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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (OOC)

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It was the only way I could come up with her being shy and having the fears she did...heh...
Ok ok, Derrick would look for:






Like, a girl that would give him a hard time because usually he could just flash a cute smile or kill a monster and the ladies soon xD Obviously he'd want a girl that could go quests with him and kick ass so their would be a minor rivalry lol

God this sounds like DemiGodsMeet.com
@Pine Yeah if you don't mind, I'm curious to know why the character wasn't accepted. I have a feeling it may be the weapons system on the armor.
Hell. I should have saved my characters. I have 3 pj rps coming up, one having been created by me and a fellow fan, and I don't have my characters that I submitted here. Dang. Cx
Clementine said:
Ok ok, Derrick would look for:





Like, a girl that would give him a hard time because usually he could just flash a cute smile or kill a monster and the ladies soon xD Obviously he'd want a girl that could go quests with him and kick ass so their would be a minor rivalry lol

God this sounds like DemiGodsMeet.com
lol it does sound like a match making site...alright hang on let me scroll through cs's and see~~~~~~~
I can do that...tho I think Derrick is the first official one we're doing xD

ALSO I'm realizing there are a lot of quiet girls... xD
@G4hardcore[/URL] as I stated before, reading the information for the role play is very important, and there isn't anything in your cs that gives evidence that you have read it.

Honestly, seeing that she was asexual was a pleasant surprise, but that's just a side note and yes I'm biased.

Magma manipulation is a no-go.

Fire manipulation in and of itself is considered a rare blessing (presumably from Hephaestus himself), and that power should not extend beyond that.

I'm also wary about what you mean by "genius level intellect" without any further explanation, and I especially don't know what "supernaturally gifted artist" means.

Personality just flat out needs to be expanded on.

I like what you have so far, but I just need more to really get a feel for the character, especially since we're looking for characters beyond just "the loner type."

If your character is too anti-social, then how do you expect them to interact with other characters?

And I don't want to have to deal with people saying "my character has nothing to do" and making me come up with how to throw their characters into the fray and what not.

I would like to thank you for the extensive history.

The details in small things does show you have worked to develop your character, which I can appreciate.

However, I don't like the whole "my character is a genius their IQ is *throws out random number here*" kind of thing that's going on.

You don't have to have a high IQ to tinker with machines (from my studies, I believe IQ deals with problem solving, the results of which can easily become biased) as I, personally, believe there are different kinds of intelligence.

I'm still pondering a judgment call on the suit.

At the moment, it looks might powerful.

Haru's is merely there for aesthetics and to make him have the same capabilities of your average teenager.
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Alright, this is what I got. Dunno how @GinjaGen feels about shipping since she tried to hide Asha earlier.

Lillian Hale (Maybe)

Asha Kapoor (Maybe)

Griffon Lang

Jade Wyatt

Amanda Collins (accepted?)


Pine said:
I think that other events in people's lives are underestimated in the kind of impact it could have on people.
Characters don't have to have a tragic backstory to develop, because when it gets right down to it, everyone has their problems.

For example... someone with social anxiety, which I believe is relevant.

All of this could simply derive from, upon entering the school system and being surrounded by all sorts of new kids for the first time in their life, they wanted everyone to pay attention to them and THEY would be the adored, popular kid.

For that reason, they talk a lot, crack a joke whenever they can, trying DESPERATELY to have someone find them funny and want to talk to them further... then that one kid, who is getting annoyed by their try-hard attempts to the point where that affects their sense of humor/doesn't understand the sophisticated level of the joke, tells them "You're not funny."

This derails everything, and after this statement is repeated several times by several different people, they develop a fear of criticism, be it openly stated or privately thought.
I get that. It's just easier for me to come up with things personally by basing the way they are off their experiences which often happens to be because of trajic backstory...

Though now that you've said it, this is something I should probably work on as a writer....I shall keep that in mind tank chu Pine~
Infinities Lover] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14066-clementine/ said:
Alright, this is what I got. Dunno how @GinjaGen feels about shipping since she tried to hide Asha earlier.
GinjaGen would be willing to let that happen maybe.
It's like no one had everything, and I put Asha down for confident/funny

I think Asha and Jade were put down for funny, and Jade with her sarcasm for a bit fiesty/confidence...

Griffon for bit of humor and confidence I think

Same for Lillian. Then I realized Lillian and Marion have the same last name.




has quickly grown a list and I'm all alone right now...!

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