[Castles Made of Sand] Castles Made of Sand Discussion

Okay, so let's break this down a bit by conflict. So, Diamond, you're trying to keep it's attention with attacks and lead it out of town, yes?

Masaru, Bao, Salvator, and Cadence, are you all going to confront it head on?

And then Arjun, you're attempting to sound the alarm and get more people to safety?
This will help reestablish after leaving you guys dangling and also allow us to determine simple ways to resolve these with rolls. Squeeze more drama with fewer rolls, as it were.
Cadence is going to do what was asked of her. She'll team up with masaru and whomever to fight this thing.
Absolutely. Masaru's ready to lay down his life to protect what's left of this town.

Captain Hesperus
I ask because, below is one of my favorite rules from Burning Wheel. I think we might employ it for a few of these conflicts.

Let it Ride
One of the more important rules is the Let it Ride rule. It means that the result of any roll counts. There are no retries, unless the intent or goal of the task changes. This is both for the sake of the player (the GM can not make you repeat a task until it fails) and for a good speed of play.
Some of these rolls I don't think we'll need to roll more than once and can employ this rule. You'll either pass or fail (with varying degrees) and then we'll narrate what happens. Keep in mind, when I have you roll this, it's conflict-based not task-based. (I'm not really intending to use it for combat. It just works for the below examples.)



ST: He looks like he's charging at you, what do you do?

Player: I'm going to try to hit him with my sword.

ST: Okay, roll it.

Player: 7 successes.

ST: You hit, roll damage.


ST: He looks like he's charging at you, what do you do?

Player: I'll engage him in combat using my sword. I don't want to kill him, just incapacitate him.

ST: Okay, if you fail the roll, he's going to knock you off the wall onto the ground below. Roll it.

Player: 7 successes.

ST: Okay, you win the conflict. Narrate it. Tell me how the fight goes and how you win.

Player: Seeing my sword, he pulls his at the last minute. We clash and trade blows back and forth, steel on steel, dancing on the top of the wall. I feint, knock his sword from his hand, then put my blade to his throat.

(Both examples are over-simplified.)

I think this will work great for Arjun geting through the town safely, which he already rolled, and sounding the bell in the cathedral he's riding for. Also, for Diamond to lead this thing out of the village. Lastly, for any attempt to climb this creature or the like.

Ack sorry, I missed your last post, but I'm good with the conflict method, might speed up things greatly. So I say let's go for it.
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Ack sorry, I missed your last post, but I'm good with the conflict method, might speed up things greatly. So I say let's go for it.

No trouble. I haven't been exactly "present" lately.
MrSerious said:
for note Red Haze is presently affecting tygus, myself, Cadence and GiJen as all were present for the initial activation.

Will roll when I get home to my books

Awesome. Looking forward to it. Take you time.
So 7 successes total. Is that enough to get past ta' hardness? I'll probably be rolling Essence ping anyway as I expect that it will have huge soak.
The Die Roller can't seem to make up its mind. I rolled more success due to 10s, but less of any other number needed for a success. xD

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