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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures (Open and Accepting!)

"I'm a nephil." He said proudly. Kane was mildly surprised at her comment on women liking her horns, "You're into girls? Well that's new." He smiled at her. "I sort of like a girl here, but I don't know if she likes me. Nephilim don't get along with others because of how aggressive and mean we are. I'm actually seen as girly because of how nice I am compared to other nephilim. We're just too different." He shrugged. "Too big to be with a human, and too human to be with a creature. Also there aren't many of my kind left, and I don't really like my sister THAT way." He made a face at mentioning it.


"I'm not toying, Raven, I just know to give someone a compliment if they deserve one,"
Masa replied in a casual tone to Raven. His eyes rolled from his friend to Yuuki, giving the girl a wink in response to her comment. He wouldn't deny he was a flirt. Okay, and maybe he was toying just a little, but it was just so fun sometimes; he couldn't help it. Of course, none of what he said was a lie, either. He usually wouldn't tell anyone a lie, especially in terms of appearance. The kitsune knew people were sensitive about their looks, so he would never tell someone a lie about that.

Masa then tapped his glass. "I've got my own drink, but thanks for the offer," He told Yuuki with a grin. Picking up his fork and knife, the kitsune sat up straight and looked down at his steak. "So yeah, don't mind me. I'm just gonna eat this... Hey, Raven, have you seen Uriel anywhere?"

@Riversparks @Yuuki Kagami
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She blushed embarrisingly when he said that. "Th-Thanks...." She drank her tea as she finished the rest of her apples. "Welp. That was nice." Her cats flicked in satisfaction. "All that's left is oranges but I'm nearly full...."
Uriel flew over the lake high above the water 'I should go get some lunch' He thought as his stomach rumbled. The fallen angel landed outside the mess hall and opened the door walking over to the lunch line "I'll take three sloppy joes with a bottle of water" He said to the lunch worker. Uriel got his lunch found Masa and walked over to his and Raven's table "I was taking my flight time, Sorry I just disappeared" He said with no hint of actually being sorry. Uriel sat next to masa and started eating one of his sloppy joes.

"No problem,"
Masa replied, knowing Uriel liked to take his time flying. He cut a piece of steak and ate it, ears perking when the taste of it hit his tongue. He chewed, thankful for having sharp canines, and swallowed. "Now, Uriel, it's not polite to just sit down and start eating without greeting the lady you haven't met," He lightly chastised, a teasing tone in his voice.

"Sorry Yuuki, Uriel here doesn't know how to treat a lady," He said to the girl in front of him. "He's obviously not the sweet little angel that he appears to be, and I thoroughly apologize in his place~" To his friends, the kitsune was obviously playing around, his charm taking effects me making his words seem to be smoother and sweeter with every word he spoke.

@Riversparks @Yuuki Kagami @H0lderOfH0pe
Uriel looked at Yuuki then took another bite of his Sloppy joe while Hitting Masa in the thigh hard under the table " I'm only gonna say this once so Listen" He said over to Yuuki "Don't take the fox's words at face value." Uriel says with a warning tone knowing how many people Masa has lead on either intentionally or unintentionally "If you choose to forgo this warning than I better not hear any complaints" He says before going back to his food.
"I'm like so confused..." She looked back at masa and back at uriel. "._." She layed down onto air and started sleep. "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................(Z_Z)"

Raven shot Masa a look that said she was not amused.

"No thank you Yuuki. I'm not thirsty."
Raven replied to Yuuki's offer. She nibbled on her salad, not really hungry.

"Oh, hi Uriel." Raven glanced up when she saw the angel approaching. She watched Masa and Uriel's exchange of words when Uriel didn't greet Yuuki and when Uriel warned Yuuki of Masa's flirtatious habits with an amused smirk on her face.

"You're a bit late there Uriel. I already warned her, more or less. Though I suppose you can never have too many warnings about a certain flirt." Raven smiled and gave Masa a wink. "Hey, Yuuki, a question for you..." Raven trailed off when she saw that Yuuki was taking a nap. "Um... Never mind..."

@Du Pain @Yuuki Kagami @H0lderOfH0pe
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When Uriel hit his thigh, Masa's eyes widened and he hissed, swatting his hand away. "And he hits me!" The kitsune glared at Uriel, his lips forming a pout. First he insults me, then he physically harms me! Wowee, thanks buddy, he mentally told his friend, hoping the look in his eyes would portray what he thought before he spoke. "I'm not that bad! Jeez, you guys need to lighten up some..."

He then, with a small huff, Masa cut up a few more pieces of his steak, eating them quickly. When he saw that Yuuki fell asleep, he raised an eyebrow. "Well someone had a long day," He murmured, amused. "We still have the welcome party tonight, so I'd make sure I was awake for that, too."

@Riversparks @Yuuki Kagami @H0lderOfH0pe

Quinn nodded, "I've never met a nephil, since you know, white stags are known to be elusive. But yeah, I'm into girls." She said nonchalantly, slightly relieved at Killian's honesty. "I'm about as clueless on girls as any other person, so I can't help you on the girl." She said sympathetically, a light chuckle leaving her lips. "No wonder I haven't heard that much about the nephil, but they seem the more closed off, I presume?"

"Nephilim are violent and arrogant beings. We are strong enough to pick on any creature with little consequence. As a race we are very closed off, but I don't enjoy being as mean as the others so I am a little more open." He explained. "It's not that I need help with girls, I just need to find one who doesn't mind being with someone three times their size." He laughed at how crazy it sounded. Kane liked to laugh at things like that, being very light hearted about features that made people stick out.

Uriel nodded his head and whatever Masa was talking about, He was more concentrated on his food than his friends. Uriel gave Raven a nod in greeting when she spoke to him "I'm not looking forward to babysitting you" Uriel said to masa after he finished his food. "I should've brought a collar and leash" the fallen angel added but quickly said "No, you'd enjoy it" Uriel smirked at Raven. Messing with Masa was one of Uriel's favorite things to do at camp

"Babysit me?"
Masa made a face, mouth baffled from being mid chew. He chewed for another second or two before swallowing. "You forget that I'm actually over 900 years old sometimes, don't you? I get that my charming good looks make it hard to remember, but I am the last person who needs to be babysat. Trust me."

And with that, the kitsune went to go take another bite of his food when Uriel spoke again. His eyes widened a bit as he slowly turned his head to look at his friend. "... Why do you hate me? And really, why would I enjoy wearing a collar and leash? Is it the ears? I bet it's the ears. Yeah yeah, pick on me because I have fox ears. Sooooorry that I am a thing called a kitsune!"

He then paused, his angry frown slowly turning upwards into a smirk. "Oh, I get it now. You'd like that, wouldn't you Uriel? I bet you're secretly just wishing I'd actually agree with you, huh? I think you'd want to see me with a collar and leash, sicko~" He teased, sticking his tongue out. "But I'm sorry to disappoint you, dear friend. As lovely as I'd look wearing a collar and leash, that is not on my list of things to wear ever. I like my freedoms."

@H0lderOfH0pe @Riversparks @Yuuki Kagami
"H-Huh?" She woke up from all the conversation. "Did you say something raven?" She picked up her tail and put it on her lap, as she wanted to avoid it getting onto the food that was on the floor. I can't tell.....But this kitsune guy actually seems cute..... "What did you want to ask me Raven?"
"900 years old and yet you're as mature as an 18 year old" He retorted ignoring the rest of Masa's comments until the end when Uriel's cheeks got the tiniest bit pink "Better watch your mouth Fox or I'll get the muzzle" he said before actually thinking it through. Uriel got up from the table with his tray throwing everything but the tray away and he left the Mess hall so fast and full of embarrassment
She looked at Uriel "That isn't so nice." She saw as he left. "Jeez. What's wrong with him??? Eh. Anyway. Raven, Did you say that you wanted to ask me something? If so, please ask."

"I suppose I prefer you to other nephil then, otherwise I would not be speaking to you right now." Quinn laughed, thanking the gods silently. "I can't say that someone should love someone for the way they are, since it's considered the right thing to do, but people are different and won't always do the right thing." She shrugged, reciting the statement in her head as he laughed lightly.

Alena sat at the table, longing for a conversation to strike with her, but in the meantime, sat silently, watching the campers around her intently.

Raven's eyes widened at the mention of the party.

"Oh god... I completely forgot about that. I really don't want to attend the party..." Raven moaned. Once she got over the horror of the impending doom of the party, she started watching Uriel and Masa talk about collars and leashes with humorous fascination.

"That was a... Interesting conversation to say the least." Raven thought as she watched Uriel leave the cafeteria quickly.

"I-it's nothing Yuuki." Raven said to the younger girl. "Just forget about it."

Once he saw Uriel get up, Masa couldn't help letting out a few snickers. He loved teasing Uriel just as much as the angel loved teasing him; it was one of the main parts of their whole dynamic. So, as his friend made to leave, he called out through his laughing, "Hey, don't lose hope, maybe I'll surprise you with it one day! What kind of name tag would you prefer? Spikes or no spikes? I personally think I look good in red; it brings out my eyes! What do you think?"

Once he saw the door shut behind Uriel, Masa started cracking up. Honestly, he was so terrible sometimes. Did he overdo it? Maybe. It was still funny to him. "I'm such a bad friend, Raven!" He laughed, wiping away a "tear" from his eye. "I feel like I should care, but it's just too funny. Ahh, I'm actually so mean, wow. I doubt he's that mad, but I guess I'll apologize if he's still all flustered at the party."

@Riversparks @Yuuki Kagami @H0lderOfH0pe

"You are a terrible friend. But then again, so am I, so who am I to judge?" Raven joined him in cracking up. "You apologizing? Wow, that's almost enough to make me somewhat willing to go to the party; I'd love to see you actually apologize for something you did." Raven smirked.

@Du Pain @Yuuki Kagami @H0lderOfH0pe

Hey! I've apologized before!" Masa made a face at Raven, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'll have you know, kitsune are very noble beings! We can't break a promise, we only gain tails by doing very noble deeds or go on huge journeys, and we have to follow a specific kitsune law! If we don't, we'll get the humiliating consequence of losing a tail," He explained in a very matter-of-fact voice.

"I've had to apologize on at least three major occasions," The kitsune finished, his ears twitching a few times. "You know, since I was young and reckless until about 200 years ago and lost three tails. It's complicated though, since mostly everyone thought I didn't have nine tails when I came here. I did, but I was being punished for bad deeds by having a child human form that aged kind of like a regular human, getting my white hair back when I was 12. I remember Seth did not let me forget about my "old man hair" all year. It's annoying, but I don't mind it now and I can technically stop aging my human form whenever I like. Anyway, I'm in the process of getting tail seven back, since my younger sister has five now. I'm very noble, but just not here since I'm too prideful at this place."

After realizing he rambled a bit, the kitsune stopped speaking and looked Raven right in the eye. "So yes, I have apologized. Shocking, I know."

Raven blinked slowly.

"Okay..." She said slowly. "I was just kidding, you know that right? You didn't really need to go into detail about every aspect of your species." Raven continued. "Now I'm just going to pretend that never happened and finish my salad." Raven said, her voice slow and flat.

@Du Pain @Yuuki Kagami
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"Sorry, I zoned out a bit. I have to explain that a lot,"
Masa frowned slightly. He was used to having to justify himself a lot; foxes were usually seen as careless and sly, and kitsune were surpringly no exception, so he always had to defend itself on those matters. "It's a bit of a habit, my bad."

"Anyway, I wonder what the party's going to be like," He murmured and ate the last piece of steak he had. "It'll definitely be interesting."
(Had a black out for a while ._.)

"Welp. I'll leave you 2 talking. I'll be taking a nap again." She transformed into her cat form and sat down quietly in her seat, all confortable, as she started purring in her sleep.

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