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Fandom Camp Half Blood

"Yeah.... I know the feeling, when I was little, it would just be based on my emotions, as if I'm not consciously doing it." Cassilia said nodding in agreement with Castiel. There were many times in her childhood she wished she had known what it was that she was doing and how to stop it. "I agree, they look quite realistic" Cassilia smiled as she raised her hand and imagined the shadows of the surrounding objects forming a mini dome around them. "But illusions won't protect me from my enemies." She said as they were encased in darkness. "Unfortunately, I still need to learn to make them last longer for now." Letting out a sigh and watching as the shadows receded back she turned back to Castiel. "I've never really tested the strength of the barrier though, maybe we can have a fight sometimes. Though I'm sure you'll win."
Samantha played the last note and grimaced. It didn't quite sound right to her so she looked around again.

"No one. Good," she muttered up her breath as she started to play but a bit louder this time. She also quietly sang along to it.

she walked back to her cabin not happy wondering when she could go on the quest her dad told her about. that was the reson he had been giving her all of the stuff.
Samantha stopped playing and wondered about what her brother was doing. She wanted to go back inside her cabin but Joshua specifically told her not to.

She picked up her glass of water, the one her brother dropped off not so long ago, and looked at the water. "This is water, so does mean I can tell you something through this, dad?"

She shook the water, hoping for some sort of answer but nothing happened. "I really need to learn more about this," she muttered under her breath as she strummed her guitar once more. She was slowly getting bored of playing her guitar for the time being.
(It's me, Han alister. I forgot my password so I made a new account xD )

Castiel nodded. "I'm not a very big fighter, but I guess it is the only way to get better." He smiled. "How about tomorrow?" He asked because he didn't really have enough energy for a fight at the moment. He looked around at the calming darkness and chuckled, sitting on the ground.
Samantha got up and out her guitar on her back with the strap on her chest. She knocked on the cabin's door and told her brother that she's going on a walk. Not getting a response, she deeply sighed and jumped off the porch. She wandered around, not really going anywhere. She spun in circles, jumped around, and skipped to and fro.

"This isn't fun. I hope dinner is soon," she grumbled as she plopped down to the floor with an "oof".
"That sounds fun, and I've only fought a couple of times so I think we'll be equal. And I've always been told that it is during a time of crisis that you learn your true potential." Cassilia said while sitting down next to Castiel. Being nice was never a trait her dad had and Nyx wasn't known exactly for her personality either so she was use to adapting to situations, it was how she first learned how to construct a dome for defense. "I wonder what it's going to be like at this camp...." Cassilia said gently as she watched different people walk around.
Samantha stood up and brushed herself off. She walked around a little and curiously looked at what seemed to be a random black spot from her distance. She shrugged it off and continued to walk to no place in particular.
Castiel smiled. "It's a date then!" He chuckled and stood up. "I'll see you around, I got some stuff to take care of." He waved goodbye before disappearing, leaving a rose with white petals lying on the ground.
"A-a-a what?!?!" Cassilia managed to stutter out, not that it would do any good considering Castiel was pretty much out of sight already. "I swear that I will never understand boys, don't you agree Rien?" She muttered as she waved her hand to animate the only thing she trusts, her own shadow who she had nicknamed Rien. "White isn't my color though." Picking up the flower and some of the petals, she handed them to her shadow "Our cabin is over there, please go put the flower in there." She instructed pointing in a vague location, directions were never really her forte. "Remember not to be seen and to come back immediately!" Cassilia warned before taking out her flute and playing a few notes.

She wonders when she would be given the quest and wandered the camp. She would disobey her father if need be to go on the quest. She said it is almost dinner out loud.
Samantha got up and quickly went back to her cabin and knocked the door, hoping her brother was done with whatever he was doing.

"Not finished," he screamed through the door. Samantha backed away from the door and groaned. She couldn't just open the door either, since it was locked.
Castiel appeared in his cabin and sat down on his bed with a sigh. He could practice but he didn't really feel like it. "Ah, laziness, why must you torture me so?" He chuckled before lying down. He decided that the best way to restore his magic was to sleep off his fatigue so he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off into a deep slumber.

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