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Catgirls Kaiju Coffee

- Czeslaw Russo -

"Okay." said Czeslaw softly and hugged Norah back. "Thanks Norah." she smiled. Spotting Harper, she stepped away from impact range and grinned at the koala-hug-bridal-carry. She nodded at Vidar's support of ice cream, relieved he didn't look angry at her.

Hearing what the wizard was doing, Czeslaw clapped a hand to her face. She had misunderstood. And then looked in awe as the wizard started to fix all the damage. How could she have thought of pummeling him? He was a good guy! "Er, here let me help you." she said guiltily and offered an arm to help him steady himself. She looked questioningly at all the things Kevin took, then back at the wizard. "Um, sorry about ---- about destroying the leyline and the damages. Are all your friends okay?" she looked at the biker raptor girls. "And . . . is there anything I can help you with?"
Kevin looked upon the lack of destruction, and the lack of destruction was good. So the jacket and skateboard and most of the other useless things were rendered unto Tom, and the Squarters were kept. And Advice was rendered.

"Maybe next time you do this kind of thing, you drop us a line first? The Raptor crew there are tough and all, but we know our Kaiju pretty well, and we've got power to spare."

Kevin said, handing the man a Coffee Pawt business card and returning to the others, Squarters in hand.

"The Icebox has Sorbet, right?... I need something light. But ice cream sounds good to me."
Ever oblivious, Harper's brain was only full of thoughts of ice cream and parties. She nodded at Norah's conditions and wrapped her arms around Norah's neck, "No coffee. Can do!"

When the city was magicked better she mouthed a thoroughly impressed woooow. Mr. Wizard was pretty dang cool when he wasn't blocking traffic. She was pretty ready to be done with this now-rainy scene.

"Oh! Waitasec!" She said with the urgency reserved for somebody who just realized they left the stove on. Still in Norah's grasp, she cupped her hands together and yelled out to the dinos, "SEE YOU TOMORROW, NANCY!!! YOUR NEXT COFFEE'S ON ME!!!"
Tom seems to have zero strength left to argue with catgirls who had just dealt with a kaiju. He pulls his jacket on and lets Cessy help him. He looked over his shoulder at Nancy and the crew and Nancy gave him a thumbs up.

"Yeah, they're good. I'm mostly...Good...." He looked her up and down. The last time he had saw her she had fire bombed him from above and then been scooped up into being of pure energy, "You're sure you're okay? Cat girls really don't fuck around huh? I wont under estimate y'all again, that's for sure-"

He doesn't get to finish as Nancy lets out a veliceraptor call of concern the entire gang's head's snap- including Tom's. A large black SUV with tinted out windows has screeched a halt nearby. A slender man in a neat suit with a blue tie steps out of the passenger side. He has neat slicked back hair and just the glimpse of a tattoo around the edges of his collar and sleeve. Norah might find him familiar. Out of the passenger side comes a shorter, androgynous sort in a matching suit with a red tie, a head of dread locks pulled back into a pony tail and pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses in place of an expression.

"Oh Shit-" Tom says soft then shouts; "MAGIC FEDS!!! SCATTER."

He breaks away from Cessy's helpful bulk and throws his skate board to the ground in one fluid motion. He hops on it, glides down the pavement a few meters- then does a kick flip and vanishes.

It takes Nancy and the raptors a bit longer to mobilize and start up the engines of their motorcycles.
- Czeslaw Russo -

"Yeahhh, I'm good, Tom, just working on a few anger issues?" said Czeslaw. "Well, not a few." She added, looking at the newly repaired street. She glanced at Norah. "But I've got my friends to help, so I'm good." she nodded more certain this time.

She was confused when the wizard and the velociraptors started to skidaddle. He had a permit right? He was doing something good right? Why did he run? For a split second Czeslaw thought about bolting too for no reason except that the good guy wizard was bolting, but then ice cream, and it won't help to leave her friends to do all the explaining. So she stood her ground and just looked at the men in black expectantly.
Somehow balancing the shovel in her lap/against Norah's chest, Harper wraps her arms around Norah's neck, sending another rush of blood to her cheeks. She winces a bit when her friend hollers at Nancy, her ears flattening, but doesn't lose the goofy smile.

Then the SUV rolls up, bringing this morning back to Norah in a rush. Difficult to believe this is all happening on the same day. She hefts Harper a little higher, endeavoring to hide her face from Agent Whatshisface using her friend's fluffy hair as a shield. In the same movement she looks to Vidar, searching his eyes for recognition or any other reaction, though she is also tensed to book it if the need arises.
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Kevin knew this day would come. That some day the law would oppose them. And he had asked Vidar what to do. He’d always been unsure about that slip of paper. But what else did he have? So he walked up to one of the agents.

”Not to worry, everyone. We have a permit.”

he said, handing the paper to the tall fellow with the tattoo and the barely concealed sharp teeth. If Kevin knew that the paper just had the words “I do what I want” written on it, he never would’ve tried this. But there he went, trying it.
Feliks looked at him severely as he was handed the oldest trick in the book, but he took the little worn slip of paper that had lived in his wallet for ages. he unfolded it pointedly, and held up close to his face like he was far sighted and squinted. His eyebrows went up dramatically.
"Oh?" Said his accomplice. Feliks leaned so they could peer at the permit as well, "I see." They intoned.
"You should go," He said in his thick accent, passing it back to him, "And tell him. He isn't funny."
Kevin was confused at first. But upon finally reading his permit and realizing that the shark toothed man could only be talking about Vidar, he went pale again. After they left, he asked his sort of manager the obvious question.

“Vidar, do you... Know them? The skinny one said to tell you that you aren’t funny. He didn’t... Kick your ass and date you, did he?”

it should perhaps here be noted that if one knew Vidar very well, the second question was also pretty obvious.
All the Cat-baristas other than Kevin had the good mind to book it when Vidar did. He took one look at the SUV, saw the wizard Tom kick flip into oblivion and booked it. However, Harper was serious about ice cream and about a three blocks over he stopped when she stopped at the Ice Box. It's not untill Harper is handing out cones that he realizes Kevin is missing.
"Where's Kevin?" He says in visible distress- just as kevin arrives. And then he says what he says; 'did the skinny one kick your ass and used to date you?' Its rare to see Vidar panic- but the look on his face is a open mouthed wide eyed fish kind of look.
"Idon'tknowwhatyourtalkingabout,hereIgotyouicecream," He says passing him his own order as a distraction.
Cathal had been on his way back to the cafe when he saw everyone in the ice cream shop, and he entered with a milkshake and a stuffed tiger nearly as big as he was. "Look! Julie won me a tiger!" he said brightly. Then he looked at the group and said, "You guys okay? You look like shit."
Oh, Kevin, Norah thinks, hiding her grin in two scoops of honey lavender ice cream. It's a thought she has a lot, she notices, but he continues to be endearing. She's never seen such a look on Vidar's face and is finding it more delightful than she probably should. It makes her feel slightly better about the whole Agent Alkaev thing, although why he's looking for Vidar now is still a mystery. But maybe Kevin's made it easier for her to bring it up.

"Gosh, you sure, Vidar? I was positive I saw that guy skulking around the cafe this morning. You know, right before the oven caught on fire. Oh, hi, Cathal! You're looking chipper, as always," she replies dryly to his quip about how conspicuous the gang of catgirls look among the regular ice cream shop crowd. "I'm glad you had a nice evening! Say, how come cute girls never win me stuffed tigers as big as one of my tallest coworkers? Is it the charming accent? I should get a charming accent."
Vidar continues to stammer and then, brain on the fritz and says, "I'mgoningtoorderanothericecreambecuaseifoughtakaijutodaybye!" And then flees the whole 6 feet to the cashier line to do that.
Kevin, for his part, nodded sagely. Vidar's was the voice of denial, undoubtedly lying as much to himself as he was to his fellow cat-baristas...

"I'm sorry, Viddy. I might never have been in a romantic relationship, but I know break-ups can be rough... You can have both the ice creams. I'm gonna get a sorbet."

He said, patting his fellow cat-barista and handing back Vidar's original order as he waited to get his own... Strawberry lemonade sorbet sounded really refreshing right now.
Harper's Mexican dark chocolate ice cream cone practically had more toppings than actual frozen goodness, just the way Cat Jesus- Cajesus? Jesus Cratst?- intended. "If you had a middle name it'd be Charming, Cathal." She scooted over patting the seat next to hers. "Sooo. Whatcha gonna name it?"
Her ears twitch in surprise. "Um, obviously?" And then Harper makes her comment about Cathal's charm, to which she nods her agreement. "Ooh, Harper, that looks yummy. Can I try some please?

"And clearly you should name it Hobbes, c'mon now." Norah happily crunches down on her cone- the best part of getting an ice cream cone, in her opinion.
- Czeslaw Russo -
"Ice Box"

Czeslaw bolted. The men in black didn't ask them anything, she wondered what that was all about, as she looked back at them, before sprinting around a corner.

In the Ice Box, enjoying a frozen mango slushie popsickle, one white brow rose and she chuckled at Vidar's wide-eyed fish look. She rarely sees her stoic friend look like this. "How did you and a man in black get together? --- Oh, hey, Cathal!" she waved at him, looking at his stuffed tiger. "We're okay, thank goodness." she sighed at her hands, looking out at the town that had been a wreck just a couple of minutes ago. Judging from his demeanor, Julie must be okay too and that was good.

She watched Vidar flee to the counter, chuckling again. "We're not gonna judge you, Vidar!" she called after him. "He looked cool!"

As everybody talked, she sat near the window looking out into the night, ears still perked up for sirens. Still bothered if maybe Tom's magic missed something, someone, and they needed help somewhere. She couldn't enjoy her mango popsickle until she knew. Sliding out of their group's table, she went over to Vidar at the cashier's. "Vidar, can I have a day off tomorrow? I think I won't come home until tomorrow afternoon."
"Aww, that's a lovely name! Nicholas, I mean. Jung is good too, though, is it from something?" But she watches Czeslaw break off from the group with concern, aware of the thing in her head's attention, too.
Harper turned back to Cathal and nodded, "You make a very charming Nicolas."

Her eyes followed Norah's and landed on Cessy. She must have been really shook up by this whole matter. While Harper fully believed that a chocoblasted ice cream could make almost any situation better, even she could recognize that what they went through may just be something that one ice cream could solve all on its own. When Cessy was ready to talk, she'd be there, but for now space may just be what her fiery friend required. She pursed her lips before turning back to the conversation at hand. Lifting the cone up, she smiled perhaps just a bit too widely, "Absolutely! Have a bite!" held out the ice cream to Norah.

"So we ran into Nancy tonight!" She said drifting the subject ever so slightly, "She totally smacked her boss! It was great!"
Vidar had never looked more flustered in all his time at the cafe, including every Karen, kitchen fire and dropped orchid the other cat baristas had seen him weather. He did not respond to any of their comments about his perceived love interest with the magical FBI mans and awkwardly made his way through ordering another ice cream- this one coffee flavored with a strawberry dip becuase he was not paying attention as he ordered- and taking a first bite of it it was weird but not bad. He had maybe calmed down a little as Cathal entered the scene and Cessy arrived at his elbow.

He blinked at her request and said, "I mean sure- but are are you sure your okay after all that? I'm surprised Norah didn't take you straight home."
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- Czeslaw Russo -
"Ice Box"

"No, not at all." Czeslaw laughed, grimacing. She looked back at the group, noticed some of them glancing her way, and grinned cheerfully, softening to a reassuring smile. "But I'm more worried about the animals and people out there, that could still be hurt? I don't know how Tom's magic works, if it fixes injuries too." She shrugged and glanced at the group, eyeing Norah's burns. "But I think it doesn't, so I'm going to go out and see if I can help with that."

She sighed, looking lost. She took a deep gathering breath. "So, I'm off." she clapped his shoulder. "Sorry about, you know, losing my temper again . . . I promise, I'll . . . I'll look into an anger management program on the weekends? Or some weeknight? And . . . thanks for the ice cream." she lifted her mango popsicle and nodded.

With that, Czeslaw headed out, waving the group as she passed, saying, "I'll go ahead, guys, I'll probably be back in the cafe tomorrow evening." and with a chink of the doorbell, her white striped tail swished around a corner and she leapt off into the night.
Vidar had never realized that no was actually straight up a valid answer when asked if you were okay and that rocked his world for a long moment. He would have told Cessy that the wizards spell did fix injuries. That it was time-magic that reset things with the last hour or so. That one time he had died and then not been dead after Tom's spell. He would have told her anger management classes were expensive. But she was too fast. To set on her mission.

"Uh-hey!" He called after the swish of her stripped tail into the night. But it was too late.
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