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Fandom Camp Half Blood

Cassilia stood there awkwardly with a clueless smile while the two other girls laughed. Despite all her efforts, she was never really good at people relations and stuff. "W-who is he?" Cassilia asked curiously nodding towards the guy walking with a ball of flame. Magic was something she was fairly familiar with. "Oh and umm, Krissy, is there a place for playing music...?"
Krissy looked at Cassy "He's a new one just like you... he's hard to get to know. And yes, there is" she smiles.
Krissy nodded and headed for the strawberry fields. "Ok, so, this is something we added recently." she hit a button and waited. Strawberries began to grow around their feet and legs. "What do you think?" Krissy asked
"Strawberries! Robots! Pool! Cars! Strawberry robots." Samantha said anything that popped into her head until Joshua put his hand over his mouth. "Just say it before she says anything weirder."
"Strawberries." Krissy said plainly "She kneeled down and willed one to grow when she touched the soil. "I have power over flowers and some plants, and strawberries are my favorite." She picks a ripe one and gives it to Samantha.
Castiel sat down on the grass and sighed, the flame disappearing from his hand. He twirled his hand around and some blades of grass began to twirl around each other, creating tiny grass dolls. They began to dance, making Castiel laugh.
Samantha got the strawberry and smiled. "Thank you. That's really cool!" Samantha took a bite out of the strawberry, "it's yummy."

Joshua looked at Krissy and quietly asked, "may I have one?"
Krissy created another one and gave it to Joshua "They taste normal right?" she smiled and looked over at Castiel who seemed to be enjoying his magic practice.

she had gone in her cabin when the bconfemation had happened she did not want to meet all these people any ways. her dad would be meeting her son and she needed to be present.
Joshua smiled, "Most normal delicious strawberry."

Samantha gasped. "He replied!" Joshua rolled his eyes continued to eat his strawberry.

Samantha look over at the direction Krissy was looking. "Woah. Do you think he can make cookies appear," she asked as she watched the guy. Samantha was always amazed by magic, mainly because she didn't know how it worked or how someone can summon it.

she sees that her dad is in her cabin. he tells her he can't stay long and gives her a sapire ring and then leves not telling what the ring is for.
Krissy smiled "Yeah, he can do just about anything." she turned to Joshua "I'm glad you like it. Before I was experienced, my strawberries tasted likt dirt."

she walks out of her cabin and gos up to krissy. band says my dad just gave me this ring do you haapen to know why.
Krissy looks at Fraya's ring "I haven't seen a ring like this before. Maybe you should ask Castiel, the boy over there. He knows more about magic than I do"
Samantha continues to watch in awe. Then, abruptly looked away.

Joshua laughed, "Dirt flavored strawberries, that sounds great."
Krissy nodded "Yeah... they were terrible. Complete with worms and insects." she noticed Samantha's abrupt action "Is everything alright?" she asked

she gos up to the boy krissy mentions and say excuse my but can you tell me why my dad gave me this ring.
Castiel looked up at the girl who just approached. He tilted his head and turned his attention to the ring. "Well, it's obviously from Hades. It could be a way to summon the undead or maybe even a weapon." He shrugged and looked back down at the grass puppets.
Samantha slowly nodded, "ya. Everything's fine."

Joshua looked at her, "Are you sure? Are you tired or hungry?"

Samantha shook her head, "I'm fine." Joshua stared at Samantha for awhile then deeply sighed, "if you say so."

thank you sir and she walks away looking at the ring she finds herself at the big house or what she thought was the big house. she goes up to it and looks into the windows and then heads back to her cabin to place her ring with her other stuff for her dad had given her a lot of stuff and wasn't worried about the saphaie ring. she then came out of her cabin to meet the others krissy was talking to
Krissy hummed to herself. She watched the other campers practice their sword fighting, and archery. "Do you want to see how good at fighting you are?" Krissy asked Samantha and Josh.

she said hi to kissy. and said who are you talking to what are their names
"This is Samantha and this is Joshua" Krissy responded to Fraya. "They're new too. We were just going to do some battle training. Want to come?"

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