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Fandom Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation

Yuuki Kuran] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7392-giraffesarebetter/ said:
Why is your character info pushed to the side?
I don't know I liked the way it looked xD I just used indentations
Okay guys so today here is what I'm doing: I am going to the bank, going to a campground, going to a family reunion, then going to the zoo, where I will stay until after it closes cause of my moms work. I might have some time between the family reunion and the zoo, but I'm not sure. I'll post when I can, and I'll be available in OoC and such until I go to the zoo
giraffesarebetter said:
Okay guys so today here is what I'm doing: I am going to the bank, going to a campground, going to a family reunion, then going to the zoo, where I will stay until after it closes cause of my moms work. I might have some time between the family reunion and the zoo, but I'm not sure. I'll post when I can, and I'll be available in OoC and such until I go to the zoo
Well damn
I can not even begin to express to you how sorty i am i havent been on. our renters just moved out and when we went down to check out the house, it was so wrecked. There was rot everywhere, the hardwood is stained somehow in every room, the stairs have obviously not been vacuumed in the entire 2 years they lived there, there was trash everywhere, weeds have taken over the yard... its really bad, and so I'm going to be gone probably all week this week. I'll be in as much as I can, but I probably wont actually be able to post. Direct your questions to Derp please~
giraffesarebetter said:
I can not even begin to express to you how sorty i am i havent been on. our renters just moved out and when we went down to check out the house, it was so wrecked. There was rot everywhere, the hardwood is stained somehow in every room, the stairs have obviously not been vacuumed in the entire 2 years they lived there, there was trash everywhere, weeds have taken over the yard... its really bad, and so I'm going to be gone probably all week this week. I'll be in as much as I can, but I probably wont actually be able to post. Direct your questions to Derp please~
If this is still open can I reserve two characters?

A child of Poseidon and the oracle if at all possible (you'd of course clear any prophecy before it's said)

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