Castouts (parallel rp to Street Kids) sign up, rules, and info

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club

This rp is about people, mainly children and teens, but also if one chooses, adults, living in New York City. Each of them is homeless to some degree; this is the story of their interactions with each other, their formation of “families” among others like themselves, and their daily struggle to survive in conditions that are physically, mentally, and emotionally straining. As of now, the time period is winter. Their individual journeys and their individual trials are up to you.

You may play a homeless person, a villain of sorts, a police officer or other authority figure who may regularly encounter them, a person who is not homeless but who is somehow associated with homeless people or at times helps them, or a shelter worker. You may or may not have supernatural powers of some sort.


1. Please be sure that however many characters you sign up for, you will be able to play without getting bogged down.

2. There must be an even number of people with powers and without powers. Those who have already reserved a character with powers (Legendless, Macal, and Joboz, as well as one of mine) have those reserved. So there must be two more without powers posted before one with powers can be posted, unless I make an exception and approve a powered one.

3. Anyone with supernatural powers may not have ones that are very extreme. You may only have one power per character, and that power must not be one that would make the person another species entirely. No Lycans, no vampires, etc.

4. You must sign up for one of the posted living areas for your characters. Once that living area is filled, no more characters may live there. Characters who do not live together, however, may still know each other and interact. This may change as rp progresses.

5. You must be a literate roleplayer to join, meaning you can write at least a paragraph (3-5 sentences) for every post, that you use proper capitalization, and have reasonable spelling and grammar.

6. Your character must clearly be well-thought-out in history and personality, and your sign up must reflect this. Because I am currently running three other rps, I want to be sure that the quality of this one will make it worth my effort.

7. If you choose to leave the rp at some point, do not simply leave people hanging if this is at all possible. Please inform me so I can deal with your character as needed.

8. Swearing and violence are fine by me and in fact probably realistic given the circumstances. Gritty backgrounds as well.

9. As always, ask permission of the player before harming/killing/having a major plot point concerning another character.

10. Just because there ARE this many spots available by no means indicates that there will be this many characters in the roleplay. It is perfectly fine if only one or two people live in a certain location and if no one lives in some.

11. Although your character may have been sexually abused, there will clearly be no descriptions of this in the rp and there will be no sexual content beyond the standard *kiss, cuddle, hint, slap, whatever, fade to black*

12. So I know you read all the rules, please make the name of your character a different color than the rest of the text.

The following places are available for people to live at, with a certain number of available spots:

Central Park:

.Violet (AlwaysChaos)

Abandoned theater house:

1. Rikarah Pallaton (Faith Eliza Cord)

2. Castiel (Amdreams)

3. Shira (Amdreams)

4.Natalia (Joboz)

5. Terebithia Smith (Joboz)

Lei (Joboz)

Homeless shelter:

1. Jillian (Legendless)

2. Lionel (Legendless)

.Liselle (Legendless)

Julian (me)


1. Calico (Macal Cord


Shutdown motel and Steven's dojo

1.Katarina DeSanto (Faith Eliza Cord)

2. Xander DeSanto ( Joboz )(reserved)

3. Kyle DeSanto (Macal Cord)

4. Christina DeSanto ( Legendless)

Moves daily:

1. Sebastian (AlwaysChaos)

2. Hailey Brant (Kagura)

Alice (me)

Anthony (Macal)

Alicia (me)

Jesse (Kagura)

Lives in a car:

1. Steven Aaron (Macal Cord)


1. Max Kennedy (Amdreams)

Here are some facts about homeless youth in general to keep in mind, should you choose to play a homeless youth, while developing your character and their history:

Common traits/experiences of homeless youth (youth between 11-24):

*Drug use and/or addiction, drug dealing (over 2/3)

*Panhandling, stealing, playing instruments, making art, drug dealing, etc as ways of making money

* Currently or formerly suicidal (over 1/3 attempted recently, 2/3 were at some point)

* Large majority are sexually active (about 90%)

*Prostitution and/or promiscuity (this is NOT an option to be depicted other than a “fade to black”, but your character may have a past that involved it which will not be shown in the rp)

*Pregnancy (about 20%)

* About 42% are under five years old

*38% of all homeless are under eighteen

* 40% are gay; many of that percentage were kicked out of their homes

* Experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional/mental abuse, neglect, domestic violence (very high percent, nearly all have experienced some sort of abuse)

*HIV/AIDS, illness, malnutrition

* Drug/alcohol addicted parents


Here is the sign up sheet:




Looks: (include a pic, please)

Family: (pre homeless, and also post homeless, if you have already worked this out with others)

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable):

Power: (if applicable):



Where currently lives:

And finally, here are my characters:

Name: Katarina DeSanto (often called Rina or Kat)

Age: 17

Gender: female

Looks: (include a pic, please) long hair, dyed black, very intense blue eyes, pierced eyebrow and thrice-pierced ears, light freckling, slender

Height: 5’6

Weight: 127

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Family: (pre homeless, and also post homeless, if you have already worked this out with others)

Katarina has three siblings, two brothers and a sister, and she and her twin brother are the oldest. Katarina feels extremely protective towards all her siblings and desperately inadequate at keeping them safe, often worried about them. However, because she herself so often messes up, and is often stressed out, she is often snappish, irritable, and impatient with them. They all live together, however, and Katarina genuinely loves them and feels very responsible towards them, even if she herself doesn’t always do a great job showing it or caring for them. Although she worries about their powers, she is also secretly jealous that she herself has none.

Their biological parents were both alcoholic and volatile; Katarina, as one of the two oldest, often deliberately tried to provoke them towards her to draw attention away from the others. Because she is often verbally aggressive and sharp-tongued, screaming matches and occasional violence usually occurred because of this.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Katarina is willing to do whatever she must. She will steal, mug, get herself involved in schemes, try to be the girlfriend or otherwise of shady people, and she is willing to change what she does day by day, even hour by hour. Mostly, though, she tries to panhandle, or “spange” (spare change)

Power: (if applicable): none

Personality: Katarina is extremely insecure, depressed, and often very gullible. Katarina believes herself to be a total failure whom no sane person would like, if they really knew her. She is desperate for love and acceptance to the point that she is often completely foolish in her choices, and she can be very gullible, particularly with guys and older men who flatter her. Katarina is willing to believe and be in any form of a relationship with nearly anyone who would take her up on it or offer, and is often hurt by the way it turns out. Katarina also tends to be self destructive, and when she is feeling especially terrible or stressed, will hurt herself in small ways, such as deliberately banging her wrist until it bruises. She does drink on occasion and also smokes, and yet despite all of this, can also be genuinely generous and sweet, if she thinks you a person that deserves it, or at times with her siblings.

History: Katarina was never a good student in school, though she is far from stupid. Her friendships tended to be short and full of drama because of her ways, while her relationships were even worse.

There was once a fifth DeSanto sibling, seven-year-old Alice, but Katarina’s youngest brother Kyle accidentally started a house fire with his uncontrolled pyrokinetic powers, which trapped and killed Alice before they could rescue her. Shortly after the fire Katarina left with her siblings, not only because they no longer had a home, but also because she feared what would be done to them by their parents if they discovered that her brother was the reason for the fire, their blind sister’s accidental blinding, and Alice’s death. Katarina feels personally responsible for Alice’s death.

Where lives: abandoned motel

Name: Julian Tanner

Age: 15

Gender: male

Looks: (include a pic, please) Short, very thin, short brown hair, blue eyes, somewhat gawky and awkward, not yet grown into a “man’s” face or body. Slightly feminine in appearance

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Family: (pre homeless, and also post homeless, if you have already worked this out with others)

Julian was born to a middle-class, functional, but very conservative family who was concerned with appearances and rather uptight. They are also Catholic and very religious. They were never abusive to Julian or his younger brothers, but they were more concerned with him keeping up a persona of being the sort of son they expected him to be than with his actual talents, interests, and inclinations. Julian has never felt that he could confide in them or go to them with problems, nor has he felt fully accepted or loved by them. He was proven correct when his younger brother discovered a Playgirl magazine under his mattress and showed his parents. His parents, upon discovering that he was gay, ordered him to “stop” or else leave the home, telling him he was an abomination to God and a negative influence on his brothers. Julian left rather, partly because he privately agreed, partly because he could think of nothing else to do.

I have not yet established a street family for Julian. He currently has no contact with his biological family.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Julian mostly steals from stores, if possible, and also plays guitar for money. He is too shy to outright ask for money from people.

Power: (if applicable): none

Personality: Julian is very self-conscious and shy. He has always had difficulty making friends, partly because of this, partly because of his extreme guilt and shame, and partly because, although he has never officially come out of the closet at school, was openly known to be gay and often taunted for it. Julian is a gifted musician, however, and is very artistically talented and intelligent. He often uses these talents to try to make money for himself on the streets.

History: When Julian was eleven years old, he became involved in a very disturbing relationship with a child on his street and in his classroom, Madison. Madison, at ten years old, was a child sociopath. Although she came across as well-behaved and charming to adults, when alone with other children, Madison was brutal and very, very manipulative. She quickly gathered a group of other shy children like Julian and often had playdates at the local park or in someone’s backyard; gradually, Madison began to exert her control over the children, beginning with daring them to do silly and then increasingly cruel things, such as play pranks, destroy property, etc. If the children balked or did not want to obey her, she threatened them with telling their parents what they had already done, promising she would say that they had made her go along with it. The children, knowing how convincing she was, believed her and felt they had to do as she said.

Eventually she made them kill small animals for her to watch; one, while playing in the park, which was located at the edge of some woods, Madison made the children, including Julian, take a toddler child when his teenage babysitter was paying no mind, and drag him into the woods. There, she commanded the children to kill the child, with each being required to take part- and they did.

After the death of the child, Julian and the other children would no longer have anything to do with Madison, horrified at their own actions, but she now had the knowledge of their murder as further blackmail, should they ever tell on her. Julian at fifteen, between his knowledge of his crime and his shame over his sexuality, is eaten with guilt and self-loathing.

Where lives: Central Park

Name: Rikarah Pallaton (formerly Susannah Pallis)

Age: 17

Gender: female

Looks: (include a pic, please) Height: 5’0, Weight: 97 pounds

Short dark hair, dark eyes, delicately pretty, semi-pixiesh in appearance, intense-looking but cute

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Family: (pre homeless, and also post homeless, if you have already worked this out with others)

Rikarah does not yet have an assigned “street family.” Her biological family included her mother, Laurel Pallis, her father, Harry Pallis, and a sister, Isabella Rue, who was younger. All are currently deceased by Rikarah’s hand.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Rikarah steals, blackmails, and is not above occasionally killing if she thinks it is appropriate and warranted for what she needs. She also is a gifted artist who will sell her work. She also works as a waitress with a fake ID.

Power: (if applicable): slight telepathic/empathic ability- Rikarah is occasionally able to catch people’s thoughts or emotions even when not interacting with them (will mostly use this with characters who are not assigned a player) and she is sometimes able, with intense concentration, to suggest a thought, mood, or action to another person, which they may sometimes carry out at her suggestion

Personality: Rikarah is first and foremost very intelligent, and observant. She can be extremely charming and seductive, but also deadly and violent. She comes across as very likeable and even naive young person, but she is shrewd, intelligent, insightful, and very focused on herself and her goals. She can come across as something like a chameleon, painting herself in the light that people expect her to be or want to see her as. On the converse side, however, she also can swing to being genuinely concerned about those she perceives as wholly innocent, as in children or the weak.

Rikarah actually gets along well with others and is a good “mixer,” and she would not mind being part of a group or family of sorts. However, she would be very hostile towards outsiders she viewed as a threat.

History: Susannah was a quiet, well mannered child and teenager, excelling in school and extracurricular activities, though she did not participate in many. She was gifted artistically in all ways, particularly drawing, painting, and sculpting. She got along well with her peers and was generally well liked and regarded by most. This was in direct contrast to the ominous, uneasy undertone of her home life. Although Susannah was never abused outright, there was always the threat of it lurking within, and she, with her ability to sense emotion and wishes, knew it fully.

Laurel Pallis,her mother, was a weak willed woman who seemed more of a child than her own children; she was not very involved with her daughters and allowed Isabella to get away with a lot and did not interfere with either child’s well being. Harry Pallis set up a home with sexual undertones that were inappropriate to a father daughter relationship, with both Susannah and Isabella. Although he never actively abused either girl, he did not behave in an appropriately fatherly manner. Isabella used this to her advantage and flirted to get her way with things; Susannah was repulsed and avoided him as much as possible. When she tried to speak with her mother, Laurel brushed her off helplessly; Susannah realized that her mother had known all along and did nothing. Isabella, meanwhile, had a difficult relationship with Susannah; a typical baby of the family, she was openly rude and insulting to Susannah, particularly in front of her parents, and went out of her way to attempt to anger or embarrass her.

Susannah began to daydream of killing her family; when she finally did the deed, it was not from an impulse or a moment of “snapping,” but rather carefully controlled thought. At the age of seventeen, Susannah murdered her fifteen year old sister and both her parents, cutting off their heads and setting them up as an artistic display; she developed it along the theme of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” by matching it to her family’s traits, sewing shut the eyes of her father, the ears of her mother, and the lips of her sister, in order to match up with how she viewed that they failed her. Changing her name to Rikarah Eve Pallaton, she moved to New York City to keep her true identity and her crime under wraps.

Where lives: Abandoned theater house

Name: Alex "Shadow" Bastian



Looks: (include a pic, please)

Family: (pre homeless, and also post homeless, if you have already worked this out with others) Mother died giving birth. Father died of terminal illness

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Stealing

Power: (if applicable): When he steps into the shadows he almost is completely invisible in them.

Personality: Friendly and helpful yet easily angered.

History: Alex grew up in an orphanage were he was bullied by the other orphans. They would tease and mock him making his life a living hell. Until one day he had discovered he had a certain "Talent" Which allowed him to walk into the shadows and render him almost completely invisible. He used this to his advantage to get his own back on the other kids. He had decided he could live without this hell hole that was called an orphanage and moved out onto the streets. Once on the streets a group of people led by a man name trent had captured him some how knowing of his ability they had done plenty of research on him. Until he escaped, know they try to hunt him down to return him to the research.

Where currently lives : Shutdown motel.
I have a question. I wanted to have a character that is a bit of a hypnotist. It's not an ability he was born with but a skill he learned when studying books on the matter. He'd need a pendulum and occasionally incense and it wouldn't work if the subject is really against it. My question is that this wouldn't be considered a power, right? Or would it?
AncientPredator: denied.

Amdreams: Hypnotism is not considered a supernatural power, no. It depends on whether the backstory of the character and the fact that he can hypnotize is considered realistic, given that it's not a supernatural power.
May I ask why I was denied so I can improve. Or am I just denied and banned from the rp?
Your family description and personality description were not even two sentences, we already have four characters with supernatural powers and only two without them, and you were not someone who first reserved a character with supernatural powers with me. If you look at my own characters as an example, I have at least a paragraph describing them in each section. Also, I do not think you are a rper at the literate level I prefer for this rp. Sorry.
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Kyle DeSanto

Age: 14

Height: 5"3

Weight: 134 pounds

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue (turns red when his powers are being used)

Lives: abandoned motel

Job: Kyle makes money by being a spotter for a local drug dealer, however has never used or handled the drugs himself, which is good cause it's less chance the police will arrest him, he has a disposal cell phone that his employer gave him so can call if the police or rival dealer is coming. On a good day he'll average about 30 dollars which is pathetic since this dealer is making thousands a day but it's cash that he needs to feed his family.

Powers: Fire and Heat Manipulation: Kyle has a very limited control over fire, his lack of control comes from him never being trained to properly use them as a result they seem to manifest themselves when he's scared or intensely angry, this is usually displayed by an intense blast of flames that surrounds him in about a 10 foot circle, which is quite dangerous especially if he's inside on in a confined space since the flames will consume anything it touches. Very rarely he's been able to actually aim his flames but it's usually a fluke and can't be depended on as an actual skill.

Kyle not only has no problem with extremely hot weather he's also very good at extreme cold, never really needing a coat in the winter since his natural body temp averages around 79 degrees at all time, however if he were to spend an extended period of time in the cold it will eventually overpower him and start to shut his body down.

Bio: Kyle the youngest 3 surviving siblings, one brother and two sisters, One night during one of his father's drunken episodes, he turned his attention to Kyle who had forgotten to bring in the trash cans, which in his drunken state his father fell over and got a boo boo on his knee, He stormed in grabbing Kyle who was at the kitchen table doing his homework and threw him across the room slamming him into the wall, for Kyle this is a normal occurance for his father to use him like a punching bag, in fact he preferred this over the usual mental abuse his father loved to do to him after drinking, but tonight was different, Kyle's older sister Katarina decided enough was enough and tried to intervene, their father turned on her and punched her over and over virtually knocking her out, Kyle saw the flames begin to rise off of his body growing bigger and bigger until he was engulf with this intense ring of fire that started to consume the room, before he knew it his father was on fire as well as the house, but somehow the flames never reached his sister. Kyle has no memory what happened after that he blacked out and awoken being carried on the back of his older sister Katarina, Kyle is very much the reason he and his siblings are homeless it was him that burned their home to the ground, which not only took his sister's vision but cause the death of the youngest sibling.

Kyle who was before the fire and despite his home life was a straight A student, he was well liked by his teachers and other students, but now is very closed up and seldom talks to anyone but his oldest sister, if Kyle shows all the signs of PTSD as well as survivors guilt.

Kyle's powers are something he's disgusted by because they costed him everything but the lost of his sister's sight and the lost of the youngest sibling is forever the reason why he wants nothing to do with this power and hopes to god that he never uses them again.

Side note: Kyle's power manifesting is usually preceded by a few signs, His eyes and the tips of his hair turn red, the temperature in the room or area begin to climb quickly, igniting and melting of objects around him.

(I may tweak this just so we can nail the background better, I tried to build on Katrina's and improvise the rest so if you need me to change anything let me know.)
Macal: Include what, if anything, he'll do to help them get by/job, I'm assuming not a lot since he's youngest of the bunch, also, it is Katarina, not Katrina. Kat-a-rina. Lol. Also, check rule 12 :P Then, yeah, accepted. Add more to it as you like, but this is good.
Name: Christina "Chris" DeSanto

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Looks: Chris is short for her age and pretty skinny as well, making her look younger than she is. Her eyes use to be a bright blue color, but after her blinding, they have dimmed. Her hair is black like most of her family and is cut short. She also still bears scars around her eyes from where the fire hit her and caused her blindless. They connect in a small line over the bridge of her nose. Her eyes do not fully open either and she usually has them shut.

(just with the burns like I said before)

Family: Chris is the middle child of her family, after the older twins and her younger brother. Her family life was difficult as their parents were alcoholics and abused them all. Chris was not very close to her siblings when she was young, preferring to stay out with friends instead of being home, though she was beginning to grow and attachment to Alice. Now living in the motel, she relies on her siblings more than she wants to, but cares for them as well and hates being a burden on them.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Chris goes out and begs on the street often, trying to seek pity from others due to her blindness and homelessness.

Power: (if applicable):
Echolocation: Due to the fact that her sensory organs have a superhuman level of development, her inner ear, which controls the equilibrium and motions of the body, is also preternaturally developed, aiding her. In other words she's more aware of her surroundings then most people with sight. This also negatively effects her when she is surrounded by too much noise and can cause her to develop headaches. It also does not work well in the rain.

Personality: Chris was once a wild kind of girl, always ready to go out and have fun and thought little of her actions towards others. She was also defensive and easily angered, especially concerning her family, but when approached head on about her attitude, would be dismissive and pass it off as nothing. She was also a caring kind of person, but rarely showed this side, feeling it as weak in a way. Now Chris tends to still be angry, but is usually tired and quieter than she once was. She cares about her family and tries and helps them out as she hates that she is somewhat of a burden due to her blindness. She has a negative outlook on things and tends to be sarcastic. She is very difficult at times to deal with as well.

History: Chris was born after her older twin siblings and had a pretty okay childhood. Once her parent began to act against their children, Chris decided to flee in the best way she could. She did okay in school, but had a habit of skipping or speaking out against her teachers and almost had to repeat a grade. She struggled with making friends and usually hung out with bad crowds, doing anything to get away from her home. But after a fight, she stopped and started spending time alone. She took a lot of things for granted and usually pushed away those who tried to help her.

When the day of the fire came, Chris was trying to help her younger brother out, not sure what was wrong, though she was also trying to protect Alice, one of the few siblings she showed the most kindness and love to. Because of this Chris found herself burned across her eyes, permenantly blinding her. For an entire month after the incident, Chris was like a ghost, not speaking, barely eating or sleeping, never showing much emotion until she finally broke down one day. After that she tried her best to help out her siblings as best as she could.

Where currently lives: Abandoned motel

Name: Jillian Blackwaters

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: Jillian tends to look feminie, his looks softer than most guys. His hair was blonde but he repeated dyes it pink. His eyes are a dull brown color. He is pretty thin as well from not eating and he is kind of tall, usually average height for a male of his age. Jillian looks aandrogynous enough that most people cannot tell which gender he is suppose to be, though most go off this clothing choice and consider him female.


Family: Jillian, before running away, was the only child of his parents. He learned later that his birth was a miracle as his mother had trouble getting pregnant. Because his mother wanted a girl and so treated Jillian as one and his father wanted Jillian to grow up as a boy, his family was usually tense or fighting, though Jillian did not always notice. Jillian has no street family, but I am willing to make one with someone.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Jillian works numerous part-time jobs that barely give him any money and he is constantly losing. He has a habit of stealing from his work places as well.

Power: (if applicable): n/a

Personality: Jillian was once a cheerful person, always ready to make friends and have fun. He was very kind to others and always looked on the bright side of things, but had trouble opening up fully and could be nervous around certain subjects. His cheer now if mostly forced, but he still cares for others and is always ready to help people out. Jillian has become more shy, pulling into himself and usually will run from a confrontation than start a fight. He is sensitive as well and is easily embarrassed or upset, but tries to hide this fact.

History: Jillian was meant to be a girl. His doctor told his family this and his mother desperately wanted one. So when Jillian was born a boy, his mother decided to treat him as a girl. Of course this parents fought about this, his father horrified at the thought of treating a boy as a girl, but his mother would not budge and did as she wanted. Over the years the two of them would fight about it, though Jillian did not know at first of this fighting.

It turns out that he had no problem at first with this. He liked playing princess or doing tea parties and dressing up. It was also clear from a young age that Jillian liked boys more so than girls. As Jillian got older though, he started to veer away from acting or dressing as a girl because he was afriad he would be bullied. In 8th grade he got threaten by a couple guys in his grade for wearing a girl's blouse and high-heeled boots. For a while Jillian struggled with rejecting his femininity and his joy at cross-dressing. He is beginning to go to therapy to understand his love for cross-dressing, unsure if he just likes dressing like a girl and feminine things more than masculine ones or if he may be transgender. Jillian also hides away his homosexuality fearing it would only add to the bulling trouble. But at the age of fifteen, Jillian finally was able to open his eyes to the distraught his continuing to cross-dress caused his parents as his father got more and more violence and outspoken against it. His father was hitting his mother when Jillian stepped in, breaking his father's leg. Because of this, Jillian ran away from home.

Now he is struggling to find his place in the world again and live as he wants to, but has trouble finding people who will accept him.

Where currently lives: Homeless shelter
Name: Rudwick "Duck" Belstone

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Looks: (include a pic, please) Duck is about 5'6. He's has a mild physique but still pretty scrawny.

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Family: (pre homeless, and also post homeless, if you have already worked this out with others)

Currently has not established a street family. His family only consisted of his mother who cared for her child dearly and always tried to support him. She is currently deceased and was his only known biological family.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Duck knows how to dance to a degree, and can sing very well. He tries to use this to make some money, other times he scavenges trash cans for leftover food.

Power: (if applicable): None

Personality: Duck is more on the shy side. Not always the most trusting of others, so he would always stress most about if anyone had ulterior motives. He’s used to noises like gunshots, screaming, and loud engines, but when things go quiet is when he becomes most fearful. He’s always anxious and afraid that if someone’s behind him, he’s going to get hurt, so he always finds tight places the most comfortable- there’s only enough room for him.

Growing up in project housing, kids would always give other kids nicknames. The name Duck was derived from a child who had a speech impediment and was trying to give duck the nickname “Dwick” (which sounds like…), but when he said it, the word sounded more like “Duck”. It stuck to him growing up, mostly because Rudwick was too fancy for his liking. He’s always lived a shelter life, felt like he shouldn’t trust people, always to question them. So in the end he had little to no friendships, at least none that were lasting.

Duck’s mother worked long night shifts as a stripper at a local bar, she had always kept this from Duck, but he would find out from talk in the projects. He always accepted this fact and never questioned his mother’s motives, he just always knew she was still a good person, a good mother. One day, he would never see her face again. A man who had an obsession with her, one of her fan’s at the bar, really wanted to have her to himself. After a shift she was packing up her things and heading out the back way, and there was at knifepoint by her obsessor. The moment she let out a sound, was the moment she was stabbed due to the man’s fear. Duck realized this a day later during one of his hourly TV sessions through local news. Duck was afraid and in tears. How could he live without his mother, and he knew he couldn’t pay rent for the next month. Then he continued to get more and more anxious, he wasn’t ready for any of this.

Later Duck was taken to an adoption facility that was close by. He hated the thought of being taken away from his home, but he had no other choice. The head of the facility, Regine, was always happy and sucking up with potential adopters and officials, but behind closed doors that woman was sadistic. At times she would refuse to feed the children who had ever gotten in her way, beat them whenever she felt like it, and lock them in a dark room for bed, but sometimes “forget” to unlock it for a day or two. Many of the older kids had been here for a majority of their life; they weren’t the accepting type. All these kids would physically abuse Duck and completely ostracize him from the group. A boy, Robert, who was about a year older, wanted to make friends with him. Robert was very friendly at first, but that was until he decided to show his true colors when Duck least suspected it.

Robert invited Duck to the park one day, and at first Duck was very reluctant. Robert was very persistent so Duck had to oblige. They took the subway, which cost a bit for both of them, and then they ended up in a very dirty part of the area, and somehow duck wasn’t so convinced that he was going the park, but he had to follow because what other ways of getting back did he have. Then they came to a stop at an old railway that was full of graffiti marks and trash. Duck took a turn around and then all of a sudden slowly felt a sharp pain on his neck and then his body slowly going numb. Robert had injected a tranquilizer he got from the streets and as Duck began to knock out, Robert took this chance to have his way with him. Duck woke up slightly cut up and sore and in pain and Robert was nowhere to be found. Duck was in tears and never felt so cold in his life. He couldn’t go back, and he really never wanted to go back. This is where his life starts in the streets.

Where he currently lives: Central park
(If this is no good, I can change it.)

Castiel "Cas" Disraeli (Adrian Tian)



Cas stands at 5'8". He has straight black hair that falls just below his shoulders. His face is rather pretty with a bit of Asian influence, from his father's side, and his eyes are the same jet black color as his hair. His frame is slim but a bit muscular and his skin has a slight tan to it.

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Before he was homeless, Cas was living with his father, Junge Tian, and baby sister, Mi. His mother, Rose, had died of the flu when he was ten years old. His family was generally happy and his father accepted, although he didn't like, Cas' bisexual tendencies. His dad was a police chief and his mother used to be a hypnotist for parties and such. Before she died, his mother taught him the basics of hypnotism.

Now that he's homeless, his only family is his supposed sister, Shira.

Job/way of making money/surviving:
Cas tells Shira that he has a part time job cleaning motel rooms. But the truth is he is shop lifting and pick pocketing to get them the money they need.

Power: Cas doesn't have any supernatural powers but he is a decent hypnotist if he has all the right tools, a pendulum and some incense. Of course his ability is extremely limited depending on the quality of the incense, the time he has to hypnotize someone, and the willingness of the subject. If the person is unwilling, he'll never be able to do it. He's still studying though. To tell the truth, the only reason he has this skill is for the backstory. It's was a way to connect him and Shira. So he'll most likely only use it on Shira. He has also gotten pretty good at balancing on a ball and juggling but I'm almost positive this doesn't belong here.

Personality: Cas is pretty nice, brotherly, and has a soft spot for children younger than him, probably due to the fact that he had a baby sister whom he adored. He is often outgoing and a bit flamboyant. Sometimes he likes to cross dress to cheer Shira up, as she would laugh at how ridiculous he looks. He's the type to smile for someone even if he's crying on the inside. He's trying to spoil Shira but she doesn't like it.


Adrian Tian was your typical half Chinese boy, living with his dad and sister. He found his mundane life boring until a new family moved in down the street from his house. It was a family of circus performers and they would practice in the yard. Adrian came to see them whenever he could. He thought it was strange that the family was only one dad and a bunch of children whose ages varied from 8 to 17 who never liked being touched, and even more when he realized that they never really put on a formal show and that some kids were always injured. but he had too much fun watching them perform. The family would often give performances in the streets or parks.

He became particularly attached to a young acrobat two years younger than he was, Lucretia Hargreaves or Lucy for short. She amazed him with her tricks and courage with heights. And she even taught him some basic circus tricks: balancing on a ball and juggling.

Soon, children went missing from the city and all fingers pointed to the Hargreaves family. With his dad being chief, Adrian heard about the allegations. He rushed over to the Hargreaves house after dinner to warn them. He saw a lot of cars parked in front of the house. The door was open, oddly, so Adrian walked into the house. He heard noises coming from the basement and went to investigate. He was shocked to find the children in cages, even the missing ones were there. There were also adults doing unspeakable things to them.

The boy tried to run but one of the men grabbed him. The man told the ringmaster, Mr. Hargreaves, that he would pay extra to have Adrian. Adrian's eyes widened in fear. But before he could blink, the adults started dropping dead, one by one. He looked up to see Lucy sit up from a filthy mattress on the floor. Her eyes seemed to light up a bit but then darkened again as she looked around the room. As he looked, he noticed that some kids were scarred, some were missing body parts and some hid in the corners of their cages. None of them could easily go back home after what they've been through.

He watched as Lucy took a gun from Mr. Hargreaves' coat and walked around the room. She went to each kid and killed them. Each time she seemed to be laughing and whispering something. When she got to Adrian, he was afraid she'd kill him as well. But instead she fell to the floor and dropped the gun. She was laughing but tears were also streaming down her face. He felt a mixture of pity and gratitude (for not killing him) for her. He knew his father would arrest her so he used his only skill to help her.

Using his hypnotism, he managed to erase all of her memories of the "circus". He gave her a new name, Shira, and a new life, with him as her older brother, Castiel. The two then fled from Adrian's home town and came to New York for a fresh start. The problem is that Adrian's skill is still amateur and the level of trauma she went through was too high. Her memories would come back if left alone, so now each month he has to reenforce the mental lock on her memories.

Where currently lives: Abandoned Theater Home

Name: Shira Disraeli (Lucretia "Lucy" Hargreaves)



Shira is 5'4". She has a rather pretty oval shaped face with big deep blue eyes that seem to be wise beyond their years. She has wavy white-blonde hair that falls to the small of her back. Her frame is a bit small but also mature. She also has a symbol branded into her thigh that Cas says came from a kitchen fire.

View attachment 5214 Except her hair is white.

She's been with the circus for as long as she can remember so she can't recall an actual family, although she did suspct that the ringmaster was her dad.

Now, she believes that she had a mom and dad, as well as her older brother, Castiel. According to her memories, their parents died in a car accident, so she only has Castiel. (No street family yet though).

Job/way of making money/surviving
: Though Cas says that she doesn't have to work, sometimes Shira plays the violin or sings for tips.

Shira has the ability to control water, mostly in the form of ice. She can't control it in her current state because of two reasons. 1. She's never trained it. And 2. To use it, she'd have to remember how she did it the first time, when she killed the adults in the circus. And bringing back those memories could cause her to go insane. So right now, the best she can do is create condensation on glass in the summer.

She also has an increased tolerance for cold. This does not apply to heat and she practically dies in the summer.

Personality: Shira has a bit of a dual personality, due to her past self and current self fighting with each other in her head. In general she is a bit cold, sarcastic and mean, but she has a good heart deep down. She is rather serious and very rarely laughs, although she can smile. When her old self starts to pop in, she gets a bit more violent and sadistic, and she can't stop laughing or giggling to herself. Heights seem to calm Shira down, because she was used to heights when she was an acrobat. She loves to climb things or sit on roof tops when thinking. Shira has also developed a subconscious dependence on Cas, because deep down she knows that he is the only thing keeping her sane. Sometimes when he isn't around, she will sit quietly, unsure of what to do, until someone comes along.


Lucretia, or Lucy, has been with the circus her entire life. As the acrobat, she could walk tight ropes and flip from street lamp to street lamp. The street shows were fun but the true shows came at night. The circus was a cover for a child (anyone under 18) prostitution operation. But it wasn't just prostitution. Once the sun set, patrons would pay good money to "own" the children for a time. They raped, beat and sometimes mutilated the kids. Fortunately, Lucy was pretty and a big part of the show, so there was a rule against scarring or bruising her. Some tried though, and now she has a symbol branded into her thigh.

Lucy got used to this lifestyle and rarely fussed. Because fussing gets you no food for a week. She was always silent, that is until Adrian walked into the basement. She liked him (as a friend). He was the only (normal) kid she was friends with. When a man wanted to "purchase" Adrian, Lucy fumed with anger. Then she saw a shadowy figure. It looked like a turtle with a snake for a tail. She wasn't sure if the hallucination came from her anger or hunger, but it began talking to her.

"What do you want to do?" it said. And then, as if acting upon her thoughts, the turtle flew across the room. Its snake tail bit each adult there and they dropped dead. Their blood was beginning to freeze and as the heart pumped the cold blood, it stopped working. Lucy sat up and her eyes lit up when she thought they could escape. But they darkened again when she saw the children. Some were burned with acid, some were cut up and some had lost their minds.

Realizing what she had to do, she grabbed the gun from the ringmaster's coat and went about the room, killing the kids. Before shooting them, she would smile and say, "It's going to be okay." When she finished, she went to Adrian and she fell at his feet. The thought of what she had done was tearing her apart.

After Adrian's hypnotism, she now believes that she is Shira Disraeli, and Adrian is her brother, Castiel. Their parents died in a car accident and they were kicked out of their apartment because they couldn't afford it anymore. Now with no relatives to turn to, they came to New York for a fresh start at life.

Where currently lives: Abandoned Theater Home

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Amdreams- accepted

Macal- accepted

Legendless- accepted

Revior- accepted

Amdreams- so I assume your characters know my girl, Rikarah? We'll have to come up with how they met and interact.

Revior- I assume Duck knows Julian? Same as with Amdreams, will have to plot.
Okay. May I ask what do you mean by interactions? Like their usual attitudes toward each other?
Yes, how they know each other, their feelings towards each other, what they know about each other (how secretive they are about their past, their present jobs, etc). I think since Rikarah herself is something of a vigilante, though a more violent one, she would admire what Adrian/Castiel did for Lucy/Shira and pity Lucy/Shira. So they would probably get along pleasantly enough, though I'm unsure how much they would know about each other.
Well, Shira would know nothing about her actual past, so I don't think she'd be that secretive about what she knows, which is nothing. Although she tends to get headaches when flashes of her true memories come to mind. She'd probably be secretive about that, thinking they were just hallucinations. She'd probably look up to Rikarah in a way, for her personality, though she wouldn't openly admit it. Although, due to her codependency, if Cas should leave her alone with Rikarah, Shira would probably follow her around or something.

Cas however might've been a little wary of Rikarah at first. He'd probably be secretive about Shira's origins because he doesn't want to risk her having a breakthrough. He's only secretive about his job to Shira, so he 'd probably tell Rikarah as long as she could keep it from Shira.

Both aren't the type to pry so they probably wouldn't even ask about Rikarah's past, which I'm assuming she'd like to keep secret anyway. If they were to get along, it'd probably be based on the fact that they don't know about each other. Like a bond created from secrets, if that even makes sense. :P
Well with Rikarah's ability to sometimes know or sense people's feelings or thoughts in pieces, she might pick up enough to know pieces of the story, but it's not typical of her to pry. She wouldn't share openly her own I could see them living together and getting along well, but really knowing little about each other. Hm, where could they have met? Maybe they just bumped into each other as they were all deciding to settle there?
Okay, I picked the Theater House because I liked the idea of living in a theater. So Shira probably would've been set on that location. Also with Rikarah along with my characters coming to New York for a fresh start, it is likely they decided to settle together because they were all new and didn't know much about the city.
Well Duck is very insecure about his past, but I'm sure they at least know each other on a first name basis. This, along with reasons for the homelessness. I'm sure both are very shy, but since they share a few commonalities, they most likely interact by talking to each other, small talk possibly. Of course Duck's trust usually run's low, maybe there'll be a way for both character's to open up to each other little by little.

I say most likely that they acknowledge each other's presence. Since both are musically inclined, maybe they perform together on occasions for more change. Of course that rarely happens, possibly by popular demand they will.
I'll work on the character we talked about today and also a villain for later on, cause I'm liking playing bad guys here. LOL
So no real close relationships between Duck/Julian, but potential to gradually get there. Same with Rikarah and Castiel/Shira, though Rikarah is a very hard person to get close to anyway, so probably they'll just stay friendly.

Okay Macal, that's fine. Looks like out of our family, Kat will be close to Kyle, Christina may be close to Kyle, Kat will probably be close to her twin, but despite that, they all have problems showing how they feel with each other, possibly, which would be understandable.
Name: Raekel Alick

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Looks: Raekel has short red hair, that she is determine to keep really short. Her eyes are a dark green color. She is of a medium built, but is short though.

Family: Raekel was the youngest out of three siblings who she wasn't really close with. Her parents were pretty normal as well from what she can remember. Now she has no known street family, but is willing to make one.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Raekel is a pretty skilled thief from pickpocketing to shoplifting.

Power: (if applicable): n/a

Personality: Raekel does not get along well with others and usually keeps to herself instead of socializing. She has low self-esteem and constantly thinks low of herself. She gets anxious in large groups, especially with older men around. Raekel can be kind and sharing, but is usually too nervous or afraid to show this side to anyone. She is a fast thinker though, but not too bright.

History: Raekel had a pretty normal life up until the age of thirteen. Until then Raekel lived with her family, doing well in school but preferring sports over schoolwork. She was somewhat of a troublemaker, but she had a pretty normal life. Around the age of thirteen, Raekel found herself out late and was kidnapped. She was forced into a small ring of prostitutes. For six months, Raekel fought against her captors and refused to sleep with the customers. But after several beatings and threats, Raekel finally gave in.

For a few years Raekel did this, hating her life, trying to see if her parents were searching for her. But nothing. Eventually she teamed up with a few of the others and they tried to escape. In the escape, Raekel got seriously injured and separated from the others. She got knocked out and when she awoke she was in an alley. For years Raekel had remained on the streets, ashamed to return home or seek help for what was done to her. The only thing she felt grateful for was that she had never gotten pregnant or so she says.

Where currently lives: Abandoned house 1

Name: Lionel Shores

Age: 13

Gender: Male


Family: Lionel had a mother who died when he was only five and so his memory of her is vague. His father is mostly just a stern face and voice, not around much. His older sister is the one he remembers clearest and took care of him for most of his young life after their mother died. All of his family is now dead except this father.

At the homeless shelter he looked up to Jillian and is closest to him.

Job/way of making money/surviving (if applicable): Lionel usually goes through trash but also has a little help from Jillian

Power: (if applicable): Telekinesis

Personality: Linoel is mostly a scared little kid. He was always shy, but now he is almost like a ghost, barely talking, usually keeping away from people. Lionel is smart though and is able to go about his day without running into too many people. He is uncomfortable with being touched and will run off if touched in the slightest. He is curious though and usually tries to figure things out.

History: Lionel was born into a somewhat unstable family. They were poor and had to move a lot, but he never minded too mich. When he was five, his mother perished from a cancer and he can recall tear-filled nights of calling out for her and his older sister Tisha confronting him instead. He spent many years being taken care of by Tisha as the death of their mother shook their father and he began to pull away from them once. Lionel swears that his father even once tried to abandoned them, but Tisha found their way back to him.

For a while they lived this way, having it kind of rough. The only joy Lionel found besides being with his sister was in school. He did okay prefering art over academics, but he wasn't good in it though. Still he had fun trying it out. But then things got really bad. Soon after their mother's death Lionel began to develop telekinesis, it reacting when he was feeling strongly about something. Things would float or fly across the room or move towards him. He didn't notice it at first and Tisha did all she could to hide it from others. But one day their father came home, angry and drunk and struck Tisha across the face. Lionel, angry, smashed a lamp across his head and many other objects flew about hitting things. A knife struck Tisha in the heart as she moved to protect Lionel. With his sister dead and his father injured, Lionel ran, afraid of the conseqeunces. He found the homeless shelter a few days after fleeing.

Where currently lives: Homeless shelter
Hey Faith, I can't post my characters yet because I'm on my mums phone. But would it be possible to reserve two spots for my two girl characters in The abandoned theatre house? Terabithia Smith and Natalia
Vassel- Raekel- accepted.

Lionel- pending.

Joboz- I'll reserve the spots, they'll probably be accepted. So Terebithia and Natalia are reserved for the moment.

For the moment, theater house is full. Also, for the moment, abandoned motel is full, because the family likely would not at this point choose to live with another person.

Characters by Macal Cord pending.

Guys, if all three of Joboz's, two of Macal's, and the other of Vassel's are accepted, that puts us at sixteen characters. I realize that we will have parallel story lines depending upon which characters know and live with who, but just make sure you can keep up with each.

Also, if anyone else wants to join, you better speak up fast, because this is rapidly filling up.

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