Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

(we decide that on RP, but as long as you're not a pup you're fine :P )

Luna knit her eyebrows together and gave him a playful shove. "Hush," she teasingly growled, her tail thumping against the ground as she licked his nose. Her heart felt as if someone was squeezing it, and she felt overwhelmingly happy. She smiled at the thought, her blue eyes looking at Rian.
Rian smiled slightly, his heart felt the same. He pressed his nose against hers, his blue eyes locking to hers. He smiled slightly, his tail swaying along the ground. He muttered a low, "I love you...Luna.." His ears creased back and he shifted, anxious about how she'd fact..he was...scared?

Luna froze when she heard the words from Rian's mouth. Was that real? Or did she simply imagine it. She paused and looked ahead and then back at Rian. "I-- I love you, too," she uttered out. She wasn't used to letting people into her life like she was now. It had taken days of Kane following her around and bugging her nonstop until she finally let him be her FRIEND (on my phone, can't italicize, mehhhh -,-). And now she was admitting her love for Rian, it was incredible.
May continued to toss and turn in her sleep while her brow furrowed slightly. She yelped quietly and curled tighter into her ball, hoping to wake up soon.
A light smile cast over Rian's face and he nuzzled Luna, his tail thumping against the ground. He closed his eyes and laid his head beneath hers. He sighed contently and curled his body around hers, leaning his head up to nuzzle against her.
Kane saw May fussing about in her sleep, so her stood and made his way over to her. "May," he said quietly. "It's just a dream, wake up," he whispered quietly, nudging her with his paw. "It's okay, I'm here."
May tensed when she felt something touch her and she began breathing heavily. "Please not again..."She whimpered as she turned over and started shaking some.
Luna smiled at Rian and yawned, cuddling herself further into him to get comfy. She was tired even though it had been a lazy day-- the weeks of barely any sleep was finally catching up to her. She yawned one last time before shutting her eyes and quickly drifting off to sleep.

"May," Kane barked a bit louder than the time before. "You're having a bad dream, you need to wake up," he pleaded, feeling terrible watching the femme have a nightmare.
Pepper pinned her ears back startled by the noise. She fell silent trying to figure out what she did wrong. Cowering into ball, she no longer wanted too play. Not used to being around other wolves she wasn't sure what to do. She whimpered feeling a nudge from Haku. She buries her nose under her paws wishing too be left alone. Hearing more growling from the other pup, she wished she had moved away. Instinctively she knew growling lead to hostility.
Rian made a smile, he drifted his tongue along her back, watching her sleep before placing his head on the top of her neck, curling his legs around hers and intertwining their tails before closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep next to her.
May was startled awake as she heard Kane bark her name. She closed her eyes before looking around and saw that she was still in the clearing. She stayed on the ground and listened to her unsteady breathing, trying to gain control of it again.
Silver let her growl die out to a calming hum. "Now now Pepper, when an adult tells you not to do something, you don't do it. Come here," came her soft voice.

She lay down, leaving room for both the female pups if they wanted to curl up near someone. She gently grabbed Sesh and lay him in between her front paws.
Pepper lifts her head hearing a calmer voice. She nuzzles into the soft fur grateful that Silver wasn't mad at her anymore. Closing her eyes the pup felt the warmth from Silver's stomach and tried to snuggle in closer to steal more of it. But, better then warmth, she felt safe. The pup relaxed feeling the steady beat of Silver's breathing rhythmically putting her too sleep.
Sock said:
(Can you please improve your grammar and spelling? its bugging me and izzy.)
Sorry. I was on my phone and it tends to freeze for a moment messing up my words as I spell them. I don't notice it until I have already posted it and sometimes "fixing it" makes it worse. I'll be more careful. 
Igasho jumped down from his rock pile. He shook himself before heading towards the other wolves. A familiar scent wafted over him and his deep purple eyes immediately moved to Haku. The little pup carried the scent of the alpha female from his previous pack, Leda. Leda and her mate, the alpha male, Dru, had died in a forest fire when Leda had gone to birth her pups. They had found the bodies of Leda, Dru, and two pups, but was it possible Leda had birthed more than the two? If the pups had lived they would be two months old nearing three. Igasho walked over to Haku.
Haku stiffened as the unfamiliar wolf approached her. "Who are you?" She asked in a defensive growl, raising her hackles.

Igasho was taken back. This wolf had the blood red eyes of Dru and the soft snow white fur of Leda. "I'm Igasho. Your alpha said I could stay here. I'm not sure if I'm one of the pack yet but I'd like to be." He shook his head. He had to ask her. "Do you know who your parents where? Who are you?"

Haku blinked. "My name is Haku. My parents died in a forest fire when I was about a month old. I'm two months now, not far from three." She was curious. Why would this Igasho ask such a question so bluntly?

Igasho couldn't believe it. This pup had to be the only survivor of Leda and Dru's offspring no doubt. She smelled like Leda, resembled both Leda and Dru, and the age and story matched. "I think....'' He began, swallowing hard. "I think you are the offspring of the alpha's of my previous pack, Leda and Dru. You carry their scent and the story matches. We found the bodies of Leda and Dru with two pups burned from a forest fire. We thought two was all but you.....'' He trailed off as Haku's eyes widened.

"So I..... I'm..... well I did have siblings I remember, and I remember being told of a pack waiting for us to get older." Haku was nearly speechless. She was happy.

Igasho nodded at the rest of the wolves in turn hoping for their approval.
Rian grunted and opened his eyes, he flicked then over to Haku and whats his name. He just sighed and nuzzled his head against Luna's, whispering a soft "Hey." He groomed over her ears lightly, his tail making a light sway along the ground.
May got up after a few minutes and looked at the ground while staying where she was, not wanting to go greet the new wolf until she was sure she was 'stable' enough.
Igasho nudged Haku slightly. "Well at least remnants of the Bloody Moon pack are together." Haku nudged his leg. "Suppose so. Igasho, what was my mommy and daddy like around the pack?" Igasho smiled, relishing in the sweet memories before the fire. "Leda, your mother was very beautiful. All of the males lusted for her and the females envied her. It was like wise with your father Dru. Leda was a strong leader. No one would dare go against her and the fools that did only did once. Your father was strong. He was the fastest and greatest hunter." Haku smiled, bouncing happily. " They were wonderful to me as a pup. So kind." Igasho looked at May and nodded. "I'm Igasho. Your alpha gave me permission to remain here."

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