Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

"What? I've been in the cave this whole time"...he looked down at himself "I sure don't remember this. Can you guys turn around so I can dress?" He waited for them to avert their eyes and then throws the blanket off putting his shirt and pants on. He looks at Hunter and Anna, "Well unless we have sincere liars on this island, its a weird possibility. But what sort of prankster can look like all of us?"
"I know I saw you." She said with a puzzled look before turning her head to the side so he could get back into his clothes. "I'm not a liar." She said softly, turning back to face him. "I know what I saw, but I know how you're feeling right now. I know I didn't seduce you, I was in the cave the entire time as well." She let out a soft sigh, thinking of a good, reasonable explanation to all this, but came up with nothing. "Maybe it's a shapeshifter." She said with a laugh. She wasn't being serious at all, there was no such things as shapeshifters, they were only apart of folklore and myth... Or were they?
Travis looked at her shaking his head "Shapeshifter?" it wasn't possible, it couldn't be. He pushed past the two of them and out into the daylight, looking at them and into the cave, he realized the fire was already dimming 'I'll have to set up another fire when I get back' he said. For the future though, he hoped he could save the fuel for the fire better. He looked back at Hunter and Anna "We're going to stick together for now on. We can't split up. The only reason we got tricked in the first place was we mistook SOMETHING for one of us. That can't happen if we're already together. C'mon, we have to find Rae before a fake Rae finds us" he walked off into the forest.
Hunter came back into the cave with a hand full of water. Gesturing for Anna to revoke his shirt from the gash in her arm, he poured the water on it to hopefully disinfect all that it could, and keep all the blood possible off his shirt. He helped to keep pressure on it so she wouldn't loose too much blood especially at their malnourished state. Hunts nearly fell over at Travis's accusation that he had hurt Anna, which he certainly did not, otherwise he'd be wearing his shirt! Luckily Anna fixed things up on his behalf.

"Hey, we're on a weird island that's never been mentioned before. We know nothing except we has water and berries. Who knows what crazy things are out there. Let's keep an open mind." he tried to sound optimistic. Then, turning to Travis he added, "I never knocked you unconcious, I covered you with the blanket though. We haven't had a problem with each other... Until today obviously, and I think it's important we stick together. All of us. We need to get off this island."

Hunter hoped he sounded confident, taking to Anna and Travis, but his mind raced with all the possibilities that he knew everyone else was thinking. Too much more insane activity and long days on this island and he was sure one day he'd just explode.
Anna was almost offended at how quickly Travis shrugged off her idea of what could be happening. Did he have a better idea? No, not at least one that she had told them. "Hey, if you have a better idea, I'm all ears." She said slightly annoyed. After Hunter finished talking she gave a small smile, glad to know that at least one person didn't think it was all that crazy. Honestly, it was a crazy idea to her as well, but as of right now, it was the only thing that made sense. Like Hunter said, they were on an island that as far as they knew, no one else knew about. New things were being discovered every single day. Why couldn't something like this not be real? After all, if they were real, they could easily shift into all sorts of things to avoid being seen.

Despite that, she agreed with Travis about staying together. It was the only true way of avoiding whatever this was. "The last time I saw him was by the place where you and... Hunter got into that fight." She said as she pushed herself off of the ground. Her arm was still covered in blood, along with the side of her shirt, but for the most part it had stopped bleeding and well it still hurt, the last thing Anna wanted was to be left here alone. "Hopefully he doesn't run into whatever I ran into."
He had been gone for maybe an hour, he was pretty calm now but that didn't mean he came up with anything. He was had by now gotten out of the little hole and was standing, he had put the word 'Rae' out of sticks in the hole, making sure that if he was lost that it was obvious where he went, not to mention to posts of wood leaning on eachother he kept putting up. He was going to head back but something caught the corner of his eye, it looked like it might have been some animal. Maybe he was in it's den so it was spying on him.

While looking in the general direction of what had suddenly moved out of his sight he mulled over what he had come up with. He had decided either we were going insane with some growing mental illness, or we had some type of doppelganger messing with us. He made sure to have a rational or made up answer just incase so he wouldn't be surprised if either was true. Most importantly he was calm now and had time to think without the constant flares of emotion scaring or confusing the wits out of him. Now if he could get his hands on the animal maybe they'd have food, it would be easier if they could sleep with at least a fed stomache.

[The creature watched him, and with great interest. This one had wandered just like the girl but he wasn't with the others when she returned to the cave. He was able to hurt the woman but she was strong willed if not a little terrified of the situations he was making them go through. But this one wasn't strong willed. He only watched the problems, always kept away from direct confrontations, he was a loner that needed to think because he was getting overwhelmed. He may not have had much progress seperating them but it looks like he was actually getting to someone.

Now he had to simply lure him away from those posts he made so he could get back. Make sure her was lost so the fun could begin. He had led him away by letting him see small parts or quick movements, picking the form of one of those common rabbit mammals that were more scarce in this area. He made sure he was noticed enough to get his hopes up about making sure he could be considered food, at least for now anyway. The cat and mouse went on for a good five minutes, he had to make it brief because this guy watched more then he acted. Now that they had enough distances to obscure his direction a little he

morphed into Rae himself, he had to make play wit his mind, make him crazier.

The others were suspiscious, but if Rae thought it was a malady of the mind then maybe he could keep one of them guessing. He picked an area that was swampier, water puddled into this area more firmly, everything was perfect. He whispered Rae's name in area's it was his own voice, meant to confuse him. Maybe even make him doubt his own sanity. He made sure to get him in the right directions before becoming an insect to watch him while not being noticed.]

(Rae is being lured into a swampland and is gonna start freaking out since he is slowly falling for the shapeshifters tricks, just unintentionally. Not controlling it right now, it only wanted him to get lost and freak him out by thinking he heard himself talking in these parts of the woods. Sorry for the length of the post. O.o )
Travis walked over to the barely living fire. He grabbed a stick with its end charred and with glowing embers, he blew on the end making the embers flare up slightly, he grabbed the lighter and flicked it on, making a flame jump out of its maw. The fire licked the tip of the branch and became a full roaring flame. "I have a feeling its going to be dark soon, if we're going to find Rae, we need some lighting." He stepped back into the forest and looked at his companions, "And if anything seems off about him, it's probably not him", He gestured for them to follow, "Oh yeah, and Hunter bring some berries, I don't think me and Anna have had anything to eat yet".

Travis looked out into the forest, still visible under the setting sun, it would be dark soon and that would be bad for Rae if he was out alone. It was dangerous for them as well but they were together so it wouldn't be quite as bad. Rae could be in real danger at this point, who knows if the 'shapeshifter' if it did exist, already had him.
Pulling a stick out of the fire, Hunter stood next to Travis at the mouth of the cave and looked into te forest that was slowly dimming in the evening light. "If we should stick together," he turned towards Anna, "Then you should come with us. Being alone in the cave is just as bad as being alone out there." Then, facing the same direction Travis was, he said to him "We should run for it, the berry bushes aren't far off. We can make it there for dinner and then back. Rae... I don't know what to do about Rae... Got any ideas? We should leave real soon." Hunter looked at the asking fire at the end of the stick he held, not menacingly but admirably. He wanted to light the whole island a flame to attract some human, some plane to get them off the island. He desperately wanted to go home, with his friends.
((Sorry guys! Been busy.))

Anna nodded slowly and followed after the other two. It was starting to grow dark, fast and she began to wonder if they'd even be able to find Rae. None of them actually had any idea how large this island was, for all they knew it could go on for miles. Part of her wondered if they should even go look for it. It wouldn't do any good if they had gotten lost as well, but Anna wasn't one to just abandoned people. Especially someone she had probably grown the closest to here. She doubted Rae would just leave her out there alone, and Anna wasn't about to do the same to him. They'd find him somehow.

"Which way should we go?" She asked as she pushed some vines out of her way. "I mean, he could be anywhere out here, I hope he's okay."
Rae sighed to himself, he was officially lost. When he had heard the whispers of himself it only fed his fears of insanity and he went after it. He had been gone awhile now, he didn't expect the others to look for him either. He thought they would bring it up, but ultimately they needed to get home, Travis could start fires, maybe they could do the bonfire like the people did in movies. While thinking he was sitting down leaning against a tree. This is where he finally lost track of where he had come from. He cursed to himself, he hated how he could break under pressure even though he could think alot. It just helped him realize there was a difference betweeen thinking about something and doing something.

He wasn't able to back track his actions very far, the land was swampy and made his recent movements easy to see. But eventually everything started to look the same and he finally got lost. It was getting dark and harder to see anyways, he doubted he would've made much more progress. He hadn't heard anything since he got lost but he did know one thing. There seemed to be mammals on the island, at least something that kept out of his sight directly. It was smart and fast, he knew small mammals mostly same when scared, except this one kept out of his sight and kept near him so well that it seemed unnatural. Usually a bunny would dart off or a squirrel climb a tree and be gone with it, but somehow he kept up with whatever was out here until he got very lost.

Rae was tired, he had been resting actually. He had stayed near the swamplands because the ground was softer and easier to dig in. He dug in and made four holes away from the tree so he wouldn't dig into too many thick roots. His fingers were a little irritated from the work as well as dirty from making the holes. The holes were in a pair of two each diagonally apart so he could fit a few smaller branches between them, the two pairs were spaced apart about as tall as he was. It wouldn't have taken too long if he had any supplies or a shovel but it did take a good hour to collect wood that was long enough or not too heavy for him. He had put logs into the holes and put the dirt back in to help keep them standing at least goot enough to hold for a little while so he could have small home. Stacking logs about three feet high is when he had began to feel the strain of using energy he didn't really have. Following up with leaning the rest of the logs ontop of the stacked ones to make a makeshift tent. He had been taking a break, planning on filling the makeshift tent with dried leaves of twigs for a dry cushion.

The energy it had taken had left him exhausted and sweaty, he was already very hungry aside from the water he was allowed to have back at the cave he no longer had access to. Instead of doing anything else he draped his cloak over the inside and laid on it as a bed and rested, he knew he shoulnd't have made a tent of logs or big branches, but he decided that if anything he could manage a couple days out he if he needed to so long as he didn't starve or get eaten in his sleep. Hopefully there was a way out of here, maybe even someone else to come and help him? Alone or not he wanted to make sure he could handle himself, he liked the woodlands after all. His methods were at best mediocre without any equipment, but it would have to do, he was no survivalist but he could at least starve trying to stay alive.
Cole sat in a tree almost right above where Rae was,while he was looking for safe place to sleep he had seen Rae walking alone.At the time Cole thought following him would help him find something he needed,but when he realized that this one just seemed lost he followed to keep an eye on him. Cole made a map almost constantly as he followed in a hand sized note book he had in his pouch,he had sketched where food was like the berries and the cave the people stayed in.He thanked his father in his mind for helping him with learning all this so being in this situation wasn't that hard for him,of course the hurt ankle was never part of the plan but he had to live with it.

Cole watched Rae build and waited for him to fall asleep so he could move a bit more freely.Holding his note book,he kept a little record of each person.He always heard them call each other's name so he knew who was who and figured who'd have the most trouble here.Seemed as a group they were arguing and hurting each other,but alone they were frightened easily and had a hard time keeping it together. But Cole knew all to well,you can't know for sure by just watching and waiting,you'd have to get deep into the action to know what you want to know.At least that's what his father constantly told him as a child.
Travis walked the forest in the dark of night "Rae!" he called out into the night, only getting the chirps of crickets and the crackle of flame back as a response. He continued to trample through the brush with his companions. He looked at his friends "Do you think we'll ever find them?" he drooped his head, he hoped that no danger would come upon any of them, but that didn't seem all too likely given the chaos they had endured thus far, and would it get even worse?

"Rae!" he called out again. They walked on like that, calling out his name into the darkness. They traveled deep into the woods. He sighed "Maybe we should just give..." his torch illuminated some space between some trees. "Do you see that?" he said as he stepped through it. He looked down, seeing the mud covered in what looked like footprints, but they were all a mess and erratic so it was impossible to tell where they led to, but at least they were going in the right direction, perhaps.
Hunter followed Travis's lead behind Anna. He thought it was best to keep her in the middle between the two torch bearers, plus they couldn't afford to loose another member or get one lost. He wasn't particularly fond of Rae, not that he had anything against the guy and he seemed to be getting along pretty well with Anna, but he had hung back a bit and now maybe even because of it they were walking around at night trying to find him.

"Wait..." Hunter says, stopping in his tracks. "Before we keep going," He bent down lifted up the underbrush of a nearby bush, exposing fresh and edible berries. "You guys said you haven't eaten yet. You must be starving." He picked as many as he could off the bush and then some off a neighboring bush, offering them to Travis and Anna. "By the looks of it, we're entering swamp land and there won't be any more bushes in there." Hunter glanced back behind him, making sure his trail of sticks, stones, and leaves were still there so they could hopefully retrace their steps back to the cave if footprints became too confusing.
((Sorry this took so freaking long.))

Anna's eyes darted in every direction. After her close encounter earlier, she was now on high alert, terrified to come across whatever had attacked her before. She glanced back at Hunter, making sure he was still with them. He was, though he almost just straggling along. She didn't questioned it, he was probably just tired, heck they all probably were. Anna's face practically lit up when Hunter had offered her food. She hadn't eaten in two days and was beyond starving. Without hesitation she took a few, leaving most of it for Travis. "Thank you so much." She said as she popped a couple in her mouth. They were slightly sour, but it was food. "Maybe tomorrow we could going fishing somehow." She shrugged as she followed behind them.

Now the ground was starting to become softer and there was an odd smell filling the air around them. Her feet sunk into the ground with each step she took. "Do you guys really think he would have came in here?" She asked as she pulled her shoe from the mud and slipped it back on.
Rae sat up in his little makeshift shelter. He wasn't as tired since he had been resting for awhile, but now he wanted to put up a few posts, he was sure some of the others were familiar with them by now, they'd help give a general area of where he was. He took his robe and put it over his shelter entrance. Most of the thinner branches were brittle and the ground was soft enough to make easy standing poles, all he had to do was bunch them into a group so it was obvious it wasn't natural.

He wondered what the others were up to, they needed sleep and he wouldn't be a night shift person for them tonight, whether they needed one or not. He dismissed the thought, he wasn't far from his shelter but he felt very calm. Letting some of his emotions go rampant made him feel a drained calm quality, he was hoping this would mean he could finally get a good nights rest and meet up with the others in the morning. His shoes needed to be washed though, he was really muddy after all the wandering in the woods, he would need to take them off when he got back so his feet weren't soaking the whole night.
Travis sighed "Maybe we should head back? Maybe Rae will be fine for the night?" he didn't like the idea of Rae out all alone, but he couldn't let both Anna and Hunter suffer as well as himself for one person, could he? He mentally battled with himself, wondering which was the better option as he stepped through the mud that squished under his feet. Just then he spotted some wooden stakes sticking up from the ground "Hey,those don't look natural, Rae must've been here" He looked at the others "Should we keep going or head back? Your call"
Anna shrugged, honestly not sure what to do. She really didn't want to leave him out there alone, but she knew more than anyone else at the moment that this place was dangerous. "I think we should keep looking for a few more minutes." She said softly as she made her way through the sticky mud. When Travis pointed out something in the distance, she had to narrow her eyes to fully make it out. "I've seen Rae do those once or twice I think. That's totally him!" She exclaimed. "We have to keep going."
Rae yawned, he was tired and considered it bed time. He had just gotten back to his shelter and took off his boots. He had put his cloak back on the ground and was laying down. He would find them tomorrow and everything would be fine, he was mostly sure of it. Rae wasn't exhausted physically but his mind could use a rest. The only thing straining his body would be lack of food at this point. He took a deep breath and laid on his right side, trying to get comfortable on the only real dry pach of land he was able to get his hands on in this area. At least there were dry areas, most of the places he had been to or at least seen were muddy and your feet could get stuck in sticky mud if you weren't careful.

(Sorry if you don't like me walkin off :P I just wanted one of us to start falling for its tricks)
Cole had now figured Rae was well asleep and had jumped down from the tree he was in making sure to be careful with his ankle,he was curious about these people and wanted to see if he could find more out.So far he's seen this one is doing good at the shelter part as he peeked into the shelter and looked around,not making a sound since he knew it's wake Rae up.Only a peek and he retreated out to look at what he had done around,he looked up at the wooden stakes and wondered the purpose for them was.He poked on of them just barely to see if it would fall,then pressed his palm upon it.They seemed pretty sturdy for them not to have a point,he grabbed his little note book and drew a few on a blank page then wrote some reasons he thought they'd be here.
(Okay, hear me out, what if the trickster pretends to be Rae when the group finds it and then the real Rae shows up so now there are two Raes...the only problem with that is there isn't a duplicate set of Raes clothes...It's a fun idea though)
(Hah, why not. I'll work on the idea and make it work.)

Rae groaned, he was only able to rest in a light sleep for a few moments. The ground was a little too cold for him to get into too deep a sleep. His body was too uncomfortable and he awoke with half his body feeling cold but not freezing. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, and yawned. Banishing the sleep from his body. He looked around and saw his little shelter, he was shocked only for a moment to see it again. He had forgotten that he was lost for a moment, he pulled on his socks and boots. They were still wet since it hadn't been too long since he took them off. His feet cringed at the feeling of putting his boots on but he ignored it. He took off his shirt and left it on his cloak. He was wearing his black tanktop underneath, he thought a jog might build up some energy and warm him back up while he went and looked for some dry ground.

He figured if he piled up some dry leaves he could cushion his resting area, the cloak would make it comfortable to lay on. When he exited he looked in the opposite direction of Cole, he had already went the way his support logs were built and wanted to go the other way. He guessed he could find dry ground if he kept going away from the area he got lost in, plus this was the only area he found that was fairly sturdy and dry. He took off in a jog, he wanted to find out where he could find some ddry leaves, or at least his way back so he could get himself back to a water source and resting bags. He did find some leaves, but no clusters. He wasn't warming up immediatly either, but he knew that his body would jsut take a second to react, he couldn't go faster either or he could start sweating which was counterproductive.

'The creature of tricks, like a spawn of loki watched Rae go off. It looked like Rae didn't even see this person who had spied on them. He didn't know who that one was but he was smart, he kept near them but out of site. He didn't care much for him yet, it was the others that were in the area. He had to do something about this and try to seperate them, if he was able to ward them off from finding Rae he would have his first kill. It wouldn't bother him much if they took him back instead of Rae, he would still be lost in the night and when the others weren't awake or watching it wouldn't be hard to go after him if that stranger wasn't around by the time he got back.

It watched a couple tree's off from Cole, waiting to pick it's moment to steal what was let of Rae's cloths, he already had an idea with what to do withh is lower body, he would simply attempt to black his lower body's skin into a black look that would poorly imitate pants. It would work fine this late at night, plus it was harder to do mess with physical illusions but in this case it would be worth the risk. It was already practicing the the procedure of blackening his legs while it waited. Practice makes perfect, it would be ready by the time Cole was done messing with Rae's little tent like creation. He couldn't do it now, he couldn't risk Cole peeking in and not seeing what should be in there, his clothes. Hiding and staying unknown was of the essence.'
Cole finished sketching the stakes and stuffed his book back in his pouch,he then looked around a bit more while he could.When Rae came out he froze and stared at him as he walked the opposite way,Cole sighed in relief when he wasn't see.That was way too close for comfort,but now that Rae was gone he had a chance to take a look where he couldn't before.

Cole crept into the 'shelter' to have a look,he first checked Rae's cloak he had found along with his shirt.He hoped he'd find something more about this one to see if he was really worth helping out and being able to help him,he knew he wouldn't be able to stay alone here forever.

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