Castouts (Accepting new characters)

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club
Katarina DeSanto is always aware of the cold when she wakes up in the morning, even before she opens her eyes. There is no electricity and no running water in the shutdown, nearly decrepit motel in which she and her three siblings have taken residence, and it goes to follow that there is also no air conditioning in the summer or heat in the winter. It isn’t even November, and already Katarina awakens numb with cold most mornings, able to blow her breath. She dreads thinking about what might happen when it gets to be December or January…maybe by then, Kyle, her youngest brother, will have enough control over his firestarting powers to be able to set controlled fires for them to keep them warm. There was a fireplace in the lobby of the motel, though it was intended for electric fires…maybe they could spend nights there on the floor when it got really bad, camped out in front of the fireplace.

She really, seriously doubted that…right now, Kyle was the least controlled of her siblings as far as the use of his powers went. Maybe because he was the youngest, now, anyway, maybe because his was the most dangerous…whatever the case, Katarina didn’t want to ever chance him risking it again, and in fact, would be very happy if he never used them again. How could she feel otherwise, after what had happened to their home…after what had happened to Alice?

She quickly pushed this thought aside even as it came to her, shoving it deep down inside her, where all the rest of her worst feelings and memories she tried to keep contained dwelled…that is, until they forced themselves up to surface, as they so periodically insisted on. To think of Alice was to go back to a place and time that Katarina could barely function in…to think of Alice was to revisit the worst night of her life, her worst failure not just as a sister, but as a human being. The night she had failed to protect her…the night she had failed to save Alice’s life.

Better to think only of Kyle and his powers, to worry about his lack of control…better to think of the abilities of her other siblings, the danger and blessings they managed to pose simultaneously for them all. Better to wonder how the hell she ended up the only one so-called “normal”- and Katarina could never quite decide if she was luckier, or not, jealous, or not, to be so completely ordinary.

She is wrapped up in the thin blanket and sheet of her twin-sized motel bed, as well as one of the extras they had managed to find, but it is hardly enough to be a proper protection against the cold. As Katarina sits up, she is reluctant to step out of bed and release her hold on the blankets. Stumbling across the room, she slits the blinds of the window open, allowing the weak strains of morning light to filter into the room. She doesn’t worry about this waking up her sister, Christina, in the other bed; Christina is blind now, and will usually not be bothered if Katarina chooses to save the batteries of their flashlights until they’re needed.

Katarina bites her lip unconsciously as she passes by her sister’s bed on her way to the tiny bathroom of their shared room, averting her eyes from Christina’s face. She knows that Christina will not see the way she hates to look at her now, sometimes, to see that her eyes cannot quite open, the scars from the fire and the way they have disfigured her face…but still, it is only when she is asleep that Katarina can let herself truly avoid looking at her. If her brothers are around, and they see, Kyle will feel guilty, and Xander might want to talk to her, and even Christina might sense and react defensively. But the truth is, that Katarina truly hates to look her in the face.

She had once been jealous of Christina, that she was so pretty, prettier than Katarina judged herself to be. And now, no one would say that Chris was more attractive. It was hard not to feel like this was some sort of punishment.

Katarina is shivering as she stands in front of the mirror, the bathroom door open so she can see herself from the light from the window. She can make out dark circles under her eyes, and her hair is limp, in need of washing. She’ll have to buy more gallons of water tonight, enough for them to have baths…god, she dreads the prospect of pouring near-freezing water over her head in this temperature, but short of breaking into someone’s house, what else can they do?

She gingerly touches the bruises forming on her upper arms, bruises in the shapes of fingers, and then the discoloration at her wrist, similar in color, different in shape and origin. She’ll just have to hope that no one asks about it, or at least keeps their mouth shut if they notice. Reaching for her jacket in the tiny closet, within an arms’ length of the bathroom door, Katarina slips it on, zipping it up to her chin, before heading out the front door towards the first room to the far left of the motel. This is where they store their food and most of their other shared supplies; the second room, beside it, is empty, deliberately set aside for if any of them ever have need for a…”guest.” The third room is shared by her brothers, and the last is hers and Christina’s. She doesn’t know if her brothers are awake yet, but they aren’t by the time she’s gotten breakfast, they will be soon enough.

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The tension hung so heavily in the air that Julian found it difficult to draw breath. The others were quiet, still with the anticipation of what was to come, what it was that they would do…what it was they must do.

The others' breath came as unevenly as his own, their shoulders stiff, their postures unnaturally rigid and alert. Julian swallowed repeatedly, his eyes darting about without catching the others' gazes for more than a split second at a time. He did not look at the figure they circled in a tight cluster; none of them did. To do so would break their will down even farther, and then…then, they might be unable to go through with it. They might be unable to obey.

No one knew what might happen then. No one wanted to consider.

Julian tried not to look too closely at the others, to see the way Emily was unconsciously chewing her lower lip, the way Melody's cheek muscles twitched every few moments, the way Ben had broken out in a cold sweat, so heavily that bitter-smelling stains emerged on the front and back of his shirt and in his underarms. And Abbie…Abbie was shaking, shaking so much that her teeth clicked together, her face so drained of color that Julian was distantly surprised that she was still able to stand up.

One child alone remained calm, composed, confident. One child alone did not fidget, clear her throat, or avoid meeting the others' eyes, but rather looked at each directly, the clear blue of her gaze open and friendly at a glance, even as a savage amusement twisted her smile and excited eagerness glittered in her eyes. She alone held no reservations, harbored no fear. But then, she never did.

Julian had found this to be exhilarating at first, fun…he had seen her lack of fear as an excellent characteristic to make an exciting new friend, a friend who opened him up to possibilities he had never imagined. But silly games and pranks had become more intense, more destructive, more alarming in nature, and now…now here he was, and he could not back out. He could not say no.

No matter how much he wanted to.

She spoke to them as a group, but her eyes landed on each of them in turn, holding their gaze long enough so each reacted with a shudder, small twitch, or swallow, unable to tear their eyes away from even the briefest of glances of the small blonde who stood at their head.

"It's time. Remember, don't go too fast. You don't want it over with too fast…it's hardly worth it when there isn't much time to watch."

She could see that, he knew…her lips curved upward again, and suddenly the knife was in his hands, Madison's own hands on his shoulder, pushing him forward, thrusting him down…forcing him to face the figure before him, on its own level.

"I think, Julian, that you should go first."

He was vaguely aware of the other's eyes on him, wide with dread, unable to look away; he knew that when it was their turns, he would stand in an identical position. With Madison standing over him, her voice dropping to a hiss, seeming so close to his ear even as she stood a slight distance back, a shudder rolled through his spine, and he had to hold back the bile that rose up.

"Do it, Julian. Do it now. NOW."

Until now Julian had looked at the figure they encircled as little as possible, trying not to see, not to have to fully take in what Madison had brought them to, what she had prepared as their next step…but now he looked, and from only inches away, and his mind roared with the protest of what his hand already itched to accomplish.

A small boy lay before him, no more than two or three years old. He had been taped with silver duct tape, thick pieces pinning down his small arms and legs, covering his mouth. Steady tears streamed down his bulging brown eyes. Julian did not know where Madison had gotten him, or how she had managed to subdue him alone, before bringing them all to him. But then, he did not want to know. And it was not important.

He had to do this. There was no other option…there never was, when it came to Madison and what she wanted.

Julian awakened with a gasp, already scrambling to his feet even before his eyes were entirely open. His thin chest heaving, his eyes darting from side to side, he shivers not just from the icy temperature surrounding him, but from shock…from fear.

Even now, after all these years, despite the physical distance between, even thoughts of Madison, of what she had made them do, were enough to terrify him. Even now, four years later, Julian was convinced that were she ever to see him, she would kill him…or worse, she would find a way to regain the control and influence over him she had once had. Even now, he was terrified that one glance, one conversation with Madison, and he would fall back into her circle. More than the police, more than prison, more than his parents or his brothers or the people he had once called his friends, more than the grieving family of that little boy, Julian feared Madison, a now-fourteen-year-old girl.

There was no telling what she would do, if she ever found him again.

As his heartbeat slowly regains control, Julian looks about him with growing concern, hoping that no one else had seen. He had slept on one of the park benches of Central Park tonight, his current residence of choice, covering his head and body with his parka not only to guard against the cold, but to cover up as much evidence of his youth as possible. Being not only homeless and young, but also gay, leaving yourself too publically visible was asking for trouble. Julian knew it was not safe to spend so much time out in the open, let alone to sleep there at night. But what other option did he have? He couldn’t stay at a shelter, for fear of being recognized, of someone discovering his identity and reporting him to the police. He certainly couldn’t go home, not when his own parents had instructed him never to return…and that was without knowing the worst of what he had done, what Madison had made him become.

Julian never felt safe, no matter where he was. But in Central Park, he at least was familiar with his surroundings, and there were a few people he sort of knew…the closest he could come to having friends. Duck, and Violet, and even Liselle, though Violet and Liselle both sort of scared him. He could think of no other option, nowhere else to go that would be better.

Reaching for his backpack and guitar case beside him, letting out another slow breath, he slipped on his backpack, then opened up the guitar case, beginning to retune it. In this sort of weather it needed retuned nearly every hour, sometimes more, and it was difficult to get people to give him money if he sounded bad. As he tuned the guitar, he looked up frequently, half expect Duck, Violet, Liselle, or one of the other occupants of the park to come by.

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As Susannah rinsed off a particularly long and sharp knife at the kitchen sink, being careful not to cut herself, she felt her father's hand on her backside, the touch quick, nervous, but deliberate…and with this sensation, and the knife still held in her hand, she reacted without further thought.

Whipping around to face Harry, the knife still clinched tightly in her fist, Susannah brought its point to her father's throat, tightly seizing his shoulder with her other hand, and her dark eyes bore into his with deadly serious intent as she spoke tersely, ignoring the gasps of her other family members.

"Do not EVER touch me again."

"Whoa…Suzy, whoa, now see here, there's no call for that!" Harry sputtered, going very still as his eyes darted between the knife at his throat and the apparent intent of his daughter to use it. "You just-"

"Say it," Susannah repeated, her expression not softening, her voice hissing, fierce, and the knife at her father's throat did not budge. "Say you will never touch me again…or I will kill you."

Her father swallowed, eyes focused on the knife, muscles tensed, and sweat began to bead on his forehead. Nearby Laurel and Isabella Pallis were watching in shock, mouths open, eyes wide, but Susannah paid them no attention. She had eyes only for her father's, and she did not let him pull away.

"Suzy, "he began again, his voice less steady than before. "Suzy, there's no need for this-"

"Say it," Susannah cut him off, hand tightening on his shoulder, the knife moving a fraction of an inch closer, nearly touching his throat. Behind her Laurel and Isabella finally found their voices.

"Susannah…Susannah, stop, no," her mother whispered, her hand drifting to cover her mouth, the baking goods forgotten. " Susannah, stop…"

"You're crazy, Suzy! Stop it!" Isabella yelled over her, her voice sharp and shrill. "Put that down, get away from him!"

"Say it," Susannah repeated, ignoring them all, disregarding any reply but that she was searching for as she continued to stare her father down. "Say it. Now."

"Suzy-" her father began, and it was the new cunning in this tone, his new attempt to turn around the situation, to manipulate her, that only heightened Susannah's anger. "Suzy, let's try to talk about this-"

She pricked him with the knife, just enough for the pain to be felt, for the first drop of blood to bead up on its blade, and her mother gasped, her sister screamed.

"Susannah, stop it, Susannah, you crazy *****!"

"Okay, okay, Suzy, just stop this, just calm down. ..we don't need to be like this. Just…just calm down…" Harry backed off hurriedly, his eyes shimmering with fear and what looked like submission…but still, something in his tone, in a quiet flicker of his eyes, did not lower her guard, and she did not move her knife away.

With good reason, it turned out. Less than a half minute after he spoke Harry roughly shot out his arm, attempting to strike Susannah in the solar plexus. But Susannah was ready, and even as he hit out at her, she slashed the knife across his throat, cutting deeply. Staring into her father's bulging, anguished eyes, almost relishing the feel of the hot, sticky blood dripping down her cheeks, soaking into her blouse and drying on her skin from the spray of the wound's opening, she ignored the guttural gurglings of his attempt to speak, stepping back from his grasping hand.

"My name, "she said softly, deliberately, "is not Suzy."

Rikarah is awake before dawn, as usual, for she never sleeps for more than four or five hours a night. She has discovered that she has little use for sleep, and if she functions well enough with limited exposure to it, then what will it harm for her to be awake more often, and able to be more productive, have more time to observe and learn from her surroundings…and more importantly, make money as she is able to?

It has only been a few days since she was able to secure her job at the dinky coffee shop a few blocks away, using the fake ID she was able to “bargain,” or rather, blackmail, herself into receiving. Completely falsified records of address, social security, and ID now name her as her own chosen persona, Rikarah Eve Pallaton, and she has every intention of making certain she is not discovered to be otherwise. Of course, it is not as though anyone were likely looking for her, for who would suspect docile, 97 pound Susannah Pallis of the nature of crimes that she had committed? No, though Rikarah rarely watches television, she can speculate that it was assumed at the time that she too had been murdered, or perhaps kidnapped. It is quite possible that if there are any news reports on her at all, it would be Amber Alerts rather than warrants for her arrest.

For that reason, it is best regardless to keep a low profile, and that is exactly what Rikarah has been doing over the past few months. She has not frequented shelters or subways, instead choosing to sleep in the fire escapes of alleys, a knife in her hand, where she is less likely to be noticed or bothered. It is true that if someone were to confront her, to recognize her, she could attempt to use what she thinks of as her “ability” to manipulate them, to convince them that she was in fact not the person for whom they were searching. It is possible that she could convince them to leave her be…and if that fails, it is of course an option to kill them.

But then, the best route is always avoidance, and this is Rikarah’s goal.

It is growing colder now, however, and Rikarah, with her lack of body fat, is concerned for how much longer she will be able to withstand the weather throughout the night. It is now, only hours before her shift at the coffee house, that she walks along the backstreets of her last night’s dwelling, searching for a new possibility.

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It is only a few blocks away that she finds it…a shutdown theater house, away from the main roads and traffic. It is weathered and worn, with peeling paint, broken windows, and a padlock on the front door. Graffiti lines the walls, and yet, Rikarah is intrigued by the possibilities. No running water or electricity, but she has flashlights, and she can make this, she is sure, into whatever she needs. Any people taking shelter here whom she has no use for…well, she can, if necessary, dispose of them.

Making her way to the largest of the windows, Rikarah tosses first her backpack through the window, then carefully eases herself through. It looks like she has found herself a home.

@Macal Cord @Legendless @amdreams @AlwaysChaos @xJobozx @Reviour @.:Vassel:.
The first few rays of dawn shined on the long forgotten stage of the abandoned theater house. Around the center of the platform stood 3 bronze incense burners, filling the room with a scent that brought feelings of the far east. In the very middle sat two youths, one boy, Cas, and one girl, Shira.

Shira's lapis lazuli eyes were unfocused in a sleepy daze. Her pale hair pooled on the wooden floor around her. Cas swung an onyx crystal before her. His jet black eyes stared into hers. He muttered some inaudible whispers before snapping his fingers.

Immediately, the life in her eyes came back as she looked around. "Huh? What am I doing here?"

Cas gave her a tight hug. Her skin was cold. It was always cold. During the summer, he would constantly cling to her like she was his own personal cooler. But as the days got colder, the chill in her body reminded him of, God forbid, a corpse. "Shira, you were daydreaming again. You're lucky you didn't walk off the stage."

The pale girl pushed her big brother away. "Don't treat me like a little kid. I'm 14 now." She then jumped off the stage and ran outside. Cas clutched his jacket when he thought about what she had been wearing: faded jean shorts, a tank top, a thin hoodie, and some converse sneakers. She never seemed to get cold except in a blizzard.

"Don't climb the roof again!" he shouted after her. "I swear you're a monkey!"

"Better a monkey,"
he heard her yell back, "than a princess!"

The black haired boy smiled. Even if she did berate him constantly, he was glad Shira was acting like a typical kid.

It was hard to believe that a mere two years ago, the siblings were complete strangers: Adrian Tian and Lucy Hargreaves. Memories of the horrors he witnessed came back. The things those kids, including Lucy, had to go through. And he was lucky enough to be spared from it, but at the expense of Lucy's sanity. To think, that he could be back home, sleeping in a warm bed with a loving family, instead of sleeping in a cold theater house in a city of strangers taking care of a girl he had no obligation to protect.

Sometimes he missed his old life and regretted helping the girl who saved his life. But now it was too late to turn back. Now they were Castiel and Shira Disraeli, two normal siblings recently orphaned and poor. But he was worried. The hypnotism sessions he had to do for her were become more numerous. At first, he only had to do it four times a year, now he had to do it each month so that Lucy could stay dead.

But he couldn't fully get rid of Lucy. The performer in Shira was always there, which was why they had chosen to stay in the theater house. Her love of heights was still present as well, which was always giving Cas heart attacks. When the two had first moved in, she insisted on sleeping in the catwalk. Luckily he persuaded her to keep an old dressing room instead.

Cas sighed. His new little sister was such a handful.

Shira had climbed up on the roof of the theater house and sat on the edge. She didn't know why but high places always calmed her down. Maybe it was the wind blowing in her face or maybe it seemed like she was too high for her problems. From her little perch, she saw a girl walk up to the theater house and go inside. Shira crept up to the edge above the window that the girl had used. She hung upside down and looked in. "Hey. Who are you?"

(Quick heads up. I have a college orientation on Wednesday, so I probably won't be posting that day.)
Xander DeSanto woke up around about the same time as his twin, of course he didn't know that because of their different rooms. He blinked in the lack of light, feeling the cold run shivers through his body. He glanced around the room from underneath his still too thin cover. His eyes raking over the broken down appearance, the never-working lights, the matted rug that must have once upon a time been clean and fresh, but now was so covered in stains that it's original colour was unidentifiable. Finally, his eyes dropped on his younger brother in the bed across, he dragged his eyes over his little brother's sleeping form, barely noticing the cold causing Xander to shiver, he was so used to it by now.

He sighed, knowing he would have to get up from the covers safety soon and get ready for the bleak day ahead, he knew, that as he did everyday, that he would try and get the electric fire to work with his power, and he would once again fail. Much like his younger brother, Xander was still not in complete control of his power, nor had he developed it yet to the point of no-contact. He'd also have to wander the streets, playing the guitar and pick-pocketing to get money to buy food for his younger family members, he felt completely responsible for their safety - being the 'oldest' and the man of the family now.

He sighed, knowing he couldn't put it off any longer as he got out of bed with a sharp, quick yet silent move. Landing on the floor as the full impact of the cold hit him and he shuddered. It wasn't even November, but yet the cold felt like the snowest December day. What would they do when December actually came? Would they freeze to death or would they have found some way of keeping warm by then? He wouldn't trust Kyle to start any fires to keep them warm, not after what happened to darling Alice and Christina. He pushed away any thoughts of Alice as he wrapped his arms around himself in a desperate attempt to keep himself warm.

Xander heads to the small bathroom that - much like his sisters' - he and Kyle share. He doesn't really bother to glance in the mirror, not caring how he looks, although considering the circumstances, he looks pretty alright. The only noticeable sign of his troubles being the bags under his eyes, but even those are not incredibly prominent. He does cup his hands in the bucket of quickly disapearring water splashing his face infront of the sink to wake himself up and clean his face. He leaves enough in the bucket for Kyle to do the same before drying his face with his top and exiting the bathroom. He grabs his black hooded jumper, tugging it on as he walks to the storage room, obviously thinking he was the first awake and therefore his job to grab the food.

Upon entering, and seeing his twin sister already there, about to grab some breakfast for them, he offers her a warm grin, walking over to help, "Great twins think alike, eh sis?" He is ready to take anything heavy she throws in his direction, as he is every day.

(I'll post for my other two characters later on once more people have posted :D )
(Ah got bored, gonna post this small tibit, don't bother reading it if you don't want to, it's just two of my characters interacting)

In the early hours of the cold bitter morning, two girls walked side by side. The smaller one looked to be about five, six maybe and she clung to the older's girls hand like her life depended on it, a bright smile on her face as her feet moved in a skipping pattern, her long ginger hair swung at her lower back as her innocent sky blue eyes searched the approaching area curiously. She shook back her hair and looked up at the older girl, her voice young and sweet, "Where are we going Blue?"

The older girl looked down at eager child before her, rolling her sea blue eyes as she turned back to look in the direction they were heading, her long chocolate waves of brown hair falling loosely down her own back, only reaching just below her shoulder blades. "I don't know yet Abi. We need to find a place to stay, sleeping in random abandoned houses just isn't working anymore."

Terabithia frowned up at the blue-eyed, brown-haired girl, "Why not Blue? I like it, because we snuggle up and keep warm together." Natalia chuckled at this, noticing some sort of broken looking theatre far in the distance, she smirked, "We need somewhere more permanent Abi, we'd still stick close together though." Terabithia grinned up at Natalia, tugging on her arm, "You like me don't you Blue? When we first met, you told me you wouldn't, but you do don't you?" Natalia gave the younger girl a scorning look as she headed for the theatre, still too far away to be spotted, "Yeah whatever kid, think what you wanna think." Terabithia grinned to herself as they fell into a comfortable silence, the sound of their footsteps and birds tweeting being the only thing in the early morning that surrounded them on their journey.
Christina or just Chris as she preferred to be called heard her sister leave the room as she woke up slowly. She moved in her bed, shivering a little and sighing. She wished it was warmed. Winter would be hell. If Kyle...

No. Chris would prefer if her youngest sibling never used his power ever again. Or that she would never be there when he did so. She didn't hate Kyle nor distrust him. It was the power he had that scared her, that she despise. It had taken not only her sight away from her, scarring her face, it also took the only sibling she was close to, Alice. Kyle's power was too dangerous for the boy to handle. She wanted him to learn to control it, but she could barely stand to be around fire now. If the fire took her sight, if left behind the memories of her past. She could still here her sister Alice cry out in pain as the fire consumed her. Hearing her own scream as she tried to stop Kyle and suffered for it.

Chris shut her eyes tightly, preferring to keep them shut. She could half open them, but few could stand to be around her, seeing her like that. Besides it was not like it mattered. Open, closed. She could no longer see.

Well that was not true. When her sight left her, she gained her own power. Echolocation. As she moved, the world around her set out movements, allowing her to see in a way. She could not tell details. People and objects were just blobs in some form. But she could tell most else. When she first gained it, it made her throw up. It was all too much for her to process at first. But over time she learned how to use to her advantage. She could even ignore it sometimes, making herself blind. She rarely did so.

She could tell Kat had left the room and she heard Xander, her older brother. So Kyle was still asleep. She sighed again, facing the ceiling, wondering if she too should get out of bed. Maybe not yet.


Jillian stretched, staring up at the falling apart ceiling. He closed his eyes as if doing so would place him back on his own bed and not the stiff and unpleasant cot. But no. Jillian was still laying on it. He was still in the homeless shelter.

Jillian sat up, hearing the noises of the others around him. He smelled food. His stomach grumbled and he sighed. The food was terrible here, but at least it was something. He looked at his watch. He started a new job today in four hours. He had time before he had to go. Eating would be good and then trying to look presentable. At least this place didn't care about his hair or that he might use the woman's toliet. Not that they looked like they really believed he was a boy. He wasn't sure if he believed it either. But that was something to think on later. For now food.

Jillian checked himself in a small, dirty mirror. He looked fine today. Dirty and ragged, but okay. His hair was a mess as well, but he could fix it later. He didn't need to look all prettied up yet.

Jillian moved through the shelter, passing by a few people. He didn't see Lionel around and wondered if he had gone somewhere or was still asleep. Maybe he was in the small eating area. He wasn't sure. As he walked into it, he didn't see him. Sleeping was likely. He got a bowl of what appeared to be oatmeal.

"How you doing doll," one of the workers said. She was a middle age woman with a bad perm, her blonde hair long as well. She always called him doll, seeing him as a girl. Jillian didn't care. Girl, boy. He was more boy than girl at the moment. But until he could be clear about which one he really was, he didn't care how others saw him. Not anymore anyways.

"Hey Martha."

"You eat up now. It's okay this morning," she said, laughing a little at the inside joke.


"No problem doll."
Rikarah gives a slight start, not frightened, exactly, but merely startled by the voice sounding from so seemingly near her. She had not expected another to be in the theater, though it was, of course, a possibility; any abandoned building was undoubtedly home to others, at least on an occasional basis, in an area such as this, with such an extensive population of the homeless. But this voice sounds young, and more brightly curious than threatening, and as Rikarah turns, looking about herself, she sees no one. It is not until she turns again and sees the upside down face in the window that she realizes the voice's source.

Blinking, then giving a slight startled laugh, Rikarah smiles quickly at the person still regarding her from her upside-down position. It is indeed a girl, perhaps fourteen years old, with light blonde hair and arresting blue eyes. She appears to be hanging upside down from the roof, and Rikarah cannot for the life of her imagine how she's managing to hold on.

The girl appears non threatening, but Rikarah is prepared to reach for the knife, always concealed at her wrist beneath her sleeve, or to attempt to mentally command her if she proves otherwise.

"I am Rikarah," she replies simply. "Who are you? Do you stay here?"


Katarina smiled back at Xander, partly forced, partly genuine as she nodded in greeting to him. It was easiest to be with Xander, compared to her other siblings. Xander was not one she worried about, at least, not as much as Chris and Kyle, and Xander did not make her feel nearly as guilty either. Not to say that he didn't at all. She knew he was always concerned about her, that he wasn't exactly thrilled about some of her less-than-well-adjusted behaviors and decisions. Even as she smiled at him now she subconsciously circled her bruised wrist with her other hand, as though to make sure her jacket sleeve remained securely over it, hiding it from view. That was one thing she could be glad about, with long as her face was okay, it wasn't like there was as much of a chance for people to see anything she didn't want them to.

"I bet you don't even sleep at all," she says to him as she hands him a box of Pop-Tarts- with four packs, they should each get one. Retrieving the bottle of Sunny Delight- though it was cold outside, they couldn't risk keeping cold items like milk or orange juice sitting out, and could only drink beverages that didn't need refrigerated- she gathered four styrofoam cups, as stolen from the closest gas station, as well before glancing over at him.

"Kyle up yet? Chris wasn't when I left."

She hesitated, then added, "I was thinking. We'll need to work something out soon...I mean, Kyle doesn't get really cold, but the rest of us...if we could get electric blankets somehow...I know we don't have power, but you think you could..."

Shaking her head, she dismissed the idea as soon as it occurred. "No, with our luck, that would just screw up the wiring, and then there'd be another fi-"

She cut herself off, not wanting to even say the word, and looked away, deliberately squeezing her bruised wrist hard enough for pain to spike through. How was it that months later, she could still find the words on the tip of her tongue, that it seemed like that day was always there in the forefront of their minds?
Shira blinked a few ties as she tried to study the stranger. She was . . . small and thin. The dark haired girl was probably shorter than Shira, but there was a look to her eyes that showed . . . experience. She was rather pretty. This girl reminded Shira of a fairy, the mischievous little buggers who lured you into traps and stole your children. She then heard the stranger speak up. "Rikarah" was her name. It was pretty and had a strange almost foreign ring to it. The name only seemed to reenforce Shira's fairy theory.

While thinking of how to respond to the fairy, Shira's hand slipped from the window frame and she fell. Fortunately, she was ably to flip around and land on her butt. It still hurt though. She stood up and brushed any excess dirt off of her. She placed her hands behind her as she addressed Rikarah. She wasn't going to leave any opening for the fairy to steal her away.

"My name is Shira and I live here with my brother. What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, Cas' voice could be heard from down the hall. "Shira! I heard a thump. Were you on the roof again?!" He stumbled into view of Rikarah and Shira. His body tensed up when he saw the stranger inside. He bit his lip and looked around. There were some loose boards that had been used to cover up the windows from before. But they were a good distance away and on the other side of the dark haired girl. Why didn't he keep a weapon on him at all times?

Still, he stood his ground. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I already asked her that, Cas. Way to be original."
She then stuck her tongue out at him.
Liselle almost fell out of the tree she had taken to use for the night. Trees weren't terribly comfortable beds, but it beat sleeping on the ground. Besides barely anyone noticed her up in them during the night. It was safer this way. Liselle had to put up with it anyways. She made the mistakes that she did. Her parents were right to kick her out after what happened to Lys.


It hurt to think of her younger brother. He was so smart. He could of done so much when he got older. Liselle was the one who should of died that night. She was the one who had dragged him there and then lost sight of him. She had killed her brother, even if she wasn't the one behind the wheel. It was her fault.

She dropped from the tree after looking around. She saw a few people, but no one noticed her descending. Or at least not that she could see. She looked around and took a seat on a nearby bench, waiting for someone nice to pass by and tell her what time it was. She saw Julian farther down the park and decided to say hi. She didn't really know too much about the others who stayed here. When she first arrived, not sure where to go, but tired, she was surprised to find she was not the only one who stayed here. She always said she would go, but so far she had not left the place.

"Getting ready to play," Liselle said as she got closer, nodding at the younger boy.
(I'm gonna introduce Terabithia and Natalia to Rikarah, Shira and Cas once the three of them have properly met and stuff, otherwise it'd be too much xD )

Xander flashed his signature cheeky grin at his sister as she spoke of him never sleeping and loaded his arms with pop-tarts. "Hey, I sleep! It's just that our twin senses are so in tune that we wake up at the same time." He watched as she got the bottle of Sunny D - what used to be his favourite drink before it became an almost daily nutrient in his life, now he was sick of it - and asked about Kyle. He chuckled lightly, "Nah, he's still snoring his little head off. Had to make sure I didn't wake him when I left."

He then fell silent as she carried on speaking, obviously knowing she was talking about the cold and what they were going to do. But then she shook her head and dismissed the idea immediently, her trail of words slowly heading to the one event that ruined their lives, the one memory that none of them could even think about thinking of, let alone talk about it.

The fire. Christina's blinding. Little Alice's early death.

No...of course Rina couldn't speak the word that brought back the memories. He didn't expect her to either. He did, however, notice her pressing on her wrist, hard, as if there was something there. He frowned and grabbed her wrist gently, managing to pull up the sleeve enough to see the bruise before she could snatch her hand away. His brow furrowed further and he looked up to her face, searching, "Rina? What the heck happened?" His tone was soft but also with a hint of anger underneath, but it wasn't directed at her, more like he was furious at whoever had hurt her.
*Slowly opening my eyes the first thing I see is the dingy ceiling, slowly I sit up rubbing my eyes and look around, I would love to go back sleep except when I close my eyes I can see that night again, the night I lost our home and blinded my sister and cost my baby sister her life. I roll out of bed and walk towards the bathroom, don't know why I bother since we have no running water I can only splash some water from one of the jugs we keep in there, I guess if I really need to wash up I can sneak into the school and use the showers but I'd take a chance of getting caught and turned into the police and they would give me back to our parents who would then try to force me to give up my brother and sisters and I've hurt them enough again this is my fault we're out on our own, my fault none of will graduate from high school and none of us will ever have a normal life, all because of this power I was cursed with.

Somedays I don't even want to face any of them I'm afraid at any time they're turn on me and tell me how much they hate me for ruining their lives that I killed our little sister and it should have been me that died. That all we had to do is keep our heads down and live with the abuse a little longer and then we could have gone away and never deal with them again after we graduated..I've costed us everything but I didn't asked to be cursed like this, I was a good kid so why was I being punished and given this power? After I wash up I just sit on the edge of my bed and stare out the window, until it's time for me to go do my job..My job it disgust me to think that this is all I'm good for. A spotter for a disgusting drug dealer who pays me pennies compared to what he makes, but what else am I good for? Anyway I just sit on my bed quietly, I rarely talk to anyone unless I'm being asked something but rather do I engage in idle conversation. What am I suppose to say? Sorry I ruined our lives, I know that would get old hearing it over and over but I don't know what else to say to them so I guess it's better not to say anything.*
Rikarah turned her head to regard the new person joining her and the younger girl, tilting her head slightly as she studies him. He appears older than the girl, approximately Rikarah's own age, though she herself does not appear to be seventeen to many. He is Asian, attractive, and Rikarah notes that although the other girl-Shira- had called him her brother, they clearly do not appear genetically related. She wonders if perhaps they are adopted, or only call themselves related by name rather than by blood.

Whatever the case, they appear to be staying here, and it will do her well to make nice with them.

"I am Rikarah," she says with a slight smile, nodding acknowledgment to the boy. "I was attempting to come inside to make a place for myself here. I don't suppose there is room enough to share?"

Looking to Shira again, she adds casually, "I must say I do not see the family resemblance."


Julian startled as a voice spoke to him from above, gasping aloud and jerking his head up, eyes darting. His hand slipped on his guitar, plucking a string so harshly he winced, and as his heart is pounding, his shoulders hunching defensively and instinctively, prepared to flee.

When he sees that it is only Liselle standing nearby, he lets out a slow breath, somewhat relieved, but his heartbeat does not immediately slow. As color rises to his cheeks, he lowers his head, biting his lip, and begins to renew his attempts to retune the guitar.

“Um…yeah…it’s, um, it’s hard when it’s this cold. To tune it. The strings.”

Katarina had stiffened immediately when Xander grabbed her wrist, not so much from the pain it brought as he pressed his fingers against the purple flesh, as because of her flash of panic at the knowledge that he might see. As he pushed up her sleeve, gently holding the swollen circle of her wrist, Katarina’s cheeks paled, her jaw tightening, and she pulled away, immediately yanking the sleeve down and setting down what she was carrying as she stepped back, crossing her arms tightly across her chest and averting her face.

It was stupid, what she did, she knew. It didn’t make any sense to think about it or tell anyone about it, and there was no way any of them would understand what she did. Other people hurt her, whether physically or emotionally, and she felt afterward like she had to hurt herself too? It was stupid, it was f*cked up, was what it was, and knowing Xander, he would draw some sort of dumb parallels to how their parents had hurt them and how was it any better for her to control how she was hurt or anything like that. It wasn’t like Katarina hadn’t thought about any of that herself. She might not be a genius, she might even be the stupidest of them all, but that didn’t mean she didn’t think at all.

She thought too damn much…that was the problem.

“No one did that, if that’s what you’re asking,” she said tightly, refusing to look her brother in the eye. “So don’t go around knocking heads together and getting yourself in trouble over nothing. It’s just…” she swallowed, her eyes steadily trained away before she could answer. “Something I do sometimes. It’s no big deal.”

No way was she letting him see the ones she /hadn’t/ done to herself, and she was thankful at the moment those were up much higher on her arms.
Lionel closed his eyes the moment they opened. He didn't want to be awake right now. But he knew he better get up soon. He shouldn't sleep around all day after all. The young boy yawned as he got up, looking around. Jillian wasn't in the small room, a few others still in it. Some were asleep, a couple talking to each other. Lionel felt suddenly alone and he looked down at the ground.

Lionel moved silently throughout the shelter, looking for some food before deciding what he could do today. He saw Jillian and waved, joining him at his table, once he had retrieved his own food. Lionel was one of the few who called Jillian a boy. Jillian's whole dilemna about his gender confused the young boy but he accepted Jillian for whatever he was. After all, Jillian was kind to him as so few were after he had run. He looked up to the man.

"Hey Jillian. I had another dream." Lionel didn't try and think much about his past or his family. But the dreams of the night when things went bad seemed to plague him most nights. When they first began Lionel would use his power by accident, floating things or moving cots a little. He wasn't sure if he still did it now or if anyone really noticed. Lionel preferred not to discuss what he could do, afraid if he spoke of it, he would use it. And he never wanted to use it again if he could help it.

"You got a job today?"
Xander watched his sister silently as she looked away, closing in on herself by crossing her arms securely. He opened his mouth to ask her who had done that to her, who had hurt her. Because he sure as heck wouldn't let anyone get away with hurting his sister.

If only he knew.

But then Rina opened her own mouth and told him that no-one else had hurt her. She had hurt herself. He noticed how she avoided eye contact and he sighed. "No big deal? Rina, hurting yourself is a big deal." His tone wasn't mad, more convincing. "I get how you might see it as some sort of control, what with us being homeless and after what happened back at home, we don't have much control. But hurting yourself isn't the right way to go. Sure right now it's only a bruise on your wrist, but what if that's not enough in a month? What if you start actually cutting instead? People do it Rina, and I don't want you to be one of them." He tried to make eye contact as he spoke.

(Sorry, lack of muse)
Cas sized up this new girl, Rikarah. She seemed harmless enough, but the boy knew better than to judge a book by its cover. This girl could be dangerous. His eyes widened at Rikarah's last comment. His fists tightened as he glared at the dark haired girl. He had a strong urge to kick her out right then.

Shira's hypnotism was very fragile and could be easily broken at the slightest provocation. He glanced over at his pale haired sister who seemed to be much calmer than he was. She cocked her head to side slightly and then vaulted over the window sill. Landing on her feet with a clear thump, she ran to Cas' side and then spun around. On her left thigh, about an inch below the hem of her shorts, a burn scar, the shape of a Fleur-de-lis, was clearly visible against her pale skin. A scar that Cas had convinced her came from a kitchen mishap.

"We get that a lot," she said. Shira took one of Cas's hands in her own and unfurled his fingers. The rough, slightly tanned skin was a sharp contrast against her own. "Cas takes after our father while I, my mom. Personally, I don't see much of a difference but that maybe because I grew up with this princess." She fiddled with her brother's fairly long black hair, which had been tied in a low ponytail.

Cas looked at Rikarah again. He knew that she didn't know what she almost started with her comment, but it was too much of a risk to have her there. "I'm sorry but we don-"

"There's plenty of room here for another person or two,"
Shira interrupted. "And if there isn't, I could always sleep on the roof or catwalk."

"Aha. No."
Cas brushed Shira's hands away. "We don't know this girl. Why are you inviting her to live with us?"

The blonde girl crossed her arms and walked over to Rikarah and then stood next to her. Cas could see now that the new girl stood at a height around 2 inches shorter than his sister. "You really want to put her back on the street?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

Cas sighed and looked at Rikarah once more. She had a very small frame and pixie-like features. She seemed almost fragile or delicate, like a little girl. He really didn't want her to go back to the streets. He knew they were dangerous, especially for girls. After thinking a bit, he sighed and said, "Fine. You can stay. There are a few more rooms you can use as yours." He looked to Shira. "You're not sleeping on the catwalk."

Shira rolled her eyes and then turned to Rikarah. She didn't smile but her voice still held a bit of a happy tone. "Welcome to our humble abode. It'll be nice to have another girl the same age as me. What are you? 13? 14?"
Katarina's lips thinned, and she shrugged again, her voice slightly louder now, irritable as she replies, her hands tightening around her arms. "I don't CUT myself, Xander, sh*t, I'm not some stupid emo kid. It's a friggin' bruise, it's not a big deal. Leave it."

But even as she speaks she finds herself thinking with some unease of the last time, before this one, only a few days ago, of the way she had deliberately dragged her inner arm back and forth against the broken wood frame of her bedroom's headboard, when Christina was in the bathroom, the way she sometimes sat in the tub and methodically hit her wrist against the metal faucet head until it bruised and swelled, as it was now. She thought of the way she deliberately tore at her cuticles until they bled, the way she sometimes pinched herself repeatedly where her clothes would cover, the way any nail that stuck out from a building or piece of furniture, anything broken or sharp, rough or uneven, drew her attention to it repeatedly, at times, until she couldn't seem to keep herself from hitting or scraping herself against it.

That was not cutting. Katarina could never bring herself to actually take a sharp object and cut herself with would be so cliched and embarrassing. Her method was such that she could almost convince herself it was an accident.

But the way Xander was looking at her, the concern in his tone, over this, this one single bruise, not even having a clue about the circumstances revolving around it, was almost as mortifying.

Katarina shook her head again, then picked up the items she had set down. "There's a lot more to worry about than a freaking bruise."


Rikarah continued to observe the boy and Shira carefully as they spoke, noticing that the boy- Cas, Shira had called him- seemed much more defensive than she, and perhaps angry at her presence. Or was it her words? His expression, the tone to his voice, seemed to indicate as Shira spoke that he did not believe what the younger girl was saying, or perhaps that he did not want her to explain. Shira, however, appeared to her to be guileless, and Rikarah thought about this discrepancy to herself, toying with the idea of attempting to penetrate their thoughts, before disregarding the idea. It would not be advisable to play with them at so early a stage, with so little known.

She smiles when Shira convinces Cas to allow her to stay. It appears that the two will be interesting, and perhaps if she does not pry too openly, they will not pry with her. She doubts very much that anyone living as they do does not have a secret every bit as carefully guarded as her own.

"I'm seventeen, actually," she tells Shira in response to her question. "I suppose I must have an ancestor somewhere back in time who was a leprechaun or a fairy, the way I have turned out. Or perhaps a troll." She rolls her eyes playfully before looking to Cas. "And you are Cas? Thank you for the offer of allowing me to stay. I will not be any trouble."

That is, unless trouble is brought her way. But she sees no reason to clarify.
Xander frowned at his sister as she spoke, becoming irritated. He knew she probably would, Rina was easily annoyed or provoked. He opened his mouth to protest, but then she told him to leave it and he knew, as strange as it was, that she was right.

They were four siblings living in a broken, abandoned motel with a dead sibling and abusive parents in their history. Not to mention one of them was blind and the other had an unpredictable power. They needed to stick together. Katarina was correct, they had a lot more to worry about.

He sighed, shifting the box he was carrying slightly to balance it's weight, "You're right." He admitted quietly, "We do." Then, as if they hadn't just almost had an argument, he flashed her a grin and began to carry the box out of the storage room, "I'm going to try that fire again today, I know it never works, but 100th times the charm right?" He didn't know how many times he had tried exactly, but he guessed it was about a hundred times, it felt like it.

(Could Rikarah, Shira and Cas move to a different location in the Theatre House? I want Blue and Abi to get inside the building first and then stumble into them xD )
(sure, Amdreams, you can direct her inside)

Katarina eyed Xander for a moment, suspicious at first that he hasn't fully backed down, that he will suddenly blindside her with another comment, or worse, try to take off her jacket entirely when she least expects it. But when he moves on, commenting about setting the fire, attempting to lighten the mood, she relaxes slightly.

She is right, she knows she is. The stupid things she does are nothing compared to matters of survival. is it that just him knowing, just him looking at her like she's screwing up all over again makes her want to go bruise up her other wrist too?

Katarina forces a quick smile at him and nods. "Yeah...I guess." Sighing, opens the door, nodding with her head towards outside. "My room or yours today? They're both probably up now, but you know them. Not getting out of bed until the last second."
Xander notices how her smile is forced and mentally frowns. He knows Rina well, well enough to tell when she is faking and when she's not. He brushes it away as the almost argument they just had and grins at her, walking past her as she holds the door open.

He glances back over his shoulder, "I'll grab Kyle once I've dropped this off at your room and bring him to yours, it'll be easier for Chris if we eat in yours today." His mood darkens for a moment, thinking of the reason why it would be easier. Christina's lack of vision. A constant reminder of the fire and how it effected them.

Before Katarina could pick up on his sudden depression, he chuckles lightly, "Yeah, they're probably up. Don't blame them though for staying in bed, at least the covers give some sort of warmth." He then makes sure she is walking beside him before he begins to head to her room, not wanting her to get left behind as he slows down deliberately for her.
Katarina gives Xander a real smile as he waits for her now, keeping pace with him, and even lightly nudges his shoulder with hers before parting ways to stop before her and Christina's bedroom door. She has to give him that, Xander is a good brother to her- in her opinion, the best of them all. He doesn't usually push things too hard, and he's always careful to try and make sure she's okay. Even if that isn't always exactly within his ability, she appreciates how hard he tries. She tries in her way to reciprocate, to look out for him too, but somehow it always seems that Xander is the one who ends up ahead of her in that regard. He always talked about his being the firstborn, teasing...there could be some truth to it, she guessed, stupid as it seemed.

Shifting her box to one hip, she opened the door, the locks broken by them long before, and walked inside her room with Christina, setting it on the edge of Chris's bed as she addressed her. It was hard for her to tell if her sister was awake, just looking at her.

"Chris, breakfast. Xander and Kyle will be here in a minute."
The jaws of both siblings dropped when Rikarah revealed her actual age. She was older than both of them but also shorter. Shira reached up and gently brushed Rikarah's face with her fingertips. "A fairy . . ."

Cas looked at their new room mate and nodded. "Yeah, short for Castiel." He smiled at her but was still a bit on guard. Motioning toward the hallway from which he came, he said, "Follow me. I'll show you what available rooms we have." As he led her around the place, he pointed out the closet where the siblings kept their food and supplies and the room where they slept (For now I'm going to have them share a room to make sure there are rooms for everyone. I have no idea how many rooms are in a theater.). And he pointed out a couple of empty rooms Rikarah could claim.

Shira followed in silence. Her steps were light and had a bit of jump to them. She was excited to have a big sister figure nearby, even if the big sister was smaller than her.

(Faith, you can choose what the rest of the place is like. I feel a bit lazy now. =_=)
Xander grins back at his sister as she jostles him before going to hers and Chris's room. He then makes his own way to his and Kyle's room. Pushing open the door and setting down the box before grinning over at the bed in which his younger brother lay.

He ran over and leapt onto the bed, probably squashing his brother as he bounced on the bed slightly, "Wake up sleepy head!" He ruffled Kyle's hair before stopping and grinning, shifting so that he was sitting beside Kyle's sleeping form rather than ontop of it. "We gotta go to Rina and Chris's room for breakfast today. So if you wanna wash your face or something, do it now kiddo." He waited for Kyle to respond, still sitting on his bed, bouncing slightly.

He wondered how he was so peppy in the morning, but he was pretty sure he already knew. Someone in this family had to be peppy, if they all walked around with their heads in the sand then they'd get no-one. If he didn't brighten the mood most times, who would?

([MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION])
Rikarah smiles back at Shira, holding still with some amusement as the younger girl touches her face. She cannot remember when she was last around someone younger than herself for long enough to have a conversation, and this girl in particular appears to be interesting. For a girl of her age, and in her current living circumstances, to be so cheerful is something that Rikarah cannot quite understand, but she supposes that in due time, she will see what spurs the girl to be optimistic. It appears genuine rather than feigned.

As she follows Cas and Shira into the theater house, Rikarah takes her time looking around, assessing her possibilities. Although the building is old and shabbily kept, there is space enough for her to be able to keep to herself, if necessary. When one first walks into the lobby, the main double doors lead into the theater, or so Rikarah assumes. Walking forward to look inside them, she eyes the main theater, taking in the faded and dusty velvet seats leading up to the stage, the balcony overhead the back, and the side balconies, all with wooden railings, elaborately carved. As she backs out of the theater entrance, going down the small hallway to its left, she sees the men's and women's restrooms, which she assumes to be currently out of order, and several small rooms marked as dressing rooms, prop rooms, and costume rooms, as well as one marked as a kitchen. Choosing the second costume room, as she figures that she will never be without a wardrobe with this nearby, Rikarah smiles briefly at the others.

"Here will be fine. Thank you."

(btw, I actually think of Katarina as more of a how about Chris and Kyle call her Kat, when they don't call her Katarina, but Xander, as her twin, calls her Rina as something just he does?)
I've been up for awhile I was just sitting here trying to motivate myself enough to go out, why are you so full of energy, what the heck is there to be so excited about?*My stomach starts to growl* And don't do that to my hair I'm not a little kid you know? *Jumps off the bed quickly shoving my hands in my pockets out of an insecure fear that just waving my hands the wrong way will start another fire* Lets go I'm starving, I just hope it's not McDonald's again I'm getting sick of that junk, I miss having mom's pancakes.
(Okay, sounds good, so should Xander say Kat when he's talking to Chris/Kyle about Katarina instead? And only call her Rina when he's directly talking to her?)

Xander grinned at Kyle, jumping off of his bed as he got up. "I'm exicted 'cause we're not having McDonalds again!" He swept up the box of pop-tarts easily, looking to his younger brother again, "Plus, someone's gotta have some pep around here otherwise we'd all be in depressed ville" Xander opened the door for his brother, waiting until he had passed before following Kyle to their sister's bedroom, "Awww, you'll always be a little kid to me bro."

Natalia and Terabithia stopped infront of the huge theatre house, Terabithia's eyes lighting up as she dropped Natalia's hand and ran over, touching the brick wall to check that it was real. She spun back to look at Natalia, an excited smile on her face, "Blue! Are we gonna stay here and dress up in costumes and do plays?" Natalia rolled her eyes, "We MIGHT be staying here, and there is no way I will be putting on ANY plays with you Abi." Terabithia simply grinned at Natalia as she watched her clamber into the theatre house via window, her eyes sparkling with knowledge.

After Natalia had lifted Terabithia into the theatre she grabbed her hand and began to lead her around slowly, keeping an eye out for any people they may be staying here already. Terabithia, blissfully aware of what Natalia was doing chattered away anyway, "You will put on a play with me, won't you Blue?" "Sssh Abi." "We don't need to be quiet Blue, if anyone is here you'll just get rid of them anyway." Natalia rolled her eyes, "Sure, but we still need to be quiet anyway, just in case." Terabithia shrugged, but kept silent as she skipped happily beside Natalia, unaware that they were only a corner away - and at hearing distance - from running into Shira, Cas and Rikarah.
Liselle nodded and looked around. Few people were in the park. Mostly joggers or cyclists. Liselle blew back hair that had landed on her face as she shifted. She rarely interacted with her fellow park inhabitants. She felt it was better to keep to herself. It was harder dealing with the ones like Julian. He reminded her of her brother in a way. Not completely. Lys had such a bright and open face, his red hair short and messy.

Liselle swallowed pushing thoughts of her brother away.

"I wish you luck today," she said, trying to sound cheery, but probably not succeeding. She licked her lips and looked around. She needed to figure out the time.


Chris could hear her siblings moving around, talking, faintly. She wished she could just descend back into slumber. At least there she could see things in detail and color. She sometimes hated the way she "saw" now. She heard Kat walking towards the room and sighed. She was going to have to get up. She waited until Kat was in the room and trying to wake her.

Chris shifted, sitting up. She nodded at Kat's words.

"Okay," she said softly. She didn't say anything else, adjusting herself so that she could get ready to eat. She sighed a little and moved some of her hair back, a habit more than a need. She brushed her scars, but the feeling of them no longer had the same effect as they once did. No one talked about Chris's state when they left, how she had almost shut down completely before recovering in a manner. She would flinch or let out a hiss when she would touch them before, but she couldn't help but touch them sometimes. They both interested and disgusted her.

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