Castouts (parallel rp to Street Kids) sign up, rules, and info

Name: Sebastian

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: Almost always running around in a hoodie and street clothes Sebastian stands at 5' 11'' and has a fit build, under closer examine there's a few faded scars from transactions gone wrong. unstyled or styled to appear so black hair covers his pale blue eyes, just another guy in the crowd, nothing special

View attachment 5243

Family: stayed in the system until 9 and moved from home to home, lasting from a few weeks to if lucky half a year in any certain home. He made a few connections, but at the end of the day family isn’t a word in his vocabulary.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Previous drug dealer, now is more on the ‘up and up’ dealing with papers and fake IDs

Power: (if applicable): manipulates shadows

Personality: Unapproachable, there's a deadness in his eyes that keep most away, and for the rest he's a man of few words. Cold and reluctant to get close to others, knowing full well how easily bonds can be broken, and his guilt only shuts him down more

History: He grew up in the system, and by the time he was placed in a home had attitude problems so started going from house to house. At the age of 14 his foster father started him dealing, and after that he was in the business for himself, indifferent to most people he might have stayed in such a way if a girl didn't OD and die off what he was selling. He quit the business and picked up smoking, a way of punishing himself for her death, killing himself slowly since he can’t bring himself to end his own life or start on drugs

Where currently lives: Moves daily

Name: Violet

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Looks: Her eyes may appear violet, but in truth they are just a deep blue, her hair is a deep chestnut, stands at 5’ 6’’ on a good day, has a smaller frame due to inability to eat right off and on

View attachment 5244

Family: Narcissistic mother that treats her coldly and belittles her every little move and actually turns herself into the victim for having to deal with Violet, instead of the other way around. Two younger brothers (now 13 and 12) the older one mimics their mother’s behavior and act as if the center of the world, while the other one isn’t as bad, but will still mock Vi like mother and older brother do, this one tends to act out more. Knows nothing of her father aside from all the horrible stories her mother has told her, Vi no longer knows what’s fiction or fact, if anything at that. Still men came and went through her mother’s bed and Vi’s life, only ever bonded with one as a father figure, but mother was quick to ruin that relationship as well. ((it’s been two years since she saw the lot of them))

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Works under the table as a busser and is willing to do odd jobs for a few extra bucks to feed herself

Power: (if applicable): NONE

Personality: Socially awkward, she is sweet and shy, and always conflicted by just about your average interactions. She’s unsure and hesitant about any word or action, in fear of rejection or cruelty of others. At times she can be over friendly trying to overcompensate for the social skills she knows she’s lacking

History: Grew up with a narcissistic mother, and as the oldest of three siblings became the fabled scapegoat for all her mother's misery whilst her younger brother was the glorified golden child. She was never physically abused but if she ever stood up for herself her mother would become forceful with her. Was never allowed freedom to come and go, Vi spent most her time doing chores, repeating said chores when she came up short handed, and trying to escape the ridicule in the solace of books, she became more withdrawn at school as she felt more ostracized in her own home, unable to connect with all the children that were happy and had interactions outside of the classroom, and soon enough she had no safe place and it was either perish or get out of there, and Violet choose to survive

Where currently lives: Central Park
AlwaysChaos: Pending. See if you can flesh them out.

Kagura: Currently, it is exactly even, but Joboz has reserved one character with powers. I don't know if her other two have powers are not, but since she didn't reserve them with powers, I will assume for the moment, to be fair, that they are not. So currently, including Joboz's powered reserved one, there is one more with powers than there is without. So if you want to make one, it needs to be a non powered one, unless you're making two, then you can have one of each.
AlwaysChaos- accepted.

Counting Joboz, there are now eight players and sixteen characters, with a possibility of two more by Macal and one by Kagura. This would make nineteen. So for right now I'm closing the rp. Joboz, you may post yours for approval, Kagura, if you would like to join, you may post yours.

Everyone else, you need to personally talk to me if you would like to join. Find me on shoutbox or send me a pm.

If anyone drops out or drops a character, or if you personally talk to me and have someone amazing, then this will reopen for consideration.
(Guess who's back? Back again. Jo's back!! Tell a friend! Hehe. I'm back guys! So pumped for this RP! And here are my long awaited character's sign ups! :D )

Name: Terabithia "Abi" Smith

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Looks: View attachment 5273

Family: Terabithia had two parents, Rainbow and Zan Smith, but both were killed in a hospital shooting 6 months ago. As for street family, she views Natalia as an older sister and looks up to her in many ways. (More about her biological family in her history)

Job/way of making money/surviving: For the first week on her own, she used the money from her deceased parents that they had hidden in the house, once she met up with Natalia, they combined their money and had survived neatly on it for the past 6 months. They are now starting to run out and Terabithia's contribution to keep the money going is either asking people for spare change - who can resist a blue-eyed toddler with a 'lisp' - or she puts on a 'performance' with Natalia. This is when she distracts someone by bursting out crying or by saying she's 'lost her mummy' and Natalia will pickpocket from the distracted person or if they are in a cameraless shop she'll rob what they need. Another technique they use is they knock on someone's door - Natalia actually checks that the person inside the house is female - and Natalia tells the person that her little sister needs to use the toilet and would it be alright to use theirs? A lot agree and Natalia keeps the person talking downstairs while Terabithia goes upstairs, makes a quick detour in the person's bedroom to steal any valuables such as phones and/or jewelerry - but not too many so that the person will simply think they lost that necklace or misplaced their phone - and then flushes the toilet and goes back downstairs. They leave with the goods then sell them for money.

Power: None

Personality: Terabithia is extremely stubborn, and certainly an optimist. She views her parents death with the everlasting phrase of, "They died happy and helping people! Now they are having tons of fun in heaven!" And smiles while telling the story to others. Her feelings are not easily hurt and trying to get rid of Abi is like trying to get blood out of a stone. She is extremely loyal to those who she is close to and is very wise for her young age. She looks up to Natalia, who she has nicknamed "Blue" because of her eyes, but thinks the girl needs to open up more and be a bit more, well, optimistic.

History: Terabithia is the daughter of Rainbow Smith and Zan Smith, two hippies who loved the film Bridge to Terabithia (hence Abi's name) and were both killed while volunteering help at the local hospital. Abi was at nursey at the time and there was a violent struggle at the hospital which involved guns. Both were shot dead. Neither of the two believed in wills, so they designated no guardian for Abi. Zan Smith had orignially been living in Scotland before he moved to America and met Rainbow, and didn't keep in contact with his parents, so them adopting Abi was out of the question since no-one knew where or how to contact them. Rainbow Smith ran away from home when she was 18, changed her name and told everyone that both her parents are dead so them adopting Abi was 'impossible' because everyone believed them to be dead, even Abi herself.

So Terabithia took the money her parents hid in the house, grabbed her favourite toy and even a spare pair of clothes and left. She survived on the money and slept in abandoned houses. Only about a week later, she bumped into the street-wise Natalia and even though Natalia rejected her and told her to 'get lost' She carried on following her around and eventually Natalia got used to her and has even grown close enough to consider her as a younger sister, of course Natalia would never admit to this.

Where currently lives: In the Abandoned Theatre with Natalia.


Name: Natalia "Blue" Midere

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Looks: View attachment 5274 View attachment 5275 View attachment 5276

Family: Two parents, both still alive. Mother taught karate and self-defence aswell as being an artist on the side and her Father was a stay-away business man. They broke up when Natalia was 12 because her Father cheated on her Mother, she never saw her Dad again. She wasn't rather close to him anyway because he was never around. Her Mother quickly became violent and abusive after her Father left and the day Natalia left was when her Mother slashed Natalia's arm open and beat her to a pulp.

Job/way of making money/surviving: Natalia was on her own on the streets for a full year. For the first 6 months, she used the money that she got from selling ALL of her Mother's jewlerry - including her wedding ring. Then, for the next 6 months she stole money and food to survive and basically did whatever she could to get money such as: odd jobs like deliverys and asking people for spare change. She did however, refuse to deal drugs or commit sexual acts of any kind because she refused to be anything like her Mother. Then, when Terabithia came along she carried on stealing, but also did the 'performances'. (See Terabithia's Way of Making Money) She would never admit it, but Terabithia barging her way into Natalia's life has actually helped her get more money and trick more people.

Power: The power to absorb other people's powers, but it only works if you have met the person and you can only absorb one power at a time, once you absorb a new power you lose the one you previously absorbed. Natalia does not yet know she has this power because she hasn't absorbed any powers yet.

Personality: Natalia, because of her history, is a cold hearted, mean yet very intelligent girl. She has major trust issues - thanks to her dad and best friend leaving and her own mum turning against her - and will not easily trust or accept anyone. To her, survival comes first and, with the exception of Abi, she would sell anyone out in a heartbeat if it meant her surviving. She is a pessimist - opposite of Abi. She is extremely street-wise and can tend to correctly predict the outcome of any situation and usually prepares ahead for it.

History: Natalia was born to a simple family. Her mother taught karate and self-defence for a living aswell as being an artist on the side. Natalia therefore learnt karate (black belt) and self-defence for free. Her father was a stay-away business man and came home on the weekends to see his wife and daughter. When Natalia was 12 her Mother caught her Father cheating. She went to a club for a girl's night out with her friends while Natalia was at her best friend's house and spotted her 'devoted' husband vigoursly making out with a blonde bimbo girl who looked about ten years younger then him. She - without Natalia's consent - kicked her husband out of both of their lives and started to throw herself at every man she saw, neglecting her child because of it.

Natalia started high school just as her mother hooked up with a druggie boy friend and began taking drugs and drinking more than usual. Natalia's best friend moved to a different high school and Natalia had no friends at high school because of her odd, isolated behaviour. She began to get physically and mentally bullied by a group of girls in her year, and when she was 14 and a half she came home to a high, drunk Mother. They got into an argument and her Mother screamed at her, blaming Natalia for her Father's betrayal and telling her how she hated her and wished she had never been born. Natalia retaliated by calling her Mother a **** sucking whore and threatened to call the police, but as she grabbed the phone, her Mother grabbed a knife and slashed down her daughter's arm, leaving a scar that runs from her wrist to her elbow. She beat her and left her bleeding on the floor to go visit her boyfriend. Natalia dragged herself up off the floor, cleaned herself up as best as she could then stole all her Mother's expensive jewellery, her old wedding ring even, and left for good.

She had been living on the streets for a full year, having sold all her Mother's jewellery for a good stash of cash, and had learnt all the tricks of the trade when she met 6 year old Terabithia. After endless attempts to lose the kid, even telling her to get lost and that she wasn't wanted, she let Abi tag along with for the past six months and they have grown inseperable.

Where currently lives: In the Abadoned Theatre with Terabithia.


Name: Xander DeSanto

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: View attachment 5277

Family: Xander has a twin sister, Katarina who he cares for deeply and feels the need to protect. He is always telling her it's because he's the older of the two - by about 3 minutes, go figure! But Xander also feels protective about his younger sister Christina, even more so now that she is blind, and even to a slight extent his younger brother Kyle. He feels the need to be the protective, strong eldest brother and to Kyle he hopes he can be some sort of role model - even though he and Kyle don't always see eye to eye.

Job/way of making money/surviving: Xander, much like Katarina, will do whatever it takes to get money and food for them. He will steal, lie, cheat and do odd jobs. He also has a knack for playing the guitar (it was a way to soothe Alice during the arguments that his Mum and Dad sometimes had with each other) and will play the guitar around town or in parks to get money. He is trying to get a job, but it's hard anyone who will hire a 'kid' who didn't finish school, cannot put down a home address and cannot be contacted easily.

Power: Xander has electric hands. He can shock people through touch - it could range from a small, 'touch-metal' short of eletric shock, or it could leave someone in spasms on the floor for a moment - long enough to make a quick get away. He can also short out an electrical appliance, but he has to be touching it. He cannot short out an appliance from a distance and he can't make an eletric ball to throw at anyone. His power is only through touch.

Personality: Xander is a sweet, caring, protective and strong person. But because of this over need to protect everyone younger than him, he can sometimes seem a bit annoying and clingy. He's not very good at thinking things over, and will just jump right into a situation if he is not stopped by his siblings. Xander finds it hard to trust others because of his past and is very much a family first sort of person. His family is valued above everything else in his life.

History: The protective, strong and role model figure Xander wishes to be may have developed from the children's past. Because both of their parents were alcoholic and often violent, Xander had to step up and - along with Katarina - take the brunt of their parent's anger. The worst arguments would come when one of their parents tried to throw a punch - or succeded in throwing a punch - at Christina or Alice. He would immediently - if he was there or even if he heard about it later - start a screaming match with his parents, usually his Father, and tell them not to touch the girls. This would end with his Father or Mother hitting him instead. He would also stick up for Kyle - if he was there when it happened - but rather than screaming at them he would just take the hit for him. He didn't like it when Katarina provoked them, but since she usually did it when he wasn't around, there wasn't much he could do about it.

His social life suffered badly because of this. Xander was seen more as a lone wolf at school; only ever hanging out with his sister occasionally. Many tried to befriend him, but they either got bored with the lack of commincation or took his kind rejection straight away. He was also asked out a few times, but always had to say no to the girls. He had too much family drama to deal with a girlfriend ontop of it all, and plus, he had to look out for his family, a girlfriend would just distract from that. He got into a few fights from time to time, other boys saw him, thought he was a weak loser and got into a fight with him. Oddly enough, he often won the fights. So they backed off. In school, Xander could always be found with his earphones shoved in, coasting at the back of the classroom. He was exceptionally bright, according to his teachers, but always got D's and C's because he sometimes - like his siblings - didn't show up to class or didn't pay attention in lessons.

When the fire occurred, Xander tried desperately to get Alice, his baby sister out, but instead came out coughing up smoke. He secretly blames Kyle, but doesn't openly say this unless a bad argument was to happen. He and Katarina made the decision to leave there and then - fearing what their parents would do and also having no home to stay in anymore - and Xander's protective, big brother side kicked into overtime as he tried his best to support his three siblings and look after them.

Where currently lives: With his siblings in the Shut Down Motel
Accepted. Awesome, so once Macal and possibly Kagura have theirs made, we are all set! Welcome back Jo...I will probably not post this until Monday or Tuesday because I have family over today/tomorrow, and I want to see what at least Macal comes up with first for this last ones
Name: Liselle Ravennark

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Family: Liselle has two parents she is estranged from and had a younger brother who she cared about more than she'll admit to and wanted to protect.

Job/way of making money/surviving: Liselle works as a waitress in a small rundown resturant that is almost out of business. The owner pays her more for allowing him to grope her or see her naked but has yet to ask her to sleep with him.

Power: n/a

Personality: Liselle is a wild girl and can have an attitude when people judge her on this. Mostly Liselle is a happy, hyper person and doesn't let things get to her. Liselle is a sweet girl and just wants to have fun and enjoy herself. Liselle tends to act first and think later, but she tries her best at what she does. Or she was. Now Liselle is still kind of wild and likes to enjoy herself and still had a habit of leaping before she looks, but now she is more distant. She has become sarcastic and a little spiteful towards others. She tends to make enemies fast with her attitude, but is slowly stop caring about that.

History: Liselle was born first in her family, although she never had a problem with being an older sister and cares very much for her younger brother. In middle school Liselle wanted to branch out from being a 'normal, boring person' but her parents did not like the idea. So Liselle instead lashed out and did whatever her parents disapproved of. Liselle became a party girl in high school, but has avoided drinking and most drugs. She has had many boyfriends and may not be a virgin. Liselle had taken her brother to a party one night and got wasted there. Lys got separated from her and when she woke up from a black-out she heard he was hit by a drunk driver and killed. Liselle blamed herself and so did her parents, saying it was the final straw and kicked her out, thinking she'd return. Liselle has lived on her own for a year now and plans to never return home. She has thought of ways to track down the driver too but has never gone through with them.

Where currently lives: Central Park

NO ONE ELSE may join now, except Macal posting his two, and if Kagura does decide to join. [MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION]
Name: Hailey A. Brant

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Thin, boney, wiry frame, about 5’6” and lanky, her hair is a dull blonde and her eyes are the same lack luster color, but instead, are blue.


Hailey’s mother died giving birth to her, and she was put with the next available member of the family. Uncle Russ was the deadbeat of the family and he spent most of his money on alcohol only skimming by on the rent. He eventually died of alcohol poisoning when she was thirteen, leaving her out on the street.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Panhandling, has a decent singing voice, sex trade.

Power: None

Personality: Quiet, somewhat of a compulsive liar, accepts what’s given, guarded, caring, courageous, and friendly. Tries to listen to those around her, but will not give up much about her; if she talks about her past she is more likely to lie. Has a creative imagination, but is usually consistent with her lies, having a memory for such.


Abigail Brant was a woman way past her prime, but she had yet to have the one thing she dreamed of, a baby. It wasn’t like she couldn’t afford it, having a well-paying stable job, she just hadn’t found a man to be the father. There were many suitors, but eventually as she grew older, she decided to raise the child by herself, being artificially inseminated. Unfortunately, the method didn’t work out exactly as planned as there were a few problems with pre-natal care.

Hailey was a prematurely born baby that had ended up killing her mother on the way out, something that still causes guilt to linger. After her mother had died, they sent Hailey off to her Uncle Russ, a building roofer that had lost his business due to poor clientele. The only close relative, Russ was living off worker’s compensation and only bought the necessities for him and booze. Skimping by on rent and feeding her, the girl was slowly being malnutritioned by the man, often eating the scraps or stealing things from the fridge.

Their neighbour had seen her in the hall one day, at the mere age of three and almost practically skin and bones. They started feeding her in secret, but due to it also being a single-apartment, with only the twenty-something man there, she ate little. As she grew older, the man also requested favours of her so she could be fed more; the man was a pedophile, and used the girl to his advantage. It wasn’t long until she was actually sexually abused, but she endured it only to get the full meals she needed.

Eventually, her uncle had drank himself to death and she was denied any chance to live with the man next door, which she developed a sort of Stockholm syndrome with. Instead, she was put with foster care but quickly escaped to the streets, where every day she tries to scrape by.

Where currently lives: Moves daily
Accepted. What happened to no compulsive liar? :P

Alright guys, after Macal, whenever he puts his up, noooo more. Unless someone drops out, possibly. lol
[MENTION=2696]Reviour[/MENTION] If you do not post your character in the thread by Sunday night, then I am striking him from the Central Park list and will reopen this rp for one more character.

[MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION] You also haven't posted for Violet, who is a Central you plan to keep her as a character? If not please let me know, so I can open her spot for another character too.

Because as of now, there is only Liselle and Julian in Central Park, and I did hope to have more interaction with others with him. Though I suppose it's possible he could meet Jillian and Lionel.
Lol Sebastian is in CP right now. I could bring her in, just haven't found a way yet... I can always shove her on Sebastian though xD (Let me read through the posts at CP and I'll try to shove the poor girl into the action. Heh
Name: Calico

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Looks: View attachment 5775

Family: Calico has no known relatives other then his father who is currently the head of the Triads of the city

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Calico is a Triad Lieutenant, he makes his money in multiple illegal activities including drug dealing, street racing, auto thief and arms dealing.

Power: (if applicable):None

Personality: Calico is an easy going guy he enjoys drinking and partying with his own product and likes to consider himself a Robin Hood type of personality that is until he's crossed then he's a bloody tyrant that has no issues eliminating his enemies in public.

History: Calico was born into the Triads, both his mother and father was long time high ranking members long before they were married, Calico had 4 other brothers and 2 sisters all were gunned down back in China. His father was crippled while protecting his youngest sister but the bullet ripped through his spine and hit her anyway. Knowing that traditional Triads would not follow a cripple Calico and his father were exiled to America knowing that American born Triads would not have issues following him as long as they were paid. Calico has a diverse background in Martial Arts and has a craving to break necks rather then use a gun cause he enjoys feeling the bone break. Right now Calico has about 30 soldiers under him and about 8 spotters including Kyle DeSanto.

Calico has a thing for street racing, 80 percent of the time he's usually hanging around underground races keeping an eye on the 3 cars that he's has racing.

Where currently lives: Calico mainly lives in a block of apartments working out a deal with the landlord for a very reasonable rate "Free" or die. There is also a Chop Shop and Drug House that he is sometimes known to crash at.
Name: Steven Aaron

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Looks: View attachment 5807

Family: Steven is an only child, his father and mother ran a local dojo in the neighborhood, Steven was expected to keep his grades up and work in the dojo after school, his parents were strict about this and didn't allow much outside activities mostly because of the increase of gang activity mostly from the Asian and Latin gangs who both tried to recruit Steven since he is half Chinese and have Dominican. With increase pressure from both the gangs and his parents Steven upon graduation enlisted in the Marines and left the city for what he thought was for good. While gone the increase gang activity in the neighborhood spread to his parents dojo, an up and coming gang leader called Calico, tried to strongarm Steven's parents when the refused to pay Calico ordered a "Lesson" to be taught to the elderly couple, his mother was beaten into a coma and his father died from his injuries a few months afterwards. Steven who was on assignment with the 67th Recon Unit, he was given leave to come home to bury his father and settle his affairs. After finding out who ordered his parents assault, Steven went Awol and is now living out of his car, waiting for a chance to get his hands on Calico.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable):Steven was a marine but is now considered awol and on the run from the MPs, but he works as a bouncer for Rave parties, since they happen in random places he's able to work and get paid under the table. He also has been known to work as a personal trainer also paid in cash for that.

Power: Steven has very dense skin he's able to resist some small gun fire and most blades, combined with his adept skill in martial arts he's a very good hand to hand fighter.

Personality: Steven is light hearted but also very focus, this is due to his intense martial arts and marine training, Steven is protective of his friends and loyal to a fault.

History: Steven went to highschool with Kat, graduated two years before her, and even tho she was 2 years behind him he always liked her. Steven was a focused martial artist and competed in competitions most his life and even continued to do so while in the Marines. Steven is on the run from the Military Police after failing to return to duty after his father's funeral.

Where currently lives: Lives in his car a 2009 dodge charger he got for graduation
Name: Maximillian “Max” Kennedy

Age: 19

Gender: male

Looks: Max is tall (5’10”), blond and handsome. Resembling a fairy tale prince, he has stormy blue eyes, blond hair, a golden tan, a square jaw and a muscular frame. View attachment 5813

Family: Max is the only child of a wealthy couple, Theodore and Margaret.

Job/way of making money/surviving:
Max is a spoiled rich boy so all his money comes from his dad. He always carries at least $150 on him at all times, plus a credit card.

Power: none

Personality: Max is charismatic, outgoing and confident. He is also very athletic, smart and seemingly polite. All this makes him seem like a prince of sorts but underneath his façade, he is also manipulative, twisted and greedy. Being spoiled his entire life, he believes that he is entitled to everything and deserves to be number one.

History: Max was born the first and only son of Theodore and Margaret Kennedy, a wealthy couple that owned a pharmaceutical company. He was always given the best of the best. And he always was the best. He was a straight A student, a star athlete, and very popular.

Never tasting the bad things in life, Max grew conceited. While acting like the ideal prince, he would secretly make fun of all the people around him, from the poor to the stupid to the ugly and etc. He continued riding his high horse until the day he was mugged behind a bowling alley. Now if this were some normal mugger, Max would’ve easily kicked the guy’s ass and left him half dead on the filthy street, but this guy was different.

This man was able to manipulate the metal around him. As Max tried to fight back, the discarded cans around him that were once trash became make-shift blades. The thief had managed to run away with around $400, but that didn’t matter to Max. He could always get more money. What bothered him was the ability the man possessed. For the first time in his life, someone could do something Max couldn’t. For the first time, he was jealous. For the first time, he craved something he couldn’t have.

Max then became more involved with his family’s business, hoping to discover a way to give himself a supernatural ability. He is now searching throughout New York for “dominoes”, the term he uses to refer to people with powers.

Where currently lives: his parents’ penthouse in downtown New York
I love could totally go after the DeSantos, maybe even attempt to connect with Kat and have her lead him to them, with her not knowing what she's revealing against them. Rikarah is also powered, so it would be interesting to see how they would go toe to toe.

Name: Lei Wang

Age: 5



Family: Her mother, Saika Wang, is deceased and she has no siblings. She is searching for her dad, Calico.

Job/way of making money/surviving: She hasn't been on the streets for too long, only a few months, but she either pick-pockets, panhandles or sings.

Power: Lei can see the history of any object or person when she touches it with the palm of her hands. She can see it's whole life from start to present. For example, if she were to touch a person, she could see their birth up until their present point in life, but it's extremely fast paced and she can only make out bits of their life. If she were to touch an object - something as simple as a wall - she would see how it got to be there and it's life - such as what happened around it at times. If she were to touch a wall where someone was killed then she would see their death. She wears fingerless gloves at all time to help 'control' her power.

Personality: Lei is a very smart and observant little girl. Because of her power to see other's lifes and the lifes of objects around her, she has learnt much about the world just from touching walls and those around her. She knows when to back down and when to stand up to someone and she is set on finding the dad who doesn't even know of her existence. She is sweet and kind, very fond of animals and appears to be your typical five year old girl - until you begin talking to her. She is classed a genius and uses many big words that kids even twice her age don't know, many find it hard to talk to her like she is a kid and often forget she is.

History: Lei lived an average life with her young mother Saika Wang; who gave birth to the child at age sixteen. She was born with her power to see the past, and so she learned everything there was to know about her Mother at a very early age. But all she knew of her Father was what he looked like at sixteen and that his name was Calico - that was all she managed to grab from the flash of memories she received from her Mother.

They lived a happy life, Saika looked after Lei well and Lei never questioned why they rarely left the house and never visited family members, Lei was content with her life being just her and Mother. Saika often told fabulous stories of Calico to Lei, each night it was a different tale, each one filled with romance and bravery. Lei's favourite was the one where Saika was being cornered by dangerous thugs, they were plotting to steal her money and then the most brave and handsome knight Sir Calico swept in on his white steed and saved Saika, beating up the thugs and then swooping her away to live happily ever after.

But then, only a few months after Lei's fifth birthday, her Mother revealed she had her own power, she could see two minutes - only two minutes - into the future, and she saw thugs - enemies of Calico - breaking into the house and trying to find where Calico was, where he stayed and any dirt she had on him. So she hid Lei, only having time to do that, and then Lei watched as the men broke into her house, tied her Mother to a chair and then beat her to death - as she refused to tell them anything about the man she was still in love with.

Then Lei, being the unknown, secret love child of Saika and Calico, left the house alone for the first time ever and started her journey to find her dad, having only a picture, a pocket knife and the money her mum kept in the house.

Where currently lives: She is on the move, stopping anywhere she can to rest and then carrying on her journey to find her dad - who she has heard a lot about.

(So, what do you think? :D )

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