Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Was this some sort of hate crime? Aleka, though she has acquired a significant amount of street smarts since she left home, was unaware of exactly what one would say to someone they were murdering if it were a hate crime, or if they even said anything at all. She had only tuned in at the last second of the murder, had only heard the words the girl who did it said just before the knife pierced his body.

"Do you know what it feels like to die?"

Maybe there had been something said before that, maybe the girl had been harassing her victim for a while before Aleka was able to overhear their interaction. There's no way for her to tell, now. Of course, she could have always just gone back later that night, but she had been too tired, too afraid, and too overwhelmed with the fact that she'd heard it at all to think about it. But even if she had, nothing she could have gleaned from the body would have proven intent.

"Look, it... it's not your fault. I mean, this can be a really f****ed up place sometimes... people... some people just do crazy things like this. It's not fair, you know? But..." God, she's bad at this. "I mean, it's nobody's fault but the person who did it."
Nobody's fault but whoever killed Jillian...but how could Julian explain to someone like this girl that this wasn't true? This girl who didn't know him, didn't know Jillian, and probably didn't know Madison either, at least if he was lucky, how could she ever understand?

Julian shakes his head numbly, not looking up at her as he counters her words dully.

"No. It i-is. You d-don't is. He...the p-person who probably d-did w-would just be f-for me. -hurt me. She..."

He drew in a shaky breath, his hands tightening over his face before he slowly removed them, looking up at the girl, making himself look her in the eye. "You sh-should stay away f-from me."

He begins to walk away from her slowly, head down again. He doesn't know where he will go; he can't go back to the shelter, not without Jillian. He cant' remain in the park, not with the police coming, not with this being the place he was killed. He has nowhere to go and nothing to go to, but he walks all the same, though at a very slow pace.
Aleka watches the boy's back slowly disappear and heaves a shaky breath, still unsure what to do. Who was this person that wanted to hurt him that badly? What could this guy have done to make someone that angry at him, to bring them to hurting someone that they loved? She hears his warning, that she should stay away, but doesn't want to be alone just then. She doesn't want to follow him, either, in case the guy is dangerous...

Taking a deep breath, she starts off after him, keeping her distance. It's not her plan to follow him for very long, really. She guesses maybe long enough to make sure he won't do something stupid immediately, and doesn't plan on letting her presence be known, but...

Her stomach lets out a loud growl and she puts a hand over it, chomping down on her lip and shooting a glance around, as though that alone will call attention to her through the bustle of the city. Despite how nauseous she is, especially after seeing the body, she knows that she has to eat soon, which mean she has to find money.

Staying several yards behind Julian, Aleka starts her usual routine and scouting out potential marks, relying more closely on her vision to see where exactly the men nearby had their wallets. There was one right in front of her. Picking up the pace a little bit, she's able to bump into him and slip her hand into his back pocket quickly and deftly enough to slip it into her hands and up her sleeve while she smiled nervously and muttered a quick apology.

It crossed her mind, briefly, to ask the boy if he wanted to eat but she seriously doubted that he could stomach anything he were to eat even if he had an appetite, which he probably didn't. Aleka drew a deep breath and settled to just remain a way behind the boy to keep an eye on him just until she found a place that should could get something fast and good to eat.
Julian doesn't observe the girl following him for some time. It is his vague assumption that she has left, as he asked her too, as would be prudent for her. He doesn't hear her calling out to him or following him, and when he doesn't glance behind himself again to check. Instead he simply walks, head down, both arms folded tightly over his chest, and struggles to continue to breathe against the panic and grief choking his throat.

If Madison came along then, right there, he would probably simply step forward and let her finish off the job of whatever it was she wanted from him. What did it matter now? Why not let her have what she wanted, what she'd been trying to get from him for years now?

In fact, why not beat her to the punch? Why not just find a way to end his life before she could get the satisfaction?

His mind raced with the possibilities as he continued to shuffle along. He could try to drown himself in the pond, he could find a broken needle and jab it into his throat- would either of those really kill him? He could provoke someone who looked like they had a gun. He could walk out in front of a vehicle.

But what if he just ended up crippled or unconscious? What if he just looked really stupid and felt even worse?

He didn't notice the girl for another ten minutes, not until he abruptly turned. Seeing her, he blinked, his mouth opening, and fear renewed itself in his heart as he stuttered, "Wh-why are you f-f-following me?"
*It's unusual that when Alica came back Anthony is actually sober and standing by the window, looking out through a small slit in the curtains, looking at the street. He looks at Chris with disgust* Good two down and guess what three just pulled up but it looks like they have friends now. *Anthony steps towards Chris and shoves her to the side so he can reach his black bag on the bed, pulling out an assortment of short blades and sliding them onto his belt and slides in a small pistol under his shirt.* It won't take long for them to charm or bribe where we are. Prepare yourself. *Unlike all the times when Anthony is drunk and has no focus, he's completely opposite right now. he's moving through the room with a purpose, not wasting any movements .* Think about it we don't have to go hunting them anymore thanks to your plotting they're come to us...If I didn't hate your guts so much I would say I love you.

*Back on the street Steven files out of the cab paying him off, he waits till the cab leaves before reaching behind his back and sliding out a handgun with a silencer already on the barrel, checking it before putting it back.* So anyone know what to do from here? We could try bribing the land lord but I'm out of cash now..I don't think it's smart to go door to door. *It's pretty apparent Steven's confidence is shot, normally he would have a plan on how to move forward but he can't stop thinking that Chris being taken is his fault.* Maybe I can ask, I'm just a kid I could just tell the truth I'm looking for my mom and dad.* Kyle chimes in, clearly ready to take over the leadership role if Steven can't and Xander is to angry.*
Chris cannot, of course, "see" either Anthony nor Alice, but she can sense Alice having gotten hit and falling to the ground, the motion that indicates that it was Alicia who hit her. Chris can feel her face draining of all color, her heart beginning to pound in her chest, and she mouths her sister's name, not daring to say it aloud for fear that Alicia will redirect her anger towards her. Helplessly she looks in the direction of where her sister is lying, wanting to somehow communicate to her to obey, but unsure of how to.

Alice is struggling to her feet, tears standing in her eyes but not falling, and she scrambles back towards the hallway when she sees that Alicia is watching her. However, once Alicia focuses her attention with Anthony towards the windows, she remains just out of their sight in the hallway, peering around it to watch for them. She doesn't want to take her eyes off Chris, not for one second, for fear of what they might do to her. She hasn't seen her big sister in so long, she can't stand to think of looking away from her now. What if it all turned out not to be real and Chris disappeared?

Alicia is pleased to see that Anthony is sober and focused and rewards him with a rare, rather dark smile as she joins him at the window, watching the children approach. She certainly recognizes the small brunette girl from the park, and she is unsurprised to see Madison with them as well. Chuckling to herself without real humor, she continues to smile, even as her hand tightly grips Chris's wrist.

"That Madison deserves a raise...and a badge. No doubt this is her doings."

Withdrawing from the window, she reaches out and squeezes Anthony's backside, hard, more to tease or provoke than out of any romantic or sexual feelings towards him whatsoever. "And if you weren't a drunken b******* I would say I could stand you."


"That sounds like a good that," Xander said tersely to Kyle, nodding and trying but failing to give him a smile. "We can go to the front desk of the lobby area and say you just moved here, you lost your key, and can't remember what room number it is either...with any luck they're still registered under Alicia and Anthony DeSanto. If not, describe them. Not all of us- we'll wait for you out here. That means you," he said somewhat harshly to Madison when she started to follow Kyle, and she reluctantly stepped back, rolling her eyes and pouting dramatically.

"I'm just as young as he is, you know, and I can be pretty convincing when I want to be...SHE'S probably youngest, but she doesn't sound it," she pointed at Rikarah, who eyed her beadily before replying.

"I am considerably older than either of you, not that it is your affair. Now wait for him to return without further input, that would be appreciated as you have no stake whatsoever in any of this."

As they waited, she turned to Katarina, who was standing with her arms embracing herself next to her brother and Steven, and laid a hand on her arm, looking up at her. "We have come this far. We will be still more successful, Katarina. You will see."

As they waited for Kyle to emerge with a spare key or at least a room number, she and Madison alone felt calm. Rikarah used the time to instruct the others as to her own plans.

"If he is given a number or a key, we will go up together. I think it will make the most sense if Katarina were to stay back, as she has no abilities, and perhaps block the door or act as a lookout for others who might interfere. Kyle, Steven, and Xander have active abilities which can be used in battle, and if Christina or Alice are not in the way, should direct them with all their ability towards your parents. There is no place for being kind or squeamish, as this could be a situation of life or death for us all. I will attempt to enter their thoughts and to direct them to my will, and to see what I can which may benefit us, and I will stay back by Katarina. Madison, I would advise you stay back with Katarina and myself as well, and if we see an opening one or two of us will come forward to take Alice and Christina into safety."
Aleka had been palming another wallet up her sleeve when Julian spun around and addressed her. She flinched, eyes widening in surprise and nearly dropped the wallet. The surprise on her face, though, didn't seem to even remotely mirror the fear that had opened up on his.

For a moment, she wasn't even sure as to how she was going to respond other than just obviously saying what she was doing, with the person whose wallet she'd stolen still within earshot. Her mouth hung open for a moment, a small noise escaping the back of her throat as she struggled to find some way to explain what was happening without outright telling him she wanted to make sure he wasn't going to kill himself.

'This is stupid.' She thought flatly and sucked in a deep breath. 'Just go with it.'

"I only started out following you." Aleka admitted, her eyes never leaving Julian. "Make sure you didn't throw yourself off a bridge or something? Now I'm just scrounging up for some food."
Julian didn't notice the wallet until Aleka almost dropped it, and even then he didn't quite make the connection to her having stolen it for several moments. He saw her open mouth, the startled look in her eyes, and didn't understand it until he realized that it was very likely that she was homeless, as he was. And if she was homeless, she certainly would have no wallet...which meant she must have just stolen that one.

For all his crimes, Julian had very rarely stolen, and he certainly didn't steal wallets. He would not have had the nerve, unless Madison had commanded it of him. He blinks at the wallet in the girl's hand, then looks up at her, distracted from her crime by her words.

She was following him to keep him from killing himself? She didn't even know his name...why would it matter to her, what he did, where he went? Why would she care?

"W-why?" he asked after taking a deep breath, staring at the wallet in her hand rather than at her face. "I m-mean...why would...w-why do you care if I...if I..."

Kill myself, is what he means, but he lets the sentence hang. Saying it aloud seemed too much, too real.
For a few moments, Aleka hesitated to answer him in case the boy decided to finish the sentence. Even though she knew what he was going to say, she still wondered if he would actually bring himself to say it. When it seemed that he wasn't going to, she allowed her eyebrows to raise and chin to tilt downward slightly as she stuffed the wallet into her coat pocket.

"If you commit?" She finished for him, regarding him carefully. "I don't. Not personally, at least. I just think there are better reasons to kill yourself."

After several people bump into her on their way past and she has received a few glares from passersby, Aleka rolled her eyes and moved closer to one of the nearby buildings so she could shield herself from anyone walking past. Her arms cross over her chest defensively, eyes still trained on the boy. She'd be lying if she didn't admit that the thought of offing herself had crossed her mind more than a few times. In fact, she'd had a morbid curiosity for the subject for years, but the thought of someone actually doing it....

"And I kind of feel like enough people wind up dead here anyway. May as well short-circuit tragedy when you can, I guess."

It would have been easier on some level for her to just admit to the boy that, if he chose to do it anywhere near her, she could have very well overheard it the same way she had his boyfriend's murder. One was enough. One was way too many.
Better reasons to kill himself? Better than seeing his boyfriend, the first person in years that Julian has opened up to and trusted, the first person who loved and showed trust towards him, murdered and left out for people to ignore and gawk at and judge? Left for strangers to deal with, people who didn’t know or love Jillian, people who would not treat him with the respect he deserved, or know the sort of person he was, the good he had done for Julian?

In just a few days Julian had felt more respected and appreciated by Jillian, had felt more hope in his presence than he had since he was a little boy, even with his own family. Now this would never be, and it was his fault, his own presence that had caused Jillian’s death to come about. What better reason could there be to end his life than to even the score, to make things fair?

“I…you d-don’t understand,” he tried to tell her, unsure of why he was even bothering. It would not affect this girl’s life, what he chose to do with his own. She didn’t know him. She didn’t even know his name, and she certainly couldn’t understand his story. “I…t-there is nothing. I just…it…it w-would be b-better. It…it w-would be fair.”
Aleka ran a hand through her hair and shook her head, listening to the boy. It was clear that she wasn't going to get through to him at any point and to argue with him any further about it would just be exhausting for her. "Look," She said simply, "All I'm saying is that the Romeo and Juliet thing is overdone and pointless. If the guy loved you, he'd probably want you to live."

She tugged one of the wallets out and, using her coat sleeve began pulling out all of the cash and unceremoniously dumped it into the trash can, doing the same with the other wallet she had. Folding the cash up into a ball, she slipped the square of money into her bra and kept walking.

"If you're going to kill yourself, I'm not going to stop you. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning, so I'm going to go get on top of that. If you decide you're not going to do something kind of stupid, you're welcome to join me. I'll pay, whatever. But I'm starving." Her voice softened and she looked at the boy carefully, her hands back in her pockets. "I'm Aleka, by the way... and I'm sorry for you loss."
Romeo and Juliet...the ironic thing was, if Romeo and Juliet were to be played by Julian and Jillian, Jillian would be the Juliet. And yet wasn't it Romeo who died first, and not Juliet?

There was no point in trying to analyze it; Julian's brain was much too tired to try. But one part of what the girl was saying did stand out to him...and that was about Jillian.

He knew that what the girl was saying was true. Jillian wouldn't want him to die...Jillian would feel terrible if Julian killed himself. Jillian would have told him there was always another way. He would have been so disappointed in him if he would give up this fast...but did that mean that Julian could do it, for him? Could he really choose to stay alive when he could see no reason to live?

Except that Jillian would want him to...and this was the only reason that Julian listened to the girl's continued offer, that he considered it, and then found himself nodding slowly, accepting.

"Oh...okay. Th-thank you."

He didn't have to stay with her forever or anything. He could change his mind at any time.

Aleka, she had said her name was. He tried to remember this as he introduced himself. 'I'm, I'm J-J-Julian."
[QUOTE="Faith Eliza Cord](go to uncategorized character sign ups and post a sign up)

k thx
Nodding once, more of a quick jerk of the head, Aleka allowed the corners of her lips twitch upward briefly. "I'd say it's nice to meet you, but the circumstances are kind of shi***y, so..." She shrugged, "Whatever. I can't think of anything. Let's mosey, okay?"

Aleka started walking, her hands in her pockets, eyes keeping a regular survey of their surroundings, something that people she had been with previously for however long they'd decided to stay in her life, had called "the swivel". She walked with the boy silently, her fingers scratching at the insides of her pockets, a nervous habit she'd had since she was a little kid.

After they'd managed to walk a few blocks, her stomach let out a low growl and cramped, very suddenly reminding her of just how hungry she had been, despite how nauseous she'd felt that morning and the night before. Maybe this was a good sign. Maybe this meant that she was toughening up to some extent, or at the very least, that her body was far more concerned with survival than it was with processing whatever sort of shock she was in.

"Is there... I mean, do you want anything in particular to eat, I guess?"
*Kyle returns with not only a room number but a spare key also.* Is that all it takes to get access to someone's room here? We could clean up if we were thieves. *He passes the key to Steven but when he shakes his head and gestures to Rika pretty much giving acknowledgement that she should be in charge since he has no confidence left in himself, Kyle hands the key to Rika and gives Steven a worried look before stepping in front of Kat, taking her hand and tugging her to the side.* Kat I need to talk to you...Steven is messed up Kat, I don't think he's gonna be able to fight, I'm worried about him..He's all messed up in the head because of Chris and what Xander said to him. Can you say something to him cause we need his help, if both mom and dad are there. *Of course he has no clue exactly who his mom and dad really are and what they can do.*

*Anthony moved back to the bed, pulling out a long sharp knife and a sharpening stone, making long slow scraping sound on purpose so that Chris and Alice can hear it.* Who are those people with them? Pretty sure they aren't cops, they aren't that smart to go to them..Maybe some other stray brats they've been shacking up with..Not that it matters we'll ice them and collect the brats, drop them all off at the institute and them I'm a ghost, I never want to see you or them again, I'm going back to something normal...A real job...Killing people!
Rikarah eyes Steven when he declines taking the key, her eyes narrowing slightly as she accepts it. She does wish to have it rather than to allow him to, but he seems strangely meek and shaken to her, more so than is conducive to their mission. She doesn't like him very much, and she doesn't like his formerly cocky ways and tendency to try to take control, but they could use a little more of that with such high stakes in their present.

"Are you ready?" she says sotto voce to Xander, who though also shaken and quieter than usual, nevertheless thins his lips and nods, squaring his shoulders as though steeling himself.

She turns towards Kyle and Katarina and sees that they are talking, Kyle holding her hand, talking to her intently, and the continued fragility about Katarina and the way she carries herself. Rikarah starts to tell them that they have no time, that they must move on without further conversation, but then she sees Katarina taking a deep breath and moving to Steven's side, laying a hand on his arm.

" your best with us. Help us to get our sisters back safe. We...we need you...I need you."

Rikarah struggles to keep her face neutral and not roll her eyes in response to this, and doesn't dare to look at Xander to check out his expression. She is sure the girl means every word. Madison, meanwhile, shifts her weight, commenting with one hand on her hip, "Don't we, like, need to go open the door now?"


Inside the apartment Alicia stands in front of the doorway, one hand still gripping Chris as she waits, intent on the approaching arrival of the others. She barely notices Chris and Alice flinching, the tears streaming down Chris's cheeks, and even the knife scraping only vaguely annoys her as she announces, "They're coming. No more playing around, Anthony, be ready."

In the corner, where she is keeping as out of sight as possible, Alice thinks again of running to Chris, of grabbing her and pulling her away from Alicia, of enacting her protective force field around her to keep them both safe. But she knows very well how risky that would be, too risky. Her mom might grab her and hurt her, or Chris, and how would Chris get away? Or what if she couldn't make herself do the force field? It was nothing she had consciously controlled before...


Mosey. Mosey was a word that sounded like something an older person would say, not a kid like Aleka, and it was almost enough to make Julian smile. Vaguely he wondered about her, who she was, where she had come from, and why in the world she would be so nice to him for no real reason at all. But he asked none of it. He followed her, and it was enough to at least slightly distract him from his own thoughts, or to at least begin to convince himself that it was possible.

He doesn't remember the purpose of his following her, that she had wanted to eat, until her stomach growls. Looking over at her in surprise, Julian assesses his own level of hunger, but even the thought of eating now makes his stomach roil with discomfort. He shrugs, saying only "I d-don't care...I'm n-not hungry, c-can ch-choose."
A burger might be nice. On the other hand, Aleka had not eaten meat in a while and was unsure of the consequences that might come from going all out like that. Maybe soup would be her best option despite the fact that it was the last thing she wanted to think about eating just then. French fries would be good. She has to stop thinking about food. Aleka's mouth is now filling steadily with saliva, her stomach wrenching every time a new idea pops into her head.

They rounded onto 2nd Ave and Aleka let herself into Stage, slipping her fingers into her bra to pull out the spoils of her theft. She glanced over at Julian, "You sure you don't want a drink or somethin'?"

The man at the counter did a once over on both of them as Aleka rested her elbows on it, allowing herself to get comfortable despite the man's obvious reluctance at their appearance. She didn't need to have super senses to see how torn he was between asking them to leave and allowing them to stay just for their money. Aleka's eyebrows wagged at him suggestively and she made a clicking noise with her mouth similar to the ones some men would make as they catcalled and whistled at her when she walked by before giving him a smile.

"What can I get you?" He asked, taking a small step back from the counter as though she were a tightly wound coil ready to spring up at him.

"I will have..." Aleka's eyes roamed over the menu posted on the wall, her fingers drumming on the counter debating on whether or not to draw this out to make the man more uncomfortable. Her hunger, though, reared its head again and let out a small huff. "An order of fries aaaaand... a piece of pie. Don't care what kind. And a coffee. And whatever this one wants if he wants anything." She jerked her head toward Julian and flashed the man another smile, cocking her head to the side, getting far too much enjoyment out of this.

"That all?"

"For now, yeah."

The man wrote down their order and ripped it off of the pad of order slips, dropping the pen unenthusiastically. "It'll be about fifteen minutes. You want the pie now?"

"Eh, I'll just take it with the fries." After being told to go ahead and have a seat wherever they wanted, Aleka returned her attention to Julian, "So. Booth or table, you think?"
"I...m-maybe some...s-some Coke," Julian stutters as Aleka offers him a drink, flushing as she turns towards him. He can sense the man at the counter watching him and wants to run away from his stare. The man is judging him, sizing him up, and surely he can tell that he's homeless, that Aleka is too. Maybe he knows he's gay...maybe he can look at him and see every thought, everything about him...was that why he was staring?

His heart thudding, Julian lowered his face further, hoping that this would somehow disguise him as his throat choked up, unable to form words. He nevertheless noticed Aleka's behavior, which only further panicked him. Was she a prostitute? What if the man thought he was too? What if he called the police?

He doesn't hear her question about the booth or table, but instead just quickly walks towards the booth furthest away from the man, sliding into it and turning his face towards the window. He can still feel his heartbeat throbbing in his head.
"Booth it is," Aleka mumbles to herself and follows Julian into the booth, sliding in across from him. For a moment, she considers listening in to what the man at the counter is saying, figuring that it has to be something about the state of them, but decides against it. With Julian here, she doesn't want to give him any sort of clue that there's something wrong with her, regardless of the fact that she has no idea what it is either.

The table feels smooth beneath her fingertips, and her eyes scan over them briefly, picking up ever tiny chip in it, every fingerprint missed from the last time it was cleaned... bacteria... She blinks, not daring to look at her own self, to see what kind of horrible things might be crawling on her skin and she takes a deep breath.

"Sorry," Aleka says finally and glances up at Julian. "I'm kind of embarrassing. I'll tone it down if you want."
Kind of embarrassing? That wasn't the term Julian would use. "Very alarming," maybe. "Terrifying," definitely. Even "too visible" would fit the bill. But "embarrassing" didn't at all cover how he felt to be around Aleka when she drew such attention to them.

Most of his life, Julian had desperately tried to blend in, to keep from being noticed in any way, be that good or bad. He would have been very content to go through life without ever turning heads or even being spoken to; it would have been safe. Safe for him, and safe for others.

But Aleka doesn't seem a girl who concerns herself with safe. She had dragged him to see a dead body, had spoken to him when she didn't know him, asked for his help. And how she was now...if he spent time with Aleka, safety would clearly not be part of the picture.

"D-don't...don't people...d-don't they ever...get you in t-trouble, or..." he tried to ask.
(Damn. Everytime I think I'm done, another page pops up. Anyway, after reading it all, I have come to the conclusion that I . . . have no idea how to fit Damon in . . . So . . . just not gonna try. Just Axel then.)

"Dad, guess who?"

"Jack! Look out!"

Screeeeech! Crash!!!

By the time Axel had opened his eyes, the only thing he could hear was a faint dripping. Was it water? No. Water wouldn't smell this bad. It wouldn't smell like . . . gasoline. His eyes tried to scan the blurry images around them. He could roughly make out the shapes and colors of his mom and stepdad. Opening his mouth to call out to them, no sound came out. And it didn't seem like they were going to speak either. Could they be unconscious or dead?

Then his eyes went for the window. That's strange. The sky shouldn't be green. Oh. They must be upside down. It'd probably best to get out. Axel tried to move but sharp pains shot up both his legs. Shit. Both were bent in ways not found in nature and a sharp piece of metal pierced his right.

He had to get out of there soon. He couldn't see or hear any sparks or exposed wires but with the air slowly filling with the scent of gas, his staying there was an increasing risk that he didn't feel like taking. He had to get out. He wasn't going to die here. He didn't want to die.


Axel was brought out of his daze by a young girl's voice and a few of his coworkers lightly pushing his wheelchair away. It was probably be for the best. The accident wasn't exactly something he wanted to remember. It wasn't pleasant. Because of his utter stupidity that night, he had killed his mother and stepfather and lost the use of his legs. He couldn't even face his stepbrother after that, not after he killed his only living relative. The two went their separate ways after that night and Axel found himself working for the Kennedys, both as a researcher and a research subject. If it weren't for Max, who had found him, who knows what would've happened to him by now.

He turned to see a girl, most likely in her early teens, pointing toward the window into the room where they were studying a telekinetic domino. What was she doing there? There were no girls this young in the program or among the researchers of the project. Not to mention that it wasn't exactly easy to stumble upon this facility. How did she get in here?

The blond cleared his throat to make a path before he wheeled himself til he was right next to the girl. "What he's doing is none of your business girl. What are you doing here and how did you get here?"
Aleka kept her eyes trained on Julian, fingernails picking at the chipped part of the table in front of her. She could practically see the thoughts flitting across his face, every small change in his musculature was crystal clear to her.

Did anyone get her in trouble? Well, that was a good question if anyone had any.

"I get in more trouble when I try to really blend in," Was the best possible way for her to even begin to answer. "I only act crazy enough to keep people from looking for too long. When that guy goes home, he won't be able to tell me apart from any other random teenager that comes in here today." Aleka smiled weakly at the boy and sat back when the food was set in front of her. She grabbed a napkin and the bottle of ketchup, squirting a small amount onto the napkin. "It's only shady if you act like it's shady. These people? They're way more afraid of us than we are of them."
Julian considered Aleka's response as her food and his drink arrived. Trying to blend in getting him in more trouble...he couldn't tell if this was true in his life or not. It seemed trouble found him regardless of what he did, though he wasn't sure if this was due to his trying to blend in or his bad decisions. He was pretty sure that Aleka's tactic would not work for him, though. For one thing, he couldn't have been able to gather the nerve to "act crazy."

His stomach churned unpleasantly as he watched her dig into her food, and he averted his eyes to avoid watching her eat, the smell nauseating him. He took a slow sip of his soda instead, trying to settle his stomach as he responded.

"I...I...n-no one is afraid of...n-no one is afraid of me."

Aleka, maybe. But him? He was afraid of everyone, of what they would do and see in him, what they would think or do to him. How could they be afraid of him?

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