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Fandom Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation

So apparently my stuffs to graphic. Should I delete the charries or can I just remove the "bad" parts.?
Genma said:
So apparently my stuffs to graphic. Should I delete the charries or can I just remove the "bad" parts.?
Well... what are they saying are the "bad parts"

cause I really like your characters ^.^ but if the admins are saying something is wrong we should probably fix it
The content involved in this warning may have been edited or deleted by the Staff to make it adhere to our community's rules.

So I guess it was fixed. It doesn't say which one or what stuff. Just that above.
Yeah it changed Matt's history. When you said his dad gave his mom the "greatest _____ she's ever had"

Don't wanna say it cause its bad, apparently
Oh yeah. My bad. Sorry bout that. I must have skimmed that over while writing. I was so into it. Don't worry I'll double check content now. Won't be an issue.
@ShatteredSoul let me know when Dani is completely done~ I really like her so far!


Genma said:
Oh yeah. My bad. Sorry bout that. I must have skimmed that over while writing. I was so into it. Don't worry I'll double check content now. Won't be an issue.
Alright, sweet
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Is it acceptable if I make a child of Chiron?

I suppose so, though don't be disapointed if it doesn't get accepted
I'm not sure about the others, but a starter post would be a good way to keep everything from just being complete chaos. Not that chaos is necessarily a bad thing c:
razorstar said:
I'm not sure about the others, but a starter post would be a good way to keep everything from just being complete chaos. Not that chaos is necessarily a bad thing c:
I'm sure Jay would agree with that statement


[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Well, I don't have to make that character. It's okay.

I'm actually quite curious, I've never seen it done before.
oh well, before I start reading Mark of Athena, my sister told me Nico dies and it stopped me reading the book for a while until she was able to convince me e doesn't, now he is gay. I heard that was an upset.

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