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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven


It's not me until I pull on a few heartstrings.


War has destroyed the world and it's people. A civil war between citizen and government has gone on for five years. Rebels still hold strong, but they forget about the ones that want nothing to do with this. If you are caught with or if you are related to the Rebels, you would be taken into holding where you go though hell before you are straightened to the government's ways or until you dead. Word has it that a safe heaven is North, where you are neither government or Rebel, just fellow humans helping each other. This place sparks hope to innocent by standers, little did they know it was founded and formed by a single young woman.​
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Avery Clifton

Today marks the anniversary of Camp Heaven. Avery would have never thought she would've made it this far, let alone with people with her. It's a small group, but it was enough to have the place running smoothly. The radio was the only things that informed us of the war outside. One things that was reported was that California was taken by Rebels, but it had been left in ruins. Avery's family was in San Diego, so to hear that they might of made it makes her happy but her home town was just a pile of rubble. That broke her heart.

It was early in the morning as Avery got ready for the day. She always starts with a walk around the Camp. The sun was just rising making Avery wish she had a camera with her, but what was the point. Yes, the camp has solar power to allow electronics to work, but their was only one computer in the camp and it was used to log information about the camp. Even Avery didn't use it to write her journal entries. Instead she uses her grandfather's old type writer he used to write his scientific journals.

Avery took the long stair case, to the boat house, that was located in the back of the Main House. It was the the fastest way down and it had a better view then the trails in the thick forest. Every morning, Avery would head to the lake to check on the boats, making sure it was still working. Anytime you wanted to find her before breakfast, she would be down by the lake, working.
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The Reeds

It was early in the morning. Nathaniel didn't mind the time since it was a great time to get samples. It was early spring, which means the farms are ready to be plants, but the soil needs to be tested first. Nathaniel would usually handle the samples alone but today he promised to take little Jamie to help out.

Being mindful of the others in the shared cabin 3, he woke Jamie from her slumber. She was good at being quiet in the morning, so she just got ready and came out with him. Jamie always makes the point to say she wants to be just like her adopted father, Nathaniel, so he makes an effort to have her work with him here and there. Our leader, Avery encourages the kids to shadow their parents or someone they want to be.

"Alright Jamie," Nathaniel said once they were away from the community area and heading to the main house, "We need to get some things to collect the soil before the farms get up." The farms usually would be up by now, but because it was just the start of the season with some slight snowfall here and there, it wasn't encouraged to work. Not until Nathaniel has given the green light on the matter.

"I know Papa," Jamie said softly, she rubbed her eyes lightly, clearly still tired, "We need to get enough soil from each farm field. That way we can see if the seasonal plants can be planted." Nathaniel smiled, proud she was learning. She hadn't been shadowing him long but it was clear that she was learning both from her father and her teacher.

"Very good Jamie, keep it up and maybe we can ask Avery to allow you apprentice me soon," Nathaniel told her, patting her had in a playful way. In the Main House, the science lab where he normally stays at was in the basement that has access to the staircase that lease to the lake. "What do we need?" he asked facing the little girl.

Jamie looked around the lab and smiled when she saw what they would need to collect the soil. "We need boots clean boots and a container that will hold the samples," she answered. Nathaniel smiled and continued, "Correct, but you also need a shovel to collect it." Jamie laughed, clearly knew she had left out something. The grabbed what they needed and head over to the fields, ready to work.
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Avery Clifton

Working on the boats reminded so much of Avery's summers she spent here in the dock watching her grandfather work. Every time, even now, she would recite everything he would say as he worked on the boats, "Your grandmother would always tell me I loved the boats more then I loved her. Oh how right she was, but when she made dinner with the fish I caught, I just couldn't help but love her more." That always brightened her days even if she had heard it so many times. She loved hearing it since he loved telling her.

The sun was just peeking over the Main House which meant Everyone was just waking up. Every Finished the last check up on the boats and wiped away the sweat that stayed on her forehead. Putting away the tools and trying to not get distracted by the beauty of nature around her, she began to walk toward the path through the thick woods. Letting her hair out of it's hold, she allowed her hair sway as she went up the path.

Avery took out a small book out of her back pocket. It was thin and fairly new since she made it during the winter days where their wasn't a lot to do. The book held small notes she jots down from the day and a to do list that she ties to follow through before sun down. She would even write down the next day's tasks just before she went to bed. It had been such a nice habit for her, from 7 months ago when she started, to now and it has been proven itself quiet useful.

The list reads;

Fix boats

Head down to the Lab to get a check up

Make sure that Scarlett is doing well.

Lead new exercises with the kids

Hold Council Meeting

Promised to take part of the scouting party (seems to be a large animal making a mess of the land around the camp.)

Before she could tackle the rest of the tasks, she needs to eat. Sleep was affordable for Avery, but eating was not in the position to be put off. Nathaniel, the camp scientist, had made it clear I need to eat even if it is a little bit. Little can go a long way. Avery had to agree with his knowledge since she has been doing well so far, even when she had missed some sleep.
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Michael woke up with a start. He lay in his bed covered in sweat, breathing heavily. Just a dream. It's just... a dream... Michael trailed off in his head. Why can I never remember it? Michael realized he must have woken up early as it was still quite dark. Deciding to take a quick walk before he had to begin his day Michael walked slowly with through the cabin, wincing each time he stepped onto a creaky board. Before he left the house he made sure to put on a pair of jeans and a shirt. Stepping out of the cabin, Michael took a deep breath. I can never get used how beautiful it is out here. The sun hadn't even begun to rise as Michael took off in the woods. Michael had been in these woods so much he could draw a map blindfolded, so he was confident he could make it back before anyone else had waken up.


What the hell! I've seen that tree fifteen times already! Damn, I thought I knew my way around these woods. Michael had been walking in these woods for what felt like an hour now, the sun had just started to rise and he had no idea where he was. Just as Michael was getting ready to freak out, he saw somebody up ahead. Walking a little closer he saw that it was Avery, "Hey! Avery slow down a little bit." Michael half-shouted while picking up his pace.
Avery Clifton

"Hey! Avery slow down a bit."

Avery looked behind her to see Micheal running up to her. "Morning," she said as she stopped in the middle of the trail, "Went for a morning walk huh?" Avery smiled at Micheal. It was something she was getting used to doing around her older members of the camp. Before she was just a wall you were never able to get through but having people around you everyday make a huge difference. She watched as he made his way to her. Micheal was just an inch taller then she was, but with her boots she was the same height. "Did you enjoy the walk?" she asked as they began to walk up the path again.
"Yeah it was good... up until the point I got lost." Micheal shakes his head and flashes a half smile before straightening out his face, "So are you heading back now then? If you are I guess I could follow you back to camp." Michael himself had gotten a lot better about becoming more open to members of the camp. He hasn't become perfect yet but there's noticeable cheeriness, even if it comes and goes.
Avery Clifton

"Yeah it was good... So are you heading back now then?"

"Yeah, was just doing some maintenance on the boats," she answered. Avery was about to put back her small book back in her back pocket, trying to busy herself, when she looked at the trees noticing they have over grown over the winter. She wrote a small note in the book, "Tell the builders to clear the path. Maybe add markers, just in case the kids go through the forest alone." She closed the book and put it away. Another point to having the useful book with her. It didn't take long for them to get back to the clearing of the main road between the Main House and Community Area. "I'll see you around Micheal, need to see Nathaniel," she said as she made her way to the Main House.
As Avery begins to walk away Michael yells one last thing at her, "Tell Nathaniel that he can drop Jamie off at the Main Cabin's Living Room, he seems to be forgetting what my purpose is here lately." Michael gives a smile and heads inside the cabin.
Scarlett Baxxer

The night sky was mostly cloudy and the air felt thick. Almost as if Mother Nature sense the shady ordeal that was about to take place and took it upon herself to set the mood. The time was 2 AM and I watched carefully as the guard stationed in the base tower switched. Standard procedure that soldiers rotate every seven hours to keep the base secure from Rebels. It was now or never, I told myself and scurried across and over the fence. I waited what felt like hours but was merely five minutes for anybody to come running after me but none ever did and I began to relax. That is until I felt a hand touch my right shoulder.

With the rush of adrenaline coursing through my body from earlier, I yank on the arm and swiftly go behind my assailant, forcing their arm to bend. They stayed in my hold, patiently and if it wasn't for the detectable blonde hair on his head, I would have snapped their arm just for their calmness but instead I let go. The person turned around and I embraced them. Glad that my husband made it out undetected. My nerves settled as he hugged me back and I inhaled his scent; cinnamon and leather.

We stayed together until Dexter heard scuttling a few feet away. We disentangled and jogged into the forest, hand in hand. The forest looked as if it opened up for us, letting us have passage to wherever we needed to go. I wondered if he knew where we were heading. It did not matter, it looked like, just as long as we were far away from this place. From violence, from civilization and to peace.

A bright white flash ran through my vision and made me feel disorientated. It was bright now. I felt parched and no sign of my husband. I called out for him. Once. Twice. On the third time, he came to view with a steel canteen. He dipped it into my mouth. A cool relief ran down my throat, cleared my headache. I was refreshed.

Then I heard shouting, panic surged through me. I watched Dexter blue eyes widen and he grabbed my hand. We ran. And ran. The shouts kept following and soon guns were being fired in our direction. I was sobbing then. We were not going to make it. I was running behind Dexter, my one guidance. I hear him say something. What was it? Split up!? There has to be another way. My breath was ragged. I could not form sentences. He made a sharp right turn behind a giant rock and we hid. The shouts growing nearer. He embraced me and kissed my forehead. The kiss burned into my skin. He gave me directions and I held on to him.

"We'll see each other on the other side, sweetie. Now go. Keep Clarissa or Kenny safe."

She woke up then, sitting up and panting. It was six in the morning. For the past few weeks, Scarlett's dreams have been consistently the same, revolving on her journey to the safe heaven. It seemed absurd that she had left her obedient nature and home to run away with her husband but it had happened. Now, still seeming to be settling in, her morning sickness did not help her that morning.

She scurried out of the twin size bed and to the nearest bathroom to heave out any content in her stomach. Already her day was looking to be a troubling day. When Scar deemed herself well enough, she got up from the floor, flushed the toilet and began her morning routines: brush teeth, change clothes, fix hair and speak to the baby while she made her way to the kitchen. It was up to her and another to cook for the residents at Camp Heaven. Although as she arrived to the kitchen, her sous chef was not around, most likely sleeping in. It did not bother her though and she set to work in making coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice, oatmeal and a fruit salad. She knew today would require everyone to have energy and oatmeal always delivers in her opinion.

The repetitive stirring off the pot and the cutting of the apples keeping her mind off of unwanted thoughts. She soon drifted into a meditative trance as she went to work. Unaware of anyone coming in or out of the kitchen.
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Avery Clifton

"Tell Nathaniel that he can drop Jamie off at the Main Cabin's Living Room, he seems to be forgetting what my purpose is here lately."

Avery looked back and gave Micheal a nod. She continued to walk to the Main House, noticing the lights were on. She walked by the farms plots, she also found small holes in the land. Nathaniel must had been getting samples this morning. I wonder if we can plant new things this year... she thought. Just before heading into the house, she decided to check in on the barn. Entering into the small building, she found Tammy on the floor sleeping by the door, but once she stepped into the barn, her head popped up. "Hey girl, sorry for waking you," she told the dog.

She closed the door behind her, and walked through the barn. All of the animals were in and looked like they were doing well. Avery made her way back to the door, finding Tammy was ready to roam the land. She gave her a smile and opened the door. Tammy took off and began to run around, making sure not to go into the farm plot. Closing the door behind her she made her way into the Main house. The smell of breakfast hit her and it made her mouth water. She made out a female figure. It was Scarlett. "Good morning Scarlett," she called out as she made her way to her.
Sergeant Emilia Halford

Outside camp

Hal stifled a yawn as she sat hidden in the woods outside of what appeared to be a small camp. She'd had no sleep since the ambush, and she'd been surveying this settlement for activity for nearly an hour, spotting only a couple of people. No rebel militia would still be in barracks this late in the day, meaning they had to be civilians. Hal checked her watch, only to remember it had been completely fried by EMP. She looked to the light coming over the mountains and judged the time to be about 700 hours. Binoculars in hand, she peeked out from cover once again to view the camp. Two figures - one male, one female - split off from one another, one heading into a large house, the other toward a small cabin.

She took a moment to appraise her supplies. Her canteen was nearly empty now, and she hadn't taken any of the field rations with her. She ejected the last magazine of her rifle to inspect its contents; only five rounds left. Her sidearm - an old M1911 - still had two full magazines, though, in case things would get hairier than they already were. She took a breath and adjusted her hair before standing up and approaching the camp with her rifle in hand but held across with the safety engaged. She wore the standard issue fatigues with a patch displaying her rank and a navy blue beret. Approaching the large house in the center of camp, she took a quick glance around before moving quickly up to the deck and giving a hard knock on the front door.


Leonard was lying his bed, just staring at the ceiling. He could never really sleep, he could before he joined the rebels. Every time he closed his eyes, it would bring him to a war zone, with him running in and out of destroyed buildings with nothing but a old rusty M16A1. The same memory would play in his head - He would be under fire, and see a fellow rebel get shot. He would watch him scream and hold his chest. He would then stop, and just start gasping for air. He would look up towards the sky, and then stop all movement.

Leonard would sit up, and rub his eyes. Another day, another night of no sleep. He wanted to see the camp leader about it, but he felt she wouldn't understand. He would stand up and throw on a black T-shirt and Camo Pants for the day. He would grab his old beatup Model 85, and walk outside. I need more bullets.. He thought. Looking at the government figure in the distance, he would almost drop his rifle. He would take out one 7.62 round and load it into his rifle. He would get into a offensive stance and sneak behind her. He would tap her and say, "Drop everything.."

@Valor Green
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Avery Clifton


Avery was standing by a large chalkboard as she wrote down something for the kids. It was a small exercise for them to do once they were up and ready to be taught but that wouldn't be until around noon. A loud knock on the door was heard. Avery put down the chalk down and tossed the large book on the table, lightly. Avery walked over to the door, confused at the sudden act of someone knocking on the door. Normally everyone would just walk in, but to have the front door knocking, it was different. "Strange..." she said, making her way to the front door. When she opened the door she found a woman in military uniform and a rifle in her possession. She looked tired and unfed, but even that didn't help Avery's heart from raising. From all the members of the camp, she was the first to come with full on military uniform. To her surprise as well, Leonard was standing behind her, his rifle on her. "What's going on here?" she asked growing worried at this situation.
Sergeant Emilia Halford

In front of the house

Hal closed her eyes and let out a long breath, feeling the end of a barrel against her back. She ejected the magazine from her rifle and let it drop to the floor at her feet. She opened her eyes when the door was opened and looked upon a little lady who was clearly too young and confused to be an enemy combatant.

"I would love to have a conversation, but given circumstance, it seems all I can tell you is my name, rank, and serial number."



Leonard would pat her down for further weapons, finding the M1911 he would use one finger to eject the magazine inside, and then toss it aside. He would kick the rifle's magazine aside and take the rifle out of her hands.

"She's unarmed now." Leonard would lean in closer to the soldier and say, "If you try to hurt me and my friends, I will personally shoot you with your own rifle."

Leonard nods to Avery.​
Avery Clifton


Avery became serious, dropping her neutral smile. "It's strange to see a military officer so far up north..." she said, very calmly and harsh, "What is your business here?" Avery walked out onto the deck, closing the door behind her, "And don't waste your breath in asking to speak with the one in charge, because that person is me. So, I recommend you be honest with me." She watched the woman, never letting her out of her sight.
Michael hearing a disturbance at the front of the house, upon seeing the situation he slowly inched forward, "I-is everything alright?" He said with a shaky voice peeking his head around the corner.
Sergeant Emilia Halford

Hal tightened the grip on her rifle as the man reached around her to take it, but after a good tug, she decided to let it go. She gave a backward glance toward him before returning her eyes to the woman at the door.

"I'm sorry, but as I understand it, I'm now a prisoner of war, so..."

She snapped to attention and began reciting in monotone.

"Emilia Halford, Sergeant..."


Avery Clifton

"I'm sorry, but as I understand it, I'm now a prisoner of war, so... Emilia Halford, Sergeant..."

Avery looked at the woman and said, "No, because this is a peaceful Camp, but we have to be careful due to war." She final looked at Leonard and said, "Stand by, don't let her out of your sight." She was about to speak to again to the woman when she heard Micheal behind her.

"I-is everything alright?"

"Everything is being handled, make sure the kids stay inside," Avery hated giving orders in a serious tone, but at this moment, it was necessary. "Sergeant is it, you still haven't answered why you are here? Lost or where you sent here?" she asked her, never glancing behind her to see if Micheal left, "You must understand that you have entered private property and I have the right to deal judgement on trespassers. But, the last thing I want is for someone to get hurt, so answer my simple question and we can all be on our way."
He would engage the safety of the Model 85, and sling it. He would then inspect the government rifle. "Yes Ma'am, she's won't be leaving anytime soon. Do I need to get the zip ties?" He would opening the chamber by pulling back the hammer. "One round in the chamber."
"Right, right, sorry." Michael rushed back into what has become a sort of playroom, the holding cell for the kids, "Alright then, sorry about the interruption guys but everything is-" Michael's eyes widen. He was talking to an empty room. Taking deep breathes to try and calm himself Michael began frantically searching the room, "Okay guys, this really isn't funny." Michael went around throwing items all over the room, lifting up objects they obviously wouldn't be under, and even lifting up the rug when he thought he saw some bumps. By the end of his searching Michael has only begun to freak out even more, "Oh no... oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no." Michael got into the fetal position for a few seconds before attempting to calm himself, "Okay, okay, okay okay okay don't freak out. They could be hiding in the house. Before I make a big deal I just have to check the other rooms. Michael quickly left the massacred room and began to search around the house, as he heard more people waking up he tried to hide that he was panicking but it ended up making it look like he was suspicious, along with him heavily breathing it was obvious something was wrong.
Sergeant Emilia Halford

Hal resumes a candid tone and makes eye contact with the woman.

"So long as I'm held under duress, I'll have to consider your friend here an enemy combatant and any line of questioning an interrogation."

She gives another backward glace, seeing her DMR in his hands.

"Unless we can have a civil conversation, I'm afraid I can't answer."


"Enemy combatant! Ha! You make me laugh, tiny soldier." He would sling the rifle over his shoulder. "Let's have civilized talk. Just had to get rid of any possible.. Mishaps."
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Avery Clifton

"Yes Ma'am, she's won't be leaving anytime soon. Do I need to get the zip ties?"

"No," Avery said quickly, "Like I said, she is not a prisoner..."

"So long as I'm held under duress, I'll have to consider your friend here an enemy combatant and any line of questioning an interrogation. Unless we can have a civil conversation, I'm afraid I can't answer."

"Very well then. Your weapons will stay with here," Avery said, "I would welcome you into the house, but I have my people inside. I don't want them to feel unsafe in anyway."

"Let's have civilized talk. Just had to get rid of any possible.. Mishaps."

Avery looked at Leonard and said, "That's enough. Stay here and make sure no one else is with her." She turned back to the Sergeant and said, "Let's talk then. Follow me." Avery made her way off the deck and walked toward the large eating area that they used for dinner. It was open for Leonard to see us but away where we can talk in peace. "So, what type of conversation do you had in mind?"

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