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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open]

Shagranoz said:
She'd have a couple minor-to-moderate fire attacks, a fiery sword, and one big "OMG-OMG-We're-all-gonna-die" Hail Mary attack that leaves her completely depowered and barely able to stand. She'd also have dragon wings when transformed, to provide for slow-speed flight.
Yeah, that sounds fun and cool!
Name: Damara Olersi

Nickname: Dama

Element: Fire

Specialization: All-out offense

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan

Strengths: A natural-born leader, she has an aura about her that inspires others.

Weaknesses: She's not exactly strong physically, and she's very fragile

Personality: Cocky and hotheaded, she'll never back down from a fight. Off the battlefield, she's known for working hard and living hard. In short, she's a tomboy par excellance.

Bio: Born to a couple of farmers in Fax, Dama lived a rather normal life for a country girl. Running through the wilds, wrestling with her older brothers

(and beating them every once in a while), she was able to be rather carefree. Now, however, she's about to be thrown into a game for massive stakes, and there's no way to tell if she's ready.

Civilian Appearance:

A tall slender redhead with piercing blue eyes, she usually wears a shirt and leggings of simple brown cloth.

Transformed Appearance: A red silk shirt and pleated skirt, with rubies in the pleats. She also carries a three-foot sword on her right hip. When she draws it, the sword's metal transmutes to a brilliant red flame. She also has dragon wings sprouting from her shoulders that allow her to fly, albeit slowly and ungainly.
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Shagranoz said:
Name: Damara Olersi
Nickname: Dama

Element: Fire

Specialization: All-out offense

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan

Strengths: A natural-born leader, she has an aura about her that inspires others.

Weaknesses: She's not exactly strong physically, and she's very fragile

Personality: Cocky and hotheaded, she'll never back down from a fight. Off the battlefield, she's known for working hard and living hard. In short, she's a tomboy par excellance.

Bio: Born to a couple of farmers in Fax, Dama lived a rather normal life for a country girl. Running through the wilds, wrestling with her older brothers

(and beating them every once in a while), she was able to be rather carefree. Now, however, she's about to be thrown into a game for massive stakes, and there's no way to tell if she's ready.
I REALLY LIKE HER NAME...sorry, I'm not the GM or anything. I just wanted to say that xD
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Shagranoz said:
Name: Damara Olersi
Nickname: Dama

Element: Fire

Specialization: All-out offense

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan

Strengths: A natural-born leader, she has an aura about her that inspires others.

Weaknesses: She's not exactly strong physically, and she's very fragile

Personality: Cocky and hotheaded, she'll never back down from a fight. Off the battlefield, she's known for working hard and living hard. In short, she's a tomboy par excellance.

Bio: Born to a couple of farmers in Fax, Dama lived a rather normal life for a country girl. Running through the wilds, wrestling with her older brothers

(and beating them every once in a while), she was able to be rather carefree. Now, however, she's about to be thrown into a game for massive stakes, and there's no way to tell if she's ready.

Civilian Appearance:

A tall slender redhead with piercing blue eyes, she usually wears a shirt and leggings of simple brown cloth.

Transformed Appearance: A red silk shirt and pleated skirt, with rubies in the pleats. She also carries a three-foot sword on her right hip. When she draws it, the sword's metal transmutes to a brilliant red flame. She also has dragon wings sprouting from her shoulders that allow her to fly, albeit slowly and ungainly.

Also it is a very nice name
Name: Ether Mesa


Element: Darkness

Specialization: Necromancy and Blood magic

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Strengths: Ether can summon powerful undead creatures and people. He can also you dark arts or blood magic to debilitate his foes and bolster himself or his undead thralls. Ether \was also trained to be proficient in close combat so that he can fight with his undead combatants. He is also a gifted alchemist and herbalist.

Weaknesses: Given that he fights with his undead, Ether cannot summon more than 5 undead at a time while he is fighting. He could focus entirely on magic and summon more and use dark arts but that requires his full concentration and he cannot fight with them or move much at all. His blood magic requires sacrificing his own blood to bolster himself or his summons. This also includes bleeding himself or otherwise taking damage to use his dark arcana to attack. He is only proficient in close combat. He is not an expert and relies on his magic and numbers to fight.

Personality: Ether is a curious battle mage. He has a thirst for knowledge and wisdom that is apparent to anyone that knows him well enough. He likes to learn the details of almost anything, even if it's something silly or minor. Despite his natural talent with the dark arts, Ether is actually a kind hearted person. He likes to make friends and allies. He likes to make rivals to train with. He is also patient and charismatic, so people tend to like him once they get past the dark magic and dark cloak he likes to wear. Of course, given his expertise, Ether is in a moral grey area. He doesn't really have any type of way he feels about the happenings in the world other than curiosity. His own form of magic is something that repulses others. If someone were to tell him a city of thousands were slaughtered he would chuckle and ask how the hell did that happen? He only truly cares about and reacts to those he cares about and deem worth protecting and fighting for.

History: Ether was born and raised in the woods in a small cabin with only his mother and father. They lived secluded from civilization and lived off of what the forest offered them. While this would make most children introverted and socially awkward it actually had the opposite effect on Ether. He was hyperactive and loved running out into the forest and trying to find small woodland creatures he could draw. As he grew, Ether often went out with his mother to gather herbs, fruits, roots, and nuts for cooking and medicinal purposes. He learned early on how to make basic remedies for small injuries or sicknesses. This is what piqued his interest in the field of alchemy. He was often making messes at his mother's apothecary trying to come up with new recipes and ideas. He often got dangerously sick from sampling his own concoctions, which sometimes contained poisonous plants and insects within. When Ether became a bit older, he learned the art of swordplay from his father. His father had apparently been a rather talented swordsman in his younger years and wanted to teach Ether how to be like his old man. Given his natural curiosity and willingness to learn, he took to this art incredibly quickly. At 16, Ether began to question why they lived secluded and hidden away. He inquired about this and then he learned that his parents were actually necromancers.

Rather than be disgusted or grief struck Ether took to this with a passion. With his parents guidance, he became a prodigal alchemist and dark sorcerer. He learned to multitask and raise the dead. Even fight alongside them as his father had done. One night, when Ether was 18, he discovered some strange tracks in the woods. Tracks he had never seen before. His curiosity piqued, he followed them wherever they lead. His breath started to come faster as he realized these strange tracks were headed in the direction of his home. There he found his mother and father brutally torn to ribbons. Their bodies almost unrecognizable. As he later found out, ghouls had wandered into the area in search of food and one of his "failed" potions had a peculiar scent which attracted them. His parents were asleep and hadn't stirred until the ghouls were already upon them. Ridden with guilt and self-hatred, he buried the remains of his parents next to the cabin and locked himself away in study. It wasn't long when he had no material left to study and decided he needed to move on. He grabbed the carbon steel long sword of his father, the ring of his mother which helped regenerate his magic, his recipes, and his journals and ventured off. He quickly found out that his bright purple irises was the mark of a magic user and quickly donned a black cloak to help conceal his identity. He wandered the lands, learning new recipes for his potions, new ways of applying his dark magics and creating new ones. He honed his skills through combat with all forms of creatures and unsavory human beings. He often wandered into towns and helped out with any problems the village may have been having with creatures or bandits. When villagers saw him return with the corpses of the very bandits that had been terrorizing them, he earned the nickname Lazarus. A deity of the dead.



Other: Ether wanders around from place to place with no real sense of direction unless someone gives him a goal of some sorts.


Federoff said:
[Reservation for a dark and void requested]
Kind of already made a dark m8 sorry
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Name: Logan Raven Black

Logo/ Raven

Element: water

sword and trident fighting

Age: 19



Strengths:Close combat, speed, and manipulating enemies

Weaknesses:long ranged combat, girls, and fire

Personality:Logo is sarcastic, and a total flirt. He loves to make people happy and laugh, but if you hurt someone he loves he will stop at nothing to hurt you. He pulls prank on the other knights and is totally naive when it comes to girls.

History:Logan's backstory is a sad one. He was a soldier in the kingdoms military, but not any soldier he was the leader. He fought many battles and seen to much blood for a 19 year old to handle. When he came back from his latest war he was going to propose to his girlfriend, but what he saw killed him more than any other sword wound. His girlfriend cheated on him with his brother and married him. Logan left the ring on the porch of his home and walked away to the cliff to jump into the ocean. Right when he was about to jump a lady appeared to him asking if he wanted another purpose. Logan said yes and that is where his adventure starts.

(Can be a picture and/or description. They’re clothes can be anything so long as it fits in with the fantasy setting.)


(He wears different colors that depends on how he feels.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-1.jpeg.2cc97803388073b6870fab867813d3cb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-1.jpeg.2cc97803388073b6870fab867813d3cb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jewel: (Can be a picture and/or description. Here are some references.)

Other:the bottom left ring



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I can't wait to see Logan's reaction towards Dama and Serena, since both of them are extremely pretty now. xD
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ChaoticWarrior said:
Name: Logan Raven Black
Logo/ Raven

Element: water

sword and trident fighting

Age: 19



Strengths:Close combat, speed, and manipulating enemies

Weaknesses:long ranged combat, girls, and fire

Personality:Logo is sarcastic, and a total flirt. He loves to make people happy and laugh, but if you hurt someone he loves he will stop at nothing to hurt you. He pulls prank on the other knights and is totally naive when it comes to girls.

History:Logan's backstory is a sad one. He was a soldier in the kingdoms military, but not any soldier he was the leader. He fought many battles and seen to much blood for a 19 year old to handle. When he came back from his latest war he was going to propose to his girlfriend, but what he saw killed him more than any other sword wound. His girlfriend cheated on him with his brother and married him. Logan left the ring on the porch of his home and walked away to the cliff to jump into the ocean. Right when he was about to jump a lady appeared to him asking if he wanted another purpose. Logan said yes and that is where his adventure starts.

(Can be a picture and/or description. They’re clothes can be anything so long as it fits in with the fantasy setting.)


(He wears different colors that depends on how he feels.)

View attachment 168879

Jewel: (Can be a picture and/or description. Here are some references.)

Other:the bottom left ring
Name: Venessa


Element: Void


Age: 19

Gender: Female


Strengths: Dark things, sacrifices, undead.

Weaknesses: Light magic, light things. Light fire. Emotional pain.

Personality: If you break her cold hard shell, the core is funny, sarcastic and somewhat kind.

History: Mystery...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.053ece78cef3bc1a769d13ad1c39c4d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75486" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.053ece78cef3bc1a769d13ad1c39c4d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jewel: a amulet that looks like a hourglass flipped to the side, the colors are black an purple.


Hope I can join:)



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Hey I have a necro playmate ^_^ Im warning you right now my character is immediately going to want to talk to yours. He is the only necromancer he knows besides his parents.
shadowz1995 said:
Hey I have a necro playmate ^_^ Im warning you right now my character is immediately going to want to talk to yours. He is the only necromancer he knows besides his parents.
Haha that's completely fine with me:)
Name: Puellam Lupus Glacies

Nickname: Fang

Element: Water

Specialization: Guerrilla tactics/magic: Ice and snow

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual, although not romantically inclined.

Strengths: Tracking, Hunting, Fishing, Close-Quarter Combat, Halberd and sword, Speed, strength, Guerrilla warfare, stealth in the forest, surviving alone, cold weather and snow.

Weaknesses: Socially inadequate, Underdeveloped Language skills, Lack of a proper education, very little leadership skills, mathematics, science, logic

Personality: Mistrustful of other people and other predator like animals.And when confronted with speech she speaks in short, blunt answers. and when curios about an object or act she will try to figure it out and refuses help. She is very much a lone-wolf and when confronted by a pack she exerts her dominance and temporarily controls the pack until she leaves to carry on her life in solitude. Slow to anger, cool, calm and collected.Rarely seen angry, note that her growling is not from anger but as a warning. She in a nutshell is wolf like. Has anxiety in crowds of people.

History: No one knows how Puellam came to reside in the forest. Not even herself. They only eveidence detailing what she was was a little wooden necklace with her name etched on it. Of course she how she first learned to walk and eat and hunt is unknown to her as her earliest memories is hunting with her pack of wolves she lived with up to her teenage years. She Learned how to speak when she set off on her own and encountered a village where she stayd. Close by to for a year and only learned her name when someone read it to her. It was there she also learned to fifteen with a sword and halberd as well as obtained armor. She later began to travel through the forest encountering other villages and eventually visiting a city where many curious people prayed at her until it was to much for her and left never to return to a city. Although in her solitude two armies came about to wage war where she had been living at the time and thus her first experience of war was one of survival with no clear ally and only enemies all around. She traveled north into the tundra where few people could be found until she was called upon the goddess to help fight the ever encroaching void.

Appearance: at first glance she seems human but if her good is taken off, pointed elven ears can be seen, but she does not resemble an elf to be sure as she possess rather canine like teeth.


Other: Summons Ice arrows, and ice spears for ranged weapons as well as conjures snow storms to hide herself and her tracks.
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  • Name: Jacolm Craar

    Element: Light

    Specialization: Enhancing and Incapacitating

    Age: 27

    Gender; Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    His armor, he usually has the hood down and minus the cape.

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Krekire said:

  • Name: Jacolm Craar

    Element: Void

    Specialization: Errosion

    Age: 27

    Gender; Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    His armor, he usually has the hood down and minus the cape.

Well... those first to images were bigger than expected... Uhm...
I'm currently in the process of making it right now, should have it up by end of today, tomorrow morning by latest

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