Castouts (Accepting new characters)

*Steven stops and looks at Kat and the others, then sighs* Look, I don't exactly know what to do right now, I was going to ask my new boss what he can do but it's not looking good, this isn't exactly the thing they will expend resources on but I'm not giving up. But Xander is right, you're not my family and I shouldn't intrude, I think you..*Suddenly he catches himself.* Umm nevermind, you probably don't want to hear from me, so tell you what I'll keep digging and if I find anything out I'll tell you and then you can do what you need to do.

*Kyle stares at Xander now, it's seeming more and more like Xander has burned that bridge with Steven once and for all.* Steven, we need your help, to get Alice back, don't worry about what Xander said to you, he's only one person and Kat and I even Chris know we need your help...You need to find our parents and kill them so we can get Alice back.

*Steven's jar almost hits the floor* Kyle, why are you talking like that? Do you really want your parents dead? *He looks around at the others.* Is that what you all want? To kill your parents?
"Who's your new boss?" Xander asks before he can stop himself. On one hand, yes, if he needs Steven and his help to get Alice back, as much as he might dislike it, he'll take it...if it will get Alice back. Even if it does mean Kyle and Katarina will fawn over him for the rest of their lives.

On the other hand...if this boss is anything like Steven's old one, it will just get them all in even deeper trouble all over again, most likely.

Still...for Alice. For his other siblings too. It's obvious they've lost faith in him, and for good reason probably...if this was what they wanted, and thought would work...

"If you...if there is anything you could do..." Xander says stiffly, swallowing, before lifting his chin and looking Steven directly in the eyes, squaring his shoulders to make himself as tall as he can before continuing. "Then please...if you could help us...we would appreciate it." It almost pains him to say, but he adds, "I would."

"I would too," Katarina adds hastily, and she stands, coming to stand closer to Steven, but not touching him...not quite. She can't bring herself to do that, not now, not after what she views as his rejection of her, not with Xander watching. She is still unsure of what she thinks of what Xander had said last night, of how Steven is responding now, but still, she licks her lips before saying, "Please..."

But neither had expected what Kyle said about their parents. Both reacted with as much shock as Steven, Katarina gasping, taking a few steps back with her eyes growing wide, one hand flying towards her mouth as she inserted a fingernails, beginning to chew. Xander just stared, blinking several times as she attempted to process Kyle's suggestion.

"Whoa, wait, what? Kill them? Who...Kyle, we aren't doing that. We never said we'd do that!"

"Kyle...we...we can't just...kill people," Katarina stammered, removing her finger from her mouth, but biting down on her lip instead. "We...we don't kill people...even...well, them. We...Kyle, they're our parents! We just..we want to get Alice...that's all..."

She licked her lips, then blurted, still incredulous, "How could you think of KILLING them?"
Because of what Xander said last night! *He says because they are our parents, that no one would be on our side, the police, school everyone would take their side, even if we get Alice back they could take her back..Take us all back at anytime and no one would stop them. That's why I can't go to school anymore, that's why we can't do anything cause they'll take us back. Xander you and Kat only have a year before you're 18 then they can't force you to go back but me, Chris and Alice they can still take us and keep us and no one can stop them...Besides anyone that hurts their kids deserves it..THEY DESERVE TO DIE! AND STEVEN YOU CAN DO IT YOU'VE KILLED LOTS OF PEOPLE!

*Steven, steps pass Kat, gently touching her shoulder and steps in front of Kyle.* Look Kyle, I was so wrong for what I did, I was in so much pain I couldn't think straight, I shouldn't have done that and I deeply regret it. *Ok he's lying right now he doesn't regret killing those low lifes at all.* Kyle I'll help you get your sister back but I won't kill anyone unless I have to defend myself.
In spite of Xander's reaction, he is not quite as shocked by Kyle's suggestion as it might seem. In fact, what really bothers him about Kyle's words is not the words themselves, or the meaning behind them. It's more the fact that he is hearing his own frequent thoughts echoed back at him.

How many times has he thought of killing his parents, every time they lay their hands on one of his sisters or his brother? How many times had he watched Katarina flinch and hunch into herself when one of them even drew close to her, watched Chris flee out the door, seen the aftermath of bruises and breaks on his siblings faces or other body parts and felt a burning rage that was barely within his control? How many times had he fantasized about seizing them both by the throat and choking them until they turned blue, of holding them down and electrocuting their brains, of sneaking into their rooms at night and slitting their throats? How many times had he prayed that the next car they got into would crash, that someone would break into their workplace and shoot them to death, so he would be spared the task?

And how many times had he not gone through with it, partly because he was horrified at his own thoughts, but mostly, because he was afraid?

His brother had the same thoughts, the same feelings, and it was this, the ruining of his perception of Kyle's innocence, that is most awful to him.

Katarina, however, seems genuinely shocked by the idea of it, as he would have predicted- one of the reasons he never told his twin about his own fantasies. She shakes her head, visibly upset as she speaks to Kyle and Steven both.

"You can't do that, we can't be like them, Kyle! We don't just kill people! We have to just get Alice and that's have powers, you and Xander, we can do it. If Steven will help...we can...just scare them. We don't have to kill them..."

She is surprised by Steven's touch but doesn't pull back, looking up at him with some uncertainty as to what mood he's in now. He promises to help them, but for how long? To what extent? Why is he touching her now?

"Good...thank you," she said softly, still unsure as to what to think.

"We're going to meet Rikarah now," Xander said, also quiet, as he nodded at Steven slowly. "She'll be waiting." He paused, then added again, "Thank you."
*Kyle turned his eyes away from everyone, getting angry at them all* So it was ok for you to kill someone that hurt someone you love but when it comes to us you're suppose to be a changed man now, even if they're probably beating on my little sister right now, they deserve to die! No one will miss them or care..We don't! *Steven steps back and stands up straight, staring at Kyle his eyes harden* Kyle do you know how many people I killed to get you out of that zoo, I was willing to die for you also so don't you dare, don't any of you dare say I don't care..You all make it so damn hard to get close to you, even before you knew I was going after Calico..You Xander had already judged me, I'm trying real hard to do right by you all but all any of you do is push me to the side like I'm garbage until you need something..I have news for you Kyle I don't need to be judged for what I did, I already know there is a special place in hell set aside for me and a bullet out there with my named on it to send me there..So if you want my help I will not kill anyone unless it's life and death and I will decide that..I get your parents are low lifes and deserve to be punished for what they did but wouldn't you rather see them in jail so they can suffer rather then dead? *Kyle thinks about this for a second then stands up assured in himself.* No I want them dead and if I have to do it I'll do it myself, they won't ever hurt anyone of us again when I'm done! *Kyle's eyes start glowing red and he holds up his hands there is a prefectly controlled flame flickering in the palm of his hands.* Kyle stop that, you need to control yourself!
Okay, so Xander isn't Steven's number one fan. But Kyle getting angry like this and blowing up at him not only wasn't productive or entirely fair, it could end up pissing Steven off enough to stalk away from them all, throw them out of the dojo, and refuse to help them with Alice. And it wasn't right...Kyle was not reacting in a way that Xander could be comfortable allowing, and so he tried to speak up.

"Kyle, that's not fair. You don't know what was going on that Steven would have to do that...and we can't talk about our parents like-"

But then Steven cut him off, his own furious words drowning out the rest of what Xander had intended to say. Xander's eyes narrow as Steven again addresses him angrily, though Xander himself has been trying to bite his tongue and keep from arguing. Every time he is trying, every time he is in control, then something or someone sets Steven off again, and it starts all over. If they didn't genuinely need his help right now, no way would he take this or let his siblings take it from him.

Katarina too is beginning to be upset, initially at Kyle and his yelling, but then her concentration shifts towards Steven as he includes not only Kyle and Xander, but also herself and Chris into his collective accusation. They ALL make it hard to get close to? They ALL pushed aside like garbage and just used him? ALL of them? Even her?

When had she ever pushed him aside or treated him badly? When had she every pulled back from him? From her perception, it was Steven who always did that to her. She would try to get close to him, physically or emotionally, and he would pull back or say nothing or begin to yell at her and her brothers. She would try to let him know she liked him and wanted his approval, and he would say something to show that he disliked her or thought she was weak or stupid. As she stands there, increasingly angry and upset by her thoughts, fists forming at her sides, she doesn't at first notice Kyle's anger coming out in the form of his powers.

"Kyle!" Xander barks suddenly, and she looks up, following his gaze to see the flame in his hand. Recklessly Katarina rushes forward and seizes Kyle's wrists from the side, squeezing.

"Stop that!"
*Kyle's flames slowly fade away, but his eyes are harden and cold now.* Fine! If none of you have what it takes to do this then I'll do it myself, I'm getting stronger and more in control everyday, soon I'll be strong enough to kill them myself! *Steven's looks at Kyle and sinks to his knees in front of him.* This is my fault, you think that killing is the only resort when it should be your last..This is all my fault because you think I'm strong because I've killed people...Kyle I'm so weak, Kat, Chris and Xander are strong, somehow you've all survived long before me and never had to kill anyone, being near me has poisoned you..Kyle I'm not strong..I'm weaker then all of you.
Even after the flames have disappeared, Katarina continues to grip Kyle's wrists, squeezing still tighter as she stares at him, her heart beginning to beat faster, her stomach tensing with her anxiety at the look in his eyes. She has seen Kyle angry countless times, but she's never seen him look hardened in this way. Kyle, the next to youngest, Kyle who had still, even days ago, possessed innocence and naivity that she had lost long ago? Kyle was not only able to look at her with this sort of rage, but also to stand there and vow to murder?

"Kyle," she whispered, her voice nearly cracking. "Kyle, don't say that...Kyle, you can't. Don't."

Xander was more vocal about it, stepping forward to put one hand on Katarina's as support for her, the other gripping Kyle's shoulder as he too looked down at him, his voice low but fierce.

"You will not. You will not because I'll be damned if I'll let you ruin your life, ruin who you are, doing something like that! I don't care what I have to do, Kyle, I will not let you become that kind of person!"

Both of them looked up, more than a little startled when Steven dropped to his knees, telling Kyle that he, rather than them, was the one who was weak. Xander, in fact, almost gawked, unable to think of a manner in which to respond. It was Katarina who licked her lips, cleared her throat, and then said with obvious uncertainty in expression and tone, "Um...Steven...I don't think you...poisoned anyone..."

Then, as an afterthought occurs to her- after all, she doesnt' know HOW he killed people, she adds, "...Right?"
*Kyle looked at Steven, go to his knees and for a second, he seemed to be calming down but Xander's words "Ruin his life" set him off again and he stares into his brothers eyes just as the very spot Xander was touching him started heating up.* Ruin my life? Are you stupid! I can't go to school, I can't make friends, I can't do anything that a kid my age is suppose to do! My life has been ruined from the day I was born to those monsters, so what do I have to lose Xander? Come on tell me what do I have to lose! We'll get our baby sister back and then I'll kill them, I'll burn them to ash so no one will ever know. *Steven is shattered by this 14 year old kid talking like this and blames himself* Kyle you need to stop...I'll do it..If it means I can spare you from turning out like me I'll do it...I'll kill your parents for you. But if I do you can't ever talk like that again, you can't do that.
Xander feels the heat beneath his fingers and jerks back his hand, afraid that either he or Kyle will suddenly burst into flames if he continues to touch him. Backing up a step, holding up both hands in an instinctive effort to show Kyle that he isn't touching him and isn't planning to, he says in a more controlled tone, "Calm down, Kyle. Kyle, look at me...Katarina's still touching you, you don't want to hurt her. You don't want to scare Chris. Calm down."

To Katarina, in an undertone, he says, "Rina, stop touching him. Put your hands down..."

But Katarina doesn't let go. She tightens her hold on Kyle's hands, squeezing them tightly, ignoring the potential danger to herself and the pain this gives her already bandaged hands as she stares him directly in the eyes, her own urgent, almost pleading with him.

" Don't talk like this. Please. Don't do this." She swallows, pausing, seeming to be trying to find words, then squeezes his hands again, her voice dropping low, but no less intense. "No. Look at me...if you do that to them, you'll be worse than they are. They never killed anyone, Kyle. They never killed anyone, and if you kill them when we didn't absolutely have're gonna be a killer on purpose, and that's gonna make're gonna be like them, Kyle. Worse. I don't want you to be like them. Don't let them make you like them. Kyle...would Alice want that? Would she want you to do that to them? She'll be scared of you, and, and she'll never like you or want you to be around her...and we still couldn't go to school, we still couldn't do anything because we'd still be hiding and it would only be worse. You can't."

"Kat...Steven-" Xander's head swivels to the older boy as Steven now says he will kill his parents, his own heart beginning to pound as he shakes his head immediately. "Steven, no. You don't say that either. No one is going to kill anyone. No one is-"

But it is Katarina, hearing Steven's words, who really gets upset...unexpectedly enough, it is she rather than Steven who really blows her cool. Still holding Kyle's hands, though more loosely now, her head swivels towards Steven, and her entire face pales, then flushes scarlet, visibly upset and angry now as she begins to sputter, then outright yell at him.

"No you will not! No! You, you are not doing that Steven! You can't do that,'re not killing them, you can't just say you're going to kill them! You can't do that to yourself, you can't do that to them, you can't become a killer on purpose like that, that isn't like before!" She has no idea if what she's saying is true, but she says it anyway, because to her, it feels true, that Steven's killings from before would be different than this instance. "Don't ever tell him that, don't ever promise that! And, and how can you say that I'm pushing you away, you're standing there going to kill my parents and then you'll leave, you'll go away and leave me and say you helped me, that's not helping me!"

She can't stop herself from talking now, her breathing coming faster as Xander stares at her, shocked that she's saying all of this given her relative reticence in front of Steven and the others before. "I've been trying, Steven! I'm trying to be strong and I wanted to fight, I wanted you to teach me to fight so I can be better, I wanted to be better! I'm trying to be nice with you and show you I want to be better and I want to try and I like you and I'm sorry for all these bad things that keep happening because you met us, I'm trying to show you that I appreciate it and I appreciate you, that I can't help it if my brother hates you and my other brother keeps getting himself into messes and my sister runs away and makes more problems every time we take our eyes off her-"

"Kat, hey, come on-" Xander started, but she turned her head sharply to him too.

"No! You all keep pointing towards me acting like, like I can't do anything and I'm just part of the group, instead of ME, by myself. Steven keeps saying that I'm like the rest of you, I'm not trying, I'm being mean towards him too, I take him for granted and I push him away, and I keep trying to NOT do that and he still thinks I'm like all the rest of you, he doesn't even notice, and HE keeps going away from me! Xander don't you dare start telling me that I don't need him anyway or whatever else, maybe I don't, maybe I'm making a mistake, but it''s still my mistake to make, not yours, and I can make it on my own if I want to. If Steven even LETS me. Which I don't think he will since HE keeps pushing back and yelling at me and saying he's going to kill our parents! And, and Chris DOES keep running, and you do keep telling everyone else what to do and acting like I can't help out when I'm the oldest too, like you need to protect me-"

"You make it where I do need to protect you!" Xander blurted out, and she pointed a bandaged finger towards him, removing one hand from Kyle to do so.

"See! That's what you do, all of you. You think...because this is hard for me, or because, of...what I think that means I can't do anything, or you can't let me do anything, and I don't know, maybe you're right, maybe I can't. But you have to let me TRY. I'm trying, and you don' don't have any right to embarrass me or not let me or bring up past things like it's all there ever will be, because, because I'm TRYING."

None of this conversation had ended up where she had started out, and as she takes in a breath, seeming to realize this, she looks back between Kyle and Steven. "No one is killing them. Not unless...unless we have to. We're just...we're getting Alice. Because even if it's my fault or anyone else's, it's not hers."

(just so everyone knows, Kagura plans to drop and will as soon as she gets around to posting for Hailey. Chaos did long ago, and at this point, I've posted 3 or 4 pages as Xander so if Joboz does come back, I'm still keeping him for myself. That leaves just me, amdreams, Macal, and Legendless, though that's fine with me, I suppose, since Macal and dreams and I have multiple characters who can still do plots around each other. But if anyone else who happens to be reading this wants to join, then I would be fine with that if you can figure out a way to work in. *points to the title* still accepting.)
Kat, I don't want to do this and I hope you will talk as a family and talk Kyle out of this. *Kyle sounds off* NOT GONNA HAPPEN! *Steven just shakes his head* Look I don't know if he's serious or not but with his abilities and them having your little sister, I don't want to risk it...So Kyle, I will do it but I will do it in my own time, it could be tomorrow it could be in a year, I want you to think about what you're asking me to do, once it's done you can't take it back they'll be gone or I'll be gone trying. But please I'm begging you if it has to be done let me do it so you don't ever turn out like me. Kat I'm sorry if I seem to push you away and I don't want you to ever have to choose between me and your family..I know I'll lose everytime and that's how it should be..But your brother and me will never get along, I've been...In his way from day one and he knows it..So here is what I think I'll do..I'll stay out of your way until you need me, if you find Alice and need my help getting her back I'll help. To be honest I wish I had the prefect answer for us to all get along but I don't, so and I'm not saying this because I'm mad or hate any of you..But you all need some space..You need a bit of normal while you find out where your sister is and I seem to disturb that normal...So here is how it will work..Space does not mean anyone is banned from anyplace, I'm sorry for how that sounded last night, my life is a bit more complicated then I expected and I've been taking some of my frustration out on you...I don't expect forgivness or for you to even understand any of this. *He looks down at the bracelet.* Maybe one day I can tell you what's going on with me.

(This post sucks I'm sorry, I'll do better next time..Ps I don't know what to respond to in Stewarts so Lucas will just call Rika or something)
(we should probably wait a while for [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2001]amdreams[/MENTION], I mean we've filled up a whole page here)

He was going to stay away from them...he was going to stay away and come only when called, not seeking to be with her on his own time. Normal? How could they ever have normal given their lives? Given Kyle's and Chris's and Xander's abilities?

None of it made sense to Katarina, least of all Xander's promise to kill their parents despite all protests to the contrary from her and Xander. She just looked at Steven, backing away from him as she shook her head, saying to him quietly.

"Steven...if you kill them when you don't have to...I don't know how I'll feel about that."

She didn't love her parents, not exactly. As much as she had wanted them to love her, it was difficult to feel love towards someone who did not love you. But still there was that slight shred of guilt remaining for having left them, for having been less than a perfect child towards them, the feeling that the reason they had seemed to hate her was because she was someone who deserved hate. Even her own brothers knew she was screwed up, didn't they? Even her brothers and Steven knew that she wasn't the kind of person she was supposed to be.

"You're wrong to think like that, Kyle," she said quietly, before giving up on trying any further to convince anyone otherwise. "You are."

Looking between his sister, his brother, and Steven, and throwing a look back at the still nearly silent Chris as well, wondering what in the world she thought about all of this, Xander finally cleared his throat and shifted his weight uneasily. He too was troubled by Steven's offer, but he knew by now better than to protest it with Kyle right there. And he certainly wasn't protesting Steven giving Kat her space.

"Well...we're leaving Rikarah waiting too long, so...let's see what she has to say...and then go from there. We'll be back soon...probably." Turning to Kyle, he said to him firmly, "You have to come with us, period."

He headed towards the door, looking back to see if his siblings were coming. Katarina followed reluctantly, but she did glance back at Steven, saying one thing under her breath to him.

"You said you loved me...didn't you?"
Max is really kind, Hailey decides. Despite the fact she had nothing to offer him, here he was helping her with her wounds. As she holds the ice to her face, a chill runs through and makes her other eye tear up, but soon it does what it’s supposed to. When he asks about the homeless shelter having hot water, he nods, despite almost being sure they won’t. Hailey definitely didn’t want to stick around here anymore; the pixie girl was already suspicious of her. Or really, she was suspicious of Jessie, but Hailey didn’t like that either…

When the old man walks through the door, she recognizes the resemblance between him and his son, before he hits him. Hailey frowns, pulling the ice away; she still hadn’t gotten a towel due to Shira tripping at the bottom of the stairs. The girl was more interested in the family issue though, and hurriedly placed the ice cube on the table.

While Max didn’t seem to have a problem with the homeless people, his dad certainly did; that was until he mentioned something to the man that calmed him. They were ‘special’? Hailey then realized what he meant with alarm, the people in the theater…they had powers. Haley looked at the people present they certainly didn’t look any kind of special she knew…unless it was some kind of sentiment.

When she got up, she inclined her head slightly “I think that’s my cue to go…” she notes, to no one in particular. The Shira girl had just fainted so they all seemed preoccupied as to why, “I’m no kind of special” she explains sending the pixie girl a warning glance, that she hopes she’ll understand.
(okay head count guys, who is still in this? I'm accepting new people, and I'm fine if it's a small number, but I do want to know who's still playing. [MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION] [MENTION=2001]amdreams[/MENTION] [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION])
(still here, just need to read back and figure out what's going on again, been awhile since we've been on this one.)
*Steven started to walk towards the stairs and paused.* If I said it I meant it, I guess you need me to drive you. Kyle you're coming to, I just need to change into some clean clothes, give me 15 minutes.* Kyle starting to calm down follows the others and waits by the stairs, not to much longer Steven comes back in new clothes, a black shoulder holster under his jacket, tossing his keys up in the air.* Tell me where to drive. *After they get in the car he drives to the park, letting them out.* I'm gonna circle the area, Kat you have a phone so call me if you need me but don't worry I'll be watching you from a distance.
Rikarah has been waiting for the DeSantos for a good thirty minutes now. She had not minded the wait at first; it had given her time to refamilarize herself with the park's atmosphere and activity, studying each person who came within her view. She did not attempt to read the thoughts of any of them, knowing that this was not an action to be done from idle boredom or curiosity. If she were to accompany the DeSantos in their quest to get their sister back- which she supposes she may do, given her liking for a cause- then she will need access to their mother, and must save up her energy for her thoughts alone or others who may be necessary to gain insight to. Interesting as it may be to see the thoughts of the clearly alcoholic bum shuffling along, it is unneeded.

She is beginning to grow impatient when she finally sees the familiar sight of Kyle, Xander, and Katarina DeSanto moving forward towards her, Chris having been left behind in the car with Steven. Raising an eyebrow, she raises a hand in greeting.

"I was beginning to think that you were not coming. Hello."

"Sorry," Xander apologized, giving her a quick smile and a nod of greeting as he drew nearer, Katarina lagging slightly behind him, an already apprehensive expression on her face. "We got kinda behind...arguing and all-"

"You and Steven and Kyle were arguing, mostly," Katarina put in, and Xander exhaled, looking a little embarrassed towards Rikarah as he responded.

"Okay, maybe...but, um, we're here now...Rika, thank you so much for letting us know what you saw. So...uh...was it here? Where she...where our..."

But Rikarah did not seem to be paying attention to them. Instead, she was looking in the direction of a young blonde girl, who was looking back towards them as well, obviously watching them. Rikarah's eyes narrowed, and she motioned for the others to be quiet as she nearly whispered, "She was here yesterday. She was with your sister, and she was the one who handed them off to your mother."

It seems that the girl has noticed their watching, because she starts over towards them, giving a friendly wave and smile. Rikarah continues to eye her with suspicion, Katarina's expression no less tensed as she turns to regard her, but the girl greets them in a congenial fashion. She is tall and slim, pretty, about fourteen years old.

"Hi! I saw you yesterday in the park, when I was with a friend of mine. Do you come here often?" she asked Rikarah. "My name is Madison. Sorry for staring, I was trying to figure out where I'd seen you before."

It is Madison's intent, of course, to behave as if she is completely ignorant as to the circumstances of the day before. She has seen pictures of the DeSantos, and knows all too well who they are, and she does recognize Rikarah from the day before as well. Should they ask her, she will behave as if she simply had been looking after a young child in the park, believing herself to be helping her reunite with her mother.

She smiles at Kyle in particular, running a hand through her hair. "I've never seen you guys here before though."


Locked within the windowless room where Alicia had barricaded her shortly after Anthony's failed attempt to harm her, Alice curled into a ball on her bed, wishing she could maintain the shield that had occurred so naturally when her daddy had been hurting her, but that never seemed to come when she wanted it to. He hadn't even noticed, but her mommy definitely had, and her mommy was mad. Alice had seen it, even before she grabbed her up by the arm and yanked her up the stairs, throwing her in this room and telling her she could never, ever come out until she said. She had seen the mean look in her mommy's eyes and she knew she meant it.

And she was hungry. She hadn't eaten since Madison gave her some food in the park last night, and now her mommy wouldn't feed her again, probably, since she was so mad.

How could Madison have let her take her? Didnt' she know her mommy wasn't nice? Had she fooled her too?

Alice knew her brothers and sisters wouldn't be able to hear her, but still she tried to call out to them with her thoughts.

Help...I wish you'd get me. I wish you'd help me...I just want to leave...

Downstairs with Anthony, Alicia again paces the house with furious clicking of her heels, her eyebrows knitted into a scowl. She wants more than anything to be out there herself, to be hunting down those ill begotten brats she was forced to claim as her children, but she knew the dangers of being out in public for prolonged periods when she and Anthony were practically on their boss's hit list. How was she supposed to stand this though? How much easier would it be to go out and use her abilities to jinx and change and destroy the minds and memories of any who got in her way, or even annoyed her?

She would not be able to stand it much longer. If she didn't hear from that Madison brat within an hour, she was out of there, Alice and Anthony be damned. She was getting those kids on her own, and heaven help whoever tried to stop her.
(as of now, I am taking over Legendless’s characters. I am not yet deciding what to do with Chris…so if anyone wants to play her, please let me know. I am also still accepting new characters.

Due to a need to do away with Jillian and bring Julian back into this, I am temporarily, for this scene only, backtracking to the previous day in the roleplay to bring their storyline up to speed. In this set up, it is the park, and Madison has just handed over Alice to Alicia, with both Jillian and Rikarah observing. Don’t confuse this with what is currently going on, with both Madison and Rikarah in the park again with the DeSantos…all of this happened YESTERDAY and no one who is in the present knows about it except for Madison.)

At the moment, Madison is pretty satisfied with herself.

Standing back near the park bench where she had dragged the child she thought of as Leslie towards Alicia, Madison continues to smile to herself. To a casual observer passing by, her smile would look simply pleasant, a pretty young girl enjoying her day in the park, but they could not have known her thoughts, and they certainly wouldn’t have been able to tell that Madison was inwardly gloating at what part she had just played in a little girl’s capture.

She didn’t know a considerable amount of information about Alicia; for all she knew, and she suspected it was the case, Alicia was not even the woman’s real name. She had no doubt that whatever Alicia wanted with the children she had Madison round up for her, the children she referred to as “dominoes,” it was nothing to their benefit, and could even lead potentially to their deaths. That was no drawback to Madison; if anything, it was a good portion of the reason she had agreed to help her. She only hoped that one day soon, she would be allowed to come with her, to do to the children whatever it was that Alicia did. Or at the very least, to observe.

With no further access to Leslie, she would now have to look for the other children that Alicia had forewarned her of, the ones who were teenagers. Teenagers were more of a challenge for Madison, less fun by far, but it was better than nothing.

Casually scanning the other occupants of the park around her, Madison noticed that of the two she had seen earlier, watching the exchange between herself, Alicia, and “Leslie,” the small brunette girl had already left, apparently disinterested. But the other person remained. Madison did not specify gender of the person in her thoughts, because she wasn’t sure, precisely, whether it was a girl or a boy. Its hair was long for a boy’s, its clothing feminine, but the jawline was masculine, the features slightly broad for a girl, which caused her to suspect a transgendered or crossdressing male.

Whatever it considered itself to be, the person was watching her, had been since witnessing the scene between her, Alice, and “Leslie.” And when Madison met its eyes, giving a sweet but narrow-eyed smile, it began to turn to leave, in a hastier manner than the earlier brunette girl had.

The person seemed nervous- because they thought that she might tease them? Or did they suspect something fishy going on?

It didn’t matter to Madison. No one would believe a transgendered kid over someone like her, even if they had witnessed her murder someone. She knew from experience, from repetitive testing of limits, that she had secured such prominence and trust among those who knew her that no one would believe her capable of even a fraction of what crimes and cruelties she had committed.

She wasn’t worried. She simply wanted to have fun, and this was why she came forward, calling out to the person as they started to leave.

“Hey there…can I ask you a question?”

The person turned, and Madison was more certain, when she saw him, that he was indeed male, despite the clothing. As she drew closer, hearing the person ask her what she wanted to ask with a confused frown, she continued to smile as she put one hand lightly on his arm, looking into his eyes.

“Do you know what it feels like to die?”

She didn’t wait for an answer, barely saw his eyes widen with alarm at the casually voiced question. One fast glance around, making certain that no one was near, and she flipped up into her hand the small knife she often kept folded in her jacket pocket. One swift thrust, and its blade was embedded directly into the boy’s chest.

Madison removed the blade just as swiftly, placing it back in its accustomed spot before draping an arm around the boy’s shoulders, dragging him closer to the bench and lying him face down, as though he were sleeping there. She could hear him gasping, sputtering, and envisioned the blood coming from his chest, spilling over his lips, staining the bench slats as she smiled, rubbing a hand over his back as though soothing or stroking him in his rest.

“I wouldn’t scream,” she whispered. “You may choke.”

She waited with him as he died, enjoying the moment when she felt the last breath freeze in his lungs. And when she walked away, she was still smiling.

She only regretted she could not have hurt him more, but someone may have seen.

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Julian knew something must have happened to Jillian. What he didn’t know- what he dreaded to find out- was what.

When Liselle had taken him to Jillian’s place of work, they had both been surprised to learn that he had not come in for his shift. Julian had thought at first with some anxiety that perhaps he had been lying to him and had decided not to go to work at all. What if he had decided to leave Julian without letting him know he was doing that, because he didn’t want to seem mean? What if he just was tired of him, or decided that Julian was disgusting or scary after all?

After all, Julian had told him what he did...he had told him about Madison. How could he blame Jillian if he ran?

But then he had thought through it, as the day wore on, and he realized that it wasn’t like Jillian to leave without telling Liselle and especially Lionel. Lionel was worried too…so what if something had happened to him? What if he had gotten hurt and no one was helping? What if he was in the hospital or worse…what if he was…

Julian wouldn’t let himself think it, but the words pressed against his mind even so. Anything could have happened, and he hadn’t even bothered to look.

None of this occurred to him until the shelter curfew was set in place, and he couldn’t’ leave and still have somewhere to come back to. It wasn’t until morning that Julian was finally able to leave, his stomach twisting into knots, towards Central Park, the first place he could think of where someone might have seen Jillian.

He didn’t know if he would find him, or what he might find out, but he had to look. He knew Julian would look for him, if the situation was reversed.

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(Previous day)

Aleka had migrated away from Times Square to find better marks and had found her place at Central Park. It was bright out, and she needed to give her eyes a break anyway. Taking a deep breath, she let them fall closed and opted to rely on her other senses for help. At first, the sudden blindness is always a shock -, it was so loud she feared that her eardrums might burst. Gradually, it lessened to the dull roar of blood in her ears until she was able to reign it in to the surrounding area.

The signs she was looking for were fairly typical, the sounds of people talking on their smart phones, the echoes of footsteps on the pavement, when -

“Do you know what it feels like to die?”

For a moment, her heart froze in her chest. Aleka felt the blood drain from her face, unable to pull herself away from the sound of a blade sinking into another person and the following groans and gasps as that person's life left their body. Her hands pinned over her mouth, she didn't dare breathe or make any noise. While it was at least 100 yards away from her, she still wanted to avoid calling attention to herself, but her stomach, which had been empty for a good portion of the day, turned sour and forced its way into her throat.

She struggled to swallow the sick in the back of her mouth and dimmed her hearing. It was a bad time to pick from people anyway, she tried to tell herself as her vision gradually came back. Her feet moving quickly enough to propel her further from the scene and meld in with the group of people walking around the park, she was able to break away another several yards and vomit into a bush.

Exhausted, she moved away from the puddle and found a decent place to hide herself in plain sight. Hunching down and hugging her coat around her knees, Aleka wiped her mouth on her sleeve and began the long process of trying to put it out of her mind.

(Present day)

To be honest, she hadn't expected to fall asleep. Aleka wasn't even sure when or how she was even able to cull herself into oblivion, much less how she managed to avoid having some sort of nightmare about what she had overheard the day before. It wasn't important though. At least it wasn't important to the corpse that, based on the lack of police or investigators in general, still remained wherever it had been left in the park.

Hauling herself to her feet and running her fingers through her hair, which had been matted down in her sleep, Aleka set off to find someone in the park who looked ignorant and oblivious enough to let her steal their wallet, and, if worse comes to worse, to find a payphone or something to report the body.
(Sorry for taking so long to reply. But I'm back and hopefully for good. Also, I've "convinced" a friend of mine to join as well. Not sure when he'll post a character though. Also not sure what he's going to do . . . I should talk to him again.)

Shira felt like she was floating. She couldn't even remember the last time she had a hot bath like this. Sinking into the tub until the water was right under her eyes, she let her mind wander. Earlier, before Max offered her the use of his bathroom, he had offered Cas and her rooms in his apartment. Cas kept refusing, saying that it just wasn't right to mooch off him like that. And although Shira was tempted by the thought of videogames and tv, she had to stick by Cas' side. He could barely do things for himself before he injured his leg, how was he going to take care of himself now? She was the big sister now and that meant that she couldn't abandon Cas like that. He was her brother after all. After finishing, Shira changed into the clothes that Max had set out for her and set out, practically skipping, for the living room where Max and Cas were.

Before Shira had come out, the living room was filled with an awkward silence. Max had made attempts at small talk but the "conversations" were quickly extinguished with Cas' short and vague answers. Whether it was about the Disraeli's family, background, even hobbies, Max wasn't getting any information out of the brother. Maybe he'd do better with Shira. She seemed a bit . . . ditzy so she might be a bit more loose with her family's information. Though after thinking back to the incident in Central Park, she may not even consciously know much or possibly be as good as or better at keeping secrets than Cas. Nonetheless, the curiosity was burning in him.

Both boys turned as Shira came bouncing and twirling into the room, determined to show off her new outfit. "So, how do I look?" Max answered with a quick "Cute." Cas looked it over, not sure that they should keep it. He himself was wearing some of Max's clothes, which were slightly loose on him, probably since he hadn't really eaten well in years. "It's cute but should you really be wearing a skirt? You're always running and jumping around. You don't want to flash anyone, do you?"

"Oh, it's okay. See?" When Shira lifted up her skirt, Cas turned away instantly and covered his face. "Shira! Don't do that!" "Huh? Why?" "Because you can't go around showing people your underwear!" "Underwear? What are you talking about?" Puzzled by her response, Cas peeked through his fingers at Max who was looking at him with his eyebrow raised in confusion. Then he looked over at Shira to see the bicycle shorts that were under the skirt. Well, that was a bit embarrassing. Cas' face was now red and he began to stammer. "W-w-well, you shouldn't be flipping your own skirt anyway!" "Pervert brother . . . " Shira's last comment made Max laugh a bit, but he immediately stopped himself when Cas glared at him.

Still red in the face, Cas grabbed Shira's arm and began pulling her toward the door. "It's time we left anyway. Thanks for the hospitality and well be sure to return the clothes as soon as we wash them."

Before they could reach the door though, Max stood up. Shira was one of the few confirmed dominoes he had found and with so many gone, he was determined not to let her go. "Wait. You don't have to return the clothes, especially Shira. Not sure what I'd even do with her clothes. But if you're going back to that theatre, you're going to need money, right? For food, medical supplies, things like that. And you obviously can't work in your condition," he said referring to Cas. "What if I said I had something of a job for Shira. Something that would pay well."

Cas looked at Max in suspicion. "What sort of job is it?" The Asian knew that he probably should have outright refuse it, it seemed kind of shady since he had just met Max yesterday. But the blond man was right. They did need money and Cas was in no condition to work an actual job, much less continue to steal like he did before.

Max wasn't surprised by Cas' reaction. It was normal for a guy to be protective of his little sister, especially when she was rather young like Shira was. "My family runs a pharmaceutical company as you may well know. And we also run a major hospital in New York. So medicine sort of runs in the family. But a philosopher once said that the best medicine is prevention. That we shouldn't be curing our bodies of illness but training the body so it doesn't even get sick in the first place. I'm researching the extent of that theory."

"I want to have Shira undergo a training regiment. Some cardio, some strength, even some self defense. Then each month, we'll review her body's condition as well as monitor any illnesses she may get, like colds or flus. It'd only be for about two hours a day. And she wouldn't be the only one. We have around twenty or so people participating in this but only one other teenager, a fifteen year old boy. So her participation would help us get information for the younger population. The pay would be generous and she would even be learning to protect herself, which should be a plus since you can't protect her like that. So what do you say?"

Cas thought about it over. It seemed like a really good deal. It was certainly a lot safer than letting Shira running around New York doing God knows what for money. "It's Shira's decision, not mi-" "Okay!" The Asian turned to his sister abruptly. She didn't even wait for him to finish what he was saying. "Shira, are you su-" "Yup!"

Max clapped his hands. "Well . . . do you want to see the facility first before making a concrete decision?" Shira opened her mouth to say no and that she didn't need to see it as long as she was making money, but Cas clasped his hand over her mouth. "Yes. We'd like to see the place first."
*Calico had been back in town for a few days, he was laying low in one of his drug houses, most of his gang either scattered or dead, but a few of his soldiers were still around and he wasted no time sending what little soldiers he has out on the streets to track down those damn brats and Steven, for some sweet payback, in the meantime he amused himself with women and drugs, until he gets reinforcements from the Triads. He could just imagine beating the hell out each one of those brats while he makes Steven watch, then he'll play with his little girlfriend his revenge was going to be living hell for them.*
(...okay, really dude? Four really long posts, and you put two sentences? Lol. Come on, you didn't even post as Kyle or Steven, you didn't acknowledge the scene set up with Rikarah and Madison in the park. Please read them and post in relation to them, because they're not only important, but I can't move on without them. There has to be SOMETHING Kyle and Steven are doing...also, with Steven in the car with Chris, I need a reason he could leave or that Chris could get separated. Give me something to work with.)
*Kyle looked to Rika, he's finally paying attention steps right in front of her* Wait did you say she was with Alice when our parents grabbed her? So she could know where she is? (taking a few seconds before she gets to them to ask Rika so she should have time to answer him) *It's not long before the girl is standing right in front of him, every fiber of his being is telling him to grab her and shake her till she tells them everything she knows, but somehow by some miracle he's staying calm. When the girl greets him he plays along and smiles at her.* Hi, yeah we don't come to the park that much anymore we're just here meeting our friend, I'm Kyle, that's my sister Kat and my brother Xander. You were here with your friend yesterday? How come your friend didn't come with you today?

*Steven drove to a spot in the park where he could see the group clearly. He looks back over the seat to Chris in the backseat.* Hey Chris no sense in seating in the car why don't we get out and wait for them. Besides my legs are cramping up I must have pushed myself to hard when I worked out this morning. *When he gets out of the car he moves to the other side to open Chris's door and let her out. He spots a hotdog vender and since he didn't eat this morning he turns to Chris.* Hey there's a guy selling hotdogs why don't you wait here by the car and I'll go grab us a couple and some water? I'll be right back just yell if you need me.

(This sucks so something happens to Chris while she's with Steven, just another reason everyone is going to hate him.)
Looking between the others, Katarina hangs back, saying nothing, but instead watching the others interact. Rikarah, in response to Kyle, nods her head, her voice low, pitched where only he and his siblings can hear.

"Yes, that is her. And yes, I suppose she could."

"Don't antagonize the girl," Xander warns Kyle and Rikarah both in an undertone. "She might not know what's going on, she looks young. And if she does...then you don't want to scare her off."

As Madison reaches them, introducing herself, Rikarah gives her a practiced smile and nod. "We have encountered each other before, yes. You may call me Eve." This is her middle name, but Madison does not need to know that.

Despite what Xander had said about not antagonizing, Rikarah wastes no time in poking at the girl, albeit in the same innocent tone. "Your friend appeared very young yesterday, and somewhat upset. Was there a problem?"

"Oh, no," Madison shook her head, even laughing. "No, Leslie had run off from her mother, she was upset with her because her mom wouldn't let her do something, and I helped her mother get her back again. Someone could have taken her or something, with her running around alone like that."

Rikarah regarded her, very much tempted to look inside the girl's thoughts, to see the truth of what she was saying. But if she were truthful, and she were simply a very dumb young girl, thinking herself to be helping rather than imprisoning a child, then it would be a waste of her effort and the girl would provide her with no new knowledge. Finally she gave a slow nod, looking back at the others.

"I see. Where were they going, Leslie and her mother? Back home?"

"Well, I guess so, I mean, there's no school today," Madison shrugged, and as Rikarah continued to watch her, she suspects that the girl is lying. But still, she is just uncertain enough to not want to waste her energies on her thoughts, at least, yet.

"Did she say where that was?" Katarina blurted before she could stop herself, her face pale and strained, and when Madison turns towards her, raising her eyebrows, Xander quickly tries to cover for her.

"Look, I know we sound like stalkers or something...but we think that the girl you saw, that it was our sister. That the woman who took her wasn't her mother at all...that she was kidnapped."

Madison's eyes widened, her mouth fell open, and she gasped, one hand moving to cover her mouth as she shook her head, the perfect picture of disbelief. "Oh no! Oh really? I'm so sorry, I didn't have a clue! The lady said she was her mother, and they looked so much alike, I thought..."

"Are you sure you don't know where they were going?" Xander pressed, taking a step closer to her, looking her in the eyes. He could feel the electrical build up in his palm that told him his anger was growing, but he ignored it, trying to push it down. "It's really important, Madison. And her name isn't's Alice."

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He recognized the back of Madison's head before he even heard her voice.

Julian had spent so much time watching Madison, when they were younger, so much time observing her every move, in equal parts fascination and fear, that he would know her from anywhere, at any angle. And as he saw Madison in the park, surrounded by two other boys and two other girls, he found himself paralyzed, unable to move in any direction.

There she was, just as she had been the day before. Here, within shouting distance of him, right HERE...what would he do if she turned and saw him? What would he do if she actually spoke to him, walked towards him. God, what would he do if she TOUCHED him?

In his distress at seeing her he thinks again of Jillian, still mysteriously missing, and for the first time wonders if there was a connection...because Madison had made clear, even as a young child, how deeply she hated "gays."

He is so intent on watching Madison, so distressed at seeing her, that he doesn't notice the girl near him (Aleka).


That was it. Anthony was completely useless, and Alice was revealing nothing, no matter what methods- and Alicia had tried multiple- that she used to try to draw information out of her. Every time Alicia drew close to her, Alice literally curled herself into a ball and refused to answer, enacting a shield around herself that Alicia could not penetrate physically, let alone mentally. The little b**** was good, that was for sure, and Alicia could not yet figure out how to get her without outright killing her- and even that seemed difficult.

Finally giving up, she grabbed her keys in one hand and stalked out the door without so much as a shouted goodbye to Anthony, hating the traffic jam that she quickly got herself into all the more intently. In the end, when she decided to search the park that she so often had stationed Madison at, she was already so angry that she could barely contain it.

So when she happened to see the boy leaving his car, leaving a brunette girl alone inside it, her interest was attracted. Even if this was not a domino child, it was someone she could take frustration out, and so she approached, intent on doing so.

As she came up alongside the car, she saw the facial scars and at first didn't recognize her- and then it dawned on her. Christina. CHRISTINA, one of the children she was so intently hunting...with scars, of course, which Alicia was not used to seeing, but nevertheless her. And from what she could tell, the girl was probably blind. The last Alicia had known of her, she had no active powers either...she was a sitting duck.

The girl's head whipped towards her as Alicia approached, and she started to open her car door, to try to flee. But Alicia slid into the passenger seat and locked all the doors in one swift movement, then, smirking to see the key in the ignition, started up the car.

"Don't even think of fleeing, Christina. You stay where you are, or I will run over every single one of your brothers and sisters with this shiny new car I just got myself here."

And she sped off, or about as much as was possible in New York traffic, but not without first adding one enormous jolt of a suggestion to Chris's brain, one that would induce severe pain in her as soon as she even thinks of leaving the car. For the first time since she has received Alice, Alicia is smiling.

THIS one won't be able to avoid spilling the whereabouts of her siblings...THIS one wouldn't be able to protect herself. And with Alice as further ammunition, this would be fun indeed.

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