Castouts (parallel rp to Street Kids) sign up, rules, and info

Name: Aleka Wierson

Age: 16

Gender: female

she also has a scar on the left side of her forehead near her eyebrow.

Family: A mother and a stepfather, neither of which are in the story.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Mostly, she steals what she needs. She's a skilled pick pocket.

Power: (if applicable): Enhanced senses, however, if she is focusing on one sense, she tends to lose the others. For example, if she's using her enhanced vision, she would be basically deaf.

Personality: For the most part, she keeps her distance because physical contact can, at times, be painful for her. Despite that, though, she is not exactly shy. She can talk to people fairly easily, but her temper flares up quickly, however, it also dies down quickly. Her main concern is just plain survival.

History: Her family has never been what anyone would call stable. Her biological father was a heroin addict who died from an overdose (someone, intending to kill him, sold him a bag of pure heroin) while her mother was still pregnant with her and her mother remained unmarried until Aleka was ten years old. They moved around quite a bit because her stepfather worked in construction, and was incredibly emotionally and psychologically abusive toward them. One night, while they were living in Poughkeepsie, her stepfather had come home to their apartment drunk and nearly beat her mother to death with an empty knife block on the counter. When Aleka tried to run to her mother's aid and beat him off of her, he hit her in the side of the head with the block, leaving a gash on the side of her forehead, and raped her. Later on that night, she packed a bag and fled.

Where currently lives: She tends to stay closer to Times Square, because the amount of tourists around there make for good marks to pick off of, but she does occasionally wander off into other parts of the city.
Name: Arnie French

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Survival method: Foraging edible plants and animals from Central Park, working for anti-facist gangs as hired muscle, bare knuckle boxing

Family: Post homeless: Has a long list of associates but none he considers a new family

Pre-Homeless: Abused as a child by his Vietnam father who was 30 years older than his mentally mother. His father used to beat him, as well as emotionally abuse him, but also teaching him all he knew about surviving and fighting, using the abuse as an extreme and corrupt version of "Tough love". His mother was severely disturbed, self-harming, attempting suicide, delusional, sometimes accusing Arnie of being a changeling, at 11 she killed herself on Christmas Day by setting herself on fire in front of him and his father. He is an only child.

Power: N/A

Personality: A sensitive and protective soul, shrouded in a cloak of masculinity and stoicism. He often feels protective of women and children, enacting vigilante justice under the guise of anti-patriarchal attacks on pimps. He has PTSD from his mother immolating herself. He is quiet and tough acting, which he uses to protect his damaged spirit. He is deeply spiritual and impulsive, he uses the former in an attempt to curb the latter.

History: After his mother killing himself, he was sent to a military academy by his father where he graduated when he was 18, further honing the skills his abusive father gave him. His emotional problems meant he got into fights often, leading him to use alcohol to dull his emotional problems. Which made him practically unemployable, as did his mental health. He likes to believe he is choosing to be a kind of vagrant.

Where he lives: Lives out of his car.
(Hey Suzu. I did it.)

Name: Axel Reid

Age: 16

Gender: male

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dhdghbv.png.a42bb2bc7d1d1ec255d0fea52505a2df.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dhdghbv.png.a42bb2bc7d1d1ec255d0fea52505a2df.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Hair: Blond Eyes: Sky blue Height: (if he could stand) 5'7" (He's in a wheelchair and has deep scars along his legs.)

Family: Axel's biological father left his mom when he was about four years old, leaving Axel only the memory of the man's back. His mother eventually remarried to a man who also had a son, Damon, from a previous marriage. Both his parents died in a car accident when he was fourteen, an accident that he barely escaped, only losing the use of his legs. Now he only has his stepbrother, Damon.

Job: Axel makes most of his money being a research subject of the Kennedy's facility. Due to his intelligence, he also helps out with the researching for extra cash.

Power: Axel has the power to manipulate air and wind, which is a bit ironic given that it's a power that emphasizes freedom but he feels confined due to his useless legs. He has fairly good control over his power but can't seem to create anything powerful due to the mental block he put on himself, partially due to his legs and the other part due to guilt.

Personality: Axel is a very serious character. Hot headed and rather quiet, he's not very good with people. Being something of a genius, he can be slightly condescending and refuses to put up with idiots. When he works on something, he keeps at it until he gets it right and hates distractions. He cannot stand people who are carefree. He's a bit of a gloomy guy and can be very insecure and awkward, falling into the "nerd" category.

History: Axel grew up living with his single mother who would work herself to the bone trying to make end's meet. In order not to add to her stress, he would study hard and stay out of trouble. When he was twelve, he was discovered to have an IQ higher than most, making him somewhat of a genius. Soon he began getting offers to skip to higher education as well as media coverage for such a mind to come from a small town. Axel hated this lifestyle and just wanted to be normal, but his mother seemed happy to have the "child prodigy" so he put up with it.

A year later, Axel's mom remarried to Damon's father. Things became normal and for a while, everyone was happy. Axel still had to endure the downsides to being smart but it was a peaceful life. Then one day, his mom and stepfather were driving him home from class. He had no idea what had happened but there was a dark and serious mood in the car. In an attempt to lighten things up, he covered his stepfather's eyes, a game they would play occasionally. But the sudden blindness made his stepdad lose control of the car and sent it through the guard rail and it flipped over into an old water tower.

Surrounded by fire, Axel was scared. He saw his life flash before his eyes. He wanted to get out but he couldn't even feel his legs. And then something strange happened. He felt a small breeze, a moment of cool to break between the constant heat. The breeze picked up until the flames died out and he felt himself almost floating out of the car. Fortunately, there were other drivers that night and he was rushed to the hospital quickly. His mother and stepfather died instantly and his legs were paralyzed.

Wanting a new start, Damon and he moved to New York. It was hard to find work for a while, what with Axel being disabled and Damon being a high school drop out, but they soon were found by Theodore Kennedy who was willing to pay them for Axel's assistence. Axel has yet to tell Damon that he caused the accident.

Where currently lives: He currently lives in a small bedroom apartment with his stepbrother Damon.

Name: Damon Reid

Age: 19

Gender: male

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/kjb.png.cb4d652e84f03c13cfbd57521e46903c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/kjb.png.cb4d652e84f03c13cfbd57521e46903c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Gray Height: 6'0"

Family: Damon's mother died giving birth to him due to her weak body. His father died in the car accident with his stepmother. Currently, he lives with his stepbrother, Axel.

Job: Damon does part time manual labor at a construction site for minimum wage.

Power: None but he is in good physical condition from all the heavy lifting at work and his days as a gang member.

Personality: Damon is a little like his younger brother, a serious and fairly quiet person. However, he doesn't posses the intelligence, arrogance and social awkwardness that Axel has. While Axel thinks with his head, Damon tends to follow his heart, making him more prone to act upon instinct. He also has a shorter temper than Axel but can be extremely compassionate to things he feels deserves it.

History: Damon was never a model student. In fact, he'd be what you'd call a delinquent. He cut class, got bad grades, was prone to violence and vandalism and was even part of a gang. His single father scolded him many times but Damon never bothered to listen or change. In fact, he never cared about what his dad had tried to drill into his head so many times.

This sort of changed when his dad married Axel's mom though. Now along with the typical scoldings, he was always being compared to the little genius boy. Damon hated this. So that he wouldn't have to hear anymore, he behaved slightly better in school. He didn't get into any fights and he didn't skip all his classes. But then something happened to break his good boy streak. Damon had walked in on the leader of the gang he had been part of raping his girlfriend. Blinded by anger, Damon beat the guy to the brink of death with a baseball bat. His girlfriend ran away and called the police on him.

Damon came home to yet another lecture, his dad asking why he couldn't be more like Axel. After, the man left with his wife to pick up Axel from class. Damon couldn't take it anymore. He wished for Axel, for everyone, to die, chanting his desire in his head for a good hour. But then the call came. The call saying that everyone had been in a car accident. He rushed to the hospital, praying to God that he didn't mean it. That he was just angry. But it was too late. His dad and stepmom were dead and seeing Axel with his legs mutilated. Axel promised God that he would repent if He would save his stepbrother. Axel lived and they both moved to New York for a fresh start. He hasn't told Axel that he wished for the accident and still feels a great amount of guilt for his brother's legs.

Where currently lives: He lives in a small apartment with Axel.

Really Godless? The only other person learning self defense with Max and you put him in a wheelchair? That's going to be awkward.
Sorry it's been a while. Been busy with . . . stuff . . . Yeah . . . Stuff . . .

But as for how they come in. Dreamypop was worried about whether or not enough superpowered kids would join Max. What with everyone either leaving or having conflicting personalities and such. So Axel was made as someone who already joined the Kennedys. As for Damon, well, I have no idea. He has stuff to do later but not really now . . . I'll think of something. After I finish reading everything maybe.
*Kyle walked away and joined Rika and Xander while Kat talked to Steven, giving them some privacy. Steven can't quite bring himself to look at Kat, he just stares at his hand that was shaking slightly.* I'll try to pull myself together but I'm not sure what used I'll be to you or anyone right now, your brother is right you were so much better off before you met me. *Steven doesn't get long to dwell on his own self pity. Anthony had grown inpatient and goes to grab Chris by the hair and drag her to the door, he no longer cares on keeping a low profile dragging her to the top of the stairs.* YOU BRATS LOOKING FOR ME! COME AND GET ME! *He's holding a gun in one hand and fires it in the direction of Kat and Steven. Steven's reflexes kick in and he moves directly in front of Kat as the bullet hits him in the chest, Steven stumbles back a bit when Anthony fires 3 more times those miss completely. Steven looks back at Kat over his shoulder, finally the fight starting to show itself in them again.* Are you alright! *Reaching for the gun tucked in his belt, he raises it towards Anthony but catches sight of Chris so he doesn't fire.*
"No, no we weren''ve helped us," Katarina starts to say to Steven, reaching out and lightly touching his wrist, her eyes trying to catch and hold his. "You did...Steven, you saved us a few times, and've been here for us. Just because...because a few times-"

As Anthony throws open the door, Katarina, Rikarah, and Xander's heads snap up, and Katarina gasps, seeing Chris, her eyes wide. Xander starts forward, calling Chris's name, his eyes on her alone as any attempt at the plan Rikarah outlined was abandoned at the sight of his sister and the fright splayed painfully across her features.

"Chris! You b******, if you hurt her I'll-"

As Anthony takes aim, shooting and hitting Steven, Madison throws herself to the ground, startled and more than a little indignant at this turn of events. Didn't Alicia tell this guy who she was and how important she was to them, how they wouldn't have gotten Alice or Chris at all without her help?! What the hell was his problem?! She wanted to scream this out at him, but with the others present, she could not.

Rikarah too ducked, simultaneously attacking Anthony's thoughts and attempting to hack into his brain as forcefully as she was able, even as she kept herself low to the ground, one hand over her head. Sharply and urgently she instructed him to put the gun down, to shoot himself if he must shoot, even as she attempted to try further into his brain, wanting more information about who he was.

"Stay down," she called aloud to everyone. "Everyone, do not get up!"

But from the doorway Alice has heard the gunshot wounds and is screaming, fighting against Alicia's attempt to restrain her, and managing to enact her shield around herself so that the woman cannot touch her at all. Running to the doorway with Alicia on her heels, Alice skids to a stop, screaming out her siblings' names in wild joy as all of them look up at her, weak with relief to see her too.

As Alice distracts them, however, Anthony's gun is aimed at Xander, and only Chris, who was not surprised or startled by Alice's presence, was not distracted enough by her not to notice. She could not see the gun, of course, but she could feel the motion and knew that Anthony was going to shoot. With a soft cry, she twisted herself so she was in between, even while still being gripped by him, preventing him from being able to get good aim at Xander.

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