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Fantasy ? camp winterian wyrd | out-of-character chat

oui ! that's right. like if you want to learn healing magic, you can learn it even if you're from the west. most elves stay in their respective places, but some do venture out, depending if your family allows you to branch out on your craft. sometimes teachers are from different areas and are welcomed to teach the different crafts in the diff. areas.

i imagine elves who live in the north who has a lineage of being healers in their family will be able to quickly understand their craft as it's passed down from generations to generations and are taught at a young age ( they may not be masterful as their ancestors at a young age, but are still connected to healing better than say an elf who has learned nature and wants to learn healing magic ).

so, if i'm from the north and my family has been healers since the dawn of time. and i was born and i started learning how to craft my magic from a young age, i would be better at healing magic than say another elf who was born from a lineage of earth based magic, but i won't necessary be as good as them in earth magic, vice versa. ( there are special cases in which someone who is born in their respective areas may be 'bad' at it, but it's very rare )

"if i'm from the north and my family has been healers since the dawn of time" - You meant light magic right xD? West was healing in the lore you posted above :3
OH WAIT, something just clicked... what do you mean by elves can only 'love' once in their lifetime? Is it like a cultural restriction? Or are they pathologically unable to love another being once they have truly 'loved' someone.
Elves can only love once in their lifetime, so it's like once they find their mate, they're bonded for life. Much like penguins and otters! So pathologically unable to love another being as their soulmate.
I think I'm done with my CS ^3^; I may have taken a certain amount of liberty especially when it comes to her background but I tried to leave as much wiggle room as possible, so feel free to notify me if things need changing!

I don't mind rewriting it if I have to come from a different direction :3
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Lekiel Lekiel I can guarantee you that "Juice-al-far" is not the correct pronunciation XD
According to my father and Google, it's Lyo-sal-fer
The Norse j is almost always a y sound in the middle of words.
Lekiel Lekiel I can guarantee you that "Juice-al-far" is not the correct pronunciation XD
According to my father and Google, it's Lyo-sal-fer
The Norse j is almost always a y sound in the middle of words.

Well... we must be looking at conflicting Google sources then!

I suppose I'll just remove the phonetic breakdown and leave it up for interpretation until i have solid sources x3 thanks for informing.

Unless your dad knows how to speak old Norse :o? Cause then you need to get him to tell us how to pronounce everything else!

Edit: Oh my, you made me go and dig deeper and I found this guy! a scholar on Old Norse!! Around the 9:20th minute he finally speaks of the Ljosalfar and it sounds alot like.... uh... Lyos-Ol-Varr (Emphasis on 'Y' in Lyos).

I'm learning so much new things from this RP wheeee~! Like the Magic Symbol of the Dead Man's Pants! <3 3rd minute onwards:
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The first guy is saying it right! My dad doesn't speak Old Norse, but he speaks German and is a historical linguistics junkie so I usually go to him for language questions.
Lekiel Lekiel ; Cocobean Cocobean ; Quinlan63 Quinlan63 ; hey lovelies! i'm just getting a head count of who said they were finished ! [ i may or may not have missed a few ]
we probably won't be doing early acceptances since most of us have been quite busy with work and classes ! so we'll definitely be doing it on august 19th and if there's any minor edits, changes, or needed additions, we will let you know !

i know some players also went back to school already or will be going next week ( my classes start august 20th ) ; but once the acceptances are finished and the gms are ready, we'll let you guys know of the "ic" schedule of camp !

thank you lovelies ! ( i really wish there was an "@" button to alert all the members of the roleplay, but alas, that can not do )
Lekiel Lekiel ; Cocobean Cocobean ; Quinlan63 Quinlan63 ; hey lovelies! i'm just getting a head count of who said they were finished ! [ i may or may not have missed a few ]
we probably won't be doing early acceptances since most of us have been quite busy with work and classes ! so we'll definitely be doing it on august 19th and if there's any minor edits, changes, or needed additions, we will let you know !

i know some players also went back to school already or will be going next week ( my classes start august 20th ) ; but once the acceptances are finished and the gms are ready, we'll let you guys know of the "ic" schedule of camp !

thank you lovelies ! ( i really wish there was an "@" button to alert all the members of the roleplay, but alas, that can not do )
I can confirm that I am finished
note: we have added [2] more gods to the list.
Children of Balder
ShadyAce ShadyAce
Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah

Children of Bragi
Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer

Children of Figg

Children of Freyja
adored adored
Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear

Children of Freyr
mxlly mxlly

Children of Hel
Nico Nico
diwa diwa

Children of Hoth
Peckinou Peckinou
Children of Loki
logastellus logastellus
beebim beebim

Children of Njord
duergar duergar
Green Pen Green Pen

Children of Odin
SRUNewman SRUNewman
Quinlan63 Quinlan63

Children of Sif

Children of Skadi
deer deer
Unrlstic Unrlstic

Children of Thor
Chione Chione

Children of Tyr
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Yarrow Yarrow

→ freyr, god of sunshine, rain, fertility, and peace[1/2]
→ frigg, wife of odin, goddess of fertility, household, motherhood, love, marriage, and domestic arts
→ sif, goddess of wheat, harvest, fertility and family
→ balder, god of light, spring, peace, joy [2/2]
→ brag, god of poetry [2/2]
→ freyja, goddess of love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr (sorcery), war, and death. [2/2]
→ hel, goddess of death and queen of underworld [2/2]
→ hoth, blind god of night and darkness [2/2]
→ njord, god of sea, wind, fish, and wealth [2/2]
→ loki, god of fire and magic [2/2]
→ odin, chief of the gods, god of war, wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet [2/2]
→ skadi, goddess of winter and hunt [2/2]
→ thor, god of thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing and fertility. [2/2]
→ tyr, god of war [2/2]​
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in the meantime. . . . i hope you enjoy pictures of dory!

dory's not only our access to get to camp, but dory's definitely our camp mascot! you can find her/him ( whichever pronouns you want to use ) swimming around in the ocean surrounding the island! please don't feed dory doritos though! let's not have a repeat of last time with dory traveling through different realms with the kids aboard him! he was way too hyper and forgot where he needed to be, completely missing the fact the campers were with him! lets just say . . . everyone was safe and had a blast, but never again . . hopefully!

let's see. .. what else. . . there's a lot of camp activities the gms are planning, but, if you have any suggestion or any ideas, let us know too !

@Quilan63 , Lekiel Lekiel , Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear

p.s. Giants have been added to the Lore !
Mine is almost done! I've been roughing out Arvid's memoir, the last required slot. It looks shitty rn but I'm hoping to have at least something in there by the deadline
hello dearies !! so one of the gms (( mxlly mxlly )) is under the weather and currently sick in bed so send her some good vibes if you can !!

on another note, the character sheets are due today, sunday, august 19th! woo-hoo ! i know that some have already finished their character sheets ( congratulations ) and i know most are still working on their character sheets ! however, although the sheets are due today the gms have not set an exact time it was due on august 19th.

so! that being said, everyone's character sheets must be finished by 11:59PM (23:59) Central Standard Time , USA, Sunday, August 19th ! if you need an extension, please let us know! below will be a list of who has finished and who is still working on characters (note: you only need to finish your first main character so for everyone it should be your demigods, but for at least two of you, that is your elf):

work in progress:
? the gms ( mxlly mxlly , diwa diwa )
? duergar duergar
? beebim beebim ( one day extension )
? logastellus logastellus ( one day extension )
? ShadyAce ShadyAce ( one day extension )
? Nico Nico
? Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom
? Unrlstic Unrlstic
? Peckinou Peckinou
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hello dearies !! so one of the gms (( mxlly mxlly )) is under the weather and currently sick in bed so send her some good vibes if you can !!

on another note, the character sheets are due today, sunday, august 19th! woo-hoo ! i know that some have already finished their character sheets ( congratulations ) and i know most are still working on their character sheets ! however, although the sheets are due today the gms have not set an exact time it was due on august 19th.

so! that being said, everyone's character sheets must be finished by 11:59PM (23:59) Central Standard Time , USA, Sunday, August 19th ! if you need an extension, please let us know! below will be a list of who has finished and who is still working on characters (note: you only need to finish your first main character so for everyone it should be your demigods, but for at least two of you, that is your elf):

That's alot of ppl :o
hello dearies !! so this is the current updated list of who is finished and who's still a work in progress! don't worry if you're still working on your sheet! you still have time! if you guys need more time, please let us know and we can provide an extension !

it is currently, sunday, august 19th, 3:50PM ! you guys have at least 8 hours left to finish your sheet for those who are working on their sheets and do not need an extension!

p.s. we definitely understand having a busy schedule! so please don't stress! it's suppose to be a casual roleplay so the posting schedule should have the players post at least once a week! if that's not possible, let us know and we definitely understand! [ life > roleplay ] ! < 33

work in progress:
? the gms ( mxlly mxlly , diwa diwa )
? beebim beebim ( one day extension )
? logastellus logastellus ( one day extension )
? ShadyAce ShadyAce ( one day extension )
? Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom
? Unrlstic Unrlstic
? Peckinou Peckinou
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deer deer omygosh it's torture trying to highlight Aðalsteinsdóttir XDDD It's like a little minigame of sorts! Was going to ask how is that pronounced?
deer deer omygosh it's torture trying to highlight Aðalsteinsdóttir XDDD It's like a little minigame of sorts! Was going to ask how is that pronounced?
i feel that !
and i believe it's pronounced something along the lines of "add-thel-schtein doth-desh"
the "dottir" means " daughter of "and her father's name was Adalstein , so daughter of Adalstein since Iceland don't necessary use surnames and go by patronymic (son) or matronymic (dottir)!
i feel that !
and i believe it's pronounced something along the lines of "add-thel-schtein doth-desh"
the "dottir" means " daughter of "and her father's name was Adalstein , so daughter of Adalstein since Iceland don't necessary use surnames and go by patronymic (son) or matronymic (dottir)!

"Although the cold never bothers Eirawen...-" Tbh, I'm kinda disappointed you didn't write "Although, the cold never bothered me anyway!" -ElsaEirawen, 2018.
hello dearies !! mostly everyone has finished their sheets with an exception of few !!
thank you so much for your patience ! < 33

work in progress:
? the gm ( mxlly mxlly )
? beebim beebim ( one day extension )
? logastellus logastellus ( one day extension )
? ShadyAce ShadyAce ( one day extension )
? Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom ( tbd )
? Peckinou Peckinou ( tbd )
Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear , Lekiel Lekiel , Quinlan63 Quinlan63 , SRUNewman SRUNewman , Peckinou Peckinou ( tagging you since I'm unsure of your status, let me know < 33 ) , Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom ; wanted to let you know that there's a new thread that you guys can write in ! it's for relationships !

Fantasy - camp winterian wyrd | character relationships

? hermod: when calling upon the name of this god, he will appear and help send messages back and forth from camp and to the outside world. saying "hem-ring" and whispering his name would most likely evoke the god. ( mostly called | summoned by skadi )

? rataskor: a squirrel who helps in sending messages to the outside world where another being will take the letter and mail | send it off ( mostly called | summoned by skadi and sometimes campers to pass messages during camp activities if it calls for secrecy ). rataskor is used for secret messages due to the animal's small size.

? dory: not only the mascot and transportation, but both brynn and dory ( caretaker of camp ) are in charge of sending off letters and receiving mail if campers want to send off any letters to a loved one outside of camp. sometimes they will receive news of the outside world.

note: cell lines do not exist at camp. phones do not work. there's a bare minimum of electrical usage, however, there are power generators and such. nevertheless, the camp is lit up by lanterns, candles, etc.
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