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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open & Accepting!]


As they got ever closer to the void seed, it became harder and harder to think, or to do anything, really. The place was surrounded by a sort of aura, a desire to just sit down and watch the world pass by, to do nothing, to be at peace. There was nothing that really mattered in the world, so why not just abandon it and be comfortable? All would be nothing in the end, and all time in between was meaningless. All was nothing, and Nothing was all.

Arin almost fell for it before she remembered herself. She was Arin Eliah, Science Geek, Celestial Knight. What was important was what she thought to be. And being a Celestial Knight and saving the world of Lumina- now that was important. There was a world out there, and it was worth something. She believed so, and she would make it so if it wasn't that way already.

"And besides," she mumbled to herself, "heat death will only happen in, what, a googol years? And that's only a theory. That much time at least definitely means something."

At that point, the other knight said: "I don't recall ever introducing ourselves. My name is Jasmine Libra. And you are?"

Arin replied: "My name is Arin Eliah, and do you feel that weird entropic aura the void seed is giving off?"

Arin was certainly feeling it. She was doing math in her head to clear the mental cobwebs that were trying to still her thoughts and turn her into yet another piece of dull, faded scenery.
Jacolm uncomfortably rbbed his neck "Yeah, I feel it too Arin..." Jacolm said. He cleaned the pistol, and holstered it.
"In case you're wondering how i'm even here, the Creature hadn't touched me all that much... Still in serious pain though. The only thing keeping me up is my magic." He said, explaining it thouroughly. "And since it feels like im saving an entire planet I caught up with you guys to help out. I do have some good ammunition... And light magic."
Puellam stood up after all was said by her two companions. She didn't want to meet other people. She was already getting sick of one already. Puellam felt anxiety at the thought of a lot of people around she couldn't take it. She began to trudge back to the temple and portal, feeling the snow had gotten a bit higher. As she walked past Fang and Roxii she said "I no talk more people. I go other seed and hunt." Puellam gripped her halberd tighter as she thought about the daughting task of introducing herself to more foreigners. it spooked her a bit and caused her to shiver a bit. But she had to stay focused on the hunt ahead. to destroy every void seed, and other people will just slow her down.

Kuro Akime

Coming back to the place where it all began, the lone girl peeked through the tree's, peering at the temple. Unfortunately for her, several people still remained. While it wouldn't hurt to check up on Ether or Lexy, she figured it best to leave. They might not really want to see her anyways, given she didn't lend a finger in the fight. Besides, she hardly knew them. So what would be the point? No, instead she decided to walk down a path a little ways from the temple. It seemed to lead somewhere, and evidence would point out that a few people had been through here already. Since she had nothing better to do, Kuro slowly started making her way down it.

It wasn't long till she felt a sudden wave of...nothing. That's exactly it, nothing. While she had no real spring in her step in the first place, the lone girl found it hard to walk at all. An extreme feeling of laziness swept over her, and odd thoughts started crowding her mind. Things that she hasn't thought since earth, like how nothing really mattered, and everything would eventually just fade away. It was several minutes before something clicked in her head. It was now, that Kuro really started thinking on these thoughts.

...everything is going to fade away, one day. Just like...everyone else. My family, friends, Earth...her...but I've come to accept it already. So why the hell am I feeling like this now? Sure, it will all be gone one day. But that's not today!

Officially coming to, the dark girl looked around. She had at some point curled up on the path, and hadn't moved. Getting back up, she was hit with yet another wave of the some nothingness. But with her re-found resolution in mind, it had little affect this time around. Sometimes Kuro's emptiness inside comes in handy, doesn't it? Then a sinking feeling hit her gut.

Did anyone else get hit with this as well?

Seriously picking up the pace, she brought herself to near run to make up for lost time. At the edge of her shadow vision, she picked up at least two, if not three people. She hadn't payed major attention to it, so it was hard to make out. Kuro finally came to the cresting point of a hill, and seen the others down below. She didn't know them by name, but did recognize them from the fight with the void dragon. Whether she was spotted, or someone could sense her already she did not know, but she figured maintaining stealth for now was best. Slinking to edge of the path on the right, there was enough forest to create a dense shadow. Using her ability, the lone girl let the shadows consume her, becoming one with them almost. It provided her perfect stealth from the physical plane. However, whether the magic was strong enough to be sensed, was an entirely different matter. If it was the case, the dark girl would certainly have to find a new way to conceal herself.

@Allyator @ActionPony


Atraxia growled lightly when Puellam quickly rebuked his suggestion of meeting other people, and when she began to walk past them, he turned around to the girl and began to speak in her native tongue. "ser , får jeg at du ikke vil snakke med andre mennesker , men ikke kommer til å være i stand til å ødelegge dem ved deg selv . Du nesten døde til disse tingene flere ganger , og jeg er sikker på at dette var den svakeste av frøene ... Gå videre og gå suicidal for en kvinne du vet ingenting om , men husk at ingen vil være i stand til å hjelpe deg hvis du lar alene." stated Atraxia in a. surprisingly, calm tone; or as calm as he could sound.

He then preceded to turn to the horizon, his arm twitching slightly as if he was looking for something, and within a few moments he quickly pulled out a cloak and pulled it over him, he could sense the moon starting to come, he could not risk letting it touch him; it would guarantee the death of all around him. Fang began to walk back towards the portal, continuing to speak. "I am heading back and I recommend you do too, whether we like it or not we will have to work with those other pathetic knights, we might as well try and prevent them from going suicidal" stated Atraxia, repeating his message to Puellam in her own tongue before heading through the portal and back to the temple.

When he got there, he headed outside to a very.. unpleasing sight, multiple knights lying all over the place, evidence of a huge blizzard was everywhere, what with all the snow. Atraxia shook his head,
"Leave it to these people to have so much trouble with one creature..." sighed the monster of a boy before heading over to one of the knights leaning against the wall of the temple.

"How many of you are here at the moment and how many can walk by themselves?" Fang asked the boy, Ether, as he came to a stop; his red eyes glowing from the cloak as he analyzed the boy's current state, he looked extremely beat up. Around fang would be a normal smell of bloodshed and his aura of rage and pure hatred, but it was growing stronger by the minute as night was on the edge of happening.

(look, I get that you don't wanna talk with other people, but your not going to be able to destroy them by youself. You almost died to these things multiple times and I'm sure this was the weakest of the seeds...Go ahead and go suicidal for a woman you know nothing about, but remember that no one will be able to help you if you leave by yourself.)

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Land of Snow -> Outside Temple

Mood: Agitated, Let down, Acting Weird

With: Puellam ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax) Ether (@shadowz1995 )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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Ether looks up and coughs lightly as he sees the knight who had been involved in the battle before. If he recalls correctly, she had actually been unconscious for most of the battle. Interestingly enough, she was actually the one who delivered the "final blow" to the beast and prevented it from regenerating because it apparently could do that. "Sleeping Beauty your awake. Glad you came when you kingdom needs you the most heheh ow ow ow.....laughing hurts.....ow..."

@Allyator (To Mira)

It was then that the necromancer had noticed the Ice Dragon girl had actually passed out in her own snow. Once again, Ether mentally kicks himself for not noticing the girl a second time. He really needed to pay attention to her more. He drags himself with pained groans to his feet and limps over to where she had fallen in the snow. Ether tries to crouch down to wake her up but ends up falling himself, his legs succumbing to the blood loss and pain he was experiencing. The necromancer falls to his knees beside her with a small yelp of pain. He reaches out with his left hand and lightly shakes her shoulder. "Ugh...hey Great Cold One. Come on I need you up. Wake up Queen Ice."
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Roan jerked awake, eyes wildly locking onto anything that could possibly conceived as a threat. It took a few seconds before he realized that he wasn't in a desolate wasteland anymore.

In fact, his current location can be most aptly described as a 'temple'.

"The dream?" he muttered, his voice raspy due to lack of use.

The dream was still clear in his mind.

A sea of stars.

A goddess.

Ten stones.

He turned around, only to be greeted by the sight of ten circular stones, each one glowing with power. He stared at the violet stone, unable to avert his eyes as though the stone was actively telling him to grab hold of it.

"I can't be a hero..." he reminded himself. Heroes save lives, not end them. Heroes care about people, not avoid them. And yet, the stone drew him in, almost temptingly. He reached out for it, enclosing it within his fingers.

And for the first time in years, he felt warmth.

@anyone still in the temple by this time
Krekire said:
Jacolm uncomfortably rbbed his neck "Yeah, I feel it too Arin..." Jacolm said. He cleaned the pistol, and holstered it.
Arin, who had been focusing entirely on mathmatics and following Jasmine, jumped when the guy behind her confirmed that he, too was feeling the power of void. However, she soon calmed down and listened to his explanation of why he was there. She then responded to his statement about the entropic aura:

"I really don't want to be here longer than I have to. Soon as we can reliably hit the Void Seed, let's take it out."

She then turned to her other companion, Jasmine.

"How long before we can attack the Void Seed?"

"Of course." Jacolm said. He got a bit generous, so he thought if he boosted her. Jacolm increased her Vitality and Endurence, hoping it'd make her feel a bit more comfortable.
Puellam arrived at the temple her trio, she looked around to mind it mostly empty with the exception of her group and one other person who she can only assume is new. Puellam sees fang dip his head though the portal which the other knights went through and rolled her eyes. Why is he so concerned with the others? she thought might be his human side being stupid. she turned to Roxii, "I go, you come?" she asked as she turned away beginning to leave towards a portal that is close to the new comer and ignores him.
The hybrid watched in silence as the other two decided to head back to the temple. Being around others was not a favourite of her's, but she knew it would probably be the most beneficial route to take. Roxii hesitated as the others began leaving; did she really want to go back to all those strangers? Sure, she was a Celestial Knight just like them, but working as a team was never a thing that she was good at. Teams meant having to watch over others, and that was too much to ask for from the wolf-elf. She learned to watch over herself and her alone, because it was simply human nature to betray those around you.

Puellam turned and asked if the hybrid was still going to follow. Giving in, Roxii began following the other.


  • proxy.php

    Atraxia growled when the boy completely ignored him and began to hustle towards another girl, Stupid, ignorant, deaf...no point in wasting my time here... thought the man to himself before he back tracked into the temple, catching glimpse of the two entering a portal and decided it was best if he would just stay with these two, at least they knew how to get things done and quickly...to an extent at least.

    He went through the portal and came to the other side where Puellam and Roxii had landed, "The others are useless, they could barely defeat one single enemy with out nearly killing themselves in the process, no point in trying to do anything with them" he informed Puellam and Roxii through his cloak, taking great care to make sure that he was not in the moonlight when he stood or moved, his head slightly tilted down to help him so.

    Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: ???

    Mood: Let Down, Agitated

    With: Puellam ( @MsPolite ) Roxii (@Javax )

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


Krekire said:
"Of course." Jacolm said. He got a bit generous, so he thought if he boosted her. Jacolm increased her Vitality and Endurence, hoping it'd make her feel a bit more comfortable.
Unfortunately, it didn't quite work like that, as Arin's method for countering the entropic aura partially consisted of being as high-strung as possible. She jumped again and squeaked in an undignified manner. She guessed that it was Jalcom, given that Jasmine was totally focused on finding the Void Seed.

"How did you do that?" she asked him.

When Ether called her sleeping beauty she giggled a little. Then he went to go help the dragon girl who was unconscious. Mira was about to go and help when she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. She walked towards the remains of the beast which was nothing but dust now and most of it was carried away by the wind. There was something in the middle of it. It was so small and hard to see at first but as she got closer to it.

It was a void seed.

“Uhh, I think you guys should see this.” She said to no one in particular.

Her memories went back to when it was mentioned that the seeds shouldn’t be too far from each temple and with that thought in mind, she wondered where the others went. If the void seed was here, then what were they after?


The energy the void gave off was becoming more and more powerful as they progressed.

“The aura should cease once we destroy the source. It isn’t much further.” It was hard for her to think. Jasmine had a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something important. She couldn’t focus on anything. Only the dark energy that was getting closer and closer. If there was a certain somebody sneaking around in the trees, Jasmine certainly didn’t notice them.

And then they reached the source. Jasmine snapped out of her daze and realized they they had just entered the fields of Lumi. The region of Light was an appropriate title as even in the night, the plants and animals gave off a luminescent glow. It was bright enough to clearly see the scene ahead of them.

There he was. The Void. His body emanated an aura that made the area around him darker than black. Within the being, glowed a bunch of what seemed to be tiny little stars, although Jasmine knew that wasn’t the case. The air suddenly grew very cold.

The strange being didn’t seem to notice the group that arrived or perhaps he didn’t care. He was paying attention to something else.
Dash opens his eyes and looks in wonder at the temple; admiring the stones. "Woah..." He says quietly in pyjamas and his eyes widened and bulging.
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Her companion had not yet had a chance to answer when Jasmine said: "“The aura should cease once we destroy the source. It isn’t much further.”

They walked on until suddenly they emerged in a bright field. Arin blinked a bit in the sudden light and then noticed something that was extremely out of place. Arin hadn't seen the exact person in front of her, but she'd seen artist's representations of black holes, and the person in front of her strongly reminded her of a person-shaped black hole. There appeared to be stars glowing around his body, but on second thought, they weren't there- it was like gravitational lensing bending the light behind him around to the front. Ripples from the same effect distorted the landscape around him. There was a strange dark aura swirling around him- perhaps an accretion disk of magic. If black holes were what happened when you divided reality by zero, then this guy was what happened when you divided magic by zero.

Yes, Arin had never seen him before. But she wasn't stupid, and she could guess his identity. This was the Void, up close and personal.

Arin whispered to Jasmine, while attempting to remain as unnoticeable as possible: "Still wanting to destroy the source?"

Now that Arin knew what the source of the aura is, she tried hard to agree with part of what it told her- she was insignificant. In fact, she was so insignificant it was like she wasn't even there. Sure she might become a problem later on, but for now: move along, nothing to see here, most certainly no rookie Celestial Knights who'd mistaken the real deal for a pale copy. Nope, nothing interesting around.

Yet, at the same time, Arin was calmed, even it was only the kind of calm that comes when you're so terrified that your panic has come full circle and left you feeling that there wasn't really anything that could be done to you since you were already a dead Knight walking. It also reassured her- if the powerful aura was a product of the Void himself instead of just a void seed, then their jobs would be much easier than they had looked when Arin thought that all the void seeds were like this- if, of course, they managed to survive this little venture.

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"Heheh you passed out sweetheart....Summoning that blizzard really took it out of you huh?" Ether laughs lightly and then immediately regrets it as he doubles over in pain. He definitely broke a rib or two from the impact. Otherwise it wouldn't be hurting so damn much. The necromancer found the way her ears moved with her expressions quite cute and he found himself smiling, despite his face not being able to be seen. When the Ice girl asks if he is ok, Ether shakes his head lightly in response, "Nope, no can't say I am. But Ill BE ok. I know that. Just lost a lot of blood and took quite a hard fall afterwards. Been laying down trying to recover."

Sleeping beauty's words reached him soon after and he found himself turning to see what she was talking about. That was indeed what the goddess had said. "How....no WHY is that here? It shouldnt be here should it?"


The dragon girl couldn't help but giggle a bit at Ether's behavior, the way he flung around complements and the ability to laugh even when completely and obviously in pain was quite an uplift in her own spirits. Lexy nodded slightly at his question, "Yeah, I've never done anything like this before. Thankfully the snow is still around or else I might be in trouble" she replied with a small smile before turning back to where another voice had came from, a female that she recognized from earlier. She seemed to be in distraught about a... void seed being here? Lexy was beginning to freak out slightly, "We need to kill it and fast" she stated nervously as her eyes got a bit bigger.

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Outside Temple

Mood: Tired, Drained, Slightly panicked

With: Ether (@shadowz1995 ) Mira (@Allyator )

Theme: Chuuritsu Toshi- Origin Spirits of the Past


A Great source of Warmth and light appeared in a mostly empty temple. I was a burning fire, but not one that was spreading nor consuming. this Fire was controlled. Two wings of Flame began to take shape within The ball of fire until it sprouted out, a tail of scales soon followed with a little flame at the end as if punctuating it. The the Fire dissipated leaving an otherworldly woman behind, who seemed to be the owner of the tail and Wings. At first glance One could confuse her for a demon, which would be wrong, but then others may just assume she would be some erotic pyromaniac. Which again would be wrong. She is in fact a Fire spawn. A being born from a fire of great will. Ira looked around to find only one other in the temple. She had assumed there would be other knights from the way the goddess spoke. Maybe they were still coming? or maybe she was late. She didn't know. She began to walk up to the other Knight and saw he was a boy in PJ's. "hmpf. I guess the Goddess just recruits anyone one i see. include little children. Boy! you there who are you?" She asked with a mocking toneDas

@Dash Lynn
Serafina hadn't meant to touch the fire orb. She had intended to touch the metal one, but she had been distracted by the fire orb. To most other people it would have been just a red orb, with nothing to really to make it more attractive than the others, but to Serafina it flickered with the fascinating, brilliant, fragile yet powerful aura of fire. She had been captivated by the pretty, dancing light, and before she knew it, she had her hand on the thing and suddenly she had the power of fire.

Serafina was both excited and worried by this new development. Excited because, well, fire was her thing. She'd always liked fire, Fire was beautiful, and lighting things on fire always made her happy, or at least calmed her down. Worried because, well, fire was her thing. She had always limited herself in what she'd burned before because she was wary about her pyromaniac impulses, and now she could burn things with magic. She would have to be careful with herself.

Still, what's done is done, and Sera couldn't deny that she was happy at the prospect of fighting evil with fire. She wandered around the temple, taking things in, restraining herself from setting fire to anything flammable, and most definitely not getting lost, what made you think that?

However, she eventually came to the front of the temple, where she saw the remnants of the incredible battle that she had apparently just missed. Everyone was paying attention to an odd object that Sera recognized as a Void Seed. They were staring at it like it was tap dancing in a bikini instead of just sitting there, and Sera waked up to them and said:

"Okay, so it's a void seed. Why are you staring at it like that? Why isn't anyone just killing it yet?"
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Does she still want to destroy the source? Absolutely not.

“I don’t think we're ready for this.” Jasmine whispered to Arin.

She wanted to turn back and run away but her body wouldn’t move. The Void seemed as if he hasn’t noticed them yet and she was scared of attracting any attention. All she could do was watch him and observe what he was doing, hoping that he would leave soon.

The Void had his arms outstretched towards the earth and where his palms pointed, the ground began to shake and crack open. A skeleton emerged from the dirt and floated in the air. Shadows stretched toward the figure and wrapped themselves around its body. It solidified and formed a fully fleshed body that seemed to be made out of pure darkness except for one sillouhette of light that appeared on its face.


The the dark figures stood together and stared at each other for a moment. It seemed that they were communicating telepathically so Jasmine couldn’t hear. The new shadow figure turned away and flew up into the sky, disappearing from view. The Void then turned around and stared right at the group. Similar to the goddess, it spoke directly into their heads instead of moving its mouth. It didn’t look like it had a mouth anyway.

You are wrong to follow the Goddess of Light. If you continue to fight, I will have to destroy you.” He stated.

Then there was a split second of pain and everything went black. Jasmine found herself lying on the ground of the forest they were just walking in, as if it had all been a dream, but she knew better.

@ActionPony @TheGossipLink @Krekire


She thought of summoning her spirit sword and taking a swing at the void seed but the way absorbed the world around it like a mini black hole, she figured that it would just suck it up. Mira felt a slight tug at her, as if it was pulling her closer to it. It was small and weak though so she had no problem planting herself where she stood. Concentrating her powers into a sphere, she tried blasting at it. It made a small crack but it was going to need a couple more hits before breaking. Mira was still exhausted and her spirit blast didn’t do her any favors. She decided to wait for someone else to take a hit at it.

Theria looks around the temple for a second the Gem around her neck. She still doesn't really know what is happening but she wants to learn more about this places culture never having been anywhere not in a Rain Forest this would all be a new experience for her. She looks around at what she assumed to be a temple of some sorts admiring the architecture and the material something she has never seen before. Though her expression remains blank she is very interested in this place.

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