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Chaos Upon Valysia {Eternal Wanderer x Cinnamon }

He was fully asleep, and dreamt. Dreamt about the green fields of his far home, when he was a child. Nothing was disturbing his peace. His sight wasn't narrowed by anything, he just walked through the fields of green, ocassionally looking back at his mother who smiled so kindly to him. The dream went on for hours, and he slept peacefully as Ariana cleaned up the mess she has done saving him.

A few hours later, his eyes slowly fluttered open. He felt a slight diziness, but the fever, the sickness, they were all but gone. He could see the ceiling clearly and could also hear perfectly well. His arm still hurt but it was much better, not so harsh as it was just hours ago. He looked to the ceiling and something stole him a little smile, the way the princess had taken care of him. No one's ever done such for him before, and it touched him.

He sighed softly and continued looking at the ceiling, remaining trapped in thousands of thoughts.
Ariana quietly slipped back into the room, having finally disposed of the last of her mess. It hadn't taken long to organize the items littering the floor or even to scrub the blood from from wooden boards. The difficult part had been to hide the evidence before any of the other occupants of the inn noticed the bloody rags clutched in the princess's hands. She had snuck from room to room, stuffing the incriminating items as deeply into whatever the room had to offer as a garbage before moving on to the next room. The princess had gone out of her way to avoid the other patrons as she scurried about, well aware if she was seen with the items she was trying to hide her actions would be pointless.

It had been time consuming but it had been well worth the effort. Ariana didn't think it would be wise for anyone to know The Slayer had been injured, even if it wasn't until after they had left the inn. The princess had heard of mob mentality before, how it caused men to do things they would normally never dare do to. With her luck recently, Ariana thought it best not to tempt fate.

Ariana crossed the room to check on the warrior, shocked to find his eyes open after such a short amount of time. "You're awake," She stated the obvious in surprise, moving closer to rest her hand against Vill'kern's forehead. Still warm, but an incredible improvement from earlier nonetheless. "How are you feeling?"
He was taken out of his dream-like state by the door that opened, and he turned his head. It was the princess entering, thank the skies. He watched her surprise at his state of awakeness and as she approached to check on him. He watched her arm and hand and closed his eyes for the moment, before reopening them as she asked him about his faring. He slightly smiled.

"I could take a giant with my bare hands. Honestly, i didn't think i'd make it alive out of this one. Guess that what they said about the princess of Khorinys is true... "

He looked her in the eyes for a second, before continuing.

"But... why did you? Why'd you so desperately clutch the string of my life? You could've let me die, you could've run away, change your appearance and get lost, unknown"

He was indeed full of questions and decided to shoot them one by one to her, so that she could think of answers. He learned how to recognize a liar when he answered, and now he was trying to figure out if she really was true or she just faked. He didn't even know why would it be of such importance but yet he had to know. He considered a slight possibility in his head.
Ariana smiled slightly at The Slayer's attempt at a joke, moving away from him to rummage through the items she had lined up along one of the walls, out of the way of walking legs. She returned a moment later with a canteen filled with water, moving to help the warrior sit up so he could take a sip from the bottle if he so desired.

"I'm not surprised that you're alright," Ariana stretched the truth only a little, refraining from mentioning the brief period of time, roughly from when she had revealed the infected flesh to when she had burnt him with the blade, she had been certain the warrior wouldn't survive until the next sun rise. "It seems the legends of Vill'Kern The Slayer don't do you justice."

Ariana settled herself on the ground beside the bed, taking a long moment to consider how to properly phrase her answer. "It's my fault you ended up in such a state in the first place. If you had killed me back in Khorinys you never would have gotten hit fighting all of those bandits back in the forest." The princess slowly shook her head, no longer able to hold the warrior's gaze. "If I were you I would leave the continent, at least for a little while. There is no reason for you to continue to put yourself in danger over this mess."
He drank all the water in the canteen. The exhaustion got him all dried up on the inside and the fresh water gave him totally new strenght. He smiled slightly at her joke about the legends, then he heard her blame herself or him almost dying. He watched her speak, and suddenly, he heard her suggest him that he should leave. He? Run away? Leave her there?

She probably had no clue that when he was decided to fight against something, nothing could stop him. He now was extremely angry at the entity that tried to control him, so there was no way back. He had to fight. After a minute of pondering, of thinking, he decided he should share the information he recieved from his old friend, whom he deemed trustworthy.

"No... first, you are not guilty. It was my payed duty to take you north alive. That was then. That was why i saved your life. And i got hurt during that time. But you saved my life now. I owe you. My debt will be paid when you will avenge your father, your home. I will take you there. I am the only one who knows the wastelands well enough to pass you through them."

He stopped for a moment, then continued.

"The friend who vouched for us... he told me of a mad mage, hiding in the cave of Thraghul... but the place is infested. With all sorts of beasts... i must get there. The mage's got a big library in the cave, full of books which could help us determine exactly what entity we are fighting, and maybe a way to stop it..."
Ariana smiled despite herself, almost laughing at how different The Slayer in front of her was from the legendary Slayer the princess had pictured in her mind. No, the stories had not done him justice at all. "You don't owe me a coin, let alone a life debt." She argued. How surreal, she thought vaguely, to be debating with her former abductor as though they were discussing the weather. "Whether you were paid to or not, we both know I wouldn't have made it this fair without you. Let's just... call it even, okay? Besides, don't you think you should take it easy? You are fresh out of your death bed."

Ariana knew how childish her words sounded, how foolish she was being for turning away the help she so desperately needed. She understood she was almost guaranteed to regret her decision once she was travelling on her own. She knew, but at the moment she didn't care. The princess could still feel the heat from his fever lingering in her hands, the sensation of fear still prodding at the edges of her senses, the memory of the warrior's faltering breath and pained expressions still fresh in her mind. Hell, the stench of burnt flesh was still prominent in the room, despite Ariana having opened the room's single window hours ago. No, she did not want to experience that ever again. The princess never wanted to watch someone struggle for life again, especially when she knew it was her fault they were in such a position. She didn't want Vill'Kern to struggle for life again.

"There once was a mage with many a page, guarding his cave with simply a wave..." Ariana softly recited the half forgotten lyrics, the warrior's words jogging her memory. Wasn't there was an old folk song about a senile old wizard, lurking in the stones of Thraghul? Hiding knowledge and cursing anyone unlucky enough to stumble upon his domain. It sounded familiar, but the princess was fairly certain it was only a story. Glancing at The Slayer, Ariana had to fight a smile. It seemed she was having quite a few run ins with stories recently. What else was she to do though, it was the only lead she had. But how, she pondered, was she to get passed the mage, should he actually exist? If she still had a crystal in her possession she might stand a chance, but she had completely drained the crystal of its energy when she had been trying to mend the warrior's arm. She couldn't travel all the way back to Khorinys to look for more, so how-

Ariana looked to The Slayer, recalling what he had told her in the forest. "Vill'Kern, what did the orcs do with all of the crystals?"
She wanted to call it even. So be it. But still, something led him to remain by her side. The sympathy he felt towards her and their similar fates. He was ready to follow close even though she wanted him gone. But he knew she didn't mean it.

"Heh, i'll be fine, i will be ready to walk by nightfall. And don't you think you can get away from me"

He looked to the ceiling, falling in thoughts while she recited the small part of lyrics. He remembered the song and was actually surprised that a young person like her knew it. He was already starting to get accustomed to surprises coming from her. He turned his head again to look at her as she was thinking, then she questioned him about the crystals. He knew that Khorinys had a mine full of it but... he remembered that Isumron gave strict orders, that, after the orcs exploit enough crystals, they should entirely block the mine, to fill it. If that already happened, it was of no use. Let aside the fact that another batallion of orcs were already searching through the ruins of the city. They had to stay away from that place.

"Well, the mine is stuck. And we are not going back there. What is with these crystals, anyway?"

He had no idea of what actually the crystals had to do in all the story, he knew about them but had no idea what they do, and her questioning about them got him all curious.
"Well, I formally apologize we do not all possess the legs of a giant." The princess joked. She was relieved he was still planning on travelling with her, despite the worry it also invoked. How strange to feel two conflicting emotions at the same time, especially when it wasn't being detected from two separate parties. Ariana shook her head to dismiss her thoughts, concentrating on the conversation. "At least rest until morning. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I might have a bit of trouble carrying you if you collapse."

Ariana frowned at the assessment of the state of the mines. The entrance to the mine had been open for as long as the history of Khorinys had been written down. Could it really be gone so easily? She recalled the ferocity with which the orcs had attacked, and how quickly Khorinys had fallen. Yes, the princess thought darkly, yes, it was very possible it was already too late. If she were to obtain the sheer amount of crystals she would need they would have to find them elsewhere.

"The crystals emphasise a person's spiritual abilities." Ariana hesitated a long moment before answering the warrior's question, torn between loyalties. It seemed almost sacrilegious to be sharing Khorinys's secrets with an outsider, but if The Slayer really was determined to accompany her he at least deserved be told the basics. "Most people can't touch them directly, it burns them like coal. Even being near them too long can drive a man mad." The princess pulled the used crystal from where she had returned it to her boot despite it's lack of usefulness, examining the now pitch black surface. "Some people seem to be immune to the effects, but no one knows why. I am- was the only one in Khorinys that's immune." Ariana turned the stone over her in hands, continuing quietly. "My father used to say it was because I was switched at birth with an orc. Orcs are immune too, but they can't connect to the crystals on a spiritual level, just use them like any other stone." Ariana snapped out of her thoughts, embarrassed she had been getting overly sentimental. She offered the used crystal to the warrior as a distraction. "That one is safe, I used all of its energy earlier. When it's completely devoid of energy it goes black like that."

"I think it's the stones' defense mechanism," Ariana confided, sharing the theory she had always kept to herself for fear of her father's mockery. He had been a kind man, but he had often commented the he believed the princess to be too soft for her position. Not that it mattered now. "The energy inside the crystals could be the life force of the stone. It's possible the crystals lash out at anyone that tries to use them, since once they are completely used they don't regain their energy."

Ariana stared at the crystal, her mind wandering. With all of the crystals she had used to completion in the past, what was the number of lives lost because of her?
He listened to her explanation carefully, drawing a line in his mind for every important note. So this was why orcs were sent in for crystals. Now it all made sense. Since she could connect to the crystals she could draw power. By drawing power, her own would rise and so her body would be strong enough to sustain the life force of whatever... entity was that. Now the pieces of the puzzle were put together, though from her explanation he couldn't understand how could she be switched with an orc. But less did he care about that.

She handed him a crystal, telling him it was safe, and it was. He took his gaze off her just to examine the coal black piece that lain in his hand, turn it all around and nodded concluding for himself. So, the unused crystals could drive a man mad... he remembered of the story of how the king went mad, Isumron, they said he tried to use a crystal to revive his wife upon her death. Khorinys crystal, that must've been it.

Placing the crystal aside, next to the sword that just now he let off his grip, he turned his head to her.

"Aye, i now understand. But, we first must learn of this entity before action. We cannot venture aimlessly and hope for everything to go by just fine. We have to lay our hands on those books of the mage, and don't expect of me to be reading that type of nonsense, alright? You're the one with some knowledge here, you'll read and translate it to me, so we both know what we're talking about"
Ariana tried to hide her skepticism as she listened to the warrior's plan. "Are you sure your friend is a reliable source of information? The mage of Thraghul is supposedly a children's story." The princess fell silent, trying to remember the rest of the lyrics to the old song. It had been so long since she had heard it recited she could barely think of the tempo, let alone the rest of the words. She vaguely thought there was something about the creatures surrounding the cave, but it just wouldn't come to her.

"Even if we do manage to find the mage," Ariana mused aloud, her mind moving on to the next possibility. "There is no guarantee he will let us..." The princess trailed off, her eyes falling on the sword The Slayer finally released at his side. "Uh, never mind. But we still have to find a way to get passed the mage's curse, assuming that part is true."
The curse. Yes, the curse would be a problem. He remembered the story about how the mage, losing his sanity, has hidden away with his pile of books andplaced a curse upon the whole surrounding of the cave, and anyone who dared to approach would be turned to beasts to serve as his. That would explain the large number of monsters crawling around and the fact that no one ever returned, and no one ever even found a trace of the lost ones.

But if the curse was true, how would they get past it? None of them was prepared in wizardry, let alone him, he knew almost nothing beyond the lenght of his sword. He barely knew how to read and write, he only had the school of life behind to rely on. So bypassing a curse would be a total fail had they not the required skill. The only way to it was that they found another mage, willing to help. He firstly recalled the Mages Guild from the kingdom of Hyeris, the western side of Valysia, but he almost wished to slam his head to a wall when he remembered slaying a whole carriage of mages and guards that transported items of value of the Mages Guild, and jacking it, just months ago. Running to them for help would just get him imprisoned and probably decapitated or hanged on the next sunrise. That option would fall.

The only solution would be finding another mage working on his own, or one of the deployed mages. Each village and waypoint in wilderness was occupied by one mage, with the sole assignment of doing his research on a given lenght and width of territory. He knew the odds of any mage accepting to work with him were weak, but at least, if the mage went berserk, he could slay him, while if he was trapped in the Mages Guild Hall, he'd have no power.

But yet again, the time grew scarce, and the clouds were gathering more and more above the northern side of Valysia, as an omen of evil that was to happen soon enough. Searching and persuading a mage would've be wasting more time. There had to be a way for them to do something.

"We must take the risk. We cannot just stand here while the clouds are darker by the day. If the curse is true and i turn to a beast, run for your life. I am dangerous to you even as i am. Can't even fathom what i'd do as a beast. But we, i, must risk in order to get what we need"
Ariana couldn't believe the man's confidence. Even when faced with impossible odds he didn't so much as blink. "We won't get a second chance to stop... whatever it is in possession of The Deathless King, if we fail before we even begin. Falling victim to the mage's curse doesn't seem like a very strong start. There has to be a way to render the enchantment mote."

The princess thought back to her time spent in Khorinys's extensive library, trying to remember what she had read regarding magic. There were several different types of magic, she remembered, each type weak to at least one other. Perhaps if they could figure out what type of enchantments the mage used they could discover its weakness. Vill'Kern had mentioned the victims of the curse were turned into beasts, that sounded like transmutation magic to the princess. She could recall some of the different magical categories- transmutation, binding, summoning, charms, hexes, spiritual, concealment, elemental, and of course the dark arts- but Ariana was sure she hadn't named even half of the possible types, and none of which sounded like they would have an advantage over transmutation. Even if they were able to get passed the enchantment, they still had the beasts guarding the cave to get by.

"I'll go into the village while you're resting." Ariana decided abruptly, pushing herself to her feet. She could ask around about the cave, as well as make any last minute purchases. If she were very lucky, perhaps she would stumble upon a library of some sort.
The idea seemed good. While no one would probably even trust enough to speak with him, she had another sort of charisma that would most likely get rewarded with information. But what if anyone noticed her? Her clothes were changed, true, but she still had the royal aura about her, somewhat. They'd probably take her away and hang him, or at least something close to it, thus stopping them both from advancing with their plans. He was a cutthroat, even if the princess would try to convince people of his good intentions, they wouldn't believe it.

But on the other hand, this was the sure way. And if he went out with her, they'd probably be less than not willing to spare any information. He finally nodded to her as she left, and gave her a direction

"Well, as any village, this one has a mage working on research. Go find the one known as Old Samon, and speak with him. He's an old mage and he might, hopefully, might spare some information. If not for free, take this"

He tossed her the bag of coins he had strapped to his armor.

"Not everyone speaks the language of kindness, but everyone speaks the one of gold, you should know that better than I. You know what to do with it"
Moving through the village was a much simpler affair on her own. While the villagers were far from friendly, no one seemed to pay the princess any mind as they hurried from place to place in the hopes of completing their errands before dusk. Despite the busy hour Ariana had little trouble weaving through the crowded streets, her small stature making it easy to squeeze between the larger bodies. All of the people reminded her of Khorinys in the middle of preparing for a festival, if only the hectic aura encasing the town would have been a bit happier.

Ariana ducked into the village's apothecary, a small display of feverfew catching her eye. The princess had already visited a couple of the small stores peppered throughout the village, pretending to be interested in the businesses' wares as she subtly interrogated the store owners. As long as she appeared to be a paying customer the clerks were willing enough to answer the princess's questions, though she had yet to glean anything useful pertaining to their cause. Little was also said about Khorinys, but the princess wasn't going to risk revealing herself to sate her curiosity prying about the subject.

Ariana tried again as she strolled between the rows of herbs laid out in displays, casually engaging the elderly woman manning the store in conversation. The woman was too busy watching the princess's hands for signs of foul play as she inspected the different herbs to pay much attention to what was being asked of her, answering vaguely without moving her hawk like eyes from the princess. Ariana took advantage of the woman's distracted state, asking question after question with little pause.

"I heard there is an old mage living in this village," Ariana prodded casually, picking up two bundles of different herbs at the same time. The princess almost smiled at the woman's expression, her eyes bulging so far from her skull Ariana thought they might fall completely free of their sockets. The old crow's emotions weren't fairing much better, either. "Perhaps a merchant of lucky trinkets and tonics, someone blessed in the arts of divination... A seller of charms, maybe." Ariana carefully monitored the elder's emotions as she set the herbs in her hands down in the wrong containers.

"Yes, yes, yes, go bother Samon then, why don't you?!" The woman shrieked at Ariana, finally having been pushed past her breaking point. The wrinkled woman dashed out from behind her counter with the speed of a woman half her age, setting the herbs the princess had misplaced right. "Down by the western gate, he is. Cast iron door, impossible to miss, ain't it. Go manhandle his merchandise, why don't you? Touch everything with your grubby little paws. Youth today, no manners! Might as well be catering to the beasts." The old woman continuing ranting to herself long after the princess slipped out of the store, the reason for her current distress long forgotten.

Smothering her guilty feelings for sending the poor old woman into a tizzy, Ariana set off towards the western gate.
Vill'Kern lain on the bed. It seemed to be already too long since the princess left and he was getting bored. Fortunately, he still had the canteens with fresh ale from the orcs. It wasn't so fresh now, but his little gold sack was with the princess, so he had no coin to pay for a fresh drink. He gulped a few full mouths of the liquor in one of the canteens and then, setting it aside, he got to sit at the bedside. It felt as if he has not been moving eversince.

Turning his head to left and right he felt his spinal bones crack slightly. "No more laying around" He thought and got up, balancing himself quickly before starting to equip his armor. The shoulder didn't ache anymore, and he could move freely. Strapping each part of the armor in place and setting his swords at the sides, he took a few steps through the room, feeling revigorated.

Back out, by the western gate, behind the iron door, down under the ground with a few steps, and old man was struggling around through his workshop. Magical workshop. Displayed on a nice counter were lots of potions, each more colored than the other. Herbs, cauldrons of different sizes, all of them arranged in their places.

On the other side, bookshelves full of all sorts of books, alchemy, spells, on properties of plants, some of them untouched for so long that were buried in thick dust. The old man was busy in his research, moving from a cauldron of boiling substances to a book, to herbs and back again. He wore a simple, blue robe, and his hand clutched yet strong for his age, a staff, with a blue stone at the top.

He was lost in his rantings and blabbering, and hearing the iron door open gave him a skip of the heart. With a frail voice speaking he looked up to the stairs, awaiting for whoever was to step down them.

"Aye? Who am i having the... the pleasure with?"

Old as he was, his mind tricked on him at times, and he sometimes had to break in the middle of the sentence, as he was forgetting ideas or words.
Ariana tentatively made her way down the stairs passed the cast iron door, stopping just inside the entrance. Was this really the right place? She had never seen a store such as this before, it looked more like a dungeon than a place of business. The princess slowly looked around the dark space, examining the strange wares scattered throughout the room, the assortment of goods on the counter in particular catching her attention. Was that an animal fetus in a jar? Those actually existed outside of novels?

Ariana looked away from the fascinating inventory as she heard the disembodied voice address her, taking longer than expected to find the source. After a long moment of searching her eyes landed on the fragile looking old man dressed in simply, sacred garb, a tall staff clutched in his hand. Oh yes, Ariana almost smiled to herself as she noticed the bubbling cauldron and assortment of herbs laid out in front of the man, she was definitely in the right place.

"Sir Samon?" Ariana enquired politely, curtsying slightly without taking her eyes off the mage as she came to a stop in front of the counter. Despite the wizard's enfeebled appearance she could sense the power radiating from the man. "My name is Aria," The princess cleared her throat to cover her slight falter, almost giving the man her true name. She would have to keep an eye on that in the future. "It's my honour to make your acquaintance, Sir. I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."

Ariana carefully monitored the old wizard as she continued, trying to judge the mage's disposition and the likelihood he would be willing to offer assistance. "I was told there was none other as knowledgeable as the Wiseman Samon, no one else brave enough to speak the story aloud... the tale of the mage hidden in the cave of Thraghul."
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The old man fixed his gaze on the young girl. His eyes were perfectly fine for his age and in the semi-obscurity he could make out her features well enough to realise who she was. His dry lips pulled at the corners into a kind smile, and his free hand rose up to touch the princess 'pon her head, as he spoke with a shaky and shallow voice.

"Oh, my dearest child... if my old eyes aren't lying, i've the honor to stand right before the princess of Khorinys... ex... excuse my lack of politeness and no bowing, but my back isn't that... young anymore"

He laughed softly, his laughter almost sounding like a sort of cough. Taking his hand away, he moved to the library side of the store, and, in a far corner, there was a table with two comfortable enough chairs. Grabbing two cups and a steaming tea pot on the way, he placed them on the table and poured two cups of tea, then turned around and motioned to her to sit at the table.

"Come, sit, have a cup of... of tea. Worry not, i'll tell no one you're here"

He then slowly moved, helping himself with the staff, towards the bookshelves, and started searching through the old books while speaking.

"Oh, aye, i know the old, mad mage... Vorath... aye, i think that was his name. A... a fine man he was, oh aye, in his youth. We went to the Mage Academy together. But for a... reason he turned to the ancient, forbidden Dark Arts... the... um... what was their name..."

He paused from speaking and searching to think. The amount of knowledge he kept made him forget names and things at times, but he usually remembered them easily after.

"... Brothers Of Omen... i think it was called, an ancient order of secret worshippers of evil who kept prophecing an incoming doom and a new... world order... "

He finally took out a big book, wrapped in black leather, with a magical sign upon it. Bringing it to the table he placed it down carefully, and started flipping through the pages, muttering words under his breath as he searched. He suddenly stopped at a page.

"Ah, there is is, see?"

He placed his index finger upon a drawing of a few men wearing black cloaks

As i was saying... these people kept prophecing the incoming end of the world and about how they will be the only ones to survive. They have been... wiped out long ago, but Vorath caught an interest in this... long lost cult and he did secret research on it. No one knows what he had done but... but it brought him madness, and he secluded himself in the cave of Thraghul, placing and ancient curse... upon that place."
Ariana watched the curious old man as he ambled about his shop, more than a little surprised he had recognized her so easily. Was her appearance really so distinctive? Perhaps it would be wise for her to alter her look after all. She couldn't recall meeting the mage before, and with such a unique look himself the princess was confident she would have remembered the man. Ariana hesitated, uncertain if she should follow or flee.

After a long moment Ariana decided to follow the elderly gentlemen, joining him in the impressive library like section of the shop when he summoned her. She couldn't sense anything but kindness and patience from the mage as she took a seat in the chair he offered her, and his worded rang true when he vowed not to gossip about their encounter. The princess watched silently as the wizard search through his impressive collection of books and grimoires, listening to his unsteady voice without interruption.

Vill'Kern had been right then. Not only did the wizen old mage possess the answers they sought, the mage of Thraghul was indeed more than a mere myth. Another soul lost to the dark arts, according to the mage. It seemed the cursed art was at the center of all their troubles.

Something sparked in Ariana's mind at the mention of the Brothers of Omen, a memory lurking in the back of her mind just out of reach. The princess had always been fascinated by texts of the magical arts, reading everything available on the suject within arms reach. Her father had been careful to keep her away from books pertaining to the dark arts, but she had managed to sneak a peak at the occasional forbidden tome. She was sure she had stumbled across the name before, struggling to remember without missing a word of the mage's soft speech.

Ariana jumped from her seat when the mage finally selected the book he had been hunting for. She hurried over to take the heavy pages from the fragile man, helping him carry it to the table. The princess watched over his shoulder as the old wizard flipped through the worn pages, carefully examining the image he stopped on.

"My friend and I are searching for something hidden within the cave of Thraghul." Ariana spoke carefully when the mage finished his explanation, cautious not to reveal more information than necessary just yet. "Do you know of a way to pass by Vorath's cursed land unscathed?"
The mage looked to the girl as she spoke, and thought. As soon as she ended her question he replied.

"Nay, my child, i fear i do not. I... myself tried to get past it but... you see, to bypass the... curse, it is required to perform... blood magic. And i do not meddle with such affairs. And nor should you. It is much more dangerous than you could ever imagine. There was a time in which i could... enter his mind and see what he was up to but now... his mind is too messed up or he is, oh well, dead."

The old man stopped to take a breath. At his age, even speaking required much energy and exhausted him quickly. He sat himself on one of the chairs and took a sip from his tea.

"I could teleport you in the cave but for what i know, the inside of the cave is cursed, just like the land around it. And full of dreadful monsters. Without a good sword arm, you're dead. That would be if the curse wouldn't... turn you into another monster. The only way around is the blood magic, but for that you'd need to seek out a necromancer and do something out of the normal laws. Necromancy is... forbidden. Just days ago i watched a necromancer being hanged from the watchtower at the north gate"

The old man remained silent, thinking to himself, trying to remember details of something that could help the princess with her request. He suddenly stood and rushed with an incredible speed towards a cupboard, in which he started searching, then took out two ampoules that contained a blue-ish liquid.

"Ah, yes, yes, i finally remembered... long ago i made these potions. But i had no one to test them on. They... fear too much. You two could try to test them. If they work correctly, they should... make you immune to the curse's effects, by changing your blood's structure to that of one of the monsters roaming the lands there"

He walked back to the table and set the ampoules on it

"However the... effects won't last longer than a full day, so if you pass stay over this time... oh well..."
Ariana silently contemplated the old mage's words, her heart sinking at his unfortunate answer. Even a mage couldn't get passed another magic wielder's enchantments, so how were a near invincible mercenary and a spiritually-inclined princess of rumble with no magical abilities to speak of between the two supposed to best the curse? Perhaps they would have to take the risk and seek out the aid of a necromancer. The princess knew little about that particular branch of magic other than what she had heard of it's gruesome reputation, but they had to cross the cursed lands without falling victim to the hex. If they failed here there would be no one else to oppose the unidentified enemy.

"You could enter his mind?" Ariana repeated slowly, making sure she had heard properly. "Is that a common magic?" She hesitated only briefly before telling the kind old mage everything she knew, speaking quickly before she had time to second guess her decision. "The Deathless King of the North, Isumron, has given his mind to an entity capable of such magic. This entity has also entered my friend's dreams whilst he slept. We seek the knowledge hidden in Vorath's domain to find a name to put to this creature."

Ariana paused, giving the mage time to think over what she had told him. She waited as long as she could bare before continuing her enquiries. "Are you familiar with such beings, Sir?"

Ariana jumped to her feet in alarm as the mage ran off, flying off with speed she wouldn't have thought possible for a man his age. What had caused such an outburst from the usually quiet mage? Before the princess could investigate he had returned, setting his discovery down on the table.

Ariana listened to the mage's explanation of the vialed potion's properties, picking up the small glass bottles to examine the liquid inside. "Thank you," The princess said softly, touched by the old mage's kindness. "What can I do to repay you for your generosity?"
The mage firstly thought upon the information she's given to him. Everything was now clearer than ever. With a shaking hand, he touched the princess on her shoulder at her question about repaying his generosity, and spoke, slowly, accentuating properly every word.

"The entity you are to face is the evil in its pure form... i cannot guarantee for your well faring, not even for your life but... i will do my best. I will take a trip to Hyeris and inform the Elders of The High Circle of this situation. I will also monitor you on your travels, as much as i can. It is of my duty as a mage and researcher to take care of this type of... problems. So i only require that you take care of yourself, my children. Who is he, your friend? I would like to speak to him"

The mage looked again to the princess before sitting back down, and sipping from his tea.

Back at the inn, the mercenary decided Ariana was already gone for too long. Exitting his room and the inn, he went out and started looking for her. He didn't know the village by heart but he knew the whereabouts of the mage's workshop. On the way, he looked around and watched as many people whispered behind his back, or some just fled out of his way. He finally reached the cast iron door and, hearing voices inside, he opened it.

The old mage looked up to the stairs and watched as the warrior took heavy steps down the stairs.

"By the gods... Vill'Kern? The Slayer?"

He looked to the princess, then back to the warrior and again to the princess, this time caught by surprise

"Is this the friend you were speaking of?"
Ariana listened solemnly to the mage's warning, willing her resolve not to falter. She had known how dangerous their mission would be, not just venturing in the lair of the mad mage, but all that would follow after should they prevail. The princess had known, but it still sent a chill through her blood to feel the mage's deep seeded concern for her well being, and the fear that caused his already weak voice to tremble.

It was a relief to know there were others that would watch over the actions of Deathless King with a knowing eye should the princess and Vill'Kern be unable to successfully complete their daunting task. Ariana knew of no other organization as better able to oppose the growing force in the north than The High Circle. It was a heavy weight lifted from Ariana's narrow shoulders, though the apprehension she felt was far from eased.

Ariana awkwardly avoided the old mage's eye as he asked for the name of her companion, uncertain how to best duck away from the question. As kind as the man had been to her, the princess didn't think it wise to reveal The Slayer's identity. There was no way of knowing the wizard's feelings regarding the warrior. Before she truly had a chance to consider a proper excuse, however, the mage's eyes passed beyond the princess to the entrance of the store as the heavy door opened.

Ariana jumped to her feet, deeming a quick exit was in order. Stuffing the vials the mage had previously given her into the folds of her light armour, the princess quickly curtsied once more to the elderly wizard.

"Thank you for your kindness," Ariana spoke breathlessly, worried by the growing tensions filling the small shop. "I'll be sure to come back, should we pass through this village again."

The princess moved quickly towards the exit and the mercenary standing before it, hoping to leave the odd shop without a confrontation.
The mage watched the princess as she hurried her way out, but Vill'Kern didn't even move from the spot. More than that, he just took steps down, forcing the princess back, until he met the mage face to face. He was clearly much taller than the old man, almost a giant compared to him. The two looked each other in the eyes for a moment, before the old man took his word.

"Young man... i know your reputation... i know you... aye i do, better than you think. And i know you would be capable of taking care of the princess, i trust you on that. You are not an evil man, i can sense that. So please... Look, let me fetch something"

The old man stepped away towards the counter full of potions, and putting a few vials on a special belt, made especially for placing vials at the reach of the hand, he handed it to Vill'Kern who did not move more than an inch, only to take the special belt.

"Look, i... i placed here on this belt a few potions, for healing and one of them is a special mixture, which will double your strenght and endurance, should you need it. Do not let Valysia down..."

The old magic worker smiled kindly while looking up to The Slayer, then turned around, to return to his duties around the workshop, but not before speaking softly.

"May the gods favor you, my children"

Vill'Kern looked at the belt, then carefully strapped it to his already too occupied armor, before turning around. He stopped before the princess and looked down into her eyes.

"Are you ready? We must leave"
"Yes, I'm ready." Ariana answered The Slayer's question in relief, following the warrior back up the stairs and through the heavy cast iron door to the bright, bustling streets outside. The princess released a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding once they were standing in front of the shop, grateful a fight hadn't broken out like she had feared. It would have been terrible if the mercenary had ended the mage's life, especially after all he had done to help them.

The Slayer's sudden appearance in the mage's workshop had surprised her just as much as it had the old wizard. Ariana never would have expected Vill'Kern to come looking for her. Honestly, half of the princess had been under the suspicion she would return to the inn to find the warrior had already departed while she was out. She wouldn't have blamed him had he rethought the mission ahead of them, without the princess there to make him feel obligated to escort her to the cave of Thraghul and, hopefully, beyond. Wouldn't have blamed him, and almost managed to hope that he would. The princess was still wary of being the cause of the mercenary's demise.

Ariana let the thought slip away as they moved through the crowded streets to the village's gate. There was no point dwelling on what could have happened when the warrior still strode by her side despite her heavy musings. Instead the princess turned her thoughts to what the mage had told her, speaking loud enough so that only The Slayer could hear her. "You were right, Samon knew of a way to pass through the curse unaffected. The potency is limited to a day, however."
He walked by her, while keeping a watchful eye on every person on the street, for suspicious movement. While she started speaking they were already getting close to the northern gate, and the guards were already working on getting it open. And so they left the village, taking the path up to exit the valley.

Looking down to her, he nodded, and continued walking, as he answered her.

"Well, what did he give you? I hope it's no magic scroll or something, i don't know how to work with magic things"

He spoke the very truth. He had several chances of enchanting his swords but he never used them, due to his lack of knowledge in magic. He prefered only the classic style brawl. He looked up ahead and saw somewhere, far in the distance, the end of the forest, a slight fog that was rising just a bit above ground.

"Well, princess, you better get ready, soon enough we're reaching the dead fields. That place is no place to stay on at night, not even for me"

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