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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Caffeine Freak

Caffeine Freak

Welcome to Starlight Academy. Your new home.


Starlight Academy is a 'school for gifted youngsters' located thousands of meters below the Atlantic Ocean's surface. The academy is run by a deranged headmaster hellbent on usurping the world's political powers and establishing global domination. Children showing signs of special abilities or 'uncommon' skills are kidnapped by sleeper agents and absorbed into the program against their will.


How to sign up:

First, the character sheet, (remove bracketed sections of this CS and any unused optional titles)

Full Name:

Age: (between 14 and 21)



Bio: (What your character's life was like before being captured, can include how they were captured)


Theme Song:

Misc details:

(Please wait to be accepted!)

Main rules (please read carefully):

1) Submit CSs and OOC posts here! {


2) Starlight Security guards are situated occasionally around the academy. They cannot be 'defeated' in a fight (see 'rules'). It's also worth noting Security Guards are equipped with Starlight, making them immune to supernatural powers (see 'things to keep in mind').

3) All posts should be four full lines long minimum, with less-than-occasional spelling and grammar mistakes. If it is obvious posts/CSs are lacking in detail, I will ask for them to be expanded upon.

4) You can have a maximum of two characters at a time.

5) No god modding, insulting other players, etc, etc. (basically, use common sense)

6) To prove that you've read and agree to the rules, please add a line of white invisible text (the text can be whatever you want, really) underneath your character sheet.

Some things to keep in mind:

• Starlight Security guards are intimidating, handpicked professionals, and are very good at what they do. A fight can be started with one, but it'll unwittingly end with your character being dragged back to their dorm. (Guards are 'free characters' and you may control them in your post as you wish, so long as it doesn't break rule 2)

• Not all students were woken up from cryostasis immediately, some had their thaw dates delayed until their vitals were stable. (New characters that join later are these delayed students)

• Your character will have no recollection between their capture and waking up at Starlight. The method of entering/exiting the Academy is a well kept secret.

• Starlight, (the element the school is constructed with, and what staff use to protect themselves) is sort of like kryptonite for supernatural powers. It's not as much an important plot device as it is a barrier against god-modding.

• Headmaster Mason is the only non-free 'staff' character, and such can only be controlled by myself.

• Day/night timeskips still exist, even though we're underwater.


(This segment is updated frequently, so it pays to check back from time to time.)

Q: Can my character's power be that they're immune to Starlight?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character have a backstory that involves Starlight Academy and they know all the entire layout of the facility and-

A: Nah.

Q: How come X has broken rule Y and they get away with it?

A: Chances are it's under reasonable conditions thus I have allowed it. If you suspect someone's broken a rule, please message me about it before openly accusing them.

Q: Can my character be an animal?

A: Nah.

Q: Can my character evenly match a security guard?

A: Nah.

Q: Aren't Security Guards kinda god-modded characters?

A: Yep.

Q: Do security guards have supernatural powers?

A: Nope. They rely solely on wit to overcome supernaturals. (that and their Starlight armor, naturally)

Q: What's the character power limit?

A: The limit of common sense. If your character's an OP human multi tool, probably not going to be accepted.

If in doubt, message me.

Q: How come you haven't replied to my CS yet?

A: Cuz I'm lazy. Message me if you suspect I've missed a post.

Q: How long have characters been in cryostasis?

A: Characters have been plucked from different times. Maximum fifty years (start of the Starlight program), minimum six months (end of the kidnapping phase). It's your choice how long your character has been frozen with the peas.

Q: Where is everything?

A: The dorms resemble a minuscule city - like blocks of flats - surrounding the canteen, which resembles a sort of town square. Classes are connected the the dorm hub via corridors. Confused? I'm not surprised. Message me if you're still unclear.

I look forward to playing with you all!

{Any references to existing settings named 'Starlight Academy' are completely coincidental and unintended}
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Full Names:

Taylor John locus

Tyler jehn Locus


Appearance:they have brown hair and reen eyes


Power/Skill:Taylor can taste everything tyler eats but will still gain the weight from it and vise versa.If Tyler gets hurt taylor feels the pain while tyler takes the phicsical damage and vise versa.If taylor shuts booth eyes he can see through tylers eyes and vise versa.they can read each others minds but that is it.

ssssssorry about forgetting this


@Caffeine Freak
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Full Name:

Lucas Johnson Smith






Lucas has the ability to briefly turn invisible for a short period of time. His ability consists of the ability to move around whilst invisible, however it wears off pretty quickly after a certain duration of time, or when physical contact is made with living creatures and heat in general. Needs a bit of time to recharge.


Lucas was always that kind of shut-in that would prefer to makes zero contact with other sentient beings, well, aside from the occasional random player he bumped into while playing a video game. The feeling and power of hiding your identity behind a guise was a privilege the boy was willing to die for. Quite literally.

"Just a bit more," and "At least it can't get any worse..." Were just not cutting it for Lucas, the bullying at school for being such an introvert was too much, it just made him wish he could...just...disappear...

That punch to the nose must of had triggered it. He was nowhere to be seen, as if he was blown into the ground.

Truth is, he wasn't in the ground, but actually still on it, perhaps down writhing in pain, but still there. Just invisible.

By the time he was out running with tears welling in his eyes his powers were nowhere to be seen, or more exactly uncontrollable. He kept flickering through visibility until he bumped into a certain man who said he could help him escape the harsh reality he was living in. If only he knew what was waiting for him, and how one didn't need to hide behind a screen to be deceptive.


It all went black...

Spectre will always be THE bae, ALWAYS

@Caffeine Freak

Full Name:

Aida Kent












As a child, Aida never knew what love was. She was beaten as soon as being able to talk, insulted before she was able to even understand what was being said. Her parents raised her with abuse. The locations of the beatings were well placed, the bruises being left in places Aida would never show - stomach, upper thighs, back, etc. For a while, it was just beatings with hands. When Aida started to approach puberty, around age 11, her parents became worse. She was burned with batteries, left with cuts and scars on her skin. Most of these faded, becoming nothing but memories. Aida's parents made sure some of them remained as permanent reminders that she was weak, a toy. Their goal, to make Aida's life hell. They constantly reminded her that she was a mistake, an accident, a pest.Aida didn't know love. She thought that's what love was - abuse, violence, insults, and she accepted it. She was raised knowing no difference between the two.


After puberty, Aida remembered being sexually abused by her parents. She remembered screaming as her parents both attacked her, tied her down so she couldn't move, and took away what little dignity she had left. The worst part for Aida was knowing she couldn't tell. She went to school as though nothing was wrong, let on nothing to the friends she had.


Around her 15th birthday, Aida had tried to take her own life. She failed when her parents heard nothing from her room. Usually spending the nights crying, she had grown silent as she tried to hang herself from her light. After hearing nothing from her room, her parents had broken the door to get into the room and take her from the noose. To the hospital staff of Beaumont Hospital, her parents seemed like heroes, "saving" their daughter. Truth was, they just wanted to keep her around to use her as their own personal punch bag. The bruises and scars were considered her own acts of self harm. After a failed suicide attempt, Aida did things to make herself forget. She started to smoke and drink, doing anything she could to wipe those memories from her mind for a short while, no end in sight. 


It was not long after leaving hospital that Aida had packed her case late one night and was running from home. She had left the house silently at midnight, leaving only a note reading "You can't hurt me anymore" hurriedly written onto the back of the suicide note she had written before trying to hang herself. It was as she was a little while away from her home that someone approached her, asking where she was going so late at night with a suitcase. She had told the person anywhere that wasn't here. That's when she was invited into the car, her case being placed in the boot. They had promised to get her away and she took the chance, ignoring everything she had been taught. Next thing she knew, they were by the sea, and a gas had been released in the back of the car. 


The picture is the hardest part of a CS 
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@Bumblebee Accepted! Please wait for the intro post.

@BeebeTheWarrior I don't believe you've read the rules. Also, I'd like you to proofread your post a little and expand on the bio. As soon as you're done, just reply to this post.

Beebe: Oh crap sorry i completely forgot about the white line of text as i was super bussy 
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Full Name: Tenueto Havi

Age: 17

Appearance: A 5'9" man with grey streaked brown hair and aviation goggles.  He wears a scarf made from a thin piece of brown scrap cloth.  He wears a shawl over his white T-shirt.  He also wears a pair of threadbare, discolored jeans; and a pair of similarly discolored tennis shoes.  He has a silver flute against his back

Power/Skill: Tenueto is able to make any living thing hallucinate based upon the tune from his flute.  It can range from a change in color to a full blown change in location to those affected.  Though this is an extremely powerful asset, it can be easily countered in a number of ways.  One can obviously plug their ears, or steal his flute.  Those with a Starlight Suit(*Cough* guards *Cough*) can negate the effects as well.

Bio: Tenueto was a rather troublesome child.  He did not know his parents, as he was left at the doorstep of an estranged old widow, Janie Miller, at his birth.  He was wrapped in a brown cloth with a strange flute.  He was constantly getting into trouble with the other kids in his neighborhood - with the help of his flute of course.  The old ms. Miller didn't know how to contain his mischief, and, as such, could hardly stop his capture.  It was a morning sometime in Autumn when they came.  Tenueto did his best to stop them, though his weapon had no effect, and he was quickly subdued.  Ms. Miller did her best to help him, but it only spelled her death.  He felt a dull pain against the back of his head, and he began to feel very... very... heavy...

I didn't read that last part because there was no number next to it and my brain works in that strange way
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Full name:  Aki Lily Rose (AL Rose for short)

Age: 16


Power/skill: deadly accuracy (never misses even if her eyes are closed no matter the weapon) [not that good to hand to hand but can hold her own if it comes to that] small healing abilities (can heal herself fully but others she can heal a broken arm not save a life... yet [needs practice])

Bio: Aki had a good life before she got caught. A home a nice life but growing up she was always trying to get the attention of her big sister, Mai who was a judge, since their parents are dead. She would do the most outrageousthings to do so. Like going with a gang to blow things up and robbery. But she got arrested and charged with a 3 years sentence. When she began begging for help from her sister, Mai said to Aki "I have no sister" and went to leave. Aki had snapped grabbed the closest pistol and shot Mai without any issues with aiming. Aki got shot through the shoulder which healed instantly and was knocked out and later sent to starlight.
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@11254man So close, but I think you're forgetting a single detail from the rules section.

@BeebeTheWarrior I'm confused, I asked for you to expand on the bio and now it's.. gone? Sorry if I wasn't clear, I just meant make it longer and more detailed.

@Rosehaven17 Also really close, but could you elaborate on your powers a little? What extent do her healing abilities work to? How is deadly accuracy going to help her if she's unarmed for the majority of the story? 

Thanks for your patience.
@11254man So close, but I think you're forgetting a single detail from the rules section.

@BeebeTheWarrior I'm confused, I asked for you to expand on the bio and now it's.. gone? Sorry if I wasn't clear, I just meant make it longer and more detailed.

@Rosehaven17 Also really close, but could you elaborate on your powers a little? What extent do her healing abilities work to? How is deadly accuracy going to help her if she's unarmed for the majority of the story? 

Thanks for your patience.

Made corrections.  I'm dumb.
Quick CS for the Security around Starlight.



A sleeper agent on a reconnaissance mission.

Skills: All agents are exceptionally trained in firearm handling and grueling martial arts. On top of this, the specialized suits they wear are fused with Starlight, the same element the Academy was constructed out of, which counteracts the effects of supernatural energy.

Bio: Headmaster Mason offered generous sums of money for the security positions in Starlight Academy, eventually having those vacancies filled with spec ops veterans from all around the world. Mason ensures each individual will carry out his orders without question, including the kidnapping of children. They are either assigned as guards around the academy, or dispatched to the surface to hunt for 'talented youngsters'.

Misc details: Guards around the academy never carry firearms, they will either use batons or simply their fists to deal with "disorderly conduct".
Full Name:  Mikuru Kelly (Miku)

Age: 16


Power/Skill: Mikuru has the ability to run at superhuman speeds and a small healing factor. 

Bio: Mikuru grew up in as a lonely child, her father and mother were both track and field stars back in their High School and College years, so it was natural for them to have their daughter do the same. One race with her father, Mikuru discovered her ability, her parents thought it be best to hide it from the rest of the world, forbidding her to do any sports, which she rebelled agaisnt. She still ran everyday, one day running into a group of a few men, which asked her for help, her being her, she helped them, and was knocked out by chloroform. 

Misc details: Mikuru is extremely clumsy and outgoing. 

Sorry if this needed to be in spoiler, I typed this as the security bio came up.
Name: Headmaster Mason

Age: Never disclosed, but appears to be in his early 40's



Skill: Charisma.

Misc: Underneath his suit is a thin layer of Starlight, enough to make him practically immune to supernatural effects.

Bio: Mason was previously a young, famous politician who's ideals and debates had influenced hundreds of countries. Soon, however, he felt that politics today were greedy - that money came before the good of mankind. Outraged at the thought, he spent every penny of his earnings on a plan that would remove these greedy monsters from the picture. He hired his own think tank to construct a facility more secret than Area 52, one that would reside at the bottom of the ocean. He hired the world's deadliest military figures to keep it secured. However, it soon became apparent that there was one problem: What would he put in this facility? That part of the plan didn't even click during its construction.

While Mason was debating what sort of doomsday device he should build, he overheard a conversation between two of his security members.

"Back when I was in the Spetsnaz, there was this really crazy kid who I met in an op' once."

"Crazy? Like, was the kid drugged?"

"Nah, I mean crazy. This kid was being held hostage by a gunman in some bank - right as we come in through the windows, the gunman drops dead. No one else saw it, but I swear that the kid shot lightning from his hands-"

Mason knew exactly what he was going to use the facility for from that point onwards.
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Full Name: Aaron Wright

Age: 17



Aaron in his room, prior to being taken.

Skills: Life of crime - Aaron is a skilled chemist, and can create a variety of tools and stimulants - but needs ingredients to do so. In addition to this, he's able to crack even the most advanced locks - but it can take considerable amounts of time.

Bio: Aaron was raised in an orphanage, abandoned by his parents. In his spare time, he discovered his love for chemistry and physics at a young age - and put his talents to good use. If 'good use' meant cooking drugs and stealing from secured facilities. He was soon found out by the orphanage's owner, who stumbled across Aaron's stash of profits. Naturally, the owner threatened to turn Aaron into the police, had the boy not offered him a cut of his income.

Even with a fraction of his earnings going to the benefactor, Aaron had enough money to retire on his seventeenth birthday.

Planning to put his criminal life behind him, Aaron conducted one last raid for old time's sake, breaking into the mayor's bank vault. However, upon slipping into the vault door, Aaron was not met with the stacks of cash he was hoping for. Rather, he was met with a single man in military fatigues casually pointing a dart gun at him.

..why did I add a white line of text? I'm the one who wrote the damn rules!
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Full Name: Azlyn Swan

Age: 17



Power/Skill: Perfect recall and muscle memory (Able to read or watch something and forever remember that information or movement. Can mimic and physical movement, but only if seen. Cannot perform an act that incorporates something she hasn't learned.  For instance, she cannot do a cartwheel if she's never seen one, cannot solve a math problem if she hasn't seen a formula used for it, etc.)

Bio: Azlyn was orphaned while she was very young, and ended up in the foster system. She was bullied and ridiculed by everyone in her orphanage because of her appearance and never got adopted. She ended up running away at age 14, stealing money from anyone she could. She started visiting libraries for hours on end reading any information she could. She ended up realizing that she could remember everything she read, without even trying. She could watch a video on how to solve a college level math problem and solve 10 of them within 2 minutes. She began testing her theories on what she could do. At first it was just simple things, reading pi and being able to recall every digit, though she stopped after the 200th one. Eventually she began watching how-to videos, first one being how to make a paper crane. She made 5 until she got bored. Eventually she ran out of funds and didn't know how to keep herself fed, so she turned to the internet. One video caught her attention, 'how to hot-wire a car' she clicked on it and an hour later she was driving a stolen car into a store window. This started her criminal life, stealing and continuing to learn more ways to do illegal acts. Only after stupidly making a bomb was she found out by police. She spent 2 years in prison before a man came in and told her she was being transferred. As they were walking towards the van, a military looking vehicle swerved by and grabbed her, placing a bag over her head and knocking her unconscious. (Though she does not remember any of what was stated previously.)

Misc details: Azlyn has no memory of her past life. Due to her perfect recall, her memory had been destroyed, not allowing her to remember anything or anyone in her personal life after she falls asleep (though she still retains all memory of information and actions learned, she just doesn't know how she learned it). Due to this she is easily taken advantage of and holds no grudges towards anyone. 

I read the rules!
@Kzadrin Accepted! Just in time for the intro, too.

[This post is the intro, please put any CSs past this in spoilers]

Mason braced his arms on the bars of the mezzanine, intriguingly staring out at the rows of neatly lined cryo tubes on the massive floor below. One thousand students. Ten years of preparation. He could practically taste world domination.

A thin man in a white lab coat strode up to him. "We're ready to release, sir."

The Headmaster smiled, drawing himself up to a confident stance. "Then let's begin."

Nodding briefly, the man swiveled round and approached a nearby console, which he began typing a series of commands into.

In response, every single cryo tube lit up and hissed a veil of silky white gas. In a matter of seconds, the doors to each of them zipped open in unison.


Aaron fell forward onto his hands and knees, almost hacking up his guts from coughing. "...Where-" He began, only to break up in a fit of coughing again. His lungs felt like they were filled with shards of broken glass. Around him, he could hear people more or less making the same noises as him - but his vision was too blurry to see what was going on. Why was it so.. cold? His clothes and hair were soaked, and every sensation felt numb.

Slowly, the numbness began to subside, the tightness in his throat loosened and his vision gradually returned. 

Aaron pushed himself up, his head was pounding and the world was spinning, but he managed to stay standing. To his left and right, he could see a whole line of teenagers adjusting to the scene like him. "This is one weird dream." murmured, trying to convince himself that this wasn't happening right now.

"Welcome, students!" A voice boomed through the room, amplified by a deafening stereo. Aaron cringed and clasped his hands onto his ears. Looking up, he could see a figure, arms spread, standing on a platform easily twenty meters in the air. "My name is Headmaster Mason, and I am delighted you welcome you to Starlight Academy! Your new home." Commotion began to break out, but there's only so much protesting that can people can do when it's sub zero degrees.

"My staff will come down to collect you shortly, I do apologize for the.. discomfort, but I'm told that you all fared better than the.. previous test subjects."

Aaron's eye twitched a little.

"I look forward to meeting you all in the assembly hall to answer your many questions. Until then!" The figure turned and strode out of view, leaving the chamber in a low noise of confused muttering.

Starlight Academy. New home. The words floated about in Aaron's head.
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[spoiler=Adamu Kaelyn Mukti]
Name: Adamu Kaelyn Mukti

Age: 16

Height: 6'1

Skills/Powers: Manipulation of energy (lightning, plasma, fire, radiation, etc.)

Bio: Born in a science village deep into the Himalayas, Adamu from a very young age had trained with the monks that inhabited those mountains. Both spiritually, and in combat. His parents, being great scientists, taught him all he knows about science, math, and independent life. At the age of 14, he had started to receive augmentations to his body, granting him the powers he now holds. In one of his free days, as he slept on a hamoc outside outside his home, he is attacked by an academy sleeper agent. Before he could do anything, he was already tranquilized and starting to pass out. He drops down on the ground and all fades to black.

(Sorry if the format ends up not being a spoiler. I'm new to RPNation and had to do some research to actually have a bad idea of what a spoiler was. Neither do I know how to set up the white format, maybe because I'm using a tablet right now.)
Mikuru fell straight onto the floor, she gasped for air and right after started coughing. She couldn't see, she was cold. She tried to get herself up, but just ended in her looking stupid and staying on the floor. Once she stopped coughing, she looked around, to her left a row of teenagers and to her right, nothing at least that she saw. Then, the voice came over the loudspeaker, all she could do was listen, she wanted to say something, nothing came out. Once the voice stopped, she managed to get herself into a different position, so she was actually sitting. "I am I in hell, because if I am.. It froze over." She said, over to the person on her left, not even sure if they heard her. 
Aki had so mixed emotions, like sadness for her sister's death and anger for being forced into the situation. But on the outside she looked indifferent, like nothing was happening to her. She ended on her ass when the gravity went to normal, but she knew it wouldn't bruise. She decided to play along for now. She was going around to meet the people around her to see what is going on or better yet, go home. She went to a girl who had her brown hair in pigtails (Mikuru) and looked close to Aki's own age. "Needed a helping hand?" Aki said in a small smile.

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