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Fandom Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation


well is SOMEONE hadn't been distracting me


ShatteredSoul said:
I was a diehard fan if the original Percy Jackson series in my elementary days... Oh gosh I was so far into it it's slightly embarrassing now xD I used to pretend that I was a daughter of Posiden and I'd try to move water with my mind when at the pool xD
Anyways, I just have to finish Dani's weapon and history. She can be the Athena cabin leader of ya want.
oh, she can if you want ^.^
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]So, was that a negative for my Chiron character? If so, that's alright.

no, it was a make your character and we'll see, because I've never seen such a thing.
He's a titan god, and both he and Apollo are closely associated with each other. That doesn't change the fact that he doesn't have demi-gods.
I just want to know whether your accepting Helios as a god or not, and if I should make a cabin for him
Some sources say god, some say titan. Either way he had demigod children and that makes him eligible for a cabin. Also his siblings Eos and Selene

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