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Fantasy Champions of Khorin


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Name: Verrim Khalixstan


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-38.jpg.cfeca5db06f2974d190fbcd696459ce7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-38.jpg.cfeca5db06f2974d190fbcd696459ce7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Domain: War

Class: Berserker


Boon of War: Ignores half of taken damage and boosts attack when activated.

Precision Swordplay: When using a sword, grants Verrim additional speed and accuracy, at the cost of strength and defense.

Reckless Marauder: When using an axe, grants Verrim additional strength and defense while sacrificing speed and accuracy.



Fighting axe/lance users





Little care for civilian lives

Personality: Calm outside the battlefield, but a raging monster on it. He's not very patient, and that causes a lot of problems for him. Though he has experience Commanding troops, they don't always listen to him. Battle is in his blood, and that's where he feels most comfortable.

Bio: Raised in the nomadic clan Khalixstan, Verrim was bred to be a warrior from birth. Under the watchful eye of his father, an infamous Pirate, he grew learning the ways of War, showing no mercy to his enemies. Every day, he grew stronger and stronger. A few years ago, his father decided it was time for his Pilgrimage, a right of passage all members of Khalixstan go on. He was sent out into the world and told not to return until he had won immense glory that would benefit the Khalixstan clan. Expectations were high, and he knew it. Using the information from rumors, he eventually seeked the God of War out, and asked to fight in their name so as to earn the glory he so desired.

Other: N/A



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Name: Jin Izouyuusha



Domain: Order

Class: Ninja

Powers: Guardianship


  • Heroic
  • Attractive Women


  • Attractive Women
  • Attracts too much enemy attention
  • Loyal to a fault

Personality: Jin is a mentally composed individual who channels and controls his emotions but never turns them off. He has incredible determination and a heroic nature as he aspires to be a True Hero. He radiates an aura of charisma and heroism. But when it comes to attractive women they are his greatest strength and greatest weakness for obvious reasons.

Bio: Jin is one of the last of the Izouyuusha bloodline, known in the past to have been a mighty clan of ninja who were guardians of the land of Khorin. More importantly previous champions of the God of Order are within this bloodline. Nowadays the clan has dwindled to a relatively small number, yet they still hold their warrior traditions and such. So even from his toddler years Jin was trained to be a warrior beginning first with his spiritual refinement hence the reason he can control his emotions most of the time. As he grew older he became even more of a skilled warrior learning more of the many arts of Ninjutsu. After completing his training he wanted to try and bring the clan back to its former glory. So he prayed to the God of Order offered himself as the god's champion but in return the power to make the Izoyuusha name great once more and make him the True Guardian.

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W.I.P. God of Life

"Passion is the source of life. Passion spreads like fire through those who live,"

Sadri Pirozmand




Sadri Pirozmand






Life-Force Manipulation - User can create, shape and manipulate the essence of Life, the fundamental force that allows life to appear/exist, grow and flourish throughout the universe. They can control their own personal life-force that dwells within them, allowing them to achieve untold power and great abilities considered to be beyond that of normal beings. Users use physical, spiritual, and mental powers to control their life force.

Fire Manipulation - User can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.


~always full of life

~always looks on the bright side.




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Name: Dage the Judge

Appearance: PHYSICAL


Domain: Death

Powers: Able to manipulate the energy of death and can even induce a killing blow. As well can manipulate the shadows.

Strengths: Hard to kill

Knows the ways of death, so much that he can avoid many dangerous conflicts

Weaknesses: Cannot kill whoever he pleases.

Tends to act rather recklessly and brash.

Personality: Dage is very dark and brooding. Although his thoughts are tactical, his actions are reckless.

Other: He is a great leader, regardless of his brash ways.
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Champion Sheet




Domain: Intelligence

Class: Assassin


For the moment, Nergui only has one power.

1. Sabertooth - In crucial situations, her mind switches off and she relies much more heavily on the suddenly-sharpened, tiger-like instinct. To any observer in the battle, it would appear as if she had gone insane, and is more like a wild animal. Though in this chaotic state, her endurance is slightly better, she'll eventually collapse, and would have only hazy memories of what had just occurred when she is conscious again. Most commonly this is triggered when she is consumed by her rage or fear.


She is agile and stealthy as any assassin would be. Her great speed makes up for her lack of strength and low chance of making critical hits.

However, her greatest weapon is her mind. She is observant, and trusts her instincts and analytical skills to get her out of dangerous situations. Although she is not an intelligent scholar, she is a quick learner and shows to have common sense (most of the time).


As mentioned, her greatest weakness would be the lack of strength in her attacks. She prefers to evade rather than block attacks in general, as she has a low pain tolerance compared to other champions. It would take a few critical hits to get her unconscious, if not dead.


Nergui's nature is like the sea. On the surface, she is usually silent and calm. In dangerous situations her empty eyes can be eerily composed, allowing her to analyse and think efficiently. With this, she can depict herself as a cruel and cold-hearted assassin. She would not hesitate to kill those whom she wants dead and hates being underestimated. Just as the sea hides the raging waves beneath, she hides her inner thoughts of hostility and hatred behind her cold exterior. However, if she doesn't mind sitting with you and listening to you talking for a long time, it probably means she respects you.

As one with few words, she speaks only in a soft murmur, and only when necessary. It is as if she hates wasting oxygen in speaking. She believes that actions speak louder than words, and judges/observes anyone as such.


From the scars on her arms and back, it would appear either Nergui had been brought up as a slave, or had been involved in a battle before she was chosen by the God of Intelligence. The latter seems more likely, given her ability to use weapons such as hooks, knives and light-weight weapons in general. Though she was fortunate to be able to live this long, she seems rather bitter about what has happened in the past and has developed a vengeful attitude towards oppressive rulers.

She doesn't talk too often not because she is deaf, but because a certain incident in her childhood, that had distorted her voice. She decided that it was least troublesome by simply communicating with people in other ways, to avoid seeing their looks of alarm when she speaks.

(more to be revealed as the plot moves along)


She doesn't know how to read or write, and generally either expresses herself with some form of sign language or some form of glaring. However, she still practises speaking to not forget how to talk when there is a need for it.

"Nergui" is the unisex Mongolian name for "no name".
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Solomon the all-seeing

Domain: Intelligence


Panmnesia- Ability to recall any experience he has ever had.

Psychic Shield- Immune to charms, enchantments, and can see through illusions.

Clairvoyance- Can gather information on an object, person, or location.

Telepathy- Mentally transmit or receive information.

Telekinesis- Ability to move object with his mind.

Strengths: Extremely adaptable, can solve most any problem.

Weaknesses: Lacks any sense of morals, Is unable to determine how dangerous a situation is for other's making it so that he will tell people what to do but it could very well end in their demise.

Personality: A very sarcastic and dry character. Solomon knows he is the smartest but that just means he has no ambition to do anything with it because there is no curiosity left once someone knows everything. Would rather spend his time staring at the stars than interacting with the normal mortals.

Other: His only fear is that he will die before finding a successor.


Raikou Kaminari] Name: Jin Izouyuusha Appearance: [IMG]http://img09.deviantart.net/8458/i/2014/253/8/8/ryu_hayabusa_by_helryu-d7lie9v.png[/IMG] Domain: Order Class: Ninja Powers: [URL="http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Guardianship said:


  • Heroic
  • Attractive Women


  • Attractive Women
  • Attracts too much enemy attention
  • Loyal to a fault

Personality: Jin is a mentally composed individual who channels and controls his emotions but never turns them off. He has incredible determination and a heroic nature as he aspires to be a True Hero. He radiates an aura of charisma and heroism. But when it comes to attractive women they are his greatest strength and greatest weakness for obvious reasons.

Bio: To be Revealed in RP

You need to put in some sort of bio, at least to get an understanding of what your character has been through.
@Robertaka123 Sorry, made a small edit to an error in the "other" section. She doesn't know how to read, she practices speaking. :'D
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  • Sven Walker

NeoClassical said:

  • Sven Walker

You are allowed to have a champion and a God, but they simply have to be different domains.
God Character Sheet

Name: Abisali the Prince of War


Usual form:



Domain: War


1. Enhancement - He is able to enchant inanimate objects. This usually is applied to weapons, including the four that he most commonly uses. These weapons (or items) may also have additional properties or effects.

2. Prayer - He is able to hear the prayers and choose to whether to answer the calling or not. As the God of War, he may or may not offer help to the one who has said the prayer, depending on whether he deems it's worthy or of any interest to him.

3. Alternative form - When he really wants to get serious in a fight, he may choose to shift to another form, where he has six arms in total. This was something that was gained when he became the God of War. He still uses the same weapons and is seen not too different in appearance, but rather has a large increase in his life force (or the mana pool for magic abilities).

4. Metal and Fire manipulation - though he is skilled at it, this is only limited to be used with a physical item, most commonly his weapons.


Though his body is that of a young boy, he possesses much more physical strength, endurance and defense than most humans. He is rather courageous and is quite committed to his obligations and values. In times of trouble, he shows to be rather resilient and looks at things realistically instead of being optimistic.


The God of War's ultimate weakness would be the God of Nature. Everything in war, the man-made weapons, conflict, etc will be subjected to be at the mercy of nature. This means that the God of Nature is able to interfere with whatever work that he is doing.


Abisali seems to be one with dual personalities. While he can be violent and untamed in aspects of war, he also values talent, military strategy and good generalship. He seems young, but has a vast knowledge about war, far beyond his years. He is well aware that he prefers co-operation more than conflict, but will not hesitate to initiate a war if he finds that is the most logical decision. Once a battle starts, he is rarely to be one to show mercy. When not in battle, he's a bit reckless in all aspects like Dage.

He's a bit restless, and likes to always have something to keep him entertained. Thus he has a tendency to often mingle among the mortals as a mere young boy. He looks up to his brother, Dage, and trusts him the most. Just like how he sees Dage and Sadri are two sides of a coin, he sees the God of Order as his counterpart.


"Abisali" is the new name he adopted when he became the God of War.

He's named the "Prince of War", and is Dage's brother, but he is actually a hermaphrodite.

The most common weapons that Abisali uses: (All can be found in the images)

1. Wind Fire Wheels - metal wheels below his feet that grant him the power of flight. They aren't really used to deal fire damage.

2. Universe Ring - the gold metal hoop/ring which can shift it's diameter and become smaller or bigger instantly. Can be used for binding or like a frisbee.

3. Red Armillary Sash - has gravity-defying effects as if it is lighter than a feather, but is sturdy and almost nothing can tear it. Generally used as something like a rope.

4. Fire-tipped Spear - A war spear that he uses as like a pike or lance in general short/mid-range combat. Fire-enhanced attacks are possible.
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  • Name: Vashti
  • Appearance:

  • Domain: Love
  • Powers: Love- She can both influence love and take it away. Making people fall into deep lust or hatred with each other. She can sense soulmates, or if two people are meant to be together. She is a soothsayer, able to persuade people to do her bidding.
  • Strengths: is often accompanied by multiple men at her beck and call to defend her.
  • Weaknesses: She Is easily distracted by a pretty face. She's also a complete harlet.
  • Personality: Bit of a split personality showing both the warm, caring, kind side of love as well as the cold and heartless side caused by a broken heart.


  • Name: Baran
  • Appearance:

  • Domain: Nature
  • Class: Druid
  • Powers: Plant Generation/DeGeneration. Animal communication (Can talk to animals). Shapeshifter (Hawk, Panther and seal only). Weather control. Basic control of the 4 natural elements (fire, water, air, earth)
  • Strengths: When in a natural setting he's at his strongest. He is able to faze through forest almost like a shadow
  • Weaknesses: cities or large settlements. Speaking with people, having lived alone in the woods most of his life.
  • Personality: while he's closed off to strangers once he opens up he's a funny and caring guy. Showing respect for all walks of life except those who destroy nature.
  • Bio: Born into a small group of Druids he grew up learning the basics of the natural world around him. While he had no true power until being claimed as a champion he had a vast knowledge of the natural world as well as a place among both predator and prey. Now after a terrible attack on his family he is left alone, wandering the woods with nothing but the clothes on his back.
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Appearance:Any animal he wishes the top is his most common form <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.6aed7fa4f774b9d7260ea7186bf656e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.6aed7fa4f774b9d7260ea7186bf656e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Natures Bounty (positive abilities)

Abundance:can cause plants to grow spontaneously

Fauna:command over all animals,those who are marked by him can inherit this.

Life:in Yis presence all wounds will fall away.

poison,venom,and infection will fall away. His touch can even heal the dead.

Natures wrath: he shifts into a much larger form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.aee445e0aa1d26f8b17051d48664276f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.aee445e0aa1d26f8b17051d48664276f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Heavens quake:the weather becomes either a fierce blizzard,storm,hurricane, or even a sandstorm.

Earth trembles:can cause earthquakes,volcanoes,landslides,and sinkholes.

The world reclaims:all animals are violent when this form is present. And nearby vegetation grows rapidly and aggressively.

Strengths:very powerful,has never passed the title of nature God since the beginning of time.

Widely worshipped & feared by many humans.

Weaknesses:both death and knowledge are his weaknesses and he is only as powerful as his domains presence.

In a jungle he is unbeatable,but in a city he is almost mortal...

Fire also holds slight advantages.

Personality:Yis is fickle,one day showering the world around him with gifts and blessings,the next wreaking havoc,he is hard to predict...but he is always loyal to what he calls his siblings,(other gods)and believes strongly in the balance of all things.

Other:*appears as a hamster*




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