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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open]

ActionPony said:
Name: Arin Eliah
Nickname: Ari

Element: Light

Specialization: Scientific applications of her power

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Strengths: Arin is very knowledgeable, especially in the field of what we'd call physics, and is rather creative with her magic. Whenever she tries something, she always does her best. She also has decent hand-eye coordination and can handle a sling.

Weaknesses: Arin is very single-minded and obstinate. Whenever she commits to something or gets an idea in her head, it's really hard to get it out, even if that idea is bad, and she rarely admits that she is wrong. This kind inflexibility means that she's more likely to outright break. She is also physically incapable, as becoming a great warrior was never a goal for her.

Personality: Arin is the kind of person who commits to things. For most of her life, it was becoming the most knowledgeable person in the world, and now that she's accepted the position of Celestial Knight, she's going to try to be the best Knight there is. Once Arin has committed to a goal, she is intensely focused on it, and it tends to be the center of her priorities. This means that she often neglects things that aren't part of the goal, like a social life. She is, however, a highly principled person and will not stand for injustice. She never looks back, and sees the past as more of a distraction than anything else.

History: Arin is the daughter of physicists, and from them she got a taste for knowledge in general and physics in particular. Her childhood, outside of her determination to know everything there is to know, was unremarkable, and when she was an adult, she dedicated herself to learning things. She ended up physically unhealthy because she felt that things like eating were of secondary importance to learning. She was in rather bad straits before she came to Lumina, as she had just been laid off her job and was poor.

(for now, please ignore the dragon)



She hides her jewel at all times.

She often wears a travelling cloak.

Her weapon (when she uses one) a sling empowered by light energy to speed the projectiles (or at least, that's the idea- she has a hard time getting it to work properly and often just uses her magic)

She's from Earth.
eName: Leigh Zorian


Element: Spirit

Specialization: Spiritual Healing

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Strengths: Leigh finds true tranquility when he reads his favorite book "If Veins or Vines", calming him down enough to use his power. He is creative and resourceful, or tries to be, when he fights. He is able to heal and sometimes mend the souls of others, and his soul if he wanted. When others become irrational, he keeps an open mind and an open heart towards most people.

Weaknesses: Even with the Goddess's gift, Leigh has a frail body that cannot sustain much direct attacks. A heavy attack could possibly stun him, or cause him to collapse. Overexerting his healing power greatly exhausts him, leaving him drained and near the edge of fainting for a long while. He is very vulnerable to threats and manipulation, mainly when they are directed at an innocent person. If anyone is threatened or captured, he remains docile until the safety of said person is assured.

Personality: Leigh is a compassionate and poetic man that does what he can to help others, even at the risk of his own health. He tries to be the voice of reason in heated debates, though this doesn't end with anyone heeding his words. His poetic side often doesn't show when talking to others, unless he knows who he is talking to. He is more of a hopeless lover than a fighter, but he will interfere with conflicts that start to become hostile. He can come off as delirious for his age, but he is more than aware of his surroundings. Even when he doesn't mean to be, he can be bluntly honest with others, usually resulting in Leigh getting a hard slap to the face or a punch.

History: Leigh was a renowned writer and scholar around his home village like his father before him, giving him a reputation that was good and bad. He wanted to remain in a familiar place for a while, afraid to branch out his teachings. One day, he managed to muster up the courage to leave his home and set off to join a caravan that was heading towards a large town nearly 120 miles away. It was near nightfall; he was on the caravan and ready to finally leave, but as he shut his eyes he dreamt a long dream. When he opened his eyes, he did not recognize any of his surroundings; however, he tried to stay calm.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/pengru10.jpg.7ee0ae224e2f4dbcf49ef9006a6f8b82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/pengru10.jpg.7ee0ae224e2f4dbcf49ef9006a6f8b82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leigh's jewel is a very dull brown color with a cloud-like form inside the jewel, embedded in a silver ring on his left middle finger.

Other: When he manages to become scared, he puts up a stern and cold front to hide his fear.



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Sanica said:
Name: Leigh Zorian


Element: Spirit

Specialization: Spiritual Healing

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Strengths: Leigh find true tranquility when he reads his favorite book "If Veins or Vines", calming him down enough to use his power. He is creative and resourceful, or tries to be, when he fights. He is able to heal and sometimes mend the souls of others, and his soul if he wanted. When others become irrational, he keeps an open mind and an open heart towards most people.

Weaknesses: Even with the Goddess's gift, Leigh has a frail body that cannot sustain much direct attacks. A heavy attack could possibly stun him, or cause him to collapse. Overexerting his healing power greatly exhausts him, leaving him drained and near the edge of fainting for a long while. He is very vulnerable to threats and manipulation, mainly when they are directed at an innocent person. If anyone is threatened or captured, he remains docile until the safety of said person is assured.

Personality: Leigh is a compassionate and poetic man that does what he can to help others, even at the risk of his own health. He tries to be the voice of reason in heated debates, though this doesn't end with anyone heeding his words. His poetic side often don't show when talking to others, unless he knows who he is talking to. He is more of a hopeless lover than a fighter, but he will interfere with conflicts that start to become hostile. He can come off as delirious for his age, but he is more than aware of his surroundings. Even when he doesn't mean to be, he can be bluntly honest with others, usually resulting in Leigh getting a hard slap to the face or a punch.

History: Leigh was a renowned writer and scholar around his home village like his father before him, giving him a reputation that was good and bad. He wanted to remain in a familiar place for a while, afraid to branch out his teachings. One day, he managed to muster up the courage to leave his home and set off to join a caravan that was heading towards a large town nearly 120 miles away. It was near nightfall; he was on the caravan and ready to finally leave, but as he shut his eyes he dreamt a long dream. When he opened his eyes, he did not recognize any of his surroundings; however, he tried to stay calm.


View attachment 170304

Leigh's jewel is a very dull brown color with a cloud-like form inside the jewel, embedded in a silver ring on his left middle finger.

Other: When he manages to become scared, he puts up a stern and cold front to hide his fear.
Allyator said:
Your character can be a celestial knight or they may be an ordinary person, although if your character is normal, then they must be from the world of Lumina (if your character is from earth and they were teleported into this new world without any magic, then that wouldn't be very fair). Certain people in Lumina are capable of magic although it’s not as strong as elemental power. They can be witches, wizards, alchemist, adventurers, etc.
There can be 3 characters per element. People who share the same element can combine their powers to be even more powerful as well as communicate with each other telepathically. You can create up to two characters if you want. You should also read everything in the Overview as well.

Number of characters (and reservations which will only last for a few days):

Earth: 1/3

Fire: 3/3

Water: 3/3

Air: 2/3

Energy: 1/3

Metal: 2/3

Spirit: 3/3

Void: 3/3

Light: 3/3

Dark: 3/3

Normal: 0/∞



Element: (if applicable)

Specialization: (if playing as a normal character, this can be whatever their major skill is)

Age: (17-30)







(Can be a picture and/or description. They’re clothes can be anything so long as it fits in with the fantasy setting.)

Jewel: (Can be a picture and/or description. Here are some references.)

Please reserve the last Air spot. I'll be making a character later, possibly tomorrow.
Gonna try for this if you're still accepting

Roan Dracniil

Nickname: No social life = no nickname

Element: Void

Specialization: Saps energy within immediate area.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Strengths: Surrounded by a dampening effect that saps heat from the environment and kinetic energy from moving objects.

Weaknesses: Has no control over own power. Due to this, most people are extremely wary of approaching him and even those who are willing to socialize with him can not do so without ample protection from cold temperatures. He is not immune to cold and will probably die should he not take precautions in dealing with low temperatures.

Personality: Whatever remained of the bubbly child that Roan used to be is now locked underneath a frigid exterior. Years of isolation and fear from the general populace has caused Roan's emotional development to be stunted to the point that he is unable to have a normal conversation with people. He is ignorant of social courtesies and etiquette and would probably end up insulting someone in diplomatic matters without meaning to. His power prevents him from safely mingling with large crowds and he spents the majority of his time wandering in Mina or Nulla where he believes he would do the least amount of damage.

History: Born on Earth, Roan was as normal as a child could be. His mother died of heat stroke during a rather severe drought and Roan prayed that such a thing never happen again. It was a case of not being careful of what you wish for. The following day, the entire village was a frozen wasteland.

It was after two years of avoiding government agents attempting to capture him for experimentation when he decided to simply accept his fate. As he shuddered in the cold that his own power produced soldiers and hitmen attempting to get through his power, he smiled at the thought of meeting his mother again.

When he next opened his eyes, it was to see the desolate wastes that made up the Land of Void.

Appearance: A young man with pale skin and white hair, a result of the sun's heat never actually reaching his body. While not overtly muscular, his build is lean due to the constant wandering and hiking he does. His eyes are bloodshot as a result of lack of sleep. His body is always covered by a black jacket with a hoodie, sweatpants and thick fur boots, in an effort to keep himself warm despite his constantly activated power.

Jewel: A diamond as clear and white as ice, encased in a metallic holder shaped like a three pronged claw.
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RoanDracniil said:
Gonna try for this if you're still accepting

Roan Dracniil

Nickname: No social life = no nickname

Element: Energy (Most fitting was Void but Void was already full. Energy works too though, somewhat)

Specialization: Saps energy within immediate area.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Strengths: Surrounded by a dampening effect that saps heat from the environment and kinetic energy from moving objects.

Weaknesses: Has no control over own power. Due to this, most people are extremely wary of approaching him and even those who are willing to socialize with him can not do so without ample protection from cold temperatures. He is not immune to cold and will probably die should he not take precautions in dealing with low temperatures.

Personality: Whatever remained of the bubbly child that Roan used to be is now locked underneath a frigid exterior. Years of isolation and fear from the general populace has caused Roan's emotional development to be stunted to the point that he is unable to have a normal conversation with people. He is ignorant of social courtesies and etiquette and would probably end up insulting someone in diplomatic matters without meaning to. His power prevents him from safely mingling with large crowds and he spents the majority of his time wandering in Mina or Nulla where he believes he would do the least amount of damage.

History: Born on Earth, Roan was as normal as a child could be. His mother died of heat stroke during a rather severe drought and Roan prayed that such a thing never happen again. It was a case of not being careful of what you wish for. The following day, the entire village was a frozen wasteland.

It was after two years of avoiding government agents attempting to capture him for experimentation when he decided to simply accept his fate. As he shuddered in the cold that his own power produced soldiers and hitmen attempting to get through his power, he smiled at the thought of meeting his mother again.

When he next opened his eyes, it was to see the desolate wastes that made up the Land of Void.

Appearance: A young man with pale skin and white hair, a result of the sun's heat never actually reaching his body. While not overtly muscular, his build is lean due to the constant wandering and hiking he does. His eyes are bloodshot as a result of lack of sleep. His body is always covered by a black jacket with a hoodie, sweatpants and thick fur boots, in an effort to keep himself warm despite his constantly activated power.

Jewel: A diamond as clear and white as ice, encased in a metallic holder shaped like a three pronged claw.
Accepted. You can post whenever you're ready.

A spot also just opened for void if you want to change your character.
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Name: Ira Ignis

Nickname: n/a

Element: Fire



Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Strengths: Destruction, Thoughtless combat, brute strength, speed.

Weaknesses: Water, cold, can be outwitted, easily provoked

Personality: Anger and wrath. Ira is the embodiment of Wrath itself, she loves nothing more than to fight and argue and focus her anger on someone or something. She is quick to judge, easily provoked into a rage, and is a shoot first ask questions later. she does holds grudges for a long time, and does no other peoples help although will be the first to blame others for her faults. She is chaotic, impulsive and freedom driven and will protect her freedom no matter the cost. But it can also be said she is extremely passionate,and will go to great lengths for those she chooses to love and care for.

History: There was a lonely mage who lived in an abandoned keep not far from a town 22 years ago. This mage was overwhelmed by his loneliness of the townsfolk ever neared him, he attempted to create artificial intelligence. One night he kidnapped a woman to fragment her mind and use a fragment to fuse with a flame. with that he created intelligent living sprites of flames, each reflecting a part of the woman's mind, who's soul was now detached from the body. One such flame was imbued with the fragment of freedom. As the sprite came to life she saw the others were kept under a glass to keep from growing. The little flame did not understand what was happening but as the mage realized his failure he began to douse each little flame one by one. Engulfed with the urge to be free and live. She pounded and pounded on the glass to no avail and when the mage came to her finally, she became enraged by how her life was to be put out within a moment of her birth. She exploded from the glass jar, killing the mage, then went to the woman's soul and devoured it becoming a fully Sentient Being. She continued onward to devour the keep and the Engulf the town. But as the Flame of freedom was slowly running out of fuel, she gave birth to a child as a last attempt to preserve her legacy. and with the flames dieing breath she named her Ira Ignis. The fire of Wrath. For 22 years Ira wandered the great land to find purpose, love, and to safeguard her freedom.


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MsPolite said:
Name: Ira Ignis
Nickname: n/a

Element: Fire



Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Strengths: Destruction, Thoughtless combat, brute strength, speed.

Weaknesses: Water, cold, can be outwitted, easily provoked

Personality: Anger and wrath. Ira is the embodiment of Wrath itself, she loves nothing more than to fight and argue and focus her anger on someone or something. She is quick to judge, easily provoked into a rage, and is a shoot first ask questions later. she does holds grudges for a long time, and does no other peoples help although will be the first to blame others for her faults. She is chaotic, impulsive and freedom driven and will protect her freedom no matter the cost. But it can also be said she is extremely passionate,and will go to great lengths for those she chooses to love and care for.

History: There was a lonely mage who lived in an abandoned keep not far from a town 22 years ago. This mage was overwhelmed by his loneliness of the townsfolk ever neared him, he attempted to create artificial intelligence. One night he kidnapped a woman to fragment her mind and use a fragment to fuse with a flame. with that he created intelligent living sprites of flames, each reflecting a part of the woman's mind, who's soul was now detached from the body. One such flame was imbued with the fragment of freedom. As the sprite came to life she saw the others were kept under a glass to keep from growing. The little flame did not understand what was happening but as the mage realized his failure he began to douse each little flame one by one. Engulfed with the urge to be free and live. She pounded and pounded on the glass to no avail and when the mage came to her finally, she became enraged by how her life was to be put out within a moment of her birth. She exploded from the glass jar, killing the mage, then went to the woman's soul and devoured it becoming a fully Sentient Being. She continued onward to devour the keep and the Engulf the town. But as the Flame of freedom was slowly running out of fuel, she gave birth to a child as a last attempt to preserve her legacy. and with the flames dieing breath she named her Ira Ignis. The fire of Wrath. For 22 years Ira wandered the great land to find purpose, love, and to safeguard her freedom.


Name: Dash Lynn

Element: Metal

Specialization: Uses several floating swords and armour that can change shape

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Strengths: Intelligent// Kind// Always smiling// Positive attitude// Polite// Is an expert on metals and rocks// Discrete helper// thinker

Weaknesses: Naive// Easily convinced //Unsocial //Without the use of his floating swords or armour, he can be defeated very easily// Not very good at talking to people// Doesn't know when and when not to lie// easily terrified

Personality: Dash is very, very quiet. He will only talk about what he likes, and will usually only talk to people he really likes. He is very shy, and is terrified when new people talk to him. He tends to think things through before he acts on them. He is always seen smiling and if you ask him, he will say he has the greatest life anyone could ever have. He is very friendly towards those he is comfortable with, since those he isn't comfortable will just make him feel scared, or awkward. He also will believe most things people tell him unless it is blatantly obvious.

History: Dash as a young boy, always loved rocks and anything metal or shiny. He'd always play around with magnets and stones. Eventually, he would learn about all these and develop a passion for geology. In grade school, he was always seen carrying around his geology book. He wouldn't talk to many people except for a few close friends. Even then, he would always be overenthusiastic about rocks and metals with them and nothing more. Not many people bothered or bullied him which is why he is always seen smiling. When he turned seventeen, he knew he had his set on geology... before being whisked away Lumina and asked by the goddess to be a Celestial Knight. Taken by immense surprise and shock, Dash agreed to this. When whisked to the temple, he was torn between Metal and Earth, but chose metal in the end.

Appearance: Dash is an average height of 5'10. He is quite skinny, and his skin is slightly tanned. His eyes are brown and his hair is black, but gives the appearance of a dark navy blue. He wears his hair medium with a few strands in front of his face. Dash now always wears clothing made out of different metals which he can make bend and stretch like fabric. When in need to battle, he turns the metal clothing in to armour and changes the style of armour depending on the situation.

Jewel: No matter what Dash is wearing, he has his navy blue coloured jewel as a chest piece to his metallic clothing. He likes it that way

Other: Dash is able to call upon 20 swords at a time that circle and fly around him. Usually he will have one or two in his hand and will occasionally use a shield. When using one sword in his hand, that leaves 19 in the air, and when using both shield and sword or two swords, that's 18 in the air (He sacrifices a sword for a shield). The swords will either be used as a full on assault, or used to defend Dash, since Dash with a sword by himself is almost useless.
[QUOTE="Dash Lynn]
Name: Dash Lynn
Element: Metal

Specialization: Uses several floating swords and armour that can change shape

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Strengths: Intelligent// Kind// Always smiling// Positive attitude// Polite// Is an expert on metals and rocks// Discrete helper// thinker

Weaknesses: Naive// Easily convinced //Unsocial //Without the use of his floating swords or armour, he can be defeated very easily// Not very good at talking to people// Doesn't know when and when not to lie// easily terrified

Personality: Dash is very, very quiet. He will only talk about what he likes, and will usually only talk to people he really likes. He is very shy, and is terrified when new people talk to him. He tends to think things through before he acts on them. He is always seen smiling and if you ask him, he will say he has the greatest life anyone could ever have. He is very friendly towards those he is comfortable with, since those he isn't comfortable will just make him feel scared, or awkward. He also will believe most things people tell him unless it is blatantly obvious.

History: Dash as a young boy, always loved rocks and anything metal or shiny. He'd always play around with magnets and stones. Eventually, he would learn about all these and develop a passion for geology. In grade school, he was always seen carrying around his geology book. He wouldn't talk to many people except for a few close friends. Even then, he would always be overenthusiastic about rocks and metals with them and nothing more. Not many people bothered or bullied him which is why he is always seen smiling. When he turned seventeen, he knew he had his set on geology... before being whisked away Lumina and asked by the goddess to be a Celestial Knight. Taken by immense surprise and shock, Dash agreed to this. When whisked to the temple, he was torn between Metal and Earth, but chose metal in the end.

Appearance: Dash is an average height of 5'10. He is quite skinny, and his skin is slightly tanned. His eyes are brown and his hair is black, but gives the appearance of a dark navy blue. He wears his hair medium with a few strands in front of his face. Dash now always wears clothing made out of different metals which he can make bend and stretch like fabric. When in need to battle, he turns the metal clothing in to armour and changes the style of armour depending on the situation.

Jewel: No matter what Dash is wearing, he has his navy blue coloured jewel as a chest piece to his metallic clothing. He likes it that way

Other: Dash is able to call upon 20 swords at a time that circle and fly around him. Usually he will have one or two in his hand and will occasionally use a shield. When using one sword in his hand, that leaves 19 in the air, and when using both shield and sword or two swords, that's 18 in the air (He sacrifices a sword for a shield). The swords will either be used as a full on assault, or used to defend Dash, since Dash with a sword by himself is almost useless.

Accepted! You can make a post whenever you want!
Name: Serafina Rayne

Nickname: Sera

Element: Fire

Specialization: Setting things on fire

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Strengths: Great with fire, can fight physically

Weaknesses: Her pyromania sometimes gets the better of her

Personality: Sera is a pyromaniac. She sets fires to deal with stress, and also because she just likes fire. Sera does have compassion, common sense, and moral principles, and will never burn a living thing and is careful with the fires she sets under normal circumstances. Despite her attempts to be responsible, when she's really stressed out she will resort to setting fires to calm herself down. And fire being fire, this sometimes backfires on her. Other than setting fires, her hobby is astronomy.

History: After her father was killed by robbers, her mother turned to alcohol to help cope. Sera started setting fires to deal with stress, and she never stopped. As she got older, the fires became bigger, which eventually resulted in her being sentenced to therapy. The therapy worked, and now she's mostly an adjusted member of society.



Other: To fight physically, she uses a war fan (fan with sharp edges)

She has a tattoo of a snake around her left arm.
ActionPony said:
Name: Serafina Rayne
Nickname: Sera

Element: Fire

Specialization: Setting things on fire

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Strengths: Great with fire, can fight physically

Weaknesses: Her pyromania sometimes gets the better of her

Personality: Sera is a pyromaniac. She sets fires to deal with stress, and also because she just likes fire. Sera does have compassion, common sense, and moral principles, and will never burn a living thing and is careful with the fires she sets under normal circumstances. Despite her attempts to be responsible, when she's really stressed out she will resort to setting fires to calm herself down. And fire being fire, this sometimes backfires on her. Other than setting fires, her hobby is astronomy.

History: After her father was killed by robbers, her mother turned to alcohol to help cope. Sera started setting fires to deal with stress, and she never stopped. As she got older, the fires became bigger, which eventually resulted in her being sentenced to therapy. The therapy worked, and now she's mostly an adjusted member of society.



Other: To fight physically, she uses a war fan (fan with sharp edges)

She has a tattoo of a snake around her left arm.
Name: Theria

Nickname: N/A

Element: Spirt


Age: 25

Gender: Female


Ranged combat and very close knife combat, Talking to people,

People with medium ranged weapons, People who don't listen to reason.

Level minded, good at talking with people, Seeks reason before power, Usually doesn't give her opinion unless it is something that isn't as important.

She was born in a tribe in her world (Still in its tribal stage) that got whipped out at the age of 13 and ever since has been acting as a diplomat between all of them. In return she had all the secrets and had immunity because you mess with her you mess with everyone else. She was also a huntress. She was at a village sleeping after a good meal when she was sent to this strange place.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3a36da_Hotbowchick.jpg.9dd08d028bce47a169654943976e3fb9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3a36da_Hotbowchick.jpg.9dd08d028bce47a169654943976e3fb9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3bf71e_BlueJem.jpg.0e4fa51a89bbb176df8592a5be9d8e10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3bf71e_BlueJem.jpg.0e4fa51a89bbb176df8592a5be9d8e10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: @Ryu Kenshin Make a ch



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Himitsu No






Mainly Gas but he does them all












Small spaces


Quite, Nice, tries to be wise but he knows he's not the wisest or smartest


(I don't know xP)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/blue.jpg.585891e264291ac554503d42d40c47c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/blue.jpg.585891e264291ac554503d42d40c47c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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[QUOTE="Ryu Kenshin]


Himitsu No






Mainly Gas but he does them all












Small spaces


Quite, Nice, tries to be wise but he knows he's not the wisest or smartest


(I don't know xP)



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