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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open]

(@kurol I'm not a GM, but maybe you should specify either her height/weight, or the actual height/weight of the sword, just so there won't be any discrepancies about it later)
Blackrose7 said:
Serena: How on Lumina can Hanae carry that sword? It's bigger than her. O.o
She's insanely strong... If the other people have magic, she has amazing strength.

Federoff said:
(@kurol I'm not a GM, but maybe you should specify either her height/weight, or the actual height/weight of the sword, just so there won't be any discrepancies about it later)
I guess she's about 155 cm tall, and weighs around 47-49 kg. The sword is 250 cm tall, and weighs 70 kg. But she's super strong. ^^
kurol said:
I guess she's about 155 cm tall, and weighs around 47-49 kg. The sword is 250 cm tall, and weighs 70 kg. But she's super strong. ^^
I get what you mean. Because she doesn't have magic, she makes up for it by being super strong. But the point of 'normal people', is that they are normal. And that strength...

Wouldn't it make more sense, if the sword itself had magic enhancement? Some sort of magic, that made it lighter to its user? She could still be strong, but this way it makes everything more fair to other people as well. (I'm no GM, just thought I'd throw my opinion out there~)
Yeah, I agree. @kurol It would be fine if her sword were enchanted with magic. Otherwise, that would be too much for a normal girl to carry.
TheGossipLink said:
I get what you mean. Because she doesn't have magic, she makes up for it by being super strong. But the point of 'normal people', is that they are normal. And that strength...
Wouldn't it make more sense, if the sword itself had magic enhancement? Some sort of magic, that made it lighter to its user? She could still be strong, but this way it makes everything more fair to other people as well. (I'm no GM, just thought I'd throw my opinion out there~)
Yeah.. maybe she could have metal magic or something then, to make her sword lighter and her armor able to hold it? ^^
kurol said:
Yeah.. maybe she could have metal magic or something then, to make her sword lighter and her armor able to hold it? ^^
I mean yeah, you could do that. I was more so saying that the sword could have 'it's own magic'. Something about it could make it lighter to its user. But hey, I won't stop ya if you want to change to a Metal Celestial Knight~
Yeah! I'll change her into a Metal Celestial Knight. Her armor and sword can be enchanted with magic. ^^ Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions!

Earth: 1/3

Fire: 2/3

Water: 3/3

Air: 1/3

Energy: 1/3

Metal: 2/3

Spirit: 1/3

Void: 2/3 (@Federoff)

Light: 2/3

Dark: 3/3

Normal: 0/∞

Name: Hanae (surname unknown)

Nickname: None

Element: Metal.

The ability to wield a giant sword called Arcana that is a much bigger size and weight, and use it as a powerful weapon. Arcana is enchanted with metal magic, as well as her armor.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual (straight), demisexual

Strengths: Use of Arcana, speed, strength, martial arts abilities.

Weaknesses: Can be outsmarted, and often falls into a dream-like trance.

Personality: Tsundere. She is wary of everyone,and even though she seems is hostile and mean, but truly cares for everyone and is sweet and nice,

History: She was raised by a wealthy family of magic users, even though she was a silly metal magic user regarded of no strength. She was given Arcana, her sword, as a substitute for her inability to use magic. It was enchanted with metal magic, as well as armor that was given to her. One day she was abandoned on the streets by her family, for an unknown reason to her. But the reason was because she was too strong with the sword, and that sword had the power to destroy their family. They no longer loved and accepted her, and left her to fend for herself on the streets with her sword. This is where she developed a tsundere attitude, and gained a disliking to people.


View attachment 169399 In her normal form, she dressed in childish and flimsy clothes that suit her tiny and cute stature.

View attachment 169398 Her amour is mecha-style, with bulletproof metal and protective covers. Her sword is similar, and is two times her size and weight. Her armor and sword have metal magic.

Jewel: View attachment 169400

Other: "Baka."

Thanks!! ^^
damn there goes my metal idea now as well ;-;

but yeah it would be better to be do to that, cause with math, the weight of the sword would actually be close to 2996822 Ib, or 1359335.593 kg lol (This is for the IRL equivalent with it being made out of titanium)

You can still make her into a normal character if you want. Maybe just make it an enchanted sword or maybe make it out of a super light made up metal. Or maybe an air elemental could work. You could use the power of air to make it feel more light to her.
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just do what any comic, video game, movie, or t.v series does: Make up a new metal that is lighter and stronger then titanium

for example: Lumerianite
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Name: Buddy Love

Nickname: (optional)

Element: Energy

Specialization: He's still tinkering with his powers to properly find what he likes/is good at

Age: 29

Gender: Male


Strengths: Detailed knowledge over his shows and their tropes, soul is not bound by gravity, hand to hand skill as fast and furious as lightning. Knowledgeable in various subjects.

Weaknesses: Don't talk shit about the hair. Is an otaku.

Personality: Fine with being with people as he is fine with being alone. In this new world he is trying to look and sound cooler but his doofiness comes through rendering it a 50/25 split in successes. However this goofiness does have an advantage in letting others underestimate him.

History: Buddy was just your average worker in his job working the average hours as he used his pay to fund his hobbies which are deceptively expensive. However after an odd dream he found himself stuck in this fantastical world. Having tried to wake himself up he has now conceded that he has been subject to some supernatural phenomenon and is currently stuck in this land until he finds a way to get back.





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Ixacise said:
Name: Buddy Love
Nickname: (optional)

Element: Energy

Specialization: He's still tinkering with his powers to properly find what he likes/is good at

Age: 29

Gender: Male


Strengths: Detailed knowledge over his shows and their tropes, soul is not bound by gravity, hand to hand skill as fast and furious as lightning. Knowledgeable in various subjects.

Weaknesses: Don't talk shit about the hair. Is an otaku.

Personality: Fine with being with people as he is fine with being alone. In this new world he is trying to look and sound cooler but his doofiness comes through rendering it a 50/25 split in successes. However this goofiness does have an advantage in letting others underestimate him.

History: Buddy was just your average worker in his job working the average hours as he used his pay to fund his hobbies which are deceptively expensive. However after an odd dream he found himself stuck in this fantastical world. Having tried to wake himself up he has now conceded that he has been subject to some supernatural phenomenon and is currently stuck in this land until he finds a way to get back.







Looks like we have a weeaboo in our midst
"What do you want? I've got too much on my mind."

  • Name: Misako Lost

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Sexuality: Pansexual

@Allyator Just in case the notification doesnt go through, that sometimes happens.
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Character Sheet


Character Statistics

Name: Atraxia

Alias: Fang

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Tattoo: On his left is a black wing

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'1

Weight: 130 Ib

Hair: Black

Eyes: Normally a icy blue, but when enraged or in combat they turn to a glowing red

Equipment: Dual energized daggers able to cut through most materials with ease (excluding magical weapons)

Jewel: A black Onyx stone necklace

Race: Originally a Lumarian but now he is part

The Wendigo is the ancient spirit of cannibalism in Native American mythologies, only taking over when someone commits the at of cannibalism. Once the Wendigo takes over, not many people ever go back, they are turned into monsters that can only focus on killing and eating flesh. They skin becomes extremely tight, preventing most weapons from piercing its hide and gains amazing strength and speed, in return it is mostly blind. However, its senses are very good at tracking down pray and another one is added to its arsenal, as it has the ability to see heat given off by movement. The only way to severely harm a Wendigo is fire, as it loosens there skill to the point of being harmed.

Mental Characteristics

Allies: N/A: Will update

Enemies: N/A: Will update

Hobbies: When not in combat or combat training, Atraxia likes to explore and create maps for himself

Likes: Killing, Fighting, training, Map creating, mental note taking, being alone, gold, fresh meat, fresh blood.

Dislikes: People telling him what to do, Arguing with his judgement, bad jokes, not having all the information

Atraxia, or fang as some people call him, is very much a lone Alpha wolf figure; not one to take orders from anyone or be around other people, whether it be in combat or just being around people in general. He's not very good with dealing with people or emotions and so tries to stay away from them. He can get very aggregated quickly in certain situations, and that can lead to him snapping a lot and him starting fights a lot, but tries his best to control his anger from going over the edge. When he does get to that point, his primal instincts kick in and he goes completely feral for a while, unable to be reasoned with and unable to feel most pain (this doesn't make him invincible, he just doesn't feel it), and won't stop fighting until he is calmed down or he is rendered unconscious or unable to fight, which ever comes first.

Despite having a second side to him though, do not take Atraxia lightly, he shows no remorse for harming or killing anyone at anytime, in fact he looks forward to killing people. He likes to act like he is worldly educated and understands the "greater picture", and so likes to be bossy most of the time, acting like the older brother would; acting like he is always right and he knows more. Often time, fang is doing stuff behind people's back to help his image and ego. Another aspect of him is contracts, he will not help unless something is in it for him, whether or not someone likes it, but once a contract is started, he will complete the task no matter what, unless a more profitable contract comes up.

Despite so many undesirable traits in his personality, it is undeniable in how smart he is and how strong he is, able to quickly come up with strategies under pressure to secure him victory, even if they aren't the most honorable or the nicest; and his ability to detect details others would just dismiss or not even notice, for example anomalies in someone's speech pattern or disturbances in the earth.

Element: Void

Specialization: Invisibility, semi-power negation, assassinations, and overall just flat out killing.

Strengths: Fang is great at close ranged combat and able to get around without being noticed or spotted due to his invisibility, making him great at scouting, assassinations, and finding out secrets from people without them knowing. He also is very calculating with what he does or says, always taking into consideration the situation at hand. Also he is quite strong despite his athletic build

Weaknesses: He is very condescending, angry, and cruel to others around him, often times making him more enemies then allies. If he gets to angry, he will enter a feral rage and go on a rampage until calmed or rendered unable to fight. If his eyes begin to glow a unnatural red or his voice begins to deepen, this is a sign to back off. His feral rage is basically a sort of second personality, giving him an unsateable desire for killing and fresh meat. At night he must stay out of midnight through either staying inside or wearing a cloak that covers his body for moonlight will allow it to take over till morning or defeat. Additionally during moonlight he is more prone to anger and transforming. Fang is also untrusting of others, he usually assumes the worst of others and assumes they either want something or are hiding something from him.

Secrets: One of them being his other form, another is N/A for now, just know he has a agenda of his own.



At the time before his birth, his village was under raid from a neighboring clan of viking-like warriors who lived and breathed war, their only real source of income.

During the slaughter of his entire village, his pregnant mother was captured and raped by multiple men before being hanged from a tree by her arms and left with others to slowly die off as they took the riches of war and left back to their home town. With her dying breath, Atraxia was born, falling down to the bloody grass below before she died.

After this, a clan of assassins known as The Liberators came by to see the aftermath, the head of the clan found Atraxia and took him back to the clan to be raised as another assassin. And so at the age of 7, he began his training into the art of the assassin, the stealthy ninja designed to kill the target and not leave a trace.

It was rough for him in the start, they didn't have weapons for "babies" as they called him, and so he was forced to use weapons designed for the average joe, not a young kid. Atraxia was raised by one of the greater known families in the clan, the mother treating him kindly while the husband abused him as he trained him, often putting him down and physically beating him to discipline him. This went on for most of his childhood.

By the age of 9, he began to participate in missions and war, on missions he would act as the assassins child and take notes on what he was suppose to do (mental notes) and during war he would fight, earning his first kill on the battlefield when the assassins wiped out the viking-like clan that killed his family all those years ago, fueling his lust for killing.

At age 12, he was put to one of the highest forms of testing for the clan, he and a group of four other assassins in training were brought to a mountain that was believed to be cursed by the local tribes, they assignment was to make it to the base of the mountain in tact, this made sure only the strong willed would be in their group.

Of the five assassins that went up there, only he came back. Why? He had killed each one in cold blood on the way down the mountain to feed the rest of the group, but unbeknownst to him; that decision had consequences. The curse of the mountain began to affect him, change his entire body. He became a personification of his anger for the rest of the world, growing claws on his hands and feet, some of his teeth becoming fangs, his skin turning a dark blue and his eyes gaining an unnatural glowing red when angered. Almost unrecognizable when he came back, only his tattoo saved him from being thought of as a monster. And at night, something happens to him if he touches direct moonlight, he transforms into the full monster, his anger and lust for meat takes over until morning; and so he usually had a cloak and hood on at night.

He continued his training for many years, constantly being abused while working to become stronger, stealthier, and all around better at what he did. At the age of 13, during one of his training sessions with his abusive adoptive-father, the father pushed him over the limits and he killed him in cold blood, two daggers to the back; fueling his rage even more. And on that day, the leader of The Liberators died... people were shocked that he was able to kill him at all, let alone so coldly.

At that moment he had two options presented upon him, either become the new leader or leave and never return, he choose the third option: Kill everyone there. Well it wasn't his entire choice, something inside his body craved for it, demanded for the bloodshed. The anger and hatred took over, clouding his judgement, but not his memory. He went on a rampage, slowly killing each and every single person there in the cruelest of manner. When morning dawned, all were dead; blood everywhere. Atraxia then decided to leave and became an assassin for hire, collecting all the gear and loot he needed. He would kill anyone for the right price, even other assassins.

At Age 17 he found a Black Onyx gemstone in his hotel room one day when he woke up, Fang decided to keep it and soon found his power to go invisible and produce his daggers from no where, and this fueled his ego even more.

With his years of killing and newly found magic on his side, he was sought by some of the celestial knights by the goddess, and after much persuading, he agreed to a contract that stated he would help out the goddess to defeat The Void, in return that he is rewarded generously, as only two real thing matters to him, money and power.


Other: He gives off a strong aura of hatred and a faint smell of bloodshed, on top of it when the spirit within him often talks and tries to tempt him to"have some fun" Atraxia will sometime speak in third person if he is angered.

Theme Song: The Animal- Disturbed



Character Sheet


Character Statistics

Name: Alexia Aswerlath

Alias: Lexy

Gender: Female

Age: (In dragon year) 17 (In human) N/A for now

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Half Ice Dragon

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8

Weight: 115 Ib

Hair: Ice White

Eyes: Light Blue

Equipment: N/A


Mental Characteristics

Allies: N/A: Will update

Enemies: N/A: Will update

Hobbies: Making Jewelry

Likes: The cold, flying, making Jewelry, making friends, talking, meat

Dislikes: Heat, fire, being in water, people touching her ears, tight spaces

Alexia, or Lexy as she prefers to be called by her friends, is a sweet girl who likes to help people out to the best of her ability, whether it be getting them something they really like or just being there to talk to when needed. She's very outgoing, despite being a bit shy, usually seen talking to people and acting like they are close friends, even if she had just met that person; a natural aura of happiness one could say. Lexy isn't a big fan of violence, often trying to avoid it unless absolutely necessary, whether it just be an argument or an actual battle; this ideal is reflected in her battle style of using weather to keep others at bay. Usually she is the one to break up fights between people, acting like a peacemaker between the others for most of the day, very exhausting work. She is also curious in nature, often times wander around for no real reason and "snooping" when she doesn't quite understand something.

Despite her natural friendliness, she is still part dragon and has some traits of one, for example she loves to fly everywhere and hates to be pet as it goes against her draconic pride (and yes, she is very proud to be part dragon). Also, as since she is an ice dragon, she loves to keep in cold around her, and so will use her powers to keep the air around her cool so she can keep her body temperature below 32° F, if it goes over that temperature then different things will start to happen ( See the spoiler for weaknesses).

Element: Air

Specialization: Weather

Strengths: Lexy does very well in what she does, making friends, keeping peace, creating jewelry and flying. Due to her flying abilities and her affinity to control the weather, she is also good at scouting at routes and trouble from the air as well as providing support and cover for teammates if needed be. Also due to her dragon DNA, she has acute senses, allowing her to pick up more then what normal people can.

Weaknesses: Poor Lexy has quite a few weaknesses, one being is that she is not very strong physically, unable to carry anything heavy, meaning she can't carry anything fancy or heavy; but makes up for this in being fast. She also cannot bring herself to harm others on purpose, she just does not feel right about it, even if her dragon genes says otherwise. Finally her biggest weakness is fire and heat, being an ice dragon it makes sense if this is her weakness, as her core temperature begins to rise different things will begin to happen

At 37° she begins to feel light headed and unenergetic, as if she has a cold.

At 42° she begins to feel and act as she was drunk, unable to keep her bearings and says stuff she usually wouldn't.

At 47° she'll become sluggish and unable to fly.

At 52° she becomes dangerously close to the edge, she falls unconscious and needs immediate attention.

Anything above 60° she will be in great risk

Secrets: She keeps a few secrets, including her childhood, where she came from, how old she really is, and why she rarely speaks of her past.



In the very north there are the snowy mountains, and these mountains hide the village of the dragons, or Χωριό των δράκων (Cho̱rió to̱n dráko̱n), in where dragons, half-dragons, and dragon related creatures may live in peace, the icy versions at least. They true dragons guard the place with their magic, protecting it from danger and from being found by normal people. This is where Lexy grew up for most of her life, uneventful through out most of her life. She took up after her father in the jewelry business, and excelled at it, while at the same time maintaining a great relationship with everyone in town; just like her mother. Pretty much, a normal life in the village of dragons. When she turned 13 she began to grow a more curious nature and began to explore the mountains around her village, despite her parents wishes as it was known they could be dangerous due to a number or reasons. One day while in the middle of exploring a cave, the cave collapsed and caved in, trapping here there for a few days until help could arrive. From that day she has always been afraid of tight spots...

A year ago while out on the ocean side, she found a ring with a piece of Blue Tourmaline in it in the snow, and she decided to keep it or herself as she found it pretty. Ever since then she has had strange dreams and has been able to control weather around her, people found this interesting but at the same time scary. And so, to preserve the peace in the village, she and the dragon council decided that it would be best if she decided to follow her strange dreams and accept; and with that she left the village. For a year she has now been serving under the goddess Mir as a celestial knight, hoping that once this is all done she can return to her village without the new powers and return to the life she once had.




Theme Song: Chuuritsu Toshi- Origin Spirits of the Past


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Krekire said:
"What do you want? I've got too much on my mind."

  • Name: Misako Lost

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Sexuality: Pansexual

@Allyator Just in case the notification doesnt go through, that sometimes happens.



Federoff said:
Character Sheet

Character Statistics

Name: Atraxia

Alias: Fang

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Tattoo: On his left is a black wing

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'1

Weight: 130 Ib

Hair: Black

Eyes: Normally a icy blue, but when enraged or in combat they turn to a glowing red

Equipment: Dual energized daggers able to cut through most materials with ease (excluding magical weapons)

Jewel: A black Onyx stone necklace

Race: Originally a Lumarian but now he is part Wendigo

Mental Characteristics

Allies: N/A: Will update

Enemies: N/A: Will update

Hobbies: When not in combat or combat training, Atraxia likes to explore and create maps for himself

Likes: Killing, Fighting, training, Map creating, mental note taking, being alone, gold, fresh meat, fresh blood.

Dislikes: People telling him what to do, Arguing with his judgement, bad jokes, not having all the information

Atraxia, or fang as some people call him, is very much a lone Alpha wolf figure; not one to take orders from anyone or be around other people, whether it be in combat or just being around people in general. He's not very good with dealing with people or emotions and so tries to stay away from them. He can get very aggregated quickly in certain situations, and that can lead to him snapping a lot and him starting fights a lot, but tries his best to control his anger from going over the edge. When he does get to that point, his primal instincts kick in and he goes completely feral for a while, unable to be reasoned with and unable to feel most pain (this doesn't make him invincible, he just doesn't feel it), and won't stop fighting until he is calmed down or he is rendered unconscious or unable to fight, which ever comes first.

Federoff said:

Despite having a second side to him though, do not take Atraxia lightly, he shows no remorse for harming or killing anyone at anytime, in fact he looks forward to killing people. He likes to act like he is worldly educated and understands the "greater picture", and so likes to be bossy most of the time, acting like the older brother would; acting like he is always right and he knows more. Often time, fang is doing stuff behind people's back to help his image and ego. Another aspect of him is contracts, he will not help unless something is in it for him, whether or not someone likes it, but once a contract is started, he will complete the task no matter what, unless a more profitable contract comes up.

Despite so many undesirable traits in his personality, it is undeniable in how smart he is and how strong he is, able to quickly come up with strategies under pressure to secure him victory, even if they aren't the most honorable or the nicest; and his ability to detect details others would just dismiss or not even notice, for example anomalies in someone's speech pattern or disturbances in the earth.

Element: Void

Specialization: Invisibility, semi-power negation, assassinations, and overall just flat out killing.

Strengths: Fang is great at close ranged combat and able to get around without being noticed or spotted due to his invisibility, making him great at scouting, assassinations, and finding out secrets from people without them knowing. He also is very calculating with what he does or says, always taking into consideration the situation at hand. Also he is quite strong despite his athletic build

Weaknesses: He is very condescending, angry, and cruel to others around him, often times making him more enemies then allies. If he gets to angry, he will enter a feral rage and go on a rampage until calmed or rendered unable to fight. If his eyes begin to glow a unnatural red or his voice begins to deepen, this is a sign to back off. His feral rage is basically a sort of second personality, giving him an unsateable desire for killing and fresh meat. At night he must stay out of midnight through either staying inside or wearing a cloak that covers his body for moonlight will allow it to take over till morning or defeat. Additionally during moonlight he is more prone to anger and transforming. Fang is also untrusting of others, he usually assumes the worst of others and assumes they either want something or are hiding something from him.

Secrets: One of them being his other form, another is N/A for now, just know he has a agenda of his own.



At the time before his birth, his village was under raid from a neighboring clan of viking-like warriors who lived and breathed war, their only real source of income.
During the slaughter of his entire village, his pregnant mother was captured and raped by multiple men before being hanged from a tree by her arms and left with others to slowly die off as they took the riches of war and left back to their home town. With her dying breath, Atraxia was born, falling down to the bloody grass below before she died.

After this, a clan of assassins known as The Liberators came by to see the aftermath, the head of the clan found Atraxia and took him back to the clan to be raised as another assassin. And so at the age of 7, he began his training into the art of the assassin, the stealthy ninja designed to kill the target and not leave a trace.

It was rough for him in the start, they didn't have weapons for "babies" as they called him, and so he was forced to use weapons designed for the average joe, not a young kid. Atraxia was raised by one of the greater known families in the clan, the mother treating him kindly while the husband abused him as he trained him, often putting him down and physically beating him to discipline him. This went on for most of his childhood.

By the age of 9, he began to participate in missions and war, on missions he would act as the assassins child and take notes on what he was suppose to do (mental notes) and during war he would fight, earning his first kill on the battlefield when the assassins wiped out the viking-like clan that killed his family all those years ago, fueling his lust for killing.

At age 12, he was put to one of the highest forms of testing for the clan, he and a group of four other assassins in training were brought to a mountain that was believed to be cursed by the local tribes, they assignment was to make it to the base of the mountain in tact, this made sure only the strong willed would be in their group.

Of the five assassins that went up there, only he came back. Why? He had killed each one in cold blood on the way down the mountain to feed the rest of the group, but unbeknownst to him; that decision had consequences. The curse of the mountain began to affect him, change his entire body. He became a personification of his anger for the rest of the world, growing claws on his hands and feet, some of his teeth becoming fangs, his skin turning a dark blue and his eyes gaining an unnatural glowing red when angered. Almost unrecognizable when he came back, only his tattoo saved him from being thought of as a monster. And at night, something happens to him if he touches direct moonlight, he transforms into the full monster, his anger and lust for meat takes over until morning; and so he usually had a cloak and hood on at night.

He continued his training for many years, constantly being abused while working to become stronger, stealthier, and all around better at what he did. At the age of 13, during one of his training sessions with his abusive adoptive-father, the father pushed him over the limits and he killed him in cold blood, two daggers to the back; fueling his rage even more. And on that day, the leader of The Liberators died... people were shocked that he was able to kill him at all, let alone so coldly.

At that moment he had two options presented upon him, either become the new leader or leave and never return, he choose the third option: Kill everyone there. Well it wasn't his entire choice, something inside his body craved for it, demanded for the bloodshed. The anger and hatred took over, clouding his judgement, but not his memory. He went on a rampage, slowly killing each and every single person there in the cruelest of manner. When morning dawned, all were dead; blood everywhere. Atraxia then decided to leave and became an assassin for hire, collecting all the gear and loot he needed. He would kill anyone for the right price, even other assassins.

At Age 17 he found a Black Onyx gemstone in his hotel room one day when he woke up, Fang decided to keep it and soon found his power to go invisible and produce his daggers from no where, and this fueled his ego even more.

With his years of killing and newly found magic on his side, he was sought by some of the celestial knights by the goddess, and after much persuading, he agreed to a contract that stated he would help out the goddess to defeat The Void, in return that he is rewarded generously, as only two real thing matters to him, money and power.


Other: He gives off a strong aura of hatred and a faint smell of bloodshed, on top of it when the spirit within him often talks and tries to tempt him to"have some fun" Atraxia will sometime speak in third person if he is angered.

Theme Song: The Animal- Disturbed



Character Sheet


Character Statistics

Name: Alexia Aswerlath

Alias: Lexy

Gender: Female

Age: (In dragon year) 17 (In human) N/A for now

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Half Ice Dragon

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8

Weight: 115 Ib

Hair: Ice White

Eyes: Light Blue

Equipment: N/A


Mental Characteristics

Allies: N/A: Will update

Enemies: N/A: Will update

Hobbies: Making Jewelry

Likes: The cold, flying, making Jewelry, making friends, talking, meat

Dislikes: Heat, fire, being in water, people touching her ears, tight spaces

Alexia, or Lexy as she prefers to be called by her friends, is a sweet girl who likes to help people out to the best of her ability, whether it be getting them something they really like or just being there to talk to when needed. She's very outgoing, despite being a bit shy, usually seen talking to people and acting like they are close friends, even if she had just met that person; a natural aura of happiness one could say. Lexy isn't a big fan of violence, often trying to avoid it unless absolutely necessary, whether it just be an argument or an actual battle; this ideal is reflected in her battle style of using weather to keep others at bay. Usually she is the one to break up fights between people, acting like a peacemaker between the others for most of the day, very exhausting work. She is also curious in nature, often times wander around for no real reason and "snooping" when she doesn't quite understand something.

Despite her natural friendliness, she is still part dragon and has some traits of one, for example she loves to fly everywhere and hates to be pet as it goes against her draconic pride (and yes, she is very proud to be part dragon). Also, as since she is an ice dragon, she loves to keep in cold around her, and so will use her powers to keep the air around her cool so she can keep her body temperature below 32° F, if it goes over that temperature then different things will start to happen ( See the spoiler for weaknesses).

Element: Air

Specialization: Weather

Strengths: Lexy does very well in what she does, making friends, keeping peace, creating jewelry and flying. Due to her flying abilities and her affinity to control the weather, she is also good at scouting at routes and trouble from the air as well as providing support and cover for teammates if needed be. Also due to her dragon DNA, she has acute senses, allowing her to pick up more then what normal people can.

Weaknesses: Poor Lexy has quite a few weaknesses, one being is that she is not very strong physically, unable to carry anything heavy, meaning she can't carry anything fancy or heavy; but makes up for this in being fast. She also cannot bring herself to harm others on purpose, she just does not feel right about it, even if her dragon genes says otherwise. Finally her biggest weakness is fire and heat, being an ice dragon it makes sense if this is her weakness, as her core temperature begins to rise different things will begin to happen

At 37° she begins to feel light headed and unenergetic, as if she has a cold.

At 42° she begins to feel and act as she was drunk, unable to keep her bearings and says stuff she usually wouldn't.

At 47° she'll become sluggish and unable to fly.

At 52° she becomes dangerously close to the edge, she falls unconscious and needs immediate attention.

Anything above 60° she will be in great risk

Secrets: She keeps a few secrets, including her childhood, where she came from, how old she really is, and why she rarely speaks of her past.



In the very north there are the snowy mountains, and these mountains hide the village of the dragons, or Χωριό των δράκων (Cho̱rió to̱n dráko̱n), in where dragons, half-dragons, and dragon related creatures may live in peace, the icy versions at least. They true dragons guard the place with their magic, protecting it from danger and from being found by normal people. This is where Lexy grew up for most of her life, uneventful through out most of her life. She took up after her father in the jewelry business, and excelled at it, while at the same time maintaining a great relationship with everyone in town; just like her mother. Pretty much, a normal life in the village of dragons. When she turned 13 she began to grow a more curious nature and began to explore the mountains around her village, despite her parents wishes as it was known they could be dangerous due to a number or reasons. One day while in the middle of exploring a cave, the cave collapsed and caved in, trapping here there for a few days until help could arrive. From that day she has always been afraid of tight spots...

A year ago while out on the ocean side, she found a ring with a piece of Blue Tourmaline in it in the snow, and she decided to keep it or herself as she found it pretty. Ever since then she has had strange dreams and has been able to control weather around her, people found this interesting but at the same time scary. And so, to preserve the peace in the village, she and the dragon council decided that it would be best if she decided to follow her strange dreams and accept; and with that she left the village. For a year she has now been serving under the goddess Mir as a celestial knight, hoping that once this is all done she can return to her village without the new powers and return to the life she once had.




Theme Song: Chuuritsu Toshi- Origin Spirits of the Past


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Name: Arin Eliah

Nickname: Ari

Element: Light

Specialization: Scientific applications of her power

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Strengths: Arin is very knowledgeable, especially in the field of what we'd call physics, and is rather creative with her magic. Whenever she tries something, she always does her best. She also has decent hand-eye coordination and can handle a sling.

Weaknesses: Arin is very single-minded and obstinate. Whenever she commits to something or gets an idea in her head, it's really hard to get it out, even if that idea is bad, and she rarely admits that she is wrong. This kind inflexibility means that she's more likely to outright break. She is also physically incapable, as becoming a great warrior was never a goal for her.

Personality: Arin is the kind of person who commits to things. For most of her life, it was becoming the most knowledgeable person in the world, and now that she's accepted the position of Celestial Knight, she's going to try to be the best Knight there is. Once Arin has committed to a goal, she is intensely focused on it, and it tends to be the center of her priorities. This means that she often neglects things that aren't part of the goal, like a social life. She is, however, a highly principled person and will not stand for injustice. She never looks back, and sees the past as more of a distraction than anything else.

History: Arin is the daughter of physicists, and from them she got a taste for knowledge in general and physics in particular. Her childhood, outside of her determination to know everything there is to know, was unremarkable, and when she was an adult, she dedicated herself to learning things. She ended up physically unhealthy because she felt that things like eating were of secondary importance to learning. She was in rather bad straits before she came to Lumina, as she had just been laid off her job and was poor.

(for now, please ignore the dragon)



She hides her jewel at all times.

She often wears a travelling cloak.

Her weapon (when she uses one) a sling empowered by light energy to speed the projectiles (or at least, that's the idea- she has a hard time getting it to work properly and often just uses her magic)

She's from Earth.
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