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Fantasy Capitol Take Over

Hazel tried her best to keep calm. I don't even know him. Calm down. It isn't worth it. But damn... He's just so cute. Hazel sighed as she took the bin. "Follow up if you don't want to miss the ride" before she could walk away she looked at Saturn and felt like hitting him with the basket but she stopped before she could hit him and turned around once again, hoping he didn't notice.
Phantasia said:
"Trying to get you to -dolphin noise- me. Why?" Saturn asked, kissing Eden's cheek and playing with the boy's hair. "You're the the hottest male I've seen by far. I can't help but be attracted to you." Saturn whispered, biting Eden's cheek playfully before pulling back.
Eden felt his cheek for a moment and stepped back a bit. "Haha... Well... I'd better be going, got some...stuff to do."Eden walked backwards up the stairs after hazel, watching the man the whole time.
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xMellowmint said:
Hazel tried her best to keep calm. I don't even know him. Calm down. It isn't worth it. But damn... He's just so cute. Hazel sighed as she took the bin. "Follow up if you don't want to miss the ride" before she could walk away she looked at Saturn and felt like hitting him with the basket but she stopped before she could hit him and turned around once again, hoping he didn't notice.
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]Eden felt his cheek for a moment and stepped back a bit. "Haha... Well... I'd better be going, got some...stuff to do."Eden walked backwards down the hallway, watching the man the whole time.

Saturn stood up as the two walked away, "Aw..." He whispered, turning around and walking off to his room. He couldn't help but feel a little frazzled and shaken up. "Okay so, the chick doesn't like me and neither does the guy. What the hell am I supposed to do here!" He screamed, before clearing his throat and sighing. "Composure Saturn, don't let others control your feelings, you control others. Not them." He whispered, opening his door.
Phantasia said:
Saturn stood up as the two walked away, "Aw..." He whispered, turning around and walking off to his room. He couldn't help but feel a little frazzled and shaken up. "Okay so, the chick doesn't like me and neither does the guy. What the hell am I supposed to do here!" He screamed, before clearing his throat and sighing. "Composure Saturn, don't let others control your feelings, you control others. Not them." He whispered, opening his door.
(awh... Poor saturn)
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe](awh... Poor saturn)

(He's spoiled and not used to not getting his way xD

Don't feel that bad xD )
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]Eden felt his cheek for a moment and stepped back a bit. "Haha... Well... I'd better be going, got some...stuff to do."Eden walked backwards up the stairs after hazel, watching the man the whole time.

Hazel rolled her eyes as she heard Saturrn complain. "Don't mind him, I know it's his first day here but I know he's someone who's not sex hungry all the time." She walked up the steps as she looked at Eden. "Would you like the front or the back?" Hazel winked.
xMellowmint said:
Hazel rolled her eyes as she heard Saturrn complain. "Don't mind him, I know it's his first day here but I know he's someone who's not sex hungry all the time." She walked up the steps as she looked at Eden. "Would you like the front or the back?" Hazel winked.
Did she just ask me that? Eden shook his head. "Umm... Front please." He snapped out of it."this should be fun! You do this often?"
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]
Did she just ask me that? Eden shook his head. "Umm... Front please." He snapped out of it."this should be fun! You do this often?"

"Once in a while, Doctor Ash is usually helping me with my vocal chords most of the time." Hazel sat behind Eden, waiting for him to start the ride.
xMellowmint said:
"Once in a while, Doctor Ash is usually helping me with my vocal chords most of the time." Hazel sat behind Eden, waiting for him to start the ride.
"Okay, you ready? three...two...ONE!"Eden pushed them off with force. They went flying down the spiral staircase, increasing speed as they went. "Wooohooll!!" Eden shouted in glee as they reached ths bottom, sliding about ten feet through the hardwood hallway before they stopped. "Oh man, thst was awesome!!!"
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]"Okay, you ready? three...two...ONE!"Eden pushed them off with force. They went flying down the spiral staircase, increasing speed as they went. "Wooohooll!!" Eden shouted in glee as they reached ths bottom, sliding about ten feet through the hardwood hallway before they stopped. "Oh man, thst was awesome!!!"

Hazel giggled as they reached the bottom. It's been a while since she had fun like that. "Gosh it's been forever since I've done that! Thank you Eden."
xMellowmint said:
Hazel giggled as they reached the bottom. It's been a while since she had fun like that. "Gosh it's been forever since I've done that! Thank you Eden."
Eden climbed out of the basket yawning. "No problem... Im gonna get some res-" Eden collaped onto a chair. It turns out the brownie he bought from a homeless guy had seditives in it.
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]Eden climbed out of the basket yawning. "No problem... Im gonna get some res-" Eden collaped onto a chair. It turns out the brownie he bought from a homeless guy had seditives in it.

(oMg xD )

Hazel smiled and tried her best to lift up Eden into her room. She placed Eden on her bed and tucked him in as Hazel changed into her pajamas and slept right beside him.
Emerging from his room, Saturn walked around with no pants or shirt on, just boxers... Very tight boxers. Noticing how both Hazel and Eden were gone he decided to find his next prey. The know it all tutor thing. "Tutor boy~" He called, sitting on a chair and crossing his legs. "Come and tell me if my legs are pleasingly soft. The razor Hazel gave me was pretty shitty, so I need your help!" He shouted, rubbing his shaven chest and moaning at how soft it was.

Of course he knew that his legs felt the same, he just wanted to tease somebody like the dirty little bugger he was. "Don't keep me waiting all day honey, my client is due in thirty minutes, I can't not be perfect for him. First impressions are everything after all!" He giggled, he really wanted to get on someone's nerves for some reason.

Phantasia said:
Emerging from his room, Saturn walked around with no pants or shirt on, just boxers... Very tight boxers. Noticing how both Hazel and Eden were gone he decided to find his next prey. The know it all tutor thing. "Tutor boy~" He called, sitting on a chair and crossing his legs. "Come and tell me if my legs are pleasingly soft. The razor Hazel gave me was pretty shitty, so I need your help!" He shouted, rubbing his shaven chest and moaning at how soft it was.
Of course he knew that his legs felt the same, he just wanted to tease somebody like the dirty little bugger he was. "Don't keep me waiting all day honey, my client is due in thirty minutes, I can't not be perfect for him. First impressions are everything after all!" He giggled, he really wanted to get on someone's nerves for some reason.


Ashley put down away his violin and solidified. "Mr. Saturn, How many times do I have to tell you I don't like touching people" He said walking into the room. "Why are you not wearing clothes." he asked when he opened his eyes and gazed at the demon.
Pikaplup2 said:
Ashley put down away his violin and solidified. "Mr. Saturn, How many times do I have to tell you I don't like touching people" He said walking into the room. "Why are you not wearing clothes." he asked when he opened his eyes and gazed at the demon.

"Are clothes really necessary?" Saturn asked, spinning his pale foot around in the air absentmindedly. "Come on, can you feel? I need to know so that I can be confident." He explained, raising his legs in the air and poking Ashley's chest with his big toe. "It's not a big deal, Mr. Ashley." He teased, winking at the older male playfully.
Phantasia said:
"Are clothes really necessary?" Saturn asked, spinning his pale foot around in the air absentmindedly. "Come on, can you feel? I need to know so that I can be confident." He explained, raising his legs in the air and poking Ashley's chest with his big toe. "It's not a big deal, Mr. Ashley." He teased, winking at the older male playfully.
(Dang perfect opportunity and no private chat)

Ashley winced from the gentle touch. "Stop don't touch me....I- don't...like.." Ashley sighed and sat down on Saturn's bed...."Did you just call me in here for me to touch your leg?"
Pikaplup2 said:
(Dang perfect opportunity and no private chat)
Ashley winced from the gentle touch. "Stop don't touch me....I- don't...like.." Ashley sighed and sat down on Saturn's bed...."Did you just call me in here for me to touch your leg?"

Saturn nodded, "Yeah, Eden's asleep and Hazel is sleeping with him, she hates me though. So I thought why not try you?" He asked coyly, flashing his signature smile before slinking back and poking Ashley once more. "You touch Hazel all the time, why not me? Oh I know!" He gasped, his eyes brightening. "You get nervous around attractive people, right?"
Phantasia said:
Saturn nodded, "Yeah, Eden's asleep and Hazel is sleeping with him, she hates me though. So I thought why not try you?" He asked coyly, flashing his signature smile before slinking back and poking Ashley once more. "You touch Hazel all the time, why not me? Oh I know!" He gasped, his eyes brightening. "You get nervous around attractive people, right?"
Ashley shivered. It was very dificult for him to maintain his physical form, even without being touched. He was still drained from Hazel's hug earlier that day. "Please refrain from speaking about my fiance in that manner and don't touch me again"
Pikaplup2 said:
Ashley shivered. It was very dificult for him to maintain his physical form, even without being touched. He was still drained from Hazel's hug earlier that day. "Please refrain from speaking about my fiance in that manner and don't touch me again"
"Jesus, fine. No need to be so snippy." Saturn mumbled, sitting up he flashed a smile at Ashley. "You're so weird, no wonder why she picked Eden over you." He hummed, lighting candles on his dresser. "Anyways, it's almost time for me to start work, in about an hour or so. Unless you're into that kind off of stuff or want to be scarred I suggest you stay far away from this room. Though that's just a suggestion." Saturn added, winking at Ashley.
Phantasia said:
"Jesus, fine. No need to be so snippy." Saturn mumbled, sitting up he flashed a smile at Ashley. "You're so weird, no wonder why she picked Eden over you." He hummed, lighting candles on his dresser. "Anyways, it's almost time for me to start work, in about an hour or so. Unless you're into that kind off of stuff or want to be scarred I suggest you stay far away from this room. Though that's just a suggestion." Saturn added, winking at Ashley.
Too weak to move, Ashley remained on the floor. "That hurts you know. You didn't have to rub it in" He pouted looking around the room. "What do you even do for a living? Seances?"
Pikaplup2 said:
Too weak to move, Ashley remained on the floor. "That hurts you know. You didn't have to rub it in" He pouted looking around the room. "What do you even do for a living? Seances?"
Saturn shrugged, not commenting on the fact that Ashley was on the floor, he's seen weirder. "Nah, I'm not that classy, I'm kind off like a male escort... But again, not that people refer to me that nicely. In other words, I'm a prostitute." He explained, smirking at Ashley. "With the way the world is now, love doesn't really exist. So I'm here to make males happy. Plus it's the only way I survive. I'm s out demon straight from the depths of Hell if you didn't know." Saturn giggled, crossing his arms.
Phantasia said:
Saturn shrugged, not commenting on the fact that Ashley was on the floor, he's seen weirder. "Nah, I'm not that classy, I'm kind off like a male escort... But again, not that people refer to me that nicely. In other words, I'm a prostitute." He explained, smirking at Ashley. "With the way the world is now, love doesn't really exist. So I'm here to make males happy. Plus it's the only way I survive. I'm s out demon straight from the depths of Hell if you didn't know." Saturn giggled, crossing his arms.
"Fascinating. Please go on about your previous life in hell. Tell me what it is like there" Ashley was sure that once-or if he ever passed on to the next life he would end up there
Pikaplup2 said:
"Fascinating. Please go on about your previous life in hell. Tell me what it is like there" Ashley was sure that once-or if he ever passed on to the next life he would end up there
"Hmm, well. It's really hot down there, kinda why my clothes are literally nothing... Seriously you step on fire so often that it doesn't even hurt after like two days. But time never goes on in hell, it's all suffering for your sins. See, I was pure before I died. But apparently the capacity in heaven was full and my sister got in before me cause she never touched herself. Before you ask, my dad was driving and he thought. It's family suicide time and drove off the edge of a cliff." He paused, staying silent for s few moments before going back to his story. "So when I went to Hell, Satan was like, you're gonna be a lust demon cause we don't have enough. And I was like, what? I never liked sex or anything like that so I refused to do that stuff... Until I found out that if I don't consume lust I could very well possibly be sent into a void of nothing but horror. So I started doing the do with people who were sent to hell because of their lustful sins and got addicted and that's how I'm here. Yes I'm a sex addict, Hell does that to you." Saturn smiled, leaning against the wall. "Crazy life, isn't it?" He asked softly, thinking back on his times in hell.
Phantasia said:
"Hmm, well. It's really hot down there, kinda why my clothes are literally nothing... Seriously you step on fire so often that it doesn't even hurt after like two days. But time never goes on in hell, it's all suffering for your sins. See, I was pure before I died. But apparently the capacity in heaven was full and my sister got in before me cause she never touched herself. Before you ask, my dad was driving and he thought. It's family suicide time and drove off the edge of a cliff." He paused, staying silent for s few moments before going back to his story. "So when I went to Hell, Satan was like, you're gonna be a lust demon cause we don't have enough. And I was like, what? I never liked sex or anything like that so I refused to do that stuff... Until I found out that if I don't consume lust I could very well possibly be sent into a void of nothing but horror. So I started doing the do with people who were sent to hell because of their lustful sins and got addicted and that's how I'm here. Yes I'm a sex addict, Hell does that to you." Saturn smiled, leaning against the wall. "Crazy life, isn't it?" He asked softly, thinking back on his times in hell.
Ashley listened ..."Saturn how much do you charge? I want to talk with you and I don't want you to lose profits. Uh, Why do you think Ms. Hazel hates me"
Pikaplup2 said:
Ashley listened ..."Saturn how much do you charge? I want to talk with you and I don't want you to lose profits. Uh, Why do you think Ms. Hazel hates me"
"Mm, well I charge per action. But for you I'd say ten dollars for thirty minutes." Saturn hummed, placing his palm out for the money. Taking his timer out he set in for thirty minutes and smiled. "When the timer goes off you can get another thirty minutes for ten or leave." He explained, not answering questions until he got his cash.

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