Castouts (parallel rp to Street Kids) sign up, rules, and info

sounds interesting...have you talked to macal about it? accepted...and yeah guys i know i said only three max but i know jo can handle four, she has in previous rps we've been in.If you want another character, anyone, you'll still have to make a good case for it.
Name: Jessie Booth

Age: 35

Gender: Male




Jessie barely remains in contact with his family now as he has no reason to; his father thinks he’s a dead beat and his mother doesn’t care. They were very authoritarian parents, and they passed the exact way that they lived, complaining and on his nerves. Jessie was an only child.

Way of Making Money:
Is one of the pimps of the city, runs the sex trade in partnership with Calico.


Power Negation, if you happen to get within 12 feet of the man, all powers you have are no longer there. Once you leave the radius, they return as if nothing happen. Working more like a ‘shield’ then an immunity stone, with enough focus he can even stop long distance attacks at the 12-foot mark. (That is, if he can see them coming)


Believes himself to be somewhat higher than the average addict or homeless person (haughty). When needing his fix he is jittery, irate and can be usually found scratching at his skin. Can mislead people very easily and is charismatic enough to have them believe him.


Jessie was kicked out by his parents when he was a mere 16-year-old; he had hit the final straw in their limits. His parents were too uptight anyways, never let the boy have any fun, and if the drug addiction and skipping school wasn’t enough he also got a 13 year old pregnant. A fact which had her parents riling, as their age separation was a little bit much.

Jessie always was more interested in the slightly younger girls though, they seemed more innocent, and more fragile. After he was kicked out of his parent’s house, his drug addiction seemed to worsen and that meant more money he had to earn. Soon he took up fighting underground, as well as stealing off others, basically living in the streets until he found a very cheap abandoned house.

It was around the time he turned 22 that he got connected to Calico’s men and soon was influenced into becoming a pimp. It was all for the money, they said and it did turn up enough for him to stay on his drug of choice, Cocaine. It was also around this time that he met a young Hailey Brant and it seemed his tastes had not evaded him. Soon he found himself yearning for the young girl, and he started it off slowly but remained attached as she grew older.

Much like any of the other woman in the trade, Hailey was attached in no time and he only waited util she was old enough to break her in.

Where currently lives:
Abandoned House
name: emily

roll: see's the homeless people but is forbiden from her parants to help them

age: 15

Emily has lived here sence she was born and she had seen the homeless people before and her heart longs for helping them however her dad says that is she dares to help them she'll be joining them. She is obediant enough to listen to him but she still cant help but feel sorry for them. How bad could it be to be a homeless? And whould her dad realy kick her out? No more time for questions, time to act.

oh and shes 5' 4'' long pink (died) hair cept nice and clean, dresses classy on normal basis
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Name: Cherish Poette

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hair: Light brown waves with darker shades mixed

Eye Color: Blue-green

Height: 5'3

Weight: 121 lbs

Skin Color: Pale, slight tan

Family: Cherish's parents divorced when she was a small child, causing her to live alone with her mother and three younger sisters. The family lost all their savings, having no one avalible to recieve a job without the father around. To make matters worse, the mother was also about to give birth, medical bills overwhelming them. While homeless, Cherish is alone as she travels, no family around her. (yet)

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Taking up part-time jobs whenever possible, Waitress and former prostitution.

Power: (if applicable): n/a

Personality: Cherish doesn't trust easily, and often keeps her feeling inside. She is soft spoken with her feet solid on the ground, knowing what she wants and how to get it. Though even with her shy nature, she is stubborn and easily angered. She is often oblivious to other's feelings and can say things without knowing how it will effect them or their feelings.

History: Cherish's family was in poverty after her father left her mother and four children, with another on the way. Hospital bills, taxes, bills and money problems all added up. Cherish was forced to get a job at age fourteen, supporting the whole family. She had to be taken out of school to save money, and taught her younger sisters as well while her mother was bed-ridden. She worked all day and took care of her family as though she were a mother, driving her to the extent of suicide at times. Each time, she failed, and each time was just another bite out of their savings with hospital bills. Eventually she was fired from work for taking too much time off to take care of her sisters and mother.

She never told her mother that she lost her job. Instead, she took to her last resort: Prostitution. At age sixteen, Cherish sold herself each night, and made so much money that she was able to get back into school. By now, her two year old brother becomes close to her, telling her that she is his mother, even knowing they are siblings. Cherish's mountain of guilt piles on with each compliment she gets, and she becomes depressed and suicidal yet again, to the point where her grades became rock bottom. She ended up dropping out of school. Her family never asked her why, or why she leaves home every night for work and returns in the morning looking disgusting and guilty. Eventually, her mother decided to stop by a bar one night after she had left for "work", and saw her in a little more than her underwear there. Heartbroken, Cherish ran away to live with one of her customers for multiple months, who had used and abused her.

Though she never got pregant, she was fearful of such things happening after seeing her mother in pregnancy for so long and in such pain. Desperate and resortful, she threatened to cut herself if he did not let her go. He agreed, but left her no money or supplies. She now lives on street corners, working as a waitress to afford food and clothing, doing her best to hide the fact that she is homeless from her peers. Cherish made a vow of no longer selling herself for money even when times call for it. She learned how to fight for herself while she was a prostitute, and now uses it to protect herself on the streets.

Where currently lives: Constantly moving.

age:appears to be only 16



family:all dead

job:he collected a great many treasures in recent times, he pays his way through life with that

power:all his powers where either learned or inherited, so they are only knowlige and traits although what part of his bloodline gave him the ability to turn himself into a human form of true silver(the strongest metal in existance although its rarer than gold by alot) he has no clue whatsoever he also studied magic and now knows a great deal of it

personality: he is kind and careing but he also is depressed deep inside because he has always been alone in life, easily falls in love.

history:known for many deeds in many places he singlehandedly stopped the chimeran invasion (most known for that)

location:he shifts from place to place , a wanderer you could say...
was i denied because of my posts before or because i didnt meet some requirements? (also i dont know how to turn text different colors yet so i cannot do rule 12)
You are not a literate enough rper and no, you didn't follow some of the rules, also you didn't have a character that would be considered thought out enough. Sorry
saying my charachter isnt thought out is not in the least correct, ive been using him as a character for two entire years and have never been told he wasnt "thought out" he has been changed and fixed multiple times , i didnt post all of his story because it would take about an hour to type it all(i am being 100% honest there)

please tell me the rules i didnt follow and ill try to fix that

also i am very literate when i want to be and have the time to do it, as today i have the time/wifi access i try to be much more literare

a short backstory on his powers is that in the known lands(a lost land that the mortal world knows nothing of) he recently met the wizard alexader taylor and apprenticed him to learn to controll his abilitys over true silver(also he studied in the art of magic under alexanders teachings) he went on an adventure with alex to fight the terrorist order called the order of maglir that was on the verge of releasing total chaos uppon the lands , in the end he was the only one left as all his friends and family that where still alive where killed by the order. he decided to go back home to the lands mortal men call home and has no idea of any recent happenings(concitering he was away for over 10 years)when he went through the gateway to the realm of mortals he reverted to the age he was when he entered the known lands.
Rune, I'm sorry, but my no here is a no. In the post that you put and even in the post that you're responding to with here, you're not meeting what I would like the standard to be for the rps I run. That means proper sentences, grammar, capitalization, you have presumably read some of my rps and so you can see how the posts are. That's what I expect from every person I accept. So I'm sorry but that's a no for you.
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Anthony DeSanto



Place of Birth

Salem Center, Westchester County, New York


Mercenary, Former Government Agent,




350 lbs.




White (formerly Brown)


Anthony is a domino who can absorb the kinetic energy of an impact within certain limits without injury to himself. He must then release the energy he absorbs and can channel it as blasts of concussive-corrosive energy via an acidic enzyme secreted from his fingertips. This enzyme was specifically designed by the Weapon X Program to counteract an opponent’s self-healing abilities by reversing the process so that the more an opponent attempts to heal an enzyme-inflicted wound, the worse it becomes. He is also able to channel absorbed energy into raw strength, allowing him to deliver blows ten times stronger than normal.


Antony is a deadly hand-to-hand combatant, a precision marksman, and an expert in covert operations and demolitions


Following a brief stint of in the military Anthony began his mercenary career while still in his early twenties. Accepting assassination jobs only against those whom he felt deserved death, he made a habit of using plastic surgery and technology to take on a new identity whenever he failed an assignment. Many years later Anthony's employer accused him of killing his wife and stealing his identity, After a covert manhunt that went on for 7 months Anthony was caught given a secret trial and sentence to death. However Anthony has the devil's luck and was rescued from his death sentence by a rival to his former employer, a replacement was put to death after his family received a lump sum. Now with a new chance Anthony is now one of many guardian of kidnapped dominos that have been brainwashed into thinking their guardians are they're real parents, while all alone they are being observed to see how their powers manifest and their effects.

(I'll do more on his background once I talk to [MENTION=1402]Faith Eliza Cord[/MENTION] for now consider this a rough draft, I just found out I would have to play him last night
:P )

Yeah we need to talk more and iron out more details but for now, accepted...whoa, the man is huge, the kids would be tiny next to him...
Also wanted someone that even if Steven, Kyle and Xander ganged up on him he would still be able to handle them. Add on Alica's powers they could be a serious deadly couple.

Oh I need to edit, he shaved his head I had his hair white before I found someone to represent him, so just ignore his hair color.
[MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION]- you didn't include family, personality, and where Anthony currently lives.

Name: Alice DeSanto

Age: 7

Gender: female

Looks: (include a pic, please) Alice is small for her age, has blue eyes and long brown hair. She often wears clothing that is mismatched or ill-fitting because much of it is hand-me-downs from Katarina and Christina.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/children2.jpg.5eec40b66ca63315b114da79521999ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/children2.jpg.5eec40b66ca63315b114da79521999ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: Alice is the youngest of the DeSanto siblings. Alice was raised by Alicia and Anthony DeSanto from the time she was only a year old, when her siblings Katarina and Xander were 11, her sister Christina was 9, and her brother Kyle was 8, as she was kidnapped from her parents, whom the DeSantos murdered. Her true name is not DeSanto at all, but she has been brainwashed to believe that she is and has always been the child of the DeSantos. Alice, as the youngest and most pliable, escaped the worst of the physical and emotional abuse the DeSantos inflicted upon her older siblings, but she nevertheless grew up witnessing her siblings’ abuse and sometimes being smacked around herself. Because Anthony is an alcoholic and Alicia is bitter and irritable, Alice often avoided them both in favor of her siblings, treating them as if they were her parents. Because she was youngest, the others were very protective of her and were in a sense united through her. She was closest to Katarina and Kyle.

Job/way of making money/surviving: Currently Alice is wandering place to place, trying to keep herself hidden from the eyes of police, ill-intentioned people, and people who might attempt to bring her to safety and shelter. She is being observed by, interacted with, and provided for by Madison Porter, who is “grooming” her towards her own purposes.

Power: (if applicable): Alice has come into her powers extremely early. Most dominos come into their powers around age 12 or 13, or else under extreme pressure or when feeling that their live are endangered. It is partly for this reason that the DeSantos were abused by their “parents,” in order to attempt to force their powers to emerge earlier and more strongly. Katarina’s lack of a power at 17 was a great disappointment to them, as well as Christina’s apparent lack of an ability (as she didn’t develop echolocation until she was blind, after they had fled the DeSanto adults). Alice has the ability to develop a force field around herself to use as a shield, protecting herself from harm.

Personality: Alice is intelligent and often serious or solemn, tending to smile rather than to laugh. She is physically affectionate with her siblings and is a quiet child who tends to lack trust of anyone but her siblings. She is the family darling. Alice is observant but not immune to being misled or fooled, and she sometimes makes statements that seem too old for her age or which seem to possess a wisdom she shouldn’t yet have, but she does not fully understand all the implications of what she says. She is less emotional than both her sisters.

History: When Alice was seven years old, Anthony DeSanto was particularly abusive towards Katarina one night, and Xander, Kyle, and Christina got involved in the altercation. The fire Kyle started, which blinded Christina and burned down their house, left Alice trapped where she had been hiding in her bedroom, attempting to block out the noise. Alice feared for her life to the extent that her power of shielding was enacted, allowing her to survive the flames and the smoke inhalation so she could escape after the other occupants had already fled. Confused, afraid, and feeling that somehow the fire was her fault, also unsure if her siblings were even alive, Alice wandered about aimlessly. She has recently met Madison Porter while out one day and now believes and trusts Madison to be her friend and provider.

Where currently lives: moves around place to place- wherever Madison indicates she should go at times

Name: Alicia DeSanto, formerly Alicia Herring

Age: 37

Gender: female

Looks: (include a pic, please) tall, slim, dark hair, hazelish blue eyes, tends to wear darker makeup and black, has a stern, taut look about her

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Jennifer_Connelly-2.jpg.7c68fc67652437f268b01cd62b54882c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Jennifer_Connelly-2.jpg.7c68fc67652437f268b01cd62b54882c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: Alicia has no true family of her own; no children, no genuine husband, and she does not love or care for anyone beyond herself. Alicia’s father was an assassin, and she did not grow up with a mother; she does not know in fact what happened to her, or even if her father was genuinely her father at all. Alicia suspects that her father was a domino but has no proof of it. She was sometimes used as bait for her father’s hits and grew up knowing his job, but also knowing that if she were ever to speak a word about it, she could quickly find herself the next on his list. Through her father Alicia learned how to use a variety of weapons and how to defend herself and severely wound or kill others through various forms of fighting as well.

Alicia’s father never returned home one day when she was fifteen, and she raised herself from that point onward, and continued her father’s identity as her own, finishing his hit list and then making her own contracts. Her development of her power at age thirteen helped her considerably with this. She often had brushes with the law until she became involved in the same work as Anthony.

Alicia was assigned to be involved in a set-up marriage with Anthony DeSanto, whose surname she took as her own, in order to become involved with the DeSanto kids. Because Alicia has no attraction to Anthony and is in fact disgusted by him and his alcoholism, she is often irritable, bitter, and angry, which she takes out on the children and on others. She has no affection towards the children she is supposed to view as her own and feels that her position has little glory or payoff when on a day to day basis she is mostly seen as a stodgy mother of five.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Alicia works with Anthony as a mercenary and guardian of observed dominos.

Power: (if applicable):Alicia is able to create, manipulate, and destroy the memories of others.

Personality: Alicia is not a pleasant person. She mostly feels and expresses irritation, anger, and frustration, and feels that her intelligence and drive have not gotten her as far in her life as she wants and deserves. She can be vicious when she feels thwarted and physically violent. She has very little softness to her and would rather die than show or feel any sort of weakness. She has little tolerance or compassion for others and their own weaknesses and has a sharp tongue. In her world, she will always come first, and others are barriers or competition.

History: Alicia had no feelings towards the children she was assigned to be the guardian of, even young Alice, and resents having to give them any form of daily care. Her anger towards them now is even more immense, because they not only destroyed their home/operations base in the fire, but also apparently killed Alice, who she saw as very promising. She is angry at the loss of commodity in them and because her superiors will perceive the situation as her having lost control. They will lose money and possibly their jobs if they do not quickly recover the children, and it is also possible that their modified memories will begin to fade.

Where currently lives: with Anthony, in a temporary setting

Name: Madison Porter, sometimes called Mady

Age: 14

Gender: female

Looks: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, average height, slender, pretty, always clean, well-dressed, and orderly looking- very much the picture of an all-American wholesome teen girl

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_m3eugp6mfP1qk17vlo1_400.jpg.8c555cb219885d1934aa719dbf75ca4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_m3eugp6mfP1qk17vlo1_400.jpg.8c555cb219885d1934aa719dbf75ca4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: Madison lives in a very average middle-class family of very ordinary, loving parents, in a nice apartment in a nice area of town. She has an 11-year-old sister, Abbie, whom Madison has systematically abused in almost every sense of the word from the time Abbie was very young. Abbie is now so thoroughly terrified of her sister that she will do anything that Madison tells her to and never dream of saying a word. In fact, Madison often shares some of what she is up to with Abbie, purely because she knows that Abbie will never be able to say a word. However, only Abbie is aware of Madison’s sociopathic behaviors, and Madison is in fact the family favorite. Her parents and almost every adult she comes into contact with are convinced of Madison’s intelligence, politeness, skill with children, talent, and moral superiority.

Job/way of making money/surviving: Madison often babysits, which is one method in which she gets to search for possible potential dominos and satisfy her own desires to torment children. If she takes them out to the park, she can also scout for others. Madison is also loosely associated with the DeSantos, who have hopes for her as a potential domino (though she is not one) because of her cruel tendencies. She is used to help them scout out and then bring forward to them potential dominoes.

Power: (if applicable): none, but she is being monitored in case she develops some belatedly, as she has been marked as a potential domino

Personality: Madison comes across to most who encounter her as a very thoughtful, considerable girl, the sort of child that every parent wishes their own child could be like and holds up as an example. But in reality Madison is a child sociopath and has been ever since she was very small. Madison has no true compassion or empathy, though she fakes it well at times, and feels nothing but boredom, intrigue, attraction, and anger. Madison is attracted to power and pain and because it is easiest to witness and obtain it by controlling someone smaller or younger (or the same age as) herself, she has from the time she was young exerted her charismatic influence on controlling other children through flattery and fear.

History: Since she was very young, Madison has often gathered up children or groups of children and groomed them to feeling as though they are very close to her, even chosen by her, to be part of her secret gang or secret friendships. Once the child is very much attached to her, she will then begin to instruct them slowly to do actions against their own moral code, such as vandalizing, and gradually work up to torturing and killing animals, participating in deviant and abusive acts, and at one point, convinced several children, including Julian, to kill a toddler child. Madison is more subtle now than she was as a younger child, and she is able to hold herself back more often. However, because she works for the DeSantos, she has no qualms now about being even more cruel when she does let loose, justifying this as a part of helping the children to develop powers. Madison attracted the DeSantos’ attention several years ago, after she had had the group of children kill the toddler.

Where currently lives: with her family in an apartment

((okay, here ya go...lemme know what tweaking has to be done if any k?))

Name: Quinn Thompson (aka Penelope Richards)

Age: 19 1/2 (almost 20)

Gender: female

Looks: She's about 5'6", around 120 pounds, has a toned build. She has long reddish brown hair that goes just a little past her shoulders (and looks bright red in the sun) and dark brown eyes. Her nose is pierced, and she has two piercings in each ear. She has a small scar on the left side of her chin, which she got from falling out of a tree when she was ten years old.

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Family: No known family that she is aware of. Her parents were too young when she was concieved and the mother was forced to put her up for adoption, She was once told that she had a twin brother, but was never told anything about him after that so she gave up on trying to find out if he even existed. She was raised in an orphanage outside of Austin, Texas until she was seven years old before they started shipping her from foster home to foster home all over the country before finally landing a home in NYC. She had some issues with her foster family, mainly with the husband who was abusive when drunk. One night, he took things a little to far and tried to force himself on her. Quinn fought him off, and was able to get away from him in time, having smashed a lamp across his head. The wife didn't believe her, and accused her of being a 'selfish liar", so she was kicked out on the streets on the day of her 18th birthday.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Street artist, lives off of whatever money she can make drawing up people's portraits and scenery drawings of the different city sites

Power: (if applicable): none ((gonna give being just human a shot for once :P ))

Personality: Depending on her first impression of you, Quinn can be either overly friendly or extremely shy. She has a hard time trusting men, after being abused by one during her stay in her last foster home, yet she develops crushes, or feelings sometimes a little too easily. Having never felt truly loved, she always looking and hoping that she might find it somewhere. She has a huge longing to just find a place where she belongs, or a place that she can consider home long term. She's very self conscious of her looks, and at times feels as if she isn't good enough. This is due to having constantly been moved from foster home to foster home growing up. She got it in her head that no one wanted her, nor would they ever.

History: Quinn was born as Penelope Richards, but when she was seven, the woman she was staying with gave her the name, telling her that it fit her much better and from that day she refused to answer to anything but. Out of all her foster homes, Bethany Thompson, was the only person who seemed to truly care about her and it seemed like she was going to adopt Quinn when a tragic car accident ripped her from Quinn's life, putting the child back into the system.

She took her former foster mother's surname, and after that couldn't find a solid home. The longest she ever stayed in a home was a few months tops, before she was shipped off somewhere else. There was a time, she was in her early teens, where Quinn didn't talk for almost a month, having been mocked about her southern accent by the family she was staying with.

She was hardly ever able to make/keep friends since she was always being moved around, and the farthest she got in her education was halfway through her senior year of high school. She was very close to getting a scholarship to go to college for art, but was kicked out of her foster home as soon as she turned 18, so she had to drop out of high school. Despite this, Quinn never gave up on her love for art, and constantly snuck into the different museums and galleries as often as she could.

Shortly after her first few nights on the streets, she decided to try and make some sort of living, setting up a makeshift booth by Central park, where she's draw tourists portraits. She was able to use the little money she often made to keep herself clothed and fed. She never really settled down in once place for too long, she tried a homeless shelter once when she was nineteen but was almost attacked while sleeping so she took to the streets and abandoned buildings, anyplace where she could stay warm and that had running water where she could freshen up before going back out to make some money. She'd move around where she'd "set up shop" normally only getting a few days at each spot before being chased off by other vendors or the cops.

Where currently lives: The homeless shelter, used to move around daily. Finally she after hearing about a new place that seemed promisable, she decided she needed a steady place to call "home"
Looks good to me, my only concern is that she seems old compared to the others. Most of the kids in this are between 13 and 20.
Well, you can start by posting where she is and the like, an intro. This is in New York City and towns on its outskirts pretty much, so you can place her wherever, and have her end up in the shelter or else she's already there. Currently Liselle, Lionel, and Jillian are still there, I believe, so if you maybe want to read some of the character bios to get a sense of who they are and how you might come across them. Most of teh characters are currently in front of or inside an abandoned theater but it wouldn't make much sense for her to come across them right now
(Well, I was originally going to wait before bringing Max's parents up but his dad's going to make a small appearance in my next post maybe so might as well.)

Name: Theodore "Theo" Kennedy (Let me tell you now that the name in quotation marks is for writing purposes only. Theo prefers to be called his full name unless by someone more powerful, influence wise, than him or if the person could be useful.)

Age: 40

Gender: male

Looks: View attachment 11750

Family: Theo has a wife, Margaret, a son, Max, and others whose names are not worth mentioning.

Job: Theo is the CEO and owner of a successful pharmaceutical company. He also has investments in various other fields that help

Power: Theo has no domino power however he is wealthy and influential with access to a fair amount of resources.

If Theo were described with one word, it would be controlling. Like Max, Theo has mastered the poker face he wears in public: calm, confident, charismatic and kind. But Theo always has to feel as if he is in control no matter what the situation and has quite a temper to boot. He sees everyone and everything as merely stepping stones for him to get on top, even his own wife whom he married for the sole reason that she was an attractive woman who also was a rather powerful domino. He has no problems with murder, threats, bribes or any sort of crime as long as it gets him what he wants. If he offers you candy, he probably poisoned it first.

Theo was born with a silver spoon in his mouth in his mouth and grew up as a spoiled brat. Even as a kid, he wasn't exactly an angel. His favorite game was to get the newly appointed staff to put on his own personal circus show and do dangerous stunts or acts for his amusement. Most of these "shows" ended up with injuries of varying severity but luckily there were no casualties. Though afraid of the master's son, the employees could not disobey him for fear of being fired and possibly black balled. As Theo grew, he only became more twisted and arrogant until he eventually took over the family business.

Where currently lives: Theo currently lives in the Kennedy mansion on 75th street. Sometimes he stays at Ma's apartment though if work has him staying too late to go home.

Name: Margaret "Meg" Kennedy

Age: 38

Gender: female

Looks: View attachment 11751

Family: She has a husband, Theodore, and a son. Her mother recently died of natural causes and her father is in Florida on retirement.

Job: She has no job and lives on her husband's money. She's often seen running charities.

Power: Meg has the power to manipulate the five senses. Most of the time, it's just used to temporarily blind the enemy or cause visual and auditory hallucinations. The greatest extent of her power is to affect the sense of touch, making the victim experience great pain although there is no physical injury. The victim must be within a eight foot radius of her though for her to induce pain but the blindness could affect people so much as 12 feet away. She won't be using this power much if at all as she is still pretty much a side character, but her ability to affect the sense of touch is a bit of a plot thing to use later.

Personality: Meg plays the part of the obedient wife. She is rather submissive to Theodore and rarely stands up to him. Years of being married to the senior Kennedy has hardened her so she seems rather emotionless and uncaring. Softer than her husband, she does somewhat care about Max but can't help but see part of his father in him. Still, whenever Theo hits Max, she can't bring herself to speak up on behalf of her own son. There does seem to be a streak of cruelty in her, perhaps picked up from Theodore.

History: Meg grew up in a rather poor family with three other siblings that her parents struggled to feed. Now Meg wasn't very gifted in any field but she was beautiful and was often praised for her beauty. Her looks were a bit of a curse as well. When she was sixteen, she was attacked by a pervert and was nearly raped. That's when she came across her power. Her assailant screamed in agony even though Meg never even touched him. For the next few years she spent all her time mastering her new found ability and using it to cheat at life, like making sure the teacher never caught her cheating.

Though her grades pulled up, she never went to college, deciding to work right out of high school. Still being praised for her looks and her congenial personality, she entered various beauty contests, using her winnings to help feed her family. She even became Miss New York in the Miss America 2000 pageant but lost to Miss Kentucky. Still, the publicity was enough for her to start a modeling career. She met Theodore Kennedy at a party she was invited to and fell for him as soon as he kissed her hand. The two danced until around midnight when she said she had to go home. But on the way, she was attacked by another pervert. Using her powers, she managed to subdue him but there was a witness to her actions, Theodore.

Meg was afraid that the wealthy businessman would find her a freak but on the contrary, Theo professed great interest in the girl. A year later, they were married and had a son. It all seemed like a Cinderella story but after their marriage, Theo began to show his true colors and forced Meg to participate in experiments to better understand her powers and beating her whenever she said she didn't want to. Though a loveless marriage, Meg puts up with it because Theo is still financing her family.

(God, such a long backstory for a side character. DX Seems unnecessary now . . .)

Where currently lives: She currently lives in the Kennedy mansion but like Theodore will stay at Max's place if circumstances prevent her from going home.

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