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Fandom Camp Half Blood


do you want to come in my cabin it is quite cool. well cooler than out here. she thought that she could trust this boy enough that he wouldn't touch anything
Castiel sat in his cabin and looked around. He sighed. It's eerily quiet in here. The cabin was empty except for him. "I guess being the only child of Hecate has its perks. No sharing of the bathroom." He chuckled to himself before walking outside. "I wonder if there is a place where I can practice my magic." He muttered.
Adrian smiled at Krissy, nodding. He was sure he recognized her face, but he couldn't figure out from where.
Krissy studied Adrian's face. "I bet you're wondering if you've seen be before or not." she laughed a bit. "I'll give you three guesses"

"Hmm..." he muttered. "Have I dated you before? Or maybe you were friends with someone i dated..." He trailed off.
Krissy giggled "I probably have never dated you, or been one of your girlfriend's friends." she smiled "I'm usually the one welcoming people into camp. I also accidentally showered dead flowers all over the Aphrodite and Ares cabins." She shrugged "Ring a bell?"
"Ah. That was you" he said. "Well... whats in the past is in the past, i guess."
Samantha looks around at the camp in awe as her half-brother yawns. They just came to Camp Half-Blood but it appeared that only Samantha was excited.

"Don't tell me you're tired, Josh," groaned Samantha as she playfully punched her brother's shoulder.

Josh smirks, "I do what I need to do to keep these looks." Samantha bursts into a fit of giggles, "as if. Come on! Lets go find out what we have to do!" She tugs on her brother's sleeve but he stays put.

Joshua suddenly picks Samantha up and starts to run. "Put me down-actually, this is fun. Run faster!" Just as she says that Joshua trips and they face-plant into the ground.
Gently, Cassilia placed her bag down and glanced around her, at her new home, filled with people who would most likely judge her by her immortal mother and not for who she actually is. She didn't have much time to dwell on those negative thoughts though as she rushed to where two people just fell. "U-umm... are your okay?" Cassilia asked meekly as she stretched out her hand to try to help the girl back up. "That didn't seem like a pleasant fall for either of you."
Samantha looks up at the girl with wide eyes and shakily takes her hand and gets up. "I'm okay, thank you for asking," she replies shyly. She then proceeds to help her brother up, who stays silent. "I'm S-S-Samantha. What's your name," she quietly asks.

Joshua just looks at his half-sister and sighs. It was always like this; she's energitic but when someone new is around, she becomes shy. He looks at the girl who helped his sister suspiciously not knowing if he should trust her or not.
Krissy nodded at Adrian "Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back." she walked over to Samantha, Joshua, and Cassilia. She smiled at the newbies. "Welcome to Camp Half Blood!" she said kindly. "I'm Krissy, daughter of Persephone. Who're you?"


Giving a small sigh of relief when Samantha introduced herself, Cassilia was grateful that she seemed nice. Making enemies were not on her to do list today. "C-Cassilia, but most people just call me Cassy, it's really nice to meet you all" Cassilia replied with a small smile and a curtsey while purposely leaving out who her mother was. "Are you one of those people who help run the camp..."
Krissy smiled" Hey Cassy, and yes I'm usually the one who welcomes new Half-Bloods. So.. who's your godly parent?"
"Nice name," Samantha chirped. She was glad that she was getting along She pushed Joshua when she noticed him eyeing Cassy suspiciously. "Be nice." He rolled his eyes in response.

She turned to Cassy, "excuse him. He isn't nice, per say, to new people." Samantha turned to Krissy, "Cello! I'm Maria and this is my half-brother, Joshua."

(Oops I meant Samanatha)
Krissy nodded to Samantha "Nice to meet you." she said happily "Are you familiar with the camp?"
Krissy nodded "Well its never too late to start." she continued axplaining where everything was.
"It must be fun having a brother around, you don't ever havr to feel lonely." Cassilia said with a smile. "Thank you so much for helping us out." Listening to Krissy explain everything, she knew that she was going to get lost.
Castiel sighed as he walked through the camp, a ball of purple fire floated above his right palm. "This camp seems like a big bore." He muttered and rolled his eyes.
Krissy looked around and saw Castiel. She shook her head subtly. "Another bored camper. If he were only here for the battle. We don't train you here for nothing."
"I'm guessing you two don't have a sibling," Samantha said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "If you want, you can borrow mine!"

Joshua looked over at Samantha with wide eyes,"don't you dare..."

"I dare!" Samantha giggled as she pushed her brother forward. "Free to borrow!"
Krissy turned back to Samantha and laughed "I'd like to borrow him.. and you. Come with I want to show you guys something."

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