, when everything she sought within the walls of Khorinys always seemed to be stored high above her, just out of reach of her grasping fingers. At first, the princess had thought it had been a rather humourless joke the royal guard had played on her during her youth. Now, however, as she stood within the depths of the tunnel, the hollowed out passage just below the surface of the deathly fields they had been travelling, Ariana was forced to grudgingly acknowledge her small stature. The princess glared upwards at the elusive crack in the ground, the source of her current predicament and rapidly growing displeasure. So close, yet too far for her ridiculously short form.

The princess had almost been free of the damned crevice, her fingers closing around the edge of the cracked ground with a surge of triumph after her leap had actually managed to carry her close enough to her target. It had been when she had tried to pull herself up to the solid ground above that things had gone awry, the lose dirt sliding beneath her tight grasp. Ariana had slowly but surely been dragging herself to freedom, her strained muscles used to lifting little more than books and crystals but fighting to support her weight regardless. Shifting her grip for better leverage, the sand beneath Ariana's fingers had slid with her, a torrent of soil slipping over the edge of the crack. The sudden assault had caught the princess off guard, her hands releasing their hold on the rough ground to instinctive protect her face. She had landed painfully in the same spot she had landed the first time, gracelessly spluttering in an attempt to remove the dirt clinging to her tongue and coating her nostrils. The princess was still trying to blink the last of the granulates from her eyes.

Further attempts had bore little more success than the first. Ariana's hands were smooth with the layer of dust coating them, making it difficult for the princess to hold on to the ledge without simply sliding back down to the hard earth below. The muscles in her legs were feeling the strain of continuously jumping and falling, the tendons tightening from overuse until it was painful to simply stand. The walls of the hollow were too smooth to even try to climb the slippery surface. At the rate at which she was going, the princess would be spending the rest of days below the earth. An improvement over what the entity controlling the Deathless King had in store for her, but unacceptable nonetheless.

There was no chance of escape without some form of leverage. With a small huff of frustration Ariana looked away from the infuriating fissure, turning her attention to the crevice she was stuck in. It was larger than she had initially thought it to be, the poor lighting just enough to make out the circumference of the circular hollow. Even with her arms fully extended at her sides the princess could only touch one side of the tunnel at once. She didn't bother to reach for the top of the crevice, quite aware already it was beyond her reach. It was the texture of the walls that gave the princess pause, however. The stone was too smooth, too perfect to have been created by miners. Whatever was responsible for clearing the stone away had definitely not done so by traditional means. Only one way to know for sure. Keeping one hand pressed to the stone, Ariana cautiously moved deeper into the tunnel like hollow, pulling the dagger Vill'kern had given her free of the sheath at her hip.

Vill'Kern! With a gasp Ariana stopped before she could take more than a few steps, whipping around to look back at the opening in the ground. She had been too busy with her own situation, making sure whatever had made these tunnels wasn't sneaking up behind her in the dark, to keep her senses open to what was going on above the ground. The princess concentrated on the warrior now, The Slayer's familiar, stable aura quick to dispel her worry. She couldn't sense the beast he had been fighting, though with it's void-like aura that wasn't surprising. It seemed he was fairing better than she was, at the very least. Ariana allowed herself a small, relieved smile. Really, the warrior was like a living legend.

Turning back to the task at hand, Ariana had barely made it a few more steps before she heard her name being called. She frowned up at the fissure in the ground, doubtful her voice would be loud enough to carry through the opening, let alone reach the warrior if he was moving away from the crevice. Moving back to stand below the opening the princess squinted up at the bright light, no better off than she had been a moment ago to attempt another escape. Maybe she didn't have to make it out completely though, Ariana looked down at the dagger clutched in her hand, an idea semi-formulating in her mind. Not all the way, just enough to get The Slayer's attention.

Bracing her feet against the smooth walls of the tunnel as she had tried so many times already, the princess pushed off with all the strength left her in legs, extending her arms to reach the jagged edge of the cracked earth. Ariana pulled herself up as far as her muscles would allow before she could slip back into the crevice with a new downpour of dust.

"Here," Ariana called, plunging the dagger still clutched in her hand as deeply into the lose soil as she could manage. The blade was barely half buried, the dagger shifted unstably in her hand, threatening to be pulled free at any moment. The princess managed to get her head and shoulders into the fresh air, using the dagger to drag herself forward until she could brace an elbow on the sliding sands. "Here!"
He looked for her through the fog, but his eyes couldn't distinguish any form that would look anything closer to a petite feminine human. He cast gazez to left and right, while moving, the idea of her being snatched by some horrendous being growing stronger in his mind. All the run for nothing. But probably this would put an end to the Mad King's plans too. That was something.

But just then he heard her voice, and he turned to the spot he heard it from, once, then again. It was clearly the princess, and she seemed safe and sound, but strained. He noticed the odd glimmer of the dagger, and rushed to the spot, seeing her hand clutching the dagger, dagger which was about to burst away from the ground it was stuck in. The princess was hanging at the edge of an odd pit.

Kneeling, he grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her up enough to grab her in a safe embrace and pull her out, placing her almost like a doll on safe ground. Sitting beside her to take a breath, he spoke jokingly.

"Digging your grave early, are you?"

Still somewhat strained for the effort he's done in the last hour, he lain on his back, allowing his throat to set free a slight laughter, half feeling amused, and half out of pure bliss. He never though he'd make it alive, but there he was, next to the princess.

Moving to sitting position, he looked to the princess.

"How did you get in there, anyway?"
Ariana let out a breath of relief as her feet connected with the ground once more, sitting down on the solid surface once the warrior released her. Well, as solid as the sifting sands could be anyway, the princess thought while glaring hatefully at the loathsome substance. The blood was slowly returning to the arm that had been supporting the majority of her weight, the sensation felt as if pins and needles poking at her from her fingers to her shoulder. She was lucky Vill'Kern had arrived when he did, if the slight tremble lingering in the limb was anything to go by.

"Thank you," Ariana said breathlessly, looked to the warrior at the thought. She chuckled a bit shakily at his joke, shaking some of the sand trapped in her long hair loose in The Slayer's direction. "It was for you, of course. Who would have thought you would attack a stone mammoth and walk away without a scratch?"

"That was the worst plan I've ever seen. Who looks at a walking mountain and runs towards it?" Ariana scolded without any force behind her words, smiling at the warrior's infectious laughter and elated emotions. She looked over her shoulder to where the battle had taken place, her eyes widening at the prone silhouette of the golem still visible through the fog. When the princess spoke again, she didn't bother to try hiding her awe. "You're insane."

Ariana looked back to the warrior as he sat up, wincing slightly at the question. It did not seem at all appealing to inform The Slayer while he had been off risking his life against the golem she had been falling down. Twice.

"Oh, you know, I just kind of..." Ariana trailed off as her cheeks started to feel hot, making a vague gesture with her hands to symbolize the descent. "It looks like a tunnel, anyway. It's too dark to see where it leads, but it definitely wasn't made by the hands of men."
"As if you're the first to say it..." He looked back to the petrified, empty statue of a golem, and shrugged. "It's the first time i ever did this... guess it's a start for everything. The first golem i met was years ago. I was paid to escort a group of merchants. But at a point they wanted to drop the price of my payment, because we encountered nothing on the road. So this one night, we stopped somewhere. And what do you know? A golem appeared. They started asking me to protect them, they said they'd raise my payment. Well, i just sacked them and left them to the golem. Even now the Merchants Guild wants my head on a plate"

He shook his head slightly, then stood, and moved a bit closer to the hole in the ground, after she spoke to him about the tunnel like indentation. Bending down, he picked up the dagger she stuck in the ground, and turned to hand it to her, before helping her up.

"So, are we going to try and explore this... hole? Hopefully it would not take us far from Thraghul, because that's where we're headed, if you haven't forgotten"

He turned around again and stared into the hole, trying to distinguish something in the deeper darkness. The night was falling close, and they had to be leaving the Dead Fields as soon.

"Plus, we'd need a torch to go down there"
The Merchants Guild and every other law abiding organization. The princess held her tongue though, sure the mercenary was far more aware of the bounties on his head than she was. Ariana thought she was starting to notice a pattern to the warrior's actions and decisions, a warped sense of justice- for lack of a better word- that seemed to guide his hand. She watched as he moved to inspect the crevice, taking in his full height for the first time since he had appeared in Khorinys's tallest tower. The princess bet he wouldn't have had any trouble getting out of the hole, she thought with more than a little bit of jealousy, he probably could have stepped right out.

"I thought it might lead to Thraghul," Ariana explained, dismissing her thoughts to thank the warrior as he helped her to her feet. "The walls are too smooth to have been mined out. The only possibilities I can think of are if the Mad Mage Vorath used magic to hollow out the stone, or one of his-" The princess gestured to the lifeless golem, "Friends are responsible. Either way, I thought it might circumvent another confrontation."

"A torch would be nice. Or a candle. A firefly, maybe." Ariana agreed with The Slayer's assessment. "Or- Oh, a match!" The princess rummaged around in her pockets, pulling a small, rectangular box free. She bit her lip guiltily at her discovery, holding the box out for the warrior to inspect. "I took a box of matches from the inn."
"Well i'll be damned. You already learned the trade of thievery, did you?"

He spoke jokingly and looked the princess in her eyes, shaking his head slightly in amusement. Taking the match box he opened it, and saw it was full. Nodding, he took a match, and with a quick move he lit it. The flame grew wide enough to spread a light and cast shadows upon the two walls of the crevice. He started moving his hand around, lighting up pieces of the hole, inspecting each with vigilent eyes.

The western side of the crevice seemed to prolong, somewhere underground. Maybe the princess was right. But was it safer to take the underway? The walls of the tunnel could break anytime and bury them in. Or the tunnels could be roamed by other creatures, and more darkness, which wasn't a very pleasant idea. How long would the matches last?

He already felt the burning flame of the match against his skin. He let it fall and burn out, before lighting another. Bending down, he extended an arm, and knocked into the western wall of the crevice. After two or three knocks and careful listens, he nodded to himself, and pulled back. Holding the match carefully, he kicked at the wall. And again. Behind the wall, a slight echo was heard. With the third kick, the wall broke, his foot going through as the crevice opened up more.

Lighting another match, he looked to the now broken wall and what lain beyond it. Stairs. Stairs that went down, deeply into the ground. He turned around to the princess and nodded.

"Well, i guess your theory about the tunnel was right"
Ariana felt a pang of guilt despite the warrior's joking tone, silently vowing to return to the inn and pay the owner back should the princess ever make it back to the small village. She had no doubt Vill'Kern would return to the village if he wanted too, firm in her believe The Slayer was as close to immortal as humanly possible. Or giantly possible, the princess thought with a subtle glance at the warrior. She still wasn't completely convinced humans could reach such heights.

Ariana knelt beside the opening to the crevice as Vill'kern lit the match, careful to stay out of his way while still being able to see within the hole. The light reflected off the walls in two directions, leaving the other two dark. Before the princess could make out any other details the light was snuffed out, looking up in time to see The Slayer light a second.

This time while the match burned Ariana slowly counted, making note of what number she got to before the warrior was forced to abandon the used match. Roughly 40 seconds. The princess was calculating how long the matches would last them when The Slayer began testing the wall. With a frown she abandoned her math to stand behind the warrior, catching a hold of the back of his armour as he leaned forward into the opening. The action was more for her own peace of mind rather than to offer any actual support, doubtful she would even be able to slow his descent should The Slayer slip.

Ariana watched over his shoulder as the wall crumbled away, revealing the previously hidden stairs. "That was my next course of action." The princess joked weakly, staring at the steps in shock. How often did the warrior find himself in underground tunnels? It must have been fairly often, if he could so easily distinguish between false walls and the real thing.
"Awh, it was?"

He turned his head and smiled jokingly in her face. Somehow, without himself noticing, he started growing fond of his former package turned to questing partner. He never found himself peace around someone, but she wasn't a bother to him, and he felt deeply indebted to her for saving his life. Even though she didn't admit it. But he had to hide it. Maybe she was nice but once he'd show his sympathy, what if she actually took advantage of it?

Turning back towards the stairs that lain behind the demolished wall, he started using his hands to dig. He dug out every piece of rock and dirt that was still covering the entrance, throwing them to the side. But it was getting darker by the second. After a few minutes of work removing pieces of rocks, he lit yet one more match, and crouched as much as he could to fit the rather minuscule entrance to the stairs.

"Who in the name of the world made this entrance, dwarves?"

He joked annoyed, as he couldn't for anything fit into the entrance. Shaking his head he finally lain on his stomach, and started dragging himself inside, trusting the princess would follow him.

He dragged himself several stairs down, until he could move to stand, crouched, but at least he could stand. Throwing the burnt match he lit another and turned to the small entry he just went through, looking for the princess.

"Come on. I don't think you'll have to drag yourself through"

He then turned around and lit the small place, part by part. He saw stair steps that took as low as his light could reach, maybe lower. If he could find a... There it was, right infront of his eyes. On a wall, stuck into a metal support was a torch. Unlit, waiting for someone to grab it. He almost smiled with bliss, and picked it up, lighting it as quick as he could. Light filled the way much lower than initially, and also it lit the crevice he just came from. The stairs however seemed to go endlessly low. He wondered what awaited at the base as he stood in place, waiting for Ariana.
Ariana rolled her eyes in amusement at his joke, her lips tilting upward at the corners without her notice. It was much easier to feel hopeful about their task in the warrior's presence, her uncertainty all but vanishing in the wake of his confidence. Though she wouldn't give voice to the thought, the reality of the admission too much to process without giving rise to panic, the princess was beyond grateful to The Slayer for his help. She didn't know what would have happened had he simply left her to her own devices back in the forest, though she was certain it would not have been pleasant. The princess didn't know why he had taken pity on her, but after his 'run in' with the golem she no longer believed he was doing it for pay. No amount of gold was worth fighting that stone mammoth.

Ariana pretended to cough to disguise her laughter, amused the situation had been reversed in her favour for a change. Apparently it wasn't always a bonus to be part giant, though it definitely had more prositive aspects than negative. She tried to feel sorry for the warrior as he resorted to crawling through the opening, really she did, but the memory of her desperate attempts to jump her way to freedom was still fresh in her mind. She was glad he couldn't see her amused expression as she easily squeezed through the opening after him, doubting he found the situation as homourous as she did.

"Are you, or have you ever been blessed by some kind of lucky deity? Sold your soul to an enchantress? Blackmailed a leprechaun?" Ariana asked after he had lit the torch, squinting into the distance in an attempt to spot the bottom of the stairs. The man's luck was simply unbelievable. He had asked for a torch and he had received. If that didn't announce otherworldly intervention she didn't know what did.

"Careful not to bump your head." Ariana mumbled, passing him to start stepping down the stairs first. She figured it would be easier for her to move about the staircase, the ceiling still a good foot above her head even without crouching. The princess wasn't sure what they were walking into, but there was only one way to find out.
"Crazy people have their special god"

He replied to her question as he stepped down, following her. It was so unpleasant for him to crouch in such way, especially with the armor on him, and the stairs seeming to never end, since even as the light from the torch moved lower, they couldn't for anything see the bottom of the stairs. After a moment, he managed to move past her and take the lead. He knew as well as probably she did that anything could lurk in the darkness beyond the light spreaded by the torch, and it could attack them. If that was the case, he was her shield, but if she was going first, she was a sure victim.

He continued down the stairs, trying to gaze past the darkness, but not managing to do so. Taking each step carefully, he felt the steps of the stair. Frail they were. He turned his head a bit and nodded to her.

"You take care with the stairs, they're so old that i can feel them crumbling under me"

And just when he turned his head, he could see it. The bottom of the stairs, followed by something that looked like an old corridor. Careful, he led the princess all the way down the stairs. Just as he stepped off the last step, he realised he could stand now. The ceiling was enough above him to allow him to stand fully. He extended his arm in the direction of the corridor, letting the torch lighting it up. They were in a dungeon. A dungeon corridor, with cells on both sides. Empty cells, gates shut and locked.

He remembered what he has heard about a long, lost village, razed to the ground because of a magical experiment. Only the underground dungeons remained intact, but the prisoners died of hunger inside their cells. That probably was the place, hence the reek of death that remained lingering withing the walls. He only hoped that...

But just when he thought of it, he heard it. The sound. Bones against bones. Moving. Turning to the princess he placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke in low tone.

"Stay here, and stay quiet, i'm going to investigate"

He then moved away, leaving the princess in the dark as he moved with the torch. It was as he thought. Every cell was locked, but behind the bars, there was one. Human skeletons, alive, moved by the sheer power of the spell that razed the village hundreds of years ago. Empty eye sockets stared at him, while skeletal hands forced between the iron bars to grab at him. It was a long way to the end of the corridor, and many skeletal hands that stretched from behind iron bars. Returning to the princess he looked her in the eyes.

"Listen, this place is the dungeon of a long, lost village. These cells are full of restless skeletons, and we don't even know where the corridor goes. I suggest we take the way back and go on the previous road"
Was he implying he was crazy? That would explain a great deal of the warrior's actions. Ariana had often heard the saying 'luck of the mad' back in Khorinys. The princess was starting to think she was in the presence of the living embodiment of the phrase, as she pressed herself against the wall to give him more room to pass her. She almost smiled as she began descending down the stairs again, her amusement at The Slayer's expense giving way to sympathy. Even while forced to crouch uncomfortably he couldn't ignore the instinct to lead the way. Perhaps it was 'man thing'.

As they continued lower and lower down the seemingly endless staircase, a pressure was beginning to build, prickling at the princess's awareness. She nodded absently at The Slayer's warning, her attention entirely focused on what lurked just beyond the darkness. There was something there, something the princess had never experienced before. It wasn't like the auras and emotions she was so used to sensing everywhere she went, nor was it similar to the void like sensation she had felt in the presence of the golem. This... this, whatever the unknown sensation was, felt wrong. The princess had met many people in the courts of Khorinys she would deem as an unsavoury individual, but never to this extreme. This was nothing like greed, resentment, or hate. Ariana could have identified such noncomplex emotions in her sleep. Whatever lay in wait in the darkness was like a thousand unnamed emotions, layered one on top of another until it was one unrecognizable force.

Whatever the source of the unnerving efflux, it was as close to evil as the princess had ever encountered.

Ariana jumped in surprise at the pressure on her shoulder, her wide eyes focusing on the warrior's face towering above her. The light from the torch flickered across his strong features, illuminating his calm eyes. The princess strived to emulate that calm as he moved away to investigate, taking the majority of the light with him. She tried to calm her slightly erratic breathing, aware for the first time of the icy sweat coating the back of her neck and the 'goose bumps' that had risen all over her person. It seemed her physical state was reacting to her physiological state, but without knowing what was the cause of the distress to one there was nothing she could do for the other.

It was no use. Standing still made everything worse, offering no distraction from the sinister aura pressing against her chilled flesh or from... what was that noise? It was like nothing she had heard before. A blessing she was sure to miss once it was gone. Unable to wait any longer, she anxiously inched into the corridor, the light of the torch just barely offering enough light for the princess to see. And see she did, no matter how much she wished she hadn't.

The princess had turned her head to look into the nearest cell, immediately met with the sight of a fleshless skull inches from her face. She stared into the black, hollow pits that had once housed the creature's eyes in life, the reanimated skeleton seeming to stare right back. Despite its obvious inability to see, Ariana felt its gaze on her, like a physical weight pressing against her soul. She found herself unwilling to move away from the tragic being, not as much as a flinch stirring her as a skeletal hand rose in her peripheral vision, slowly moving towards the princess's face.

Ariana jerked out of her trance like state when she heard shuffling from further down the corridor. She turned to see Vill'Kern returning from his investigation with the light in hand. She quickly retreated back to the base of the stairs where he had left her, unaware of how close the being had come to touching her, or of the bones still reaching for her.

She listened as The Slayer told her what he had found, a sensation much like ice flooding her veins. She couldn't leave here. Ariana knew it to be true as soon as she had thought it, though she wanted nothing more than to run back up the stairs and take her chances with the golems. The princess couldn't fathom why she felt so strongly, especially with such torn feelings, but at the moment it was the only thing she was certain about. No matter what, she couldn't return up those stairs.

"It leads to the one responsible for...this." Ariana could barely force her voice above a whisper, the pressure emanating from somewhere beyond the cells threatening to crush her. Was it possible for lungs to collapse without an external force? The corridor seemed much more confining then the stairs had been, despite the high ceilings. "He's... still using them. Whatever he is using them for, he needs them close."
"He's using them so he can throw them on our backs as soon as we reach his lair. We must avoid this path. You see, such forms of undead are not easy to beat. I could cut and punch through them, but they'd just gather back and reform. The only efficient weapon against such beings is a hammer. Gotta turn the bones to dust"

He looked back to the skeletal arms that stretched out from behind bars, seeking desperately to grab. He remembered the story about the village and about the dungeon, but it said that the village vanished hundreds of years ago. It couldn't be connected to the mad mage, could it? Only if the mad mage wouldn't have used the dark arts to prolong his lifespan. That could be the case.

But if the would decide to move forward, wouldn't they touch the area of the curse at some point? In that case, they'd need to drink the potions they got from the village, hoping the effects were going to protect them from such curse. He turned back to the princess and nodded.

"Well, if that is what you wish, we will take this tunnel. But you better brace yourself and be as careful as you can, and stay close to me. Those hands you see there aren't as soft as fleshy hands. At least the cells are locked"

Turning to face the corridor, he started walking. Unsheathing his swords he struck at the skeletal arms that reached out to grab, and awaited for them to retract, so he could make a path for the princess.
Ariana slowly nodded in agreement with the warrior's conclusion, unable to think of a logical argument to present against any of his points. Of course he was right, he was thinking with his brain instead of his emotions. From a logical stand point it was practically suicide to go waltzing into an obviously cursed tunnel, with no inkling as to where it might lead or who- or what, for that matter- might be waiting at the other end. It could very well lead to dead end, miles and miles from where they stood now. The Slayer had humoured her by coming this far, but now it was time to put an end to her stubborn thoughts. It would be foolhardy to venture any further. Perhaps not as foolish as running at a stone behemoth waving a sword about, but still pretty high up there.

It only made sense to turn around and travel the road they knew would eventually lead them to their desired destination. Ariana knew that, understood the reasoning behind the decision, and even agreed it was the best path to take. Despite all of the rationale dictating why they should turn back - the most prominent of which was still reaching for them through the bars- the princess just couldn't force her legs to carry her back towards the stairs.

Ariana looked back at the warrior in surprise when he spoke again, her lips forming soundless words for a moment before she could actually think of something to say. "R-really?" She asked eventually, uncertain whether or not he was serious. She had no legitimate argument or evidence to offer as proof that venturing forward through the dungeon would take them where they needed to be, the princess herself not even sure what would be waiting for them on the other side. All she had was a bad feeling, and if anything that was a point in the favour of turning around and fleeing.

"A torch is kind of like a hammer," Ariana murmured hesitantly, following him into the corridor when the warrior made no move to turn back. "It's... blunt."

He looked at the torch in his hand, while with the other he took care of the skeletal arms that kept stretching and clawing at his armor. She was right. Standing close to the princess, to take care of her and protect her from being grabbed by the stubborn arms, he looked on the walls. Between each cell and the next was set a torch. That was it.

Every cell had hay inside it, for the prisoners to sleep on. No beds, a great lack of comfort, but a lot of hay. Even after more than 400 years, the hay remained there, and it was as dry as it could. From an experience, he knew bones could burn to crisp if set in the fire. Hay could catch on fire easily. That was the solution. Set the hay on fire and let the skeletons burn. He could hand the princess two torches, so she could help him out. They could just advance and leave the fire behind them as they walked. He had to share his idea.

"Listen, grab two torches, and let's set these things afire. See? The hay is alot in each cell, and it burns. Bones turn to crisps if burnt. With a little luck we could end the suffering of these things by cremation"

He grabbed two torches, and lit them up from his torch, handing them to the princess. Turning to the cell behind him, he struck again at the arms that reached out. He extended his arm enough so that his torch touched the hay. The fire reflected in his eyes as the hay caught immediately and bursted out. He felt the heat against his face, and backed away a little, watching the skeleton as it was engulfed in flames, struggling. Of course, it felt no pain at all, but the heat was taking its effect and it was slowly but surely destroying the bones.

Or turning them to something far worse. As he watched the skeleton eaten by flames, he suddenly witnessed the empty eye sockets catching eyes of fire, which burned with hatred and gazed into his eyes. The white color of the bones was replaced by black, gradually, then red. But it shouldn't be so! It should've burnt.

The whole skeleton looked now like hot coal, and it seemed to smile defyingly to Vill'Kern, from the flames. Boney hands grabbed at the iron bars, and the heat caused them to starte melting. The skeleton was setting itself free, while Vill'Kern and the princess watched, not believing their eyes. This was more than sure an effect of the magic. And they've fallen into a trap.

After a second of quick thinking, The Slayer turned around to the princess. Whatever was to happen, he had to protect her. He again used his sword to hit the other skeletal arms, before grabbing the princess by her wrist and pulling her in a rush with him. Behind them, the now fire skeleton evaded his cell, and using its heat, it set free the other skeletons, one by one, and let them chase the mercenary and the princess, as they rushed down the seeming endless corridor.
Ariana clutched her long hair to her person as she walked, eyeing the fine strands that had been caught on one of the countless grasping hands reaching for the pair, before the light had moved too far for her too see the searching limb any longer. The skeletons seemed even more restless, as if that were possible, as she followed close behind Vill'Kern. The warrior's endless assault against the outstretched arms did little deter the damned creatures, for each arm he knocked down three more seemed to rise to take its place.

"Did you say these used to be villagers?" Ariana asked as they walked, trying to distract from the ceaseless rattling of bones. The pressure she had felt as they had descended down the stairs earlier had returned, though she didn't seem as bad as before. Now that she wasn't worried about what lay at the bottom of the stairs- having moved on to worrying about what they would find at the end of the tunnel- the princess could sense the unknown aura was not caused by the skeletons. It affected them, surely, wrapping around them like a cloak, but they were not the source. Unfortunately with so many distractions she couldn't identify the location of whatever was behind her unease. "I don't remember hearing about a village out here."

Ariana ran into the warrior's back as he abruptly came to a halt, stumbling back a step before she realized she had collided with The Slayer rather than a wall. He didn't even budge. It irked the princess for some odd reason. The slight annoyance was quickly forgotten, however, once he explained his plan.

Ariana couldn't argue with the idea. Her own religion encouraged it, after all. It was the belief of the people of Khorinys that burning a corpse would light the way to the next life. Who was she to deny these poor souls their final resting place in the next life? It seemed wrong to set them ablaze, but as long as the princess kept reminding herself they were already dead she thought it was a good plan. As Vill'Kern had said, it would be freeing the damned creatures from their suffering. She held the torches she had been handed as he set the first skeleton ablaze, softly reciting the blessing she had spoken for her own father.

It was the silence that first registered in the princess's mind, after she had finished her prayer. The rattling of the bones against the cell bars had stopped when the fire had caught, spreading quickly through the cell. Ariana had been too busy watching the skeleton's reaction to the flames to notice at first, but as she turned to face the other cells a cold sense of dread filled her. The remaining skeletons were standing frozen in place, simply watching the other skeleton burn. "Ah, Vill'Kern?"

Before she could ask if this was normal skeletal behaviour, Ariana was stumbling into a run behind the warrior. She glanced behind them as they ran, the recently freed skeletons close behind and more joining the hunt as they were released. The princess could still see the burning skeleton fading into the distance as it worked.

She had doomed them both.

Ariana dropped one of the torches as they continued down the corridor, cursing breathlessly as she watched it roll towards their pursuers. A few stopped to pounce upon the flames, a few others tripping over the ones that had stopped, but even more plowed right through their fallen allies. An idea sparked in the princess's mind, but it would be useless unless the corridor split up into different tunnels, hopefully before they-

"The potions!" Ariana gasped, finally remembering the small vials they had been given by Samon. The princess raised her voice, trying to speak loud enough for the warrior to hear her over the rattling bones and stomping feet. "We have to take the potions before it's too late!"

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